Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio

Page created by Regina Lawrence
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena

Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena Ruiz 1985

Visual Artust/Filmmaker

In her practice, Tania Ximena attends to approach the landscape genre from different flanks and dis-
ciplines: mountain climbing, volcanology, scientific and historical research, and personal and spiritual
introspection, so as to replace a notion of landscape as something that is merely observed with the
notion of territory as a changing mesh of social and natural factors. This doubtlessly implies taking
on the difficulties of any translation and asking the question: How does one move from experience to
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
She has a bachelor degree in Fine Arts by the ENPEG La Esmeralda (2003-2008), a diploma in media
art by the Cenart Tránsitos (2009) and an exchange studies at the Staatkiche Akademie der Bilden-
den Kunste, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007-2008). She has taken part in the Flaherty Seminar Ambulan-
te (2016), the Seminar of the direction of actors by Víctor Gaviria, ESCINE (2018), and the workshop
of a documentary film by DocsMX (2020).

Her visual work has been shown in contemporary art museums in exhibitions as Normal Exceptions at
the Jumex Arte Contemporáneo Museum (2021), Parasitages, Ruidos Negros, Museo de Arte Carrillo
Gil (2021), Years of Solitude II Biennal of Arquitectur in Orleans, France (2019), Territorios Biennal
SIART, La Paz, Bolivia (2018), The structure of dimension, HABITAI ART FESTIVAL, Qianghuandao,
Hebei, China (2018). Bordes, Instituto Cultural de México en Mami y Washington (2016-2017), Llan-
ura, Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola (2015), I Biennal Nacional del Paisaje Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil
(2015), In/Humano Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (2014), Polvo, Museo de Arte de
Sonora (2014), Meet in contemporay New Media Triennal by the Film Academy, Beijing, China (2013),
Arts Actuels Bienal de la Isla de la Reunión, Fr. (2011), DRAW Museo de la Ciudad de México (2010),
DIORAMA Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes Roma (2009).

She has been awarded by the Fondo de Apoyo a la Producción del Museo Universitario de Arte Con-
temporáneo, México (2020), the Adquisition prize 4ª Bienal de Veracruz (2018), the Adquisition
prize II Bienal del Paisaje, Sonora (2017), the Special honorific mention XII Bienal Femsa, Monterrey
(2016), the prize of the VII Biennal Nacional de Artes Visuales Yucatán (2015), the Adquisition prize
XXIX Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven (2009), and the honorific mention XIV Bienal Tamayo (2008).
She has been part of production grants by the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes FONCA
Jóvenes Creadores (2007-2008, 2010-2011 and 2016-2017), FOECAH (2009) and PECDA (2014
and 2018). By the Fomento y Coinversiones culturales Program FONCA for her documentary projects
Jamapa (2020)and Tsuan (2015). She has been part of the 6 BBVA-MACG Program (2018-2020)
and the investigation grant by the Fundación JUMEX Arte Contemporáneo (2019) for developing her
documental project Jamapa.

Also she has been part of art residences as AIR Artist in Residence de Planet Labs (2021), the residence
and production program Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola y FLORA ars+natura, Colombia (2017), cul-
tural residence Femsa, Paris y Saint Etienne, France (2017), Fundación Casa Wabi, Oaxaca, México
(2015), The Arctic Circle, Art and Science, Svalbard (2014), residency by the Biennal of Reunion
Island, France (2011), residence fellowship by the federal state Baden-Württenberg, Karlsruhe, Ger-
many (2007-2008).
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Installation view Jumex Museum

Tania Ximena
Exhumación Series 2017 -2021
Over five years conversing with the Zoque residents of Esquipulas Guayabal, a town in northern Chiapas, who have shared stories of the eruption
of the Chichón volcano that destroyed and displaced the village in 1982. This collaborative work reflect the long aftermath of this disaster. In
Exhumación [Exhumation] (2017-2021), a work produced for Normal Exceptions, they assembled a structure that echoes the fragments of the
unearthed church in the village. Rather than a mimetic reconstruction, the installation is an absent space embedded in the gallery. The
work excavates a documented history of a major event that remains unknown to many Mexicans.
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Carrillo Gil Contemporary Art Museum Mexico City

Tania Ximena
Listen to Jamapa 2020
Shortfilm 17min 4K, Color.

At the highest point of Mexico, a glaciologist seeks to hear the accelerated retraction of the glacier that he has studied for years. Far from the
idea of ​​a scientist who has an object of study, he is a person overwhelmed by having to say goodbye to his glacier.
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena
Beings and Gods permanently solidified as rocks 2019-2020
Performing lecture and installation with archaeological intervention of the archaeologist León Contreras.
Sand, yellow earth, ash, clay, obsidian.

In the 60s and 70s, a serie of excavations were carried out on the slopes of the Tlapacoya hill, located in front of the Iztaccihuatl and Popocaté-
petl volcanoes, where was originallyThe Lake of Chalco, in Mexico City. The archaeologists found several primitive “homes” of approximately
24,000 years, but the investigation was ruled out, thus ruling out a vein of the settlement of America contrary to the established one. “Beings
and Gods permanently solidified as rocks” is a speculative lecture about the landscape and the spirituality of these probable inhabitants.
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, Xalapa, Ver. Mx.

Tania Ximen
In this canyon was a glacier 2019
 Ceramics Variable measures

The Jamapa glacier was formed on the last lava flow of the Pico de Orizaba volcano, in the last four centuries, the movements of the glacier
were modeling these immense igneous rocks. When the glacier ended up disappearing in the nineties, it left its mark on them as deep scratch-
es. At 5200 meters above sea level, I took the samples in silicon and later reproduced them in ceramics.
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Before Present 2018
Ceramics, Tempera, Video, Audio.
Variable measures.

A volumetric map that brings together geography and cosmogony, myth and history, and an affective image of relationship with the territory.
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Exhumation 2017-2018
Collaboration with Yollotl Alvarado
Medium format photography
Variable measures

The Zoque village “Esquipulas Guayabal” located in the northwest of Chiapas, Mexico, was buried by the ashes of the Chichonal volcano dur-
ing the eruption of 1982. Twenty years later some original inhabitants rebuilt a new settlement. After three years of having a conversation
with the community, we jointly undertook the disinterment of the church buried during the eruption, thus exhuming the story of the Zoque
Tania Ximena www:taniaximena.com - Portafolio
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Geoforms inherited from the glacial dynamics 2018
Variable measures

The Jamapa glacier was formed on the last lava flow of the Pico de Orizaba volcano, in the last four centuries, the movements of the glacier
were modeling these immense igneous rocks. When the glacier ended up disappearing in the nineties, it left its mark on them as deep scratch-
es. At 5200 meters above sea level, I took the samples in silicon and later reproduced them in ceramics.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
TSUAN 2017
Collaboration with Yollotl Alvarado
HD Video

During the investigation in the community Esquipulas Guayabal, we filmed in different testimonies that later were part of the script for the
film, TSUAN, is the first visual essay with the characters that would be participants in the film.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Cerro del encanto; Volcán Chichón 2017
Collaboration with Yollotl Alvarado
Video HD Bicanal
El volcán Chichonal (2015).
A video-action, a model constructed by amaranth and honey.
In collaboration with Yollotl Alvarado.

The Chichonal Volcano is an active volcano in north-western Chiapas, Mexico. The 1982 eruption of El Chichón is the largest volcanic disaster in
modern Mexican history. One of the lost religious practices of the ancient Mexicans is the ceremony of Tepictoton(“tiny Gods” in the Mexican in-
digenous language called Nahuatl).During the ceremony, the ancient Mexicans molded the hills, mountains and volcanoes that hold deities, using
a dough made with a mixture of amaranth and honey. Then, at the climax of the celebration they cut the heads of the gods-mountains like if they
were live animals and eat them by all the
FEMSA Collection

Tania Ximena Ruiz
North Pole Ice Calving
Ceramic / 120x20x20cm
Exact reproductions of ice detached from glaciers in the Arctic Circle.

In the summer of 2014, during the Arctic Circle residence and expedition in Svalvard, Norway, an archipelago in the Arctic, I collected fragments of
ice recently detached from the glaciers, the process consisted of obtaining ice molds in Alginate to obtain the mold before of the melting of the ice,
later I returned to make a plaster mold, the final result is ceramic.
FEMSA Collection

Tania Ximena
Single channel Video HD 05:00.
https://vimeo.com/117853640 / https://vimeo.com/117517869

Portrait of Sasha (Aleksandr Romanovskiy), one of the 14 inhabitants of Pyramiden, a Russian ghost town located at the Svalbard’s archi-
pelago, an international territory, administered by Norway, in the Arctic. Pyramiden once was the utopian model of communism, now is occupied
by the wildlife of the Arctic.
Tania Ximena
Silence procession (2013-2014).
Ceramics Instalation.

The Penitentes are a snow formation found at high altitudes. They take the form of tall thin blades of hardened snow or ice, closely spaced with
the blades oriented towards the general direction of the sun. Since 2011 I’ve worked with the Penitentes over the glaciers on the top of the
volcano Iztaccihuatl, I sculpt them in ceramic closest as I found them. The glaciers in Mexico have less that 10 year life but possibly when the
glaciers die the Penitentes still exist in the same place.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Expeditions drawings(2014).
Ink, acrilic/paper/canvas.
120x170cm each one
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Single channel Video HD 00:10:11, a concert in a chapele.

Since the last year the Nevado deToluca is no longer a National Park. When you go up to the volcano, you get into an edge in where you can see the
whole landscape, like when you walk into a church and suddenly the cupola opens. In the Epistle to the Thessalonians, it is said that God will take
the elected bodies and raise them to the kingdom ofheaven. I always read the biblical passage as a process of abduction. Perhaps the Thessalo-
nians are a different race that is
Tania Ximena Ruiz
Blow the minds (2013-?).
Drawings, pantings, a book.
Variable medium, variable dimentions.

A project of life, frame by frame of 5 minutes of a film secuence in all my life
Tania Ximena Ruiz
 Memory of time between January and July 2012 (2013).

A serie of natural extraordinay events in Mexico.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
4690msnm (2011).
A video-action, single chanel Video HD 00:05:20

Nevado de Toluca Crater.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
The Island (2011).
20mts x 1.20mts ink/paper.
Proyect by the Biennal of Reunion Island, France.

A transcription of a video on paper, I took the video in a sailboat around the island.
Tania Ximena Ruiz
The woods on fire (2009).
Charcoal / wood.

A panoramic landscape, the charcoal like the end of the support that contain it; the wood.
Fine substance of atoms I and II. 2009
Ink and pencil / paper.
120x80cm each one.
Pendulum that goes from one world to another. 2007-2008
Screen ink vinil/Vinil
120x100cm y 100x190cm.

Frames in shades of black based on the concept of death proposed bt Maurice Blanchot in his novel Thomas the Obscure. The games of matt and
shiny blacks, as well as the landscapes composed of fragments, give the sensation that the image is recomposed according to the position of the

NAME: Tania Ximena Ruiz Santos (Tania Ximena Ruiz)
BIRTH DATE: Cd. Sahagún Hidalgo 15/10/85, México.
TELFHONE: +52 1 55 22 18 45 22
EMAIL: taniaximenars@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.taniaximena.com


2018-Seminar on direction of natural actors “Cinema of reality” taught by Víctor Gaviria. High movie studios CDMX.
2016 -Robert Flaherty seminar, Ambulante, México.
2008-2009.- Diploma “Tránsitos” Arte, Medios y Transdisciplina. CENART, Mexico City.
2007-2008 – Exchange Studies Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, Germany.
2003-2008 – Fine Arts Degree Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda” Mexico City.
2001-2003- Free drawing workshop professor Per Anderson. Facultad de Artes Plásticas, Xalapa Ver. Mexico.


2019 - In this canyon was a glacier-Contemporary Art Gallery of Xalapa, Ver.
2018 - Before the Present, Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola. Curated by José Roca. Mx
2015 - Blow the Minds,Traeger&Pinto Gallery Arte Contemporáneo, México, DF.
2014 – TESALONICENSES, video and concert. Ex Capilla Guadalupe, Mexico City.
2011- “The woods on fire” de Nuevas Poéticas. Galería 2. Ágora de la ciudad. Xalapa, Ver. México.
2010 - DILUIRNOS- Galería Traeger&Pinto Arte Contemporáneo. Mexico City.


2018 - The structure of dimension, HABITAI ART FESTIVAL, Qianghuandao, Hebei Province, China.
2017 - NATURA, FEMSA Collection, Museum of the City, Durango, Mx.
2017 - TERRITORIES, Contemporary Art Gallery of Xalapa, Xalapa, Ver.
2017 - 2016 Bordes, Instituto Cultural de México en Miami, Miami, Fl. Instituto Cultural de México en Washington DC, USA.
2015 – Llanura, Casa del Lago Juan Jose Arreola Museum, Mexico City.
2014 - In/Humano. Museum MARCO of Monterrey. Mty, N.L. México.
2014 - Polvo. Musas Museum of Art of Sonora, Mexico.
2014 - ArmaBlanca. Collectors Contemporary Gallery, Singapore.
2014 - Superficie en tensión. DIAGRAMA. Mexico City.
2014 - Neter. Material Art Fair. Mexico City.
2013 - Yo Contenido. CECUT. Tijiana, BC, México.
2010 - DRAW. Museo de la Ciudad de México. México City.
2009 - DIORAMA. Museo Universitario de Ciencias y Artes Roma, MUCA ROMA, Mexico City.
2009 – Estacionarte09. Contenedor SAPS, DF, México.
2008 - Unheimlich –Inhabitable (Dúo). Galería La Esmeralda, Mexico City.
2008 –Holzweg –(Dúo).Lichthof der Akademie. Karlsruhe, Germany..
2007 - Basura Seleccionada. Antiguo Casino Metropolitano. Mexico City.
2007 - Sol y Carne. Galería Traeger-Pinto. Mexico City.
2006 - ARTFEST 2 Certamen de Arte Internacional Contemporáneo. WTC. Mexico City.
2005 Encuentros y desencuentros- XI Bienal Guadalupana. Casa de la Cultura de Tlalpan.
Mexico City.
2005- Inter-Mex Gráfica de México y Perú. Lima, Perú.
2004- Exposición Internacional de Intercambio de Arte Tokio-México. Narimasu Art Galery. Tokio, Japon.


2018 – En nuestros pies, la Cabeza de la Tierra. Bienal SIART, La Paz, Bolivia.
2016 - XII FEMSA Biennal, Mty.
2015 - VII Biennal of Visual Arts, Merida, Yucatan, México.
2015 – First National Bienal of Landscape, Carrillo Gil Contemporaty Art Museum, Mexico City.
2014 – II Veracruz Biennal of Contemporary Art, Veracruz, Mexico.
2013 - III International Triennal of New Media Beijing Film Academy, Beijing, China.
2011 - Biennal of Actual Arts of Reunion Island, Overseas department of France, France.
2009. – IV Biennal of Visual Arts of Yucatán. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
2009 - XXIX Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven. Instituto cultural de Aguascalientes, México
2008 - XIV Biennal Rufino Tamayo. Rufino Tamayo Museum. Mexico City.
2006 - III Biennal of Visual Arts, Merida, Yucatan, México.


2019 - Sponsorships Jumex Collection Foundation.
2018- Creator acquisition prize with trajectory tridimensión 4th Biennial of Veracruz, Xalapa, Ver.
2018-2020 6th Edition BBVA Bancomer-MACG Program, CDMX, Mexico.
2018 - Young Creators Scholarship Pecda, Veracruz.
2017 - Acquisition Award II Landscape Biennial, Hermosillo, Sonora.
2016 - Honorif special mention XII FEMSA Biennal. FEMSA Biennal.
2016-2017 - Young artists fellowship. Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA)
2015 - Sculpture Price VII National Biennal of Visual Arts Yucatan.
2014 – Artistic Production Grant PECDA Veracruz, Ver, Mexico.
2010 – 2011 Young artists fellowship. Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA)
2009 - First Prize XXIX Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven 2009. Aguascalientes, Mexico.
2009 - Honorific Mention XVI Biennal Rufino Tamayo. Mexico DF
2007 –2008 Young artists fellowship. Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (FONCA)

2017 - Programa de residencia y producción artística Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola y FLORA ars + natura. Bogotá y Honda, Colombia.
2017 - Cultural Residency Ecole Sperieure d’Art et Desing de Saint - Etienne, Paris y Saint-Etienne, France.
2015 – Residence Casa Wabi Fundation, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca.
2014 - The Arctic Circle, art and science expedition to the High Arctic. Sbalvard, Norway.
2011 - Residence Reunion Island, France.
2007 – 2008.-Artistic Grant Baden-Württenberg State, Germany.


2017 - TSUAN - Video art - documentary short film.
2014 - NORTH 49. Video documentary art.
2014 - THESSALONIANS. Video art fiction.


2017- Jury for the APOYARTE scholarship from the state of Querétaro.
2016 - Flaherty Program, Documentary Festival Ambulante, Mexico.
2014 - Tutor for the competition of Adidas Latinamerican to design the Adidas ZX FLUX, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2013 - Documental about my Project “Mausoleum of a changing world” Chapter 2 in the show “Twenty and more for art” Channel 22, Mexico.
2013 - Portfolio Publication in the magazine “Tierra Adentro”, Mexico.
2012- Impartition course “Conceptualization and analysis of landscape intervention projects” in the Veracruz Institute of Culture IVEC, Ver,
2012-Participation as a judge in the discipline of Medios Alternativos of artistic production grant PECDA, state of Oaxaca, Mexico.


FEMSA Collection
Collection of the Sonoran Institute of Culture
Collection of the Cultural Institute of Aguascalientes
Public collection SEDACULTA
Collection of the Subdirectorate of arts and heritage of the IVEC.

His work belongs to different private collections.
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