SHORTS SPORTS 2018 & An Educational/Recreational Day Camp - STATE COLLEGE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT

Page created by Victor Barker
SHORTS SPORTS 2018 & An Educational/Recreational Day Camp - STATE COLLEGE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT
An Educational/Recreational Day Camp
   Look inside for lots of NEW classes!


           Registration begins
       Monday, February 19 at 10 AM
SHORTS SPORTS 2018 & An Educational/Recreational Day Camp - STATE COLLEGE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT
State College Area School District Community Education offers half and full day camps for youth
in Grades 1-6 (Fall 2018) at Park Forest Elementary School. You choose two educational short term
enrichment courses for morning activities and are divided into age-appropriate groups for afternoon
activities that include recreational sports and swimming.

TIMES: Half Day - 9:00 AM - 12:05 PM - Educational Shorts. Drop off is from 8:45 AM - 8:55 AM.
  Full Day - 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM - Shorts & Sports: Includes educational shorts in the
		           morning and recreational activities in the afternoon. Drop off is from
		           7:30 AM - 8:55 AM. Classes begin promptly at 9:00 AM.
  Afternoon Adventures - 12:15 PM - 5:30 PM
LOCATION:            Park Forest Elementary School
FEE:                 $105 - Half Day - Educational Shorts per week (*$85 Week 2)
		                   $195 - Full Day - Shorts & Sports per week (*$165 Week 2)
		                   $100 - Afternoon Adventures per week (*$80 Week 2)

NOTES: Parents provide transportation. ~ Full Day and Afternoon Adventures students need to
pack a lunch, afternoon snack, and drinks (all products must be nut-free). ~ Youth will swim twice a
week at Park Forest pool. ~ There is limited enrollment in each course; registrations are accepted
on a first-come, first-served basis. ~ Students will be grouped by date of birth for afternoon activi-
ties. ~ On Fridays, Full Day and Afternoon Adventures students will have the option of purchasing
a pizza lunch for an additional fee.

ONCE UPON A SUMMER                                   SUMMER SEND-OFF
Your summer story starts here. This week is          Saying goodbye to Summer is hard. But since
jam packed with crafts, science, art, physical       we must, let's have fun doing it!!!! Art, science,
activity, and MORE!                                  games, and sports add up to a Summer send-off
                                                     like no other!
FOR: Fall Grades 1- 6
DATES: Monday - Friday, June 18 - 22                 FOR: Fall Grades K-5
TIMES: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM                             DATES: Monday - Friday, August 20 - 24
LOCATION: Park Forest Elementary                     TIMES: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
FEE: $190                                            LOCATION: Fairmount Avenue School
                                                     FEE: $190

J oin us on an adventure in ART! Students
                                                         BLAST OFF WITH
                                                      GAME-BASED LEARNING!
spend the week creating beautiful keepsake art
while learning new skills and discovering hidden
talent. Content is different each week, so sign
up for both! Each week ends with a Showcase               For students entering Grades 4-6,
for families.                                            Black Rocket returns for a summer of
                                                             exciting and creative science
FOR: Fall Grades K-5                                              technology courses!
DATES: Monday - Friday
 WEEK 1: August 6 - 10
                                                           A VIRTUAL REALITY offering will
 WEEK 2: August 13 - 17
                                                            immerse students in simulated
TIMES: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
                                                          environments and 3D experiences.
LOCATION: Park Forest Elementary
FEE: $200 per week
                                                         Full class descriptions are on the last
                                                                 page of this brochure.
SHORTS SPORTS 2018 & An Educational/Recreational Day Camp - STATE COLLEGE AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT
COURSE SELECTIONS                                         FALL 2018 GRADES 1, 2 & 3
    TIME              9:00 AM to 10:30 AM                               10:35 AM to 12:05 PM
                   Encounters with Jurassic Creatures                        Despicables in Space
   Week 1                 Engineering a Fairytale                               Fun in the Sun
 June 25-29        Jugemos y Cantemos          (Let's Sing & Dance)          Mixed Media Madness
                                Mission Space                                      Slime U
                   Encounters with Jurassic Creatures                        Despicables in Space
  Week 2                  Engineering a Fairytale                               Fun in the Sun
  July 2-6         Jugemos y Cantemos          (Let's Sing & Dance)          Mixed Media Madness
*No camp Wed.7/4                Mission Space                                      Slime U
                    Encounters with Jurassic Creatures                        Despicables in Space
   Week 3                  Engineering a Fairytale                               Fun in the Sun
  July 9-13         Jugemos y Cantemos          (Let's Sing & Dance)          Mixed Media Madness
                                 Mission Space                                      Slime U

                               Arte en Espanol                                 Junkyard Wars
  Week 4                       Fitness Frenzy                             Monsters & Merry Mayhem
 July 16-20                     Monster Mash                                Sensational Sculptures
                               Sweet Science                                    Team Builders
                               Arte en Espanol                                 Junkyard Wars
  Week 5                       Fitness Frenzy                             Monsters & Merry Mayhem
 July 23-27                     Monster Mash                                Sensational Sculptures
                               Sweet Science                                    Team Builders
                               Arte en Espanol                                 Junkyard Wars
   Week 6                      Fitness Frenzy                             Monsters & Merry Mayhem
July 30-Aug 3                   Monster Mash                                Sensational Sculptures
                               Sweet Science                                    Team Builders

COURSE SELECTIONS                                      FALL 2018 GRADES 4, 5 & 6
    TIME               9:00 AM to 10:30 AM                               10:35 AM to 12:05 PM
                   Black Rocket: Code Your Own Adventure               BR: Code Your Own Adventure (cont)
   Week 1                       Fun in the Sun                                   Breakfast Club
                                                                        Cantando y Danzando (Singing & Dancing)
 June 25-29                  Mixed Media Madness
                                                                              Not Your Parents Art
                                 Robot Reboot

  Week 2           Black Rocket: Star Wars Stop Animation               BR: Star Wars Stop Animation (cont)
                                Fun in the Sun                                   Breakfast Club
  July 2-6                   Mixed Media Madness                        Cantando y Danzando (Singing &      Dancing)
*No camp Wed.7/4                 Robot Reboot                                 Not Your Parents Art

                         Black Rocket: Lego Video Games                     BR: Lego Video Games (cont)
  Week 3                         Fun in the Sun                                 Breakfast Club
                              Mixed Media Madness
 July 9-13                        Robot Reboot
                                                                       Cantando y Danzando (Singing &     Dancing)
                                                                             Not Your Parents Art
                      Black Rocket: Minecraft Modders                    BR: Minecraft Modders (cont)
  Week 4                        Fear Factor                            Creaciones Culinarias (Culinary Creations)
                              Marvel Madness                                    Gotta Get Em All
 July 16-20                Sensational Sculptures                                Fitness Frenzy
                   Black Rocket: Virtual Reality-The Future is Now             BR: Virtual Reality (cont)
  Week 5                          Fear Factor                           Creaciones Culinarias (Culinary   Creations)
                                Marvel Madness                                   Gotta Get Em All
 July 23-27                  Sensational Sculptures                               Fitness Frenzy
                   Black Rocket: Make Your First 3D Video Game              BR: 3D Video Game (cont)
   Week 6                         Fear Factor                           Creaciones Culinarias (Culinary Creations)
                                Marvel Madness                                   Gotta Get Em All
July 30-Aug 3                Sensational Sculptures                               Fitness Frenzy

This creative art camp returns with NEW techniques. Find inspiration in the animated Disney
film Coco. You will create your very own Coco character and more fun art.

Let's have fun learning Spanish dances and traditional songs featured in the animated Disney
film Coco. You will get to know the stories behind the scenes, learn some vocabulary and make
your own magical paper mache figurine called alebrije.

If you have a sweet tooth or enjoy trying new flavors, this camp of culinary creations is for you.
We will prepare delicious dishes, sweet and savory, and at the same time learn some Spanish
vocabulary and useful phases around the kitchen.

Join the Minions as they blast off into outer space! Use bricks to build your favorite little
yellow guys and Star Wars characters, learn about various space craft, encounter some Storm
Troopers, and make a light sabre to take home!

Experience the world of Minecraft and Jurassic creatures as we use LEGO® bricks & technical
components to build and craft amazing dinosaurs and Minecraft elements. Face new challenges
as you encounter a ferocious velociraptor, a terrible T-Rex, and many more!

The classic fairy tale characters you know and love need your help! Design a stronger bed for
Papa Bear, a parachute to help Rapunzel escape from her tower, and a way for Jack to get his
golden eggs down the beanstalk.

What do frozen feet, frog eggs, and fish eyes have in common? They're all part of this exciting
new offering that combines team challenges with gross competitions. If you don't mind getting
your hands dirty, this class is for you.

Are you looking to become stronger, faster, quicker? This class will help increase your speed,
agility, and strength by combining training drills with fun activities that cater to any and all sports.

Spend class outside (weather permitting) playing tag, running relays, and completing scavenger
hunts. What better way to spend the summer than having some fun in the sun!

Calling all Trainers! Design and create your own Pokemon figures using clay. Use the beginning
basic elements of Water, Normal, Ground & Psychic to fabricate the 3 stages of your Pokemon,
compose an original trading card & don't forget to give it great HP!!

Inspired by the popular TV show, you'll be challenged to solve unique problems by transforming
everyday objects into something extraordinary. You'll never look at cardboard the same way!!

If you like dancing, moving around and singing, this is the place for you! Play fun traditional
games loved by Hispanic children, learn to sing in Spanish and create some colorful art inspired
by images featured in the animated Disney film Coco.

Test your superhero know-how! Crafts, games (superhero Jeopardy!), and of course comic books,
join forces to create this marvellous class.

Your mission: Explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy through games, crafts, and stories.
Blast off on a trip far, far away.

Explore and improve your creativity while learning how to draw and paint like an artist! Create
two dimensional works of art using tempera and acrylic paint, pastels, watercolors, and more.

Bring the monsters out from under the bed in this fantastically monstrous art class. Create
your own menagerie of colorful creatures using clay and other materials.

Stop asking where the wild things are - we have them right here! Use a variety of art techniques
and materials to bring the monsters you've always read about to life.

Step outside the norm for some new and unusual art techniques such as insoluble painting.
Create an ever-changing, interactive piece of art that responds to touch and continually flows.
It's totally groovy!

Take a creative look at robots in this fascinating new offering. Learn how robots have been
depicted in movies, TV and art through the years. Create a detailed drawing of a robot, make
your own ArtBot, and use recycled items to make your own robot sculpture.

Create 3D masterpieces in this fun class using mediums such as clay and paper mache while
improving your artistic skills and abilities.

You're about to get schooled in SLIME! Learn how to make fluffy slime, galaxy slime, unicorn
slime, and the coolest color-changing slime you've ever seen.

What do Pop Rocks, Mentos, and Skittles all have in common? Besides being super tasty, you
can do some amazing science experiments with them. Join us as we satisfy both your curiosity
and your sweet tooth.

Learn how much fun it can be to work together. Work in pairs and small groups to complete
exciting challenges and fun tasks!

Smoothies, oatmeal bars, muffins - oh my! Join us as we learn about health and nutrition while
creating delicious breakfast treats that will help you start your day on the right foot.

*Food items are used in this class; students with food allergies should consider another offering.
Tech programs that TAKE OFF!
Project Based Courses for Grades 4-6
Offered in cooperation with Black Rocket
(+Courses carry an additional $62 fee per week)

Students will work in pairs or teams for most of the program.
Returning students can create more advanced projects that
build on previous years.

CODE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE!                                      MINECRAFT MODDERS
INTERACTIVE STORYTELLING                                      Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding
Watch as the characters in your imagination come to           and foundations of programming. Learn scripting
life in this unique course that blends classic storytelling   and logic statements as you create your first mod!
with animation techniques and coding. Start with a            Introductory coding will also be taught through a simulated
concept, design the characters, and choose not just           environment inspired by Minecraft®. Student projects
one ending, but many! Learn how to create your own            will be available on a Black Rocket website to share
text-based adventure games with variables, conditional        with friends and family. To access their project at home
logic, images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.                     students must own a PC/MAC version of Minecraft.
                                                              Tablet, phone, and game console versions of Minecraft
                                                              are not compatible.
Combine your two favorite activities: LEGOs and               STAR WARS© STOP ANIMATION
Video Games! Students will create their own LEGO              Make your own Star Wars adventure come to life! Bring
characters and adventures in an interactive 2D Video          in your favorite action figures or Star Wars vehicles and
Game. At the end of the program, every student will           create a short film with your friends. Whether you want
have a finished LEGO Video Game that can be shared            to recreate a scene from Star Wars or design a new
with friends and family through a password protected          world of your own, this class brings your dreams to the
Black Rocket website. Games are only compatible on            screen. Students will need to bring in Star Wars action
PC computers; Mac versions can be created after the           figures or vehicles from home, but all other equipment
program for a $15.00 conversion fee.                          will be provided. Student-created films will be available
                                                              on a password protected website to share with friends
MAKE YOUR FIRST 3D VIDEO GAME!                                and family.
In this Black Rocket classic, you will go well beyond the
limitations of the traditional 2D game design classes
and create an immersive 3D world. Students will               VIRTUAL REALITY:
learn the physics behind 3D games, explore beginner           THE FUTURE IS NOW
event scripting, level design, controlling the flow of        Embark on an EPIC adventure in virtual reality! In this
gameplay, and storytelling. Student created games will        cutting edge class, you will learn the foundations of VR
be available on a password protected Black Rocket             design by creating your own virtual worlds, exploring
website to share with friends and family.                     simulated environments, and crafting memorable 3D
                                                              experiences. At the end of the week, take home your
                                                              first cardboard VR headset to show friends and family
 DON'T FORGET ABOUT OUR                                       the new worlds you created. VR projects can be viewed
                                                              on a website or a mobile device. Students do not need a
    SECONDARY CAMPS!                                          mobile device to take the class, but to use the VR headset
                                                              at home a camper will need access to an Android or
                                                              Apple mobile device. VR Games will be available on a
   A sampling of planned programs:                            password protected Black Rocket website to share with
                                                              friends and family. **There is an additional $19 lab fee
                                                              for the VR headset.
              ART IN AUGUST
            LEGO VIDEO GAMES

             SUMMER LIT CAMP

   Visit for
         more details and to register
Registration Information
          All registration and payment is ONLINE!
Visit and click the Register Now button.
     We suggest using the Course Selections grid on the previous page to select the Shorts & Sports
           weeks and courses for which you wish to register PRIOR to visiting the website.

If you are a new user, click Create New Account at the bottom of the screen and follow
the on-screen prompts. Be sure to include emergency contact info and pertinent medical
info. Returning users should log in and update emergency information before selecting
classes. (NOTE: Our registration system is separate from the District's Parent Portal.)

All camps will be listed on the left hand side of the screen under CEEL/Summer Camps.
Select the camp for which you would like to register. A Session Schedule will open.
Eligible students will be listed in a drop down on the Session Schedule page. Select
the student you would like to register. Click Add next to Full or Half day, as well as
9:00 and 10:35 classes. You will see the classes being added to your cart in the upper
right hand corner.

If you need to register additional children for this particular camp, select their name from
the drop down at the top of the page and follow the same process to create their schedule.

Once you have completed your selections, you may register for additional camps by
clicking the desired camp in the left navigation bar.

Review your selections and click Checkout to continue.

Only Black Rocket classes will have a waitlist option.

At the time of registration, a non-refundable fee of $25 per student is required. At
checkout, you will have the option of paying in FULL or placing your total bill on a
Payment Plan+. If you choose to place your invoice on a payment plan, your credit card
will be charged every Monday, starting May 7 and ending June 25, for a total of 8 weekly
payments. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful registration.
+You must click the box that says "Click here to put this invoice on a payment plan". If
you do not do this prior to entering your credit card information, your credit card will be
charged the entire invoice amount. There will be a charge of 5% on any refund required
should you inadvertently pay more than you intended. The system defaults to monthly
payments, but dates will be changed by office staff prior to the first payment.

You must complete an online form for all cancellation or schedule change requests.
You can find this form at No refunds are granted for
cancellations made with less than five business days' notification prior to the start of a
course. All cancellations are subject to a $20 cancellation fee per student, per camp.

          SCASD Community Education 240 Villa Crest Drive State College, PA 16801
                       (814) 231-1061 or
State College Area School District
Community Education
240 Villa Crest Drive
State College, PA 16801-4899

 The State College Area School District is an equal opportunity
 education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race,
 color, age, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity,
 ancestry, national origin or disability in its activities, programs, or
 employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, Section 504,
 and Americans with Disabilities Act. For information regarding civil
 rights, grievance procedures and services, or activities and facilities
 that are accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, contact
 the Compliance Officer, State College Area School District, 131
 West Nittany Avenue, State College, PA 16801, (814) 231-1051.

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