TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...

Page created by Anne Warner
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Welcome to

TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Welcome to
Talking with Aussies
                             Thank you for your interest in
                             volunteering with the Talking with
                             Aussies program.

                             Volunteers make up such a huge part of
                             the program, and we really appreciate all
                             those who are considering giving us the
                             gift of their time. We do hope that you will
                             decide to share your knowledge and
                             experience with our international students.

                             - Lian van Veen, Program Coordinator

The University of Adelaide                                                  Slide 2
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Program overview

Two main aims:

(1) To provide               (2) To provide
international students       international students with
with opportunities for       opportunities to become
regular 1:1 practice of      more familiar with
conversational English, to   Australian customs and
increase their confidence    cultures
and experience and foster
their language
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Volunteering – some facts

                             Volunteering is time willingly given
                             for the common good and without
                             financial gain.

                             • In South Australia:
                               - one million volunteers
                               - contribution of $5 billion annually

                             • The University of Adelaide:
                               - more than 3,000 volunteers
                               - integral link between the University
                                 and wider community
                               - 60 volunteer groups
                               - 85,000 volunteering hours annually

The University of Adelaide                                     Slide 4
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Benefits of volunteering

                                 • Make a difference to the lives
                                   of others

                                 • Gain, or develop new skills,
                                   knowledge and experience

                                 • Give back to the community

                                 • Meet new people and make
                                   new friends

                                 • Improve employment

                                 • Gain confidence and self-

The University of Adelaide                                     Slide 5
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Program structure

 Length                         Frequency                      Matching
 Please commit to at least      We encourage                   Matching is not an exact
 one semester (roughly          participants to chat 1:1 for   science. Volunteers and
 three months). You then        approximately one hour         students are asked to
 have the option to             a week.                        provide information that
 continue with or dissolve                                     helps us match. Factors
 the relationship and be        However, if you and            we consider are (but not
 connected with another         your student both agree        limited to) personal
 international student (or      to chat more or less often     interests, gender and
 exit the program               than this, that can be         academic areas of interest
 altogether).                   negotiated between the
                                two of you.

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TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Program structure

    Conversation                  Gatherings
                                  Guest speakers share
    There are no set topics –
                                  information that may be
    it’s all up to you, and we
                                  of interest to you as a
    have resources to assist in
                                  volunteer and it's a
                                  chance to catch up with
    Please note: TWA is not a     other TWA staff &
    tutoring, editing or          volunteers.
    academic mentoring

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TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
                        Essential eligibility criteria

   Age                   Working with
   You are at least
   18 years old
                         Children Check
                         You hold or have the ability
                                                        You have a genuine
                         to obtain a current South
                                                        interest in relating
                         Australian Department of
                                                        to international
English                  Human Services Clearance.
You have a fluent
level of English (you
don't have to be a       Technology                     Communication
native speaker)
                         You are familiar with or       You are able to engage in
                         comfortable with learning      and carry a conversation
                         use of video chat software     with a non-native speaker
                         (if you are matched with a
                         remote studying student)
TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
The students

• Are from different countries,
  many from East and South Asia

• Are enrolled in a range of
  discipline areas and degree

• Range from Under-18 to mature

• May be new to University
  study, or have been here for a
  semester or two

• May be in Australia or studying
  remotely from their home

• Have met requirement for
  Academic Standard of English

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TALKING WITH AUSSIES Welcome to - International Students | University ...
Next steps: I want to continue…
1: Submit Volunteer Application Form, the link to this is on the next slide
This is done in 'Better Impact', our Volunteer Management platform and needs to include referee details

2: Participate in face-to-face OR virtual session (approx. 45 minutes)
Focussing on the finer details of TWA and covering (but not limited to) issues you might come across.
We answer any questions, address any concerns you may have and introduce you to our caring and
supportive Student Life: International Student Support team members.
* Booking details will be provided after you submit your application form*

3: You'll receive a TWA Volunteer Manual following the briefing
It includes Contact details – Position Description – Volunteer Checklist – Code of Conduct, Your Rights
and Responsibilities – Child Safety – Volunteer Training and Professional Development – Reward and
Recognition – Exit procedure – Complaints procedure – Volunteer Policy – Volunteer Insurance Guide –
Health Safety & Well-being

4: Provide details for a Working With Children Check
If you don't hold a current one, we can start the process for you

The University of Adelaide                                                                       Slide 10
Click here to
                             begin the
                             Or go to:

The University of Adelaide                         Slide 11
Or: no, now is not the right time for me to
                             continue with this

         Thank you for your time - no further action is required.

           Please don’t hesitate to reconnect with us should your circumstances change.

The University of Adelaide                                                                Slide 12
We look forward to
having you on board.
If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask
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