T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report

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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
  south african                                        n   Volume 26 – Number 38   n   3 November 2022   n   9 Cheshvan 5783

T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
                                                 Absa Jewish Achiever Awards 2022

                                                       Dr Hanan Bushkin                                               Grace Harding            Richard Hirsch                Fred               Prof. Brian              Robert Leon             Marc Loon                Rodney Luntz
Natacha Berkowitz            Prof. Ryan Blumenthal                          Judge Dennis         Prof. Wayne
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   Myron Krost                                                                                  YGS              Momentum Securities
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 Canna Trade Africa

                                                                                                                                                Corinne Ossendryver         Deena Pitum           Lauren Segal
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Comedian & Mrs SA         Chief Executive
                                                                                              Nevin Sher           Matthew Smith                                                                                                                       Finalist
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                                      south african                                                                                      n    Volume 26 – Number 38              n    3 November 2022                 n   9 Cheshvan 5783

                                 T h e sour c e of qual i t y co n tent, n ews an d insights

Terrorism alert leaves Rabinowitz shaken but undeterred
NICOLA MILTZ                                      him that his unnamed sources were                                                                                                                         “Everyone was thoroughly

                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Facebook
                                                  legitimate.                                                                                                                                            checked at the door with names and

        opular comedian Nik                          “A mad 48 hours ensued, with the                                                                                                                    tickets, and extra security personnel
        Rabinowitz was “shaken and                most amount of press I’ve done for                                                                                                                     were employed and deployed,” she
        unnerved” when he woke up                 a show in a long time,” he quipped,                                                                                                                    said.
last Thursday, 27 October, and saw                setting the record straight that                                                                                                                          “We lost 50 bookings for the
his name splashed on the warning                  he didn’t set this up as a publicity                                                                                                                   last shows of The Beauty Queen of
that his forthcoming Johannesburg                 stunt to promote his show.                                                                                                                             Leenane on Saturday, 29 October,
comedy act could be the target of a                  “It’s a little bit bizarre when you                                                                                                                 because some people were worried,
terrorist attack.                                 land up on Japanese news. People                                                                                                                       but thankfully, our jazz concert the
   “My agent called me the night                  were calling me from all over the                                                                                                                      following day was full,” said Kuhn.
before about a News24 journalist                  world asking, ‘Are you ok? Are you                                                                                                                        Johannesburg was in turmoil
who wanted to speak to me about                   still alive? We just heard the news,                                                                                                                   last week as news of the United
my show being a possible target,”                 what’s going on?’”                                                                                                                                     States embassy’s security alert
he said.                                             “I was, like, let’s just ride the                                                                                                                   spread across the city. The warning
   Rabinowitz said he was busy                    wave of this madness,” he said. He                                                                                                                     stated, “The US government has
preparing for an online Zoom shiur                posted a photograph on Instagram                                                                                                                       received information that terrorists
on his Barmitzvah portion and                     of himself lying flat down on a stage                                                                                                                  may be planning to conduct an
didn’t respond. After the shiur,                  saying: “For safety reasons, this is                                                                                                                   attack targeting large gatherings of
Rabbi David Masinter, who had                     how I’ll be performing in Joburg                                                                                                                       people at an unspecified location
arranged the shiur, called him to                 next week. Shout out to ISIS and                                                                                                                       in the greater Sandton area of
say that while there had been some                @News24 for additional publicity.                                                                                                                      Johannesburg, South Africa, on
chatter about the forthcoming                     #GonnaBeABlast #TooSoon?”                                                                                                                              29 October 2022.
gay pride parade taking place in                     On a serious note, Rabinowitz                                                           Nik Rabinowitz posted a photograph on                          “There is no further information
Sandton on Saturday, there was                    said there was some “fallout” with                                                         Instagram of himself lying on the stage                     regarding the timing, method,
nothing known about his show                      his family, which he had to face.                                                                  in response to the terror threat                    or target of the potential attack.
being a possible target.                             “I had to tell my kids because I                                                                                                                    The US embassy has advised staff
   “That set my mind at ease a bit,”              was concerned someone might tell               necessary precautions.”                     was talk of a terrorist threat in                           to avoid crowds of people and
he told the SA Jewish Report.                     them at school, and my wife was                  The comedian had forwarded the            the area, having only just started                          other large public gatherings
   However, the next morning, he                  overseas so she was concerned,” he             previous night’s message from the           experiencing sold-out shows post                            in the greater Sandton area of
woke up to read it on the news, and               said.                                          journalist to Daphne Kuhn from              the COVID-19 pandemic.                                      Johannesburg during the weekend
he was having to field calls and do                  He said his 10-year-old was                 Sandton Theatre on the Square,                “I heard about Nik’s show being                           of 29-30 October 2022.”
radio and television interviews.                  particularly unnerved.                         where Rabinowitz’ comedy act was            a potential target only when I read                            Meanwhile, the security
   “Initially, I thought it must be a                “I was quite shaken in the                  due to open the following week.             about it in the paper,” said Kuhn                           upheaval caused by last week’s
rumour,” he said, “but there was                  beginning, I was like, ‘What the               According to him, Kuhn thought he           this week.                                                  terrorist alert rippled through
still a need to take precautions.                 actual…?’ I had a couple of wobbly             had made it up and was joking.                “News that Nik’s show could be a                          state security, with numerous
   “My show was 72 hours after the                moments, and the following two                   “She thought I’d written it, and          possible target was unfounded and                           lessons learned and red flags
so-called attack was due to take                  nights, I was like, ‘What if this              she said, ‘Oh my word Nik, you’re           ridiculous because his show was due                         raised.
place, starting on 1 November.”                   is real? What would this be like?’             such a scream’,” he said (in a Joburg       to open only a few days later,” said                           President Cyril Ramaphosa
   In a bid to find out more                      That’s the point of these things.              Jewish woman’s accent).                     Kuhn. She arranged extra security                           criticised the US for failing to
information, the exasperated                      They’re designed to make us afraid,              Little did Kuhn know that he was          precautions for the weekend shows                           discuss the terror alert with local
comedian contacted the journalist                 and we can’t let them win, but                 actually being serious, and the last        and tried to allay patrons’ fears as                        authorities.
who wrote the story, who assured                  obviously, we have to take the                 thing her intimate theatre needed           best she could.                                                             Continued on page 7>>
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
APPLIANCE REPAIRS ON SITE                 2 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                  3 – 10 November 2022

             ash ers,                      Lula victory polarises Brazilian Jewish community
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Fr         Tumbl                                                                                         “Long live the Brazilian people, who chose the

                              Call Jason            s left-wing former president Luiz Inácio Lula da path of freedom and democracy instead of hatred,
                                                    Silva completed a triumphant return to politics   intolerance, fascism. A heartfelt thank you from this
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                                                    by beating incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a          Brazilian-Palestinian diaspora,” read a note by the
       F R E E Q U O TAT I O N S           tight election on Sunday, 30 October, Brazilian Jewish     Brazilian Palestinian federation welcoming Da Silva’s
                                           groups welcomed him with a conciliatory message            victory. Brazil is home to a diaspora of about 60 000
                                           they hope will cool down the polarisation within their     Palestinians.
                                           deeply split 120 000-strong community.                        The PalestinaHoy website went further, posting a
                                              “President Lula, we wish you every success in your      picture of Bolsonaro holding an Israeli flag with the
                                           four-year term. At the same time, we reiterate our         words, “Zionism was defeated in Brazil.”
                                           permanent readiness for constructive and democratic           While in power, Da Silva enacted ambitious social
                                           dialogue,” read a note signed by Claudio Lottenberg,       programmes and prioritised foreign policy, but his
                                           the president of the Brazilian Israelite Confederation,    tenure was plagued by scandal. In 2017, he was
                                           the country’s umbrella Jewish organisation.                convicted of corruption and money laundering – which
                                              Da Silva, a former union leader who was president       he denied – and was sent to jail, where he served 580
                                           of Brazil between 2003 and 2010, garnered 50.90% of        days. His political ally and presidential successor,
                                           all valid votes in the tight Sunday run-off. President     Dilma Rousseff, was eventually removed from office for
                                           Bolsonaro, a fervently Christian right-wing nationalist, manipulating the budget.
                                           received 49.10%.                                                                       Bolsonaro, known for his
                                              Lottenberg’s statement                                                             highly controversial rhetoric,
                                           points to the fact that                                                               which has been widely labelled
                                           Jewish groups had a very                                                              at different times as racist,
                                           rocky relationship with                                                               misogynist, homophobic, and

                                                                                                                             Photo: Mauro HoritaGetty Images
                                           Da Silva, nicknamed Lula,                                                             fascist, developed a historic
                                           during his tenure.                                                                    closeness with Israel and
                                              In 2009, Da Silva warmly                                                           its former prime minister,
                                           welcomed former Iranian                                                               Benjamin Netanyahu.
                                           President Mahmoud                                                                        Both Brazilian and Israeli
                                           Ahmadinejad, a notorious                                  New Brazilian President     media   highlighted the
                                           Holocaust denier whose                                    Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva   fact that Bolsonaro’s wife,
                                           regime persecuted                                                                     Michelle, wore a T-shirt with
                                           minorities and critics, for a                                                         an Israeli flag at a polling
                                           visit that drew international                                                        station on Sunday. The Brazil-
                                           criticism.                                                 Israel Institute, a non-affiliated far-left Jewish group,
                                              One year later, Da Silva became Brazil’s first head     accused the first lady of appropriating Jewish symbols.
                                           of state to visit Israel since Brazilian Emperor Pedro        “I don’t believe that the polarisation will end in the
                                           II toured the holy land in 1876. However, he refused       short term, but many voices and relevant actors are
                                           to visit Theodor Herzl’s grave on part of the itinerary    working effectively at least to mitigate it,” Lottenberg
                                           for visiting foreign officials in honour of the 150th      told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “We’ll continue
                                           anniversary of the father of Zionism. Days after, he       to promote civilised and constructive debate between
                                           laid a wreath at Yasser Arafat’s grave in Ramallah. In     the different currents of Brazilian Jewry based on the
                                           the final month of his administration, his government      defence of democracy, tolerance, and Jewish values.”

                                            Count your lucky stars                                                                                                                Torah Thought
                                                                                                             Rabbi Yehuda Stern –
                                                                                                      can become.                                        there’s a deeper explanation. G-d was
                                                                                                             Sydenham Shul
                                                                                                          This idea is illustrated in this week’s        taking Avram out of the limitations

                                                                                illennials have grown Torah portion, in which G-d tells Sarai            of astrology. Some say, he counted
                                                                                up in the modern      and Avram, “I will make of you a great             the stars from on top, not from below.
                                                                                world of the 21st     nation, and I will bless you and make              “Avram and Sarai cannot pro-create,”
                                                                    century. Confident, ambitious,    your name great.” But as the years pass,           said G-d, “but I will change your name,
                                                                    achievement-oriented are a few the Bible records Avram’s cry to G-d that             and Avraham and Sarah will have
                                           of the adjectives given to this age demographic. This      he’s childless. There will be no one to            children.” Because, ultimately, we’re
                                           generation is generally marked by elevated familiarity carry on his name and beliefs. G-d then                greater than the zodiac.
                                           with the internet, mobile devices, and social media.       takes Avram outside and says, “Look now               Astrology may be coming back into
                                               Ironically, in 2019, New Yorker magazine ran an        toward at the heaven and count the stars.          fashion in a generation that’s searching
                                           article titled, “Astrology in the age of uncertainty”.     If you will be able to count them, so shall        for meaning. However, it’s important for
                                           It focused on Millennials, who see no contradiction        your seed be.”                                     us to remember the lesson G-d taught our
                                           between using astrology and believing in science, and          Simply speaking, G-d is telling Avram, forefathers. We should reach for the stars,
                                           are now getting hooked on a belief system that’s as old “Don’t worry, you’ll have as many                     but always remember that we’re greater
                                           as the stars.                                              children as there are stars.” However,             than them too.
                                               Some have associated this renewed interest in
                                           astrology to the decline of organised religion and the
                                           creation of a large spiritual void in the world. In times                                                           Shabbat Times
                                                                                                                                                                 brought to you by
                                           of crisis, people search for something to believe in.          Spencer Schwartz from You Realty
                                               Judaism has always believed in astrology, the              Residential Property Sales and Rentals
                                           study of the positions of the celestial beings. The
                                                                                                                                          Starts Ends
                                           wish and blessing, “mazaltov”, indicates belief in the         Johannesburg                    18:08 19:00
                                           constellations. You’re not simply wishing someone              Cape Town                       18:59 19:54
                                           “good luck”, as we frequently translate this term. The         Durban                          18:02 18:55
                                           real translation is, “May this event take place under          Bloemfontein                    18:15      19:13
                                           a good constellation.” Similarly, when we refer to             Gqeberha                        18:15      19:25
                                                                                                          Plettenberg Bay 18:15                      19:35
                                           someone as being a “schlimazel”, it’s really the Yiddish       East London                     18:15      19:14
                                           word for someone who had the misfortune of a bad               Jerusalem                       16:11      17:24
                                           constellation.                                                 Tel Aviv                        16:26 17:26
                                               However, Jewish tradition also teaches, “ein mazel             Spencer Schwartz • 084 524 4616 • spencer@yourealty.co.za
                                           l’Yisroel” – we need not be subject to the signs of the
                                           zodiac. It may be helpful to synchronise an event with                               In this week’s parsha, G-d changes Abram’s name to Abraham
                                                                                                                                  (“father of multitudes”), and Sarai’s to Sarah (“princess”),
                                           a good constellation, but the event can be equally
                                                                                                                                and promises that a son will be born to them. From this child,
                                           successful nonetheless. Being born in a particular                                  whom they should call Isaac (“will laugh”), will stem the great
                                           month with a specific constellation may define your                                      nation with which G-d will establish His special bond.
                                           character, but it won’t limit who you are and who you                                            Wishing You. all Shabbat Shalom
                                                                                              Editor Peta Krost – editor@sajewishreport.co.za • Sub-editor Julie Leibowitz
                                                                                              Journalists Nicola Miltz • Tali Feinberg • Junior Reporter Saul Kamionsky • Photographer Ilan
                                                                                              Ossendryver • Editorial co-ordinator Dylan Berger – editorial@sajewishreport.co.za
                                               T h e so u r c e o f q u a lit y c o n t e n t , n e w s a n d in sig h t s

                                           Proofreader Kim Hatchuel Advertising Britt Landsman: 082 292 9520 – britt@sajewishreport.co.za • New business development manager
                                           Laura Kaufman laura@sajewishreport.co.za • Design and layout Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – bryan@designbandits.co.za • Distribution Sandy Furman
                                           Subscriptions Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860 525 200 • Board of Directors Howard Sackstein (Chairperson), Dina Diamond, Herschel Jawitz, Shaun Matisonn,
                                           Benjy Porter. • Advertisements and editorial copy do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff and board of directors. Tel: 011 430 1980.
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
3 – 10 November 2022                                                                SA JEWISH REPORT 3

It’s now or never, say SA olim on
Israel’s fifth election
TALI FEINBERG                                                  with such an intense feeling of impending
                                                               disaster, that we are about to enter a period
“Democracy is at stake,” says South African                    of dystopia. Not once have I felt that the
oleh Jonathan Schwartz, regarding the                          fate of the country’s character hangs in the
Israeli legislative elections that took place on               balance.
1 November to elect Israel’s 25th Knesset.                       “Never before has the prospect of the
Though it may be the fifth elections in four                   upheaval of the balance of forces that define
years, he feels that now more than ever,                       our country as a democracy been at risk like
Israelis need to decide what kind of future                    they are today,” he says. “Never before has
they want.                                                     the possibility been so real that we’ll join
   “If Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] puts together                 shrinking democracies and dark regimes.
his ‘all right’ government, he’ll destroy the                  And I cannot even begin to contemplate
legal system to avoid going to jail and will                   what life would be like here if the axis
politicise the civil service with political                    [Mirbach’s name for Likud, Otzma Yehudit,                     term to try stabilise relations amongst Israeli                the right party to make a change here,” she
appointees,” says Schwartz, who made aliya                     Shas, and Yahadut HaTorah] parties win this                   Arabs and Jews, and to strengthen relations                    says. She voted for Shas.
from Johannesburg in 1978, and lives in                        election.”                                                    with the world.”                                                  Twenty-six-year-old Tal Gordon made
Kochav Yair Tsur Yigal in the Sharon area.                       Speaking anonymously, another                                 Immigrants who made aliya more recently                      aliya in 2019 from Johannesburg and lives
   Like many of Israel’s 20 000 immigrants                     South African oleh in his 20s says, “The                      also have strong opinions. “My hope for                        in south Tel Aviv. “I hope people went out
from South Africa, he has strong opinions                      political situation in Israel is scary. While                 this election is to have a government with                     to vote because we’re really in need of a
about Israeli politics, democracy, and its                     antisemitism grows around the world, my                       a strong security focus together with an                       government that functions,” she says. “I
Jewish identity.                                               feeling is that within Israel, Jews aren’t                    interest in a more secular approach for its                    voted for Meretz because I strongly support
   “I’ve been living in Israel                                                                                                                everyday modern Anglo                         its values and believe that it’s capable of
for nine years. I voted for                                                                                                                   citizens,” says Sandra Sparks,                creating positive change in Israel.”
[Itamar] Ben Gvir because                                                                                                                     who moved to Israel from
I feel he’s the only one that                                                                                                                 Johannesburg and lives in
will make a difference in                                                                                                                     Ra’anana. She couldn’t vote
                                                                                                                                                                                                 “If Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu]
Israel,” says Ami Kubalkin,                                                                                                                   in this election, but if she had
also from Johannesburg                                                                                                                        done so, she would have voted                         puts together his ‘all right’
and living in Neria, near                                                                                                                     Likud.                                             government, he’ll destroy the
Modi’in. “He’s the only                                                                                                                          “I would like to see an
                                                                                                                                                                                              legal system to avoid going to jail
person from the Knesset                                                                                                                       increased interest in caring for
that actually goes to where                                                                                                                   the elderly in society – they’re               and will politicise the civil service
there were terrorist attacks                                                                                                                  easily forgotten,” she says. “I                       with political appointees.”
and speaks out. He also                                                                                                                       would love to see an intensive
feels very strong about the                                                                                                                   recycling programme in                           Another oleh in his 30s who left
country and the Jewish                                                                                                                        place, with solid government                  Johannesburg in 2014 and lives in Tel Aviv,
people and that it’s a                                                                                                                        backing. Lastly, a sterilisation              says, “Multiple things are at stake. First, the
Jewish country! Only Ben                                                                                                                      programme for the street cats                 justice system and the separation of state
Gvir!”                                                                                                                                        to halt uncontrolled breeding                 powers – pillars of any healthy democracy –
   Ben Gvir heads up the                                                                                                                      and neglect.”                                 have been under attack. Second, the country
far-right Otzma Yehudit                                                                                                                          Esther Gluckman and her                    is increasing under the control of a few
party. He’s known for                                                                                                                         husband, David, made aliya                    influential companies and families. Free-
defending Jewish radicals                                                                                                                     in October 2021 and live in                   market policies are the only way to bring
on trial in Israel and calling                                                                                                                Ramat Bet Shemesh. They                       prices under control. Third is the future of
for the expulsion of Arab                                                                                                                     were “very excited” to vote                   the Haredi schooling system and its ability to
citizens who aren’t loyal to                                                                                                                  in their first Israeli election.              make a contribution to this country as their
the country. He’s a member                                                                                                                    “This is our country that                     numbers increase. Finally, the protection of
                                    Ronit Beleli
of the Knesset.                                                                                                                               Hashem promised to us.                        minority rights and the addition of minority
   Other South African olim                                                                                                                   We’re voting for a purpose.”                  rights are at stake.”
believe Ben Gvir’s election                                                                                                                   Their voting station was “very                   He voted for Yisrael Beitenu. “These items
could be the worst thing for Israel’s future as                                                                              quiet” but they were thrilled to see so many                   are its main agenda, and I’ve gained some
a Jewish and democratic state.                                 getting along with Jews, and so we once                       parties outside, including a religious party                   respect for Avigdor Lieberman and his
   “His views are ultra-nationalist and Jewish                 again find ourselves in an election cycle                     with a table set up for Shabbat. “We’re home,                  choices in the past few rounds of elections.”
supremacist in the extreme. It wouldn’t be                     which seems like it will never end.                           this is for us. We voted for a right-wing                         Says Mirbach, “In Zimbabwe [where he
an exaggeration to define him as a fascist,”                     “I’m sure I’m not the only one who stood                    party. This is our land. Though our real leader                was born] and later South Africa, I never felt
says Paul Mirbach, who made aliya from                         in the line today and was actually more                       will one day be Moshiach, we hope for a                        that it was my fight. Here, in Israel, it’s my
Cape Town in 1982 and lives on Kibbutz                         confused than certain about who I wanted to                   leader that’s good for the Jewish people and                   fight. This is my home. I have nowhere to go.
Tuval.                                                         be the next leader of Israel,” he says. “I don’t              frum communities.”                                             There’s nowhere else I want to be. And so, I’ll
   “I have just voted for Yesh Atid, but I’m                   see an end to this cycle of repeated elections,                 Ronit Beleli made aliya in April from                        stay and I’ll fight – for justice, for rightness,
consumed with fear that it’s not enough,”                      and I really fear the country could become                    Johannesburg, and lives in Bat Yam. “Israel is                 for equality, and fairness. And also for our
says Mirbach. “I’ve voted in every election                    anarchic if we cannot form a budget and                       in such a difficult time now and I’m honoured                  way of life and the character of our society so
since 1984, and not once have I been filled                    cannot have at least a government for a full                  to hopefully be able to be part of choosing                    that I can feel proud to say I’m Israeli.”

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4 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                               3 – 10 November 2022

Israeli man shot dead near V&A Waterfront
TALI FEINBERG                                 occurred after they had an                                                                       he had travelled to South Africa to join his
                                              argument. Both were taken to                                                                     cousin who lives there, hoping to study or

      peculation surrounds the death of a     a medical facility for medical                                                                   find work, possibly in real estate.
                                                                                                                       Abdel Fattah Nassar
      40-year old Israeli Arab man, Abdel     treatment, where the 40-year-old                                                                   But the Israel Hayom newspaper reported
      Fattah Nassar, shot dead in Cape        male later died due to injuries                                                                  that Nassar had ties to organised crime
Town at about 01:30 on Sunday,                sustained,” says Twigg. “Table Bay                                                               in Israel. According to this report, Nassar
30 October. The shooting took place on        Harbour police registered cases of                                                               was part of the Marwan Nassar crime
a road near the popular Oranjezicht City      murder and attempted murder for                                                                  family based in Tira and had been arrested
Farm Market and the Grand Africa Cafe &       investigation.”                                                                                  several times in recent years on suspicion
Beach on the outskirts of the Victoria &        This scenario differs from what                                                                of violent crimes, including shootings and
Alfred Waterfront.                            was reported in Israeli media.                                                                   possession of firearms.
  “The circumstances surrounding a            According to The Times of Israel                                                                   At the same time, Israel Hayom said
shooting incident in Haul Road, Table         (TOI), Nassar was “gunned down” in                                                               that Nassar had moved to South Africa
Bay Harbour, in which a security guard        a gun battle. The Jerusalem Post said he was     authorities, and it was waiting for the         to distance himself from the gang-land
was shot and wounded and a 40-year-old        “stuck in the crossfire of a firefight between   results of an autopsy before his body was       fighting in Israel.
male shot and fatally wounded are under       armed men”.                                      brought back to Israel.                           Confusion surrounds his death.
investigation,” says Sergeant Wesley Twigg      Israeli media identified the man as               The Israeli Embassy in Pretoria said,        According to Walla news, a relative said the
of the South African Police Service Western   Nassar, but said he was 23. They reported        “An Israeli citizen was killed during a gun     family was originally told that he died in
Cape Media Centre.                            that he was a resident of the so-called          battle last Saturday in Cape Town. At the       a car accident. “Afterwards, there were all
  “According to reports, a shootout           “triangle”, a concentration of Israeli           moment, we have no further information          kinds of rumours that he was murdered.
between the victim and the deceased           Arab towns and villages adjacent to the          regarding this unfortunate incident             We still don’t really know exactly what
                                               Green Line. The 11 towns are home to            as relevant authorities are overseeing          happened.”
                                               about 250 000 Arab citizens of Israel,          the investigation. On the principle of            The Israeli foreign ministry said it was
                                               representing between 10% to 15% of              confidentiality, we’re not at liberty to        unaware of any other Israelis injured in the
                                               Israel’s Palestinian Arab population.           disclose any further details. The embassy is    incident, and its department for Israelis
                                                  TOI reported that Israel’s foreign           facilitating the repatriation of the deceased   abroad was helping to co-ordinate matters
                                               ministry said in a statement that it            to Israel. We share our condolences with the    with local authorities.
                                               was made aware that a citizen had been          family and friends of the deceased.”              Anyone with any information about this
                                               killed. Nassar’s family had hired a local          A family member told the Walla news          shooting incident can contact Crime Stop
                                               attorney to help deal with South African        site that Nassar was “a good guy”, and that     on 08600 10111.

                                               Generation Sinai joins the dots
                                               This year’s Generation
                                               Sinai on 2 November,
                                               the first in-person since
                                               2019, brought together
                                               parents and children in
                                               schools across the country
                                               to explore different facets
                                               of the Shabbos experience
                                               through the lens of ancient
                                               Torah sources. Here are
                                               families photographed at
                                               King David Schools while
                                               studying together.

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T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
3 – 10 November 2022                                                                                                                                                          SA JEWISH REPORT 5

Sisulu uses Jews to play the victim card
NICOLA MILTZ                                         criticise Ramaphosa.                                                                                             namely his ex-wife, Nkosazana
                                                     She’s suggested that                                                                                             Dlamini Zuma.

        ourism Minister Lindiwe Sisulu is using      the step-aside rule                                                                                                 In January this year, Sisulu landed
        the Jewish community to play the victim      be applied to him in                                                                                             in hot water after she launched an
        in what appears to be a point scoring        relation to the Phala                                                                                            outrageous attack on the country’s
game in the African National Congress (ANC)          Phala scandal, so she’s                                                                                          Constitution and judiciary when
presidential race.                                   certainly becoming                                                                                               she penned the now infamous open
                                                                                                                                                  Tourism Minister
   Sisulu told SABC News on Sunday,                  more and more                                                                                  Lindiwe Sisulu letter titled: “Hi Mzansi, have we
30 October, that the South African Jewish            outspoken as we move                                                                                             seen justice?” Which was published
community was enraged with her when,                 towards December in                                                                                              a day ahead of Ramaphosa’s delivery
as minister of international affairs and             an attempt to put a                                                                                              of the ANC’s annual January 8th
cooperation, she implemented the 2017 ANC            clear blue line between                                                                                          Statement.
resolution to downgrade the South African            her and the president,                                                                                              “The most dangerous African today
embassy in Israel to a liaison office. She went      to denigrate him, and                                                                                            is the mentally colonised African,”
on to complain that President Cyril Ramaphosa        show him up.                                                                                                     Sisulu wrote. “And when you put
didn’t “come to her rescue” at this tough time.         “The Israel issue is                                                                                          them in leadership positions or as
   The minister, also an ANC national executive      always an issue that can                                                                                         interpreters of the law, they are worse
committee member, has open ambitions to              be used as a political                                                                                           than your oppressor… In America,
take over the presidency from Ramaphosa.             football, and she’s trying to drive a wedge         seem to be extremely thin. They don’t have        these interpreters are called House Negroes.”
She went on to tell SABC News political editor       between herself and the president in a bid to       much ground.”                                        Sisulu was summoned by the president to
Mzwandile Mbeje that she was left “dangling          undermine his authority and his leadership,           According to reports, Sisulu has long           account for the article, the presidency issued
alone” when she carried out this controversial       and to show him up as some sort of inadequate       positioned herself as a presidential              a statement claiming that she had retracted it
resolution, which, in fact, wasn’t enacted as        president in the case of this particular ANC        hopeful, siding with the Radical Economic         and apologised, but she responded with a fierce
such. However, it has been so stripped of            resolution,” he said.                               Transformation faction. More recently, she        denial (effectively accusing Ramaphosa of lying),
resources, it is barely able to look after its          “It’s a terribly thin issue, and it has little   has reportedly teamed up with the candidate       and the presidency reiterated its statement and
own citizens in Israel, let alone perform the        relevance for the broader ANC. Her complaints       endorsed by former President Jacob Zuma,          called the matter closed.
normal range of diplomatic functions normally
expected of a foreign mission, according to
A Board of Deputies (SAJBD) national director
Wendy Kahn.
   However, Sisulu claimed that when she
executed this downgrade, she recalled how the                                                            JOIN SPECIAL ENVOY OF
Jewish community became “livid” and made
their views well known.
                                                                                                         THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
   She felt “punished by the Jewish community
and the ANC”, she said, as no one stood up
for her in saying that it was, in fact, an ANC

                                                                                                          Deborah Lipstadt
   “The Israeli representatives in the country
felt aggrieved,” Sisulu said, and she was
“publicly humiliated in their newspapers”.
   In the television interview, which covered
many other issues as well, she said she                                                                  at the SAJBD Gauteng Conference
expected Ramaphosa to come to her rescue as
“it was a public matter everybody could see”.
   “I would have expected him to say, ‘Look,
this is my minister, and I’m going to respect the
                                                                                                         Along with a panel discussion of the Masuku
resolutions of government.’ I was left dangling                                                          Constitutional Court judgement, chaired by
alone.” Asked if the president did anything
while she was being “attacked”, she said, “The                                                           Prof. Michael Katz and featuring panellists
                                                                                                         Adv. Wim Trengove SC, Adv. Carol Steinberg SC,
president kept quiet.”
   The interview took place just few weeks shy
of the ANC’s elective conference, with the race
for the top job intensifying and the tourism                                                             Adv. Christiaan Bester and Wendy Kahn.
minister making her ambitions for the top job
   The minister is “dredging up grievances from                                                          Thursday, 10 November
years ago to score political points and attack
the president”, said Professor Karen Milner, the                                                         6:30pm - light supper
                                                                                                         7:30pm - SAJBD Gauteng Conference
SAJBD national chairperson.
   “This seems to have more to do with internal
ANC issues than the Jewish community. But
it’s important to mention that the implication
that the Jewish community was out of line in
some way for holding the minister accountable
                                                                                                         Limited spaces, book now: sajbd.org
for her actions must be rejected.
   “As citizens of this country, the Jewish
community is entitled to express its views on
policies that affect it, and we’re surprised that                                                        Deborah Lipstadt is a historian, academic and the author
the minister would think otherwise,” Milner                                                              of award-winning books: “The Eichmann Trial”; “Denial:
   Steven Gruzd, an analyst at the South
                                                                                                         Holocaust History on Trial”; and “Denying the Holocaust:
African Institute of International Affairs, said,                                                        The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory”. As special
“It’s part of the moves before the ANC elective                                                          envoy, Lipstadt leads efforts to advance US foreign policy
conference in December to make President                                                                 to counter antisemitism around the world.
Ramaphosa look weak and indecisive. I don’t
think this is a big issue for anyone in the ANC
in the bigger picture. People are unlikely to fall
for her desperation and exasperation. The anti-
Ramaphosa are her target here. It’s election
season, and strange things happen.”
   Political analyst Daniel Silke agrees that
Sisulu is trying to “show Ramaphosa up” in any
way possible.                                                      Brought to you by

   “Lindiwe Sisulu is attempting to campaign
to become president of the ANC. She has
spent the past number of months – and
it’s reaching a crescendo – finding ways to
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
6 SA JEWISH REPORT                                                                                                                                                                       3 – 10 November 2022

 Jewish Report
      south african
                                                                                                    Riding a tiger – what could go
                                                                                                    wrong for Bibi?
   The source of quality content, news and insights

Speculation isn’t news                                                                              OPINION                                                                       ZVIKA BIKO ARRAN

W                                                                                                  I
             hen news broke last week that the                                                    srael’s polls closed hours ago, and it will take a          the election campaign. His slogan
             United States government had warned of                                               day or two to get the final results, but every vote         was, “Let’s show who the real bosses and landlords of
             a planned terrorist attack scheduled to                                              counts – even more so in such a close election.             this country are.” With a gun in his hand, he arrived
take place last weekend in Sandton, we were putting                                               In Israel’s electoral system, you have to get a certain     at scenes of recent terror attacks and shouted this
the final touches to our newspaper.                                                            percentage (3.25%) of the votes to be in the allocation        message at Arabs.
   But, as journalists do, we immediately got back                                             process for representatives in the Knesset. Four                  In the past four decades, Ben-Gvir has been the
on the story trail, and went about furiously making                                            Knesset seats is usually the minimum, or nothing.              provocateur of the far, far right. Now, he wants to be
calls and contacting people.                                                                      In this election – the fifth in the past four years – too   minister of homeland security. This is the person who
   There was a fair bit of panic around and a lot of                                           many parties are close to this threshold. My comments          stole the emblem off Yitzchak Rabin’s car a few months
speculation. Oh boy, we heard all sorts of things!                                             are based on four different exit polls of the Israeli          before he was assassinated. At the time, he said on
Can I say that it’s best not to share these crazy                                              media channels I worked with late into the night (on           camera, “We got this sign, and we can get you.” In his
stories we heard because they might create more                                                Tuesday, 1 November) after the polls closed.                   living room, Ben-Gvir also proudly hangs a photograph
panic – and we don’t need that. Suffice to say, we couldn’t back up any one of them, so           In all four samples, the direction is loud and clear:       honouring Baruch Goldstein who murdered 29
we let them fall by the wayside.                                                               Benjamin Netanyahu and his bloc are closer to getting          Muslims in the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in
   As journalists, we dare not put out speculation, particularly about threatened              a majority in Israel’s parliament. It means that the           Hebron.
violence, that’s not substantiated. Our hot-shot team even triple checked – in a very          deadlock after three years and five elections has been            Ben-Gvir is the true successor of the Kahana racist,
short space of time – that the warning was, indeed, from the American government.              broken.                                                        fascist, extreme-right movement. The only difference
   You see, in the days of fake news, it’s all too easy to mistake fiction for fact, and          In that case, Bibi and Likud would be able to form          is that its original leader, Meir Kahana, was boycotted
then find yourself in deep trouble.                                                            a pure right-wing government backed by his three               even by the then Likud prime minister. The prime
   There are websites that appear to be 100% legitimate news sites and they look               other allies: two haredi ultra-Orthodox parties and            minister left the hall with all members of the Knesset
almost identical to genuine news sites, but they’re fake, and they put out destructive,        one “religious Zionism” party. Those are the natural           in order not to hear Kahana’s addresses. Now, his
false news that appears to all intents and purposes like the real deal.                        partners.                                                      follower is the kingmaker and a popular figure in the
   These fake sites often put out “news” relating to Israel, spreading horrific rumours           Because of the number of votes, Netanyahu could             media and on the street.
that appear to be true – especially to those who already hate Israel and believe the           block any other option of an alternative coalition.               What does it say about the Israelis who followed him
worst from the Jewish state. To them, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to read so-        Under the current direction of the results, it seems Bibi      with so much support? It’s shocking and all too similar
called news about Israeli soldiers boiling Palestinian children in huge pots. Seriously,       has a better deck of cards to play with.                       to hear those kind of results for the Economic Freedom
I kid you not. Of course, such fake news spreads like wildfire, and only does                                                                                        Fighters in South Africa or for similar extreme-
damage.                                                                                 Benjamin Netanyahu                                                           right-wing parties in Italy, Sweden, or France.
   Suffice to say, as journalists, we have to tread carefully and verify our                                                                                            Nationalism, xenophobia, and the lack of
stories to the best of our ability.                                                                                                                                  personal security are key factors everywhere. It’s
   We couldn’t verify exactly what or whom was under threat of attack in                                                                                             the voice of this era and generation – we have to
Sandton. We knew that Joburg Pride was scheduled to go through Sandton,                                                                                              listen to its fears and distress.
but there were other events too, although none that anyone could firmly say                                                                                             The success of a Ben-Gvir in Israel raises more
was a real target.                                                                                                                                                   questions about populist leaders, poor media,
   So, when on Thursday morning we all woke up to online news that the                                                                                               and fragile democracies than about the Israeli
Joburg Pride march and Jewish comedian Nik Rabinowitz’s show were                                                                                                    society.
supposedly being targeted, we were a little taken aback. The piece went on to                                                                                           What does it say about Netanyahu’s new
say that sources said that though the exact target hadn’t been identified, the                                                                                       government? Bibi is responsible for the
pride march and the comedy show were to be held near one another.                                                                                                    legitimisation of Ben-Gvir. Netanyahu personally
   In one foul swoop, what all our sources had claimed was definitely not                                                                                            urged in previous elections acceptance of this
a threat focused on the Jewish community, by virtue of Rabinowitz’s                                                                                                  extreme faction into the political pact in order to
birthright, was made into a Jewish issue. That is, if, in fact, the sources were                                                                                     get few more votes to his side. He was riding a
correct.                                                                                                                                                             tiger, and created a poisonous mixture. Now he’ll
   However, just a little surface digging uncovered the fact that Rabinowitz                                                                                         get a taste of his own medicine.
was going to be performing at the lovely Theatre on the Square, but he wasn’t                                                                                           Bibi might prefer partners from the centre-right
going to be anywhere near Sandton last weekend. His shows start only this                                                                                            like Benny Gantz’s HaMachane HaMamlachti,
week. So, somehow, some sources got sauce on their face. Unfortunately, the                                                                                          but no-one from that party or the others (for that
damage is done. As many as 50 people cancelled tickets for the show that was                                                                                         matter), trusts Bibi anymore. He has stabbed all
actually showing at the Theatre on the Square last weekend.                                                                                                          his potential moderate partners in the back.
   And as many of us know, Daphne Kuhn has been admirable in being able                                                                                                 Another more critical reason why other
to keep her theatre going through the pandemic when its doors were firmly                                                                                            potential partners – other than Likud natural
shut and no shows could be performed there.                                                       On the other side, you find that some of the factions       allies the extreme-right wing with Ben-Gvir and
   All performers and theatre folk battled beyond understanding over lockdown                  are disparate and still struggling to be in the race           Smotrich and the haredim – aren’t relevant this time is
because there was no work. Now they’re back and starting to make a living again. In            and reach enough votes: the right-wing parties who             that they cannot back Netanyahu’s plans for “judicial
fact, this particular show that Rabinowitz is putting on is apparently about coming            oppose Bibi personally; the centre and left parties; and       and legal reforms”. In other words, they won’t back him
back to life after lockdown. In other words, this is his show to put the two years of          two to three Arab parties. Their nightmare of getting          in stopping his criminal trial.
pandemic behind him – and then this scare!                                                     even a few votes under the needed threshold isn’t yet             It’s too close to call, but we’ve seen enough to say
   I appreciate that if it’s true, then of course, the story must go out and everything        over. But even if most of them survive, it seems that          that Netanyahu has won, but it’s not his victory. The
must be done to prevent any attack, but how certain was this source or sources? I              the overall number won’t stop Netanyahu from getting           Likud probably got the same support and even less
guess we’ll never know.                                                                        into the prime minister’s office again.                        than previous elections. It’s Ben-Gvir who gained
   In the meantime, Kuhn has had to fork out lots of money to ensure that just in case            It’s not going to be a landslide or clear and solid         support from fresh electorates and brought a crucial
there’s something to these threats, she has extra security around her theatre and stars.       victory. Don’t buy those declarations. That’s what             addition to Bibi’s block.
   I’m fully behind sharing genuine information with the public. It’s our job, and I           politicians are supposed to say just as the polls close.          And on the other side, the split among Arab parties
have no idea how much checking was done in regard to this information. It may have                Like any good democracy, in this run, one side              and within other Zionist parties meant they didn’t
been absolutely verified, but if it wasn’t, it was unnecessarily cruel to put it out there. crossed the line a millisecond before the other, with a           quite make it to get enough seats to block Bibi. That’s
   But then, they say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, so hopefully, it will draw       few more votes. Israel didn’t fundamentally change on          democracy. Not “may the best person win”, only the
more people to watch Rabinowitz and go to the Theatre on the Square.                           the night of 1 November 2022.                                  better person.
   Meanwhile, as we get on with life here, Israel once again – for the fifth time in four         On one side, the runner came better prepared,                  Netanyahu, like a sphinx, will rise and rule again.
years – went to the polls. (See story on page 3 and Biko Arran’s opinion piece on this         concentrated, and ready – and probably won. On the             He recently celebrated his 73rd birthday. He’s already
page.)                                                                                         other, a bunch of runners together – but not really a team     the longest serving Israeli prime minister. And he’s
   Though an announcement had not yet been made at the time of going to print this             – wished for too many miracles simultaneously to reach         in court for three charges of corruption that’s being
week, it looked pretty certain that Bibi (Benjamin Netanyahu) was back in the prime            the line. Not even in order to win, just to finish alive.      heard on a daily basis. He also has solid opposition to
minister’s seat.                                                                                  What can we say about the results, even with no             him personally, politically, and publicly. Now he has a
   What is it about this man that he keeps getting back into power? He’s already the           official outcome yet?                                          lunatic political partner. It can’t go wrong!
longest serving prime minister. Does he have some secret way of manoeuvring the                   Religious Zionist party leader Bezalel Smotrich and            That is, unless he decides to make it his last tenure,
situation into his court, or does the Israeli population really believe that he’s the only     Otzma Yehudit’s leader, Itamar Ben-Gvir, and their             one in which to “clean up” and leave a glorious legacy
one to take their country forward? He’s facing charges of corruption, but still seems          extreme-right-wing parties had a joint run, gaining            with a deal or a plea. Unfortunately, it seems he’ll be
to be accepted back into this role.                                                            tremendous support of probably 12 to 15 seats in the           more tempted to adopt Hungary’s Orban or Turkey’s
   My opinions aside, I find it fascinating that we could have a situation like this.          Knesset. This works out to be more than 10% of the             Ardegan models, changing the vibrant democracy of
   I look forward to watching the scenario playing itself out and the changes that will        Knesset. Their formal brand name is “The Religious             Israel. Too close to call.
be implemented in Israel.                                                                      Zionism” but its constituency represents more the
   But for now, I wish you all Shabbat Shalom!                                                 “hardal” (haredi-religious-Zionists) – the stricter side of    • Zvika (Biko) Arran is a publicist, social entrepreneur,
                                                                                               religious Zionists.                                              lawyer, advisor to philanthropists, and has been in
Peta Krost                                                                                        The other “spice” and ingredient in this highly               Israel briefly, working on the elections. He lives in
Editor                                                                                         controversial dish is Itamar Ben-Gvir – the rockstar of          Johannesburg with his wife and four sons.
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
3 – 10 November 2022                                                                                                                                                              SA JEWISH REPORT 7

First Jewish SRC member in a decade aims to make UCT a ‘welcoming place for all’
TALI FEINBERG                                           Thirty people ran in the election, and            she takes on her role at the SRC.                    are and where you come from.”
                                                      Dodo came sixth out of the 15 that were                “Deputy secretary general is a big role, with        That means she wants Jewish students to

        rin Dodo has just faced the most              elected. The council is made up of three EFF        a lot of admin,” she says. It also entails being     “walk in and feel seen and heard, and never
        intense period of her life, battling          candidates, 10 independent candidates, and          chief operations officer and public relations        feel like they are on the sidelines”. She wants
        it out for one of 15 spots                                                                                            officer. Her responsibilities    them to get involved in their university, which
in the University of Cape Town’s                                                                                              include liaising with the        they worked hard to get into, and “deserve to
(UCT) highly politicised Student                                                                            Erin Dodo         department of student            feel part of”.
Representative Council (SRC).                                                                                                 affairs; chairing the SRC           Regarding Israel Apartheid Week, Dodo
   She broke all boundaries: standing                                                                                         media and communications         says, “Everything that happens needs to be
as ActionSA’s first nominee in a                                                                                              sub-committee; preparing         documented and reported, and if anyone on
university SRC election, being the first                                                                                      and publishing all               either side says anything untoward, it must be
Jewish person voted onto a UCT SRC                                                                                            SRC publications in              dealt with by the student committee. Though
in at least 10 years, and then being                                                                                          consultation with the            freedom of expression is important, it can
chosen as part of its executive as                                                                                            SRC; maintaining the SRC         border on hurtful and hateful. Our role is to
deputy secretary general.                                                                                                     website and student web          monitor that. People should know that what
   And for her, it’s just the beginning.                                                                                      facilities; and being the        they say has consequences.”
Born in the United States and raised                                                                                          chief publicity agent within        Dodo says the community, her family,
in Johannesburg, this 20-year-old                                                                                             the SRC.                         ActionSA, mentors, friends, and fellow
dynamo says she has been told that                                                                                              When fellow students           students have all been incredibly supportive
the politicised elections are nothing                                                                                         are enjoying the long            as she took this path. But at the same time,
compared to the year ahead on the                                                                                             summer holidays                  she has had to blaze her own trail. She
SRC. But she says she’s ready for                                                                                             ahead, the SRC will be           feels that more Jewish students should get
whatever comes her way.                                                                                                       strategising, planning, co-      involved in student politics, and that the
   Speaking to the SA Jewish Report                                                                                           ordinating, and meeting.         community can do more to prepare young
on the first day of her term in office,                                                                                       And though relationships         people to do that.
she says her role as chairperson of                                                                                           in the SRC are known to             “You do need to learn to be strong and
the South African Union of Jewish                                                                                             get heated, Dodo says they       not react. If you react, it will be used against
Students (SAUJS) in the Western Cape                                                                                          are “like friends in that we     you. So you have to stay firm. But the more
was the start of this journey. “I joined                                                                                      choose to work together          we shy away, the more we’ll be left out of the
SAUJS because I felt that Jewish                                                                                              and like family in that we       narrative. We need to say, ‘We don’t have a
people were left out of the narrative                                                                                         have to work together!           choice, this is who we are.’ If we stay in the
and activism. People don’t see us. But                                                                                        Just like family, we’ll fight    shadows, we’re never going to be heard.”
then I realised that I had a lot more                                                                                         but we’ll also keep forging         And, equipping youth with the tools and
to give and do. I wanted to make my voice             two ActionSA candidates.                            ahead.”                                              knowledge they need to step up needs to start
heard on an even bigger scale.”                          “It was an amazing feeling and a big relief.        Personally, her goal is to make the               young, Dodo says. “We’re told to ‘be Jewish
   She knew that running in the SRC                   This is the first time that ActionSA has put        university “more accepting and open”. “The           and proud’, but we also need to know why
elections was a major undertaking, but chose          forward candidates, and we won two seats.           past few years have been quite skewed by             and how to stand up and defend our people.
to take the leap. She didn’t want to run as an        It felt like all our hard work paid off. And as     political agendas. As the SRC, we have the           Teach your kids and re-teach yourself so that
independent candidate or for the Economic             a Jewish woman, it felt like an unparalleled        power to create the environment, an image            you can stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
Freedom Fighters (EFF), so ActionSA decided           accomplishment. I’ve done a lot, but this is        of campus, and a feeling of warmth, where            It can be uncomfortable, but ignorance is the
put its weight behind her. Dodo became                the first time I felt like I had really done this   everyone feels welcome, regardless of who you        opposite to progress.”
its communications director, and was                  for me. It was a beautiful feeling.”
nominated by the party.                                  It may have been a beautiful moment, but
   “It’s been a long process,” she says. “There       Dodo has been warned that student politics
was a lot of push back and politics. If you           can get ugly. “I’ve been told that everything
imagine university as like a country, then            about me will be used against me, that
the SRC elections is about choosing the               people will use bullying tactics. I said, ‘I know
government. So, obviously, there will be              this, and I will rise above it.’”
politics and people using anything they can              Dodo always wanted to move to Cape
against you. It’s about rising above that with        Town and go to UCT. She attended Crawford
tenacity and strength. People are willing to          College Sandton where she enjoyed the
use anything to put you down and weaken               diversity of students, and wanted the same
your morale. You deal with it by having a             for her university experience. She lived
strong team behind you and realising that             in residence in her first year, which also
it isn’t about you. In the grander scheme of          allowed her to meet people from all walks
things, you have to realise that you’re doing         of life. She’s studying political science and
this for the university and it’s a lot bigger         anthropology, which she says is “a lot of
than yourself.”                                       work”, but it’s only one ball she’s juggling as

Terrorism alert leaves Rabinowitz shaken but undeterred                                                       Independent living for senior citizens
>>Continued from page 1
   Security expert Jasmine Opperman told the
SA Jewish Report that there were many lessons
                                                      soured. It’s worrying. Some media reports said
                                                      South African security officials believe that the
                                                                                                                          From R11 999,00 per Month
learned. “The weekend has come and gone.              US scuttled an ongoing terror investigation.”                                 Affordable rates – no monthly levy
Terrorism hasn’t come and gone. The region’s             According to TimesLive, the US alert “blew up”          Situated in Orchards, Garden Place offers the ultimate in choice and value
vulnerability to terrorism is on the increase. We     a six-week antiterrorism operation by security                  for money when it comes to independent living for senior citizens
cannot sit back and relax now. If ever there was      authorities. “Of course, one doesn’t know what’s
                                                                                                              • Three different types of accommodation        • Relax at one of our pools in the
a need for intelligence services, investigation       true. However it bodes ill,” Solomon said.
                                                                                                                to choose from: standard rooms, studios         magnificent gardens and make use of
services like the Hawks to proceed in prioritising       The Community Security Organisation
                                                                                                                with kitchenette and cottages with              the 2 conference centres - ideal for card
reports related to terrorism, it’s now.”              this week reiterated that according to its
                                                                                                                lounge/dining room, bath and walk-in            games, lectures or even pilates classes.
   She said security forces were able to              information, “the threat remains credible”.
                                                                                                                shower plus fully equipped kitchen.           • All residents have the option of a panic
implement appropriate security measures,                 “It’s highly likely that nothing happened            • All units are fully furnished, have a           button with direct access to CAP and we
but questioned whether this would have been           because of the wide-ranging publicity and                 heated bathroom and are serviced                are easily accessible to doctors, dentists,
possible without due warning and intelligence.        strong security presence around greater                   5 days a week.                                  nurses, physios and Hatzolah.
   “Effective intelligence liaison is of utmost       Sandton and our community over this period.             • Rates include: Electricity, Wi-Fi and         • Management resides on the property.
importance in countering terrorism. The lack          We know that radicalised individuals and                  24-hour security, DStv, aircon, fridge,       • There is a daily shuttle to nearby malls
of effective co-ordination resulted in hysteria,      groups exist in South Africa and could choose             microwave, safe, cutlery and crockery,          and we are within walking distance
questions, and fear this is exactly what we don’t     to carry out an act of violence at any time.              linen and towels.                               to 4 shuls.
want to see when the word ‘terrorism’ comes up        Therefore, proactive and effective security             • There are 2 lounges and we cater for all      • Garden Place is a 4-star establishment
as a forewarning,” she said.                          should be part of our daily lives, with every             meals in our beautiful dining room and          and has been operating for more than
   Intelligence services need to streamline           community member being actively involved.                 braai area.                                     23 years.
the process of liaison with global intelligence       The stronger our security, the less likely we are
structures “irrespective of political differences”,   to be targeted.”                                                                         CALL US TO VIEW
                                                                                                                                            (under strict COVID-19 regulations)
Opperman said.                                           Meanwhile, Rabinowitz says he has
   Professor Hussein Solomon, senior professor        new material to work with following this
                                                                                                                                                   011 485 3800
                                                                                                                                                53 Garden Road
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of the past week were troubling. “Bilateral           Capetonians to book for his show at the Baxter
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relations between South Africa and the US have        from 17 to 19 November.
T south african The source of quality content, news and insights - Jewish Report
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