T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens

T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
Ge  t
w it h
t h e
   r ogram
School Holiday activities
July 2021
Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June
at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp


   @westtorrens         Brought to you by

T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
it h
                                                           Workshop 1: 12.30pm - 1.30pm.

 G  ett w
        w i t                                              Workshop 2: 2pm - 3pm.

               r a
                                                           Venue: Sun Room, Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker

 tthhe  P
        Prroo g
              g r                                          Terrace, Hilton.
                                                           Ages: Suitable for a parent/caregiver
                                                           and baby from 6 weeks old to crawling.
                                                           Bookings required.

                                                           Learn to play Luminous Ages - CANCELLED
 Monday 5 July to Friday 16 July
                                                           Learn to play the game Luminous Ages with the
                                                           creator Anthony Christou! The Luminous Ages card
‘GeoExplore’ geocache scavenger hunt                       game is a collectible card game with multiple ways to
Geocaching is a treasure hunt with something for           play, making it accessible to all level players. If you like
everyone. We have hidden geocaches across West             games like Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering or Yugioh
Torrens. Using map coordinates and your phone              you will love this epic dragon battle game! Copies of
or other GPS device, can you find them all? Each           the original board game box ‘Dragon Mode’ will be
geocache has a stamp inside, so make sure to get your      available to purchase plus expansions, Luminous Ages
GeoExplore Passport stamped (found in the Get With         comics, puzzles and merchandise. Rules are available
The Program brochure), and then collect a giveaway         here: https://bit.ly/3wLk2ly
from the Hamra Centre Library.                             Venue: West Torrens Auditorium, 1 Brooker Terrace,
Each geocache also contains info about local services      Hilton.
for young people to learn about along the way.             Time: 1pm - 3pm.
To join in the fun, go to                                  Ages: 10 and over.
                                                           No bookings required.
This event is proudly brought to you by the SRC
Wellbeing Ambassadors at Plympton International
College. It is part of their ‘Youth-led Resilience after
Lockdown Project’, in collaboration with Red Cross
and the City of West Torrens.

                                                            Tuesday 6 July

                                                           Robogals robotics sessions
                                                           At this workshop you will get an introduction to
                                                           engineering, hear from university engineering and
                                                           STEM students, and gain hands on experience
 Monday 5 July                                             programming robots. By the end of the session your
                                                           robot will be able to move, sense and battle against
Baby massage workshop                                      the other robots. No prior coding experience is
Come and join Emma from First Senses for a baby            needed. Robogals Adelaide run free engineering and
massage session. Emma is a qualified and registered        technology workshops in schools around SA. They
infant massage instructor and she will teach some          focus on encouraging girls in primary and secondary
simple massage techniques for your little one. At the      school to explore an interest in STEM and develop self-
session you will receive a goodie bag with information     confidence in these areas.
and free samples including a bottle of cold-pressed        Venue: West Torrens Auditorium, 1 Brooker Terrace,
organic massage oil to help with massaging your baby       Hilton.
at home.                                                   Workshop 1: 7 - 9 years, 10.30am - 12noon.
T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
Workshop 2: 10 -12 years, 12.30pm - 2pm.
Workshop 3: 13 years and over, 2.30pm - 4pm.               Friday 9 July
Bookings required.
                                                           ‘Bouncing back!’ community fun fair at AFL Max
                                                           The SRC Wellbeing Ambassadors at Plympton
                                                           International College have worked hard to bring you
                                                           this fun, entertaining and informative event! Soar to
                                                           new heights on the trampolines in the aerial zone,
                                                           or bounce around the inflatable giants in the bump
                                                           zone. Test your climbing skills as you reach the top of
                                                           the rock climbing walls in the climb zone. Check out
                                                           the interactive stalls and have a chat to local youth
                                                           services to learn more about what they can do for
                                                           you, and then finish at the photo booth!
                                                           Venue: AFL Max,
                                                           32 Butler Boulevard,
                                                           Adelaide Airport.
Wednesday 7 July                                           Time: 4.30pm - 6.30pm
                                                           please arrive 15 minutes
Drop in craft session                                      early for sign-in.
Drop into the library and get crafty! Decorate a library   Ages: 7 - 17 years. Supervision by a parent / guardian
bag, make some sand art and more.                          or carer REQUIRED for anyone under 18 at this event.
Venue: Children’s area, Hamra Centre Library,              Bookings required.
1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.                                 This event is proudly brought to you by the SRC
Time: Drop in between 10am - 12noon.                       Wellbeing Ambassadors at Plympton International
Ages: 4 and up.                                            College. It is part of their ‘Youth-led Resilience after
                                                           Lockdown Project’, in collaboration with Red Cross
No bookings required.
                                                           and the City of West Torrens.

 Thursday 8 July
                                                            Monday 12 July & Tuesday 13 July
Hatching eggs
                                                           SnookerSA come and try
Join Active Education for this hands on workshop to
make your own dragon hatching egg!                         Learn to play the amazing game of snooker with
                                                           accredited coaches. Have fun and enjoy the world
Venue: Sun Room, Hamra Centre Library,                     class tables and facility. For more information about
1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.                                 SnookerSA visit snookersa.com.au
Workshop 1: 10am - 11am, ages 5 - 8.                       Venue: SnookerSA, 57 Milner Road, Richmond
Workshop 2: 11.15am - 12.15 pm, ages 9 - 12.               (first level, West Adelaide Football Club).
Bookings required.                                         Time: 11am - 1pm.
                                                           Ages: 11 - 17 years.
Glenelg Baseball Club come and try                         Bookings required.
Have you ever wanted to try baseball and to see if
it’s right for you? Or are you already playing baseball
and looking to join a new club? This is your chance
                                                            Wednesday 14 July
to come along and try out the facilities at Glenelg
Baseball Club. Receive expert tuition from coaches and     Special illustrator visit - Tsunami Hee Ja
division one players.                                      Learn to draw all kinds of furry, finned and feathered
There will also be free merchandise giveaways              critters in a workshop run by local illustrator Tsunami
and a free sausage sizzle lunch for all parents and        Hee Ja. With fun demonstrations and an informative
participants from 12.30pm - 1.30pm.                        instruction sheet, you’ll be confidently sketching your
Venue: Diamond Sports Indoor Training Facility,            own wild creatures in no time!
Barratt Reserve, West Beach Road, West Beach.              Venue: Sun Room, Hamra Centre Library,
Session 1: 10am – 12.30pm, ages 5 - 10.                    1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.
Session 2: 1.30pm – 4pm, ages 11 - 16.                     Time: 10.30am - 11.30am.
Bookings required.                                         Ages: 8 years and over.
                                                           Bookings required.
T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
Bookings required separately for each film.
 Thursday 15 July                                           This event has been proudly brought to you by the
                                                            SRC Wellbeing Ambassadors at Plympton International
iPad investigators                                          College. It is part of their ‘Youth-led Resilience after
                                                            Lockdown Project’, in collaboration with Red Cross
Join Tenille from our digital literacy team and discover
                                                            and the City of West Torrens. Thank you to the Local
some great new apps on our iPads. Explore a mix
                                                            Government Association of SA’s Youth-led COVID-19
of fun and educational apps including Scratch Jr,
                                                            recovery grant for making this event possible.
GoNoodle, Toca Nature, Bloxels and more.
Session 1: 1pm - 1.45pm, ages 4 - 6.
Session 2: 2.15pm - 3pm, ages 6 - 8.                         Friday 16 July
Venue: Sun Room, Hamra Centre Library,
1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.                                  Aussie animal experience
Bookings required.                                          A chance to meet a range of our native Australian
                                                            invertebrates, frogs, lizards, snakes and marsupials and
                                                            learn about their unique and fascinating lives.
                                                            Venue: Children’s area, Hamra Centre Library,
                                                            1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.
                                                            Time: 10.30am - 11.30am.
                                                            Ages: 3 years and over
                                                            No booking required.

‘Screeneries’ movie marathon
The SRC Wellbeing Ambassadors at Plympton
International College can’t wait to bring you their
movie marathon, featuring films chosen voted by
students across the school. Come and watch all three         All School Holidays
movies or just one! Learn about local services for
young people and take some free giveaways.                  Drop in craft pack
Venue: Thebarton Community Centre, corner South             Drop into the library during the school holidays and
Road and Ashwin Parade, Torrensville.                       pick up a craft kit to take home! One per child,
2.30pm: Shrek (PG) 1 hour and 35 minutes.                   supplies limited.
Ages: 5 years and over.                                     Story Box Library - story time at home!
From Australian Council on Children and the Media:
                                                            Enjoy story time, any time! Have you checked out the
Not recommended under 5, parental guidance
                                                            awesome Story Box Library? Story Box Library allows
recommended 5 - 12, coarse language; violence.
                                                            children to view stories online that are read aloud by
4.30pm: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar                  many different storytellers. Using your library card you
Children (M) 2 hours and 8 minutes.                         can engage with hundreds of stories and select an
Ages: 13 years and over.                                    accompanying activity time for creativity and play!
From Australian Council on Children and the Media:          Visit: storyboxlibrary.com.au/login
Not recommended for children under 13, parental             To log in, please select ‘Library’ under log in heading,
guidance recommended for 13 - 15 year olds due to           and then ‘City of West Torrens Library” from the drop
violence, and disturbing scenes and themes.                 down box.
7pm: A Silent Voice (M) 2 hours and 10 minutes.             Toy library
Ages: 14 years and over.                                    Stuck for something to do today? Pop into the library
From Australian Council on Children and the Media:          and check out the toys, dress ups, games and sporting
Not recommended under 14, due to scenes likely to           equipment we have available for loan. All library
scare younger viewers and themes, particularly that of      members can borrow sporting equipment, however
suicide. The film is in Japanese with subtitles so may be   only adult members can borrow toys and games.
difficult for younger viewers to follow.                    Membership is free.
T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
G  e t
     t w
       w i
            h       activity
       Prroo g
                amm calendar

Monday             Tuesday             Wednesday               Thursday             Friday
5 July             6 July              7 July                  8 July               9 July

12.30pm - 1.30pm   10.30am - 12noon    10am                    10am - 11am          4.30pm - 6.30pm
Baby massage       Robogals robotics   Drop in craft session   Hatching eggs        ‘Bouncing back!’
workshop           session                                     10am - 12.30pm       community fun
                                                                                    fair at AFL Max
                   12.30pm - 2pm                               Glenelg Baseball
                   Robogals robotics                           Club come and try
                   session                                     11.15am - 12.15pm
                   2.30pm - 4pm                                Hatching eggs
                   Robogals robotics                           1.30pm - 4pm
                   session                                     Glenelg Baseball
                                                               Club come and try

Monday             Tuesday             Wednesday               Thursday             Friday
12 July            13 July             14 July                 15 July              16 July

11am - 1pm         11am - 1pm          10.30am - 11.30am         1pm - 1.45pm       10.30am - 11.30am
SnookerSA come     SnookerSA come      Special illustrator visit iPad investigators Aussie animal
and try            and try             Tsunami Hee Ja                               experience
                                                                 2.15pm - 3pm
                                                                 iPad investigators

                                                               Shrek (PG)

                                                               Miss Peregrine’s
                                                               Home for Peculiar
                                                               Children (M)

                                                               A Silent Voice (M)
T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
• The following activities require bookings:                       Wet / inclement weather
- Baby massage workshop, Monday 5 July.                            For outdoor programs, please check westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp
- Robogals robotics sessions, Tuesday 6 July.                      on the morning of the program for any location updates.
- Glenelg Baseball Club come and try, Wednesday 7 July             If heavy rain or storms are forecasted, programs may be
                                                                   moved indoors or cancelled.
- Hatching eggs, Thursday 8 July.
- ‘Bouncing back!’ community fun fair at AFL Max,                  Behaviour
  Friday 9 July.                                                   • The City of West Torrens does not tolerate unacceptable
- SnookerSA come and try, Monday 13 July and                         behaviour.
  Tuesday 14 July.                                                 • Should unacceptable behaviour occur, the participant(s)
- Special illustrator visit Tsunami Hee Ja, Wednesday 14 July.       will first receive a warning; if the unacceptable behaviour
- iPad investigators, Thursday 15 July.                              persists, the participant(s) will be asked to leave the
- ‘Screeneries’ movie marathon,
   Thursday 15 July - separate bookings required for each of
   the three movies.

• Please be aware that some activities have small participant
  numbers and as a result book out quickly.
• There are no waiting lists for activities.
• Event bookings can be made online at westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp
  or by phone on 8416 6228 during library opening hours.
• Event bookings are managed through the Eventbrite
  website and your booking is only confirmed if you receive
  a confirmation email from Eventbrite. If this does not
  occur, please try again or contact us. You are allowed
  up to 8 minutes to complete your booking before your
  session times out.
• If you are unable to attend an activity after making a
  booking, it is essential you notify us of your cancellation.
• You can notify us by:
- Email library@wtcc.sa.gov.au.
- Phone on 8416 6228 during library open hours, or
  alternatively contact our Service Centre on 8416 6333
  between 8.30am and 5pm Monday through Friday.
- In person at the Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker Terrace,
- Failure to notify us of your cancellation within 24 hours
  of the activity may result in being refused entry to future


         @westtorrens                          Brought to you by

T h e School Holiday activities July 2021 - Registrations will open at 10am on Monday 28 June at www.westtorrens.sa.gov.au/gwp - City of West Torrens
The GeoExplore geocaches are hidden at 9 local parks within the City of West Torrens.
Each geocache container has one stamp inside. Stamp the boxes below and if you can find at least
6 geocaches then head to the Hamra Centre Library for a free giveaway. Note: only one giveaway
per household. From Monday 5 July you can access the list of locations along with the clues to find
them at westtorrens.sa.gov.au/geoexplore

                                                                                           The geocache
                                                                                           container will
                                                                                          look something
                                                                                             like this.
You can also read