Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad

Page created by Jeffery Nguyen
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020

Carlsbad Reads Together brings community members together and engages them in discussion about the
same selection of books at the same time. Throughout April 2020, we'll host book discussions, a visit from author
Tara Westover, Human Library, writing workshop and more. Sponsored by Friends of the Carlsbad Library.

About the 2020 Selections                                         About the Authors
                   Educated by Tara Westover                                         Tara Westover
                   Born to survivalists in the mountains                              Tara Westover is an American author.
                   of Idaho and isolated from mainstream                              Born in Idaho to a father opposed to
                   society, Tara Westover was 17 the                                  public education, she never attended
                   first time she set foot in a classroom.                            school. She spent her days working in
                   Lacking a formal education, she began                              her father's junkyard or stewing herbs
                   to educate herself. Her quest for                                  for her mother, a self-taught herbalist
                   knowledge transformed her, taking her                              and midwife. Taught to read by an older
                   over oceans and across continents, to          brother, her education was erratic and incomplete. She
                   Cambridge, Harvard and beyond.                 was seventeen the first time she set foot in a classroom.
                                                                  After that first encounter with education, she pursued
                   Young Adult Selection                          learning for a decade, graduating magna cum laude from
                   The Reader by Traci Chee                       Brigham Young University in 2008 and subsequently
                   What would you do if no one in the             winning a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. She earned
                   world could read? What if you could            an MPhil from Trinity College, Cambridge in 2009, and
                   read and had no books? Find the answer         in 2010 was a visiting fellow at Harvard University. She
                   in Traci Chee's The Reader, the first in the   returned to Cambridge, where she was awarded a PhD in
                   Sea of Ink and Gold trilogy.                   history in 2014.
                                                                  Educated is her first book. (from:

                                                                                     Traci Chee
                            Children’s Selection                                     Traci Chee is a New York Times
                            Nothing Stopped Sophie                                   bestselling author of young adult
                            by Cheryl Bardoe                                         fiction. She has written four books
                            The true story of 18th-century                           including the Sea of Ink and Gold trilogy
                            mathematician Sophie                                     as well as the upcoming We Are Not Free
                            Germain. When her parents                                (releasing June 2020).
                            took away her candles to
                            keep her from studying                                   Cheryl Bardoe
                            math… nothing stopped                                    Cheryl Bardoe is an award-winning
                            Sophie. When male math                                   author of books for children and young
scholars said a math problem was impossible to solve, she                            readers. She is also a teacher, questioner
went on to solve the unsolvable to achieve her dream.                                and thinker. Her books inspire curiosity
                                                                                     and explore the world around us.
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad
Carlsbad Reads Together Events
® Carlsbad City Library        1775 Dove Lane
® Georgina Cole Library        1250 Carlsbad Village Drive       Sunday, April 19, 2 – 4 p.m.
® C
  arlsbad City Library                                          Carlsbad City Library Gowland Meeting Room
  Learning Center              3368 Eureka Place                 The Human Library is a library where real people are
                                                                 the books and reading is a conversation. Living Books
Admission is free for all events.                                (people with a particular life experience or story to tell)
                                                                 are available to “check out” for a 20-minute conversation.
Book Discussions                                                 Every “book” represents a group in our society that may be
                                                                 subjected to prejudice because of their lifestyle, diagnosis,
Read Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover                         belief, ethnic origin, etc. More information about the event
and join us for a lively discussion.                             is available at
Carlsbad City Library
Gowland Meeting Room                                             Writing Workshop
Wednesday, April 1, 2 p.m
Monday, April 20, 7 p.m.
                                                                 Introduction to Memoir Writing
                                                                 With Marni Freedman
                                                                 Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. – noon
Georgina Cole Library
                                                                 Georgina Cole Library Community Room
Community Room
                                                                 Have you always wanted to write a memoir but don’t
Tuesday, April 7, 7 p.m.
                                                                 know where to start? This workshop will get you started
Thursday, April 9, 2 p.m.
                                                                 on your journey toward creating a dynamic, original
                                                                 and well-structured memoir. Marni Freedman is a
Spanish Language Book Club at
                                                                 produced, published and award-winning writer. For more
Library Learning Center
                                                                 information, call 760-602-2055.
Tuesday, April 21, 10 a.m.
Una Educación por Tara Westover
                                                                 An Evening With Tara Westover
                                                                 Monday, April 27, 6:30 p.m.
                                                                 Carlsbad City Library Schulman Auditorium
   Carlsbad Film Series                                          Tara Westover will discuss and sign her book Educated.
                                                                 Seating is limited. Free tickets, one per person, will be
   Carlsbad City Library, Schulman Auditorium                    given out at Schulman Auditorium beginning at 5 p.m.
   Arrive any time after 5:30 p.m. to watch special features.    on April 27. For more information, call 760-602-2055.
   Films include a pre-show introduction and optional post-
   show discussion.

   Wednesday, April 15, 6 p.m.
                                                                 Exploration HUB
   Captain Fantastic (2016, R, 1h 58m)                           Carlsbad City Library
   After living in isolation for a decade, a father devoted to   Carlsbad Reads Together classes in the HUB will include:
   raising his six kids is forced to reintegrate into society.
                                                                   • Beginning Silhouette Cameo: College T-Shirt
   Wednesday, April 22, 6 p.m.
   Leave No Trace (2018, PG, 1h 49m)                               • Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Book Bag
   A man and his daughter live peacefully off the grid, until      • Beginning Tinkercad 3D Design: Pencil Holder
   they’re forced into a new, noisy world.                         • Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Vision Board
   Wednesday, April 29, 6 p.m.                                     • Tween Beginning Silhouette Cameo: Pencil Bag
   The Biggest Little Farm (2018, PG, 1h 31m)
                                                                   • Teen Beginning Tinkercad 3D Design: School Memories
   Documentarian John Chester and his wife Molly work
                                                                      Photo Frame
   to develop a sustainable farm on 200 acres outside
   of Los Angeles.
                                                                 Visit for class dates and times.
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad
Youth and Family Events                                      Terrific Tuesday: Rebel Thinkers
                                                             Tuesday, April 28, 3:30 pm
                    Tween Scene
                                                             Carlsbad City Library
                    Monday, April 6, 3:30 p.m.
                                                             Gowland Meeting Room
                    Georgina Cole Library
                                                             Learn about famous women in science and humanities
                    Community Room
                                                             with fun activities related to their achievements.
                    Students in 4th-6th grade are
                                                             For grades K – 5.
                    invited to jump into the zany world
                    of Dav Pilkey's Dog Man. Because of
                                                             Natural Wonders of California
                    his learning disabilities, author Dav
                                                             Thursday, April 23, 3:30 p.m.
                    Pilkey was often sent out into the
                                                             Library Learning Center
hallway in elementary school where he created comic
                                                             Community members of all ages are invited to learn
books. Through his persistence and love of reading,
                                                             about the culinary and medicinal use of some of our
his comics evolved to the beloved series of books,
                                                             local native plants. Seating limited.
Captain Underpants and Dog Man.

Book Explorers Open House
Thursday, April 9, 4 p.m.
Carlsbad City Library                                        Events Just for Teens
Gowland Meeting Room
A reading and discussion of Nothing Stopped                                        Book Warriors Book Club
Sophie by Cheryl Bardoe for grades 4 – 6.                                          The Reader
                                                                                     Tuesday, April 21, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
STEAMworks Expo                                                                      Carlsbad City Library
Saturday, April 18, 2 p.m.                                                           Study Room 234A & 234B
Carlsbad City Library                                                                What would you do if no one in
Gowland Meeting Room                                                                 the world could read? What if you
Experience the wonders of neuroscience with                                          could read and had no books?
makerspace activities to celebrate the power                                         Find the answer in Traci Chee's The
of your brain. For grades K – 5.                             Reader, the first in the Sea of Ink and Gold trilogy.

                    Earth Day and The Boy                    Doomsday Survivalist Escape Room
                    Who Harnessed the Wind                   Friday, April 17, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
                      Tuesday, April 21, 3:30                Library Learning Center
                      Georgina Cole Library                  Teens in grades 6 – 12
                      Community Room                         How sharp are your survival skills? Come and find
                      Kids in grades K – 3 are invited to    out if you have what it takes to survive Doomsday.
                      celebrate Earth Day by learning        Seating limited.
                      about William Kamkwamba whose
                      Malawi village was hit by a drought.
Having no money for food, let alone school, he spent his
days in the library and learned how to make a windmill
that brought water to the village. Enjoy the story and
activities then make your own wind turbine.

                                                                   Event titles and themes are subject to change.
                                                                  For more information on all events in this guide
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad
Further Reading Suggestions                             Discussion Questions
The Sound of Gravel: A Memoir by Ruth Wariner.          Educated by Tara Westover
Call Number B Wariner, R.                               1.  Tara has titled her book Educated and much of her
                                                             education takes place in classrooms, lectures or other
Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival and        university environments, but not all. What other
My Journey from Homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray            important moments of “education” were there? What
Call Number 362.74 MUR                                       friends, acquaintances or experiences had the most
                                                             impact on Tara? What does that imply about what an
Unfollow: A Memoir of Loving and                             education is?
Leaving the Westboro Baptist Church
by Megan Phelps-Roper                                   2. W
                                                            estover eventually finds her voice and realizes it’s just
Call Number 286.5 PHE                                      as powerful as the people who have influenced her life.
                                                           What is voice, and how important is it that every child
Dignity: Seeking Respect in Back                           be encouraged to find their own?
Row America by Chris Arndae
                                                        3. How does education change Westover’s view of her
Call Number 362.5 ARN
                                                             childhood? How does she come to terms with how she
                                                             was raised once she knows the value of education?
Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of
Growing Up Cult by Jayabti Tamm                         4. Tara wrote this at the age of 30, while in the midst of her
Call Number 294.5 TAM                                       healing process. Why do you think she chose to write it
                                                            so young, and how does this distinguish the book from
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family                       similar memoirs?
and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance
Call Number 305.562 VAN                                 5. What impact does Westover’s pursuit of formal
                                                            education have on her parents and family?
The Girl’s Guide to Homelessness:
A Memoir by Brianna Karp                                6. Ultimately, what type of freedom did education
Call Number 362.5 KAR                                       give Tara?

Women Talking: A Novel
by Miriam Toews
Call Number Toews, M

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
Call Number Hannah, K

The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls
Call Number 362.82 WAL
OR – The Glass Castle
by director Daniel Destin Cretten
Little Faith: A Novel (Large Print)
by Nickolas Butler
Call Number Butler, N

Ordinary Girls: A Memoir by Jaquira Diaz                          Sponsored by Friends of the Carlsbad Library.
Call Number 818.603 DIA
Carlsbad Reads Together 2020 - City of Carlsbad
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