Drivers Education Behind the Wheel (BTW) Restart 2020-2021

Drivers Education Behind the Wheel (BTW) Restart 2020-2021

CHCCS administration recommends a restart of the Driver Education “behind the wheel” (BTW)
instruction for high school students who have completed the classroom portion of the driver
education program.

Currently, CHCCS works with Jordan Driving School of the Carolinas (JDSC) as the sole provider of
driver education in the district. JDSC is currently providing the classroom portion of driver education
through virtual learning. JDSC works with several school districts around the state and currently
CHCCS is the only district that has not restarted the BTW instruction. JDSC has successfully
restarted BTW in Bladen, Craven, Franklin, Lenoir, Nash, Person, and Vance counties. Across
North Carolina school districts, 102 are offering BTW, 13 have not restarted as of September
17th. Many parents who have the financial means can privately contract with one of the driving
schools to have their child complete driver education program including BTW outside of the school
district. This leaves the students with financial instability and possibly other at-risk factors the ones
who are not completing the BTW completion requirement for the driver education certificate to be

NC House Bill 158: Covid-19 New Driver Response temporarily waived the Division of Motor Vehicle
requirement that applicants pass a road test to obtain a Level 2 limited provisional license. Also,
Public schools were authorized to resume driver education programs in accordance with guidance
issues from the Department of Public Instruction. Driver education requirements include 6 hours of
BTW driving.

The administration recommends a restart of the BTW program on October 3, 2020 following a strict
set of guidelines from the DPI, DHHS, CDC and local health officials. Summary of key protocol:

    •   Behind the Wheel driving would be optional for students at this time (students could
        continue to wait to take the behind the wheel instruction)
    •   Driver and student daily screening for COVID related symptoms including temperature
        checks (must be below 100.4) are required
    •   Wearing of face masks (medical grade) and PPE provided by the district
    •   Use of hand sanitizer, washing of hands (where available) and cleaning/disinfecting of
        cars before, after and between student groups;
    •   Only two students per car at a time (driver and one rear passenger)
    •   Circulation of fresh air, windows down when feasible and safe to do so
    •   Contact tracing and notification to close contacts if COVID is reported among instructors
        or students with students assigned to groups for driving segments keeping the same
        students and drivers together
    •   Students that are ill, have symptoms or have had recent exposure (within 14 days) to
        someone with COVID-19 would be ineligible to participate in the BTW
    •   Students needing to leave cars for restroom breaks would be done at school facilities or
        the district office to minimize risk associated with stops at public facilities.
    •   Students are dropped off and picked up by their parents at the school location to meet
        the driver education instructor with the vehicle.
JDS CAROLINAS, INC.                       COVID WAIVER
 I, the undersigned below, acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the
 CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further
 acknowledge that JDS Carolinas, Inc, hereafter referred to as JDSC, has put into place preventative
 measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I further acknowledge that JDSC, cannot
 guarantee that I will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of
 becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions,
 omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, JDSC employees, public and
 private school employees, parents and their families. I voluntarily seek employment and job
 assignments provided by JDSC and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the
 Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I must comply with all JDSC procedures to reduce the spread
 while performing my duties.

 I attest that:
     1. I am not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty
        breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new
        loss of taste or smell.
     2. I have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
         I have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14
     3. I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the
     4. I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by
        state or local public health authorities.
     5. I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to
        the Coronavirus/COVID-19.

I hereby release and agree to hold JDSC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my heirs, and any
personal representatives of any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and
compensation for damage or loss to myself and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to
act, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with my employment with JDS Carolinas, Inc. I
understand that this release discharges JDSC from any liability or claim that I, my heirs, or any personal
representatives may have against JDSC with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical
treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any part of my employment
agreement. This liability waiver and release extends to JDS Carolinas, Inc. together with the owner, board
members and employees.

 Employee Name (Print) ____________________________________               Date: ____________

 Employee Signature: _____________________________________

 JDSC Employer: ____________________________________________              Date: ____________

 Effective Date July 20,2020

With my signature below, I acknowledge the following:

               I have attended JDS Carolinas, Inc Behind the Wheel Training
               I have been asked, read and understand the policy
              JDSC staff has reviewed the safety protocols with me
              I understand my responsibility to perform the recommended safety
               protocols to provide the safest environment possible for myself and my
              I have been provided the opportunity to ask questions concerning any part
              This signed copy will be placed in my personnel file

             RETURNING TO WORK ON OR AFTER JULY 20, 2020
JDS Carolinas has been given the authority by the local school systems to resume driving
students beginning July 20, 2020. To guarantee that JDS Carolinas, Inc properly staffs
schools based on the contracted obligations with the local school systems, the JDS
Personnel Director needs your assistance. JDS Carolinas, Inc needs your commitment to
ensure Behind the Wheel Training is available at all contracted school locations as we
resume operations beginning July 20, 2020. Please indicate your intent of returning to
work with JDS Carolinas, Inc below.

         _____ I plan to return to work on July 20, 2020

         _____ I am NOT planning to return to work on July 20, 2020, and I will provide my
               formal decision in writing to the JDS Personnel Director.

         _____ I am unsure at this time, and will provide an updated decision no later than
               90-days to the JDS Personnel Director

__________________________________________________________        _________________
Name (Print)                                                      Date


Effective July 20, 2020


Instructor Requirements:
         1. Instructor will agree that they want to work but will not be penalized for wanting to
         2. BTW instructors who want to get back to instruction will contact the students in
            order of the eye permits they are still holding. They must start with any student
            who is in the middle of their 6 hours. Students will not be penalized or be moved to
            the back of the line if they want to wait a bit longer before finishing or starting
         3. All instructors will wear a mask at all times (with ear loops) and practice 6 ft. social
            distancing while instructing outside of the vehicle and when conversing with
         4. Instructors will take their own temperatures and review health questions prior to
            reporting to work.
         5. Prior to entering the vehicle and in between student drivers being behind the wheel,
            instructors will wash their hands and fingers with soap and water for at least 20
            seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, they will use a hand sanitizer
            that contains at least 60% alcohol. All hand surfaces and fingers must be covered
            and then rubbed together vigorously until they feel dry.
         6. The use of disinfecting wipes will be used to wipe down the steering column, E-
            Brake, door handles, dash area and seatbelt release between each student taking
            the driver seat. Gloves should be used by instructor while wiping car. Also, everyone
            in the vehicle will use hand sanitizer (must be at least 60% alcohol based), each time
            a student driver switches into the front seat. There must be dry time for both the
            disinfecting wipes and the hand sanitizer.
         7. Students will continue to start and end each BTW session in their assigned school’s
            parking lot. They will not have access to enter the school for any reason
         8. At least 2 Windows will be cracked to move outside air through the vehicle.
         9. Student personal items including cell phones will be stored separately in the trunk of
            the vehicle throughout the duration of the session.

Potential Added Safety Measures:
         1. Required face covering for instructor (mask, with ear loops) and a face covering with
            ear loops is required for anyone in the vehicle.
         2. JDSC is authorized to require any additional safety requirement that they deem

Instructors must:
         1. Take student’s temperature prior to attending session.

Effective Date July 20, 2020


          a. If temperature is 100.4 or less and the answer to ALL health questions are NO,
              the student may attend the session
          b. If temperature is 100.5 or above and/or the answer to ANY health question is
              YES, the student CANNOT attend the session
    2. Review the following health question
          a. If the answer to any health question is YES, the student should not attend the
          b. If YES to any health questions, contact parent/guardian
          c. Student can be rescheduled if showing any signs/symptoms of illness
    3. Ask the following questions;
          1. Do you have any of the following?
                             i. Flu-like symptoms
                             ii. Chills
                             iii. Aching
                             iv. Nausea
                             v. Headache
                             vi. Cough
                             vii. Shortness of Breath

Effective Date July 20, 2020

STUDENT Name: ___________________________________
STUDENT Temperature: #1_____ #2_____ #3_____#4_____
INSTRUCTOR Initials:   _____ _____ _____ _____

     1. Students and Instructors will agree that they want to participate in Behind the Wheel Training, and
              will not be penalized for wanting to wait.
         2. BTW instructors who want to get back to instruction will contact the students in order of the eye
              permits they are still holding, starting with any student who is in the middle of their 6 hours. Students
              will not be penalized or be moved to the back of the line if they want to wait a bit longer before
              finishing or starting instruction.
         3.   All students and instructors will practice 6 ft. social distancing while instructing outside of the vehicle
              and when conversing with parents.
         4.   Instructors will take their own temperatures and review health questions prior to reporting to
              work. Prior to entering the vehicle and, in between student drivers being behind the wheel,
              instructors will wash their hands and fingers with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and
              water are not readily available, they will use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover
              all surfaces of your hands and fingers and rub them together vigorously until they feel dry.
         5.   Disinfecting wipes will be used to wipe down the steering column, E-Brake, door handles, dash area,
              and seatbelt release between each student taking the driver seat. Gloves should be used by instructor
              while wiping car. Also, everyone in the vehicle will use hand sanitizer (must be at least 60% alcohol
              based), each time a student driver switches into the front seat. There must be dry time for both the
              disinfecting wipes and the hand sanitizer
         6.   Students will continue to start and end each BTW session in their assigned school’s parking lot. They
              will not have access to enter the school for any reason.
         7.   At least 2 windows will remain opened slightly to move outside air through the vehicle. Allow for air
              circulation using the fresh air condition NOT the recirculating setting.
         8.   Student personal items, including cell phones, will be stored separately in the trunk of the vehicle
              throughout the duration of the session.
         1.   Required face covering for instructor (mask, bandana, etc.). JDSC requires face covering for anyone in
              the vehicle.
         2.   Parents should take student’s temperature before each BTW session.
         3.   JDSC is authorized to require any additional safety requirement that they deem necessary.
         1.   Take student’s temperature prior to attending session.
              a. If temperature is 100.4 or less and the answer to ALL health questions are NO, the student may
                  attend the session
              b. If temperature is 100.5 or above and/or the answer to ANY health question is YES, the student
                  CANNOT attend the session
         2.   Review the following health question
              a. If the answer to any health question is YES, the student should not attend the session
              b. If YES to any health questions, also contact parent/guardian.
              c. Student can be rescheduled if showing any signs/symptoms of illness:
                  Flu-like symptoms, chills, aching, nausea, headache, cough, shortness of breath

Effective July 20, 2020

                                               COVID-19 RELEASE

I/We have received a copy of JDS Carolinas, Inc. protocol for COVID-19.

I/We have been informed of the processes and procedures that are in place by JDS Carolinas, Inc. and their
contracted instructors.

I attest that:

     1.   I/We are not experiencing any symptoms of illness such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty
          breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of
          taste or smell.
     2.   I/We have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
          I/We have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.
     3.   I/We do not believe I/We have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the
     4.   I/We have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state
          or local public health authorities.
     5.   I/We are following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the

     To ensure the safety of both the student and instructors, I/We agree to adhere to all procedures. By signing
     this statement, I/We are agreeing to comply with all of the COVID-19 procedures, and I/We are releasing JDS
     Carolinas, Inc. from any liability in connection with COVID-19.

This the _______ day of _______________ 2020.

___________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)

___________________________________________ (Student Signature)

Effective July 20, 2020
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