Page created by Calvin Pearson
2021                              T-ABTHAI-AMERICAN BUSINESS

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Thai-American Business

Contents                                                 ISSN-T-A 0125-0191
                                                         November 2021                                          26
    06   Executive Director                                                                 12
                                                                                                   40 years of Erawan – driving Thailand’s progress and future
                                                                                                 From the early days of Thailand’s energy landscape, when the            square kilometers. As each small reservoir depletes fairly quickly
    08   Meeting with Prime Minister                                                             nation had relied heavily on imported energy and petroleum              when placed in production, a large number of wells are required
                                                                                                 exploration and production was barely breaking ground, today            to recover the gas to meet the output requirement stipulated in the
         H.E. Prayut Chan-o-cha                                                                  “Erawan”, Thailand’s first natural gas field, operated by Chevron       concession agreement, maintaining the country’s energy security.
                                                                                                 Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. has been powering
FEATURES                                            MEMBER CONTRIBUTION                          Thailand through its supply of natural gas for 40 years, fueling        Chevron overcame Erawan’s geological challenges by introducing
                                                                                                 industry booms and driving economic growth nationwide as well           technologies suitable for Thailand’s landscape including 3D seismic
                                                    34    Panda Kitchen & Bath Unveils New       as cultivating homegrown energy professionals and laying a solid        mapping, standard slim hole well drilling approach and remote
    12   AMCHAM Thailand Announces Winners                                                       foundation for the future of the petroleum industry in Thailand.        compressor package installation on wellhead platforms and sea water
         for CSR Excellence Awards                                                                                                                                       injection operations employed to increase recovery efficiency to
                                                    35    A Cool Co-Lab is Born!                 Discovering energy that fuels Thailand’s growth                         enable maximum efficiency with an appropriate capital investment
                                                                                                                                   Erawan began the commercial           in gas production while meeting international environmental and
    16   Thailand’s Quest to Lead the Region in                                                                                    production of natural gas for the     safety management system standards. Chevron’s innovative
         Renewable Energy                           35    BOONMA Joins the Net Zero Pledge                                         first time on August 17, 1981 or 40   technologies and operation standards have been widely recognized
                                                                                                                                   years ago. The production of first    by relevant government agencies and have at the same time set
                                                                                                                                   gas at Erawan has marked a new        industry standards for other operators in the country.
    TAX UPDATE                                      EVENTS
                                                                                                                                   era for the kingdom, where Thailand
                                                                                                                                   is on the path to increasing energy   Driving human progress with pride
    20   Charging Forward: Thailand and Electric    36    An Update on Travel for Asia-Pacific                                     security and energy independence.      Offshore personnel working at Erawan and
         Vehicles                                                                                Erawan’s natural gas has been used to generate electricity for           other fields in the Gulf of Thailand have at
                                                                                                 households and the industrial sector, jumpstarting national              times performed humanitarian missions,
                                                    38    Meet the Embassy & AGM
    LEGAL UPDATES                                                                                economic growth of both agricultural and industrial sector. The          providing much-needed and often urgent
                                                                                                 gas has also been served as feedstock for the petrochemical              assistance to injured or ill fishermen, assisting
         Riding the Waves:                          40    Global Human Capital Trends Report     industry and related industries leading to the development of the        emergency childbirths at sea or rescuing
    22                                                                                           Eastern Seaboard of Thailand as a strategic and competitive base         stranded shark whales and sea turtles. Most
         The Post-Pandemic Workplace                                                             for key industries including the petrochemical industry, which           recently, “Boonrod”, a dog found swimming
                                                    40    Franchising Law in Thailand            helps maximize the value of natural gas delivered to the economic        220 kilometers off the coast of Thailand and
                                                                                                 corridor, attracting domestic and foreign investment, creating          later adopted by Chevron’s offshore employee, is the latest in a
    26   Beyond the Law:                                                                         employment opportunities, generating income for local communities       long line of animals rescued by Chevron’s hard-working crews. In
                                                    41    PHIST 2021- Sustainable Asia RE-
         Practical, Business-minded Steps to take                                                and beyond.                                                             addition, Erawan crews and offshore personnel often spent weeks
                                                          defined                                                                                                        during their off-duty breaks to take part in volunteer activities.
         Following a Data Breach
                                                    41                                           Powering human energy that secures Thailand’s energy future             Chevron employees' spirit of giving back reflects the company's
                                                          The Future of Alternative Protein      Chevron has established the “Settapat Center” – a world-class           long-standing core values and commitment to making a difference
    IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                                             petroleum technician school with state-of-the-art training facilities   in their communities.
                                                                                                 – in 1980 in Songkhla to provide multi-skill training programs to
    30   Ornkanya (Mook) Pibuldham                  42    Trivia Night                           prepare high-potential personnel for their future missions at                                       Chatit Huayhongtong, president of
                                                                                                 Erawan. Over the past 40 years, the center has provided a series                                    Chevron Thailand Exploration and
                                                                                                 of oil and gas training programs for over 400,000 petroleum                                         Production, Ltd., said “For 40 years,
    32   Tim Bulow                                  42    Zoom & Brews: Craft Beverage Tasting   professionals, who are now a key driving force behind the thriving                                  natural gas from Erawan has been
                                                                                                 energy industry in Thailand today.                                                                  driving Thailand’s economic growth
                                                    44                                                                                                                                               and social prosperity. Erawan is without
                                                          The Governors’ Tables Dinner Series
                                                                                                 Boonlom Sengsamran, former Erawan’s Offshore Installation                                           a doubt a cornerstone of the country’s
                                                                                                 Manager, was one of 45 Thai trainees selected to participate in                                     petroleum exploration and production
                                                    46    Speed Networking                       Settapat Center’s first ever petroleum technician training                                          industry, introducing cutting-edge
                                                                                                 program. He said “At first, nearly all offshore personnel operating                                 technology and innovations, building
                                                                                                 at Erawan were foreign nationals. Thai personnel gained                                             new knowledge and solutions while
                                                    NEW MEMBERS                                  first-hand knowledge by working with them. Over time, more and          consistently setting industry standards. Erawan is also a school
                                                                                                 more Thai staff have been entrusted with key offshore roles. In         nurturing a new breed of local talent, producing qualified personnel
                                                    48    New AMCHAM Members                     2014, during my last year at Erawan, the majority of personnel are      equipped for work in the oil and gas sector – a driving force
                                                                                                 Thai. These qualified personnel are the result of Chevron’s continued   behind the success of the industry. Our personnel also applied
                                                                                                 development of homegrown talents.”                                      their skills, experience and energy in volunteer activities,
                                                    DISCOUNTS                                                                                                            strengthening their local communities and beyond. Erawan has

     46                                             50   AMCHAM Affinity Program
                                                                                                 Empowering energy that strives to overcome adversity
                                                                                                 Due to the complex geology of the basins in the Gulf of Thailand,
                                                                                                 including Erawan, the reserves are distributed in many small
                                                                                                                                                                         built a proud and lasting legacy for all of us at Chevron in the past,
                                                                                                                                                                         present and future.”

                                                                                                 reservoirs of varying sizes across an area spanning over 4,500
AMCHAM BOARD OF GOVERNORS 2021                             Letter from the Executive Director

                      PRESIDENT                             Dear Members,
                 Greg Wong, Agoda

                                                            As we draw close to Thanksgiving,
                  VICE PRESIDENTS
                                                            I find much to be grateful for, in
                                                            a month with many important
     Greg Boudah, Spokes Jewelry Services
       Kaveepan Eiamsakulrat, K.E. Group
                Tibor Pandi, Citibank
                                                            We      welcomed     H.E.    General
                      TREASURER                             Prayut Chan-o-cha to address our
             Aileen Chew, Mastercard                        membership last week, the first
                                                            time in many years AMCHAM has hosted a meeting with
                      SECRETARY                             a sitting Prime Minister. Over 400 members joined us on
           Charles Blocker, IC Partners                     the call, and we are hoping to continue this engagement
                                                            with an in-person meeting early in 2022. If you missed the
                                                            meeting, please see here for press coverage of the event.
          Adisak Jankamolkulchai, Esso
 Arpaporn Samabhandhu, Johnson & Johnson
                                                            We also welcomed our members back in person at our
               David Nardone, WHA
                                                            Governors’ Table Dinners. We’ve held two dinners in
          George Hartel, Supara Group
          Gregory Bastien, BorgWarner
                                                            November already, with two more dinners scheduled
              Jeff Lehrmann, Chevron                        for December. There is a truly special energy at these
     Rachel Davidson, Hilton & Doubletree                   gatherings, with all members excited to be seeing each
                Sukhumvit Bangkok                           other face to face again. We look forward to hosting
             Viboon Kromadit, Amata                         even more of you in Q1 of next year as we bring back in-
       Nara Decharin, Baxter Healthcare                     person event favorites like our monthly luncheons, golf
                                                            tournaments, and more.
                 BOARD ADVISORS
         David Lyman, Tilleke & Gibbins                     Last week we celebrated our 15th annual CSR Awards,
        AMCHAM President in 1975, 1986                      with a record 87 participating companies awarded CSR
     Harold Vickery, Jr., Prem Tinsulanonda
                                                            Recognition. It has been a joy to see each of these
                International School
                                                            deserving businesses celebrating their achievement
           AMCHAM President in 1984
                                                            on social media. Special congratulations go to our
        Jeff Nygaard, Seagate Technology
         AMCHAM President 2017, 2018
                                                            special awards recipients: Dow Chemical for winning
                                                            the Ambassador’s Award for Excellence in Thai-U.S.
              EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                            Partnership and HSBC for winning the Thai Development
                     Heidi Gallant                          Award.

           T-AB Magazine is a publication by The            I’d like to thank our Community Projects Council for
       American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand.
                                                            selecting 25 new scholarship recipients for the AMCHAM
              7th Floor, GPF Witthayu Tower A               Thailand Foundation (ATF). Even though this was another
            93/1 Wireless Road, Bangkok, 10330              difficult year for ATF fundraising, we raised almost 1.5
        Tel: =66 (0)2 254-1041 Fax =66 (0)2 251-1605
                www.amchamthailand.com                      million baht. The Community Projects Council felt that this
                                                            year, more than ever, our scholarships for these young
                 Editorial Advisory Board:
              Heidi Gallant, Harold Vickery, Jr.
                                                            people will mean the difference between continuing
                                                            their university education or dropping out of school all
                      Editorial Team:
           Meagan Anderson, Varsha Wadhwani
                                                            together. Thank you to the Council and to all the members
                                                            for their donations and support.
            Any opinions expressed in articles in
          this magazine do not necessarily reflect
                 the views of the Chamber.                  Happy start to the holiday season!
   T-AB Magazine welcomes contributions from AMCHAM
members. Articles may be reproduced with acknowledgement,
               except those taken from other

Meeting with Prime
Minister H.E. General
Prayut Chan-o-cha
On November 18, 2021, the American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand (AMCHAM Thailand)
welcomed Prime Minister, H.E. General Prayut Chan-o-cha to virtually address the membership.

                                                                          Photo provided by the Prime Minister’s Office
                                                                                                                          Photo provided by the Prime Minister’s Office

AMCHAM President Gregory Wong, Managing            AMCHAM delegations to meet with the Prime
Director of Agoda, opened the meeting,             Minister in person, as well as the three AMCHAM
welcoming the Prime Minister, and expressing       Vice Presidents, Tibor Pandi, Country Head for
AMCHAM’s respect for the Prime Minister and        Citibank; Kaveepan       Eiamsakulrat, Executive
his government for skillfully guiding the nation   Chairman of The KE Group; and Gregory Boudah,
through unprecedented challenges and working       Owner and Managing Director of Spokes
tirelessly to address the urgencies of Covid-19    Jewelry Services, who represented AMCHAM
to protect all people living in the Kingdom. He    members from multinational corporations,
further congratulated the Thai Government          Thai corporations, and small and medium sized
for being open and agile, listening to advice      enterprises, respectively.
and concerns from the private sector, and
adjusting policies to respond to the world with    During the meeting, the Prime Minister
rapid technological change. AMCHAM President       touched on the government’s efforts and major
Gregory later introduced the new AMCHAM            achievements in addressing the pandemic
President for 2022, Jeffrey Nygaard, Executive     and restoring the country’s       economy. To
Vice President of Operations and Technology for    create sustainable economic development, he
Seagate Technology, who will be leading future     particularly emphasized the government’s policies                                                                      Photo provided by the Prime Minister’s Office

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9
on Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economic Model,         Control Development, The Customs Department;
the importance of foreign direct investment,        Ms.     Breeyawan     Sarakichpricha,   Assistant
the enhancement of the digital economy, and         Secretary-General to the Prime Minister; Ms.
Thailand’s hosting of the Asia-Pacific Economic     Jaithai Upakarnitikaset, Deputy Director-General,
Cooperation (APEC) Summit in 2022. The Prime        Department of American and South Pacific Affairs,
Minister was joined by the following officials,     Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Mr. Rachavitch
many of whom have already met with AMCHAM           Piyapramote, Minister (Commercial), Permanent
delegations in 2021 on various topics of            Representative of Thailand to the World
mutual consideration: H.E. Mr. Supattanapong        Trade Organization and the World Intellectual
Punmeechaow, Deputy          Prime Minister and     Property     Organization    (Bangkok     Office).
Minister of Energy; Mr. Distat Hotrakitya,
Secretary-General to the Prime Minister; Mrs.       AMCHAM        Treasurer Aileen Chew, Country
Natjaree Anuntasilpa, Secretary-General to the      Manager of Mastercard, delivered AMCHAM’s
Cabinet; Ms. Duangjai Asawachintachit, Secretary    sincerest appreciation for the Prime Minister’s
General, Thailand Board of Investment; Ms.          consideration and attention to address AMCHAM
Onfa Vejjajiva, Secretary – General, Office of      members, reiterating AMCHAM’s gratitude for
the Public Sector Development Commission;           the Thai government for their effort in navigating
Mr. Anucha Burapachaisri , Deputy Secretary-        the Kingdom through the pandemic, providing
General to the Prime Minister; and Mr. Thanakorn    vaccination to both citizens and non-citizens. In
Wangboonkongchana, Government Spokesman;            her closing remarks, she emphasized AMCHAM’s
M.L. Chayotid Kridakon, Advisor to the Deputy       member commitments to investing in Thailand,
Prime Minister; Mr. Witchu Vejjajiva, Director-     supporting the government’s policy framework,
General, Department of American and South           and to be a resource for further development and
Pacific Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr.   contributing to the agenda of APEC in 2022.                            Photo provided by the Prime Minister’s Office

Chaiyut Kumkun, Principal Advisor on Customs

                                                                           Photo provided by the Prime Minister’s Office

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AMCHAM Thailand
Winners for CSR
Excellence Awards
November 10 - The American Chamber of                     high levels of employee involvement, and strong
Commerce in Thailand (AMCHAM) recognized                  strategic partnerships with Thai organizations.
87 companies at the 2021 Corporate Social                 The company mission must also align closely
Responsibility (CSR) Excellence Awards to honor           with the goals of their CSR activities. Member
the CSR efforts of AMCHAM members in the                  companies are recognized with different tiers for         Dow Chemical Thailand Ltd.
Kingdom. Chargé d’Affaires Michael Heath and              consecutive years of achievement. Silver level:           won the Ambassador’s Award.
AMCHAM President Greg Wong presided over                  3 consecutive years, Gold level: 5 consecutive
the virtual awards ceremony and recognized                years, and Platinum level: 10 consecutive years.
companies that demonstrate commitment to                  In addition, some member companies received                 Police Schools and to children and youth in       AMCHAM member companies have donated over
conducting business responsibly and giving back           special awards for individual CSR projects:                 Juvenile Observation and Protection Centers       200 million Baht in cash and product donations in
to local communities.                                                                                                 under the Ministry of Justice. Presented by       response to Covid-19. He congratulated member
                                                          •   Dow Chemical Thailand Ltd. won The
                                                              Ambassador’s Award for Excellence in                    AMCHAM Government Affairs Director, Theeta        companies for continuously responding to the
Chargé d’Affaires Michael Heath applauded the                                                                         Hotrakitya, this award recognizes promotion       urgent social, economic, and healthcare needs in
                                                              Thai-U.S. Partnership for their project, Low
U.S. private sector for its role in fostering U.S.-Thai                                                               of Covid-19 Socio-Economic Resilience.            the Kingdom and for supporting the Royal Thai
                                                              Carbon Technology to Protect the Climate,
relationships through CSR efforts. He stressed                                                                                                                          Government throughout the pandemic.
                                                              for driving low-carbon technology from the
that “American businesses continue to engage                                                                       AMCHAM President Greg Wong, Managing
                                                              U.S. to Thailand by introducing sustainable
in sustainable business practices and work with                                                                    Director Agoda, highlighted the role of AMCHAM       The AMCHAM CSR Excellence awards take place
                                                              innovations through their materials science
local communities, wherever they operate. They                                                                     member companies in demonstrating Covid-19           in autumn each year. AMCHAM is proud of
                                                              expertise and collaboration with partners.
stand side-by-side with Thailand to fight Covid-19                                                                 socio-economic resilience. “Covid-19 revealed        what member companies do to give back to the
                                                              Presented by Chargé d’Affaires Michael Heath,
and begin the process of economic recovery                                                                         the fragility of our communities - and the power     Kingdom and Thai society, making the business
                                                              this award recognizes a CSR project that
through ongoing investment in people, education,                                                                   of giving. Today, we celebrate and thank the         and social environment better for all. Throughout
                                                              promotes Thai-U.S. partnerships that bring
technology, and healthcare making a sustainable                                                                    thousands of Thai and international volunteers       the year, the CSR Committee shares these best
                                                              U.S. knowledge, expertise, or best practices to
and positive impact in the Kingdom.”                                                                               from our membership who dedicated themselves         practices with the membership, providing support
                                                                                                                   to CSR projects across the Kingdom. Through          and resources for member companies who are
AMCHAM CSR Excellence Recognition is awarded              •   The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking                    volunteerism we express our love for Thailand and    developing or improving their CSR strategies.
to AMCHAM member companies for their long-                    Corporation Limited won the Thai Development         endeavor to become part of Thailand’s recovery       Through the AMCHAM CSR Excellence Awards,
term efforts to support Thailand’s sustainable                Award for their project Digital Tech Capability      and brilliant future.”                               these companies are awarded for their long-
development. Qualifying companies have CSR                    Building for Vulnerable Youths, for providing                                                             term efforts to support Thailand’s sustainable
programs with measurable results that create                  rigorous and effective digital capability training   In 2021, in addition to their regular CSR efforts,   development.
both economic and social gains for a year or more,            to students and teachers in the Border Patrol

                                                                                                                     The Hong Kong and Shanghai
                                                                                                                     Banking Corporation won the
                                                                                                                     Thai Development Award.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
CSR 2021 Recognition List

     ACE Platinum Award                        ACE Gold Award
     •   AIA                                   •  Amway
     •   Central Food Retail                   •  Baxter Healthcare
     •   Chevron Exploration & Production      •  Bumrungrad Hospital
     •   Citibank                              •  Cargill Siam
     •   Coca-Cola                             •  Caterpillar
     •   Dow Chemical                          •  Cisco Systems
     •   Esso                                  •  CoffeeWORKS
     •   FedEx Express                         •  Colgate-Palmolive
     •   Ford                                  •  Conrad Bangkok
     •   GlaxoSmithKline                       •  Diageo Moet Hennessy        ACE Recognition
     •   Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok            •  IBM
     •   HSBC                                  •  Johnson & Johnson           •   Aditya Birla Group
     •   KFC Thailand                          •  Kenan Foundation Asia       •   Bank of Ayudhya
     •   McThai                                •  Laguna Resorts & Hotels     •   Berli Jucker
     •   Minor International                   •  Marriott Hotels Thailand    •   BorgWarner PDS
       • Pfizer                                •  Mondelez International
                                                                              •   Cardinal Health 222
        • Procter & Gamble Trading             •  MQDC
                                                                              •   Charoen Pokphand Group
         • Santa Fe Relocation                 •  Nu Skin
                                                                              •   Chevron Thailand
          • Seagate Technology                 •  Renaissance Bangkok
                                                                              •   Cigna Insurance
            • Standard Chartered Bank
              • WHA Corporation                •  Robere & Associates         •   Conrad Koh Samui
                                               •  Samitivej Hospital          •   Constant Energy
                                               •  Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok    •   DKSH
                                               •  The Athenee Hotel           •   Equator Pure Nature
                                               •  Western Digital             •   International SOS Services
                                                                              •   Hilton Sukhumvit Bangkok
                                                                              •   HP Inc.
                                                                              •   Kudun & Partners
                                                                              •   Le Meridien Phuket Beach Resort
                                                                              •   Linfox Transport
                                                                              •   Movenpick BDMS Wellness Resort
                                                                              •   NIST International School
                                                                              •   Oracle Corporation
                                                                              •   PCS Security and
                                               ACE Silver Award                   Facility Services
                                               •    American Axle &           •   Sanofi-Aventis
                                            ACE Silver Award
                                                    Manufacturing             •   Sasin School of Management
                                            •  American
                                               •    BakerAxle  &
                                                           & McKenzie         •   Spirax Sarco
                                               •    Bayer Thai
                                               •    Diversey  Hygiene
                                                                              •   Star Petroleum Refining               AMCHAM is
                                            •  Baker  & McKenzie              •   Supara Group
                                            •  •
                                                      Thai    International
                                                                              •   Thai Union Group                    proud of the CSR
                                            •  •    Jeunesse
                                               Diversey HygieneGlobal
                                                                              •   Tilleke & Gibbins International   efforts of the member
                                            •  •    MSD International
                                               •    Raja’sGlobal
                                                           Fashions           •   Tractus
                                            •  Jeunesse                                                                companies who
                                            •  •
                                               MSD  Refinitiv
                                            •  •    T.C.C.
                                               Raja’s      Technology
                                                      Fashions                                                      contribute towards the
                                            •  •    The
                                               Refinitiv St. Regis Bangkok
                                            •  T.C.C. Technology                                                    Kingdom’s growth and
                                            •  The St. Regis Bangkok                                                    development
                                                                                                               factor was needed to put the country on a serious
                                                                                                               renewable trajectory.

                                                                                                               The Right Profile

Thailand’s Quest                                                                                               Around the same time that Thailand’s natural

to Lead the Region in                                                                                          gas reserves started to prove inadequate for the
                                                                                                               country’s energy needs, the Board of Investment

Renewable Energy                                                                                               published a highly insightful document that
                                                                                                               showed the way forward on this issue. The
                                                                                                               document noted that Thailand’s unusually
By Kudun Sukhumananda, Mayuree Sapsutthiporn, and Chai Lertvittayachaikul,                                     favorable natural and geographical features
Kudun & Partners                                                                                               provided excellent means of renewable energy
                                                                                                               production in terms of solar, wind, hydropower,
                                                                                                               bioenergy (biomass, biogas, MSW), biofuels
                                                                                                               (ethanol, biodiesel, new alternative diesel fuel),   geographical attributes, these renewable sources
                                                                                                               and new energy sources (tidal, geothermal).          are spread out across a diverse range of energy
                                                                                                                                                                    production methods, letting the country avoid
                                                                                                               The document then outlined the path forward          over-reliance on a single primary resource type.
                                                                                                               that Thailand would soon embark upon to better
                                                                                                               diversify and build a more sustainable energy        This diversity provides an important measure
                                                                                                               sector, in an effort that continues today and will   of protection from seasonal fluctuations and
An increasing commitment to renewable energy           which is committed to purchasing renewable              be further expanded in the years to come.            other challenges, ensuring a dependable stream
has Thailand on course to become a sustainability      energy from small producers within the country.                                                              of renewable energy for a country (and region)
success story within Southeast Asia – but it was                                                               The focus of the plan is on solar and bioenergy      that continues to see increased industrialization
not always this way. As recently as 2010, 90%          Access to a guaranteed buyer proved to be critical      because of the suitability and ease of production    and economic growth. The new infrastructure
of Thailand’s electricity supply came from coal        for these businesses because such preferential          for these energy sources in Thailand. The            of renewable energy in Thailand promises to
and natural gas. By contrast, just 2% came from        treatment attracted investors – which in turn           country’s tropical location makes it an ideal        strengthen the nation’s regional economic
renewable sources.                                     enabled further growth over time. Economies of          place for the development of solar energy, as the    competitiveness, as well as its leadership in
                                                       scale, combined with a variety of new technological     country receives a large amount of solar radiation   environmental sustainability.
Thailand’s subsequent decision to invest               improvements, had the effect of reducing energy         throughout the year. As for bioenergy, Thailand’s
in renewable energy has led to dramatic                production costs in areas such as wind and solar.       economy is heavily based on agriculture, leading     The Time is Now
improvements in its environmental impact, to                                                                   to the production of large amounts of agricultural
the point where one-third of the country’s energy      By 2014, there were other reasons to move               and municipal waste that could be converted into     Thailand’s move toward sustainable energy
capacity now comes from renewable sources.             toward renewable energy in Thailand. Natural            usable energy.                                       independence comes at a crucial time. Electricity
As Thailand’s expected electricity needs increase      gas production began decreasing that year due to                                                             demand in the Asia-Pacific region is increasing at
over the coming years, so too will its renewable       waning supplies, forcing Thailand to rethink a large    Combined approaches to electricity generation        twice the global rate, putting it on track to double
energy supply.                                         swathe of its energy mix. The country could make        have also proven to be successful such as the B.     by 2040. Mindful of the increasing demand for
                                                       up for the shortfall either by importing substitutes    Grimm Power Public Company Limited and Energy        power yet determined to lower greenhouse gas
The story of how Thailand came to embrace green        or by increasing its investment in domestically         China Engineering Group Shanxi Electric Power        emissions by 20.8% by 2030, the Thai government
energy, and how the country plans to extend its        produced renewables.                                    Engineering Co., Ltd. Consortium -an ongoing         has expanded its system of incentives for green
commitment to sustainable electricity generation,                                                              development of the world’s largest hydro- floating   energy producers. Tax breaks, feed-in tariffs,
has important implications for investors in this       Shortly thereafter, a growing cultural awareness        solar hybrid power project with the capacity of 45   easier access to financing, bidding programs,
sector.                                                surrounding the need for sustainability, together       MW located at Sirindhorn Dam and created with        metering schemes, the Blockchain-based peer-
                                                       with justified complaints about deteriorating           cooperation from the EGAT. The project is worth      to-peer trading of electricity generated by solar
Bringing Convenience and Sustainability into           air quality in cities, helped turn the tide even        over 842 million baht (approximately 27 million      energy, and a biomass-centered community-
Alignment                                              further towards nurturing the country’s nascent         U.S. dollars).                                       centered power generation program called
                                                       renewable energy industry, which had to that                                                                 Energy for All are among government initiatives
Starting in 2007, the Thai government introduced a     point only made up 3% of the total energy mix.          Following years of development along these           aimed at boosting green energy production and
series of initiatives aimed at increasing renewable                                                            lines, Thailand’s renewable energy capacity now      use. Currently, Thailand has installed renewable
energy production. Incentives were handled by the      This confluence of trends helped solidify Thailand’s    totals roughly one-third of the country’s overall    energy capacity of more than 15 GW, and it is
Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT),   interest in sustainable solutions – but an additional   power mix. Thanks to Thailand’s advantageous         forecast to rise to over 60 GW by 2037.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
Meanwhile, renewable energy production                Electricity Authority, plans to develop and replace
continues to increase. Over the past decade, wind     conventional electricity meters by a smart grid for
power production in Thailand experienced an           the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). Developing a
average annual growth of 89%, with the increase       smart grid system in the EEC can decrease power
in solar power production close behind at 83%.        fees and integrate renewable energy systems. A
Of course, such rates cannot be continued in          pilot project has been underway since last year in
perpetuity; solar power is expected to grow by        Chonburi Province.
just 10% each year until 2030, while wind power is
unlikely to increase much in the near future.         Moreover, as companies in other sectors continue
                                                      to incorporate sustainability into their brand
Overall, however, renewable energy production         values, demand has increased for rooftop solar
remains a growing sector that will remain very        panels and other types of green initiatives.
much in demand moving forward. From biomass           Businesses that can serve this market, in addition
feedstock and battery technology to digital           to the private consumer market for similar small-
systems that enable energy trading and other          scale services, may find a large customer base for
elements of an advanced green energy economy,         their activities.
business opportunities in this industry remain
plentiful nationwide.                                 Success, however, is no guarantee. Thailand’s
                                                      incentive programs and regulatory systems are
The Thai government has also realized the impacts     highly nuanced, making on-the-ground knowhow
of disruptive technology such as the energy storage   essential for businesses and investors looking to
system in the energy sector. Therefore, to build      take full advantage of existing opportunities.
a smart city, EGAT, together with the Provincial

     Kudun Sukhumananda is the       A Chinese-born Thai citizen,         Chai Lertvittayachaikul is
      founding Partner of Kudun      Mayuree Sapsutthiporn is the        a Partner and has over 13
     and Partners and Co- Head of     firm’s Partner and Head of        years of experience advising
     Corporate and M&A Practice.             China Practice.                       clients.

                                                                                                            CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

                                                                                                              The EV Committee has presented incentive              Finally, typically, a corporation must pay a tariff of
                                                                                                              measures to stimulate its domestic EV market.         20-80% and an excise tax of 8% when importing EV
                                                                                                              These proposed benefits include reduced personal      into Thailand. Thus, corporations can significantly
                                                                                                              and corporate income taxes for purchases,             benefit from the exemption on EV import tariffs
                                                                                                              exemptions, or reductions in annual license plates    and excise taxes if they decide to invest in EV
                                                                                                              fees, restructured battery taxes, free tollway, and   production in Thailand.
                                                                                                              free parking for EV.
                                                                                                                                                                    Thailand’s journey to becoming an EV production
                                                                                                              As part of these investment incentives, the Board     hub in the region continues and time will tell if it
                                                                                                              of Investment (BOI) launched new measures to          will be successful.
                                                                                                              replace those that expired in 2018 to stimulate
                                                                                                              investment in all types of EV including cars,
                                                                                                              motorcycles, e-bikes, tricycles, buses, trucks, and

                                                                                                              Previously, only electric car and bus purchases
                                                                                                              allowed for such benefits. In addition, the

Charging Forward:
                                                                                                              BOI expanded such measures to include
                                                                                                              manufacturing parts and equipment for EV as well
                                                                                                                                                                          Khemthong Chanchao was appointed

Thailand and Electric
                                                                                                              as Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) platforms such as
                                                                                                                                                                          as the firm’s Board of Investment (BOI)
                                                                                                              energy storage systems, charging modules, and
                                                                                                                                                                          Officer responsible for assisting in the

                                                                                                              front and rear axle modules. The BOI also grants
                                                                                                                                                                           BOI application process and ensuring
                                                                                                              incentives allowing for exemption from corporate
                                                                                                                                                                         adherence to Thailand’s BOI regulations.
                                                                                                              income tax for a period of 3-8 years.

By Khemthong Chanchao, Tractus Bangkok Office

                                                                                                                                                             “ Corporations can significantly
During the Covid-19 outbreak in 2020, the global       has been challenging for the country to transition                                                  benefit from the exemption on EV
passenger car sales market experienced a 15%           its traditional automotive sector to include EV
drop. However, at the same time, the global            production. Thus, the government established
                                                                                                                                                           important tariffs and excise taxes.”
electric vehicle (EV) market experienced a 43%         the National Electric Vehicle Policy Committee (EV
increase, with Europe registering 1.4 million new      Committee) with the goal of making Thailand the
EV units, followed by China at 1.2 million units,      hub of electric vehicle production in the region. By
and the U.S. at 290,000 units.                         2025, Thailand aims to produce 230,000 EV units
                                                       and by 2030, it aims for 750,000 units, accounting
In the first quarter of 2021, global EV sales rose     for 30% of total Thai automotive production. The
approximately 140% year-on-year. China has             country additionally strives to establish 12,000
served as the main driver of these sales, coupled      charging station outlets by 2030 and sell 100% of
with increased environmental awareness around          its EV by 2035.
the world encouraging government’s new EV
policies.                                              To achieve these goals, the Thai government
                                                       has created incentives to attract international EV
For Thailand, as of August 2021, the total number      producers and investors as well as grant privileges
of EV registration totaled 220,000—accounting for      to domestic companies to increase the volume
just 0.5% of the total number of vehicles registered   and value of its EV market.
as of September 2021. The total number of EV
charging stations as of September 2021 was 693         The government intends to reform its excise
stations with 2,285 outlets.                           tax structure and will announce tax measures
                                                       to better support EV later this year. It is also
Currently, Thailand has a strong base in the           encouraging various national agencies to replace
automotive industry supply chain. However, it          their combustion vehicles with EV.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21
                                                                                                           Employers would also need to consider                 seems these trends will continue to rise. Regarding
                                                                                                           measures to deal with employees that refuse to        the employer-employee relationship, these
                                                                                                           be vaccinated, whether disciplinary actions are       trends trigger several legal compliance issues and
                                                                                                           justified considering litigation risks and claims,    risks for employers to navigate, from employee
                                                                                                           and if there are other appropriate measures that      compensation and benefits to immigration,
                                                                                                           can be taken instead.                                 corporate tax, and data privacy, to name but a
                                                                                                                                                                 few. Any remote work policy will require careful
                                                                                                           Ensuring a Safe Workplace                             planning. We have seen employers in some
                                                                                                                                                                 countries considering allowing their employees to
                                                                                                           Covid-19 remains present and may be here to           work 100% remotely if they wish to do so, while at
                                                                                                           stay. Employers will need to ensure they fulfill      the same time, reducing their compensation and

Riding the Waves:
                                                                                                           various legal obligations to make the workplace       benefits given that their cost of living and travelling
                                                                                                           safe before reopening. Employers will also be         expenses may not be as high as before. Also, the
                                                                                                           well advised to ensure good employee relation         emerging trend of non-traditional hiring methods
                                                                                                           strategies for reopening to minimize confrontation    involving flexible and agile workforce, or the so-
The Post-Pandemic Workplace                                                                                and potential issues with reluctant returners. For    called modern workforce is expected to continue
                                                                                                           example, if employees are not feeling confident       which would give rise to further legal issues for
By Suriyong Tungsuwan, Nam-Ake Lekfuangfu, Theeranit Pongpanarat,
                                                                                                           enough about their safety and refuse to go            employers to consider.
Baker McKenzie
                                                                                                           back to work, can employers unilaterally order
                                                                                                           them to come into the office? What should the         Employee Well-Being
                                                                                                           approach be in this regard? Can disciplinary
The impact of the pandemic on the future of to be vaccinated is lawful and fair. Below are some            actions be taken in this situation, or should other   With Environment, Social and Governance
workplaces cannot be underestimated, from of the key issues that employers need to consider                measures be considered? Mutual consultation           (ESG) gaining increased focus in most corporate
health and safety to an increase in agile and hybrid before implementing any vaccination policy:           and communication with employees will be key to       boardrooms, understanding employers’ legal
work, and transformation focusing on technology.                                                           ensure a smooth reopening.                            obligations to ensure employee well-being will
Now may be the right time for employers to • Inability to access vaccines. If the employer                                                                       be important. There are positive benefits for
consider key issues to prepare for the workplace          has made it mandatory and the employee is        Hybrid and Agile Working Trends                       employers to ensure the well-being of their
post-pandemic.                                            unable to obtain the vaccine for whatever                                                              workforce, such as for productivity and long-
                                                          reason, what would happen then? Is this an       Traditional employment models are being               term engagement. However, failure to manage
First, Vaccinations                                       acceptable excuse for the employee?              challenged and transformed. Even before the           the issues properly can also turn into challenges
                                                        • Medical conditions and disabilities. Workers     pandemic hit, many organizations have already         and legal liabilities for employers, for example,
While the rollout of vaccines will play a key role in     with certain medical conditions may have         shifted towards more contingent and agile             potential claims for work-related injury because of
successful reopening of the economy and making            reason to be concerned, how would the            working models. With remote and hybrid working        working long hours. The obligations of employers
workplaces safe, there are some important                 employer accommodate this? Would this            becoming the norms during the pandemic, it            to arrange and maintain safe and hygienic working
labor and employment law considerations that              potentially lead to any claims?
employers need to consider. Central to this is the • Different beliefs, including religious ones,
question of whether it is legal to compel employees       which may prohibit vaccination. Is this
to be vaccinated before returning to work.                justification acceptable?
                                                        • Human rights. Employees might resist by citing
We have seen governments in certain jurisdictions         the right to their body, would this present a
passing legislation that empowers employers               challenge to enforce vaccination?
conducting certain businesses where employees • Data privacy. Are employers able to ask
are put at high-risk, such as healthcare workers,         employees to provide proof of vaccination
to require their employees to be vaccinated, and          before returning to the workplace or to
to take disciplinary action, including termination,       require employees to show proof of a negative
against employees that refuse to do so. However,          Covid-19 test before they are allowed back to
such a legislation is not applicable to all businesses.   the workplace? Employers need to consider
In the case of Thailand, the existing labor and           this carefully in light of the Personal Data
employment laws do not address this question              Protection Act.
explicitly, therefore, one must look at the general • Risk of claims because of being vaccinated.
principles of labor law. Essentially, employers will      Any liabilities to the employers because of
need to consider if the requirement for employees         enforced vaccination?

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                   23
conditions and environment for their employees,       in Thailand at the moment, employers can no
and to support and promote the work operations        longer ignore these issues, particularly as most
of their employees to protect their health, safety,   organizations are incorporating ESG into their
and welfare remain true under the remote working      corporate strategy, a trend strengthened during
arrangement. Getting the well-being agenda right      the pandemic. It should also be noted that the
will be important for employers.                      concepts of equal pay and equal treatment
                                                      already exist under current Thai labor laws. So,
Inclusiveness and Diversity in the Workplace          non-compliance with these issues could also give
                                                      rise to sanctions against employers.
With the societal changes propelled by movements
such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, serious        These issues and trends warrant serious attention
steps to address existing discriminatory gaps and     from employers in the post-pandemic world,
workplace harassment and ensure inclusiveness         some more urgent than others, but all represent
and equity in the workplace are advisable. In         key components of the future of the workplace. It
some jurisdictions, companies are required to         is important for employers to prepare themselves
collect diversity data and report their gender pay    for these waves of changes so they can smoothly
gap data. In this regard, though it is less clear     ride rather than struggle against them.

       Suriyong Tungsuwan is an         Nam-Ake Lekfuangfu is         Theeranit Pongpanarat
         M&A partner and head          an employment partner.         is a senior employment
     of the Labor and Employment        He assists clients on all   associate. He advises clients
             Practice Group.            employment matters.          on Thai employment laws.

                                                          CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

24                                                                                                        25
                                                                                                           of data. An effective response plan should not      Moreover, businesses should be cognizant of
                                                                                                           only outline technical or legal procedures, but     the type of data that has been compromised and
                                                                                                           also consider how to correspond with external       contact authorities that have jurisdiction over the
                                                                                                           stakeholders. Ideally, a business should already    data breach. For example, if the breach involves
                                                                                                           have a plan in place in anticipation of a breach    financial information, financial institutions and
                                                                                                           before it takes place. If not, one should be        payment processors should be notified. Businesses
                                                                                                           developed immediately and ensure appropriate        should also contact Thailand’s cyber police and the
                                                                                                           roles and responsibilities are assigned to a        Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee
                                                                                                           team that will handle matters related to data       to notify them of any data breach.
                                                                                                           security. Response plans should also encompass
                                                                                                           preventative measures and technical procedures      Finally, while criticisms following a data breach are
                                                                                                           that can be implemented in a timely manner,         unavoidable, it is best to recognize the shortcomings
                                                                                                           while also having annual reviews and data breach    and provide ways to fix them to prevent breaches
                                                                                                           trainings.                                          from happening again. Businesses should be able
                                                                                                                                                               to identify vulnerabilities and communicate how
                                                                                                           Businesses experiencing a data breach should        security systems are being maintained on a regular

Beyond the Law:                                                                                            keep in mind that it is mandatory to notify
                                                                                                           affected customers and stakeholders, as well
                                                                                                           as to inform appropriate authorities. While
                                                                                                                                                               basis. If data security measures and policies were
                                                                                                                                                               previously deficient, it is important for businesses
                                                                                                                                                               to re-examine internal processes and hire a team
Practical, Business-minded Steps to                                                                        staying compliant with relevant laws is crucial,    of experts responsible for securing data systems.
                                                                                                           it is important to minimize reputational risk by
take Following a Data Breach                                                                               reassuring customers and investors by openly        Concluding Comments
By Dr. Jason Corbett, Silk Legal                                                                           communicating such incidents to maintain trust in
                                                                                                           a manner appropriate to the circumstances.          The key to avoiding significant damages in the

We live in a connected age that is defined            Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) which has yet
and powered by data. As the world becomes             to be enforced. We have seen in practice that data                           “An effective response plan should
increasingly digitized, data is not only becoming     breaches can happen to even the most tech-savvy                               not only outline technical or legal
a basis for making key business decisions but is      businesses that have implemented global best                                    procedures, but also consider
a commodity that can be exchanged for tangible        practices for data security. What makes the key                               how to correspond with external
value. As data storage increases, companies are       difference in mitigating the damages, however, is
holding significantly more data than at the turn of   how businesses react when a data breach occurs.
the century.
                                                      What Companies Should Do in The Event of a
Unsurprisingly, data has become a prime target        Data Breach
for unscrupulous players seeking to harvest it for
profit. According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach      In the unfortunate event of a data breach, it is
Report 2021, hacks and data breaches have             crucial to secure and stop the breach as soon
caused some of the world’s largest corporations       as the company is aware of it. This is to prevent
an average of 4.24 million U.S. dollars in damages,   the breach from escalating into a crisis that may
having increased from last year’s 3.86 million U.S.   cause further harm to customers and other
dollars. These damages are in addition to penalties   stakeholders. To do this, companies must halt
under relevant laws, such as the European Union’s     the use of the compromised data system and
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which      identify any vulnerabilities that may have led to
punishes companies that have failed to enact          the breach. During this stage, it is important to
adequate cybersecurity measures with fines of up      conduct a thorough investigation to ensure all
to 20 million euros or 4% of their global revenue.    backdoors leading to the breach have been closed
                                                      to prevent it from reoccurring.
As with all things valuable, it is important to
keep data as secure as possible. This is not only     Responsible parties must immediately mobilize
to protect it as a vital business asset but also to   a response plan to recover and secure the
comply with laws such as the GDPR and Thailand’s      compromised infrastructure to mitigate loss

26                                                                                                                                                                                                               27
event of a data breach is preventing them from        in the current business environment. This means
taking place altogether, which is why multi-factor    businesses have a moral and legal responsibility
authentication and other password policies should     to act swiftly if a data breach occurs and ensure
be implemented to add an extra layer of security      the safety and privacy of their customers’ data.
for digital systems and infrastructure. However,
preparedness for response is also crucial in
preventing instances of cyberattacks, which is
why it is highly recommended for businesses to
review existing data policies to ensure compliance
with regulations and best practices surrounding
personal data and cyber security. If businesses
lack the capacity to formulate such a policy, it is
best to seek professionals with legal and technical
backgrounds who can assist in creating such                  Jason is the founder and Managing
policies.                                                   Partner of Silk Legal. He has advised
                                                           clients on a variety of matters includ-
Customers, investors, and other stakeholders are            ing cross-border insolvency and re-
placing greater importance on the integrity of             structuring, mergers and acquisitions,
their data as it becomes increasingly ubiquitous            commercial transactions, and more.

                                          CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

28                                                                                                        29
                                                                                                                                 (CLMV) region and its well-established digital        financing of green investment that is not limited to
                                                                                                                                 infrastructure. With the increasing work-from-        just the energy sector, but every industry that has
                                                                                                                                 anywhere trend, Thailand should capture this          now looked towards ESG. Thailand is familiar with
In the Spotlight highlights AMCHAM’s leadership including board                                                                  and use its existing advantages to attract skilled    utilizing budget funds in targeted structures to
governors, committee and council co-chairs, and members.                                                                         labor, especially from the technology industry, to    incentivize banks to participate in green lending,
                                                                                                                                 build its local workforce and promote transfer of     hence, the country could rely on its experience
Ornkanya (Mook) Pibuldham is the Thailand Chief Country Officer at Bank of America
                                                                                                                                 knowledge. Thailand will also need to reconsider      and further build upon it to promote financing
Merrill Lynch. She has served as an AMCHAM Board Governor from 2017-20 and is now
                                                                                                                                 its existing Original Equipment Manufacturer          into new projects.
serving as AMCHAM Women Committee Co-Chair. Mook has been elected to serve as an
                                                                                                                                 (OEM) base, particularly in the automobile sector,
AMCHAM Board Governor for the 2022-2023 term.
                                                                                                                                 to see how it can continue to contribute to global    Important personal and professional advice
                                                                                                                                 value chains that are progressively shifting toward   for next generation of women leaders…
                                                                    Ornkanya (Mook) Pibuldham at Bank of America Merrill Lynch   greener economy and Environmental, Social, and
                                                                                                                                 Governance (ESG) factors. Thailand can better         Women have a wide range of strengths to become
                                                                                                                                 tackle this task by increasing cooperation with the   great leaders, but we are seen as less confident
                                                                                                                                 private sectors and various foreign chambers of       as we typically are more modest and silent. We
                                                                                                                                 commerce to implement effective policies that         need to be good at branding ourselves, let other
                                                                                                                                 would best incentivize relevant players in the        people know what we can do and about our
                                                                                                                                 new trends, both on the supply and demand side.       achievements. We will not be able to advance in
                                                                                                                                 From the financial perspective, Thailand will need    our career if nobody knows what we are capable
                                                                                                                                 to create dedicated financing vehicles to promote     of.

How did you first get involved in AMCHAM?            I have initiated the AMCHAM Women Committee
                                                     and am serving as one of our first co-chairs.
I joined AMCHAM in 2017 with an invitation
from Darren Buckley. Darren was CEO of Citi          What steps can Thailand take to re-attract
Bank Thailand; he stepped down from AMCHAM           foreign investors?
to relocate to China. He strongly believed that
having a financial institution serve on the Board    The strategies that have successfully helped
of Governors would add tremendous value to           attract significant foreign investment to Thailand
AMCHAM in terms of bringing expertise and            and propelled the country’s economy over the
perspective. After joining the AMCHAM Board          past decades may not continue to be effective
for two consecutive terms, I enjoyed having          as we look toward a post-pandemic world and
conversations with our fellow governors and          its rising trends. Thailand will need to reinvent
members. We all share the same view of bringing      itself from Detroit of the East to be the Silicon
U.S. companies to the forefront of the Thai          Valley of Southeast Asia. In the short-term, the
economy and giving back to Thai communities. I       country can leverage its geographical advantage
am also very fond of supporting female leadership.   to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      31

Tim Bulow is the Chief Operating Officer, Minor Education and Head of the Asian Institute
of Hospitality Management and also serves as AMCHAM Women Committee Co-Chair.                                            Charoen Pokphand Group Donates 2 Million “Krua Pan Im”
                                                                       Tim Bulow standing and speaking to his students
                                                                                                                         Meal Boxes to Vulnerable Communities during COVID-19 Pandemic
                                                                                                                         “Krua Pan Im” project is a joint effort of Charoen Pokphand Group and over 100 organizations that
                                                                                                                         delivered 2 million boxes of freshly cooked meals to vulnerable people. Partner organizations included
                                                                                                                         foundations, volunteer groups, civil society, and private organizations through 40 distribution centers
                                                                                                                         across Bangkok and its vicinities. One million meal boxes were prepared by small restaurants and
                                                                                                                         another million meal boxes by CP Foods PCL.

Why did you volunteer for a leadership role at          We have learned to be resourceful in keeping
AMCHAM?                                                 students engaged during the pandemic through
                                                        online learning. Students have learned how to
I have been fortunate to be a member of AMCHAM          manage change, how to communicate with people
throughout my different postings worldwide over         across boundaries, and how to manage time in a
the past 20 years. I find it fulfilling to be able to   flexible environment.
contribute to AMCHAM’s many positive efforts.
I have helped co-lead the AMCHAM Women                  At the same time, much of hospitality education
Committee for the past year. It is a diverse group      is experiential through practical training and
of members that focus on important opportunities        internships. I think that the more universities can
and issues for women. This year’s activities have       provide a real-world setting for students to learn,
included events about women on boards and               the better students will be prepared to graduate
effective marketing to women and girls. In the          and have a quick start to their careers.
coming year, we will host an event for high school
girls and boys focused on leadership.                   What advice do you have for a new AMCHAM
How has Covid-19 transformed hospitality
education in Thailand?                                  Become active in AMCHAM immediately. There
                                                        are many membership benefits and activities for
Across all levels of education worldwide, the           your company to be involved. You will find a group
pandemic has forced educators to find innovative        of people that enjoy working towards common
and impactful ways to ensure high quality teaching      goals and finding solutions to problems. Becoming
and learning experiences for students. It is no         active in AMCHAM is an excellent way to meet new
different for hospitality education in Thailand.        people and build your network.                                                                                                   Visit us
                                                                                                                                                                                 Charoen Pokphand Group

                                                                                                            A Cool Co-Lab is Born!
                                                                                                            By Concept i Design

                                                                                                            Setsatian School for the Deaf, Bangkok, recently
                                                                                                            celebrated the grand opening of the Creative
                                                                                                            Co-Lab (a new digital learning center). Concept i
                                                                                                            Design has been working closely with the school
                                                                                                            to design, construct, and transform the existing
                                                                                                            computer room into a brand-new digital learning
                                                                                                            center. Setsatian School is Thailand’s first school
                                                                                                            for the hearing-impaired and has been operating

Panda Kitchen & Bath
                                                                                                            since 1953. “New computer technologies give the
                                                                                                            children a barrier-free dialogue with the society”

Unveils New Factory
                                                                                                            says Geoff Morrison, CEO of Concept i.

                                                                                                            The project is a part of school Director Dr.           instructors’ position” says Nunthiya C., Architect.
By Panda USA                                                                                                Panadda’s vision to create real life opportunities
                                                                                                            for work and independence for the students. The        The project was generously supported with
On October 21, AMCHAM Silver Member Panda             USA and the province will be a symbiotic one as       85 sq.m Co-Lab includes 22 workstations set into       donations from Concept i (Interior Design and
USA (also part of Panda Kitchen & bath in Miami,      the new factory will benefit the local economy in     a vibrant studio with comfortable cubicles to relax    Fit Out), Spokes Jewelry (Furniture), DJ Coalition
FL), manufacturer and seller of wood cabinetry        a positive way with creation of jobs. The economic    and exchange ideas. “The angular layout gives a        (Lighting Design), and Mosaic Eins (Lighting
celebrated the grand opening of their latest          impact will be substantial.                           creative look and feel and focuses directly on the     Supply).
facility, a 300,000 square foot factory in Surat
Thani, Thailand. Panda USA also owns factories in     Sean Huang, President of Panda USA stated: “With

                                                                                                            BOONMA Joins the
Myanmar and Malaysia. The grand opening of the        the Support of Deputy Ministry of Commerce, Mr.
factory hosted the Deputy Minister of Commerce,       Sinit Lertkrai, we were able to build this factory.

                                                                                                            Net Zero Pledge for the
Mr. Sinit Lertkrai and local Surat Thani officials.   Manufacturing in Surat Thani guarantees that
                                                      Panda USA will continue to create high quality
Panda USA saw an opportunity in Surat Thani           solid wood cabinetry at competitive market prices.
as the province is rich in the natural resource of
rubber trees. This relationship between Panda
                                                      We look forward to creating a mutually beneficial
                                                      relationship with the Surat Thani public.”            Events Industry
                                                                                                            By Boonma Moving & Storage
                                                                                                            BOONMA joins the Net Zero Pledge for the Events        credits coming from projects that develop
                                                                                                            Industry as Thailand’s First MICE Logistics Provider   renewable energies, efficient transport, and
                                   CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                                                   and is invited to be a part of the Advisory Group.     more). Carbon neutrality can be an intermediate
                                                                                                            The pledge was launched in November 2021.              step towards net zero.

                                                                                                            What is net zero? Net zero refers to a balance         The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative aims to bring
                                                                                                            between man-made greenhouse gas (GHG)                  together a wide range of industry stakeholders to
                                                                                                            emissions and their removal from the atmosphere.       construct an industry-wide roadmap towards net
                                                                                                            To achieve this balance, GHG emissions must            zero by 2050, and emissions reductions by 2030
                                                                                                            be reduced, and the non-avoided ones must be           in line with the Paris Agreement, with support and
                                                                                                            compensated or neutralized using long-term             guidance on key issues.
                                                                                                            carbon capture solutions.
                                                                                                                                                                   This initiative is hosted by JMIC (Joint Meetings
                                                                                                            It is different from carbon neutral. For carbon        Industry Council) and is supported by the
                                                                                                            neutrality, the non-avoided emissions are              UNFCCC secretariat (United Nations Framework
                                                                                                            compensated using traditional offsets (carbon          Convention on Climate Change).

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                   35

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Back to Business: An Update on Travel for Asia-Pacific – October 27
Plenary Speakers: Alfredo Montufar Helu, The Economist Intelligence Corporate Network; Vinoop
Goel, International Air Transport Association (IATA); and Jacob Warden, Deputy Nonimmigrant Visa
Chief, U. S. Embassy Beijing.

Destination Room Speakers: China-Nancy Lyu, Director, China Regional Sales, United; Helen Zhang,
Pharm D., Director of Pharmacy, United Family Healthcare, Director of Center for Clinical Research,
Beijing United Family Hospital, Lead Clinician, Immunization Network, United Family Healthcare; and
Yvonne Chan, Regional Director – APAC, Universal Weather and Aviation. Guam - Nadine Leon Guerrero,
Director of Global Marketing, Guam Visitors Bureau (GNB). Japan -Scott Smalley Managing Director,
DSV Solutions in Japan and Kuniko Nakamura, Director for External Affairs at the American Chamber
of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ). Malaysia/Singapore -Gary Bowerman, an experienced Asia travel and
consumer trends analyst and consultant. Myanmar- Adam Castillo, Managing Director and Partner of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         My Passport™ SSD
Atalian Global Services Myanmar. Taiwan- S. Steven Pan, Executive Chairman of Silks Hotel Group.                                                                                                                                                                         Portable Storage
Thailand - Chaiyapat Paitoon, Chief Strategy Officer, Minor International PCL; and Rachel Davidson,
Cluster General Manager of Hilton and DoubleTree Sukhumvit Bangkok. Vietnam- Tran Trong Kien,
Founder, Chairman, and CEO of TMG.

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                                                                                                                                           As used for transfer rate, 1 MB/s = one million bytes per second. Based on internal testing; performance may vary depending upon host device, usage conditions, drive capacity, and other factors.

                                                                                                                   Western Digital, WD, the WD logo, My Passport and WD Discovery are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the US and/or other countries. Mac, macOS, and Time Machine are trademarks of
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