Biojet Östersund - Supplementary studies and international cooperation
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No. B 2413 March 2021 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden Anton Fagerström, Sofia Klugman, Sofia Poulikidou & Sara Anderson In cooperation with Jämtkraft
Author: Anton Fagerström, Sofia Klugman, Sofia Poulikidou, Sara Anderson Funded by: Jämtkraft and the SIVL-foundation Report number B 2413 ISBN 978-91-7883-262-0 Edition Only available as PDF for individual printing © IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute 2021 IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd. P.O Box 210 60, S-100 31 Stockholm, Sweden Phone +46-(0)10-7886500 // This report has been reviewed and approved in accordance with IVL's audited and approved management system.
Preface This project is a follow-up study on the previously reported project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden, which was an in-depth feasibility study on the establishment of a Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production plant at the suggested site. This follow-up project consists of two main parts: 1) Supplementary studies and 2) International outlook and cooperation. The first part contains supplementary studies to the previous project and mainly aims to provide information that is useful for possible investment decisions for a Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production plant. The second part includes the establishment of cooperation with relevant international actors and the development of opportunities to obtain EU funding. These two parts of the project have been conducted in parallel and the results have been synergistically integrated.
Table of contents Summary ................................................................................................................................ 6 Sammanfattning..................................................................................................................... 7 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 8 1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.1.1 Supplementary studies ............................................................................................................. 8 1.1.2 Establishment of international cooperation ............................................................................. 9 1.2 Methodology and project implementation ....................................................................................... 9 2 Background ................................................................................................................... 10 3 Establishment of international cooperation................................................................ 12 4 Research proposal ........................................................................................................ 14 5 Financing possibilities ................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Specific sources of funding .............................................................................................................. 16 5.1.1 European investment bank ..................................................................................................... 16 5.1.2 EU Innovation Fund................................................................................................................. 17 5.1.3 InvestEU Programme .............................................................................................................. 18 5.1.4 The Recovery and Resilience Facility ...................................................................................... 19 5.1.5 Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking .................................................................................. 20 5.1.6 Fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking.............................................................................. 20 5.1.7 EU Taxonomy Regulation ........................................................................................................ 21 5.1.8 Venture capital........................................................................................................................ 23 5.1.9 Climate bonds ......................................................................................................................... 23 5.1.10 Horizon Europe ....................................................................................................................... 24 5.1.11 Swedish Energy Agency .......................................................................................................... 26 6 A plan ahead ................................................................................................................. 29 6.1 Full scale industrial facility .............................................................................................................. 29 6.2 Research path .................................................................................................................................. 29 6.3 Proposed plan ahead....................................................................................................................... 30 7 Carbon dioxide capture location .................................................................................. 33 8 Development of excel tool ........................................................................................... 33 9 Relevant regulation and permits .................................................................................. 34 9.1 Permits related to construction ...................................................................................................... 34 9.2 Regulation and permits in relation to Environmental hazardous activities and health protection ........................................................................................................................................ 35 9.3 Regulation and permits in relation to flammable and hazardous materials .................................. 35 10 Plant and fuel certification ........................................................................................... 39
10.1 Certification of the fuel production pathway ................................................................................. 40 10.2 Quality certification ......................................................................................................................... 42 11 Market opportunities for by products ......................................................................... 42 11.1 Quality requirements for by products ............................................................................................. 43 12 Technology transfer ...................................................................................................... 43 13 Optimization model ...................................................................................................... 44 13.1 Research objective and questions ................................................................................................... 44 13.2 Methodology and limitations .......................................................................................................... 45 13.3 Technology choice ........................................................................................................................... 45 14 Other inflows ................................................................................................................ 45 15 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 47 16 References .................................................................................................................... 49
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden Summary The northern parts of Sweden have good access to large amounts of low-cost renewable electricity and biomass. Therefore, this area can be considered as suitable for production of electrofuels. This project is a follow-up study on the previously reported project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden, which was an in-depth feasibility study on the establishment of a Bio-Electro-Jet fuel (BEJF) production plant at the suggested site. BEJF is an electrofuel, a fuel product in the jet-fuel range (C8-C16) produced from captured CO2 of biogenic origin and H2 from electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. This study was performed with the ambition to clarify some of the findings from the previous project and also to address the possible hurdles and possibilities that exists for the implementation of an industrial BEJF production facility at the Lugnvik site in Östersund, Sweden. Also, the development of a roadmap for implementation of the concept is included in this study. The study reports on the establishment of international consortia for both continued research and the realization of the full-scale facility. Hence, two parallel paths are described (research and full- scale) and a roadmap depicting possible ways forward for those paths during the upcoming 5 years is presented. Many possible financing options (public national, private, EU-funding) are described for the two parallel, but interlinked, paths of full-scale industrial production, and research and development, including the identification of relevant upcoming calls within Horizon Europe. One important conclusion is that funding should be sourced separate for the two paths to prevent the implementation of the full-scale plant being dependent on research funding. However, the research path has great potential to provide valuable, knowledge also for the full-scale case. One clarification from the previous study is the location and size of the carbon capture unit which has been addressed and determined. Another one is the development of an optimization tool for size and scale which has been discussed and, unfortunately dismissed due to complexity. Relevant regulations and permits linked to the construction and the operation of the plant has been described and discussed, and the certification for the operation and products as well as the quality concerns of those have been clarified. Finally, market opportunities for by-products and the related quality requirements have been mapped, as well as other possible relevant inflows to the plant. The possibility of technology- transfer of the concept to another site is discussed and the work within a Master thesis for the optimization of policies related to sustainable aviation fuels have been connected to the scope of this study. As a general next step, it is proposed that the roadmap developed within this project is followed for the upcoming five years. As a more specific next step, a follow up project in the form of a detailed pre-study is proposed that would enhance the possibility to go deeper into the concept. Overall, the results highlight the feasibility of the concept addressed herein and a concrete plan towards its full-scale implementation is proposed. 6
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden Sammanfattning De norra delarna av Sverige har god tillgång till stora mängder billig förnybar el och biomassa. Därför kan detta område anses vara lämpligt för produktion av elektrobränslen. Detta projekt är en uppföljningsstudie av det tidigare rapporterade projektet Storskalig produktion av bioelektro-jet- bränsle vid kraftvärmeverk i Östersund, Sverige, som var en djupgående genomförbarhetsstudie om inrättandet av en produktionsanläggning för bioelektro-jet-bränsle (BEJF). BEJF är ett elektrobränsle, en bränsleprodukt inom jetbränsleområdet (C8-C16) som framställts av infångad CO2 av biogent ursprung och H2 från elektrolys av vatten med förnybar elektricitet. Denna studie genomfördes med ambitionen att klargöra några av resultaten från det föregående projektet och även utvärdera möjliga hinder och möjligheter som finns för implementeringen av konceptet för en industriell BEJF-produktionsanläggning vid Lugnvik-anläggningen i Östersund, Sverige. Utvecklingen av en färdplan för en möjlig väg framåt för konceptet ingår också i denna studie. Studien inkluderar även en utvärdering av möjligheter för inrättandet av internationella konsortier för både fortsatt forskning och förverkligandet av fullskaleanläggningen. Därför beskrivs två parallella vägar (forskning och fullskala) och en färdplan som visar de möjliga vägarna framåt för dessa vägar under de kommande fem åren. Många möjliga finansieringsalternativ (offentlig nationell, privat, EU-finansiering) beskrivs för de två parallella, men sammankopplade vägarna för fullskalig industriproduktion och forskning och utveckling, inklusive identifiering av relevanta kommande utlysningar inom Horisont Europa. En viktig slutsats är att finansiering ska anskaffas separat för de två vägarna för att förhindra att genomförandet av fullskaleanläggningen är beroende av forskningsfinansiering. Forskningen bedöms dock ha stor potential att tillhandahålla värdefull kunskap även för den industriella skalan. Ett förtydligande från den tidigare studien är placeringen och storleken på koldioxidavskiljningsenheten som har behandlats och bestämts. En annan är utvecklingen av ett optimeringsverktyg för storlek och skala som har diskuterats och tyvärr avfärdats på grund av komplexitet. När det gäller möjliga hinder och möjligheter har relevanta föreskrifter och tillstånd kopplade till anläggningen och driften av anläggningen beskrivits och diskuterats, och certifieringen för driften och produkterna samt kvalitetskraven för dessa förtydligats. Slutligen har marknadsmöjligheter för biprodukter och tillhörande kvalitetskrav kartlagts, liksom andra möjliga relevanta inflöden till anläggningen. Möjligheten för tekniköverföring av konceptet till en annan plats diskuteras. Resultat av en magisteruppsats för optimering av styrmedel relaterade till hållbara flygbränslen har kopplats till omfattningen av denna studie. Som ett generellt nästa steg föreslås att den färdplan som utvecklats inom detta projekt följs de kommande fem åren. Som ett mer specifikt nästa steg föreslås ett uppföljningsprojekt i form av en detaljerad förstudie som skulle förbättra möjligheten att gå djupare in i konceptet. Sammantaget framhäver de resultat som produceras inom detta projekt den goda genomförbarheten av det koncept som tas upp här och föreslår en konkret plan för dess genomförande i full skala. 7
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This project is a follow-up study on the previously reported project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden, which was an in-depth feasibility study on the establishment of a BEJF production plant at the suggested site. This follow-up project consists of two main parts: 1) Supplementary studies and 2) International outlook and cooperation. The first part contains supplementary studies to the previous project and mainly aims to produce information that is useful as basis for a possible investment decision in a BEJF production plant. The second part includes the establishment of cooperation with relevant international actors and the development of opportunities to produce applications for EU funding. These two project parts have been run in parallel during the project and the results of the two parts have been synergistically integrated. BEJF is an electrofuel, a fuel product in the jet-fuel range (C8-C16) produced from captured CO2 of biogenic origin and H2 from electrolysis of water using renewable electricity. 1.1.1 Supplementary studies The supplementary studies presented in this report will be used to create a decision basis for investments and implementation of plans for hydrogen/aviation fuel production. Jämtkraft owns and operates the district heating network in the city of Östersund and has a CHP at the Lugnvik site to supply heat and power. Moreover, Jämtkraft also owns and operates both wind- and hydropower in the northern part of Sweden. Jämtkraft also have plans on constructing a new CHP- plant within the next 4-5 years. The studies within this project are carried out with Jämtkraft and the planned new CHP plant in focus, but methods and results are generalized and documented so that the results are useful for other actors and as a basis for international cooperation. The following supplementary studies have been performed within the project: • A more detailed study of financing opportunities for the facility at organizational level (addressing the question on who may be able to contribute to the financing) including also public financing opportunities and loan guarantees at national and EU level. • Analysis of suitable location and space requirements for CO2 capture equipment in the new CHP plant (KVV). • Analysis of the possibility to develop an excel-based tool to simulate material flows related to the BEJF production facility based on the local conditions in Östersund. • Overview of relevant legislation and permits required for the construction and operation of the facility. Review of the locations of corresponding fuel production facilities in Sweden. • Summary of the process around plant certification for aviation fuel production. • Detailed mapping of other outlets related to outgoing end products from the process (petrol, diesel, wax, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide). • Questions about quality and certification of by-products and flows for the overall business model. 8
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden • Questions concerning Tech transfer and knowledge transfer for other additional locations of the same concept, in Sweden, the Nordic countries, Europe and internationally. • Compilation of other possible inflows (eg locally produced biogas, locally produced carbon dioxide and non-locally produced carbon dioxide). 1.1.2 Establishment of international cooperation The establishment of international cooperation in this project includes mapping of actors and ongoing relevant research in the field as well as establishment of contacts and collaborative discussions for future applications to calls within the EU Green Deal and future ones within Horizon Europe. The aim of this part of the project was to: • Identify and contact current international actors (energy, fuel companies, research providers, etc.) with relevant research and development on hydrogen and aviation fuels. • Develop collaboration plans and proposals for the Green Deal and/or upcoming Horizon Europe programs. 1.2 Methodology and project implementation The project has been led by IVL and has been carried out based on published literature and interviews as well as the results from the above-mentioned previous project. The input for the studies consists of data, results and conclusions from academic and popular science literature supplemented with interviews of national and international expertise within IVL's and working group participants' network of contacts. The establishment of the international consortia are carried out through documentation of existing contacts and identification of new ones in collaboration with a selection of participants from the ongoing project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden (Jämtkraft, Chalmers, Lund University, Fly Green Fund, Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation, Power Region / Östersund Municipality). Only IVL's part of the work has been financed by this project. Project manager at IVL has been Anton Fagerström. Internal and external resources have been allocated as needed within the project and the work has been reviewed internally within IVL. Project meetings have been held every 1-2 weeks during the project. 9
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden 2 Background Jämtkraft and IVL have, together with Chalmers, Lund University, Fly Green Fund, Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation, Power Region / Östersund Municipality, carried out the previous project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, Jämtkraft's environmental fund and the IVL Foundation (SIVL). That project ran between June 2019 and December 2020. In this previous project the possibility of producing electrofuels in the form of Bio electro jet fuel (BEJF) from renewable CO2 and hydrogen (H2) via two synthetic routes (F-T and AtJ) and the integration of these processes into a CHP plant were investigated under Swedish conditions. Both routes have shown comparable BEJF production costs of approximately EUR1.6/litreBEJF, with a slight increase of about 3% in the case of AtJ. It should, however, be noted that there is a significantly lower amount of jet fuel produced via the AtJ process compared to the F-T-route. A reduction of 78% in heating demands has been achieved in the F-T process through energy integration, which has also led to a significant increase in thermal efficiency of the process up to 39%, based on the F-T crude product. Both routes can be integrated with the CHP plant and the district heating network to achieve a better overall energy efficiency. Further research is required for the AtJ route in order to increase the hydrocarbon chain length in the product distribution, as well as for both routes to assess the effect of varying the capacity of biomass feed on the production cost of electrofuels. The environmental impact for large scale production of electrofuels (in the form of BEJF) from the F-T pathway and the AtJ pathway was assessed using Life cycle assessment (LCA). The Global warming potential (GWP) of the studied fuels range between 11 and 19 g CO2 eq. per MJ BEJF produced, with the possibility for even lower emissions factors (9-16 g CO2 eq. per MJ BEJF) when co-products from the hydrogen production process are considered. The AtJ pathway resulted, for all studied impact categories, in slightly better environmental performance compared to the F-T pathway. In the absence of detailed data however, this pathway was modelled in a more simplified way compared to the F-T pathway which may explain some of the variations observed. According to the previous study it is indicated that the BEJFs can fulfil the emission reduction targets set by policy and provide a promising alternative for the aviation sector under the condition that renewable sources are used and that processes are highly integrated to take advantage of all possible synergies. It should be noted that results from LCAs in general, and of this study in particular, can be sensitive to the underlying assumptions and methodological choices performed. The outcome for example may differ for countries other than Sweden (or Nordic) and with a more carbon intense energy mix. To capture methodological variations, additional scenarios looking to other allocation approaches (for instance in relation to the CHP) or fuel related reporting frameworks (e.g. REDII) could be further investigated. Apart from the CHP, the remaining processes are based on simulations and experimental results indicating that the full integration potential and scale up effects are not considered in detail. Future assessments on a demo or full- scale fuel production facility may provide an even deeper understanding on the factors influencing the environmental performance of these fuels. In the previous study, business model aspects have been discussed assuming that electrofuels may in the future represent a renewable transport fuel with high GHG reduction potential. It is therefore crucial that the production plant is designed and operated in order to deliver a fuel with low climate impact. Other benefits and impact on sustainability to include in a sustainable business model are, for example, regional growth, job creation as well as social and gender equality. There 10
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden will be several products generated from the process, such as e-jet, e-gasoline and e-diesel which are expected to contribute to the overall business model. Besides being sold to end customers these products could be sold to an intermediator, for example a refinery. Other by-products from the process to be considered in the business model include for example residual/surplus heat, oxygen and waxes where new or existing customers could be relevant. In order to come closer to an investment decision for the proposed aviation fuel factory integrated with Lugnvik CHP in Östersund, it was proposed that a number of supplementary issues would be investigated in greater detail than what is included in the previous project. Furthermore, a number of research challenges are expected to remain in terms of scaling up new catalytic process steps for increased system efficiency in integration with existing infrastructure and international cooperation will be an important activity to quickly reach an implementation phase. The interest in international cooperation was also illustrated by the recently opened EU Horizon2020 call Closing the industrial carbon cycle to combat climate change - Industrial feasibility of catalytic routes for sustainable alternatives to fossil resources with high bearing on the previous project. With support from the EU, the opportunities are considered great for both support for the establishment of the proposed plant and for continued research and development of hydrogen and aviation fuel production in Sweden and the EU. Against this background, IVL Swedish Environmental Institute proposed a supplementary project in the form of a collaboration with Jämtkraft to produce information useful for the basis for a possible investment decision. This collaboration project includes to, carry out the work of establishing European cooperation that is expected to lead to research proposals, map funding possibilities and perform some supplementary assessments. This project is part-financed by industrial funds from Jämtkraft, which are matched by SIVL, and intends to shed light on the additional opportunities and obstacles that exist for the construction of the aviation fuel factory. The main arguments for the funders to support the project is: • The project is relevant for the industrial partner, Jämtkraft, and for the industry in that it produces previously unavailable results central to the construction of a Bio- electro-jet-fuel (BEJF) factory in direct connection to the company's facility. • The project is relevant to IVL as it builds on its expertise in fuels and energy and has great potential to deepen the institute's research involvement in electro fuels, process integration and aviation. • The project is relevant for the region as it has the potential to improve the opportunities for establishing sought after electricity-intensive industry. • The project is relevant to Sweden's environmental and climate ambition as it has the potential to lead to a facility that can replace on the order of at least 10-15% of the annual consumption of fuel for domestic air transport in Sweden. • The project has potential to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness in the international arena as a producer of sustainable fuels. More “green” jobs can be created and new opportunities for cooperation between academia and the private sector can arise as a result from the project. • The project has a research height in itself as completely new data is produced around a jet fuel plant's value chains as well as energy and material flows. Furthermore, the project leads to international cooperation with the aim of producing research proposals for EU funding. 11
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden • The planned international cooperation is expected to lead to continued research that increases the potential to streamline the production BEJF both in the planned facility, in Sweden and within the EU. 3 Establishment of international cooperation One insight from the previous project Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden for the main involved stakeholders was that additional partners were needed to realize the plans for a full-scale production facility for BEJF. The reason for this conclusion was that linked to the realization specialized expertise would be needed in a number of areas related to the design and construction of the facility, and in downstream product testing, handling and distribution. Therefore, intensive work began by the project partners in forming a consortium capable of managing the tasks related to the realization of the BEJF plant. Meanwhile, EU launched the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call Closing the industrial carbon cycle to combat climate change - Industrial feasibility of catalytic routes for sustainable alternatives to fossil resources, which was focused on the establishment of a demo-scale facility for synthetic fuels. Demo-scale in this case corresponds to an amount of synthetic fuel product of 4000 tonnes annually as compared to the size of the full-scale plant envisioned in the previous project of 80-100 000 tonnes yearly. This meant that two interconnected consortia were to be established: a smaller one with the focus on the full-scale plant, and a more populated one with a more explicit research focus. The main partners of the full-scale consortium would be: Jämtkraft, one major conventional fuel producer, and an engineering company capable of constructing the facility. The partners of the research consortium would be more diverse and more tailored to meet the requirements in the specific call, at least for a start. The partners of the two consortia are listed in table 1 below. Partners contacted, but not part of either consortia are also listed in table 1 below. Partners not involved in the previous or the project at hand are kept anonymous. Table 1. Partners of the two consortia formed within this project. Participant European Org. type Consortia region (Full scale, Research) IVL Swedish Environmental Research Nordic RTO F, R Institute Jämtkraft Nordic Energy company F, R 1 Nordic Engineering company F, R 2 Nordic Fuel company F, R Power Region / Östersunds kommun Nordic Not for profit F Chalmers University Nordic University R Lund University Nordic University R Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Nordic Not for profit R Aviation 12
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden 3 West Fuel company R 4 South RTO R 5 South RTO R 6 West Not for profit R 7 Nordic University R 8 Nordic Airport operator R 9 Nordic Airline R 10 Central Airplane company R 11 South Airport operator R 12 South Airline R 13 East University R X West Jet Engine company Non X Nordic Outdoor handheld Non machinery X Nordic Laboratory Non X Nordic Fuel company Non X Nordic Fuel company Non X Nordic Engineering firm Non X Nordic Engineering firm Non X South Engineering firm Non Each partner of the two consortia has their unique strengths, skills and fills specific rolls in the groups. The full-scale consortium was put together with the aim of getting an industrial scale plant up and running in the best way possible. The research consortium had the aim of creating a group with excellence in the areas needed to conduct ground-breaking research in the field of synthetic fuels and their incorporation into aviation. Their individual roles were: • IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, has coordinated the work within this project, led the work in the previous project and the work with the application. IVL is determined to continue to have a role in both consortia, in order to facilitate the establishment of the full-scale plant, to develop the concept and technological steps through research and to be the bridge between the research and full-scale path. • Chalmers University has been a research partner in the previous project and in the current research consortia with a focus on catalyst development for the AtJ (MeOH) synthesis pathway. • Lund University has been a research partner in the previous project and in the current research consortia with a focus on process integration, CAPEX and OPEX. Also, a member in the research consortium on BEJF testing and air quality. • Jämtkraft is an Energy company and a partner of this project, the previous project and the work ahead. Jämtkraft is dedicated to continue to have a role in both consortia. Jämtkraft owns the relevant CHP plant and the land for the facility to be constructed upon. Potential part-owner and operator of the BEJF facility. • Power Region / Östersunds kommun is a partner of the ongoing project and a dedicated partner in realizing the concept at the site. Is, in a wider context, trying to attract energy-intensive industry to the region. • Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation is an NGO focused on promoting development in sustainable aviation. 13
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden 4 Research proposal Besides the establishment of international cooperation (reported above), there was also a more concrete goal about the development of collaboration plans and proposals for the Green Deal and/or upcoming Horizon Europe programs. The research consortium described above was collated in order to establish international collaboration for the partners of this project. Explicitly however, the work revolved around the writing of an actual research proposal for the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call: Closing the industrial carbon cycle to combat climate change - Industrial feasibility of catalytic routes for sustainable alternatives to fossil resources, ID: LC-GD-3-1-2020, with application deadline 2020-01-26. Work commenced during early November 2020 and was carried out until late December when it finally was called off due to budget concerns. The call clearly requested the construction of a demonstration facility for the production of 4000 tonnes annually of synthetic fuels. The maximum amount of possible funding from the call was 40 MEUR. However, in a collaboration between LU, IVL and JK, the total cost of constructing such a facility was estimated to above 90 MEUR. The possibility to source the overshooting 50 MEUR during the course of a month was deemed highly unprobeable, and therefore the work on this specific proposal was cancelled. The content of the proposal is summarised below: The main objective is to demonstrate at TRL7 first of its kind advanced, modular and replicable solutions enabling the production of synthetic fuels and chemicals for use within different sectors (transport, working machines and as chemical feed stock). The solutions promote a cost-effective and technically viable decarbonisation of the current transport systems and unlock investments for the deployment of similar production facilities across the EU. The project will focus on the production of synthetic transport fuels (electrofuels). Carbon dioxide (CO2) will be captured from the flue gasses from a biomass (wood chips) fed combined heat and power plant (CHP). Renewable electricity (wind and hydropower) will be used to produce hydrogen (H2) thought the electrolysis of water. CO2 and H2 will be catalytically converted to a hydrocarbon mixture (e-crude) which will be separated into discrete fuel fractions (e-jet, e-petrol, and e-diesel). The project will leverage the extensive knowledge acquired by the project consortium in the newly completed in-depth feasibility study Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP plant in Östersund, Sweden, where: i) the Best available technology for sub-processes and unit operations have been described and compared, ii) Integration design and total efficiency of the process for two alternative catalytic pathways (Fischer-Tropsch an modified Alcohol(methanol)-to-Jet) have been simulated, iii) CAPEX, OPEX and synthetic fuel production cost has been determined, iv) Life Cycle Assessments for synthetic fuel has been compared to other renewable options and, v) Sustainable business models have been evaluated involving stakeholders for the complete synthetic fuel value chain. Starting from a comprehensive know-how, this project will: i) Develop, analyse and scale-up innovative recyclable catalytic material systems, ii) In detail design an integrated and modular system for synthetic fuel and chemicals production at a biomass fed CHP plant, iii) Analyse and work through the possible constraints for such a system, iv) Construct a demo facility to produce 4000 tonnes per annum of synthetic products in the form of fuels and chemicals, v) Demonstrate the complete value chain for several of those products, vi) Map the combustion pattern and emissions 14
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden of those fuels, and vii) Validate their performance in Techno-economic evaluations and Life cycle assessments. The knowledge generated in the Project will be exploited for replicability and generalization and promoted through a powerful dissemination and training strategy in order to encourage a rapid and widespread replication of the demonstrated solutions across the EU. Even if the efforts on this particular proposal was cancelled, the ambition is still to use the network established within the scope of this project, in the form of the research consortium described above to form new project proposals and to submit those to suitable calls in the near future. 5 Financing possibilities The concept of BEJF (or any synthetic fuel production for that matter) at Jämtkrafts Lungvik site in Östersund demands a large capital investment (CAPEX). Based on the previous report, an industrial full-scale plant with a production capacity of 80 – 100 kton electrofuel-product per year (corresponding to a 130 MW electrolyzer) would require an investment in the order of 135 MEUR. The rationale behind this estimate is described in the previous report. The electrolyzer cost assumed is taken from the lower end of the estimated interval in this case, around 500 EUR/kW. With higher electrolyzer costs, i.e.: 750 or 1000 EUR/kW, and 130 MW electrolyzer power, the corresponding CAPEX would be in the order of: 170 or 210 MEUR, respectively. The proposed demo scale facility, which was the aim of the previously described work on a research proposal towards the EU H2020 Green deal call, was planned to have a production capacity of merely 4 kton, but with an associated CAPEX of above 90 MEUR. This number was reached in cooperation with an established engineering partner. Therefore, the establishment of a demo facility at the site is deemed unprobeable before there are an operational full-scale facility on the site. A demo plant would instead be possible as a bolt-on solution to an existing plant where only selected parts of the process could be developed and demonstrated. This solution would come at a significantly reduced cost as compared to starting with a demo before the full-scale plant is operational. Besides the capital investment, operational costs (OPEX) for this type of facility are also substantial, and in fact higher than the CAPEX based on the energy content of the fuel produced. The reason for this is mainly the very high electricity demand for the electrolyzers. The production cost per MWh of fuel produced in a full-scale facility is split around 16% originating from CAPEX, and 84% from OPEX. The electrolyzer CAPEX is hence not a main contributor to the production cost of the product. However, as OPEX is very dominating, this is where one of the main advantages of the Lugnvik site in Sweden comes in to play: the very low predicted price for electricity up until at least 2040. In a European context, Sweden has the lowest price for electricity. Moreover, the area where Östersund and Lugnvik are located have among the lowest electricity prices in Sweden, and this electricity is of completely renewable origin. This area has an extensive production of renewable electricity, much more that it currently can use. Given the existing constraints in electricity transmission between the northern and southern parts of Sweden, and the losses associated with long-range electricity transmission, a case can be made that it is more rational to use the electricity closer to its origin of production. 15
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden There are thus substantial costs associated with constructing the BEJF facility. To find reliable and long-lasting partners to Jämtkraft for this endeavor has been one of the main aims of the present project. However, even after compiling possible partners (see the list of consortia members above) additional funding from other sources will also be needed for the project to be realized. Therefore, a possible way forward that takes funding into account have been proposed in this project, and is presented in chapter 6 below, both for the more commercially focused full-scale facility and for a possible researched-focused demo scale facility. 5.1 Specific sources of funding There are a number of potential ways of co-funding the realization of the facility with external economic resources. It has been the aim of this study to map such opportunities in the Swedish and European arena, but as the international interest for green investments like this one grows - novel options constantly arise, and the list below is therefore not to be considered as completely comprehensive. 5.1.1 European investment bank (European Investment Bank, 2021) The European Investment Bank (EIB) is jointly owned by the EU countries. It seeks to: • boost Europe's potential in terms of jobs & growth • support action to mitigate climate change • promote EU policies outside the EU The Bank borrows money on capital markets and lends it on favourable terms to projects that support EU objectives. About 90 % of loans are made within the EU. None of the money comes from the EU budget. The EIB provides 3 main types of products and services: • lending – about 90 % of its total financial commitment. The Bank lends to clients of all sizes to support growth and jobs, and this support often helps to attract other investors • 'blending' - allowing clients to combine EIB financing with additional investment • advising and technical assistance - maximizing value for money The EIB give out loans above EUR 25 million directly. Where smaller loans are involved, it opens credit lines for financial institutions that then lend funds to creditors. All EU countries are shareholders in the EIB. Decisions are taken by the following bodies: • the Board of Governors, comprising ministers (mostly finance ministers) from all EU countries. It defines general lending policy. • the Board of Directors, chaired by the EIB President, which comprises 28 members appointed by the EU countries and one appointed by the European Commission. It approves lending and borrowing operations. 16
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden • the Management Committee, the Bank's executive body, which handles day-to-day business. The Audit Committee checks that EIB operations are conducted in a proper manner. The Bank's departments implement management decisions. EIB makes borrowing and lending decisions, based on the merits of each project and the opportunities offered by financial markets. Within the EU, it has specific lending priorities. Outside the EU, it supports the EU development and cooperation policies worldwide. As an independent body, the Bank takes its own borrowing and lending decisions. It cooperates with other EU institutions, especially the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the EU. If one run a business or work in the public sector and have a project that could contribute to achieving EU policy objectives, one could be eligible for an EIB loan. To apply, contact the EIB by email, web form or through its offices, providing sufficient information to enable the Bank to judge whether the project meets its lending objectives and has a well-developed business plan. The EIB is the majority shareholder of the European Investment Fund (EIF), which provides funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through venture capital and risk finance instruments. Other shareholders are the European Commission and financial institutions from across Europe. Established in 1994, the Fund is active in all EU countries, prospective member countries, Liechtenstein and Norway. EIF products include: • venture capital and micro-financing for SMEs, particularly new and innovative companies • guarantees for financial institutions, to cover loans to SMEs • help for EU countries and those in the process of joining the EU to develop their risk capital markets EIB could co-finance the complete industrial full-scale facility. 5.1.2 EU Innovation Fund The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for the demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. It will provide around EUR 10 billion of support over 2020- 2030 for the commercial demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies, aiming to bring to the market industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe and support its transition to climate neutrality. The goal is to help businesses invest in clean energy and industry to boost economic growth, create local future-proof jobs and reinforce European technological leadership on a global scale. This is done through calls for large and small-scale projects focusing on: • innovative low-carbon technologies and processes in energy-intensive industries, including products substituting carbon-intensive ones • carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) • construction and operation of carbon capture and storage (CCS) 17
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden • innovative renewable energy generation • energy storage The Innovation Fund is funded through the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), the world’s largest carbon pricing system, is providing the revenues for the Innovation Fund from the auctioning of 450 million allowances from 2020 to 2030, as well as any unspent funds from the NER300 programme. As the successor of the NER300 programme, the Innovation Fund improves the risk-sharing for projects by giving more funding in a more flexible way through a simpler selection process and is also open to projects from energy-intensive industries. For the period 2020-2030, the Fund may amount to about EUR 10 billion, depending on the carbon price. In parallel to the Innovation Fund, the EU ETS provides the main long-term incentive for these technologies to be deployed. The Innovation Fund is a key funding instrument for delivering the EU’s economy-wide commitments under the Paris Agreement and its objective to be climate neutral by 2050, as recognised in the European Green Deal Investment Plan. The Innovation Fund focuses on highly innovative technologies and big flagship projects within Europe that can bring on significant emission reductions. It is about sharing the risk with project promoters to help with the demonstration of first-of-a-kind highly innovative projects. It aims to finance a varied project pipeline achieving an optimal balance of a wide range of innovative technologies in all eligible sectors and Member States, Norway and Iceland. At the same time, the projects need to be sufficiently mature in terms of planning, business model as well as financial and legal structure. The fund supports cross-cutting projects on innovative low-carbon solutions that lead to emission reductions in multiple sectors, for example, through industrial symbiosis. The Fund is also open to small-scale projects with total capital costs under €7.5 million. EU Innovation Fund could co-finance the complete industrial full-scale facility. 5.1.3 InvestEU Programme The InvestEU Programme builds on the successful model of the Investment Plan for Europe, the Juncker Plan. It will bring together, under one roof, the European Fund for Strategic Investments and 13 EU financial instruments currently available. Triggering at least €650 billion in additional investment, the Programme aims to give an additional boost to investment, innovation and job creation in Europe. The InvestEU Programme consist of: • The InvestEU Fund: Mobilising public and private investment using an EU budget guarantee • The InvestEU Advisory Hub: Providing technical advice on investment projects needing financing. • The InvestEU Portal: An easily accessible database that matches projects with potential investors worldwide. The InvestEU Programme benefits: 18
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden • Simplified and streamlined investment support • Just one set of rules and procedures and one point of contact for advice. InvestEU will make EU funding simpler to access and more effective. InvestEU 2021-2027: • Expanding the successful Juncker Plan model o By using an EU budget guarantee to crowd-in other investors, the InvestEU Fund will give an added boost to investment in the EU. • Making EU funds go further o The EU budget guarantee can help public funds go further. InvestEU is expected to mobilise at least €650 billion in additional investment between 2021 and 2027. • Targeting key areas o The InvestEU Fund will support four main policy areas: sustainable infrastructure; research, innovation and digitisation; small and medium businesses; and social investment and skills. • Improving the investment environment in Europe o Like in the Juncker Plan, InvestEU will be a part of the Commission's economic policy mix of investment, structural reforms and fiscal responsibility, to ensure Europe remains an attractive place for businesses to settle and thrive. InvestEU Programme could co-finance the complete industrial full-scale facility. 5.1.4 The Recovery and Resilience Facility The Recovery and Resilience Facility (the Facility) will make €672.5 billion in loans and grants available to support reforms and investments undertaken by Member States. The aim is to mitigate the economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic and make European economies and societies more sustainable, resilient and better prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the green and digital transitions. By offering large-scale financial support for investment and reforms, the Facility will better prepare Member States for a sustainable recovery. The Commission proposed the Facility on 27 May 2020 as the centerpiece of NextGenerationEU, a temporary recovery instrument that allows the Commission to raise funds to help repair the immediate economic and social damage brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. The Facility is also closely aligned with the Commission’s priorities ensuring in the long-term a sustainable and inclusive recovery that promotes the green and digital transitions. On 21 July 2020, the European Council reached a political agreement on NextGenerationEU, including the Facility, and the 2021- 2027 long-term EU budget. Member States will prepare recovery and resilience plans that set out a coherent package of reforms and public investment projects. To benefit from the support of the Facility, these reforms and investments should be implemented by 2026. Please observe, that the Swedish government intent to use this directed EU support for plans already incorporated in the national amending budgets of 2020. There is an ongoing debate on this 19
Report B 2413 Biojet Östersund – Supplementary studies and international cooperation – Supplementary studies to the project: Large scale Bio-Electro-Jet fuel production integration at CHP-plant in Östersund, Sweden issue and therefore, it is not yet clear if individual projects may be able to apply for these grants or if they will be incorporated directly in the national treasury to cover previous expenditures. The Recovery and Resilience Facility could possibly co-finance the complete industrial full-scale facility or selected parts of it, given that the funds are made available for projects like this. 5.1.5 Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU) is a €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC). Until today, BBI JU has funded 123 bio-based innovation projects involving 924 beneficiaries from 37 EU Member States and Associated Countries. BBI JU is a €3.7 billion initiative providing funding for projects in the bio-based industries sector for the 2014-2020 period. The two founding partners contribute to the Joint Undertaking: €975 million in funding is provided by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Union and €2.7 billion is contributed by the private sector, represented by BIC. By 2024, each euro of BBI JU funding is expected to have attracted a private contribution of €2.8. There will be a successor to BBI JU announced Q1-Q2 2021. The successor to BBI JU could be a source of getting in contact with possible sources of funding for the complete full-scale facility or selected parts of it. 5.1.6 Fuel cells and hydrogen joint undertaking The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is a unique public private partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. Its aim is to accelerate the market introduction of these technologies, realizing their potential as an instrument in achieving a carbon-clean energy system. Fuel cells, as an efficient conversion technology, and hydrogen, as a clean energy carrier, have a great potential to help fight carbon dioxide emissions, to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and to contribute to economic growth. The objective of the FCH JU is to bring these benefits to Europeans through a concentrated effort from all sectors. The three members of the FCH JU are the European Commission, fuel cell and hydrogen industries represented by Hydrogen Europe and the research community represented by Hydrogen Europe Research. FCH JU are working to facilitate the market introduction of FCH technologies in Europe and realize their potential in a carbon-clean energy system. This is done by implementing an optimal research and innovation (R&I) programme in order to develop a portfolio of clean, efficient solutions that exploit the properties of hydrogen as an energy carrier and fuel cells as energy converters, to the point of market readiness. 20
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