CIALCA 2017-2020 Catalyzing partnerships, capacity building and research towards entrepreneurial farming in Central Africa
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CIALCA 2017-2020 since 2006 Catalyzing partnerships, capacity building and research improving livelihoods towards entrepreneurial 1 farming in Central Africa
Preface Dear friends of CIALCA, It is with great pleasure that we present to you the Annual Report 2019 of the Consortium for Improving Agricultural Livelihoods in Central Africa, also known as CIALCA. We’re writing this preface in the midst of the Corona virus crisis, which is disrupting daily life and human health globally. The CIALCA network is strongly connected with each other and we monitor the situation and how it impacts rural livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region. We thereby also realize how critical our three pillars of action are as a strong backbone for a resilient consortium: partnerships, capacity building, and innovations. This backbone has withheld numerous challenges over time that we have faced in the Great Lakes Region, from AUTHORS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT war to volcanic eruptions to food crises. Where useful and where requested CIALCA will make This CIALCA Annual Report 2019 is authored by Dr Marc Schut, Dr Rhys Manners, Dr Kokou Kintche and Dr Bernard Vanlauwe (IITA); its network and services available to help fight this global crisis. Dr Roseline Remans, Dr Beatrice Ekesa, Dr Guy Blomme, Dr Walter Ocimati (The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT); Dr Gerd Dercon and Dr Wivine Zirha (FAO/ IAEA). For CIALCA, 2019 was a good year. We made excellent progress along our three Pillars, had a very successful Mid-term Review meeting with strong partners and donor representation, Please refer to this report as: attracted complementary funding to ongoing CIALCA initiatives, and launched our CIALCA- CIALCA, 2020. CIALCA Annual Report 2019. Published by IITA, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, and FAO/IAEA under data-base (CIALCA-base) as an integral part of our new website the Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods in Central Africa. March 2019. Available at As part of our work under Pillar 1 ‘Partnerships and Policies’, we signed a Memorandum of CIALCA, its partners and beneficiaries strongly acknowledge the long-lasting support provided by the Belgian Directorate General for Understanding with the American Refugee Committee (ARC) and existing collaborations Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD). CIALCA is implemented as an integral part of the CGIAR Research Program with the National Agricultural Research Systems of Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo and on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) and supported by CGIAR Fund Donors ( other partners were continued, renewed and even expanded. Under Pillar 2 ‘Capacity Devel- opment’, we are happy to report that currently 8 PhD-students are conducting their doctoral Credits photography Photo page 20/21 and 24/25 by Alamy Stock Photography studies with Belgian Universities under the CIALCA umbrella. In this Annual Report, several All other photos by CIALCA. of them share their personal stories. Under Pillar 3 ‘Innovation and Scaling’, we completed a Design first season of fertilizer trials for cassava in Rwanda, Burundi and eastern DR Congo and the second season has been planted. This means that we can start calibrating the digital fertil- izer recommendation tool in the region, for which there is a lot of interest from agricultural LED BY IMPLEMENTED UNDER SUPPORTED BY service providers. Two other 2019 achievements that are worth highlighting are the launch of CIALCA-base Joint FAO/IAEA Programme as integral part of our new website, and attracting additional investment that builds on or 13
strengthens the CIALCA work. First, CIALCA-base is the first step in realising a long-term am- bition of CIALCA to bring together and avail all CIALCA data in one centralised, online data- base that is accessible for our staff, partners and students. It has also demarcated the start of standardised household and agricultural data collection across all CIALCA activities. Second, CIALCA collaborated with the African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI) in attracting USD 1 Million from the CGIAR Research Program on Roots Tubers and Banana (RTB) to scale the cassava fertilizer recommendation tool with private sector partners, and to other crops in the region. In addition, the IAEA funded a regional Technical Cooperation Project of EUR 1.5 Mil- Preface | 1 lion for 4 years which will focus, with the technical support of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme on Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, on strengthening capacity in Burundi, 2019 highlights | 5 Rwanda, DR Congo and 12 other countries on the use of isotopes for enhancing productivity and climate resilience of cassava-based systems through improved nutrient, water and soil management. Lastly, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rwandan government Five areas of impact | 8 are co-investing USD 2 Million in the Rwanda Agricultural and Livestock Resource Develop- Gender | 13 ment Board (RAB) and IITA to develop a Rwanda Soil Information Services (RwaSIS) that can Climate | 17 inform country-wide investment decisions on soil fertility and erosion control, and aligns with the site-specific fertilizer recommendation work under CIALCA. These are good examples Poverty | 23 of how CIALCA continues to leverage and attracts investments in agricultural development in Nutrition | 27 the Great Lakes Region. Environment | 33 In terms of our agricultural research for development mandate and role in the Great Lakes Region we are entering interesting times. The largest global agricultural research for de- CIALCA-base | 39 velopment partnership, the CGIAR that also governs CIALCA, is redefining its position and agenda as part of transition towards ‘One CGIAR’. As part of its transition process, it is moving towards a new agenda that focusses on addressing the world’s grand challenges around five Overview of 2019 achievements | 41 areas of impact. CIALCA is strongly positioned to guide such new agenda and investments in the Great Lakes Regions, which is why we decided to organise this CIALCA Annual Report 2019 around those five Areas of Impact: Gender, Climate, Poverty, Nutrition, and the Envi- Reflections from the mid-term review meeting | 49 ronment. 2020 Activities | 51 On behalf of all colleagues, partners and friends of CIALCA, we wish you pleasant reading of this CIALCA 2019 Annual Report. Publications and outputs | 53 Dr Marc Schut (CGIAR/ IITA) Dr Roseline Remans (CGIAR/ the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT) Dr Gerd Dercon (FAO/IAEA) CIALCA coordinators 24 3
Highlights 2019 in the Great Lakes Region 1 2 How understanding How isotopes help build heterogeneity strengthens resilience to climate change inclusive commercialisation Climate change is expected to cause an increase in frequency of agriculture and duration of dry spells in Central and Eastern Africa. This will lower yields of cassava and banana consumed daily by approx- CIALCA is supporting One Acre Fund in better understanding imately 6 million people in the highlands of Burundi, DRC and and tailoring agricultural innovation delivery to its 300,000 Rwanda. To cope with problems of drought stress in cassava men and women farmer clients in Rwanda. This research co-in- and banana cropping systems, CIALCA adapts stable isotope vested by CIALCA and One Acre Fund, has resulted in the gen- techniques based on carbon-13 and oxygen-18 for cassava and eration of six potentially representative farm types of Rwandan banana systems. Those innovative techniques will help the agricultural systems and the development of a mobile phone national research systems and businesses accelerate the variety application “Know your farmer”. This is a pioneering step that selection, choice of planting time and fertilizer application to One Acre Fund and partners consider a promising mechanism counteract the effects of drought in cassava and banana pro- to more inclusively serve their diversity of farmer clients with duction. tailored packages and more efficiently identify new ones. For more information, please see page 17. For more information, please see page 13. 6 57
3 5 How ICT improves productivity How agriculture can Low cassava and banana yields and inefficient use of inputs be a positive driver for remain a major bottleneck for farmers to increase their income. In collaboration with national and international environmental sustainability research institutes, including the International Fertilizer High population density, unsustainable farming practices Development Center and the African Cassava Agronomy Ini- and climate change put pressure on the beautiful and tiative (ACAI), CIALCA is developing digital decision support diverse ecosystems in the Great Lakes Region. In collabo- tools to optimize farmer’s return on fertilizer investment ration with the national research systems, CIALCA explores in the Great Lake Region. To this end, CIALCA conducted strategies for increasing the resilience of banana-based this year 121 nutrient omission trials in the three countries agroecosystems and the supply of ecosystem services in and has 120 new trials on the ground. The harvested infor- those production systems. Agroecological practices, such as mation feeds into decision tools that can support national the integration of shade_ and drought_tolerant crops, the fertilizer subsidy programs and recommendations. management of hedges and small habitats, nitrogen_fix- ing and cover crops show promising potential in a variety For more information, please see page 23. of settings in the Great Lakes Region to improve soil fertility and moisture retention, reduce the weed burden, narrow yield gaps and increase overall ecosystem biomass produc- 4 tivity. For more information, please see page 33. How systems approaches improve nutrition in the Great Lakes Region Diet diversity in the Great Lakes Region is particularly low, with very low consumption and limited supply of vegeta- bles, fruits, nuts and seeds, and animal-based products. To act upon this, CIALCA continues to help mainstream nutrition and agrobiodiversity in agriculture and markets through nutrition-smart metrics, technologies and partner- ships. In 2019, a new co-investment partnership model has been signed with ALIGHT in Rwanda, to support the devel- opment of more sustainable and healthy food systems, that can help diversify the diets of their 150,000 refugees and hosting communities. For banana-based systems, synergies and tradeoffs between nutritional yield and operating profit have been identified depending on farm typology. This helps inform options for commercialization pathways that can benefit and do not harm household nutrition. For more information, please see page 27. 6 9
Five areas Stepping up to entrpreneurial farming in banana- and cassava-based agri-food systems of impact PILLAR 1 CIALCA’s Theory of Change PILLAR 2 PILLAR 3 GENDER POVERTY Improved agricultural CLIMATE This annual report is structured around five key areas of impact: gender, climate, livelihoods in Partnerships Capacity Innovation Central Africa poverty, nutrition, and environment. For each of those impact areas, CIALCA builds and policies development and scaling ENVIRON- partnerships, capacity, scientific innovations and knowledge services - its three NUTRITION MENT S E NT pillars of action. Progress and findings are described under each impact area, and STM N VE C O-I further illustrated by statements from partners and students. LC A CIA E RS Introduction RTN add pressures to promising agricultural developments5. The PA region’s diverse ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to We live at a critical moment in time, where we have an urgent increased temperatures and heavy rainfall which can threaten need and opportunity to transform our food systems, for hu- biodiversity, and exacerbate soil erosion and land degradation. Increasing farm productivity and related income, food and nutrition security, and environmental man and planetary health, for equity and social justice. The With ~300 people per km 2, the Great Lakes Region is also sustainability in banana- and cassava-based agri-food systems CGIAR is the only worldwide research partnership addressing among the most densely populated region in Africa, with 90% agricultural research for development, and plays a challenging of its population engaged in small-scale agriculture. but unique role in catalyzing a food system transformation that FIGURE 1: Three integrated pillars of action through which CIALCA operates. works for and offers opportunities for the most vulnerable. To The Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods meet this ambition, the CGIAR research strategy and program in Central Africa (CIALCA), is an innovative partnership operat- for 2022-2030 will be restructured around five impact areas: ing in Rwanda, eastern DR Congo and Burundi, that aims to gender, climate, poverty, nutrition, and environment.1 improve agricultural livelihoods and is working on those five Three pillars of action and the Central African Highlands has allowed CIALCA to develop areas of impact - gender, climate, poverty, nutrition, and envi- contribution to development a broad network of knowledge, policy and public and private The Great Lakes Region of Central Africa is a compelling ex- ample where acting upon those five areas of impact is critical ronment - through research-for-development. outcomes scaling partners. Leveraging such networks, and bringing on board new partners facilitate having impact. for sustainable development. More than 1 in 3 children in the CIALCA’s mission is to develop and facilitate access to relevant region is still chronically undernourished or stunted (38% in science products and decision support for development part- CIALCA thinks long-term and aims to contribute to real trans- During this phase of CIALCA (2017 – 2020), CIALCA has so far Rwanda, 43% in DRC, 56% in Burundi) 2. Despite economic ners, private sector organizations, and policy makers operating formation in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 established nine new partnerships, in signed agreements, with growth, more than half of the population still lives in poverty within the Great Lakes Region. (Zero hunger) with direct positive impacts on SDG 1 (No pover- research, development and private actors. For example, CIALCA with less than 1.9$ per day (55% in Rwanda, 72% in DRC, 75% ty) SDG 3 (Good health and Well-being) SDG 5 (Gender equity) is supporting One Acre Fund in better understanding and in Burundi) 3. Investments in education are being made, but CIALCA is led by IITA, the Alliance of Bioversity International SDG 13 (Climate action) and SGD 15 (Life on land). CIALCA tailoring agricultural innovation delivery to its 300,000 farmer only 30% of students enrolled in secondary education are girls and CIAT, and FAO/IAEA and has a 15-year legacy of con- duct- thereby acts through 3 integrated Strategic Pillars: Partnerships clients in Rwanda. (30% in Rwanda, 32% in Burundi) 4. Climate change threatens ing agricultural research for development in Central and Policies (Pillar 1), Capacity development (Pillar 2), Innova- some of the positive developments. Rising temperatures, Africa. tion and scaling (Pillar 3) (Figure 1). As part of Pillar 2 ‘Capacity Development’, CIALCA builds increased variability in rainfall, floods and longer dry spells, in-depth problem solving and analytical capacity across a Under Pillar 1 ‘Partnerships and Policies’, CIALCA investigates variety of themes through MSc, PhDs, and innovative training 1 demand from partners and leverages a variety of partnerships, modules. This in collaboration with Belgian and regional uni- 2 The Global Nutrition Report, 2018: Country profiles for Rwanda, DRC, and Burundi to connect farmers in the Great Lakes Region to a choice of versities. Over time, CIALCA has supported 150 MSc, PhD and 3 The World Bank 2019, IMF World Economic Outlook Database 2019 options for transitioning out of poverty and contributing to Bachelor students and developed innovative training modules. 4 UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2018. more sustainable agri-food systems. 15 years of presence in It currently has 8 PhD students under its umbrella who are pur- 5 Climate Risk Profiles Rwanda, Burundi and DRC 10 8 11 9
suing their degrees at Ghent University, Katholieke Universiteit A detailed table on activities, outputs, achievements, outcomes Leuven (KULeuven), Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), and ultimate impact is available on page 41. and Université de Liège (ULiège) in Belgium. All PhD students are also linked to local research organisations. Under ‘Pillar 3: Innovation and Sca;ing’, CIALCA tailors specific innovation and implementation models to different agro-eco- logical (e.g. highland, lowlands) and geographical zones (dynamic, intermediate or hinterland), but also to the needs and interest of farmers of different socio- economic, gender and age groups engaged in different value chains. Through its networks CIALCA has access to state-of-the-art ICT-based research approaches and tools. Examples in the CIALCA inno- vation pipeline currently include farm typology applications for better tailoring agricultural services; use of isotopes for selection of varieties and management practices to counteract drought; site-specific fertilizer and integrated disease man- agement recommendations integrated into digital platforms accessible for extension workers and farmers; tools to better integrate nutrition into agriculture and markets in the Great Lakes Region. CIALCA thereby supports the National Agricultur- al Research Systems in developing and scaling innovations that can improve agricultural productivity, nutrition, environmental sustainability, and income in an integrated way. In this 2019 annual report, we describe progress across those three pillars per impact area and elaborate in specific boxes how this contributes to development outcomes per impact area. Overall progress on primary CIALCA outcomes across the three pillars include: • 9 Private and public scaling partners are using CIALCA inno- vations in their respective initiatives; • CIALCA products and interventions have been integrated in at least 12 new R4D investments that transform agriculture and rural livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region • Through site-specific fertilizer and disease (BXW) man- agement recommendations CIALCA is contributing to the process of developing new policies in Rwanda and Burundi as well as national information systems for making invest- ment decision in agriculture in Rwanda. • A 2007 – 2018 farm household database (CIALCA-base) which continues to grow, has been established to build ev- idence base on how households in the Great Lakes Region are advancing towards commercially-oriented farming, im- proving productivity, household income, and diet quality. 10 12 13 9
AREA OF IMPACT 1 GENDER How understanding heterogeneity strengthens inclusive commercialization and related service delivery of agriculture in the Great Lakes Region CIALCA has continued and expanded its collaboration tools to efficiently and effectively target farmers. The with Once Acre Fund (see Annual Report 2018). The decision support tool ‘Know-Your-Farmer’ currently in co-funded research resulted in the generation of six development by CIALCA- One Acre Fund is an example potentially representative farm types of Rwandan ag- of such a typology-based tool. ricultural systems that are of interest to One Acre Fund as a mechanism to better serve their 300,000 men and At the moment, Know-Your-Farmer is a simple deci- women farmer clients in Rwanda with tailored packag- sion-tree, categorising farms into the six farm types es and more efficiently identify new ones. based upon farmers’ responses to four questions. Know-Your-Farmer holds the potential to be built into This is a pioneering step in moving beyond desk-based a more complex platform where tailored agricultural typologies, towards improving service delivery and innovation and intervention packages sensitive to the agricultural extension through an inclusive tailored needs and capacities of farms can be recommended approach. Erik Slingerland, previously from the Inter- to clients. These typology-based recommendations are national Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), noted in beneficial for both farmers, receiving usable and rele- the CIALCA midterm meeting “I think you really nailed vant information, and for extension providers through it on the farm typologies research. To move towards improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness. However, tailored based packages and extension”. despite the benefits of farm typologies they can be Use of farm types, or typologies, can improve the underutilised or not useful if not grounded in local understanding of farm diversity and drive the develop- conditions. To address this and ensure the validity and ment of decision support tools, applying the insights relevance of Know-Your-Farmer a novel, multi-step, and gained to speed up extension-farm interactions and multi-actor validation methodology was developed, empower extension providers with information and bringing together the perspectives of farmers and How CIALCA contributes to achieving gender outcomes One Acre Fund (OAF) is the largest non-governmental farmers. Through a novel methodology, the typologies’ ex- agricultural service provider in Rwanda. The organization istence in the ‘real-world’ have been validated and tools for provides agricultural inputs and training to more than categorizing farmers are being developed. CIALCA supports 350,000 farm households in Rwanda, and over 1,000,000 OAF in tailoring its services to different types of farmers and in the East Africa region. Farm typologies developed with thereby improving agricultural productivity, income and CIALCA provide a first step towards better understanding nutrition. By working with large scale organisations such as and tailoring of responses to the different needs of OAF’s One Acre Fund, CIALCA can contribute to achieving SDGs. 14 15
KNOW YOUR FARMER KNOW YOUR FARMER KNOW YOUR FARMER A personal perspective YES NO by CIALCA MSc Aline Ishimwe Does the farmer cultivate an X ASSESSMENT area larger than 0,5 ha? Marginal and Unsupported similar. However, rural farm-households are heterogeneous Does the farmer grow maize X RECOMMENDATIONS RESEARCH TOPIC which might hinder the commercialization and related service and or beans? 1. Offer Training The agricultural innovation process: Insights from female-led delivery of agriculture to some particular group of farmers. For Does the farmer own X 2. Speak with other 1AF farmers household in Rwanda instance, female-led households are more challenged with doing livestock? 3. Recommend for government assistance multiple households’ tasks limiting them to engage jobwise in Assess now Is the farmer married? X RESEARCH PROBLEM the agricultural activities. If these farmers’ can be trained on the Has the farmer received X Relying on the potential success of using agricultural technolo- effective way to combine households’ tasks and farm activities formal education? Guide book gies, public and private institutions in developing countries have their participation in previously mentioned initiatives can signifi- Has the farmer perceived any X been endeavoring to provide inputs and extension services to cantly increase, thus inclusive agriculture and rural development. positive changes in the last four years? farmers. As a principal inputs-providing organization in Rwanda, One-Acre Fund an NGO that works closely to the goals of increas- ing agricultural production in East African countries seeks better information to understand farmers they serve. They are interested to know whether a specific group of farmers is more or less likely to adopt technologies than others. An initial stage of getting this FIGURE 2: Mock-up of the Know-Your-Farmer decision-support tool for one of the CIALCA partners One Acre Fund. understanding revealed that more than 80% of less-adopters were female-led households. This MSc thesis research meant to understand why female-led households are less likely to adopt local experts to triangulate the results and ground truth the CIALCA training workshop on integrating agricultural technologies promoted by One-Acre Fund. existence of the typologies and support the framework behind Gender and nutrition in agriculture them. Validation is determined through extensive one-one THE KEY FINDINGS interviews and farmer self-categorisation, combined with ex- Continuing CIALCA’s core tenet of capacity development, 30 The results revealed that households’ farm income, access to pert focus group discussions. The outputs of these interactions specialists from across multiple fields gathered in Kigali in off-farm income, access to training, access to credit and having are used to identify significant overlaps between farm types January 2019 to participate in CIALCA’s ‘Gender and Nutri- good perception on technologies had a positive relationship to derived from statistical analyses, farmer self-categorisation of tion training workshop’. The workshop combined theoretical the agricultural technologies’ adoption decision-making. Through farmers, and local expert-based categorisation. lectures, interactive plenary exercises, and hands-on team interviews, female-led households stressed that it would be help- assignments to demonstrate how gender and nutrition can be ful if they had a specific group and specific training that not only MORE INFORMATION So far, roughly 100 households from the original survey have integrated into research for development. teaches them about farming practices but also builds their capaci- been re-interviewed. The preliminary results are encouraging ty in other fields like farm and households management. of-aline-ishimwe suggesting that: farmers use similar mechanisms for grouping The training aimed to assist participants in understanding and themselves and other farms to the statistical clustering (e.g. their articulation of how and why gender and nutrition matter ALINE’S PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE UNIVERSITY farm size, educational and marital status, livestock ownership, for sustainable agriculture and rural development and how I would say that challenges facing rural farmers are more or less CIALCA MSc student at the University of Ghent (UGhent), Belgium and crop choice); and they recognise their own farms in the doing gender and nutrition responsive research can improve statistical developed typologies. These results, if confirmed by outcomes. The agenda was planned to ensure participants first local experts, would ground-truth the existence of the typolo- understood the basic concepts in gender and nutrition before gies, and validate the framework behind ‘Know-Your-Farmer’. transitioning into the applicable linkages, pathways, indicators integrate gender and nutrition in agricultural research for de- realize I was never thinking about nutrition before, yet I now From this, tailored typology specific innovation and interven- and research questions. velopment. understand it is very important, also for myself”. The workshop tion packages could be developed and tested for One Acre also provided lasting impacts on the PhD students, with Damas Fund client and non-client farmers. Over the workshop’s three days, the CIALCA PhD cohort took Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board Birindwa concluding “Gender and nutrition bring humanity centre stage leading working groups and using their research (RAB) researcher Svetlana Gaidashova highlighted that: “We into research”. to frame the theoretical knowledge gained during the lectures. all talk about gender and nutrition but this helped us to target The team assignments were designed with the aim of letting and focus research for different users”. Nancy Safari, (Bioversity participants think through the research design process to DR Congo) noted “I learned so much on gender and I under- increase understanding and skill of where, how and when to stood we can integrate gender in all the work we do. I also 14 15
AREA OF IMPACT 2 CLIMATE How isotopes help build resilience to climate change in the Great Lakes Region It is predicted that climate change will cause an Drivers of water use efficiency in increase in frequency and duration of dry spells in cassava: from greenhouse experiments Central Africa, the target region of CIALCA. This will to field trials lower yields of cassava and banana consumed daily by approximately 6 million people in the highlands of In 2018, the focus of the research activities coordi- Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. nated by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division was on how to sample leaves of cassava to assess water use efficiency To cope with problems of drought stress in cassava and based on 13C and 18O stable isotopes. banana cropping systems, stable isotope techniques based on carbon-13 or 13C (related to water use effi- One year later, in 2019, the emphasis was further ciency) and oxygen-18 or 18O (related to stomatal con- laid on the understanding of the drivers of water use ductance) are being developed by the Soil and Water efficiency in cassava, with emphasis on soil fertility, in Management & Crop Nutrition (SWMCN) laboratory particular potassium availability in the soil. Therefore, of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques a set of experiments focusing on the application of in Food and Agriculture in Seibersdorf, in close col- potassium to alleviate drought stress was carried out laboration with the International Institute of Tropical in the SWMCN greenhouses. Cassava plants, originat- Agriculture and the University of Leuven. Once these ing from Democratic Republic of Congo, were grown techniques are established and validated, they will on sand substrates with nutrient solution either high help in decision making processes related to variety or low in potassium. Water use was monitored every selection, choice of planting time and fertilizer appli- other day by weighing the pots and water content cation to counteract the effects of drought and cassava adjusted to field capacity. At two months after plant- and banana productivity. ing, a dry spell was simulated by lowering by 50% the How CIALCA contributes to achieving climate change adaptation outcomes Climate change is expected to cause an increase in and banana production. Building on CIALCA outputs, an frequency and duration of dry spells in the Great Lakes FAO-IAEA funded regional Technical Cooperation Project Region. This will lower yields of cassava and banana con- on “Enhancing productivity and climate-resilience in cas- sumed daily by approximately 6 million people in Burundi, sava-based systems through improved nutrient, water and DRC and Rwanda. To cope with problems of drought stress soil management (2020 – 2023)” started in 2020. About 13 in cassava and banana cropping systems, CIALCA adapts targeted countries in sub-Saharan Africa participate in this stable isotope techniques. Those innovative techniques will project focusing on capacity building in the use of isotope help the national research systems and businesses improve and related conventional techniques for climate-smart and the variety selection, choice of planting time and fertilizer sustainable cassava production. application to counteract the effects of drought in cassava 18 19
irrigation amounts for half of the plants for 17 days. To follow Initiative (PUI) project, funded by the Belgian Government, the translocation of new assimilates and compare the different treatment combinations, plants were put in an airtight walk- has been initiated in 2019 to better understand how soil and water management and varieties can be improved for better Isotope techniques in growth chamber. The air inside the growth chamber was climate change adaptation and enhanced disease resilience of An alternative for traditional measurements of drought tolerance / water use efficiency? enriched with 13C-CO2 so the plants assimilate the heavier banana-coffee cropping systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Conventional techniques for assessing drought tolerance or erance and water use efficiency can be screened over larger carbon-13 isotope. water use efficiency require focus on visible screening of wa- areas, at a lower cost, and under on-farm conditions. Once Using isotope techniques, the adaptation of these cropping sys- ter stress in the plant or labour intensive and complex mea- calibrated and validated, the isotopes give information on First results of the water use data indicate a higher water use tems to climate change impacts can be accelerated. They help surements of crop physiological parameters, in combination the link between water use efficiency and variety, planting for plants that received the nutrient solution low in potassium improve banana and coffee varieties, and soil, water and crop with often installation of expensive equipment including soil time and fertilizer management, and this integrated over the in the periods where all plants received the same amount of management, but also establish recommendations for policies, moisture sensors. Such approach reduces the possibility of crop cycle. water. These results will be checked against the biomass pro- enabling environments and a transformational adaptation in replicability area-wide. duction and _13C and _18O values of the same plants to see which farmers substitute varieties and explore alternative farm- Through stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen drought tol- whether this difference in water use also leads to a difference in ing strategies. water use efficiency. A first data collection campaign was organized during July and This potassium effect on water use, in relation to other nu- August 2019 in Arusha, Tanzania. In an ongoing field-trial, two trients, is now being further validated through field trials in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda, im- banana varieties were investigated under different watering treatments in the dry season (rainfed and optimal irrigation). A personal perspective plemented by the CIALCA team in the targeted region, in close Hence, the effects of drought stress could be monitored. The collaboration with national agricultural research institutes (e.g. main purpose of the campaign was to assess the usefulness of by CIALCA PhD Damas Birindwa Rutega Rwandan Agricultural Board) and international organizations stable isotope techniques for the evaluation of water use effi- such as the International Fertilizer Development Centre (IDFC). ciency (WUE) and drought stress. Isotope signatures have been RESEARCH TOPIC va is always higher than its supply on the market. In the urban In total 121 nutrient omission and planting scheduling trials proven to strongly correlate with WUE. Their relationship is Novel stable isotope techniques to assess differences in water use areas, cassava flour is nowadays imported from foreign countries. were implemented to better understand how varieties, planting however not straightforward. Isotope signatures are affected by efficiency of cassava cultivars. A key to intensify cassava productiv- Research on how to improve yield should be the priority in the time and fertilizer management can help make cassava produc- many different parameters, both environmental and plant-re- ity in Sub-Sahara Africa. region for creating economic stability and increase the income of tion more climate-resilient. Close to 3000 leaf samples have lated. As such, the variability in isotope signals should first be families. Cassava diseases remain also an important topic to be been taken for stable isotope and ICP-MS analysis, allowing to explored and correlated with potential influencing factors, to RESEARCH PROBLEM investigated in the climate change context. evaluate the role of fertilizer application in drought tolerance distinguish their effect from the effect of drought. This will allow In DRC, climate change affects rainfall distribution, with an and water use efficiency. us to comprehend isotope signatures in banana plants and use increase in frequency and duration of dry spells. Therefore, the UNIVERSITY them for the purpose of WUE evaluation. current agricultural calendar is often not any longer suitable. This CIALCA PhD student at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Further ongoing is the 13C analysis of the enriched cassava leads to seed losses as farmers are often obliged to seed twice or (KULeuven), Belgium plants. With these data we expect to extract information on Variability in carbon signatures (13C) was investigated at field-, more times a year. Indeed, they proceed by trial and error to plant on the basis of the effective period of return of the rains after the the translocation speed from shoot to root and compare the plant- and leaf level. Samples were taken from both varieties dry season. The start of the rainy season is not well fixed in time, different treatments. Our main question is whether differences under the different watering treatments. Both mother plants and often the rain comes and goes, and can even stop for 30 or in potassium supply affect the translocation rate of assimilates and on-growing suckers were sampled. Within every plant, more days. This situation causes more damage to cassava as the towards the roots, in view of the well documented phenome- leaves of a different age were sampled. Finally, the within-leaf most critical period to its growth is the first 5 months of its life. non that translocation is an additional mechanism to counteract variability was explored by taking 6 or 10 samples per leaf drought effects on cassava. 18O levels will also be analysed and (depending on the size) according to a predetermined pattern. THE KEY FINDINGS will be used as a proxy for stomatal conductance, an important Environmental conditions were carefully monitored with a The capacity of adapting to water stress of cassava depends on factor in water use efficiency. weather station and the soil water content in every treatment the genetic potential of cultivars. It appears also that in the three was followed up daily, using time domain reflectometry sen- first months after planting the cuttings, which is the critical period sors. This detailed sampling, with in total 2000 samples, and of the growth of the cassava plant, the second month is more Validation of the use of isotopes and leaf their stable isotope analysis will allow to establish an innova- critical than the first one. So, the question is whether n potassium temperature for assessing drought stress tive stable carbon isotope sampling protocol for banana. or another nutrient factor can improve adaptation to drought, in banana especially in the 2nd month after planting? As an additional measure for water stress and stomatal closure, DAMAS’ PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE Under the guidance of the Soil and Water Management & Crop leaf temperature was evaluated over the course of a day. Typ- Cassava is the most important crop in DRC as it is planted by Nutrition (SWMCNL) and the Plant Breeding and Genetics ically, stomata close when water supply becomes insufficient, everybody – men, women, girls and boys. The demand for cassa- (PBGL) Laboratories of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear leading to an increase in leaf temperature. Temperature was Techniques in Food and Agriculture, a new Peaceful Uses measured in a large number of plants and on both sides of the 18 19
leaf, to account for the large variability. A low-cost contactless in- How do we build capacity in the use of isotope frared thermometer was used, allowing for fast data collection. techniques for cassava and banana? Preliminary results indicate that rainfed plants in the dry sea- son clearly heat up more during the day than irrigated (and Through CIALCA and the related PUI project, three PhD studies, presumably non-stressed) plants. The difference in temperature one MSc study and one trainee have been provided technical between rainfed and irrigated mother plants becomes as large and financial support by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division. All studies as 6°C at 14:30h. Interestingly, sucker plants, which are protect- are implemented with the academic guidance of the University ed from direct sunlight by the canopy, show a lesser increase of Leuven. Two of the three PhD studies are further supported in temperature. This demonstrates the importance of canopy by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in protection for optimal sucker development. Vienna. The leaf temperature was related to the 13C data of the banana leaves, with a correlation of about 50% (R2), showing that the Further an IAEA funded regional Technical Cooperation Project use of leaf temperature measurement with infrared thermome- on ‘Enhancing productivity and climate-resilience in cassa- ter can be used as a new approach for drought stress evaluation va-based systems through improved nutrient, water and soil in banana. management (2020 – 2023)’ was approved and will start in 2020. About 13 targeted countries from West, Central and East Africa will participate in this project focusing on capacity build- ing in the use of isotope and related conventional techniques Testing isotope techniques in the field. for climate-smart and sustainable cassava production. 20
AREA OF IMPACT 3 POVERTY How ICT improves productivity in the Great Lakes Region Low cassava and banana yields and inefficient use datasets that are required to calibrate the DSTs, of inputs remain a major bottleneck for farmers to CIALCA conducted during the 2018-2019 cultivation increase their income. CIALCA works with partners to season 121 nutrient omission trials in the three optimize farmers return on fertilizer investment. To- countries and, for the 2019- 2020 cultivation sea- gether with IFDC and the African Cassava Agronomy son, has on ground 120 new trials (to be harvested Initiative (ACAI), site-specific fertilizer recommenda- end of December 2020). Yield data of the first-year tions are developed through nutrient omission trials trials pointed out promising nutrient combinations, and combined with digital decision-support tools although results need to be confirmed with the and spatial agro-ecological information layers. second-year trials. In general, nitrogen appeared as the most important nutrient to increase cassava root yield the three countries (Figure 3). Nutrient How far can fertilizer application combination that did not contain nitrogen (i.e., PK increase cassava root yield in the application) produced low cassava roots in compar- CIALCA countries? ison of the nutrient combinations that contained nitrogen (i.e., application of NP, NK and NPK). The With a collaboration of national research systems first-year yield data indicated also that a combina- and strategic international institutes, like IFDC who tion of nitrogen with P or K (NP- or NK-application) is leading in Burundi research activities to imple- should be more cost-efficient than including of all ment the national fertilizer subsidy program, CIALCA macro-nutrients in fertilizer formulation (i.e., NPK is investing in the development of decision support application). There was no difference in the yields NP, tools (DST) to optimize farmer’s return on fertilizer NK and NPK treatments although the later contains investment in the Great Lake Region. To generate all three macro-nutrients. Irrespective of nutrient How CIALCA contributes to achieving poverty reduction outcomes The CIALCA research on site-specific fertilizer recom- digital service providers that is to serve 15,000 farmers mendation provides a stepping stone for several larger by the end of 2021. In Burundi, the collaboration with the interventions aimed at sustainable intensification of crop International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) and the productivity in the Great Lakes region. Building on the work government national agricultural extension service ISABU conducted under CIALCA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foun- has been renewed to complete the development of digital dation and the Rwandan Government are co-investing USD support tools for cassava. IFDC has a plan to extend the ap- 2 Million to develop the Rwanda Soil Information Services proach to other crops in Burundi (e.g. maize and rice) and is (RwaSIS), that informs country-wide investment decisions leading the implementation of Burundian fertilizer subsidy in fertilizer application and soil erosion control. Similarly, program. In DR Congo, a government plan to update soil the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Banana maps and fertilizer recommendations, which can build on (RTB) is investing USD 1 Million in embedding the fertilizer the site-specific fertilizer recommendation work conducted recommendation tool into the digital systems of large-scale under CIALCA, is currently under discussion. 24 25
(S3) A personal perspective 65 • (S1) + Site specific recommendation by CIALCA PhD Fidele Barhebwa Balangaliza 55 • DR CONGO (S2) RWANDA (S1) + Blaket NPK low. In South-Kivu, RDC, several factors are hypothesized to be BURUNDI responsible for the low productivity. This study hypothesizes that 45 • Average cassava fresh root yield (t ha-1) environmental, socio-economic and agronomic traits of cass- ava-based farming systems in South-Kivu might be very impor- (S1) tant to rise production and productivity of cassava. 35 • Proper weed control THE KEY FINDINGS For the moment we have all the data from the first visit. The soil 25 • samples are being dried in the IITA laboratory for the preparation of the analyses. Other data from the first visit collected from ODK, (S0) including socio-economic data and field observations are availa- 15 • Current situation RESEARCH TOPIC ble. We are in the cleaning phase and then we will move on to Environmental, socio-economic and agronomic traits of cass- the analysis. ava-based farming systems in Kivu (eastern DR Congo) FIDELE’S PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE 5• RESEARCH PROBLEM This first visit allowed us to know well the study area but also to Yield reported for the Observed yield with Observed yield with NPK Most productive nutient Regardless of their importance in human nutrition and role in install the quadrants for the second and third visit. The use of country (FAO Stat) no fertilizer application in all fields combination per field sustainability of agricultural systems, cassava yields are low and ODK made it possible to have the data quickly and to follow the enumerators easily. The fieldwork has also been challenging with FIGURE 4: Cassava root yield of different intervention approaches (S0: current situation, S1: proper weed control with ne fertilizer, S2: proper weed unstable across seasons and environments in Eastern DRC. In regards to administration and security, but overall the work is on control with blanket NPK application and S3: proper weed control with site specific recommendation). SED = 7.8, 3.6 and 4.5 t ha-1 for DR Congo, the early nineties, it was determined that the most important schedule. Rwanda and Burundi respectively. constraint for cassava production was the management constraint followed by pests and diseases, soil infertility, varietal misfit, post-harvest processing and climate. Despite the occurrence of UNIVERSITY combinations, the highest cassava root yields were obtained in CIALCA organizes an ICT for Agriculture fertile land for cassava and the previous research efforts to be at CIALCA PhD student at Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL), DR Congo, followed by Rwanda. In Burundi, cassava root yields workshop for 20 PhD-students and partners the forefront in promoting cassava production crop yields remain Belgium are low, even with fertilization. The first-year yield data did not show yield increases while secondary/micro or lime/dolomite CIALCA aims to strengthen the capacity of national scientists was added to macro-nutrients. and practitioners to facilitate sustainable agri-food system 57 • transformation. To do so, CIALCA understands that scientists SED: 7.8 (DR Congo, 3.6 (Rwanda), 4.5 (Burundi) and practitioners need access to and understanding of inno- 47.2 47.6 How can the increase in cassava root yield vative digital technologies, to empower research and deci- 47 • 45.7 NPK due to fertilizer application be improved with sion-making. site-specific recommendation? Cassava root yield (t ha-1) NK 38.2 NP In September 2019, 20 CIALCA scientists, researcher, PhD 37 • 35.5 35.7 35.1 PK In practice, decision support tools allow farmers to decide on students, and partners from Burundi, DR Congo, and Rwanda 30.9 No fertilizer the best nutrient combinations for a particular field (site-spe- gathered in Bujumbura for an intensive two-day course on 28.7 cific recommendation) versus a common approach of applying the use of digital tools for data collection. The workshop was 27 • 23.7 a single nutrient combination across all fields (blanket NPK developed to provide participants an introduction to the use of recommendation). Results indicated that, compared to blanket digital tools in agriculture and provide a foundation for apply- 17 • 15.4 15.4 14.8 NPK-recommendation, site-specific recommendation should ing them in research. increase cassava root yield in average of 8 and 4 t h-1 in DR 9.9 11.1 Congo and Rwanda/Burundi respectively (Figure 4). Cassava Neema Ciza, CIALCA PhD student from the University of Liege, 7• root yield with site-specific recommendation and proper field offered that the skills gained from the workshop will DR CONGO RWANDA BURUNDI weeding should represent about 6, 4 and 2 times of the curent “…allow me to save more time, guarantee certainty and credi- yields in DR Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. bility in data quality by reducing errors in data collection.” FIGURE 3: Average cassava root yield of the main nutrient combinations. 24 25
AREA OF IMPACT 4 NUTRITION How systems approaches improve nutrition in the Great Lakes Region Previous CIALCA research showed that diet diversity and creating increased demand for a diversity of in the Great Lakes Region is particularly low, with nutritious foods through training and knowledge very low consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts and building e.g. on availability and nutrition value of seeds, and animal-based products. Both physical and local agrobiodiversity; and 3) on the market side: to financial access to highly nutritious food items is too identify synergies and tradeoffs between agricultural limited to ensure nutrient adequacy among vulnera- commercialization and nutrition. ble population groups. And appropriate knowledge with regards to nutrition practices (basic nutrition Nutrition-smart agricultural metrics, such nutritional concepts, post-harvest handling, dietary diversity/ yield, nutritional diversity, and the agrobiodiversity combination, food safety and hygiene) remains a index have been developed by CIALCA scientists and challenge. are used and integrated in the field trials and trade- off analyses. An example is shown in figure 5, with Acting upon those needs, CIALCA works on three scenarios that allow both increase in nutritional Vita- fronts with partners in development to improve diet min A yield and operating profit, as well as scenarios quality and nutrition outcomes: 1) on the production that maximize operating profit and with a potential side: identifying strategies to increasing the pro- reduction in Vitamin A yield. duction and integration of a diversity of nutritious As described in the gender section, CIALCA trained foods in the production systems, 2) on the consum- 30 PhD students, CIALCA partners and national er side: understanding consumer heterogeneity institutions, on integrating gender and nutrition in How CIALCA contributes to achieving nutrition outcomes The CIALCA research on site-specific fertilizer recom- digital service providers that is to serve 15,000 farmers mendation provides a stepping stone for several larger by the end of 2021. In Burundi, the collaboration with the interventions aimed at sustainable intensification of crop International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) and the productivity in the Great Lakes region. Building on the work government national agricultural extension service ISABU conducted under CIALCA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foun- has been renewed to complete the development of digital dation and the Rwandan Government are co-investing USD support tools for cassava. IFDC has a plan to extend the ap- 2 Million to develop the Rwanda Soil Information Services proach to other crops in Burundi (e.g. maize and rice) and is (RwaSIS), that informs country-wide investment decisions leading the implementation of Burundian fertilizer subsidy in fertilizer application and soil erosion control. Similarly, program. In DR Congo, a government plan to update soil the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Banana maps and fertilizer recommendations, which can build on (RTB) is investing USD 1 Million in embedding the fertilizer the site-specific fertilizer recommendation work conducted recommendation tool into the digital systems of large-scale under CIALCA, is currently under discussion. 28 29
agriculture and agricultural research. Several of those nutri- in arable farming due to different socio-cultural backgrounds Erosion C factor Farm type 1 tion-smart metrics and analysis tools were part of the workshop (GHI, 2017). curriculum. Some key research questions that CIALCA is supporting in an- In 2019, a new Memorandum of Understanding for partner- swering include: (kg/ha/year) ships was signed between the American Refugee Committee, • What are the current constraints, gaps and opportunities N balance ARC or since 2020 called Alight, and CIALCA whereby CIALCA with regard to access to and consumption of diverse nu- is supporting ARC in identifying more sustainable agri-food tritious foods by refugees and their surrounding hosting systems pathways for the refugees and their hosting communi- communities? ties. Currently Rwanda is host to more than 150,000 refugees • How can nutrition-sensitive agricultural interventions be Vitamin A yield (pers/ha/year) from Burundi and Democratic republic of Congo, most of integrated on limited land to support both nutrition and who (79%) reside in six camps provided by the Government livelihoods needs of refugee and their hosting communi- of Rwanda and the remainder in urban settings (ARC, 2018). ties? Dietary energy yield Refugees come to these camps with diverse skillsets in farming (pers/ha/year) and non-farming enterprises and some have varied experience Initial results are expected by June 2020. A personal perspective (pers/ha/year) Iron yield by CIALCA PhD Willy Désiré Emera RESEARCH TOPIC Erosion C factor Agri-Food System Pathways to Improve Human Nutrition in Bana- na and Cassava Based System in Burundi RESEARCH PROBLEM Farm type 2 In the Great Lakes region, a high diversity of crops is grown and (kg/ha/year) N balance livestock raised. However, this diversity doesn’t meet nutriti- onal satisfaction. This is explained by the food misuse due to insufficient knowledge on the local production processing, or to disparities between household wealth categories. Thus, the Vitamin A yield (pers/ha/year) region remains under pressure of malnutrition, i.e. in Burundi, diversity of food products to ensure dietary diversity. This study population face three malnutrition burdens such as chronic will contribute to identify agri-food systems pathways to improve malnutrition (56.6%), acute malnutrition (5%) and wasting (29 human nutrition. %) affecting children under five years respectively. According to Dietary energy yield (pers/ha/year) recent data, 19% of women of childbearing age (15-49 years) are WILLY DÉSIRE’S PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE underweight while 8% are overweight. From my own experience, the more a household is able to pro- duce or acquire a wide variety of crops and livestock products, THE KEY FINDINGS the more household’s members have an acceptable nutritional In Burundi, there is a kind of seasonality regarding to the food status. However, exploring study sites, despite the production (pers/ha/year) Iron yield security which implies the instability in household food intake. diversity, the dietary diversity remains insignificant at household From the focus group discussions organized in 16 communes level because a major part of the production is sold at urban of Ngozi and Muyinga provinces, based on the diversity of crops market. Also limited household income and knowledge on how grown and animals raised in these communes, this diversity is combining available foods hamper dietary diversity. FIGURE 5: Potential trade-off between operating profit and Vitamin A yield for two types of farm – a more subsistence oriented farm likely to play an important role to improving nutrition. However, (farm type 1), and a more commercially oriented farm (farm type 2). There is a solution space (blue dots) that allow both operating it has been noted that the majority of the community members UNIVERSITY profit and vitamin A yield to increase, but if operating profit is 100% maximized, there can be a reduction in vitamin A yield. From MSc have limited knowledge regarding to the management of the CIALCA PhD student at University of Ghent (UGhent), Belgium. Thesis from Clara Gambert (2019). 28 29
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