Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG

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Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG
Electric Buses
Clean Transportation for Healthier
   Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air

             Education Fund   RESEARCH & POLICY CENTER
Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG
Electric Buses
                 Clean Transportation for Healthier
                   Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air

                                 Education Fund   RESEARCH & POLICY CENTER

                   Alana Miller and Hye-Jin Kim, Frontier Group
Jeffrey Robinson and Matthew Casale, U.S. PIRG Education Fund
                                                         May 2018
Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG

The authors wish to thank Kelly Blynn, Master of Science in Transportation and Master in
City Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Kevin Brubaker, Deputy Director,
Environmental Law & Policy Center; Morgan Ellis, Associate Director Clean Transpor-
tation for All Campaign, Sierra Club; Michelle Kinman, Charge Ahead California Cam-
paign Director, Environment California; Mark LeBel, Staff Attorney, Acadia Center; Su-
san Mudd, Senior Policy Advocate, Environmental Law & Policy Center and Will Toor,
Transportation Program Director, Southwest Energy Efficiency Project for their review
of drafts of this document, as well as their insights and suggestions. Thanks also to Tony
Dutzik and Rachel J. Cross of Frontier Group for editorial support.
The authors bear responsibility for any factual errors. Policy recommendations are those
of NCPIRG Education Fund and Environment North Carolina Research & Policy Cen-
ter. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of our funders or those who provided review.
 2018, NCPIRG Education Fund and Environment North Carolina Research & Policy
Center. Some Rights Reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribu-
tion 4.0 International license. To view the terms of this license, visit http://creativecom-
With public debate around important issues often dominated by special interests pursu-
ing their own narrow agendas, NCPIRG Education Fund offers an independent voice
that works on behalf of the public interest. NCPIRG Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) or-
ganization, works to protect consumers and promote good government. We investigate
problems, craft solutions, educate the public, and offer North Carolinians meaningful op-
portunities for civic participation. For more information, please visit ncpirgedfund.org.
The Environment North Carolina Research & Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. We
are dedicated to protecting North Carolina’s air, water and open spaces. We investigate prob-
lems, craft solutions, educate the public and decision-makers, and help North Carolinians
make their voices heard in local, state and national debates over the quality of our environment
and our lives. For more information, please visit www.environmentnorthcarolinacenter.org.
Frontier Group provides information and ideas to help citizens build a cleaner, healthier
and more democratic America. We address issues that will define our nation’s course in
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at new ideas for solving pressing problems. For more information about Frontier Group,
please visit www.frontiergroup.org.
Cover: Children - U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Marissa Tucker; Pollution - Rockford’s New Country
Q98.5 via YouTube (with permission); Electric bus - Flickr user SounderBruce, CC BY-SA 2.0.
Layout: Alec Meltzer/meltzerdesign.net
Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG
Table of Contents

Executive Summary                                                      1
Introduction                                                            4
Pollution from Transportation Threatens Public Health                  6
Children Are Especially Vulnerable to Exhaust Pollution                 8
Dirty Buses Expose Children and Neighborhoods to Dangerous Pollution    8

Most of America’s Buses Still Run on Dirty Fuels                       11
School Buses                                                           11
Transit Buses                                                          12

Clean, All-Electric Buses Make Economic Sense for
America’s Schools and Cities                                           14
Long-Term Affordability                                                14
Increasing Range                                                       19
Improved Reliability                                                   20

Major Cities and States Take the Lead on Bus Electrification           21
Opportunities to Shift to Electric Buses                               23
Recommendations                                                        27
Methodology                                                            28
Appendix A: Bus Fleets of America’s 50 Largest Transit
Agencies (by Number of Active Buses), 2016                             30
Appendix B: Proposed Electric Bus Plans for Some of
America’s Largest Transit Agencies                                     34
Notes                                                                  35
Electric Buses Clean Transportation for Healthier Neighborhoods and Cleaner Air - Education Fund - NCPIRG
Executive Summary

     uses play a key role in in our nation’s   conditions like asthma. The negative ef-
     transportation system, carrying mil-      fects are especially pronounced in children.
     lions of children daily to and from
school and moving millions of Ameri-           • Diesel exhaust is internationally rec-
cans each day around our cities. Buses           ognized as a cancer-causing agent
reduce the number of individual cars on          and classified as a likely carcinogen by
our roads, make our communities more             the U.S. Environmental Protection
livable and sustainable, and provide trans-      Agency.3
portation options for people of all ages
and abilities.                                 • In a study of 61 million people in 2015,
   Yet, the majority of America’s buses          researchers found that exposure to die-
remain dirty – burning fossil fuels like         sel soot and ground-level ozone created
diesel that put the health of our children       by diesel exhaust was linked to high-
and communities at risk and contribute to        er rates of mortality.4
global warming:
                                                  Diesel exhaust from buses poses a par-
• Approximately 95 percent of America’s        ticular risk to health. Buses primarily
  school buses, carrying some of the most      travel where there are lots of people, in-
  vulnerable passengers, run on diesel.1       cluding in the more densely-crowded ar-
                                               eas of cities, on the busiest roads, and near
• More than 60 percent of the nation’s         schools. They also circulate continuously
  nearly 70,000 transit buses run on die-      and make many trips, and therefore risk
  sel, and another 18 percent run on natu-     exposing many people to emissions.
  ral gas, while just 0.2 percent of buses        The good news is that America can
  are all-electric.2                           clean up its buses by making them electric.
                                               All-electric buses are here, and they’re
  Numerous studies have shown that             cleaner, healthier and often cheaper
inhaling diesel exhaust can cause re-          for transit agencies, school districts and
spiratory diseases and worsen existing         bus contractors to run in the long-term.

                                                                                               Executive Summary   1
To clear our air and protect our health,           • Each electric school bus can save dis-
                     policymakers should accelerate the re-               tricts nearly $2,000 a year in fuel and
                     placement of diesel and other fossil fuel-           $4,400 a year in reduced maintenance
                     powered buses with clean, electric buses.            costs, saving tens of thousands of dollars
                                                                          over the lifetime of a bus.7
                     • Replacing all of America’s school buses
                       with electric buses could avoid an aver-         • The Chicago Transit Authority esti-
                       age of 5.3 million tons of greenhouse              mates that each electric transit bus in its
                       gas emissions each year.5                          fleet saves the city $25,000 in fuel costs
                                                                          every year.8
                     • Replacing all of the diesel-powered
                       transit buses with electric buses in the           Cities in the United States and
                       United States could save more than 2             around the world are taking the lead,
                       million tons of greenhouse gas emis-             committing to transition to cleaner,
                       sions each year.6                                quieter and more efficient electric bus
                       Dramatic declines in battery costs
                     and improvements in performance,                   • The idea of all-electric school buses is
                     including expanded driving range,                    spreading across the country and pilot
                     have made electric buses a viable al-                programs are now underway in states
                     ternative to diesel-powered and other                including California, Massachusetts and
                     fossil fuel buses.                                   Minnesota.

                     Figure ES-1. Estimated Annual Operating Costs of Transit Buses, by Fuel Type9

                     Annual Operating Cost -

                       Fuel & Maintenance




                                                         Diesel   Natural Gas     Diesel Hybrid        Electric

2   Electric Buses
• The mayors of Los Angeles and Se-            • Facilitate the installation of charging in-
  attle have joined a pact with 10 other         frastructure through programs that help
  mayors around the world to purchase            cover the costs.
  only electric transit buses after 2025.10
  Los Angeles County’s transit agency,         • Encourage utilities to design their rates
  Metro, committed to go all-electric            in ways that support electric buses.
  by 2030, while Shenzhen, China, tran-
  sitioned its 16,000 buses to electric in     • Consider low-cost financing programs
  December 2017.11                               that help agencies, districts and bus con-
                                                 tractors leverage other sources of fund-
  With reduced operating costs and no            ing, like Volkswagen settlement money.
tailpipe emissions, all-electric buses
and charging stations can be a smart           • Identify other ways to ensure successful
infrastructure investment for school             electrification of buses, including tech-
districts and transit providers across the       nical assistance and research, as well
country.                                         as the publication of data and lessons
  Electrifying buses is also an impor-           learned.
tant first step towards broader adop-
tion of heavy-duty electric vehicles,            Transit agencies, school districts and
like trucks. While buses themselves ac-        bus contractors should:
count for a relatively small percentage of
vehicle emissions, heavy duty vehicles as a    • Replace buses powered by fossil fuels
whole are responsible for over a quarter of      with the cleanest possible technology
climate emissions from on-road transpor-         for the health of future generations: all-
tation in the U.S.12                             electric.
  To support more widespread adoption,
state governments should:                      • Consider adopting goals to repower the
                                                 entire fleet with electric buses over one
• Allocate settlement money from Volk-           replacement cycle.
  swagen’s “Dieselgate” settlement to
  subsidize the purchase of electric school    • Ask state governments and beneficiary
  and transit buses, as well as charging in-     agencies to dedicate funds from the
  frastructure.                                  Volkswagen settlement to electric buses.

• Create incentive programs and grants         • Prepare for future adoption of electric
  for transit agencies, school districts and     buses by running electrical conduits
  bus contractors to help finance the up-        necessary for charging infrastructure
  front cost of electric buses and charging      during any new construction or recon-
  infrastructure.                                struction of depots and parking lots.

                                                                                               Executive Summary   3

                          uses are the workhorses of Ameri-         emissions and 4.2 billion gallons of gaso-
                          ca’s transportation system, carrying      line each year.17
                          millions of Americans of all ages to         Energy savings and reduced emissions
                     school, work, shopping, recreation and         of greenhouse gases aren’t the only ben-
                     other places they need to go. Buses travel     efits of buses. Buses provide a critical form
                     on city streets and rural roads, serving ev-   of transportation to those who cannot or
                     ery kind of community – and delivering         do not wish to drive – including children,
                     benefits across the country.                   the elderly and disabled people. Reli-
                        Though the humble school bus isn’t          ance on buses and other forms of public
                     the first thing that pops to mind when         transportation can free households of the
                     it comes to public transit, the quintes-       burden of owning a car (or owning an ad-
                     sential yellow bus is what half of all         ditional car), saving thousands of dollars
                     American kids take to public school each       each year.
                     day.13 With 480,000 school buses carry-           Buses are also safe. Traditional school
                     ing up to 26 million children to school        buses are designed with high-backed
                     each day, school buses are the largest         cushioned seats, crush-resistant roofs,
                     form of mass transportation in the coun-       and rollover protection to keep children
                     try.14 The American School Bus Council         from major harm.18 According to the
                     found that in 2010, school buses saved         National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
                     parents $6 billion in fuel costs and pre-      istration (NHTSA), riding a school bus
                     vented 2.3 billion gallons of gasoline         to school is 70 times safer than traveling
                     from being burned.15                           by car.19 Transit buses are also safe, with
                        Trips on transit buses account for nearly   much lower crash rates and fatality rates
                     half of all public transit use in the U.S. –   60 times lower than cars, per million miles
                     more than 3.5 billion rides were taken in      traveled.20
                     the first three quarters of 2017, according       However, buses have traditionally had a
                     to the American Public Transportation          major flaw that reduces the benefits they
                     Association.16 Public transit saves an es-     deliver to Americans and our communities:
                     timated 37 million metric tons of carbon       pollution. Numerous scientific studies have

4   Electric Buses
shown that diesel exhaust isn’t just smelly,      In this report, we review the exciting
but is also dangerous, with links to lung      advances in electric bus technology, high-
cancer, asthma and even autism.21 Children     light the cities that are pioneering the use
– including children riding on school bus-     of electric buses in schools and transit
es – are among the most vulnerable to the      agencies, and demonstrate why the tran-
health effects of diesel pollution.            sition to electric buses is needed to pro-
  As research began to pile up on the dan-     tect public health and reduce emissions of
gers of diesel soot, government and indus-     the pollutants that cause global warming.
try worked together to make diesel buses       Some transit and school buses are public-
cleaner and introduce newer fuels that         ly owned and operated, while others are
produce less tailpipe pollution. In spite of   owned or operated by private contractors.
these efforts, more than half of America’s     Public policy can play an important role
transit buses continue to run on diesel        in moving both of these models toward
fuel.22 And though less-polluting models       electric buses.
of diesel buses were a welcome improve-           By transitioning from dirty fossil fuels
ment, technology now exists that can           to clean electricity, the humble bus can
dramatically reduce the remaining health       fully deliver on its potential to offer clean,
threats posed by diesel buses: the all-elec-   accessible, convenient and low-carbon
tric, battery-powered bus.                     transportation across America.

                                                                                                Introduction   5
Pollution from Transportation
                     Threatens Public Health

                          ransportation produces more green-        contribute to a variety of known health
                          house gas emissions than any other        impacts, including:
                          sector in the United States and die-        Mortality risk: A 2017 study in the New
                     sel buses are highly polluting vehicles.       England Journal of Medicine estimated the
                     For example, in California, transportation     levels of air pollution experienced by 61
                     contributes nearly 40 percent of the state’s   million Medicare beneficiaries between
                     greenhouse gas emissions, with heavy-          2000 and 2012, based on their zip codes.25
                     duty vehicles responsible for nearly a fifth   The researchers linked exposure to fine
                     of those emissions.23 Heavy-duty vehicles      particulate matter and ground-level ozone
                     like buses also produce large quantities of    to higher rates of mortality.26 The study
                     air pollution, impacting the health of resi-   concluded that exposure to particulate
                     dents and school children in the populous      matter and ozone, even at levels below
                     areas they serve.                              national standards, contributes to adverse
                        Diesel exhaust from tailpipes is a dan-     health impacts.27
                     gerous pollutant – one that is common            Cancer rates: Diesel soot contains
                     in the air in urban areas and places with      more than 40 toxic chemicals, including
                     frequent truck and bus traffic, including      known or suspected carcinogens such as
                     the schools where our children learn and       benzene, arsenic and formaldehyde.28
                     play. The main pollutants emitted by die-      Diesel exhaust itself is classified as a po-
                     sel vehicles are particulate matter (very      tential cancer agent by the U.S. EPA, and
                     fine particles that can be harmful when in-    at least 19 of the hydrocarbons it contains
                     haled), nitrogen oxides (which contribute      are known to or suspected to cause can-
                     to smog and ground-level ozone), hydro-        cer.29 In 2012, the International Agency
                     carbons (which can cause cancer) and car-      for Research on Cancer elevated the risk
                     bon monoxide (which can be dangerous in        of diesel exhaust from “potentially carci-
                     high concentrations).24 These pollutants       nogenic” to “carcinogenic with sufficient

6   Electric Buses
evidence.”30 Specifically, exposure to die-
sel exhaust has been linked to higher rates    Limits of “Clean” Diesel Technology

of lung cancer and greater risk for bladder
                                                 ncreased awareness about the public health threats from
                                                 diesel pollution has led environmental agencies and in-
   Respiratory concerns: Diesel pollu-
                                                 dustry to limit emissions from diesel engines. While these
tion can also lead to decreased lung func-
                                               efforts have reduced the dangers posed by diesel, none have
tion, respiratory tract inflammation and
                                               been entirely successful in providing adequate protection
irritation, persistent wheezing, and ag-
                                               for the environment and public health.
gravated asthma symptoms.32 Tiny par-
                                                 The EPA adopted more stringent diesel pollution stan-
ticles of diesel soot (fine particulate mat-
                                               dards in 2000, limiting the amount of sulfur allowed in die-
ter, referred to as PM2.5 for the maximum
                                               sel fuel, and the amount of particulate matter and nitrogen
size of the particles, 2.5 micrometers) are
                                               oxides that could be emitted from diesel vehicles. Specifi-
especially hazardous because they can en-
                                               cally, the regulation required that:
ter deep into lower airways, carrying toxic
chemicals such as polycyclic aromatic hy-
                                               • Starting in 2006 and phasing in through 2009, diesel fuel
drocarbons (PAHs) that irritate the respi-
                                                 for vehicles had to be low sulfur. Ultra-low sulfur diesel
ratory tract.33 Diesel exhaust also contains
                                                 produces 10 to 50 percent less soot when burned com-
ultrafine particulate matter (the smallest
                                                 pared to traditional diesel.37
airborne particles, measuring from nano-
meters to a few micrometers), which is
                                               • Starting in 2007, diesel vehicles manufactured had to emit
unregulated and may pose an even greater
                                                 90 percent less particulate matter than previous models.38
health threat, since the small size of the
particles allows them to travel deeper into
                                               • Half of diesel vehicles sold between 2007 and 2009 had
people’s lungs and bloodstream.34
                                                 to emit 95 percent less nitrogen oxides and reduce emis-
   Other impacts: Also present in diesel
                                                 sions of harmful hydrocarbons.39 By 2010, all diesel en-
soot are tiny particles of carbon, metal
                                                 gines sold were to comply.40
oxides and heavy metals that have been
linked to negative health impacts.35 Die-
                                                  However, despite these efforts, burning diesel for transpor-
sel pollution contributes to other envi-
                                               tation remains dirty. Even in lower concentrations, the soot,
ronmental and public health problems,
                                               chemicals and other emissions from diesel exhaust are potent
including smog, acid rain and global
                                               public health threats. Some components of diesel exhaust, like
warming. Though transit systems using
                                               ultrafine particles, pose health threats but remain unregulated.
diesel buses avert emissions when com-
                                                  Furthermore, regulations on diesel exhaust often fail to pro-
pared to driving single-occupancy vehi-
                                               tect public health, as illustrated by recent scandals in which
cles, buses in the United States produced
                                               diesel vehicles were found to emit much higher levels of pollu-
19.8 million metric tons of greenhouse
                                               tion during real-world driving than during required testing. In
gases in 2015.36
                                               2015, Volkswagen admitted it had intentionally manufactured
                                               diesel vehicles that only used pollution controls during labora-
                                               tory tests, emitting up to 40 times more nitrogen oxide pol-
                                               lution while driving.41 Eleven million Volkswagen cars were
                                               affected, while other major car companies have been accused
                                               of using similar devices, including Chrysler and Mitsubishi.42
                                                  The technology available today to limit air pollution
                                               from diesel engines remains inadequate, especially when
                                               compared to zero-emission electric buses that are already
                                               on the market and are increasingly affordable and reliable.
                                               Moreover, electric buses will get cleaner as our electricity
                                               grid is increasingly powered by renewable energy.

                                                            Pollution from Transportation Threatens Public Health   7
Children Are Especially                        asthmatic children living near an indus-
                                                                    trial New Jersey seaport with heavy diesel
                     Vulnerable to                                  truck traffic found that greater exposure
                     Exhaust Pollution                              to carbon soot coincided with markers for
                                                                    lung inflammation.48
                     Children are most vulnerable to the nega-         Air pollution found in diesel exhaust –
                     tive health effects caused by air pollution;   particulate matter and metals like nickel
                     their respiratory systems are still develop-   and manganese – can also be harmful to
                     ing and they inhale more air per pound of      developing fetuses. Researchers found a
                     body weight than adults.43 Diesel pollu-       significant relationship between a preg-
                     tion is especially dangerous – for children,   nant mother’s exposure to diesel soot and
                     there is no established safe level of expo-    the chances her child could develop au-
                     sure to diesel exhaust pollutants.44           tism, adding to the body of evidence that
                                                                    air pollution, as early as in utero, is harm-
                                                                    ful for child development.49
                                                                       Concerns about the effects of diesel ex-
                                                                    haust on children’s health are particularly
                                                                    troubling since millions of children spend
                                                                    considerable time each day on diesel buses
                                                                    – and many more attend schools where
                                                                    diesel buses pick up and drop off passen-
                                                                    gers and often idle with their engines run-
                                                                    ning. Studies, such as the ones described
                                                                    above, looking specifically at emissions
                                                                    from diesel buses have verified those con-
                     Credit: ThoseGuys119 via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

                        Numerous studies have found that air        Dirty Buses Expose Children
                     pollution harms a child’s lungs, especially
                     if the child already suffers from asthma.
                                                                    and Neighborhoods to
                     A 2010 study conducted by researchers at       Dangerous Pollution
                     Stanford University and the University of
                     California, Berkeley, linked exposure to       Air pollution from buses is a particular
                     air pollution with altered gene expression     threat since buses transport large numbers
                     among asthmatic children in California.45      of people and make many trips through
                        Other studies have concluded that ex-       densely populated areas. There are a
                     posure to hydrocarbons from diesel ex-         number of ways that people are exposed
                     haust in early childhood could increase        to dangerous pollution from buses:
                     the likelihood of developing asthma.46 In        At School: Buses idling in front of
                     2013, another set of researchers looked        schools are one way that children (along
                     specifically at the impact of diesel exhaust   with their guardians and teachers) may
                     particles on children in Cincinnati and        be exposed to toxic diesel fumes. Accord-
                     concluded the diesel exhaust made the          ing to the EPA, air pollution at schools,
                     children more susceptible to asthma by         including concentrations of benzene and
                     turning off certain genes.47 Most recent-      formaldehyde, is higher during the hour
                     ly, a 2017 Rutgers University study on         when children are being picked up.50 A

8   Electric Buses
2013 study by researchers in Cincinnati         Austin, Texas also found higher concen-
found that concentrations of particulate        trations of ultrafine particulate matter in-
matter and carbon at a school with many         side buses.55 Higher levels of fine particu-
idling buses significantly decreased after a    late matter and carbon were also found in
campaign to stop idling.51                      school buses compared to air pollution in
   While Riding the Bus: A real-time            vehicles driving in front of the buses dur-
analysis in 2005 found that air quality in-     ing a 2010 study in Seattle.56
side a vehicle’s cabin worsened when fol-          In the Community: Another way peo-
lowing a diesel bus – a troubling fact given    ple are exposed to dirty diesel pollution
that school bus caravans are common, es-        from buses is simply by living or working
pecially on field trips or for sports events,   near the busy roads on which buses and
and also an indicator of the sheer volume       other vehicles travel. More than 45 million
of pollution produced by buses, especially      Americans live within 300 feet of busy roads
older ones.52 The study found that the          or other major transportation infrastruc-
level of soot, hydrocarbons and nitrogen        ture, according to the U.S. EPA, and are
oxides to which passengers were exposed         at risk of exposure to dangerous pollutants
was 11 times higher when following a die-       in exhaust.57 Pollution from traffic is high-
sel bus compared to following no vehicle,       est near roads and can harm lung function,
and eight times higher than when trailing       induce asthma in children, and increase the
a gasoline vehicle.53                           risk of death from heart disease.58 Studies
   A number of studies have indicated           have also linked air pollution to problems
that diesel fumes from school buses, par-       with cognition. A 2017 cohort study of 2.2
ticularly older ones, may “self-pollute,” or    million people in Ontario, Canada, found
cause air pollution within the bus itself. A    that residents living closer to busy roads
2001 study by NRDC and the Coalition            had higher rates of dementia.59 Reducing
for Clean Air found that diesel pollution       the number of cars on the road by expand-
inside school buses was up to four times        ing transit and other options, and electrify-
higher than levels of pollution in cars driv-   ing vehicles, particularly the most-pollut-
ing in front of the buses.54 A 2008 study       ing like buses, can help reduce the health
of air pollution in diesel school buses in      threats posed by busy roads.

                                                               Pollution from Transportation Threatens Public Health   9
Natural Gas Buses Contribute to Global Warming

                            atural gas buses are often touted as     gas-powered buses emitted 6 percent
                            a cleaner alternative to diesel and it   more annual greenhouse gas emissions
                            was once thought that they would         than diesel buses.64 A 2015 study by re-
                      offer a climate benefit. While they can of-    searchers from Carnegie Mellon Uni-
                      fer reduced nitrogen oxide emissions, nat-     versity also found that, compared to con-
                      ural gas buses may emit more greenhouse        ventional diesel transit buses, natural gas
                      gas emissions than their diesel equiva-        buses are responsible for 6 percent more
                      lents, largely due to low fuel economy.        lifetime greenhouse gas emissions.65
                         The primary component of natu-                 The extraction and production of
                      ral gas is methane, which is a power-          natural gas can also cause air pollution
                      ful global warming pollutant. Over 20          and health impacts near gas operations.
                      years, methane traps 86 to 105 times           For example:
                      more heat in the atmosphere than does
                      the same amount of carbon dioxide.60 As        • In Northeastern Colorado, a study by
                      a result, even small methane leaks dur-          researchers from the National Oceanic
                      ing the production, processing, storage          and Atmospheric Administration and
                      and transportation of natural gas negate         the University of Colorado traced high
                      its lower emissions of carbon dioxide            levels of volatile organic compounds,
                      during combustion. Considering emis-             precursors to ground level ozone, back
                      sions produced outside of the bus’s op-          to oil and gas operations.66
                      eration, natural gas-powered buses like-
                      ly create more global warming pollution        • In 2011, ozone levels in rural Wyo-
                      than diesel-powered buses.                       ming exceeded the worst air pollu-
                         A study by the environmental con-             tion days in Los Angeles. 67 The worst
                      sulting firm M.J. Bradley & Associates           days exceeded the EPA’s healthy limit,
                      compared tailpipe emissions of com-              prompting the Wyoming Department
                      pressed natural gas transit buses and            of Environmental Quality to urge the
                      diesel transit buses, finding that carbon        elderly and children to stay indoors.68
                      dioxide emissions were similar for the
                      two types of buses.61 However, in a life-      • A 2014 study in Utah linked oil and
                      cycle analysis (well-to-wheels, account-         gas operations to the accumulation
                      ing for emissions from fuel production           of air pollution and production of
                      and driving), the natural gas buses were         ground level ozone.69
                      responsible for more greenhouse gas
                      emissions than the diesel buses – con-            Even in a best-case scenario, with
                      tributing up to 13.3 additional tons of        near-zero emissions emitted from the
                      carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse           buses themselves, reliance on natural
                      gas emissions each year.62                     gas cannot achieve deep reductions in
                         Another study, by the international         greenhouse gas emissions, and worsens
                      consulting firm Ricardo, concluded that        air pollution and health impacts where it
                      greenhouse gas emissions are higher            is being extracted. Transitioning Ameri-
                      for natural gas buses compared to die-         ca’s electricity grid to renewable energy
                      sel buses.63 In a lifecycle well-to-wheels     and switching to electric transportation
                      analysis, the study found that natural         is the cleanest and safest option.

10   Electric Buses
Most of America’s Buses
Still Run on Dirty Fuels

     oday, most of the nation’s public           Even newer buses likely run on diesel, with
     bus fleet continues to run on diesel,       an estimated 95 percent of school buses in
     though all-electric models are be-          the country using diesel.76
coming a viable and permanent solution              The fuel efficiency of traditional diesel-
to diesel pollution.                             powered school buses that fit 40 to 50 stu-
                                                 dents is 7 miles per gallon (mpg), while hy-
                                                 brids average 9 mpg.77 This puts a heavy cost
                                                 burden on school districts: according to the
School Buses                                     American School Bus Council, districts pay
                                                 an average of $6,600 each year in diesel fuel
Nearly a half-million school buses were on
                                                 costs for every school bus in operation.78 This
the roads in 2017, outnumbering transit
                                                 also results in a significant amount of emis-
buses roughly 12 to 1.70 School buses come
                                                 sions, since school buses collectively traveled
in a variety of sizes – some seat 20 children,
                                                 an estimated 3.3 billion miles in 2017.79
while others can seat up to 90.71 Around 25
                                                    Switching to electric school buses offers
million students ride school buses each day.72
                                                 the greatest opportunity to reduce emis-
  Many of the school buses that children
                                                 sions and schools’ fuel costs. Electric school
ride each day are old enough to predate the
                                                 buses can get the equivalent of 17 miles per
EPA’s latest diesel emission standards.73 Ac-
                                                 diesel gallon equivalent, and as America’s
cording to a 2015 survey, the average age of
                                                 electricity grid shifts to renewable energy,
a school bus in operation was 9.3 years, and
                                                 the buses will increasingly run on clean
school buses can operate for up to 16 years,
                                                 energy.80 Replacing all of America’s school
suggesting that many school buses on Amer-
                                                 buses with electric buses could avoid more
ica’s streets were likely purchased before the
                                                 than 5.3 million tons of greenhouse gas
2007 clean diesel rules took place.74 One es-
                                                 emissions each year and save more than $3
timate puts the number of pre-2007 school
                                                 billion in diesel costs for school districts.81
buses still on America’s streets at 250,000.75

                                                                      Most of America’s Buses Still Run on Dirty Fuels   11
Transit Buses                                   2007 (the year that more stringent diesel
                                                                      standards went into effect) and have not
                                                                      been rebuilt.87 An additional 7,400 buses,
                      Though public buses help reduce overall
                                                                      or 18 percent of the current fleet, were
                      transportation emissions by keeping indi-
                                                                      manufactured between 2007 and 2010,
                      vidual cars off the road, all-electric fleets
                                                                      and haven’t been rebuilt, so they may not
                      could yield even cleaner air. The transpor-
                                                                      meet current standards for nitrogen oxide
                      tation sector is responsible for 27 percent
                                                                      and hydrocarbon pollution.88
                      of total greenhouse gas emissions in the
                                                                        Diesel buses average an estimated 4
                      U.S., and public transportation buses on
                                                                      miles per gallon; natural gas-powered
                      American streets collectively burned over
                                                                      buses don’t fare much better, averaging
                      430 million gallons of diesel in 2014.82
                                                                      just 4.5 miles per gallon (in diesel-equiv-
                         According to the 2016 National Transit
                                                                      alent mileage), while diesel hybrid buses
                      Database compiled by the Department of
                                                                      average 5 miles per gallon.89 Electric bus-
                      Transportation, 60 percent of transit bus-
                                                                      es, on the other hand, are four times more
                      es active in the U.S. – more than 40,000
                                                                      energy efficient than diesel or natural gas
                      of 67,000 total – were conventional buses
                                                                      buses, averaging over 17 miles per diesel
                      running on diesel.83 Hybrid diesel buses
                                                                      gallon equivalent. (See Figure 2.)90
                      made up another 12 percent of transit bus-
                                                                        Replacing polluting diesel transit buses
                      es, while nearly 18 percent were powered
                                                                      with electric buses could greatly reduce
                      by compressed natural gas.84 Less than 1
                                                                      greenhouse gas emissions in the United
                      percent of transit buses were powered en-
                                                                      States and benefits would continue to
                      tirely by electricity. (See Figure 1.)85
                                                                      grow as America transitions to clean,
                         It is possible that more than half of
                                                                      renewable energy. Replacing all of the
                      buses on the road predate the latest EPA
                                                                      diesel-powered transit buses with elec-
                      standard on diesel pollution. According
                                                                      tric buses in the United States could save
                      to the 2016 National Transit Database,
                                                                      more than 2 million tons of greenhouse
                      nearly 38 percent of the nation’s active
                                                                      gas emissions each year.91
                      diesel bus fleet was manufactured prior to

                      Figure 1. Percent of Active Transit Buses in the U.S. by Fuel Type86

                                                                           Natural Gas
                      Hybrid Electric Diesel                                  17%

                            Gasoline                                                      Compressed Natural Gas
                              4%                                                          Diesel Fuel
                            Electric                                                      Electric
                                                                                          Hybrid Electric Diesel

                                                                            Diesel Fuel

12   Electric Buses
Figure 2. Distance Traveled per Gallon of Diesel (*or Diesel-Equivalent)

                                                      Diesel: 4 miles

                                                          Natural Gas: 4.5 miles*

                                                              Diesel Hybrid: 5 miles

                                         Electric: 17 miles*
               Electric buses are 3 - 4 times more energy efficient than diesel or natural gas buses

  On a local level, transit agencies can help                             to taking more than 4,000 cars off the road;
cities reduce their contribution to global                                replacing Denver’s 828 diesel buses would
warming by switching to electric buses.                                   save nearly 47,000 tons of global warming
For instance, if Chicago Transit Authority                                emissions each year, equivalent to remov-
replaced its 1,653 diesel buses with electric                             ing more than 9,000 personal vehicles. (See
buses, it would save nearly 55,000 tons of                                Table 1. See Appendix A for a full list of
greenhouse gases each year, equivalent to                                 America’s 50 largest transit agencies.)92
taking more than 10,000 cars off the roads.                                 By expanding transit options and im-
The transit agency serving Philadelphia,                                  proving bus service, while switching to
the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transpor-                                   clean electric buses, cities and towns
tation Authority, could avert 22,000 tons of                              across the country can help reduce global
greenhouse gas emissions every year, akin                                 warming emissions and local air pollution.

Table 1. Potential Emissions Savings from Electric Buses for Select Transit Agencies

                                                                                                       Annual Emissions Averted         Equivalent Number
                                                                Major City                              by Switching to Electric         of Cars Taken Off
 Agency                                                          Served                State              Buses (Short Tons)                 the Road
 City of Phoenix Public Transit
                                                                  Phoenix                AZ                       9,075                          1,752
 Department (Valley Metro)
 San Francisco Municipal Railway                             San Francisco               CA                      32,049                          6,187
 Denver Regional Transportation District                          Denver                 CO                      46,967                          9,067
 Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit
                                                                  Atlanta                GA                      10,889                          2,102
 Chicago Transit Authority                                        Chicago                 IL                     54,993                        10,616
 Massachusetts Bay Transportation
                                                                   Boston               MA                       55,071                        10,631
 Southeastern Pennsylvania
                                                              Philadelphia               PA                      22,256                          4,297
 Transportation Authority*
 Metropolitan Transit Authority of
                                                                 Houston                 TX                      21,715                          4,192
 Harris County

                                                                                                           Most of America’s Buses Still Run on Dirty Fuels   13
Clean, All-Electric Buses Make
                      Economic Sense for America’s
                      Schools and Cities

                            ntil recently, significant barriers       while also providing more predictability in
                            stood in the way of electric bus adop-    costs each year since electricity prices are
                            tion: electric buses had limited range,   relatively stable compared to fuel prices.
                      were costly, and faced reliability challeng-    The fledgling electric school bus market
                      es. Few were available on the market at all.    is growing as more manufacturers begin
                      But technological innovations and sharp         offering options; for instance, school bus
                      declines in battery costs are solving many      manufacturer Blue Bird started rolling out
                      of these issues and manufacturers are pro-      electric buses in 2018, while Thomas will
                      ducing high-quality, increasingly afford-       follow in 2019.93
                      able, all-electric buses for use by school         Initial results from a six-vehicle electric
                      districts and transit agencies. These im-       school bus pilot program funded by the
                      provements are helping spur a boom in           Clinton Global Initiative illustrate how
                      electric buses across the country.              schools can potentially save money with
                                                                      electric buses. Their analysis found that
                                                                      an electric bus saves nearly $2,000 a year
                                                                      in fuel and $4,400 a year in reduced main-
                      Long-Term Affordability                         tenance costs.94 If the bus is equipped to
                                                                      send stored energy back to the electricity
                                                                      grid (see text box “Linking Electric Buses
                      Savings for School Districts                    to the Electrical Grid Provides Greater
                      All-electric school buses can save school       Benefits,” page 16), an electric school bus
                      districts money in annual operating costs       could potentially generate up to $6,000
                      from reduced maintenance and fuel costs,        in revenue each year, depending on their
                                                                      utility’s rates. While a diesel school bus

14   Electric Buses
Figure 3. Lifetime Cost of Electric and Diesel School Buses, Including Purchase Price,
Operating Costs, and Vehicle-to-Grid Revenue97


                                                     Total Lifetime Savings $31,000
                                                                         l Bus
                                                        Electric Schoo
              Total Lifetime Cost

                                                                     e lS

                                                                                                Breakeven Point


                                               0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

                                                            Years of Operation

costs $110,000 upfront and an electric                                             compared lifecycle costs of an all-electric
school bus today costs $230,000 (includ-                                           school bus to a conventional diesel bus,
ing charging infrastructure), reduced                                              using the old voucher amounts. The elec-
operating costs for the electric bus more                                          tric school bus used in the analysis origi-
than make up the difference.95 Factoring                                           nally cost $348,000, while the diesel bus
in other costs, like replacing the electric                                        cost $139,000 up front.99 With California’s
bus’s battery, the study estimates that an                                         voucher program and other incentives, the
electric school bus equipped with vehicle-                                         purchase price of the electric bus dropped
to-grid capabilities makes up for its higher                                       to $218,000, or $79,000 more than the die-
purchasing costs within 13 years of opera-                                         sel bus.100 However, the electric school bus
tion, saving more than $31,000 over the                                            saved $10,500 each year over the course of
bus’s lifetime. (School buses operate for                                          its 16-year lifespan, paying back the extra
up to 16 years. See Figure 3.)96                                                   upfront cost in less than eight years, and
   Government funding and other incen-                                             continuing to offer savings for years to
tives can make school buses even more                                              come.101 With California’s newly increased
affordable (see section “Opportunities                                             voucher amount of $220,000, the upfront
to Shift to Electric Buses,” page 23.) For                                         cost of the electric bus would actually be
instance, California’s Hybrid and Zero-                                            lower than the upfront cost of the diesel
Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incen-                                              bus, and would still offer fuel and main-
tive Project (HVIP) offers up to $220,000                                          tenance savings each year. Finally, costs of
for electric school buses sold in the state                                        electric school buses are expected to fall in
(the voucher amounts increased in De-                                              coming years as more manufacturers, like
cember 2017, up from $110,000 previ-                                               Thomas and Blue Bird, enter the market
ously).98 An analysis by industry experts                                          and technologies improve.102

                                                                Clean, All-Electric Buses Make Economic Sense for America’s Schools and Cities   15
Savings for Transit Agencies
 Linking Electric Buses to the Electrical                            Electric buses can be more affordable than
 Grid Provides Greater Benefits                                      fossil fuel buses in the long run, since they
                                                                     have 30 percent fewer parts, no exhaust

      lectric buses are powered by taking energy from the            systems, their braking systems last longer,
      electricity grid; when they are plugged in, their large        and they don’t require oil changes or fos-
      batteries charge and buses use that stored energy to           sil fuels.105 According to studies of electric
 travel on their routes. By managing when the vehicles are           buses currently in operation, electric buses
 charging, electric buses can help support the electrical grid       save at least $0.19 per mile in lower main-
 by charging at off-peak times. With appropriate pricing             tenance costs.106 Over the lifetime of the
 mechanisms and agreements with utilities, electric bus op-          bus, an electric transit bus can avoid hun-
 erators can benefit from financial incentives that support          dreds of thousands of dollars in operating
 charging when demand is low. (See page 25 for more on               costs over an equivalent diesel or natural
 agreements with utilities.) Used electric bus batteries could       gas bus, from lower fuel and maintenance
 also be repurposed for energy storage at the end of the bus-        costs. According to an analysis by the Cal-
 es’ useful lives, which can help support the electrical grid.       ifornia Air Resources Board, an electric
   Finally, new technology allows buses to send stored en-           bus purchased in 2016 can save $458,000
 ergy back to the grid. When equipped with vehicle-to-               in fuel and maintenance costs compared
 grid technology, electric buses can use their batteries for         to a diesel bus, $336,000 compared to a
 energy storage, providing a service to the grid by reserv-          natural gas bus and $331,000 compared to
 ing and selling electricity back at times of high demand.           a diesel hybrid bus. (See Figure 4.)107
 This is particularly valuable for school buses, which typi-            Even though electric buses today are
 cally charge overnight when electricity demand is lower;            still more expensive upfront than their
 are parked during the middle of day and evening, when               diesel or natural gas-powered counter-
 demand is highest; and often aren’t in use during the sum-          parts, electric transit buses can pay for
 mer when air conditioning use peaks. For example, if a              themselves within 10 years of operation
 school bus had extra juice after driving children home in           through fuel savings and reduced mainte-
 the afternoon, it could connect to the grid and sell excess         nance costs. (See Figure 5.)109
 energy back to the grid during the early evening hours                 New Flyer, the largest transit bus man-
 when demand is still high.                                          ufacturer in North America, says that its
   Vehicle-to-grid features could help school districts make         natural gas-powered buses start around
 the finances of electric buses pencil out more easily. A 2014       $450,000 while their electric version starts
 analysis from researchers at the University of Delaware es-         at $700,000.111 Over the lifetime of the
 timated that a school bus could generate more than $15,000          bus, however, the company estimates the
 from selling energy back to the grid, providing net ben-            electric bus saves $400,000 in fuel expens-
 efits after five years of operation.103 Early pilot projects with   es and $125,000 in averted maintenance
 electric school buses in three school districts in California       costs, making up for the upfront cost dif-
 found each bus could generate more than $6,000 each year            ferential.112
 by sending extra electricity back to the grid during periods           Proterra says its standard electric transit
 of high demand.104                                                  bus costs $750,000, compared to $500,000
   By providing a source of energy storage, electric buses           for a conventional diesel bus.113 The com-
 could support a transition toward a grid powered by renew-          pany estimates that its electric buses of-
 able energy – helping to incorporate variable sources of re-        fer fuel and maintenance savings of up to
 newable energy like wind and solar into the grid. School            $50,000 a year over fossil fuel-powered
 buses may be particularly important for helping to inte-            buses, meaning transit agencies can re-
 grate solar energy, since they are typically parked and can         coup the extra cost in five to seven years
 charge during peak solar production at mid-day.                     (depending on the bus’s purchase price
                                                                     and operational cost variables), continu-

16   Electric Buses
Figure 4. Estimated Lifetime Fuel and Maintenance Costs of Transit Buses, by Fuel Type108

Lifetime Fuel and Maintenance

 Costs (thousands of dollars)







                                                                Diesel               Natural Gas                           Diesel Hybrid                            Electric

Figure 5. Cumulative Cost of Transit Buses, by Type, Including Purchase Price and Operations110


                                                            $1,200,000                Total Lifetime Savings $81,000

                                      Total Lifetime Cost

                                                                                                     sit B

                                                             $800,000                                           s
                                                                                                                                        Breakeven Point



                                                                         0   1   2      3            4             5   6   7   8   9   10                 11   12

                                                                                                         Years of Operation

                                                                                              Clean, All-Electric Buses Make Economic Sense for America’s Schools and Cities   17
Figure 6. Estimated Annual Operating Costs, for Fuel and Maintenance, of Transit
                      Buses, by Fuel Type115


                      Annual Operating Cost -

                        Fuel & Maintenance




                                                          Diesel   Natural Gas     Diesel Hybrid        Electric

                      ing to save money every year over the              pay for up to 80 percent of the purchase
                      lifespan of the bus.114                            price of a bus (or other capital investment
                         Those savings don’t account for the             for transit).117 A 2017 study from Carnegie
                      benefits of electric buses to the environ-         Mellon University found that, with federal
                      ment and public health, like cleaner air           funding to help purchase the buses, all-
                      and less pollution. The Chicago Transit            electric buses had the lowest lifetime costs
                      Authority (which in 2014 became the first          when compared with all other buses on the
                      major transportation agency in the U.S. to         market, including hybrid, diesel, biodiesel
                      run an electric bus) estimates that a single       or natural gas vehicles.118 The study con-
                      electric bus saves the city nearly $80,000         cluded that all-electric buses are the best
                      per year: $25,000 in fuel and $55,000 in           option available to transit agencies because
                      avoided healthcare expenses resulting              of their low lifetime costs and their envi-
                      from cleaner air.116                               ronmental and public health benefits.119
                         Because transit agencies can utilize fed-         The upfront cost of electric buses is fall-
                      eral assistance for capital costs, but not op-     ing, too. For example, in 2017, bus manu-
                      erating costs (through the Urbanized Area          facturer BYD won a bid with LA Metro
                      Formula Funding program), purchasing               for 60 all-electric buses, with an estimated
                      a bus with higher upfront costs but lower          pre-tax price around $686,000 per bus,
                      operating expenses may be a better value           competitive with bids for low-NOX natu-
                      for agencies in the long run. Transit agen-        ral gas buses priced around $620,000 be-
                      cies in the U.S. can use federal money to          fore taxes.120

18   Electric Buses
Increasing Range                                  will have a 150 kWh battery pack; both
                                                  models will have vehicle-to-grid capa-
                                                  bility, allowing them to store energy for
                                                  the grid when plugged in.122 Production
Electric School Buses Get Kids to                 is slated for 2018.123
School and Back Home Again                           The Canadian company Lion is already
Electric school buses today have rang-            selling the first all-electric medium-sized
es long enough to cover most school               school bus built in North America.124 The
bus routes. For instance, Blue Bird               batteries of the “eLion” bus can store 130
has come out with two electric school             kWh of electricity, providing range of 50
buses, one small and one large, both              to 100 miles on a single charge, depend-
of which can drive 100 miles on one               ing on the model.125 It has an estimated
charge. The company estimates that the            battery life of 15 years and fully charges
100-mile range can cover 80 percent of            in four to six hours, though fast-charging
school bus routes with just an overnight          development is already underway and is
charge, and up to 90 percent of school            expected to be released soon.126 Green-
bus routes in the county if the bus can           Power also offers a 72-person school bus
charge mid-day.121 The full-size model            that can travel 75 to 140 miles.127

A contactless electric bus charging station in Washington state. Credit: Creative Commons/SounderBruce, CC BY-SA 2.0

                                          Clean, All-Electric Buses Make Economic Sense for America’s Schools and Cities   19
Electric Transit Buses Can Serve              Improved Reliability
                      Urban Transportation Needs
                      Recent advances in the range capabilities       Electric buses require less maintenance
                      of transit buses make them an increas-        than other types of alternative-fuel buses,
                      ingly feasible option for transit agencies.   in part because they have 30 percent fewer
                      Hyundai’s new electric bus can travel         parts than diesel buses and no exhaust sys-
                      180 miles on a single charge, New Flyer       tems.134 A 2016 report from the National
                      has a bus with a 200-mile range, and          Renewable Energy Laboratory found
                      Proterra’s electric bus models can travel     electric transit buses required mainte-
                      200 to 350 miles.128 Typical bus routes       nance just once every 133,000 miles driv-
                      in urban and rural areas are shorter than     en, while natural gas buses needed on av-
                      200 miles a day, meaning that electric        erage to be serviced every 45,000 miles.135
                      buses could serve most routes in the            One concern with electric buses histori-
                      country with today’s technology.129 For       cally had been their ability to perform well
                      longer routes, fast-charging options are      in cold or wintery weather. Quebec, Can-
                      available, whereby buses can charge for       ada, is operating 60 electric school buses
                      a few minutes periodically throughout         while electric school buses are also on the
                      their route, using technologies such as       road in Minnesota and Massachusetts, dem-
                      overhead contactless chargers. 130 (See       onstrating the capability of electric buses to
                      photo on page 19.)                            function in all kinds of weather. As transit
                        BYD has a 60-foot articulated elec-         operators and manufacturers gain more ex-
                      tric bus ,the first of its kind, available    perience working in difficult environments,
                      in the U.S. today that can travel 200         such as extreme cold, they learn solutions
                      miles with one charge.131 One model in        that improve reliability. For example, in
                      development from Proterra can store           2015, Worcester, MA, experienced its great-
                      660 kWh of energy in its battery and          est snowfall of all time, with a January bliz-
                      holds the world record for electric ve-       zard dropping 34 inches of snow and Feb-
                      hicle range after traveling 1,100 miles       ruary setting the record for coldest month
                      on a single charge in September 2017.132      ever. The agency had been operating six
                      Connected to a high-speed charging            electric buses and identified the need to be
                      system, the bus only takes one hour to        able to heat the areas around fast chargers
                      be fully charged.133                          to clear ice and snow, as well as the charging
                                                                    section on the top of the bus.136

20   Electric Buses
Major Cities and States Take the
Lead on Bus Electrification

     he market for electric buses is chang-      • In July 2017, the Los Angeles County
     ing rapidly as technology improves            Metropolitan Transportation Author-
     and prices continue to fall. A 2018           ity announced its transit fleet would be
study by Bloomberg New Energy Finance              emission-free by 2030, requiring at least
projected that the number of electric bus-         2,300 electric buses.142 In the agency’s
es in the world will triple by 2025, a span        announcement, Metro Chairman and
of just seven years.137 Driven by a need to        Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said,
combat air pollution, particularly in China,       “We can wait for others, and follow –
electric buses will become more popular            at the expense of residents’ health – or
and more affordable in a short amount of           lead and innovate, and reduce emissions
time.138 Bloomberg notes that by 2026, the         as quickly as possible. I’d much rather
purchase price for some electric models            do the latter.”143
will likely be cost competitive with diesel
versions because of falling battery prices.139   • Mayors of 16 cities in California, repre-
  At the end of 2016, there were roughly           senting nearly 8 million people, submit-
300 zero-emission transit buses operating          ted a letter in January 2018 in support
around the country, but hundreds more              of state proposal that would require all
are on their way.140 In a February 2017 in-        fleets in California to be 100 percent
terview, the CEO of Proterra said that by          electric by 2029.144
2020, a third of all new buses sold in the
country could be electric, jumping to 100        • King County Metro Transit, which
percent of sales by 2030.141                       serves the Seattle area, will acquire 120
  Demand for electric buses is high across         all-electric buses by 2020.145
the country. (See Appendix B for more
transit agencies’ electric bus plans.) For       • MTA New York City Transit, the
instance:                                          country’s largest transit network, start-

                                                          Major Cities and States Take the Lead on Bus Electrification   21
ed testing five New Flyer electric buses      ing more than 16,000 buses – about three
                        across its system in February 2018, and       times the size of New York City’s bus fleet,
                        similar tests are planned for Boston,         the largest in the U.S.152 The transition
                        Los Angeles, Portland and Salt Lake           in Shenzhen illustrates the technological
                        City in 2018.146 The buses will have ac-      readiness of electric buses and the imme-
                        cess to rapid charging at the beginning       diate feasibility of large-scale transitions.
                        and end of their routes and will enable          Investment and interest from manufac-
                        the transit agencies to better define         turers is growing as well, thereby expand-
                        their needs, helping to inform the elec-      ing the number of options available and
                        tric bus market.147                           reducing costs. For instance, in May 2017,
                                                                      Hyundai unveiled its first electric bus.153
                      • Since 2016, seven agencies in Califor-        In October 2017, Volkswagen announced
                        nia, making up one-third of the state’s       plans for a $1.7 billion investment in elec-
                        transit buses, have committed to all-         tric vehicles including buses and trucks.154
                        electric fleets by 2040.148 For example,      Volvo has also been developing new mod-
                        Antelope Valley Transit Authority in          els of electric buses, expanding their range
                        southern California plans to convert all      and improving battery and charging tech-
                        of its 85 buses to electric by 2021, saving   nology.155
                        an estimated $46 million over the life-          School districts are also starting to elec-
                        time of the buses.149                         trify their buses. The largest pilot program
                                                                      is underway in California, providing three
                      • In January 2018, the Chicago Transit          school districts with 29 electric buses from
                        Authority requested proposals for 45          the manufacturers Lion, TransTech and
                        new all-electric buses.150                    Motiv Power Systems.156 In 2016, four
                                                                      school districts in Massachusetts became
                        Outside the U.S., other cities are lead-      the first outside of California to purchase
                      ing the way. In December 2017, Shen-            electric school buses – four in total, made
                      zhen, China, became the first city in the       by Lion.157 In the fall of 2017, the first elec-
                      world to exclusively operate all-electric       tric school bus (also manufactured by Lion)
                      buses.151 The city currently owns more          arrived in the Midwest in the suburbs of
                      electric buses than any other city, operat-     Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota.158

22   Electric Buses
Opportunities to Shift to Electric Buses

       merica’s fossil fuel buses produce large      Volkswagen Settlement Money: The
       quantities of greenhouse gas emis-          recent settlement in the “Dieselgate” case,
       sions and air pollution, contributing       which resulted from Volkswagen’s (VW)
to climate change and public health prob-          deliberate violation of clean air standards,
lems. Any new diesel buses purchased now           awarded billions of dollars for state and
will continue polluting for years to come          local officials to invest in zero-emission
since transit and school buses have lifespans      transportation.159 Of the settlement, $2.7
longer than a decade. Fortunately, electric        billion created a Mitigation Trust that allo-
buses produce far fewer carbon emissions           cates funds to states to replace heavy-duty
over their lifetime and eliminate localized        vehicles including school buses and transit
air pollution from fossil fuel burning on city     buses and charging infrastructure.160
streets. As America transitions to an electrical     In states across the country, there has
grid powered by renewable energy, electric         been interest in spending the settlement
buses will offer even greater environmental        money on replacing diesel buses with all-
benefits. Considering all of America’s nearly      electric alternatives. For example:
70,000 transit buses and 480,000 school
buses will have to be replaced in the next         • Major utilities, including Duke Energy
15 to 20 years, there is room for large-scale        and Indianapolis Power & Light Com-
adoption of electric buses.                          pany, voiced support for using the VW
   The time is right for state and local             funds to buy electric school buses.161
officials to begin making the shift to all-          Transit agencies are also eager for the
electric public transportation. The fall-            funding to switch to electric buses –
ing costs of electric buses, coupled with            from Lane County, OR, to Colorado
the availability of new funds to support             Springs, CO, transit agencies are asking
the transition, provide an opportunity for           for portions of the settlement money to
school districts, transit agencies, cities and       purchase electric buses.162
others to accelerate the transition to clean
electric buses. Opportunities for funding          • Colorado plans to spend $18 million,
electric buses include:                              or a quarter of its allocated Volkswagen

                                                                               Opportunities to Shift to Electric Buses   23
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