SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"

Page created by Marilyn Sims
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
                          FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS

                         "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
                                         $1150 10 Days
                         Monday, July 10th through Thursday, July 20th
                                       8:30am -4:00pm
                                        Daily Mass at 12 noon

                         EARN A $6,000 SCHOLARSHIP TO MONTFORT
                             ($1,500 PER YEAR FOR FOUR YEARS)
(914) 699-7090
MT. VERNON, NY 10552
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
MONDAY JULY 10, 2023
"For those who want to lead, read." Harvard Business Review
                                                                         THURSDAY JULY 20, 2023
August 15, 2012
                                                                         GRADUATION CEREMONY
The Great Books of Rome and Greece have been the foundation of
ethics, innovation, and leadership for centuries. Come and
experience the Great Books and the Great Conversation--that              Commencement for the Capstone Class of 2023 will be
ongoing conversation of the great authors, philosophers,
theologians, scientists, industry leaders, mathematicians, and
political thinkers. We start in ancient Greece, travel through ancient   held in the Montfort Chapel at 1:00 pm on Friday, July
Rome and medieval Europe, delight in the Renaissance, and end
up in 2022 America and beyond. Ignite in yourself the spark and                SIGN
                                                                         20th. All family UP   FOR are
                                                                                          and friends CAPSTONE
                                                                                                       welcome. Come hear
love of reading that will last a lifetime with an overview of the
greatest books ever written.                                                          2022
                                                                         your child give       Price:
                                                                                         an address       $800
                                                                                                    in Latin.
GREAT BOOK: Introduction to Dr. Eliot's Five Foot Shelf,
also known as The Harvard Classics and his famous "15
minutes a day of reading."
                                                                                  VISIT OUR WEBSITE
TRAVEL to The University Club of New York and visit one of
the world's most exquisite libraries and enjoy a private tour              RS VP FO R S PRING OPEN HO US E
and scavenger hunt of its frescoed ceiling.
                                                                            WED MARCH 30, 202 2 6 -8 PM
TAUGHT by Mr. Jerry O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Literature
Department, The Montfort Academy
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"

From Euclid's Geometry to Newton's Physics, from                        TUESDAY JULY 11, 2023
Galileo's Heliocentrism to Einstein's relativity, man has               ASTRONOMY: FROM ANTIKYTHERA TO MARS
sought to define the world in math and physics. Yet, every
day man experiences miracles that cannot be described by                Socrates said that "Wisdom begins in wonder." This seminar
                                                                        takes us back to the beginning of time when mankind looked in
mathematical or physical law. Are not math and physics the
                                                                        awe at the stars, the moon, and the galaxy and wondered
language with which God wrote the universe? Might the
                                                                        questions such as "Who is Man?" "Why are we here?" "What is
author of that universe reveal himself in both the                      out there?" Experience creation through The Montfort Academy's
discoverable language of math and in the revealed language              very own astronomical observatory. Feel and touch a replica of
of miracles? We will study the work of world- renowned                  the world's very first computer, the Antikythera mechanism, an
theologian and physicist Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Templeton                 amazing piece of technology designed and built around 100 BC in
Prize Winner 1987, and guest speaker at The Montfort                    Greece, used to predict eclipses of the sun and moon. Learn
Academy.                                                                about the 2034 planned mission to Mars and build your own
_____________________________________________________________________   rockets.
GREAT BOOK: Sulpicius Severus, The Life of St. Martin of
                                                                        GREAT BOOKS: Galileo's The Starry Messenger and
                                                                        Aristotle's Metaphysics

TAUGHT by Mr. Michael Innocenti, Chairman of the                        TRAVEL to The Hudson River Museum & Planetarium
Philosophy Department and teacher of Metaphysics at
Montfort                                                                TAUGHT by Evan Iervolino, Montfort Class of 2022
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
ORATORY                                                                 WEDNESDAY JULY 19, 2023
                                                                        LATIN IS BEAUTIFUL
The art of speaking in public, or Ars Oratoria, was a mark of
the distinguished Roman citizen, especially those engaged               In his book Long Live Latin (2016), Nicola Gardini argues
in public life. With a long heritage already established in             that Latin is neither useful nor useless. Rather, Latin is
ancient Greece, many Roman families sent their children to              beautiful; and because Latin is beautiful, it is the foundation
Greece to study under the masters. Cicero was among the                 of science, literature, and culture, and it is the language of
greatest orators in all of history, and his speeches are                our Church. "When we study Latin, we must study it for one
timeless.      Read    and     learn   the    basics    from            fundamental reason: because it is the language of a
Cicero's De Oratore, a manual he wrote for good public                  civilization; because the Western world was created on its
speaking.                                                               back; because inscribed in Latin are the secrets of our
_____________________________________________________________________   deepest cultural memory, secrets that demand to be read."
GREAT BOOKS: Aeschylus's The Persians and                               _____________________________________________________________________
Cicero's De Oratore                                                     GREAT BOOK: Virgil's The Aeneid
TRAVEL to Untermyer Gardens Conservancy and read                        TRAVEL to Glen Island Park for an afternoon of fun
aloud in a Roman amphitheater                                           ____________________________________________________________________
                                                                        TAUGHT by Mr. Thomas Farley, television personality and
TAUGHT by Mr. George DeGaetano, faculty member of                       expert in etiquette and manners
grammar and Debate Team Coach, The Montfort Academy
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"

When you buy that small bottle of water for $1.00, did you
ever stop and think that you are paying more for water than
you pay for gasoline? Water is both a necessity (because                FRIDAY JULY 14, 2023
you cannot live without it) and a luxury (because it is so              THE GREEK OLYMPIAD
scarce). Water is essential for life, and water management
is essential to water supply. The Romans knew this and                  Greece and Rome provide the foundations for Western
built aqueducts that are masterpieces of engineering and                civilization and the world we live in. Spend the morning
architecture, with both beauty and functionality. We are                learning interesting facts about both Greece and Rome
heirs of this magnificent skill of water planning, which is             and how they both continue to influence people today.
essential to the future, even our planned mission to Mars.              Spend the afternoon in NYC visiting the antiquity
Build your own functional aqueduct out of LEGOs and help                section of the Metropolitan Museum discussing some
clean up The Bronx River.                                               of the more important Greek and Roman works and
                                                                        touring the broader museum.
GREAT BOOK: Julius Sextus Frontinus, De Aqueductu                       _____________________________________________________________________

TRAVEL to The Bronx River Reservation and participate in                GREAT BOOKS: No reading required
a day of River Clean-Up
_____________________________________________________________________   TRAVEL to Metropolitan Museum of Art
TAUGHT by The Honorable Richard Greco, Jr., President
of The Montfort Academy and contributor to "Purification,               TAUGHT by Mr. Robert Moderelli, European History
Treatment, Waste Water, and Reuse," a White Paper on                    teacher, The Montfort Academy
Water Resources
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
MONDAY JULY 17, 2023

The classical world placed a premium on discipline and
having a ‘sound mind and sound body.’ Spend the morning
in Montfort’s gym having private kick boxing lessons with               TUESDAY JULY 18, 2023
Elvis Gashi, professional kickboxer and owner and                       ANCIENT MANNERS AND MODERN ETIQUETTE
instructor at Arena Fitness, and learning the appropriate way
to pursue weight training. Spend the afternoon learning how             Explore manners and customs of the ancient world, those that
                                                                        last today, and manners and customs of different worlds and
to fence at the Tim Morehouse Fencing Club.
                                                                        societies. The mark of a gentleman or gentlelady is good
                                                                        manners. The Montfort Academy is pleased to host America's
GREAT BOOK: Aristotle's On the Motion of Animals                        leading expert in manners and television personality Mr. Thomas
_____________________________________________________________________   Farley, know as Mr. Manners. Mr. Farley will provide a history of
                                                                        chivalry and good manners and teach students proper etiquette
TRAVEL to The Tim Morehouse Fencing Club of Port                        and behavior between boys and girls and how to set a table
Chester                                                                 properly.
_____________________________________________________________________   _____________________________________________________________________
                                                                        GREAT BOOK: Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans
TAUGHT by Elvis Gashi and staff at The Tim Morehouse                    ____________________________________________________________________
Fencing Club. Supervised by The Montfort Academy staff                  TRAVEL to The University Club of New York and learn how to
                                                                        set a proper table

                                                                        TAUGHT by Mr. Thomas Farley, television personality and expert
                                                                        in etiquette and manners
SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants" SUMMER 2023 CAPSTONE FOR RISING 7th and 8TH GRADERS "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants"
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