Environmental Land Solutions, LLC

Page created by Danny Zimmerman
Environmental Land Solutions, LLC
                      Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning
                       8 Knight Street, Suite 203, Norwalk, CT 06851
                         Tel: (203) 855-7879 Fax: (203) 855-7836

March 17, 2021

Zoning Commission
City of Norwalk
125 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06856-5125

Re:    Application for CAM Short Form
       72 Shorefront Road, Norwalk, CT

Dear Commission Members:

Shorefront Park Properties, LLC is proposing to develop the existing vacant property with a
new residence at the above referenced address. The property lies within the coastal zone due
to its proximity to the reaches of the tidally-influenced of Long Island Sound. The proposed
work will occur within Coastal Boundary of Long Island Sound and accordingly, an
application for CAM Short Form is being submitted to the City Zoning Commission for review
and approval. The property fronts on tidal waters of Long Island Sound within the Norwalk
Harbor. Environmental Land Solutions, LLC (ELS) has been authorized to prepare this CAM
report for the project. This report is based on a site inspection made on July 29, 2020, review
of the survey prepared by Ryan and Faulds, Land Surveyor, entitled “Zoning Location
Survey,” proposed for 72 Shorefront Road, dated 3/4/21, “Proposed New Construction-
Grading and Drainage Plan,” “Proposed New Construction - Erosion Control Plan,” both
dated 2/2/21 and a “Drainage Analysis,” dated 3/10/21, prepared by Peak Engineers, LLC,
and a building plan set prepared by Peters D. Designs, LLC, date dated 3/10/21.

Information referenced herein has been excerpted from the Department of Environmental
Protection (DEEP) Office of Long Island Sound Programs (OLISP) publication Reference
Guide to Coastal Policies and Definitions, revised 07/26/99, and the General Statutes of
Connecticut (CGS), Volume 8, revised to January 1, 2001. The City of Norwalk Zoning
Regulations were also reviewed.


The subject property is 10,110 sf or 0.23± acres in area. The site fronts on the southeastern
end Shorefront Park Road. The existing property is undeveloped with a near level lawn area
and one 36" diameter breast height Copper Beech tree. The property is located in the B-
Residential Zone with surrounding residential homes to the north, south and west. Along the
perimeter of the maintained lawn area of the site, an existing retaining wall defines the
developed site areas. The property extends to the Mean High Water line, approximately 30'±
waterward of the seawall. The site will be serviced by public water and sewer.

The topography of the site is gently sloping toward the water. The existing site elevations
range from 10.3'± at the southwest corner to 8.2'± along the top of the seawall. The bottom
of the seawall runs along elevation 5.0'±, and extends to MHW line of 3.3'± east of the
seawall (NAVD ‘88). Existing flood zone elevations include VE Zone (el. 14.0) along the
eastern side of the site, and the AE Zone (el. 11.0) over the remainder of the site.

The site’s upland vegetation is generally limited to lawn and the Copper Beech located near the
center of the site.

Tidal Wetlands:

Tidal wetland areas, found to the east of the existing retaining wall, are dominated by high
marsh vegetation including Saltmeadow Cordgrass (Spartina patens), Spike Grass (Distichlis
spicata), Blackgrass (Juncus gerardi), Sea Lavender (Limonium carolinianum), and High-tide
Bush (Iva frutescens). Saltwater Cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) is found along the lower
tidal areas to the north.

The site’s shoreline is within the DEEP’s Natural Diversity Data Base highlighted area
(December 2020) for Norwalk, but does not include any critical habitat areas. The lack of any
significant upland onsite natural or vegetated areas makes the upland portions of the site of
little value to wildlife. Within the wetland a Yellow-crowned Night Heron observed during the
site visit. This bird is on the DEEP (2015) list for Species of Special Concern European
starlings and House Sparrows were also seen on the site. The site’s tidal marshlands, open
water, and mudflats, provide valuable habitat for wildlife such as the Great Egret, Northen
Diamondback Terrapins, and finfish.

There are no any significant cultural or historic resources on or immediately adjacent to the
site. The site is adjacent to the closed areas of the Norwalk Recreation Shellfishing Beds
within the Norwalk Harbor.


The proposed site improvements include a new residential dwelling at the center of the site.
The Drainage Plan proposes two underground infiltrator galleries, one beneath the new
driveway, and a second below the rear patio. Together these will provide water quality
treatment for the first inch of rainfall from impervious surfaces. The finish floor elevation of
the dwelling will be set at 12.2', 1.2' above the 11.0' minimum flood hazard elevation (AE)
zone. The proposed grades around the new residence will be slightly raised to provide positive
drainage from the building. Excess soil generated from excavation will be removed from the
site during construction. The proposed building will be serviced by public water and sewer


The following coastal resources are located on the site:

General Resources - the coastal waters of the state, their natural resources, related
       marine and wildlife habitat and adjacent shorelands, both developed and undeveloped,
       that together form an integrated terrestrial and estuarine ecosystem.

       Tidal Wetlands - means “wetlands” as defined by CGS Section 22a-29 (2) revised to
       January 1, 2001. Tidal wetlands are located on the southern portion of the site as
       described above.

       Coastal Hazard Areas - means those land areas inundated during coastal storm events or
       subject to erosion induced by such events, including flood hazard areas as defined and
       determined by the National Flood Insurance Act, as amended (USC 42 Section 4101,
       P.L. 93-234) and all erosion hazard areas as determined by the (DEEP) commissioner.
       The VE (el. 14.0') and AE (el. 11.0') Zones overlap the property.

The following coastal resources are located adjacent on the site:

       Intertidal Flats - means very gently sloping or flat areas located between high and low
       tides of muddy, silty and fine sandy sediments and generally devoid of vegetation.
       These areas are located off the site.

       Shorelands - means those land areas within the coastal boundary exclusive of coastal
       hazard areas, which are not subject to dynamic coastal processes and which comprise
       typical upland features such as bedrock hills, till hills and drumlins.

       Shellfish Concentration Areas - means actual, potential or historic areas in coastal
       waters, in which one or more species of shellfish aggregate. This resource is located to
       east within the Norwalk Harbor. However, these beds are closed to recreational use.


The coastal resources as described above will not be impacted by the proposed redevelopment
of this property mainly because the proposed activities will occur within the presently
developed area of the site. There will be no encroachment into coastal resources on the site or
in the surrounding resourse area.

Consistency with Applicable Coastal Use Policies:

       General Resources - to preserve and enhance coastal resources in accordance with the
       coastal policies. The development of this lot will occur within the presently developed
       area and therefore is not expected to significantly disrupt either the natural environment
       or sound economic growth.

       Sewer and Water Lines - to locate and phase sewer and water lines, so as to encourage
       concentrated development in areas which are suitable for development. The property is

presently served by a municipal sewer and water and will continue to be after

Consistency With Coastal Resources:

      The following coastal use policies are applicable to the property:

      General Resource - the proposed development is consistent with the surrounding
      residential neighborhood. There will be no change in the distance to tidal waters from
      developed areas.

      General Development - the subject property lies within a developed residential zone.
      The proposed development of this lot as planned will not adversely impact sound
      economic growth.

      Coastal Hazard Areas - development in the coastal hazard area will be accomplished in
      a manner to minimize hazards to life and property. The new building will be located
      only in the AE flood zone and have a finished floor set at 12.2', 1.2' above the
      elevation of the (AE) zone is 11' NAVD ‘88. There is no work proposed within the
      (VE) zone of the property.

      Tidal Wetlands - All construction activities are located away from tidal vegetation. No
      direct or indirect impacts to tidal wetlands are anticipated as a result from this project.
      The project is consistent with this coastal resource policy.

      Shellfish Concentration Areas - means actual, potential or historic areas in coastal
      waters, in which one or more species of shellfish aggregate. This resource is located to
      east within the Norwalk Harbor. However, these beds are closed to recreational use.


      The proposed redevelopment and site improvements will occur within areas presently
      maintained and developed. During construction, the proper installation and
      maintenance of sediment and erosion controls will provide protection from transport of
      erosion to coastal waters (refer to plans prepared by Peak Engineers, LLC). Storm
      flows from the roof leaders and a paved driveway will be directed to underground
      infiltrators, maintaining water infiltration to the adjoining soil areas. The Drainage
      Analysis notes that the “drainage report has been prepared to follow the City of
      Norwalk Drainage Manual, date June 1, 2017". No adverse impacts to the coastal
      resources are anticipated with the proposed site development. The project is consistent
      with the adjacent land uses and existing zoning.


      In summary, the property involved in the proposed redevelopment includes a new

residence and new bituminous pavement. There are several natural coastal resources
       found within the property. However, the proposed site plans have been developed to
       provide Best Management Practices designed to prevent significant alteration of
       existing drainage patterns, increase the hazard of coastal flooding, degrade the visual
       quality of the surrounding natural resources, or disturb the tidal wetlands. The
       proposed development is consistent with the Coastal Area Management (CAM) goals
       and policies and will not have any adverse impacts to coastal resources.


Kate Throckmorton, ASLA
Landscape Architect

Shorefront Park Road 72-norwalk CAM-rpt.wpd

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