Page created by Darlene Leonard
SUMMER • 2021

                    start on

                    page 11!


                                                                        Table of Contents...................................................... 2

                                                                        Registration Information Page.................................. 3

                                                                        Central Enrollment.................................................... 4

                                                                        Novi Summer Camp................................................... 5

                                                                        Preschool/GSRP Page................................................ 6

                                                                        CARE Page................................................................ 7

                                                                        Summer School 2021................................................ 8

                                                                        Safety Town...........................................................11


                                                                        NYA Teen Center......................................................26

                                                                        Adult Summer ESL...................................................27

Peachjar is the new electronic flyer distribution system for the Novi
 Community School District. Families receive flyers in an individual
   email based on the school their student attends. The flyers are
                                                                        O’Brien/NYA Ad.......................................................30
 also posted on each schools' website. NCSD expects to begin using
Peachjar for the start of the 2020-2021 school year. If you have any
       questions contact Tatiana Vuichard at 248-675-3424.
                                                                        District Information Page........................................31

  2                                   REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
            ONLINE                            WALK IN                        PHONE                                 FAX
        Register 24/7 at:              Community Education Office         248-675-3400                        248-675-3435                  25745 Taft Road               Credit Card Only                    Credit Card Only
                                            Novi, MI 48374

                                                                    REGISTRATION INFORMATION
                                                                    Community Enrichment programs are funded entirely by your fees.
                                                                    Any classes which do not meet the minimum enrollment require-
                                                                    ments may be cancelled. Please register early to enhance our plan-
                                                                    ning and ability to provide you with excellent service. Registration
                                                                    begins April 12, 2021. Course fees are due at the time of registration.
                                                                    All material or book fees are additional and payable to instructor at
                                                                    the start of the first class. No registration will be accepted at class.
                                                                    Confirmations will be emailed.
                                                                    1. FULL REFUND if a class is cancelled by the office.
                                                                    2. FAMILY REQUESTED REFUNDS: A request must be made prior
                                                                       to the start of the second class, regardless of attendance (not
                                                                       applicable to classes with less than three meeting dates).
                                                                    3. A prorated refund will be issued for classes that have already
                                                                    4. There is a $10 cancellation fee per class for processing a refund.
                                                                    5. NO REFUNDS will be issued for classes that have met two or
                                                                       more times regardless of attendance.

                                                                    Sometimes a class needs to be rescheduled or moved due to a
(248) 675-3400                                                      building activity or unforeseen circumstances.
Ann Hansen, Director Of Early Childhood & Community Services        Advance notice will be given when possible.
(248)675-3430                                                       PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR RECEIPT AND EMAIL FOR ANY
Tanya Vuichard, Assistant (248)675-3424                             IMPORTANT CHANGE NOTICES.
Joann Mueting, Facilities Secretary (248)675-3432                   CHARGES FOR INSUFFICIENT FUNDS
Sarah Savela, Adult Enrichment Coordinator (248)675-3422            A $30 fee will be added to checks returned for insufficient funds.
Kayley Dahring, Youth Enrichment Coordinator (248)675-3421          SENIOR CITIZENS
Rachel Kennett, Aquatics Supervisor (248)449-1212 ext. 5136         A 10% discount is available for residents age 60 years or older. Birth-
                                                                    date must be included on registration form. All students are required
PRESCHOOL/C.A.R.E.: (248) 675-3431                                  to pay any material fees that may be included as part of the class fee.
Stacey Job, Assistant (248) 675-3425
Karley Valentine, Secretary                                                           WEATHER CANCELLATION POLICY:
                                                                        If the district schools are closed due to inclement weather or
ADULT HIGH SCHOOL COMPLETION/ESL:                                     unforeseen circumstances, all Community Education classes are
(248) 449-1717                                                        cancelled regardless of their location. When classes are cancelled
Linda Cianferra, Director Of Adult Education & Career Prep                due to weather, make-ups or refunds may not be given.
Diane Hoskins, Administrative Assistant

The Novi Community School District has a centralized enrollment system to improve customer service for new families and students. Parents
and guardians no longer enroll their students at individual school buildings. The one-stop enrollment for all Novi Schools – preschool through
high school – now takes place through the Community Education Department, located at the Early Childhood Education Center.
Novi Community School District is not a Schools of Choice District.
Kindergarten registration is currently taking place for the 2021-2022 school year.

ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE                                                   THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED AND
                                                                       MUST BE PROVIDED BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN AT
     (Note: Requires uploading all recruited documentation
                                                                       THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT:
     before proceeding to Step 2).                                     1.   Identification – Photo I.D., such as a driver’s license, state I.D., or passport of
•    STEP 2: Once the online pre-enrollment is complete and all             parent, stepparent, or legal guardian. Driver’s license or state I.D. must show
                                                                            current address.
     required documentation is uploaded, the Central Enrollment
                                                                       2.   Proof of Residency – Three (3) current proofs, one from Column I, and
     Team will complete the registration. An email will be sent             two from Column II, in the name and address of parent, step-parent, or
     to confirm your child’s enrollment into the Novi Community             legal guardian. If you receive your statements/bills online, you must print
     School District.                                                       your most recent statement/bill and bring the printed copy with you to your
PRESCHOOL ENROLLMENT ONLY                                              Column I one (1) required                   Column II two (2) required
•    Do not complete the enrollment process via MISTAR for             •    Mortgage Document                      •    Utility Bill – Gas, electric, phone,
     preschool.                                                        •    Property Tax Statement - (most              etc.
                                                                            recent)                                •    Automobile, homeowners/renters
•    Please call 248-675-3431 to enroll your student into the
                                                                       •    Closing Papers Accepted only if             insurance document
     Early Childhood Education Center.                                      you’ve moved into your house           •    Bank Statement or Credit Card

RE-ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE                                                •
                                                                            within the past 30 days.
                                                                            Accepted Purchase Agreement            •
                                                                                                                        Medical bill or health insurance
•    If your student has been absent more than 10 days, but less            Signed by all parties with closing          statement
     that 30 days, you will need to re-enroll your child via email          date indicated.                        •    Cable TV Bill
                                                                       •    Lease – Apartment/Home Rental.
                                                                            All tenants and occupant’s names,
You must complete the re-enrollment process before your child               including lease beginning/ending
can return to school.                                                       dates, must be on lease. Lease
• If you email before noon, your child will start back to school            must be signed by both landlord
                                                                            and tenant.
     the following day.
• If you email after noon, your child will start back to school        3.   Birth Certificate - Student’s original certified birth certificate with a raised
                                                                            seal of authenticity, as required by law. A certificate from the hospital signed
     two days later.                                                        by the physician is not acceptable.
• If your student has been absent more than 30 days, you will          4.   Immunization Records
     need to enroll as a new student.                                  5.   Vision Screening (kindergarten only)

4                                  REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG

              2021 NOVI SUMMER CAMP

         Call 248-675-3400 to Register

                    BEGINS May 3rd

                SCHOOL YEAR.

                      June 21-August 18, 2021
                          7:00 am-5:30 pm
                             Novi Woods
                            Summer Fees:
         Registration Fee Per Child $100.00 (non-refundable)
                      Daily Fee Per Child $48.00
               Parents need to provide schedule monthly
    (Must register at least two days per week when child attends)
                        Camp provides a T-Shirt
             Parents provide child’s snack, lunch and drink.
 Registration forms, calendars and schedules will be available online at
                           March 15th, 2021
                     All fees are non-refundable
               Questions please call or email Stacey Job

 “An Exciting Hands-On Environment
 for Early Learners”
 EARLY CHILDHOOD                                                REQUIREMENTS:
                                                                Must be 3, 4, or 5 by December 1, 2021
 EDUCATION CENTER                                               Children are required to be fully toilet trained (no pull-ups allowed)
 PRESCHOOL PROGRAM                                              PARENTS PROVIDE:
                                                                •      Transportation
 ECEC BUILDING LOCATED AT 25745                                 •      Daily Snacks

 TAFT ROAD.                                                     PROGRAM FEES:
                                                                •      Registration and Material Fee
REGISTRATION IS ONGOING FOR                                     •      Tuition based on program

THE 2021/2022 SCHOOL YEAR                                      HALF DAY AND FULL DAY CLASSES
This program uses the Creative Curriculum. This nationally     AVAILABLE
recognized curriculum supports children learning through       HALF DAY CLASSES:
hands-on activities and follows the State of Michigan Early    • Meet 2, 3, or 5 days per week
Childhood Standards. Lesson plans reflect social, emotional,   • 3 hours per day
physical, cognitive, and language development.                 FULL DAY CLASSES:
                                                               • Meet 2, 3 or 5 days per week
Subjects Include: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering,     • 6.5 hours per day
Arts, Mathematics)                                             • Lunch is provided
Preschool Before and After School C.A.R.E. program is          GREAT START READINESS PROGRAM 2020:
available on site. Registration for Before/After Preschool     4-Year-Old - Preschool: If you live in Oakland County (Novi), your
                                                               child may be eligible for a free preschool program. Child must be 4
C.A.R.E. begins August 1st. Space is limited.                  years old by September 1, 2021. Eligibility is determined by income
                                                               and other factors. For more information, please visit our website at
          FOR MORE INFORMATION                        or
                                                               call 248-675-3431
         PLEASE CALL 248-675-3431
                                                               All forms, schedules and class updates are available on our website:
    OR EMAIL ANN.HANSEN@NOVIK12.ORG                  

6                               REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
                               Novi Community Education
                     Before and After School Childcare PreK-6th Grade
                            Fees and Registration Information

                             2021-2022 Hours and Daily Fee Schedule:
                  Before and After School all Elementary Schools K-4 and Preschool
    'LJŵ                                                                                >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚ
                                    6:45 am – School Starts - $9.75
    dŝŵĞ                                                                               ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ
                                    After School – 6:00 pm - $9.75 
    'ĂŵĞƐ                                                                              ^ĂĨĞ
                                Novi Meadows 5-6 After School Only
    >ŝƚĞƌĂĐLJ                     After School – 6:00 pm – $17.00                       &ƵŶ
                                     Half Days Pre-K and K-6th:                         KƵƚƐŝĚĞ
    ƌĂĨƚƐ                                 AM - $24.00                                 dŝŵĞ
                                           PM - $24.00                                 

                                           All Day Pre-K                                
                                     6:45 am – 6:00 pm - $48.00
                                          Space is Limited

ĞŶƚŝƌĞƚLJĨŽƌĞĂĐŚĐŚŝůĚĂƚƚĞŶĚŝŶŐZ͘&ŽƌŵƐŵƵƐƚďĞcompleted prior to your child’s first



REGISTER ONLINE ONLY                                                           DROPS/REFUNDS
• May 3, 2021 - June 4, 2021                                                   •    Classes run based on enrollment numbers, last minute cancellations                                          affect staffing and programing format. There is a $75 cancellation
*Bring, email, or fax registration & verification form to Novi Community            fee for classes cancelled within 72 hours of course start date.
Education at 25745 Taft Rd Novi, MI 48374                                      •    All dropped courses must be completed on/before the 5th day of
REGISTRATION & VERIFICATION FORMS                                                   class at a prorated rate. Drops on the 6th day will result in NO RE-
•    Before registration is considered complete, ALL STUDENTS will                  FUND and an “E” grade will be issued. There will be a 5% processing
     be required to submit a verification form signed by their school               fee on all refunds.
     counselor.                                                                •    There will be a $10 class transfer fee for students requesting to
•    The purpose of this form is to verify that the student meets the               make a class change.
     prerequisites for the selected course(s).
                                                                               QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS
•    It is the responsibility of the student to work with their counselor
                                                                               Contact Tanya Vuichard at
     regarding the impact (positive or negative) that summer course-
                                                                               (248) 675-3424 OR
     work may have on the student’s graduation requirements.
                                                                               Novi Community Education at (248) 675-3400
ATTENDANCE POLICY                                                              SCHEDULE
•    Students are REQUIRED to attend the entire 11 days per semester.          8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
     NO EXCEPTIONS.                                                            • Semester 1: June 21- July 6, 2021
•    Students whose vacation and/or camp schedule interfere with the           • Semester 2: July 7- July 21, 2021
     summer school schedule should NOT enroll.                                 *Each Semester is 11 days
•    Violations will result in being dropped, no refund, and loss of credit.   P.E./HEALTH SCHEDULE
CREDIT/AUDIT POLICY                                                            June 21 - July 21
•    Classes can NOT be audited.                                               2 Sessions:
•    Students can earn one (1) credit (Semester 1 & 2) upon successful         A.M. 8:00 am - 11:15 am (.5 Credit Class)
     completion of the course.                                                 P.M. 11:15 am - 2:30 pm (.5 Credit Class)
•    For out-of-district students, credit will be determined by home           LOCATION
     school.                                                                   Novi High School
TUITION/PAYMENT                                                                24062 Taft Road Novi MI 48375
•    Full tuition payment is due at the time of registration. If enrollment    TUITION
     does not meet the required minimum, classes will be cancelled and         IN-DISTRICT STUDENTS
     a full refund will be issued Check or money orders must be made           $305/.5 Credit Class
     payable to Novi Community Education. Visa, Discover, Master Card,         OUT-OF-DISTRICT STUDENTS
     and AMEX is also accepted.                                                $335/.5 Credit Class

Novi Youth Assistance Scholarship opportunities are available for in seat summer school students who qualify. Please contact the NYA Office at
248-347-0410 for the application or visit

8                                     REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG

                          SUMMER SCHOOL REFRESHER COURSES
Summer refresher classes offer a review and reinforce what students learned during the past school year. Please register for
the grade attended during the 2021-2021 school year. Copy of the student’s most recent report card or assessment is required
to be turned in to the teacher on the first day of class.
Students enrolled in Grades PreK-6th summer school may participate in the 2021 Novi Summer Camp program (formerly
C.A.R.E.), which will be held at Novi Woods. Arrangements will be made to get students to and from summer camp. Contact
(248) 675-3400 for additional information.

                                                               PRE-K TO 8TH GRADE
                                                               Math: 9:30a-10:30a
                                                               Language/Literacy: 10:30a-12:00p
                                                               June 21 - June 24
                                                               June 28 - July 1
                                                               July 6 - July 8 (No Class July 5)
                                                               July 12 - July 15
                                                               July 19 - July 22

                                                               LOCATION: NOVI WOODS

                                                               CLASS FEE
                                                               •      In District Students: $240 per subject
                                                               •      Out of District Students: $280 per subject

                                                               Online Registration Begins:
                                                               In District: May 3, 2021
                                                               Out of District: June 1, 2021


ENGLISH FOR ELL STUDENTS                                          ESL NEWCOMERS
This summer school class is for English Language Learners         This summer school class is for English Language Learners
(ELL). The goal is to improve students reading, writing, speak-   (ELL) students who have been in the US less than 6 months or
ing, and listening skills in English. Classes subject to change
                                                                  currently have an English proficiency on WIDA of basic or low
due to enrollment. Students will be instructed based on their
English proficiency levels as determined by WIDA test scores      intermediate. The goal is to improve students reading, writing,
or WIDA ISI scores administered during enrollment. Please ask     speaking and listening skills in English. A completed Student
your child’s ELL teacher to provide their English proficiency     Emergency Card is required to be turned in first day of class.
level. A completed student Emergency Card is required to be       Students will be instructed based on their English proficiency
turned in first day of class. Students enrolled in English for
                                                                  levels as determined by WIDA test scores or WIDA ISI scores
Ell Students summer school may participate in the 2021 Novi
                                                                  administered during enrollment. Please ask your child’s ELL
Summer Camp program (formerly C.A.R.E.), which will be held
at Novi Woods. Arrangements will be made to get students to       teacher to provide their English proficiency level.
and from summer camp. Contact (248) 675-3400 for additional       GRADES 7-12: 9:00A-11:00AM
                                                                  BASIC/LOW INTERMEDIATE
K TO 3RD GRADE: 9:00A-11:30A
                                                                  June 21 – June 24
4TH TO 6TH GRADE: 12:00P-2:30P
                                                                  June 28 – July 1
June 21 – June 24
                                                                  July 6 – July 8 (No Class July 5)
June 28 – July 1
                                                                  July 12 – July 15
July 6 – July 8 (No Class July 5)
July 12- July 15                                                  July 19 – July 22
July 19 – July 22                                                 Location: Novi Woods
Location: Novi Woods
                                                                  CLASS FEE
CLASS FEE                                                         Novi District Students: $275
In District Students: $275 per class
                                                                  Out of District Students: $300
Out of District Students: $300

Online Registration Begins:                                       Online Registration Begins:
In District: May 3, 2021                                          In District: May 3, 2021
Out of District: June 1, 2021                                     Out of District: June 1, 2021

10                                  REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG

SAFETY TOWN                                                                                       SAFETY TOWN - BEFORE AND AFTER CARE
Safety Town is designed to introduce all types of safety conditions to children. Partic-          We will be offering Child Care beginning at 7:30 am before Safety Town and until 5:30 pm
                                                                                                  after Safety Town for the week of June 14-17. Care will be provided by Novi Community
ipants will learn about Stranger Danger, Fire Safety, Traffic Safety, Animal Safety and
                                                                                                  Education CARE leaders. There is a flat fee of $90.00 for this service whether you need
what to do in an emergency situation. Activities include songs, art projects, stories, short      Child Care before, after or both! Please bring an additional snack and beverage. We will
informative movies, field trip to the Fire Department and a short lunch break. We also            need a minimum of 10 people to sign up for this service to run. Picking your child up late
have “mini traffic lanes” that aid in the traffic safety lesson. Children will be split up into   will result in a late charge. Please register early so that we don’t have to cancel! (You
small groups and assigned a High School student camp counselor for the week. Each day             have to register for both Safety Town and Care)
children will engage in large and small group activities. Groups and activities will be bro-
                                                                                                  Class #                  Date               Day                  Time                Age
ken down according to Safety Town Instructor… please do not put in requests. Volunteer
                                                                                                  1740-J21A Jun 14-17 Mon-Thu                               7:30 am – 9:30 am            4-6
visits will also be made from professionals in Emergency fields. Each child will receive a
                                                                                                  			                                                       1:30 pm – 5:30 pm
t-shirt at the beginning of the week. On the last day of the session, parents and families
                                                                                                  Instructor: CARE Staff
are welcome to join us for a graduation program that will be held at 1:15 pm. Note: ON
THE FIRST DAY, PLEASE ARRIVE BY 9:20 AM FOR A 15 MINUTE ORIENTATION. Picking your                 Location: Early Child Education Center        Price: Resident $90 / Non-Resident $95
child up late will result in a late charge. Children need to bring a bike helmet, peanut-free
snack, peanut-free lunch and two beverages each day.

Class #                   Date                 Day                   Time                 Age
1502-J21A          June 14 – June 17        Mon-Thu            9:30am-1:30pm               4-6
1502-J21B          June 21 – June 24        Mon-Thu            9:30am-1:30pm               4-6
1502-J21C           July 12 – July 15       Mon-Thu            9:30am-1:30pm               4-6
1502-J21D           July 19 – July 22       Mon-Thu            9:30am-1:30pm               4-6
Instructor: Safety Town Staff
Location: Early Child Education Center Room 8
Price: Resident $114 / Non-Resident $119


Summer is here and we have fun, educational summer programs planned! We will spend time indoors, as well as, outdoors. Each week we will be introducing a new theme that will
encourage your child to be creative, adventurous and have fun! Sign up for as many camps as you choose! Please send a healthy snack, a drink and/or water bottle for your
child each day. Also, remember to apply sunscreen on your child, as we play outside. Children MUST be potty trained and 3 years by January 2021! A $10 material
fee is included in the price for each class.

MISS KAREN’S PRESCHOOL CAMPS                                                                FANTASTIC FAIRY CAMP
                                                                                            Wish on some fairy dust, bring your creativity and use your imagination this week at
ANIMAL SAFARI                                                                               Fantastic Fairy Camp! We’ll be reading stories about fairies and their friends, sing songs,
                                                                                            play games and so fairy crafts. At the end of the week we’ll be taking home out very own
Here we go on animal safari! Campers will learn about animals found in Africa, the Aus-
                                                                                            fairy gardens!
tralian outback and rainforests, through stories, games, animal songs and crafts. Campers
will grow an appreciation for animals and wildlife conservation!                            Class Number        Date          Day          Time        # of Weeks              Age

Class Number       Date          Day          Time       # of Weeks              Age        FF-J21R3       Jul 20-Jul 22 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
                                                                                            Location: ECEC - Room 3                   Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75
AS-J21R3      Jun 22-Jun 24 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 3                  Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75             CAMP KINDERGARTEN
                                                                                            Will your child be attending kindergarten this fall? If so, then come spend the week at
WE LOVE BUGS!                                                                               Camp Kindergarten! We’ll be practicing kindergarten readiness skills (letter and sound
Are you ready doe a week of creepy crawly fun? We have lots of indoor and outdoor activ-    recognition, counting and number, recognition, letter and number writing and rhyming)
ities planned – all involving insects and bugs. We’ll be learning through stories, games,   through songs, games, crafts and other fun learning activities.
songs and bug crafts. We’ll also go searching for bugs with jars and nets in hand!
                                                                                            Class Number        Date          Day          Time        # of Weeks              Age
Class Number       Date          Day          Time       # of Weeks              Age        CK-J21R3 Aug 2-Aug 5 Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm 1 Attending Kindergarten
                                                                                            					                                                 in the Fall 2021
LB-J21R3       Jul 13-Jul 15 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 3                   Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75            Location: ECEC - Room 3                        Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

12                                           REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
MISS STEPHANIE M. PRESCHOOL CAMPS                                                                   MINDFULNESS & YOGA CAMP
                                                                                                    With all our everyday stress, it’s nice to have some peace and calming. Children will learn
PRINCESS CAMP                                                                                       how to relax and listen to their bodies. We will also exercise to get our bodies moving!
Come one, come all to princess camp! In this camp we will learn princess etiquette and
                                                                                                    Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Age
will create fun princess crafts. With fun activities each day, it will be a ball! On the last day
we will dress up as Princesses!                                                                     MY-J21R5       Aug 3-Aug 5 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
                                                                                                    Location: ECEC - Room 5                 Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75
Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
PC-J21R5      Jun 15-Jun 17 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5                     TRANSPORTATION CAMP
Location: ECEC - Room 5                  Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75
                                                                                                    Do your kids love transportation? This camp is for you! We will be learning about cars,
                                                                                                    planes and trains with many fun crafts!
Calling all Superheroes! With all out super awesome hero crafts, you’ll be hero in no time!         Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Age
                                                                                                    TC-J21R5     Aug 10-Aug 12 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age         Location: ECEC - Room 5                 Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75
SC-J21R5      Jun 22-Jun 24 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 5                  Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75                     ICE CREAM CAMP!
                                                                                                    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM! This camp will have many fun crafts
OCEAN EXPLORERS!                                                                                    about…you guessed it…ICE CREAM! On our last day, we will of course, have some ice
Calling all ocean explorers! If your child loves the ocean, they’ll love all the fun ocean          cream!
crafts we have in store! They will be great ocean explorers in no time!
                                                                                                    Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Age
Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
                                                                                                    IC-J21R5     Aug 17-Aug 19 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
OE-J21R5       Jun 29-Jul 1 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5                     Location: ECEC - Room 5                 Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75
Location: ECEC - Room 5                  Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75

Join us for a fun filled farm week! We will learn about all the animals that live on a farm,
along with some fun farm crafts!

Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
PC-J21R5       Jul 13-Jul 15 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 5                   Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75

In this camp, wild animals are our favorite thing! We’re going to learn about elephants,
hippos and many more!

Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
WA-J21R5       Jul 20-Jul 22 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 5                   Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75

We’re off to seek adventure in the great outdoors! With so many great crafts such as,
camping bags, binoculars and camping journals. Your explorer will be ready for the great

Class Number         Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
LC-J21R5       Jul 27-Jul 29 Tue-Thu 9:00am-11:30pm 1                        3-5
Location: ECEC - Room 5                   Price: Resident $70 / Non-Resident $75

MISS EMILY PRESCHOOL CAMPS                                                                       STEM & LEGOLAND
                                                                                                 Dive into our massive collection of LEGO parts and STEM toys as we build elaborate ob-
ART STUDIO                                                                                       jects, structures, and vehicles! An engaging camp that will channel your child’s creativity
                                                                                                 and kindle curiosity in science and engineering. They will take home many awesome
Throw on a smock and let the painting begin! We will empower your little one to express
                                                                                                 creations that they built at camp!
themselves through art in a creative way with hands-on activities that cover a variety of
artistic mediums. Things will get messy but it is all about the process. Your child will leave   Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
each day with confidence and pride in themselves as an artist! Children will design their        SL-J21R14      Jul 12-Jul 15 Mon-Thu 9:00am-3:00pm        1                4-6
own sculpture and create special keepsakes to take with them.                                    Location: ECEC - Room 14                 Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $195

Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age
                                                                                                 THE CARNIVAL HAS COME TO TOWN
AS-J21R14      Jun 28-Jul 1 Mon-Thu 9:00am-3:00pm        1              3½-6
                                                                                                 Come be a part of this entertaining experience where clowning around is encouraged! We
Location: ECEC - Room 14                Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $195                 will have silly masks, face painting, ring toss, photo booth, treats, games, and more! The
                                                                                                 only thing missing right now is YOU so come grab your tickets before they are sold out!
                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
Come RAWR like a dinosaur as we travel back in time through the dinosaur age. This camp
                                                                                                 CT-J21R14      Jul 19-Jul 22 Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm 1                       3-6
is the perfect opportunity for future paleontologists and outdoor enthusiasts. You will
                                                                                                 Location: ECEC - Room 14                  Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105
learn how to hunt for dinosaurs and take home fossils you have found yourself. This is
going to be one Rooarr-some adventure you won’t want to miss!
                                                                                                 STORYBOOK TRAVELS
Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age         Come celebrate our most beloved picture book authors! The perfect camp for children
                                                                                                 who love stories and using their imagination! We will explore our favorite authors through
DD-J21R14        Jul 6-Jul 8    Tue-Thu 9:00am-3:00pm        1                4-6
                                                                                                 games, art, baking, and more! In this camp we will cook, create, build and most impor-
Location: ECEC - Room 14                    Price: Resident $143 / Non-Resident $148             tantly read and listen to stories.

                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
                                                                                                 ST-J21R14      Jul 19-Jul 22 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                       4-6
                                                                                                 Location: ECEC - Room 14                  Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

                                                                                                 DIRT + BUGS = OUTDOOR FUN!
                                                                                                 No need to pack a bag; sunglasses & a hat are all you need! During this week-long camp
                                                                                                 your child will get to connect with nature and all things outside. We will plant seeds and
                                                                                                 watch what grows! Children will look for creepy crawly bugs and insects. We will create
                                                                                                 natural garden art using seeds, rocks, and grass. We will make bird feeders, journey sticks,
                                                                                                 leaf prints, and more - Get ready to dig!

                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
                                                                                                 DB-J21R14      Jul 26-Jul 29 Mon-Thu 9:00am-3:00pm        1                3-6
                                                                                                 Location: ECEC - Room 14                 Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $195

                                                                                                 ONCE UPON A TIME
                                                                                                 Do you have a little Princess in your house or a brave knight? If so, you’ll want to try this
                                                                                                 royal make believe camp where we will spend some time making princess wands, foam
                                                                                                 swords, attend a ball, make merlin’s potion, protect the castle and more. This Fairy Tale
                                                                                                 camp is where all the magic happens!

                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
                                                                                                 OU-J21R14 Aug 2-Aug 5 Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm 1                       3-6
                                                                                                 Location: ECEC - Room 14           Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

14                                             REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
FUN & FITNESS                                                                                    SUMMER OF SEUSS!
Preschoolers need lots of physical activity so put aside the electronics and join us for a       Join us for a fun- filled week celebrating Dr. Seuss! We will make green eggs and ham, see
fun filled week of daily activities which include: dance, yoga, water day, sports, games,        some red fish and blue fish, have a wacky Wednesday, and more!
projects and showing kids that fitness is fun! We will have bicycling, car races, obstacle
courses and of course a nice cold treat to cool us off. Your summer is not complete without      Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
this extremely exciting kids camp!
                                                                                                 SS-J21R2      Jun 21-Jun 24 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6
Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age         Location: ECEC - Room 2                  Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105
FF-J21R14      Aug 2-Aug 5 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                       3-6
Location: ECEC - Room 14                Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105                 PRESCHOOL OLYMPICS
                                                                                                 In this 5-day class, we will learn about all things Olympics. We will create gold medals,
PET ADOPTION PARTY                                                                               learn new sports, and more!
Come. Sit. Play! Come with your hearts full of love to give a good home to a new stuffed
animal friend. Join us for some tail waggin’ fun as we learn how to care for our new furry       Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
friend! You will make a special collar for your pet and some yummy puppy chow! We will
                                                                                                 PO-J21R2       Jun 28-Jul 2 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6
have a blast as we teach them tricks and play outside. You may even meet my special
friend Oaklee… ruff, ruff!                                                                       Location: ECEC - Room 2                  Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $105

Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age         CAMP USA
PA-J21R14 Aug 9-Aug 12 Mon-Thu 9:00am-12:00pm 1                       3-6                        Four days of all things USA! We will explore history, the 50 states, and all things patriotic
Location: ECEC - Room 14            Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105
                                                                                                 for the 4th of July!

FUN IN THE SUN!                                                                                  Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
Aloha! No need to pack a bag; sunglasses & a hat are all you need! Come join us for a            CU-J21R2       Jun 28-Jul 1 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6
staycation camp at the ECEC. With fun in the sun themed crafts, it will make you feel as if      Location: ECEC - Room 2                  Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105
you’re at the beach. Make sure to pack your swimsuit and towel for our backyard paradise.

Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age
FS-J21R14     Aug 9-Aug 12 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                       3-6
Location: ECEC - Room 14                Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

The transition from preschool to kindergarten is so exciting but it can also be a little bit
scary. What will they do? What can your child expect? Will they have fun? This camp is
designed to give a jumpstart to students who may need a little extra preparation for
kindergarten. The class will address important academic components: letter & number
recognition, journal writing, handwriting practice, social skills, and more. We will do all of
this in a fun, action –packed way!

Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age
KR-J21R14 Aug 16-Aug 19 Mon-Thu 9:00am-3:00pm        1                5-6
Location: ECEC - Room 14            Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $195

Take a break from the heat to join us for all things arctic. From penguins to polar bears, we
will explore it all!

Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks               Age
AA-J21R2      Jun 21-Jun 25 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                  Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130

CAMP PINKALICIOUS                                                                              WHEELS ON THE GO
We will read Pinkalicious, Purplicious, Goldilicious, and Silverlicious on this whimsical      Roll with us as we learn all about things with wheels! We will explore trucks, construction
adventure! Prepare for a week of fun and all things pink!                                      vehicles, cars and more!

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age    Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
CP-J21R2         Jul 6-Jul 9      Tue-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6            WO-J21R2       Jul 12-Jul 15 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                        Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105        Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

DANCING THROUGH DISNEY                                                                         SCUBA DIVING WITH OCEAN FRIENDS
The magical world of Disney comes alive through songs, dances, and projects. Includes          As we “scuba dive” around the ocean, we will learn all about sea creatures and their
songs from: Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Moana, Tangled, and more!                            habitats.

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age    Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age

DD-J21R2P        Jul 6-Jul 9      Tue-Fri 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6            SD-J21R2       Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                        Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105        Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130

ART FACTORY                                                                                    ZIPPIN’ TO THE ZOO
A D-I-Y class for all the art lovers. We will explore canvas art, watercolors, clay, and all   As we take a walk through a virtual zoo, we will learn all about sea creatures and their
things art!                                                                                    habitats.

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age    Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age

AF-J21R2A      Jul 12-Jul 16 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6                 ZZ-J21R2       Jul 19-Jul 22 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130             Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

                                                                                               ART SAFARI
                                                                                               Join us on a safari around the world. Each day we will visit a new country and learn about
                                                                                               animals, culture, and more.

                                                                                               Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
                                                                                               AS-J21R2       Jul 26-Jul 30 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6
                                                                                               Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130

                                                                                               DOWN ON THE FARM
                                                                                               During this 4-day camp, we will learn all about farm life! We will learn about the responsi-
                                                                                               bilities farmers have, all about the animals, and have a ton of fun! Join us to see what it is
                                                                                               like to live on/run a farm.

                                                                                               Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
                                                                                               DF-J21R2       Jul 26-Jul 29 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm 1                     3½-6
                                                                                               Location: ECEC - Room 2                   Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

                                                                                               DANCING THROUGH DISNEY!
                                                                                               The magical world of Disney comes alive through songs, dances, and projects. Includes
                                                                                               songs from: Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Moana, Tangled, and more!

                                                                                               Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
                                                                                               DD-J21R2A Aug 2-Aug 6 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm 1                     3½-6
                                                                                               Location: ECEC - Room 2            Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130

16                                              REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
READY, SET, SLEEPOVER!                                                                         TOTS TENNIS
                                                                                               This is a fun age to introduce your child to the great sport of tennis! Tennis gets your kids
Join us for a week of friendship, positivity, and fun! We will create all things necessary
                                                                                               moving, improves balance, agility and hand-eye coordination. Please bring tennis shoes
for the perfect sleepover. We will design an overnight tote, a dreamy pillowcase, and the      and a “tot” size racket as you can plan on your child hitting many tennis balls.
perfect picture frame to capture the special event.
                                                                                               Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age    TT-J21RP1       Jun 18-Jul 16       Fri    3:30pm-4:30pm          5                    4-6
RS-J21R2         Aug 2-Aug 5 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm                 1                3½-6      TT-J21RP2       Jun 20-Jul 18      Sun     2:00pm-3:00pm          5                    4-6
                                                                                               TT-J21RP3       Jul 23-Aug 13       Fri    3:30pm-4:30pm          4                    4-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                           Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105
                                                                                               TT-J21RP4       Jul 25-Aug 15      Sun     2:00pm-3:00pm          4                    4-6
                                                                                               Location: Rotary Park
LITTLE EINSTEINS                                                                               Instructor: Todd Beyer & Staff                  Price: 5 Weeks: Resident $62 / Non-Resident $67
A week full of math, science, and most importantly- FUN! We will explore weather,                                                               4 Weeks: Resident $50 / Non-Resident $55
volcanoes, and more to help prepare your little ones for kindergarten.
                                                                                               MINI HAWKS CAMP: BASKETBALL & SOCCER
Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age    Athletes ages 4-7 explore balance, movement and hand/eye coordination in a safe,
                                                                                               structured environment with lots of encouragement and a focus on fun. All games and
LE-J21R2        Aug 9-Aug 13 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm                 1                3½-6
                                                                                               activities are performed at the athletes own pace.
Location: ECEC - Room 2                           Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130
                                                                                               Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Age
ART FACTORY                                                                                    MH-J21PV1       Jun 21-Jun 25 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm              1                    4-7
                                                                                               MH-J21PV2        Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm             1                    4-7
A D-I-Y class for all the art lovers. We will explore canvas art, watercolors, clay, and all
things art!                                                                                    Location: Parkview - Gym
                                                                                               Instructor: Skyhawks Sports Academy             Price: Resident $159 / Non-Resident $164
Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age

AF-J21R2P       Aug 9-Aug 12 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm                 1                3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                           Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

This class is designed to help prepare your child for kindergarten. Taught by one of Novi’s
Young 5’s teachers, this class will explore numbers, letters, and more.

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age

RK-J21R2       Aug 16-Aug 20 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm                 1                3½-6
Location: ECEC - Room 2                           Price: Resident $125 / Non-Resident $130

Join us for four days of fun as we prepare for going back to school all while we learn about
space! In this camp, we will we practice numbers, letters, names and more to help make
the transition of going back to school easier. We will also learn about the planets, stars,
rocket ships and more while we are on this space-tacular adventure!

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Age

BO-J21R2       Aug 16-Aug 19 Mon-Thu 12:30pm-3:30pm                 1                3½-6

Location: ECEC - Room 2                           Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $105

SPORTS STARTERS                                                                                 BIZZY BUNNIES
A beginning introduction to sports. Using silly games, balls, bean bags, Frisbees, hula
                                                                                                Cartwheels, handstands, walkovers and other skills taught on floor, bars, beam, vault and
hoops and sports equipment, toddlers will learn sport fundamentals such as throwing,
catching, kicking and running with simple directions. Our emphasis is on participation,         trampolines are some examples of what your child will be learning in our Bizzy Bunnies
effort and FUN! Wear gym shoes & bring a water bottle. Kids must be three by the first day      class. We include movement to music in every class, which creates a fun atmosphere,
of class and potty-trained.
                                                                                                builds coordination, rhythm and timing, which is all-necessary to be successful at sports.
Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
SS-J21M6         Jun 28-Jul 1 Mon-Thu 9:30am-10:30am               1                    3-5     Class Number        Date           Day          Time        # of Weeks               Age
Location: Meadows - Basketball Courts                                                           BB-J21OS1       Jun 21-Aug 9      Mon      6:30pm-7:00pm          1                   3-4
Instructor: Leisure Unlimited, LLC               Price: Resident $60 / Non-Resident $65
                                                                                                BB-J21OS2      Jun 24-Aug 12       Thu 10:00am-10:30am            1                   3-4
TEE-BALL                                                                                        Location: Novi Civic Center
Kids will learn base-running, batting, throwing, catching, player positions and rules.
Players will scrimmage during class time. Fun and humor make this a positive learning           Instructor: Tumble Bunnies                      Price: Resident $105 / Non-Resident $109
experience. Wear gym shoes and bring a water bottle. Held indoors. Mitts optional.

Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age      HAPPY HOPPERS
TB-J21M6         Jun 28-Jul 1 Mon-Thu 10:45am-11:45am              1                    4-6     Students will be introduced to the wonderful world of gymnastics by using equipment
Location: Meadows – Baseball Field                                                              such as balance beams, bars, trampolines, vault, octagons, wedge mats and so much
Instructor: Leisure Unlimited, LLC               Price: Resident $60 / Non-Resident $65         more. Classes are fun, fast moving and challenging. Tumble Bunnies enthusiastic
                                                                                                instructors will make each child feel special and encourage them to do their very best.
This class has parents working with their child in a fun, energetic class that is filled with   Each session is non-repetitive throughout the year and filled with all new skills and drills.
a variety of activities such as gymnastics focused warm ups, movement to music, many            Comfortable clothing is all that is required.
activities on a ton of equipment such as octagons, wedge mats, trampoline, bars and
much more! Comfortable clothing required.
                                                                                                Class Number        Date           Day          Time        # of Weeks               Age
Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Age
                                                                                                HH-J21OS1       Jun 21-Aug 9      Mon      7:00pm-7:30pm          1                   5-7
IB-J21OS1       Jun 21-Aug 9       Mon 6:00pm-6:30pm               1             18 mos-3
IB-J21OS2      Jun 24-Aug 12       Thu 9:30am-10:00am              1             18 mos-3       HH-J21OS2      Jun 24-Aug 12       Thu 10:30am-11:00am            1                   5-7

Location: Novi Civic Center                                                                     Location: Novi Civic Center
Instructor: Tumble Bunnies                       Price: Resident $105 / Non-Resident $109       Instructor: Tumble Bunnies                      Price: Resident $105 / Non-Resident $109

18                                             REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
HOOKED ON FUN - FULL DAY CAMPS                                                                  HARRY POTTER THEMED READING & ACTIVITY CAMP
                                                                                                The Hogwarts Express is leaving the station! Come to Platform 9 3/4 and get ready for
CHESS CAMP                                                                                      a magical, muggle free experience like never before! You will be sorted into houses and
                                                                                                play Quidditch for the House Cup. You will prepare you for your OWL Exams, with courses
Chess camp is a fun way to increase your “brain food” over the summer! Learn chess fun-
                                                                                                in potions, charms, defense against the dark arts and much more. Participants will help
damentals, terminology and game strategies, increase concentration and analytical skills,       customize their Hogwarts Camp Activities and Readings! Dress up for this year’s Yule Ball
while practicing chess tournament etiquette and good sportsmanship. Enjoy furthering            and party all day! The wonderful world of Harry Potter makes everyone’s summer exciting.
your chess appreciation, and compete in the “Checkmate Championship”! Chess players of          Don’t spend another day watching television when you can be living in SPELL-O-VISION.
all levels are encouraged to participate. Sign up now! A $20 material fee is due to the         Spaces in this camp are vanishing fast, sign up now! A $30 material fee is due to the
instructor on the first day of class.                                                           instructor on the first day of class.

                                                                                                Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks                Grd
Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd
                                                                                                HP-J21M6        Jul 26-Jul 30 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm               1                   K-8
CC-J21M6         Jul 6-Jul 9    Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm            1                   K-8
                                                                                                Location: Meadows 6 – Media Center
Location: Meadows 6 – Media Center                                                              Instructor: Hooked on Fun                       Price: Resident $284 / Non-Resident $289
Instructor: Hooked on Fun                      Price: Resident $228 / Non-Resident $233
                                                                                                FASHION DESIGN CAMP
WRITING & LITERATURE CAMP                                                                       Love clothing? Love the runway? This imaginative camp is returning to invite fashion
Beginner- Take advantage of the summer and harness your inner author! Campers will              lovers to take the Fashion Design Challenge, designed to test and expand your ingenuity!
experience the art of storytelling, create their own publishing company, and refine             Designing in the spirit of TV’s Project Runway, teams of campers collaborate on developing
revising & editing skills. Kids will write, edit and illustrate amazing, original picture       themed clothing, constructed with nontraditional materials (no sewing!) There are daily
                                                                                                projects to inspire and a myriad of materials at your disposal to create your own panache.
books to tell the stories of their lives, or make up their own. Each writer has an individual
                                                                                                This inspiring opportunity includes classes in fashion illustration, modeling, marketing,
conference that helps him or her gain insight into and confidence in, their self-expression.    hair, make-up, accessories and more. It’s all things fashion! This summer, hit the runway
Children will display their work, and present for parents and friends at an exciting awards     with style! Fashionistas will model for their parents, in a fashion show they design them-
ceremony and potluck on Friday! This top notch camp will help your child get excited            selves. Join us for all of the great looks and collections and catch all of the fancy fashions.
about their own stories and the stories around them. Language Arts Writing Camp, where          A $35 material fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
rough drafts become brilliant masterpieces!! Sign up today.
                                                                                                Class Number        Date          Day            Time       # of Weeks                Grd
A $25 material fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.
                                                                                                FD-J21M6        Aug 2-Aug 6 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm                 1                   K-8
Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd         Location: Meadows 6 - Cafeteria
WC-J21M6        Jul 12-Jul 16 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm              1                   K-8        Instructor: Hooked on Fun
                                                                                                                                                Price: Resident $284 / Non-Resident $289
Location: Meadows 6 – Media Center
Instructor: Hooked on Fun                      Price: Resident $284 / Non-Resident $289

Draw! Paint! Collage! And More! Create one of a kind, individual art projects and inspired
group projects, at this visually stimulating camp. Finished work will be professionally
mounted and displayed by the campers. Young artists will put together their own art gal-
lery. Art teams will plan their own art opening, so parents and friends can see the colorful
results. Bring out your inner Leonardo and create to your hearts content!! A $50 material
fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.

Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd
AD-J20M6        Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm              1                   K-8
Location: Meadows 6 – Art Room
Instructor: Hooked on Fun                      Price: Resident $284 / Non-Resident $289

MAD SCIENCE                                                                                      MAD SCIENCE NASA CAMP: ACADEMY OF FUTURE SPACE
                                                                                                 Mad Science has teamed up with NASA in a quest for exploration! We’ll take a voyage
                                                                                                 of discovery into the atmosphere and beyond as we explore planets, moons, and other
                                                                                                 space phenomena in our solar system. Things will heat up as we examine the sun and
                                                                                                 other stars and discover the difficulties of space travel! Kids will get a firsthand experience
                                                                                                 of the challenges of living in space as they try assemble a satellite while training to be
                                                                                                 an astronaut. For added fun, we’ll learn about the various technologies that make space
                                                                                                 exploration possible while bouncing lasers around the room! Kids will love to build their
                                                                                                 own Mad Science rocket, and participate in a real “NASA” style rocket launch. Campers will
                                                                                                 have receive many cool NASA take homes, including a cosmic disc, a Shuttle Copter, and
                                                                                                 more! Mad Science is the ONLY organization licensed by NASA to use these activities for
                                                                                                 summer camps and school programs.

                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd
                                                                                                 NC-J21PV        Aug 9-Aug 13 Mon-Fri 8:00am-12:00pm               1                    K-5
                                                                                                 Location: Parkview – Art Room
                                                                                                 Instructor: Mad Science                         Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $200

                                                                                                 MAD SCIENCE NASA INNOVATORS CAMP
                                                                                                 Think and act like NASA innovators during this hands-on program inspired by NASA’s
MAD SCIENCE DIGGING FOR DINO’S AND MORE CAMP                                                     current missions. The primary focus will include the ARTEMIS mission to the moon during
                                                                                                 which NASA will land the first woman and next man on the moon’s surface by 2024, using
Take a trip to the past, dig for dinosaur bones and make your very own dinosaur tooth,           innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. Kids will
                                                                                                 love to design their mission patches and build their own rovers as they put themselves in
dinosaur fossil, stegosaurus skeleton and more! You’ll also explore the world of days past,
                                                                                                 the shoes of an astronaut.
investigate the secrets of the Earth, go on a rock hunt and search for hidden treasures!
                                                                                                 Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd
Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Grd      NI-J21PV        Aug 9-Aug 13 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-5:00pm                1                    K-5
                                                                                                 Location: Parkview – Art Room
DD-J21PV          Jul 6-Jul 9     Tue-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm            1                    K-5
                                                                                                 Instructor: Mad Science
                                                                                                                                                 Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $200
Location: Parkview – Art Room
Instructor: Mad Science                          Price: Resident $155 / Non-Resident $160

Inspire the inventor and scientist in you! Campers will overcome a series of challenges us-
ing basic materials, simple machines, tips from famous inventors and the most important
of all----their mind! With a little bit of ingenuity children will create catapults and forts,
and even construct their own working Light Sabers to take home!! While Thomas Edison
said “invention is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration”, this camp is 100% FUN!

Class Number         Date          Day            Time        # of Weeks                Grd

EU-J21PV         Jul 12-Jul 18 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-5:00pm               1                    K-5

Location: Parkview – Art Room
Instructor: Mad Science                          Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $200

20                                              REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
CHALLENGE ISLAND                                                                                CREATE & LEARN – VIRTUAL CAMP
SLIMETOPIA                                                                                      MY FIRST MOBILE APP
Welcome to Slimetopia - an ooey, gooey, squishy, squashy, slippery, stretchy slime-             In this course, students will learn the basics of the mobile programming environment and
drenched camp extravaganza! Learn the science behind the slime while you make at least          how to code their own apps. They will explore how to employ text, device sensors, and
10 different kinds of the addictively playful polymer: From butter to bubble; from crunchy      even the camera to build projects and games that involve image recognition, word games,
to munchy; from fluffy to floamy from unicorn to color-changing we’ve got you and your          and riddles! The next unit will build on mobile and computational concepts from the first
tribe covered (in slime, that is!). Don’t miss out on this Challenge Island bestseller! A $15   unit. Students will learn how to build more complex and fun game applications, as well as
material fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.                                networking and multi-user apps!

Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd        Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd
SL-J21M61       Jul 26-Jul 30 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm             1                   K-5        FM-J21V1       Jun 26-Jun 30 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm              1                   4-6
SL-J21M62      Aug 16-Aug 20 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm              1                   K-5        FM-J21V2       Jun 26-Jun 30 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm               1                   7-8
Location: Meadows 6 – Rm 628                                                                    Location: Virtual
Instructor: Challenge Island                    Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170        Instructor: Create & Learn                     Price: Resident $300 / Non-Resident $330

STEAM WARTS                                                                                     SCRATCH NINJA
Join us for a magical week of spellbinding adventure! You and your housemates will take
                                                                                                This class uses Scratch, a coding platform developed by MIT, as a tool to teach basic
a full load of Wizarding Classes from Transfiguration to Flying Broomsticks to Charms
                                                                                                computer science and coding concepts such as loop, conditional, motion, and sensing.
and Potions to Magical Beasts. The STEAMtastic camp will culminate with an enchanted
                                                                                                Students will also build a new project in each session ranging from animation and games
graduation ceremony. A must for every wizard fan! A $15 material fee is due to the
                                                                                                to graphic design and storytelling. The class employs a variety of interesting topics to
instructor on the first day of class.
                                                                                                teach logical thinking and inspire creativity, so your kids are not only learning Scratch
Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd        coding, but also creating starting from day one.

SW-J21M61 Jul 26-Jul 30 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm                    1                   K-5        Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd
SW-J21M62 Aug 16-Aug 20 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm                    1                   K-5
                                                                                                SN-J21V1        Jul 12-Jul 16 Mon-Fri 9:00am-11:30pm             1                   K-2
Location: Meadows 6 – Rm 628                                                                    SN-J21V2        Jul 12-Jul 16 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-3:30pm              1                   3-4
Instructor: Challenge Island                    Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170
                                                                                                Location: Virtual
                                                                                                Instructor: Create & Learn                     Price: Resident $300 / Non-Resident $330
Calling all innovative and inventive kids to an adventure in STEAM and entrepreneurship!
                                                                                                MINECRAFT CODE TO MOD
You and your tribe will design, create and open new businesses every day: From SWEETre-
prenur Day to SLIMEtrepreneur Day to PETrepreneur Day to HAUNTrepreneur Day. Can you            In this exciting Minecraft coding class, students will have a great time learning to create
convince the island sharks that your tribe’s business belongs in the new Challenge Island       mod for their favorite game - Minecraft! Their code will spawn their favorite creatures,
Mall? Don’t miss out on this-one-of a kind entrepreneurial experience! A $15 material           build cool structures, and create games to challenge others. Students will master impor-
fee is due to the instructor on the first day of class.                                         tant programming concepts like function, loop, variable, just to name a few, taking a big
                                                                                                step forward toward developing computer science skills.
Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd
                                                                                                Class Number        Date          Day           Time       # of Weeks               Grd
ST-J21M61      Jun 21-Jun 25 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm               1                   K-5
ST-J21M62       Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm              1                   K-5        MC-J21V1        Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm             1                   4-6
ST-J21M63      Aug 23-Aug 27 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm               1                   K-5        MC-J21V2        Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 1:00pm-4:00pm              1                   7-8

Location: Meadows 6 – Rm 628                                                                    Location: Virtual

Instructor: Challenge Island                    Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170        Instructor: Create & Learn                     Price: Resident $300 / Non-Resident $330

NUTTY SCIENTISTS                                                                               NUTTY DETECTIVES CAMP
NUTTY MAGIC & MYSTERY CAMP                                                                     In this camp we will be using the tools of forensic scientists to solve several mysteries (in-

Join the Nutty Scientists as we explore just how magical and mysterious science can be.        cluding the mystery of the missing stuffed animal puppy!) We will discuss fingerprinting,
Each day we will encounter new “Magic Tricks” that can only be explained by science. In        facial recognition, deductive reasoning and more, in this kid-friendly CSI camp. All Junior
addition, we will use our all of our scientific powers to solve mysteries that only science
can solve.                                                                                     Detectives welcome to join us solve some mysteries!

Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd
                                                                                               Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Grd
NM-J21HS        Jun 28-Jul 2 Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm               1                    K-5
Location: High School – Rm. 163                                                                ND-J21HS         Jul 19-Jul 23 Mon-Fri 12:30pm-4:00pm              1                    K-5
Instructor: Nutty Scientists                    Price: Resident $289 / Non-Resident $294
                                                                                               Location: High School – Rm. 163
INVENTIONS & CONTRAPTIONS CAMP                                                                 Instructor: Nutty Scientists                     Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170
Students experience the opportunity to think, dream, and design like an inventor. From
launching high-powered bottle rockets, to engineering towers and bridges, even riding
a hovercraft! This is the perfect experience for creative builders and thinkers and future     NUTTY SURVIVOR CAMP
                                                                                               You will love this exciting week filled with hands-on and interactive activities bringing
Class Number        Date          Day           Time        # of Weeks               Grd       S.T.E.A.M to the great outdoors. We will use creativity and ingenuity to become “Junior
IC-J21HS1       Jul 12-Jul 16 Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm              1                    K-5
                                                                                               Survivalists” and gain crucial skills such as knot tying, shelter building, water purification,
IC-J21HS2      Aug 16-Aug 20 Mon-Fri 12:30pm-4:00pm              1                    K-5
Location: High School – Rm. 163                                                                foraging, and compass navigation. With each thrilling activity, you will gather your senses,
Instructor: Nutty Scientists                   Price: All Day - Resident $289 / Non-Resident $294 put your new skills to the test and conquer every challenge Mother Nature throws your
                                              Half Day - Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170

                                                                                               Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Grd

                                                                                               SC-J21HS         Aug 2-Aug 6 Mon-Fri 12:30pm-4:00pm                1                    K-5

                                                                                               Location: High School – Rm. 163
                                                                                               Instructor: Nutty Scientists                     Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170

                                                                                               NUTTY FAIRYTALE STEAM CAMP
                                                                                               Join the Nutty Scientists as we enter the pages of famous fairy tales and explore STEAM.
                                                                                               Using art, theater, science, and a lot of inspiration, we spark everyone’s imaginations. We
                                                                                               man encounter the big bad wolf, save Humpty Dumpty from falling, witness the power
                                                                                               of the snow queen, and so much more! An exciting mix of awesome science, games and
                                                                                               activities! We can’t wait to share the fun with you!

                                                                                               Class Number        Date           Day           Time        # of Weeks                Grd

                                                                                               FS-J21HS       Aug 16-Aug 20 Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm                1                    K-5

                                                                                               Location: High School – Rm. 163
                                                                                               Instructor: Nutty Scientists                     Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $170

22                                            REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.NOVICOMMUNITYED.ORG
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