Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish

Page created by Amy Bell
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
Summer 2018
                               Summer Vol.28 Issue 2

Cover winner: Finn O’Dónaill
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
The Rector:                    Rev’d Canon Robert Warren               Tel: 01 298 4497
Senior Curate:                 Rev’d Cathy Hallissey                   Tel: 086 358 3104
Curate:                        Rev’d Nigel Pierpoint                   Tel: 087 638 8238
Lay Reader:                    Trilly Keatinge                         Tel: 01 492 2791
Lay Reader:                    Fionnuala Drury                         Tel: 01 298 5491

Parish Administrator:          Tara O’Rourke                           Tel: 01 298 5491

Churchwardens in Christ Church, Taney: Gillian Haine (Rector’s) and David McClean (People’s) assisted by
Carol Eggers, Tom Gilmore, Pat O’Doherty, Heather O’Doherty, Barbara Tomlin and Carol Robinson Tweed.
Churchwardens in St. Nahi’s: Elaine Wynne (Rector’s) and Richard O’Donnell (People’s).
Glebe Wardens:William Hourie (Rector’s) and Nigel Macken (People’s).
Hon. Secretary: Kate Shearer.
Hon. Treasurer: Darren Bowling.
Select Vestry: Darren Bowling, Phyllis Brown, Peter Connor, Cyril Drury, Helen Geoffroy, Vivien Hood, Trilly
Keatinge, Graeme Murray, Carol Newburn, Jim O’Neill, Hilda Plant, Kate Shearer and Evelyn Sloane.
Church Review Distributor: The Parish Office
Church of Ireland Gazette Distributor: Taney Parish Office
Taney Parish Office email:

     SAFEGUARDING TRUST                                           TANEY NEWS
     Taney Parish seeks                                           The magazine is a vital means of
     •   To create a safe environment which will promote          communication in Taney and is distributed
         healthy and fulfilling participation of children and     to every household in the parish free of
         minimise the possibility of harm, either deliberate or   charge. We hope you will agree that it is
         accidental                                               a top quality production that has been
     •    To encourage safe practices for those who work with     recognized at a diocesan and national
          children                                                level.

     •    To safeguard those who work with children from the      If you would like to make a contribution to
          consequences of unfounded accusation                    the publication costs please leave it on the
                                                                  collection plate or drop it into the Parish
                                                                  Office. Please mark the envelope ‘Taney
     Should you have any concerns or questions contact a          News’.
     member of the Parish Safeguarding Trust Panel

     1. Canon Robert Warren        Tel: 01 298 4497
                                                                  NEWS! NEWS! NEWS!
     2. Charles Sloane		           Tel: 01 295 5008
     3. Trilly Keatinge		          Tel: 01 492 279 1              For all up to date news and information on
                                                                  forthcoming events please check out the
     4. Claire Reid			             Tel: 087 418 7849              Parish Website

Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
Dear Parishioner,

For some time now, we have been looking forward to the 200th Anniversary of the
building of Christ Church – the first Service having been held on the 21st June 1818.
In preparation for this Bi-Centenary, the Select Vestry has undertaken a number of
remedial works to protect the building and enhance its appearance. During the
Summer and Autumn of 2016, the exterior of the West Walls were re-pointed along
with the roof barges. Remedial work to our wonderful stained glass windows was also
undertaken. This time last year, I flagged the planned refurbishment of this building
which would involve the closure of the church over the summer months. That is all now
history. The church was closed and the planned refurbishment was completed on time and on budget.

This work included repair to the defective plaster work and the complete redecoration of the interior, including the
replacement of the carpet and pew cushions. It also included upgrading the electric wiring where it was deemed to be
sub-standard or defective, as well as the improvement of the lighting especially in the Chancel and Sanctuary areas.
In order to make the church better ‘fit for purpose’ with regard to contemporary Liturgy and Worship, we installed a
state-of-the art Audio-Visual System and created more flexible space in the Chancel and in the front of the Nave which
has made the building more adaptable for other events such as concerts.

The time for the planning and the work is now over and the year of our Bi-Centenary has arrived! A number of events
have been arranged for the coming months in celebration of the Bi-Centenary. These include:
•    A Bi-Centenary Festival Service on Sunday 24th June – being the Sunday closest
     to the opening of the church 200 years ago, followed by the launch of Carol
     Robinson Tweed’s updated Parish History ‘Taney - Progress of a Parish’ by
     Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, T.D.
•    A Flower Festival and Art Exhibition on the weekend of 4th to 7th October.
•    An Advent ‘Songs of Praise’ with the Stedfast Brass Band on Advent Sunday,
     2nd December.
Please do support and engage with these events as we celebrate together this important
milestone in the history of Christ Church.

The Easter General Vestry was held on Sunday 15th April. Those who were appointed or elected to positions of
responsibility in the Parish for the coming 12 months are recorded elsewhere in this edition of ‘Taney News’. We thank
those who have offered themselves in the service of the Parish as well as those who served in the past year.

You won’t be able to read this edition of ‘Taney News’ without being aware that we are gearing up for our Parish Fête
on Saturday 9th June! Once again, our hardworking Fête Committee (under the leadership of Gillian Haine) have
been planning a wonderful programme for a great family day out which caters for all ages. Please do support their
efforts either by providing items for the various stalls or by offering to help out on one or other of the stalls on the day.
The Fête is our most important fund-raiser during the year, as well as being a fantastic parish occasion, so do join in
with your help and support and spread the word among your neighbours and friends encouraging them to attend.

Our thoughts and prayers are with our young people who are preparing now for their State Exams – both Junior and
Leaving Certificate. We wish them all well at this stressful time and pray that they will be given the spirit of calmness to
enable them to give of their best. Best wishes to all!

As we head into the summer months, I do hope that you will be able to get some time for rest and recreation. If you
are visiting other areas, do make a point of attending worship there. Parishes love to welcome visitors and do pass on
the good wishes and greetings from Taney!

With every Blessing.

Rev’d Canon Robert Warren.
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
CHRIST CHURCH, TANEY                                       ST NAHI’S, DUNDRUM
Week 1       10.15am      Parish Communion                 Week 1       8.30am        Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                               11.45am       Morning Prayer
Week 2       10.15am      Family Service & Baptism         Week 2       8.30am        Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                               11.45am       Parish Communion
Week 3       10.15am      Parish Communion                 Week 3       8.30am        Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                               11.45am       Morning Prayer*
Week 4       10.15am      Morning Prayer                   Week 4       8.30am        Holy Communion
             7.00pm       Evening Service                               11.45am       Parish Communion
                                                                            There will be no 7.00pm Evening Service on
Crêche for toddlers and young children every Sunday in the Minor            Sundays 3rd, 17th & 24th June.
Hall during 10.15am Service. We are always looking for helpers.             The Holy Communion is celebrated in Christ
Please contact Tara in the Parish Office 01 298 5491.                       Church, Taney, on Wednesdays at 10.00a.m

TANEY CHANCEL GUILD                                                             TANEY FETE SPONSORS
Both Christ Church and St Nahi’s were beautifully decorated on Saturday         Apache Pizza
31st March for Easter Services on Sunday 1st April. A big ‘thank you’ to all    The Ashling Hotel
who helped on the day and who contributed flowers and foliage. Thanks           Berman & Wallace
also to those who gave donations in memory of loved ones.                       Big Al’s
Flower Festival                                                                 The Bottle Tower
Our next major event will be the bi-centennial Flower Festival, which           Conatys
will take place 4th to 7th October and will incorporate the Harvest             Deveneys Off-Licence, Dundrum
Festival Services.                                                              Dundrum Cinema
                                                                                Dun Laoghaire Golf Club
THIS IS WHERE WE NEED YOUR HELP in marking this auspicious                      EA Symmons
milestone in Christ Church, Taney. If you feel you could give a few hours of    Fleming’s Meats, Kilmacud
help during that weekend we would love to hear from you.                        The Goat Grill
                                                                                Global, Dundrum
We are looking for people/families to sponsor an arrangement or an area
                                                                                Heineken Ireland
in memory of a loved one. If a family of four were to donate €50 each, that
                                                                                Media Central
would cover a beautiful arrangement. There are only thirty spaces left.
                                                                                Origin Fitness Sandyford
Please contact Jasmin Hourie 087 242 8924 as early as possible so that we       Robbie’s Greengrocer, Kilmacud
can finalise our arrangements.                                                  The Port House
                                                                                SuperValu Churchtown
Many thanks                                                                     Taney Playschool
Jasmin, Vera and Lyn
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
                     It seemed like a good idea at               each one an emblem, a dot on a map that traced, quite
                     the time, but some would call it            perfectly, their growth and development throughout their
                     ‘Murphy’s Law’ that I ended up              young lives. There in the attic I was rejoicing as well as
                     sitting beneath the sweltering              ‘glowing graciously’ beneath the heat of the roof tiles,
                     insulated roof of a darkened attic          yet coming away there was an underlying feeling of loss
                     on the three hottest days we have           deep within myself. It’s easier to put on a stiff upper lip;
                     encountered this year so far. Last          to thank God that the children are all grown, safe and
                     weekend, a skip dominated our               well, while alongside this the reality is that the process of
                     driveway and there was a huge effort        moving on through time hurts.
made on our part to make full use of it by clearing out
any debris that had accumulated in the attic. The weather        This concept of moving through life and loss as a process
beckoned me outwards but the skip pushed me back                 is something that sits well in my understanding and
beneath the eaves of our house and there I sat, as others        training of late. Cardinal Henry Newman writes “To
watched the Royal Wedding, surrounded by boxes and a             live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed
heap of toys and trinkets from the past.                         often.” To truly grow, it is necessary to sit within the more
                                                                 uncomfortable places in life - the ‘hot under the collar’
Some have a clear concept of their past lives and the gap        places when the rest of the world is otherwise engaged;
between huge events and milestones but the passage               to sit surrounded by a myriad of memories - regrets or
of time is always something that out-foxes me. I must            wrong decisions; endless laughter and precious things;
confess that the past 18 years of life within Sweetmount         “Look at the stars Abram” God said ‘Pull up the tent
Avenue have seemed to go in a flash and have been,               pegs of all you know and trust me in where you will go.’
as they still are, a very happy time (albeit a busy time         In Christ, we are a nomadic people of no fixed abode.
at home with three small children for the first 14 years).       We continuously change as we move through life and
And so, as Ed wondered would he ever see the light of            face all that our time on earth hands us. God does not
day again, let alone his wife, lost beneath a pile of old        pretend that there will always be easy times, but he does
things, I sat and meticulously worked my way through             assure us that he will be with us in whatever we encounter
boxes of old photographs, hand-drawn ‘works of art’              as he draws us to himself and a deeper understanding
by my children, school reports and the smallest of vests;        throughout the whole journey of our lives.

                      Yet again, the       main thing is to fill those lungs with    audience. Then there are those
                      time has come        fresh air. I for one am one of those      who have stepped forward to form
                      for parish           sad people who rise early and walk        the Fête Committee and who
                      activities to        my dog (Cara) first thing in the          are actively planning for 9th June
                      gradually close      morning. It is one of my favourite        (more elsewhere in this issue of
                      for the summer       times of the day. It’s just Cara, fresh   Taney News regarding the Fête).
                      months. This         air, God and me. It is the time of        I must not overlook mentioning
                      brings with it a     day that I pray and give thanks to        the Chancel Guild and their
                      distinctive feel     God for all that he has given to me       organisation of the Flower Festival
around the centre when AGM’s are           in my wonderful supportive family         planned for October. All in all,
held and organisations plan and            and friends. It is a time when there      there is still plenty happening in the
enjoy end of season annual dinners.        are little or no distractions and I can   parish despite the summer wind-
That feeling of winding down brings        reflect on my call into ministry, one     down.
with it a certain sense of satisfaction    that is a privilege, as I share with
and calm that another year of              families the highs and lows of life. I    There are fun times ahead and we
activity is over and the months of         am so grateful that God has called        must remember that the fun we
the summer stretch out before us.          me to this work.                          share together will draw us closer
Hopefully we can all look forward to                                                 together as a community. All that
them, weather permitting. It’s time        As I write this letter, I am again        remains for me to say is have a
to relax, chill, unwind and recharge       reminded of all the good work that        wonderful, restful and enjoyable
those depleted batteries that keep         the parishioners of Taney Parish          time this summer and enjoy the gift
us all going through the long nights.      do to keep this great parish alive        that God has bestowed on us of
So, how do you unwind? Plenty of           and kicking. There are those who          fun, fellowship and laughter.
walking and exercise is a great start      helped in organising the recent
and if you are unable to walk any          concert in the church when the            With every good wish and blessing.
distance, just sit and relax if possible   Army No. 1 Band and guest soloist
outdoors with a good book. The             Sandra Oman entertained a large
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
                                                                              TANEY ECO
 ARMY NO. 1 BAND                                                              Ireland’s 3rd National Biodiversity
 On 27th April, the newly renovated Christ Church Taney was proud to          Action Plan was launched last year
 host a performance from the Army No.1 Band. Under the baton of Capt.         to cover the years from 2017 to
 John Carpenter we were treated to an excellent evening’s entertainment       2021.
 spanning a great variety and choice of music and featuring guest singer
 Ms. Sandra Oman. The church’s improved flexible space provided a             It is easy to think that this Action
 perfect venue with excellent acoustics.                                      Plan does not affect us here in the
                                                                              suburbs, but suburban gardens
                                                                              are a very important habitat and
                                                                              a haven for many insects, animals
                                                                              and plants. I am particularly
                                                                              thinking of the collapse of our bee
                                                                              and insect population in Ireland.
                                                                              Insects are in decline and of the
                                                                              98 Irish wild bee species, one third
                                                                              is endangered. Why should we
                                                                              protect the creepy crawlies which
                                                                              most people don’t like?

                                                                              Insects are important pollinators
                                                                              of our food; they provide
                                                                              food for many birds, bats and
                                                                              small mammals; they provide
                                                                              food for other insects and are
                                                                              decomposers - cleaning up dead
                                                                              matter. We are constantly cleaning
                                                                              up, spraying, killing ‘weeds’ in the
                                                                              lawn, paving and concreting which
                                                                              leaves no space for wildness.
                                                                              Dandelions, clover and daisies
                                                                              provide food for starving bees.
                                                                              Dandelions are especially good
COVER ARTWORK WINNERS                                                         early spring pollinator plants.
Congratulations to our cover winner, Finn O’Dónaill (Mrs Duffy’s class) and
                                                                              Choose flowers for your garden
also to our runner-up winners, 2nd place was Zach Sidebottom (Mrs Duffy’s
                                                                              to support the bees, for example,
class) and 3rd place went to Zoe Holmes (Ms Warren). Congratulations to
                                                                              open-centred flowers like, daisies,
all three on their fantastic artwork.
                                                                              single roses, asters, buddleia
                                                                              and lavender. The County
                                                                              Dublin Beekeepers’ Association
                                                                              has a good list of bee friendly

                                                                              We are all interconnected.
                                                                              Flowers feed the insects, birds
                                                                              need insects for food, we need
                                                                              insects to pollinate our food. Many
                                                                              of our birds are in decline because
                                                                              of the decline in insects.

                                                                              Love your local creepy crawlies!!  

                                                                              Carol Newburn

Zach Sidebottom                        Zoe Holmes
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
Wesley College is a Methodist school committed to academic
           excellence and the development of the whole person. Set
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                         start in life for each student.

         •   High academic standards
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         •   Five and seven day boarding options with modern, high
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         •   Friendly and positive community atmosphere
         •   SEC grants, music scholarships and bursaries available
         •   Just 500m from the M50

          Wesley College prides itself on its positive ethos, Christian
            values, extracurricular programme, pastoral care and
            inclusive community spirit. Please contact the College
          for a prospectus or to arrange to see the College and our
                              boarding facilities.

                      Wesley College, Dublin, Ireland.
Telephone: +353 1 2987066 email:
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
Due to its enormous success last year, tickets are now on sale for the
annual Hogroast Evening in Taney Church grounds on Friday 15th June at
7.00pm. Incorporating delicious food and live entertainment and dancing,
this evening is organized by the Taney Parish & Taney Parish School Links
Committee and draws parishioners and parents from the school together to
mark the end of the Summer Term.

With the onset of new regulations concerning Data Protection, we would like to inform you of the following:

•    The Parish is required to keep and maintain certain information in relation to its Parishioners. This
     includes information contained in Baptismal, Confirmation, Marriage & Burial Registers. The information
     in these Registers is normally supplied to the Parish by the Parish members or family members

•    The Parish is also required to maintain a register of ‘Registered Vestry Members’. Information held in this
     Register is only included when a Church Member signs and submits the relevant registration form. This
     Register is revised annually in the month of January.

•    To enable the Parish to fulfil its ministry to Parishioners, a secure database is maintained by the Clergy
     and the Parish Office. The information on this database includes names, addresses, telephone numbers
     and email addresses, where appropriate. In most cases, this information is supplied by the Parishioners
     or prospective Parishioners themselves, when filling up the ‘Welcome Cards’ found in the church pews
     or when directly approaching the Parish Office. The accuracy of this information and the updating of the
     same has to remain the responsibility of the Parishioners themselves, by informing the Parish Office. This
     information is used by the Clergy in providing a pastoral ministry to Parishioners and by the Parish Office
     in its distribution of the ‘Taney News’ magazine and the ‘Taney News Extra’ weekly newsletter (by email).

•    The Parish also maintains a record of financial contributions/donations to the Parish made in a recorded
     way, suce as Church Envelopes, Bank Standing Orders, Sustentation Subscriptions and Donations to the
     Parish Special Needs Fund and Bishops’ Appeal Fund (where identified). ‘Tax Back’ applications are only
     submitted to Revenue when the appropriate form ‘CHY2’ has been signed by the Parishioner themselves.

•    Information held by the Parish on the Parish Database is not supplied to any third party without the prior
     approval of those persons to whom the information is relevant.

With the new GDPR compliance, we wish to be sure that only those who wish to receive our magzines, do. If
you wish to opt out of receiving ‘Taney News’, please contact the Parish Office. We’ll be sad to see you go,
and you won’t know about all upcoming events and activities.

Should you no longer wish us to retain your Parish Record electronically, please inform the Parish Office.
However in doing so you will be removing yourself from Parish Pastoral and mailing lists and therefore we will
be no longer able to verify information required for school registrations, grants, passport applications etc.

Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
Rugby Football Club
•    Come join our family of Rugby when the 2018/19 season starts with
     Registration Day in Ballycorus on Sunday 2nd September ‘18.
•    Girls Rugby (9 to 14 years) - Open Day on Saturday 11th August in
     Donnybrook from 11am.

 Old Wesley RFC wish Taney Parish every success for
their annual Summer Fête on Saturday 9th June 2018.

    Check our website for further info at
Summer 2018 Summer Vol.28 Issue 2 - Cover winner: Finn O'Dónaill - Taney Parish
TANEY MOTHERS’ UNION                                                          SUMMER ART SCHOOL
Our meetings have been very enjoyable and well attended this year. In         Out with the palette and paints –
January, we had a very interesting and informative slide show with Assumpta   the Taney Summer Art School is on
Broomfield, an expert on snowdrops. We were amazed at all the variations      the horizon! If you would like to join
to be found!                                                                  in the fun, please contact the Parish
                                                                              Office: 01 298 5491
•    In February, we had our ‘Dine-Out’ in the Goat.
•    At our March meeting, Helen Rainsford treated us to a fun quiz, which    We will paint on Wednesday
     was enjoyed by everybody                                                 mornings: 10.00am – 12.30pm
                                                                              beginning on Thursday 11th,18th,
•    In April, we had another Teaparty for past and present members. It was   25th July and 8th, 15th and 27th
     a great success and we hope to hold another one next spring.             August.
•    Our season ended with the AGM on 8th May and we hope to reopen
     our evening meetings on Tuesday 9th October. We are always               TANEY RANGERS
     delighted to welcome new members – women and men, married or
                                                                              The Rangers are off once again.
                                                                              This time we are going to Mount
•    On 20th September, we hope to attend the MU Diocesan Service in          Usher Gardens on 26th May. We
     Monkstown and to share a meal in a restaurant before the service.        will have coffee at 11.00am in the
                                                                              restaurant and then view the lovely
We have decided to sponsor a flower arrangement at the Taney Flower           gardens or look at the shops.
Festival on 4th October and are looking forward to helping at the event.      Afterwards we have booked lunch
                                                                              in the Glenview Hotel.
Stephanie Lloyd,
Tel. 01 298 5271

Est. 1937

As I write, the 81st Season is just about to start. With all the bad weather, our courts are only now reaching a
condition where we can mark them and play on them. It has taken our new groundsman (Chris) several weeks
of cutting to get the grass down but all is looking good now and we will hold our AGM on Saturday 12th May
at 3.30pm followed by tea and tennis. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we can make use of the
lovely long evenings we are experiencing at this time.

As usual there will be coaching for the children from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes from Taney National School
and there is now a waiting list to join the programme. Classes will take place on Monday evenings starting
on 21st May and on Tuesday afternoons starting on 22nd May. The cost per child is €40 for five classes and
includes membership of the club. Any enquiries please contact Lynda Levis at 087 293 7753.

The club tournaments will be played during July and August with the finals on the ‘At Home’ day, which will be
Saturday 1st September 2018.

As well as the club tournaments, we hold several Round Robin tournaments throughout the season and
encourage all our members to participate during the summer evenings. We also have our traditional and
much loved Saturday tea with the ladies of the club providing delicious sandwiches and cakes and a couple of
barbecues throughout the season.

Please contact me if you require any information or would like to join our club.

Margaret Nevin
Hon Secretary, Taney Parish LTC
087 232 2308

The girl's Brigade is the place
  to be for girls of all ages
     Arts & Crafts, Baking, Dance Competitions,
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    Check out our website
      to see if there’s a company near you or
        contact our office on 01 668 9191
         christ church taney
     Friday 5th October to Sunday 7th October 2018

                                   This wonderful book by
                                CAROL ROBINSON TWEED
                                  has been published to mark
                          the Bi-Centenary of Christ Church, Taney.

                                  The book will be launched
                            in the Sinnamon Hall by Minister for
                                Transport, Tourism and Sport,
                                       Shane Ross T.D.
                                   on Sunday 24th of June,
                                 following the United Service
                                      in Christ Church.

                                       All are welcome

The exhibition
                                 will be formally
                                  opened with
                                   the Flower
taney parish                          Festival
Art Exhibition
to celebrate the
bi-centenary                      Taney Parish
                                   Centre on           Up to three
of Christ                         Thursday 4th         paintings
Church Taney                       October at          per person
                                    7.00pm             acceptable
                                                       fee €5.00 per
    Friday 5th      Saturday              Sunday       painting;
                   6th October
     October                            7th October    20% commission
   10.00am –       10.00am –
                                        11.00am –      on sales
    7.00pm                               4.00pm

  Forms available at Taney Parish Office or e-mail:

                                                       CELEBRATING 200
                                                      YEARS OF WORSHIP
                                                        AND WITNESS
                                                      IN CHRIST CHURCH, TANEY

                                                        UNITED SERVICE OF
                                                        CELEBRATION AND
                                                       SUNDAY 24th JUNE 2018
                                                            at 11.00am

                                                      The Most Rev’d Michael Jackson
                                                      Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop
                                                              of Glendalough

                                                      The Right Rev’d Michael Burrows
                                                        Bishop of Cashel and Ossory


It was a pleasure to have Archbishop Michael Jackson with us in Taney
when he confirmed 37 people from the Parish, Wesley College and Kill
‘O The Grange on Sunday 13th May. Thanks to David Adams and the
Choir for their contribution to the Service. Thanks to the two Curates
(Rev. Nigel Pierpoint and Rev Cathy Hallissey), as well as Trilly Keatinge
and Tara O’Rourke for their work in preparing the Candidates. Thanks to
all who attended the Confirmation service to give support.
From Taney Parish: Mya Adams, Georgia Black, Hannah Bourke, Alana
Bowers, Emma Burgess, Melissa Dunlop, Nathan Glass, Emma Grimley,               GIRLS BRIGADE
Aimee Ivory, Jodie Kavanagh, Max Langheld, Adam MacNally, Kameron               The 7th Company Dundrum Girls
Moran, Sinead O’Grady, Liam O’Neill, Louise O’Reilly, Lauren Parkes,            Brigade session 2017/2018 has
Sam Smalley, Ben Stewart, Joanne Sweeney, Lucie von Metzradt, Jaz               now come to an end, finishing
Webb. Richard & Karen O’Donnell.                                                another great year with a gala
From Wesley College: Elliot Atkinson, Luca Clinton, Toby Durham, Lucy           display for the parents on 28th
Gardiner, Christopher Larkin, Mark Smyth.                                       April here in Taney Parish Centre.

From Kill O’ The Grange: Lucy Bell, Harry O’Kane, Jessica Priestley,            We are now looking forward to our
Robert Priestley, Andrew Ralph, Ethan Sutton and Daniel Wann.                   next session which will start mid-
                                                                                September. Our books are now
                                                                                open for new members and we
                                                                                accept girls of all abilities from the
                                                                                age of 2 upward.

                                                                                Girls from 2 – 8 years meet on
                                                                                a Saturday morning and those
                                                                                9 years and over meet on a
                                                                                Wednesday evening . All meetings
                                                                                are held in Dundrum Methodist
                                                                                Church hall.

                                                                                Please contact me for any
                                                                                information or bookings at
                                                                       or phone
                                                                                086 247 7639.

                                                                                Captain Averil Dobson
                                                                                (Leader in Charge.)
 Another year is nearly over in Taney Playschool. It’s so hard to believe
 that some of the children will be starting their next adventure in             JUNIOR CHOIR
 ‘big school’ in a few short months. They have already been to meet
                                                                                As another school year is coming
 their new teachers and are very excited. Many of them have spent
                                                                                to an end, so too is the season
 two years with us and they are so grown up now compared to when
                                                                                for the Junior Choir. The Choir
 they started (even though it feels like only yesterday to us). Saying
                                                                                has enlivened our Family Services
 goodbye is always hard! The younger children will be back in
                                                                                throughout the year with their
 September for their second year when they will be the ‘big kids’ to
                                                                                enthusiastic singing, meeting for
 all the new boys and girls
                                                                                practice every Tuesday afternoon
 We have so many exciting things to do before the end of term. We invite        in the Parish Centre. A huge
 the parents in to see our playball skills and our singing, as well as having   thank you to all the parents for
 our very own sports day and teddy bear’s picnic. On top of all this we are     their support and to the talented
 really looking forward to a day out at the Taney Fête on 9th June.             children – have a wonderful

                                                                           Dundrum Brownies, otherwise
                                                                           known as Wednesday Brownies
                                                                           are moving to a Monday! From
                                                                           September we will be meeting
                                                                           every Monday from 5.45pm to
                                                                           7pm in the parish centre and we
                                                                           will be known locally as Monday

                                                                           We’ve had great fun over the last
                                                                           few months, the highlight being
                                                                           a joint pack holiday with Taney
                                                                           (Tuesday) Brownies to Lough Dan
                                                                           scouts and guides hostel. We
                                                                           were blessed with glorious sunny
                                                                           weather and we had great fun
TANEY BROWNIES                                                             pretending to be trapped in the
Taney Brownies meet on a Tuesday afternoon at 3.45pm and comprise of       jungle, eating all sorts of exciting
18 brownies. This year, the Unit was taken over by a team of new leaders   jungle-themed foods and playing
following the departure of Nicola Woods, Jennifer Armstrong and Jo         jungle-themed games.
Bourke last year. The Brownies would like to thank them for their many
                                                                           One of the most memorable
years of service! The new leaders had a hard act to follow but have come
                                                                           moments was when the fire alarm
to the end of a fun-filled year where nine new Brownies were enrolled
                                                                           went off in the middle of our
and the girls earned a number of badges.
                                                                           dinner preparations and we got
In September, the girls worked on their Tree Lore Badge and took a         to put our fire drill into real life
trip to Marley Park to view the beautiful trees there and complete a       practice, with 37 brownies wearing
scavenger hunt. In November, we sent one of our Sixes to represent         camouflage T-shirts running out of
Taney Brownies in the nationwide Brownie Table Quiz. At Christmas          the hostel to the assembly point
time we made decorations for the Christmas tree in Taney Church and        in a matter of 3 or 4 seconds.
also ventured into town on the Luas to the Gaiety Theatre for the annual   Thankfully it was just a scare and
pantomime.                                                                 everything was okay, including the
                                                                           garlic bread, which was in the oven
This year the show was Rapunzel and the audience was made up solely        at the time!
of members of the Irish Girl Guide Organisation, it was a wonderful
noisy occasion! In the New Year, the Brownies were busy earning their
Brownie Bird Watcher Badge by keeping a record of birds for a week
and making a bird feeder out of pine cones and peanut butter! Just
last month, we joined up with the Dundrum Brownies for what is the
highlight of the Brownie year - the Brownie Pack Holiday. This year, we
went to the beautiful Lough Dan where the girls had a weekend full of
arts and crafts, hikes and a bonfire with campfire songs and S’mores.
The Brownies also enjoyed an educational trip to the DSPCA where they
donated their handmade catnip toys to the cats awaiting a home.

Our final meeting of the year was in May where we once again united
with the Dundrum Brownies and joined the Beavers for a day trip while
they overnighted in Beckettsfield. The final badge the girls earned this
year was the Brownie Guiding Traditions Badge where the girls learned
to polish shoes, light candles and wrap parcels among other things!

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     A recent UK research study conducted by SocStats has          but afterwards they managed to get cleaner than
     confirmed that Scouts are more likely to be physically        they have ever been before on the Slip and Slide.
     active, to demonstrate mental resilience, to take an active   Thankfully Lough Dan seemed to have an endless
     role in their communities, to demonstrate leadership and      supply of hot water in their solar-powered showers to
     team work skills compared with non-Scouts . These are         warm them all up.
     traits that 20th Dundrum Scouts showed in abundance as
     the prolonged winter took hold and made their outdoor         Thankfully summer has finally made a breakthrough
     pursuits more challenging.                                    and the Scouts enjoyed a warm and sunny camp
                                                                   for the County Cup Challenge. This is a tough
     Over the St Patricks weekend, 10 intrepid Scouts              competition which requires the Scouts to build their
     participated in the Three Rock County Survivor Challenge      own camp kitchen, dresser, washing-up area and altar
     on Saggart Hill. This event required the Scouts to build      fire (raised fire) and to demonstrate their teamwork
     shelters and survive on basic rations which were cooked       skills in completing a number of Scouting challenges,
     with no utensils over open fires which were lit without the   which this year included Rope Splicing, using Pulley’s
     aid of matches. This was made even more exciting by           to move a Car, pitching an Icelandic Tent blindfolded
     the plunging temperatures and 3 feet of snow which fell       as well cooking all their own meals.
     during the event. Despite the freezing temperatures, our
     Scouts remained in high spirits throughout the event.         In June, the Scouts are planning to walk from Wicklow
                                                                   to Bray, sleeping in bivvies overnight on the beach and
     At Easter, the Scouts and Ventures had their annual           hopefully making it back to Dundrum in time so they
     camp in Powerscout, where we camped in the forest             can sample Taney Parish’s famous burgers at the Parish
     surrounded by the scent of wild garlic and listening to       Fête. They are also planning to build and race a raft
     the babbling river flowing past. At this camp our gallant     in the National Scout Raft Race in Lough Dan. Then in
     Ventures decided to test drive their new camping              August, the much anticipated annual summer camp
     hammocks and whist thoughts of warm tropical beaches          will take place in the Great Tower Scout Centre in Lake
     might spring to mind, temperatures overnight plunged          Windermere. Here’s hoping the summer weather will
     but the ventures managed to stay warm and got a good          stick around.
     night’s sleep. The Scouts also enhanced their outdoor
     culinary skills and discovered a new camp fire favourite -    Scouts meets on Friday evenings, between 8.00 -
     Pitta Pizzas!                                                 10.00pm in Taney Parish Centre with different activities
                                                                   taking place each week and regular outdoor pursuits.
     In April, our Scouts braved a very water-logged campsite      New Scouts (Boys and Girls aged 12+) are welcome to
     in Lough Dan to participate in the Three Rock County          join us when we start back in September and as always
     Camp where they participated in the troop’s muddiest          anyone with a passion for adventure aged 18+ who has
     camp. Not to be put off by getting muddy and wet, our         an interest in becoming in Leader may join at any time.
     Scouts tried to build their own bridges over the ‘Swamp’,

                                                                   The Summer Sports programme is now in full flow
                                                                   with cricket and athletics being enjoyed by the senior
                                                                   classes. Our 6th Class cricket team got full marks in
                                                                   their first test of the Leinster Leprechaun Cup against
                                                                   St. Joseph’s School in Clondalkin so are off to a good

                                                                   Indeed, the sporting successes have continued
                                                                   apace in the past few months. The Taney Girls A
                                                                   team competed in the Leinster Division 1 hockey
                                                                   final against Castle Park Dalkey in Railway Union
     Swapping snow boots for shades, 272 pupils along              HC, where the nail-biting game finished 2-1 against
     with their parents, younger siblings, grandparents            our girls due to bad luck in the final minutes. Our
     and canine companions participated in the Fun/                senior girls soccer teams seemed to be inspired
     Sponsored Walk at Marlay Park on a sunny 19th April.          by International Women’s Day, as they displayed
     Such was the positive energy that it was impossible to        superb strength and stamina in a double win
     judge best class spirit so all of the children received       against Kilcoole Primary and the Muslim National
     homework passes, much to their delight!                       Schools.

Out of 22 Dublin school teams, the two five-a-side        In other efforts to attain the first part of our Water
boys teams from 6th Class qualified out of the league     Flag, the pupils took part in a poster competition
stage in the Spar FAI Primary School 5s tournament.       by Irish Water, on the theme of ‘Water and Your
Overcoming penalities and sudden death in the             Environment’. Artwork by 10 children from each
semi-final, Taney versus Killester proved a tough final   of the junior and senior parts of the school were
match with the opposition coming up trumps by 2-0         selected and sent on for regional judging. We are
but an impressive achievement nonetheless.                also participating in a mini-assessment alongside
                                                          workshops for the children in May, and will be
Having triumphed in their respective junior leagues,      conducting a survey on home water usage.
the two eight-a-side teams played in the Leinster
Schoolboys hockey cup finals in Wesley College.
Our 5th Class team beat St. Kilian’s convincingly to
lift the U12 trophy. The 6th Class contest against
St. Andrew’s went to penalty flicks after 2-2 at full-
time. The final score left St. Andrew’s victorious but
our boys should be very proud of their performance.
In a fitting finish to this strong season, a mix of 5th
and 6th Class boys earned gold medals in the U13s C
League final, overcoming both Headfort School and
Wesley College.

                                                          This term is typically packed with end-of-year
                                                          activities to demonstrate what the children have
                                                          learnt over the past school year and 2018 is no
                                                          exception. At the time of writing, displays for junior
                                                          and senior swimming, Irish dancing, and the annual
                                                          school concert are scheduled for May and June.

                                                          We are also in planning mode for the annual Morton
                                                          Cup soccer tournament taking place on 23rd May
                                                          as well as Sports Day on 1st June. The children
6th Class walked to Wesley to support the former          are looking forward to showcasing their skills and
cup matches as part of the Active Travel Day on 22nd      participating in the various challenges, including old
March, aimed at encouraging the children to walk,         favourites like the sack, three-legged and cup’n’ball
cycle or scoot to school. In a joint Active and Green     races. The PTA will be running the refreshments stall
School Flag undertaking, this was also ‘Funky Feet        at the Parish Fete on 9th June and will hold its AGM
and Walk for Water’ Day when pupils were allowed          on 15th June.
to wear unusual or decorated footwear and blue
clothes. The Walk for Water feature is symbolic of        Finally, after dedicating their entire teaching careers
the six to eight kilometre journey that people in         to the children of Taney Parish Primary School, we
third world countries frequently make in search of        are bidding a fond farewells to Mrs. Roslyn Christie
water. The pupils used the ‘Run Around Europe’            and Mrs betty Martin at the end of this school year.
measurements, while carrying books as weights, to         We wish them the very best in their well-deserved
replicate this basic chore.                               retirements and would like to sincerely thank them for
                                                          their incredible care and commitment shown to our
In this latest running initiative, where a destination    pupils over the past four decades. In other staff news,
is chosen and the whole school runs the distance to       we would like to convey our best wishes to Ms. Sarah
the target, the children covered over 4,700 kms or        Warren for her upcoming wedding and Ms. Rachel
the equivalent of Dublin to Nicosia. Active School        Riordan for the safe arrival of her baby.
Week is due to take place from 28th May to 1st June,
with coaches from Olympian Gymnastics and Irish           The school will close for the Summer holidays at
Ultimate Frisbee providing taster sessions for all        12 noon on Thursday 28th June and reopen at 8.30am on
classes, along with 10@10 movement breaks, active         Thursday 30th August. The staff, PTA and Sports
diaries, county colours day, whole school macarena,       Committee would like to wish all of our school
and active homework.                                      families and parishioners a wonderful Summer break.

     8th April (in Christ Church) - Jessica Rose, daughter of Clare Daly & Shane Wilson.
     17th March 2018 (in Pitlochry, Scotland) – Lesley Dobson and Christopher Ross
     28th April 2018 (in Christ Church) – Rebecca Burke and Peter Cronin
     4th May 2018 (in Christ Church – Alyson Kelly and Stephen Byrne
     We congratulate the couples on their recent marriages!
     27th March 2018 (in St Nahi’s) – Robert Lane
     13th April 2018 (in St Nahi’s) – Muriel Mason
     Our sympathy and prayers are with all who have recently been bereaved, remembering especially:-
     Roger, Jeremy & David and their families on the sudden death of their brother Robert Lane.
     Wendy McCourtney & family on the death of her mother Ann Ward.
     Deirdre Mason and family on the death of her mother Muriel Mason.
     the Smalley family on the death of Ian’s father Comd. Brian Smalley (UK);
     the Hanley family on the death of Aidan’s father Sean Hanley;
     the Armstrong family on the death of Miriam’s mother Colette Connor.

     May those coming to terms with life without a loved one, know the comfort of God’s love at this time.

          Friday, June 15th
            At 7:oopm In
       Taney Church Grounds
             Live Music!
              Book a Table with
                your Friends!

Best wishes to Taney Fete 2018
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