Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City

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Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
                                    In Overland Park, Kansas

7219 W. 95th Street
Overland Park, KS 66212

          Catalog 2018-2019
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
“One school — many locations”
Is this YOUR year?

With Charis Kansas City being just one of 70 Charis Campuses worldwide, Charis
is fulfilling God’s mandate of making disciples. Chances are wherever you are in
the world, there is now a Charis                Campus within your reach -

By the end of 2017, there were 738 students on the Woodland Park campus.
Combined with Distance Education students and those attending campuses
worldwide, there were at least 6,795 students enrolled at the close of the year.

Charis now has more than 6,600 graduates across the globe.

                             Woodland Park campus 2017
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City

Letter from the President…………………………..      4
Doctrinal Statement…………………………………           5
Vision & Mission…………………………………….            6
Academic Calendar…………………………………             7
Course Summary…………………………………..              8
First Year Completion Requirements…….………   9
First Year Course Descriptions……………………     10
Second Year Completion Requirements…………    15
Second Year Course Descriptions……………….     16
Third Year Leadership Track………………………       21
Directors Training Program……………………….       22
Tuition & Fees………………………………………              26
Instructors & Staff………………………………….          27
Student Policies……………………………………             35
Application Process……………………………….           36
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Dear Friend,

Charis Bible College is a modern-day miracle. On June 23, 1993, I clearly heard from the Lord to start a Bible
college. There couldn’t have been anything further from my mind, but God downloaded a revolutionary way
to do it. I was to take 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the
same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also”—and use it as a framework for a
school that would do more than just impart biblical knowledge.

This school would also provide practical, on-the-job training to prepare students for their next step.
The truth is, everyone goes through school. It’s just a matter of whether it’s a safe environment with
experienced instructors and mentors or what’s called the “school of hard knocks.” I took the latter route. And I
tell you, if you survive, it makes a great testimony. But you’re not guaranteed success that way.

Most people die with unrealized potential. That doesn’t have to be you. You don’t have to settle for whatever
comes your way. You can lay a sure foundation through Charis Bible College, where instructors with decades
of experience equip you to succeed. For over twenty years, Charis has been training and empowering people
to do what they were born for. And if you don’t know what you were born for, you will by the time you
graduate. More importantly, you’ll be prepared to step into it. This is an investment you won’t regret. In fact,
it’s a small price to pay!

If the Lord is speaking to you about attending Charis, visit our website for more information. I guarantee it will
change your life and the lives of others forever.

Remember, preparation time is never wasted time.

Andrew Wommack
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Charis Bible College

                                                                           DOCTRINAL STATEMENT
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Third Year in Kansas City
Leadership Track
The Third Year Ministry Training Program at the extension schools is a specially designed Leader-
ship Track just for the extension campuses. The Leadership Track combines the best from the Busi-
ness School and the Ministry School. The balance is roughly 85% Ministry classes combined with
15% Business classes. The goal is to enable students to remain in their local area and receive in-
struction that may help them prepare for leadership in a new ministry, business, or in their local
churches and endeavors.
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Certificate of Completion
First Year Bible Training Institute
39 Courses Required for Certificate of Completion (30 Required, 9 Electives*)
The curriculum for the Certificate of Completion of the First Year Bible Training Institute is
given below.

Course Title                                                     Credits             Clock Hours
A Sure Foundation                                                   1                     8
Basic Bible Doctrines                                               1                     8
Basics of Righteousness                                             1                     8
Bible Covenants                                                     1                     8
Biblical Ethics and Morals                                          1                     8
Discipleship Evangelism I-III                                       3                     24
Dynamics of Christian Living I-III                                  20                    252
Essential Truths of the New Testament                               1                     8
Excellence in Ministry                                              1                     8
Finally, My Brethren                                                1                     8
Fruit of the Spirit                                                 1                     8
Galatians                                                           1                     8
Healing                                                             1                     8
Holy Spirit I-III                                                   3                     24
How to Get Revelation                                               1                     8
In Christ Realities                                                 1                     8
Introduction to Evangelism                                          1                     8
Introduction to the Bible                                           1                     8
Let Freedom Reign                                                   1                     8
Life Foundations                                                    1                     8
Ministry of Jesus I & II                                            2                     16
Old Testament Survey I-VI                                           6                     48
Possess the Land                                                    1                     8
Prayer Ministry Training                                            1                     8
Principles of Grace and Faith                                       1                     8
Prosperity God's Way                                                1                     8
Receiving from God I & II                                           2                     16
Relationship with God I & II                                        2                     16
Romans                                                              1                     8
The First Book of John                                              1                     8
The Heart "Essence" of the Gospel                                   1                     8
What Faith Is and How to Live by It                                 1                     8
Total                                                               63                    596

*Campus Director selects the elective classes for the year. However, if there is a class a student would like
other than the Director selected, the Director will make the class available to the student.
Catalog 2018-2019 - KANSAS CITY - 7219 W. 95th Street Overland Park, KS 66212 - Charis Bible College Kansas City
Bible Training Institute - First Year Course Descriptions
                  Students must successfully complete 596 classroom hours in order to earn a Certificate of Completion.
                                           Course titles are subject to change without notice.

Course Title                                          Instructor                                            Course Description


A Sure Foundation                                                       Andrew Wommack                                        Two subjects are covered in this class. The Integrity of the
                                                                                                                              Word expounds on the truth, surety, and infallibility of God’s
                                                                                                                              Word. Christian Philosophy shows us that we all have a sys-
                                                                                                                              tem of thought, but challenges us to examine if it is according
                                                                                                                              to the Word or the world.

Basic Bible Doctrines                                                   Lawson Perdue                                         Bible doctrine will be covered in this course. Subjects include
                                                                                                                              The Scriptures Inspired, One True God and The Trinity, The
                                                                                                                              Deity of Jesus Christ, The Fall and Salvation of Man, The Pre-
                                                                                                                              sent-Day Ministry of the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, The Re-
                                                                                                                              turn of Jesus Christ for His Church, and Heaven & Hell.

Basics of Righteousness                                                 Andrew Wommack                                        This class teaches about our Spirit, Soul, and Body and Identity
                                                                                                                              in Christ. Spirit, Soul, and Body is a study that explains how
                                                                                                                              our spirits are complete in Jesus if we are born again and how
                                                                                                                              our souls and bodies should relate to our spirits. The Identity
                                                                                                                              in Christ study shows us from Scripture who we are in Christ—
                                                                                                                              our righteousness and justification.

Bible Covenants                                                         Lawson Perdue                                         The purpose of this study is to learn about the nature of God
                                                                                                                              as revealed in the covenants He has made with men, in order
                                                                                                                              to develop our faith in God as a way of life today. We will
                                                                                                                              begin with God’s covenants with Adam, Abraham, and Israel,
                                                                                                                              and then we will consider the new covenant fully revealed in
                                                                                                                              the New Testament.

Biblical Ethics and Morals                                              Greg Mohr, Barry                                      This course is a study of various ethical and moral issues from
                                                                        Bennett, Beth                                         a Biblical perspective that affect a Christian’s walk with God
                                                                        Landt                                                 and influence with others, including those outside the church.


Discipleship Evangelism                                                 Kansas City Staff                                     This course has been designed so that anyone, at anytime,
                                                                                                                              anywhere can reach an unbeliever, disciple new believers, or
                                                                                                                              grow with others in the Lord. Students will get a chance to
                                                                                                                              practice teaching a lesson.
Dynamics of Christian Living I-III          Various     These class hours cover Praise and Worship, Chapel ser-
                                                        vices, guest speakers, seminars, workshops, ministry
                                                        hours, and conferences that are required attendance
                                                        for students. They cover various topics of Christian liv-
                                                        ing, testimonies, practical application of the Word of
                                                        God in our daily lives.
Essential Truths of the New Testament Arthur Meintjes   There are many truths in the Bible, but not all the truths
                                                        in the Bible are essential and foundational. That means
                                                        that there are many things in the Bible that are ex-
                                                        tremely interesting but they are not extremely im-
                                                        portant. There are also many truths that are important,
                                                        sometimes even extremely valuable, but they are not
                                                        essential. The big tragedy is that many times the truths
                                                        that Christians major on, and build their lives upon, are
                                                        non-essential or non-foundational truths. It will not nec-
                                                        essarily be what you believe about healing or prosperity
                                                        that will determine whether you will fall or stand when
                                                        you’re sick, or when you’re in poverty. It will most prob-
                                                        ably be what you believe about the essential and foun-
                                                        dational truth of the Gospel, because all other truths
                                                        must be based and founded on this truth in order to
Excellence in Ministry               Greg Mohr          This course covers two key aspects of ministry develop
                                                        ment and success: 1) Identifying and establishing core
                                                        values your life and ministry are grounded in. Compro-
                                                        mise, deception and failure are averted when core val-
                                                        ues are established in the heart of the minister. 2) The
                                                        essential leadership principles necessary for the minis-
                                                        ter to both lead people to fulfill his/her vision and
                                                        become a leader worth following.
Finally, My Brethren                 Charla Eastwood    This insightful study through the Book of Ephesians will
                                                        cover the foundational steps that Apostle Paul laid out
                                                        before his often-quoted statements about putting on
                                                        the spiritual armor. This course will enlighten new scrip-
                                                        tural truths and empower you to become more than a
                                                        conqueror in the spiritual realm of the Kingdom of God.
Fruit of the Spirit                  Greg Mohr          God’s very first words to man connects our success in
                                                        life to our fruitfulness. – Gen. 1:28. The kind of fruit
                                                        each believer is called to produce is described in Gal.
                                                        5:22-23. This is a picture of the life and nature of Jesus.
                                                        This course is an in-depth study of each aspect of the
                                                        fruit of the Spirit. You will learn the purpose, the re-
                                                        wards, and the means to fully develop and manifest the
                                                        fruit of the Spirit in your life and ministry.
Galatians                    Barry Bennett       Paul’s inspired letter which is often referred to as the ‘Magna
                                                 Carta’ of Christian liberty is reviewed and studied in terms of its
                                                 great themes: grace, revelation, our identity in Christ, faith, the
                                                 Law vs. the blessing of Abraham, and life in the Spirit.
Healing                      Barry Bennett       The Christian life includes physical health for all who believe. It
                                                 is as much God’s will that we be physically whole as it is that we
                                                 be born again. Before anyone can have faith for healing, they
                                                 must be certain of God’s will. Faith cannot go beyond the
                                                 knowledge of God’s will and God’s ways in the area of health
                                                 and healing. This course will establish principles for health and
                                                 healing and will explain healing in terms of the spirit, soul and
                                                 body of man. We will learn what is required of us as faith filled
                                                 Christians, and what is God’s part in the process of receiving
                                                 health in our bodies.
Holy Spirit I-III            Wendell Parr        This is an exciting class that discusses the Person and the work
                                                 of the Holy Spirit. Not only will you learn how He has worked
                                                 throughout history, but how He works in your life.
How to Get Revelation        Greg Mohr, &        This course will prepare you to get revelation directly from the
                             Barry Bennett       Word. It will include hands-on practice in small groups.
In Christ Realities          Lawson Perdue       A course designed to give us an understanding of our new iden-
                                                 tity in Christ, the value of our identity in Christ, and how that
                                                 identity helps us fulfill the purpose and plan of God in our lives.
Introduction to Evangelism   Guest Nate Tanner   The goal of this course is to help Christians see just how easy it
                                                 is to share their faith with the lost. God’s greatest revelations
                                                 to mankind and how these can be used to inspire faith are intro
                                                 duced, as well as, how to share your personal testimony. This
                                                 course will help you prepare for the joy of leading people to
Introduction to the Bible    Barry Bennett       A course designed to inspire confidence in the Bible as the Liv-
                                                 ing Word of God by understanding its 1) revelation, 2) inspira-
                                                 tion, 3) compilation, and 4) preservation.
Let Freedom Reign            Arthur Meintjes     When we talk about freedom, it means different things to
                                                 different people. For many believers, freedom in a Christian’s
                                                 life is only achieved through great sacrifice and hard work.
                                                 When we have sacrificed and labored long and hard enough, we
                                                 are ultimately rewarded with freedom; freedom from sin or
                                                 freedom from bondage such as from drugs, alcohol, pornogra-
                                                 phy or whatever we perceive freedom to be. In this teaching we
                                                 will discover that freedom in the New Testament is a gift. In the
                                                 New Testament, there is a fundamental reality that we must
                                                 understand about true freedom; in Christ we are all made free.
Life Foundations                Carrie Pickett      In the Life Foundations course, you will learn 6 key foundational
                                                    truths that will revolutionize your relationship with God, empow-
                                                    er you to overcome every attack of the enemy, and give you the
                                                    ability to minister to anyone, at any time about anything. The
                                                    most important part of a structure is its foundation. These truths
                                                    will help you establish a firm foundation in the Word of God.

Ministry of Jesus I & II        Barry Bennett       An overview of the culture and context of Jesus’ life and ministry
                                                    that will deal with His manner of teaching, the content of His
                                                    teaching and His declarations about Himself, His relationship with
                                                    the Father, the Word, the devil, sin, faith, prayer and the Holy

Old Testament Survey I-VI       Wendell Parr        This is an overview of the Old Testament. In this class, students
                                                    will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and theme of
                                                    each book; special attention is given to some of the key passages.

Possess the Land                Barry Bennett       In this course you will come to understand the relationship be
                                                    tween the children of Israel possessing the Promised Land, and
                                                    believers possessing the ‘Land of Promises.’ What does it mean
                                                    to possess the Truth, possess eternal life, our new identity in
                                                    Christ, our thought life, and God’s prosperity? Finally, how do we
                                                    drive out the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy?

Prayer Ministry Training        Daniel Amstutz      This course is applicable for any believer who wants to be trained
                                & Carlie Terradez   in “how to minister” to those in need of healing, providing in-
                                                    struction not only on what the Bible says about healing, whole
                                                    ness and health, but also how to minister to those dealing with
                                                    sickness and disease. This is practical, hands on training and will
                                                    be a catalyst for a more effective healing ministry in Jesus name.

Principles of Grace and Faith   Rick McFarland      The purpose of this course is to understand what grace and faith
                                                    is and how they operate in our relationship towards God and also
                                                    how they operate towards those around us in our daily life. This
                                                    course is designed to bring the Christian into a balance of receiv-
                                                    ing God’s grace by faith and demonstrating that grace to all those
                                                    around us.

Prosperity God's Way            Greg Mohr           This course is designed to help the student develop the right rela-
                                                    tionship with money and run the ove of money out of his/her
                                                    soul. Jesus tells us in Luke 16 that faithfulness in that which is ...
Prosperity God’s Way (continued)                      east – money – will qualify us to be entrusted with true riches –
                                                      eternal souls. These lessons will establish the student in the pur-
                                                      pose of prosperity; identify the real enemies of prosperity and
                                                      the right attitudes to develop toward finances.

Receiving from God I & II      Andrew Wommack         This class covers the subjects of Prayer, Healing, and Andrew’s
                                                      teachings Blessings and Miracles, and Harnessing Your Emotions.

Relationship with God I & II   Andrew Wommack         This study emphasizes four important truths about God and
                                                      man’s relationship with Him. The Nature of God is a study of God
                                                      that distinguishes between His character and His acts, contrasting
                                                      the Old Testament with the New Testament. Hardness of Heart
                                                      deals with one of the major barriers that keep us from accepting
                                                      all of God’s truth. Authority of the Believer helps us receive the
                                                      blessings God has for us and shows us how to stop Satan from
                                                      robbing us. “God’s Not Guilty” shows us from Scripture that God
                                                      is not the author of our problems, nor is it He that causes bad
                                                      things to happen to us.

Romans                         Lawson Perdue          Romans - The revelation of righteousness. The Book of Romans is
                                                      considered by many as the greatest exposition of Christian Doc
                                                      trine anywhere in the Bible. The revelation of righteousness is
                                                      the revelation of the gospel. In this class we see: the need for the
                                                      provision of, the way to and the power of righteousness revealed
                                                      in Christ and received by faith.

The First Book of John         Lawson Perdue          The object of Christianity is our relationship with God - this is a
                                                      study through the book of I John.
The Heart "Essence" of the Gospel /Arthur Meintjes    Guilt, Condemnation and Fear seem to be the motivating factors
                                                      that define many Christians’ lives. Guilt, condemnation and fear
                                                      among believers has been passed down from generation to gen-
                                                      eration because they have been ignorant of the Heart or
                                                      “Essence” of the Gospel. For generations people have strug-
                                                      gled to believe the truth of the “Almost too Good to be True Gos-
                                                      pel”. Because of the ignorance and lack of understanding con-
                                                      cerning the Heart of the Gospel, very few people know and relate
                                                      to God the way that He is revealed in the New Testament. The
                                                      Heart or “Essence” of the Gospel is all about God revealing His
                                                      Goodness, Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness and to the world!

What Faith Is and How to Live by It/Charla Eastwood   We will be studying how God operated in faith and see that God
                                                      gave us the same measure of faith He gave Jesus.
School of Practical Ministry—Second Year Courses
Required Second Year Courses for Diploma in Biblical Studies
The curriculum for the Second Year School of Practical Ministry is given below. First year must be completed before a
student may enter the second year. Upon completion of the curriculum the student will earn a Diploma and may qualify
for a Minster’s License.

Course Title                                               Credits              Clock Hours
20/20 Vision                                                  1                       8
Acts: Power of Supernatural Living                            1                       8
Answers to Important Questions I & II                         2                       16
Biblical Leadership                                           1                       8
Dynamics of Christian Ministry I-III                          26                      324
Establishing a Prosperous Soul                                1                       8
Faith in a Supernatural God I&II                              2                       16
Foundational Truths for Godly Ministry                        1                       8
Heart Matters                                                 1                       8
How to Flow in the Gifts                                      1                       8
How to Get Along with People                                  1                       8
How to Study the Bible                                        1                       8
IAG - Practical Ministry I&II                                 2                       16
IAG - Public Speaking I&II                                    2                       16
IAG - Sacerdotal Duties I&II                                  2                       16
Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah                              1                       8
Life of Christ                                                1                       8
Living in Balance                                             1                       8
Making of a Minister I & II                                   2                       16
Marriage & Family - Plan A                                    1                       8
Missions                                                      1                       8
New Testament Survey I & II                                   2                       16
Practical Skills for Godly Relationships                      1                       8
Principles of Godly Leadership                                1                       8
Spirit Led Life & Ministry                                    1                       8
Supernatural Evangelism                                       1                       8
The Laws of the Kingdom                                       1                       8
Who Is Man?                                                   1                       8
Total                                                         60                      596
Second Year Course Descriptions
          Students must successfully complete 596 classroom hours in order to earn a Degree in Biblical Studies.
                                     Course titles are subject to change without notice.
Special Note: All students successfully completing the 2-year program will receive access to all 1st and 2nd year courses—
                            current, past and future—through the alumni website at no charge.

Course Title                      Instructor                     Course Description
20/20 Vision                     Dean Hawk               Having a clearly defined vision for your life and ministry is
                                                         essential in accomplishing God’s plan and purpose here on
                                                         earth. This course will cover the power of vision, fulfilling
                                                         God’s divine purpose, taking a personal inventory, com-
                                                         municating vision to others, developing an effective strat-
                                                         egy, building blocks, and the price of seeing a vision
                                                         through to the end.
Acts: Power of Supernatural Living/Barry Bennett         A study of the early church and the keys to its power. Emphasis
                                                         will be placed on the message of the early church, the purpose of
                                                         the Holy Spirit, the power of the Name, the importance of the
                                                         Lord, the power of prayer, and the mission and growth of the
Answers to Important Questions I & II/Barry Bennett      A course designed to answer the most prevalent questions
                                                         that many Christians have concerning the Bible and the ways of
                                                         God in the world. Questions to be answered will include those
                                                         dealing with suffering and tragedies, the Trinity, Job, Paul’s thorn,
                                                         Ananias and Sapphira, Sabbath keeping and many others.
Biblical Leadership              Dean Hawk               This course will lay a foundation for the growth and development
                                                         of the student as a leader. Various Bible leaders and attributes will
                                                         be studied. We will uncover the leadership mystery of why some
                                                         leaders succeed and others fail. Growth, creativity, influence,
                                                         team building, and many other attributes of leadership will be cov-
Dynamics of Christian Ministry I-III /Various            These class hours cover Praise and Worship, Chapel services, guest
                                                         speakers, seminars, workshops, and conferences, and foreign mis-
                                                         sion trip, that are required attendance for students. They cover
                                                         various topics of Christian ministry, testimonies, practical applicat-
                                                         ion in preparation for ministry.
Establishing a Prosperous Soul Greg Mohr               As a man thinks in his heart, the Bible says, so is he. Learn how im-
                                                       portant what you believe down deep is to your suc-cess in the King-
                                                       dom and in life, and how to change the way you think.

Faith in a Supernatural God I-II Charla Eastwood       This subject deals with recognizing the ability of God through our
                                                       lives in ministry. Learning how to appropriate the supernatural
                                                       ability of God in our lives, it deals with the supernatural powers
                                                       that be, and the authority God has given us over all the power of
                                                       the enemy.
Foundational Truths for Godly Ministry/Arthur Meintjes Since day one in the garden it has always been God’s intention and
                                                       purpose that every man, woman and child, find and live a life that is
                                                       comfortable, gracious, and pleasant! Living our dreams both in lives
                                                       and ministry does not only come with the gifting God has given you,
                                                       or the opportunities you have but by the process of habitually prac-
                                                       ticing, exercising and preparing your gifting! There is nothing more
                                                       beautiful for God our Father, than to see us find and live as it were
                                                       (in the sweet spot) of our lives and ministry.

Heart Matters                  Daniel Amstutz          Just when you thought you had spirit, soul and body understood,
                                                       then you hear about the importance of getting the Word of God
                                                       from your head to your heart. If I’m a three part being, where does
                                                       that fit? Is the spirit the heart? What about evil thoughts coming
                                                       from men’s hearts as Mark 7:21 states? If my spirit is made new in
                                                       Christ and complete in Christ, then if my heart is my spirit, how can I
                                                       doubt in my heart according to Mark 11:23? Is there something
                                                       wrong with my spirit? Is it possible for your heart to be in neutral? Is
                                                       it possible for your soul to be in control instead of your spirit? This
                                                       course deals with all this and way more as we unpack why your heart

How to Flow in the Gifts       Greg Mohr               God gives us specific instruction in I Cor. 12:1 not to be ignorant of
                                                       spiritual gifts. Yet this is something many Christians and churches are
                                                       most ignorant about. These wonderful gifts are given to us to access
                                                       when our knowledge of the Word (not the Word) and natural re-
                                                       sources are not enough to get ourselves and others through a diffi-
                                                       cult time in life. The basis of our study will be from I Cor. 12, 13, &
                                                       14. The goal of this course is to equip each student to understand, be
                                                       comfortable with, and confident in releasing and operating the gifts
                                                       in order. We will provide time during class to activate the gifts.
How to Get Along with People Andrew Wommack              Someone once said, “If it weren’t for people, the ministry
                                                         would be great.” However, the ministry is all about people,
                                                         so it’s critically important to learn how to develop relation-
                                                         ships and develop them with the right people. When con-
                                                         flict does arise—and it will—it’s also crucial to know how to
                                                         resolve that conflict according to the Word of God. God’s
                                                         solution works, but you have to know it to put it into prac-

IAG - Practical Ministry    Various                      This will introduce many practical skills that will help stu-
                                                         dents become better public speakers and ministers.
IAG - Public Speaking       Charla Eastwood              This course will cover various topics related to speaking
                                                         and teaching in public.
IAG - Sacerdotal Duties     Charla Eastwood         This course will prepare students for ministry situations
                                                    they may encounter in the future. Topics will include wed-
                                                    dings, funerals, baby dedications, and more.
Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah/Lawson Perdue           Keys of effective leadership that enabled Nehemiah to mo-
                                                         tivate God’s people to accomplish an amazing task in rec-
                                                         ord time.

Life of Christ              Greg Mohr                    God has given each of us a unique purpose and destiny to
                                                         fulfill. Yet our highest purpose is to be conformed to the
                                                         image of His Son – Rom. 8:28-29. This course is a study in
                                                         how you may appropriate and manifest the life of Christ –
                                                         His character and nature – in the earth today. The focus of
                                                         this teaching is to help you identify and yield to the image
                                                         of Christ and to walk in Christlikeness.


Living in Balance           Greg Mohr                    Life is filled with temptations to live in extremes. A success-
                                                         ful and stress-free life and ministry requires achieving a
                                                         proper balance between sure principles that seem to op -
                                                         pose one another. This course will help you live in a
                                                         healthy tension between the following principles: grace
                                                         and faith, the ministry of the Word and the Spirit, vision
                                                         and wisdom, sound doctrine and unity of the brethren,
                                                         love and discipline, compassion and confrontation, for-
                                                         giveness and trust, and being led by the Spirit and submis-
                                                         sion to authority.
Making of a Minister I & II             Andrew Wommack     Attend Bible College, complete the required courses, re-
                                                           ceive your ministerial license and ordination papers, and
                                                           then you are a minister, right? Wrong! God’s ways are
                                                           not man’s ways. This course will help you understand the
                                                           difference between man’s and God's qualifications for
                                                           ministers. By the end of this course you will either be
                                                           determined to prepare your heart or stay as far away
                                                           from ministry as possible.

Missions                         Michelle Patterson This course will teach you spiritual truths and practical
                                                    tips for short term missions trips.
New Testament Survey I & II             Wendell Parr       This is an overview of the New Testament that notes its
                                                           place in God’s revelation to man. In this class, students
                                                           will study the author, historical setting, purpose, and
                                                           theme of each book; special attention is given to some of
                                                           the key passages.
Practical Skills for Godly Relationships Arthur Meintjes   One of the greatest challenges in life is to get along with
                                                           other people around us, may it be in the work place, at
                                                           home and at Church or in ministry. Up to 87% of our suc -
                                                           cess in life is directly related to our ability to get along
                                                           with other people. The problem with relationships is that
                                                           90-95% of the people that we deal with in life are either
                                                           moderately or severely insecure people. To compound
                                                           this, most of the time we are also insecure ourselves and
                                                           herein lies the problem. There is nothing that kills a rela-
                                                           tionship or a vision, and a ministry quicker than personal
                                                           and unresolved insecurities. It is important to realize that
                                                           getting along with other people has more to do with us
                                                           than it has to do with them. Even though knowing God’s
                                                           love will effortlessly change us and influence the way we
                                                           relate to others, we sometimes still need to practically
                                                           work on getting along with other people.

Principles of Godly Leadership          Andrew Wommack     The Bible is full of examples in leadership. Surprisingly,
                                                           most of the greatest leaders recorded in the Bible were
                                                           not those voted most likely to succeed. What did God
                                                           see in them that men could not? Maybe, the same things
                                                           He sees in you. In this course, Andrew teaches about
                                                           their characteristics, their character, and the principles
                                                           that operated in their lives. This course is a must for eve-
                                                           ry believer.
Spirit Led Life & Ministry   Dean Hawk         This course is designed to assist you in the development of your
                                               divine communication with the Heavenly Father by hearing and
                                               knowing the voice of the Holy Spirit. Topics will include: How to
                                               recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit, “Is it me, God or the dev-
                                               il?”; Different ways the Holy Spirit will lead and guide; Testing
                                               what you hear; Flowing in the anointing of God and the Gifts of
                                               the Holy Spirit; The voice of wisdom and daily walking in His per-
                                               fect will.

The Laws of the Kingdom      Barry Bennett     A study of the spiritual laws that govern creation and how we
                                               can cooperate with those laws in order to enjoy victorious Chris-
                                               tian living.


Who Is Man?                  Arthur Meintjes   Just as there is a grossly inaccurate concept and belief about
                                               God in the hearts of so many believers today, there is also an
                                               equally destructive and crippling belief in the hearts of be-
                                               lievers about the value of man. One thing that we must under
                                               stand about religion and legalism is that it is designed to destroy
                                               all dignity and worth. That is why people who are deeply in
                                               volved in religion and legalism invariably end up with no sense of
                                               self-worth, value or dignity. If we as Christians are not taught
                                               and instructed in a proper Biblical sense of self-worth that is
                                               based on gospel truth, we will always struggle to get Bible truth
                                               to work in our lives on a consistent basis. If what we believe
                                               does not make us feel good about our relationship with God and
                                               good about ourselves, it will be very difficult to get the truth of
                                               the New Testament to work for me on a consistent basis.
Third Year Leadership Track
       Students must successfully complete 596 classroom hours in order to earn a Certificate of Completion.
                                Course titles are subject to change without notice.
The Third Year Leadership Track is a specially designed Third Year program exclusively available at the extension cam-
puses. The Leadership Track is a combination of ministry and business courses. It’s curriculum selection is designed to
aid students who want to delve more deeply into ministry, and workings thereof, both in actual ministry and what it
takes behind the scenes to make it happen. The interactive labs can be tailored to fit the direction the student is head-
ing, whether it is to assist at a Charis campus, intern with their pastor or other leaders, or to start a church. There is
also a Fourth Year Directors Training Program being released this year. If this is something of interest to you discuss it
with your local director, and you will find information on the following page.

Required Business Courses*                                       Required Ministry Courses *
Money Mastery                                                    Advice from and Old Minister to a New Minister

Business Model Generation Canvas                                 Developing Healthy Relationships
Organizational Mastery                                           Leadership
Basic CEO Training I                                             Effective Counseling

Building A Successful Business                                   The Heart of a Pastor

Basic CEO Training II                                            How to Teach

Strategic Planning                                               Missions

                                                                 Raising Leaders

Making Cents                                                     The Evolution of Ministry

Practical Prosperity                                             Purpose of Marriage—Spiritual Formation

Business Planning                                                Anatomy of Revival
Business Development Process                                     The Great Commission-Focused Church

Achieving Your Financial Potential                               Developing Leadership in Ministry

Marketing: The Lifeblood of Your Business                        Team Building

Engagement Marketing                                             How to Disciple

                                                                 Sound and Sanity

Additional Courses/Internship Training*                          Operating in the Gifts in Order

Teaching Labs                                                    Operating in God’s Best

Small Group Leadership                                           Dealing with Death

Ministry or Business Development                                 Ministry Start-Ups

                                                                 Church Administrator

*Course descriptions available upon request.
Directors Training Program (DTP)

The Directors Training Program (DTP) is designed for those who would like to direct or establish a
Charis Bible College extension school, AWM Office, or support current AWM/Charis locations. By tak-
ing this course, you become eligible for working with the Charis campus locations, and take another
step in the process required for future directors of both Charis Bible Colleges and Andrew Wommack
Ministry Offices.

Upon Completion of the DTP course the next step is to apply for the DTP Internship. This is a one year
program of intensive training at either a Charis location or foreign AWM Office. This Internship is not
a paid position, the Intern will be financially responsible for their living expenses through their year of
Internship. The Intern must complete their internship in the same region they are desiring to either
start a new World Outreach project or work with an existing World Outreach project. This may re-
quire that the Intern have to move to a new location and will need to show proof of financial funds to
start the DTP Internship.

Below you will find the requirements for application and the requirements for completion of the DTP
course and the DTP Internship
Requirements to complete the Directors Training Program

   A student may apply for the DTP while they are taking the Charis 3rd year Leadership Program
       (either on campus or Hybrid), but only if they have completed their 2nd year Charis Bible Col-
       lege Curriculum at the same campus they are applying to or are enrolled in. Thus, ensuring a
       high level of relationship and vetting.

          Not all students that apply for the DTP will be accepted.

   Alumni who have already completed the Charis 3rd year leadership program (either on campus or
      Hybrid) and are wishing to apply for the DTP MUST have completed their 2nd year Charis Bible
      College Curriculum and 3rd year Leadership program (either on campus or Hybrid) at the SAME
      CAMPUS they are applying to take the DTP.

   All 3rd year students or Alumni, desiring to apply for the DTP, must fill out the DTP application
       Form provided by the Charis Director. The students must take the training on location as a
       team to enhance team building, communication, and vision. Acceptance in the DTP requires a
       positive recommendation from your campus Director.

   Approved applicants MUST take the DTP course under the direction of their campus director.
Following successful DTP completion, the DTP graduates are eligible to apply for the DTP Intern-
       ship training. They will need to fill out the DTP Internship Application form, provided by the
       Charis Director, and submit it online.

   DTP graduates MUST Interview for the DTP Internship and receive approval from World Outreach
      Training Operations before being permitted to take the DTP Internship.

* CEM students are required to take the 3rd year Leadership Program On-Campus under direct su-
pervision of the Charis Director or to attend the World Outreach Global Training School in Wood-
land Park, CO and will NOT be permitted to take the Hybrid Program if they desire to apply for the
DTP. Thus, ensuring a high level of relationship and vetting.

All students taking the DTP are required to complete the Requirements for the Directors Training Pro-
gram as stated below.

Phase 1: DTP Course

   All students applying for the DTP must either be currently enrolled in or a 3rd year Charis Leader-
       ship Program graduate. They will then apply through the DTP application online.
          The DTP application must be turned into World Outreach Training Operations by October
            1st, for all Northern Hemisphere schools, and turned in by March 1st, for all Southern
            Hemisphere schools.

   The student must complete all required courses, homework, reading and tests that are listed be-
      low, on campus and through their web-based DTP accounts. All tests must be completed on
      the DTP website. The student must also complete a Demographic study for the location they
      are proposing to start an AWM/Charis location.

All tests and the demographic Study must be completed on the students’ DTP account on the DTP
website. The below can all be found on the DTP site where each approved student will be given an ac-

Required Video Courses:                                Required Home Work:
33 - World Outreach Directors Training Program                Demographic Study
8 – Team Building
8 – Sound and Sanity
8 – Media Ministry Money
8 – Conflict Resolution (Audio Only)
Required Books:                                         Required Tests:
Policies and Procedures Book                            Policies and Procedures
DTP Course Manual                                       Next Steps part III
Team Building Syllabus                                  Team Building
Conflict Resolution Syllabus                            Sound and Sanity
Ministry, Media, Money syllabus                         Media, Ministry, Money
Sound and Sanity Syllabus                               Conflict Resolution

Requirements to complete the Directors Training Program Internship

   All DTP graduates that have successfully completed the DTP and are interested in applying for the
       DTP Internship must submit a DTP Internship Application online, this application will be provid-
       ed by their Director.

   This application must be submitted to World Outreach Training Operations 6 month prior to the
      start date of the Internship requested. This will be by March 1st, for all Northern Hemisphere
      schools, and turned in by August 1st, for all Southern Hemisphere schools.

   World Outreach Training Operations will then schedule a Zoom (video) interview with the DTP In-
     tern applicant, their Director, the Regional Director, and the Training Operations Team.

          In this Zoom meeting the desires of the applicant will be discussed to find the best location
              to start their DTP Internship along with the best timing to start the Internship for all par-
              ties involved.

Phase 2: Charis Director Internship

All applicants who desire to direct a Charis Campus School location or foreign Andrew Wommack Min-
       istries Office must complete a one-year “DTP Internship” at a designated training site.
      The DTP Intern will arrive a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the start of school.
      The DTP Intern will complete 20 hours of on-campus Training with additional course materials
          done on their own time.
      During the Intern’s Training they will also be making trips into the area they are proposing to
          start a new project to begin planting seeds through DE Groups or Charis Bible Studies, con-
          necting with local pastors and para-church ministries.
During this Internship the Intern will work with both the Training Director and the Regional to com-
plete the training task list and the Business Plan to
propose a new World Outreach Project. Through this Business Plan development, the legal process
      of a new start up will be sought out to determine the best action of moving forward, if ap-
At any point during this process the project is placed on hold or stopped the Intern will be notified.
      There is no promise or guarantee that the Intern will be approved to start a new World Out-
      reach Project. The Board of AWM and Charis holds all authority to either approve or deny a
      project at any stage in the process of development.

Failure to Comply:

   Should a location conduct DTP classes without having their DTP Students approved through
      World Outreach, completing the DTP Requirements on the DTP website, as lined out in
      “Requirements to complete the Directors Training Program”…

          The students will be flagged as non-compliant and will not be considered for a position
             with World Outreach as a Director/Coordinator as their training doesn’t count due to
             not applying through the proper channels.

   Should a location conduct the DTP Internship without having their DTP Intern approved through
      World Outreach, completing the DTP Intern Requirements on the DTP website, as lined out in
      “Requirements to complete the Directors Training Program Internship”…

          The interns will be flagged as non-compliant and will not be considered for a position with
             World Outreach as a Director/Coordinator as their training doesn’t count due to not
             applying through the proper channels.
TUITION & FEES 2018-2019
All fees must be paid on or before the first day of school, and registration fee is non-refundable. Tuition must be paid
in advance in full on or before the first day of school, or paid monthly beginning on the first day day of school and the
first day of every month following. All prices are subject to change without notice. Charis Kansas City cannot receive
VA benefits at this time.

Application Fee
An application fee applies to all students studying on a Charis campus for the first time. It is a $100 fee which is one-
time, non-refundable and non-transferable.


Tuition amounts include Administrative Fee and Activity Fee. Tuition and fees are not tax-deductible.

Full-time student = $3,690 annually ($410/month for 9 months)

Part-time student = $1,980 annually ($220/month for 9 months)

Additional Fees (due first week of school):

  Registration Fee of $100 (One-time, non-refundable fee, for each new student to a campus location.)
  Full-time student book fee of $200
  Part-time student book fee of $100
  Graduation Fee $50 (2nd & 3rd Year graduates only)

Refund policy*:

First week of 1st semester                  100% refund

Second week of 1st semester                   50% refund

Third week of 1st semester                    25% refund

*After third week of 1st semester no refund will be granted.

Total Program Cost (including all fees):

1st Year Full-time       $3990.00                          1st Year Part-time               $4260.00

2nd Year Full-time       $4040.00                          2nd Year Part-time               $4310.00

3rd Year Full-time       $4040.00**                        3rd Year Part-time               $4310.00**

**Tuition consideration may be given to 3rd Year students for apprenticing or interning based on the program they
choose. Discuss options with staff prior to enrollment.
Instructors and Staff
Your Charis Kansas City Team
Course Instructors
 Classes    Instructors
Andrew Wommack President & Founder
                  Andrew brings the simplicity of the Word of God and the revelation of grace into every class-
                  room. Sharing from his decades of study in Scripture, Andrew is able to teach the Word in a
                  powerful and practical way. His classes include A Sure Foundation, Basics of Righteousness, Re-
                  lationship with God, The Making of a Minister, and more. Students can expect to receive the
                  truth of the Word from someone who has lived out everything he teaches.

Billy Epperhart   Executive Vice President
                  Billy Epperhart is a successful business entrepreneur and a nationally known speaker and au-
                  thor. He oversees the strategic direction of his three Colorado-based companies: BillyEpper-
        , a venue for his financial/entrepreneurial advice; Tricord Global, a nonprofit providing
                  microfinance loans and education; and Wealthbuilders, a ministry which primarily focuses on
                  business training in developing nations. Billy is a graduate of Southwestern A/G University and
                  received his M.B.A. from Colorado State University. Currently, he oversees Tricord Global Inc.,
                  teaches at Charis Business School, and travels globally holding Wealthbuilders conferences.

Mike and Carrie   Vice President
Pickett           Mike and Carrie Pickett have been believers for more than thirty years, with a passion for God’s
                  Word, and teaching the truth in more than 23 nations. Carrie graduated from Charis Bible Col-
                  lege in 1999 and moved to Russia planting a Charis Bible College and Andrew Wommack Minis-
                  tries office. Mike was a missionary in Russia for eleven years before meeting his wife, Carrie,
                  and encountering Charis Bible College for the first time. Having his life transformed by the mes-
                  sage, Mike became an instructor in the school and eventually the director of Andrew Wom-
                  mack Ministries of Russia. Together they grew the Russian ministry to reach more than 14 Rus-
                  sian-speaking nations. After sixteen years in Russia, Carrie and her husband re-located to Colo-
                  rado where they initially served as the International Operations Directors of Charis Bible College
                  and Andrew Wommack Ministries. Mike and Carrie have a heart to reach the world with the
                  grace message and to see powerful ministers raised up with a great-commission vision. They
                  have two children, Elliana and Michael, their “missionaries in training.” Carrie developed and
                  oversees the Directors Training Program.

Greg Mohr         Director of Charis Bible College Woodland Park
                  Greg Mohr is the Director of Charis Bible College in Woodland Park, Colorado. He is also
                  a conference speaker and author and served as Senior Pastor of River of Life Church in
                  Decatur, Texas for 24 years. He is a graduate of Rhema Bible Training Center in Broken
                  Arrow, Oklahoma and has earned a Master’s degree in Leadership from Southwestern
                  Christian University in Bethany, Oklahoma. Greg is married to his best friend, Janice.
                  Together they have four children and eleven grandchildren.
Paul Milligan      CEO of AWMI and Charis Bible College —
                   Director of Charis Business School
                   Paul joined the Andrew Wommack Ministries Board of Directors in 2003. With over thirty-five
                   years of business and leadership experience in the corporate world, he has a wealth of practical
                   wisdom in business creation and stewardship. Paul brought that wisdom to Charis Bible College
                   Colorado in 2011 as the first director of Charis’s Third-Year Business School. More recently, he
                   stepped into the position of CEO of AWM. Paul and his wife, Patsy, live in Woodland Park, Colo-
                   rado, and have three children and nine grandchildren.

Wendell Parr       Ministry Ambassador
                   Sharing from more than forty years in ministry, Wendell opens up his life as he teaches some of
                   the most fundamental truths of the Christian faith. As a former pastor and teacher of the Word,
                   Wendell breaks down the Scriptures in order to give students a vantage point from which to ad-
                   vance in their walk with Christ. With classes such as Holy Spirit, Old Testament Survey, and New
                   Testament Survey, students will walk away with a better understanding of the Word and how to
                   interpret it.

Barry Bennett      Dean of Instructors
                   Daniel grew up on the mission field and he has had a heart for ministry ever since. Since then he
                   has served in the Air Force, been a missionary in Nicaragua and Russia, and worked at multiple
                   Charis campuses. He graduated from Charis in 2009 and from UCCS in 2012. He and his wife,
                   Ashley, live in Colorado Springs, and love being part of a ministry that is changing lives around
                   the world!

Rick McFarland     Dean of Education
                   Rick graduated from Oklahoma State University in 1991, earning a bachelor’s in marketing, and
                   from Rhema Bible Training College in 1993. Three years later, in Tulsa, he graduated from Grace
                   Church’s ministry school. He stayed at Grace Church, where he was a singles’ pastor and also
                   served on staff in other capacities. He moved to Colorado in 2011 to attend Charis Bible College
                   with his wife, Joann. Rick is currently the dean of education at Charis Colorado, as well as an in-
                   structor and the Third-Year Ministry School coordinator.

Daniel Amstutz     Dean of Worship & Arts, Director of Healing School
                   Daniel is the dean of worship/arts and the director of Healing School. He is a seasoned, ordained
                   minister and a published songwriter and recording artist with a lifelong passion for the arts be-
                   ing used for God’s glory. He holds a bachelor of music degree in vocal performance from the
                   University of Colorado and a bachelor of theology degree from Christian Life School of Theology.
                   Daniel and his wife have been married for thirty-nine years and have two grown children and
                   three grandchildren.

Stephen Brandsford Director of Media School
                   Stephen serves as the director of media productions for Andrew Wommack Ministries. He
                   attended Bethany Bible College, graduated from Arizona State University with a BA in English,
                   and is an award-winning Christian author and ghostwriter. At Charis Bible College, he oversees
                   the Third-Year Media School.
Delron Shirley                Director of Missions School
                              Delron is director of the Third-Year Missions School, where he believes in turning theory into
                              practice by taking students on extended cross-cultural missions experiences. In addition to di-
                              recting the Missions School, Delron also teaches first- and second-year courses, including Finally,
                              My Brethren; Seven Messages to Seven Churches; and So You Wanna Be a Preacher, and he has
                              more that 30 years experience in Missions training and ministry.

Pastor                        Director of Practical Government School
Mark Cowart                   Mark Cowart is the Senior Pastor of Church For All Nations (CFAN), a multi-site church with a to-
                              tal of 4 campuses. With the mission of empowering locally, sending globally, and reaping eter-
                              nally, Pastor Mark seeks to fulfill Matthew 28:18-20… “Go then and make disciples of all na-

                              While reaching the nations with the Gospel is his passion, Pastor Mark also has a deep and fer-
                              vent love for this nation (USA) and recognizes the urgency and responsibility of the local pastor to
                              preserve and protect the moral fiber of our country and work to restore its Godly foundations.

Robert & Elizabeth Directors of Creative Arts School
Muren              Robert and Elizabeth Muren met while teaching at a school in Norway. After marrying, they quit
                              their jobs and moved to Jerusalem in 1999. For the next decade, they traveled in thirteen coun-
                              tries with a musical drama called The Covenant, using song, music, and dance to tell the story of
                              God’s love for His people. Their dramas are performed in Spanish, English, and Hebrew. Their
                              four children all have roles in God With Us.

                              It was in October of 2012 that friends in Norway introduced Robert and Elizabeth Muren to the
                              teachings of Andrew Wommack. They knew at once that the message of grace and unconditional
                              love Andrew was teaching would change not only their lives but also the lives of many who
                              would watch their stage and movie productions. Shortly thereafter, Elizabeth contacted Andrew
                              for his feedback on their screenplay, and they were invited to perform God With Us at Charis Bi-
                              ble College. The Murens have been performing their musicals with Andrew Wommack Ministries
                              and Charis since 2014.

Michelle Patterson Missions Coordinator
                              Michelle serves as the missions coordinator at Charis Bible College. Originally from Alabama, she
                              started in ministry at the age of twenty when she married her husband, Don, a pastor. The couple
                              has two sons, both by miracle births. Michelle worked in the tours and travel industry for more
                              than twenty years before she and her family were supernaturally led to Colorado in 2007. God
                              opened the door for her to attend Charis, and she graduated in 2010. Michelle and Don also pas-
                              tor Grace and Faith Bible Church of West Colorado Springs. Michelle has a heart to reach people
                              around the world with the unconditional love of God.
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