Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm

Page created by Stacy Alvarez
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Impact Report
2017–18 Academic Year
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
“Kensington Aldridge Academy has been working with Jamie’s Farm
  for several years now and it has proved to be one of the most
  beneficial interventions our students experience. Staff at Jamie’s
  Farm provide exceptional mentoring to some of our most vulnerable
  students and we have seen amazing development in their self-
  esteem, attainment and behaviour following their residential trips.”
 Head Teacher, Kensington Aldridge Academy

“What I love about Jamie’s Farm is that I get a chance to start off
  fresh again. It gives me the opportunity to be led in the right
  direction and gives me motivation to keep trying to be the best
  person I can be. Overall, it made me more of a positive person,
  because we get the chance to live in such a positive and friendly
 Young person, 15, Harris Girls’ Academy Bromley
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm

Introduction  4

Executive summary  5

Overview of Jamie’s Farm  6

Our approach  10

2017–18 demographics  16

2017–18 outcomes  18

Family groups  23

Outcomes for education professionals  24

Oasis Farm Waterloo   26

How we measure our outcomes  28
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm

                   It’s been another busy and exciting     sector through sharing our methodology with
                   academic year at Jamie’s Farm,          education professionals and participating in high
                   supporting more young people,           profile round tables and debates. This has included
                   across more farms, than ever before.    speaking on a panel at the Child Poverty Summit and
                                                           meeting the Children’s Commissioner for England
                    In January 2018 we launched
                                                           and is something we want to be doing even more
                    Jamie’s Farm Monmouth, our
                                                           of going forward.
                    third residential farm, with a group
from our longstanding partner school, The Nuneaton         We have continued to improve our monitoring and
Academy. We are very proud that outcomes achieved          evaluation processes, ensuring we have as robust
at this site have been excellent and consistent with       data as possible and are striving to be exemplary in
those at our other farms. We are also pleased to have      the sector. This report also outlines the developments
welcomed our first ever school groups from Wales,          to our 2018–19 data collection processes, which we
something we are looking forward to building on this       believe will further deepen and improve our outcomes
year. Now our Monmouth farm is fully operational,          in the years to come.
an additional 450 young people each year will benefit
                                                           Looking ahead, we are thrilled to have opened our
from our transformative residential experience at this
                                                           fourth site, Jamie’s Farm Lewes, which received its
stunning location.
                                                           first group of visitors in March 2019. This will enable
This report highlights all the fantastic outcomes we       us to reach more disadvantaged communities in the
are achieving for some of the most vulnerable young        South East, and transform the lives of 2,000 young
people across England and Wales. In particular, we         people each year across all our sites.
are proud to be having an extremely positive impact
                                                           We hope you enjoy reading this impact report.
on young people’s mental wellbeing, an important
factor in our vision of better equipping vulnerable        Best wishes

                                                           Jamie Feilden
young people to thrive, alongside their behaviour,
engagement and essential life skills.
As well as increasing the numbers of young people          Jamie Feilden
we work with each year, we have been influencing the       Founder and CEO

4 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Executive Summary

Social and academic exclusion is one of the most            mental wellbeing and engagement seeing the greatest
pressing issues facing young people and society             improvement. We also demonstrate improvements
today. Jamie’s Farm provides a preventative solution        in the practice of education professionals in working
to this problem, through our unique provision of            with these young people through our residential
‘Farming, Family, Therapy, Legacy’ during a                 experience, and additional CPD opportunities.
residential and follow-up programme.
                                                            We continue to better our monitoring and evaluation
We work with schools, specialist provisions and other       processes and programme, using feedback from young
organisations to target some of the most vulnerable         people, visiting staff and other stakeholders, to ensure
young people across England and Wales. These include        we are achieving the best possible outcomes for
those with poor mental wellbeing, self-esteem,              these vulnerable young people.
engagement and behaviour, and underdeveloped
essential life skills. As such, a high proportion of our
young people fall into groups recognised as being at

risk, including young people with Special Educational             We worked with

Needs and/or Disability (SEND), Children who are
                                                                                                              had a higher mental
Looked After (CLAs), ethnic minority groups, those                                                            wellbeing score after
in receipt of Free School Meals and/or those with                                                                    visiting
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).                            vulnerable young
During the 2017–18 academic year, almost half of our                  people
young people were referred for improved wellbeing, a
marked increase on previous years, and nearly a third
were referred for improved behaviour. 59% were male                                                         66%
and 41% female, with 73% being in Years 7, 8 or 9.
We have seen an increase in the number of Year 7s
                                                                 of those at risk of
                                                                                                      displayed improved
                                                                                                    engagement six months
                                                                                                          after visiting

being selected, highlighting how our programme is              permanent exclusion
                                                               were no longer at risk
increasingly seen as a preventative measure for later             six months after
years and one that can support the transition to
secondary school.
2017–18 also saw us work with our 5,000th young
                                                                                                            We worked with

person, and open our third residential site, Jamie’s Farm
Monmouth. We increased the diversity of the groups
we worked with, welcoming our first ever groups from
Wales, and extending our work with Virtual Schools,                97%
                                                                of visiting staff would                       visiting staff
Pupil Referral Units and Special Schools. In addition,               rebook a visit                          and residential
we continue to work with a number of groups outside
of our standard residential programme, including
Family groups, larger groups and revision groups.
Our sites have since increased to four, with the
opening of Jamie’s Farm Lewes in 2019.                                              100%
                                                                                  visiting staff agreed /
Our reporting demonstrates sustained improvements                                 strongly agreed there
                                                                                                                     visiting staff agreed /
                                                                                     was a benefit to
in young people’s mental wellbeing and self-esteem,                                        staff                     strongly agreed there
                                                                                                                        was a benefit to
engagement with education, behaviour and essential                                                                          students
life skills at least six months after visiting – with

                                                                                  Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 5
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Overview of Jamie’s Farm

Our vision
Vulnerable young people nationwide will be better
equipped to thrive during secondary school years
and beyond.

An overview                                                                     1 IN 7
                                                                           11–16 year olds have
Jamie’s Farm acts as a catalyst for change, enabling
                                                                             a mental health
young people at risk of social and academic
exclusion to thrive and engage more fully with
education, at home and in their communities. We do
this primarily through a unique week-long residential
experience and follow-up programme, involving
‘Farming, Family, Therapy, Legacy’. During the
                                                         children with a mental
residential, young people are involved with the daily     health disorder leave
running of one of our rural livestock farms and work                                  Each day

                                                           school before the
to complete real jobs with tangible outcomes.
                                                                age of 15
Alongside this, we provide a flexible programme of
one-to-one and group reflective sessions to support
young people to vocalise rather than act out their
challenges, and develop new positive patterns to                                children are excluded

                                                           1 in 2
carry forward into home and school life.                                             from school
This is accompanied by a rigorous follow-up
programme that seeks to ensure positive changes
are sustained. By working in partnership with schools    excluded children have
and local authorities, we ensure that the experiences     a recognised mental
had by young people during the residential can be
                                                             health problem        Excluded
followed up in both home and school life to increase
a young person’s ability to reach their potential.                            children will go on
                                                                                to make up the
“Jamie’s Farm empowers young people to
express their emotions and find alternative                                 majority
strategies to help them cope better. It also                                      of the prison
gives staff an insight into difficulties young                 Over their          population
people may be transitioning through.”                         lifetime, an
Learning Support Manager, Harris Academy South Norwood    excluded child will
                                                           cost the taxpayer

                                                           £370,000                National statistics. Sources: DfE
                                                                                   (2018), ONS (2017) and Mental
                                                                                   Health Network / NHS (2007)

6 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Our Farms                                                              How we select our young people
We operate from farms in Bath, Hereford                                We work with some of the most vulnerable young
and Monmouth, where we run our residential                             people across England and Wales, focusing on those
programmes, as well as our city farm, Oasis Farm                       at risk of social and academic exclusion. We closely
Waterloo, where we undertake follow-up work                            support lead teachers and visiting staff to identify
with our London schools and offer longer-term                          those young people who would benefit most from
interventions. Our three residential farms have all                    our provision, and specifically target those with poor
been operating at capacity – a testament to the                        mental wellbeing and self-esteem, poor behaviour,
demand for our programme and to the positive                           poor engagement and underdeveloped essential
impact as a result. We know, however, that there                       life skills.
are many more who could benefit from our provision.
                                                                       We also target those groups of young people
As such, we expanded to a fourth farm in Lewes
                                                                       identified by the Department for Education as being
in March 2019. Once Jamie’s Farm Lewes is fully
                                                                       ‘at risk’ of under-attaining academically or being
operational, we aim to be working with 2,000
                                                                       excluded from school. These include Children
young people per year.
                                                                       who are Looked After (CLAs), those in receipt of
                                                                       Pupil Premium / Free School Meals, with Special
                                                                       Educational Needs and / or Disability (SEND), from
                                                                       ethnic minority backgrounds and / or having had
                                                                       Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The latter
                                                                       includes a variety of complex challenges at home,
                                                                       including child protection issues, being young carers,
                                                                       bereavement, exposure to poverty, varying degrees
                                                                       of abuse and neglect, highly sexualised environments
                                                                       and criminal activity. Many of these do not sit in
                                                                       isolation and we find that most of our young people
                  Farm                                                 experience disadvantage in a number of ways.
                Hereford        Jamie’s Farm              Oasis Farm
                                 Monmouth                  Waterloo


                                                  Farm Lewes

                           Jamie’s Farm locations
                           Locations of some of our partner schools

                                                                                     Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 7
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Why we select our young people                                Poor engagement
                                                              When children are not engaging fully with their
Poor mental wellbeing                                         education it can be difficult for them to see their
Poor mental wellbeing is one of the most pressing             potential. Without opportunities to realise what they
issues facing young people today and is closely aligned       are capable of, a course of underachievement can
with social and academic exclusion. Mental wellbeing          be set very early on. Lack of engagement can
has a huge influence upon young people’s cognitive            manifest in a variety of ways in schools: poor
development, learning, physical health and access to          behaviour, falling behind academically or persistent
employment (Goodman et al, 2017) and ‘positive mental         absenteeism. Poor attendance in schools can be
wellbeing is essential if young people are to flourish        caused by various factors, both through stresses in
and lead rich and fulfilling lives’ (Public Health England,   a young person’s life outside school, but also in their
2015). The prevalence of mental ill-health increases          immediate environment. Of pupils with attendance
rapidly in mid to late adolescence (ONS, 2017) and            less than 50%, only 3% manage to achieve five or
the number of referrals by schools in England seeking         more GCSEs at grades A*– C including Maths and
mental health treatment for pupils has risen by more          English (DfE, 2014).
than a third over the last three years (NSPCC, 2018).
Half of all pupils excluded from school are suffering         Underdeveloped essential life skills:
from a recognised mental health problem and once
                                                              Research has suggested that a lack of soft skill
they are excluded their mental health continues to
                                                              development limits the success of a young person
deteriorate (IPPR, 2017, Ford et al, 2017).
                                                              both in school and beyond. In fact, “these
                                                              characteristics are a more accurate predictor of a
Poor behaviour                                                child’s academic and occupational success than
Persistent disruptive behaviour continues to be               cognitive ability” (Roberts, 2009). Self-esteem, a
the most common reason for permanent exclusion                young person’s outlook and possessing grit and
from school, accounting for 35.7% of all permanent            resilience are essential factors in engaging with
exclusions in 2016–17 (DfE, 2018). Of all young               school and having successful outcomes (Copps
people permanently excluded from school, 99%                  and Plimmer, 2013).
leave the education system without the necessary
qualifications to access the workplace (DfE, 2018).
Furthermore, children who have been temporarily or               We have identified that in order for our
permanently excluded go on to make up the majority               programme to work best, the ideal group is
of the prison population (Ministry of Justice, 2012).            made up of 10–12 young people (mixed
It is estimated that if just one in ten of these young           genders and ages) with half the group being
people, sentenced to go to prison, could be turned               referred for poor attendance or low self-
around before getting to this stage, public services             esteem, and half referred for poor behaviour.
would save an estimated £100 million annually
(Copps and Plimmer, 2013).

8 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
AMy, Year 11
                                                      behaviour in school. Over time, she reduced
“My first residential to Jamie’s Farm was             her number of behaviour points and remained
in Year 9. I was 13 years old and had gone            in more lessons than she was removed from.
through situations that made me feel hopeless.        Inspiringly, she also decided she would like to
I felt alone and as if I couldn’t achieve anything.   raise money for Jamie’s Farm as a way to show
The first time I went I was so nervous, but I’m       her gratitude for ‘changing her outlook on life’
so glad I didn’t give in and went, it was the         and making her believe in herself. As she
best experience of my life! Whilst being there        moved into Year 10, the school decided she
I began to understand that I didn’t need to be        would benefit from another trip to the Farm,
so angry and that things weren’t as bad as it         this time as a mentor. This was a role that
had seemed beforehand. The ‘life swap’ was            she took to immediately; showing the other
so beneficial, it helped me in more ways than I       students the ropes, encouraging them to
could ever describe. For one it made me realise       succeed in all challenges and acting as a
there is no such thing as can’t, anything is          fantastic role model. After returning to school,
possible and the sky is the limit! At the end of      she vowed to improve her attainment and meet
the day I am now so confident within myself and       her GCSE target grades. She also decided that
around people! The experience is life changing        she would like to have a career in Childcare.
and I would recommend it to everyone. Through
                                                      Her behaviour dramatically improved, her
this whole experience I have come to realise
                                                      name was never heard unless she was being
what I want out of my future, and I for one
                                                      positively praised, staff were commenting on
cannot wait!”
                                                      the complete transformation of herself; she
“Before being selected to come to Jamie’s             had matured, become more confident and
Farm, Amy was a student who struggled openly          was working harder than she had ever worked
in the school environment. Her behaviour              before. Amy achieved excellent results in all
was unpredictable, and self-esteem was low.           of her exams and is incredibly grateful to all at
However, that all changed following her first trip    Jamie’s Farm who helped and encouraged her.
to the Farm. Amy immediately got involved in          Jamie’s Farm truly changed Amy’s outlook on
all tasks and met any challenges she faced with       life and has given her a brighter future.”
a smile and determination. After leaving the          Assistant Director of Learning, The Nuneaton Academy
Farm, Amy was determined to change her

                                                                      Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 9
Impact Report 2017-18 Academic Year - Jamie's Farm
Our approach:
Farming, Family, Therapy, Legacy

Farming                                                  Gardening
                                                         Young people help to grow seasonal fruit and
                       Young people are vital to the
                                                         vegetables in our calm and beautiful vegetable
                       running of our farms and gain
                                                         gardens, which is a valuable contribution to meal
                       huge satisfaction from seeing
                                                         preparation. This really allows them to get a sense of
                       the results of their individual   the food cycle, and how putting effort into growing
                       and group work.                   and harvesting food can lead to delicious produce.

Rearing livestock                                        Farming community
Interaction with our livestock encourages                Young people may visit neighbouring dairy and sheep
nurture, confidence, a sense of responsibility           farms, or the livestock market. This helps them to
and achievement. Young people see the value of           understand the social context of farming and develop
hard work and gain a huge amount from tackling           trusting relationships with a range of adults.
challenging jobs in a new environment. Young people
also contribute to farm life through activities such
                                                         “I like the wood chopping because it also helps
as hedging, carpentry, and log chopping.
                                                         you with your strength. Your inner strength and
                                                         your outer strength at the same time.”
“I loved to hold the baby lambs and feed the             Young person, 16, Harris Academy St John’s Wood
big monstrous bull, and just being here with all
my friends. I feel like we’re all a family.”
Young person, 13, Harris Academy St John’s Wood

10 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Family                                                     Therapy
                      On our farms young people                                     Young people come to live,
                      share in each other’s successes                               work, play and grow, and the
                      and learn how to live in a                                    therapeutic approach is woven
                      cooperative group. They                                       into everything that we do. As
                      are given a framework and                                     young people are only here for
                      reference point of what a            a working week, we do not engage them in formal
healthy, supportive family can look like. At the start     therapy, but in reflective conversations, individually
of the week we set firm boundaries and emphasise           and in groups. We call it ‘therapy on the hoof’, which
our high expectations of them.                             incorporates a more informal, non-intrusive approach.
                                                           With the clarity of distance and away from the
Living together                                            distraction of modern technology, young people
                                                           commit to making improvements when back at home.
During the week, staff and young people live together
and learn to respect each other and the home in
                                                           Group Work
which they live. Everyone contributes to the functions
of the family household. Without the distractions          Daily group work encourages young people to
of mobile phones and electronic devices there is           interact appropriately with one another. We sit
time and space to reflect, stories are shared in the       down around the table after every meal to hear the
evenings, we play games together in the yard and           successes and challenges from all members of the
on the final night we have a bonfire and teach each        group. Young people set goals, and give and receive
other new songs.                                           peer feedback to each other.

Cooking                                                    One-to-ones
Food forms a major part of the week at Jamie’s             We have a high staff to student ratio to create
Farm. It enables us to share our cultures, develop         strong relationships and an intimate, trusting culture.
our creativity and work as a team. Young people are        One-to-one activities with our trained staff allow
involved in every aspect of it, including the growing      young people to reflect and vocalise, rather than
of fruit and vegetables, caring for livestock, butchery,   act out their challenges.
food preparation and serving. Adults and young
                                                           Therapeutic work with horses
people always eat together around the table, and
everyone helps to clean up afterwards. All sugary          Working with these large, powerful, but sensitive
snacks are handed in on day one; instead, we show          animals allows young people to confront their own
young people the benefits of eating healthily and          parallel issues of fear, trust and attunement. It also
allow them to realise the subsequent changes in their      affords them the opportunity to form leadership roles
behaviour and attitudes.                                   and vocalise their own difficulties of dealing with
                                                           power and control.
Daily walk
A daily walk provides young people with exercise and       “My favourite activity was horse work or
a sense of adventure as they discover the countryside.     cooking. Horse work because the horses are
This is rewarding, as they frequently exceed their         amazing. They are so big and comfortable
expectations of themselves, but it also allows them        and calm. It’s amazing to see how they move
to enjoy a sense of freedom as they expand their           around and observe my body language. I also
horizons. Kicking a ball about, rolling down hills,
                                                           loved cooking – chopping stuff and making
walking the dogs, or even a swim in the river create
                                                           everybody happy.”
wonderful memories for young people to take away.
                                                           Young person, 13, Harris Academy St John’s Wood

“Jamie’s Farm taught me a lot of new things
that would be useful at home and life- bed
routine and morning routine, and cooking.”                 We encourage young people to express themselves
Young person, 12, Droylsden Academy
                                                           creatively through art, music and drama. We provide
                                                           reflective, calm spaces for them to engage with
                                                           creative tasks and informally share their thinking
                                                           about life, home and school.

                                                                         Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 11
Legacy                                                     and use of electronics – it can lead to huge benefits.
                                                           Parents and carers are in a prime position to help
                      Our programme is not just a          effect that change.
                      one-off residential in isolation.
                      We provide bespoke follow-           One week later
                      up programmes designed               Our partner schools and organisations receive
                      in partnership with schools,         bespoke reports on each young person with detailed
alternative provisions, local authorities and              notes about their experiences at the farm, in addition
social services. We ensure we always have open             to suggested interventions or manners of working
communication lines to support new ideas and               with them.
overcome any challenges that may limit long-
term impact.
                                                           “The experience that students have had has
During the residential                                     been invaluable to them. Every aspect of the
Every Thursday morning during a visit, our                 process and experience has impressed me,
School Partnership Manager meets with our Therapy          from pre-visit calls and visits, to the actual visit,
Coordinator and the lead visiting staff member, to         to the support and guidance whilst here, and
look at what follow-up support each young person           then the planned follow ups – an incredibly
needs, as well as whole group sessions that could be       impressive organisation run by equally
planned to recreate the family feel of a Jamie’s Farm      impressive staff.”
residential back in school. We look at the key moments     Teacher, Hartshill School
when we, as Jamie’s Farm staff, can go into school
to reconnect with the young people, and in particular,
to hold them to account against the challenges and         Two weeks later
goals they set themselves on the Farm.                     A fortnight later, each young person gets sent a
                                                           postcard with a photo of them in their favourite place
The day they return                                        at the farm along with a reminder of their strengths
The Head Teacher of each school receives a letter          and highlights from the week, as well as the challenges
on the Friday of a visit – the day the young people        they have identified for themselves. For many young
return. This is so that they can celebrate all their       people this is a real boost in reintegrating back into
highlights alongside them as soon as they get back.        school and home life.
It will also detail any key strategies that we believe
will help certain individuals. By ensuring that this key   Six weeks later
decision maker is immediately made aware of the            After six weeks, our staff visit young people in their
challenges that the individuals have to overcome on        school / organisation. We hold a meeting, to refresh
a daily basis, we have sought to limit the effect of       the values of Jamie’s Farm whilst hearing how
the occasional post-Farm blues that can sometimes          they have been getting on against the challenges
affect the young people on their return to school.         they set for themselves. We also present them
For the young person, it is extremely powerful to          with their certificates, often in front of their parents,
come back to school to a Head Teacher who has              carers and teachers, which detail all their positive
already heard how well they got on; it can lead to         qualities and achievements whilst on the farm. Due to
a profound boost to self-esteem.                           our high retention rate of school bookings and their
                                                           subsequent multiple visits, a visit in school to one
The day after they return                                  group often involves checking in with our ever-
On the Saturday, the day after young people leave, all     increasing alumni of Jamie’s Farmers from previous
parents and carers receive a letter by post from our       visits too.
Jamie’s Farm teams. This personalised recognition,
specific to every young person, is designed to
                                                           Six months and beyond
support them in sharing their successes, their pride       We like to offer work experience placements to young
and excitement from the week immediately on their          people who have been on a residential, and for whom
return to normal life. This is a great chance to ensure    the experience would be beneficial to their future
parents and carers are brought into the process.           careers. For some this is shadowing our Farm Manager;
We know that if young people change some of their          for others they are based with our administrative team
lifestyle habits – for instance in terms of diet, sleep    learning about the communications, fundraising or

12 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
financial side of the charity. Having been there and
done it, Work Experience students often provide the    “As a mentor, Jamie’s Farm means so much to
best support to the new cohorts of young people        me. I think it’ll be very different (back at school)
coming through our programme.                          because I felt I was more positive towards
                                                       different situations and I’ve had so much
Peer mentoring                                         reflecting time that I know what I’m doing and
We also encourage our partner schools and              I know the things that I’ve done wrong, so I’m
organisations to bring a couple of returning young     going to correct them when I get back home.”
people as mentors to new groups. The young people      Young person, 16, Orchard Park High School
then work with their mentees back in school to help
them change their paths and offer support should
they need it. For some of the older mentors this
level of responsibility can be both a reward and
sometimes a timely reminder of the progress they
have made since attending Jamie’s Farm.

Our theory of change
Our Theory of Change demonstrates the journey a                       strands) and our outcomes (improvements in
young person at Jamie’s Farm takes, and the way                       attainment, attendance, wellbeing and fewer
that our approach effects the outcomes we are                         exclusions), we can closely monitor our programme
seeking. By explicitly drawing the links between the                  and ensure that we continue to adapt so that we
inputs (our ‘Farming, Family, Therapy and Legacy’                     are achieving the greatest impact possible.

                          Increased                  Higher                         Improved                  Fewer
                          attainment              attendance                        wellbeing               exclusions

                            Vulnerable young people nationwide will be better equipped
                                to thrive during secondary school years and beyond.

                                                                                    Increased            Better relationships
                            Increased                  Better
                                                                                   self-esteem            with adults and
                           engagement                behaviour
                                                                                  and resilience                peers

                                                    Reformed                      Increased               Better-informed
                         Belief in their      patterns of behaviour               emotional                 and better-
                         own agency             without negative                    literacy               equipped staff

                                                   A healthy                   Safe space to            Positive ways of
                        Opportunities           technology-free            refelect in individual      working modelled
                         to succeed          lifestyle, away from              meetings and               for teachers
                                             negative influences              group sessions                and staff

                        Farming                 Family                      Therapy                    Legacy and

                     Real jobs with         A loving, holding             An integrative            Long-term support
                     real outcomes           framework of                  therapeutic               for children and
                                                 support                   programme                collaboration with
                                                                                                     partner schools

14 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Amena, Year 10
“Considering my strong distaste for animals and
countryside life prior to this trip, when I was first
offered this opportunity, I immediately pulled a face.
Me? In the countryside? Pft. Having first arrived at
the farm and asked to hand in our food and phones,
I was truly sceptical of whether I would even last the
week. Then it all began from there. I found myself
doing things I would have entirely refused to do
back in London. Jamie’s Farm became my happy
place. All my worries and troubles and stress
disappeared just like that. There were parts of me
I left behind there, and some amazing new parts
I gained. As well as bringing back my newly found
love for dogs, I also brought back something far
more special than that: memories of the experience
of a lifetime.”
                                                          Paul, Year 12
“Amena joined the school in Year 8 and struggled to
settle in with her peers. She unexpectedly lost her      “I went through a life changing tragedy leading me
father before Christmas, something she struggled         to social services. I was sadly a bereaved child, who
to deal with. Amena matured and gained so much           lacked confidence and self-belief. The fear I had
confidence through going to Jamie’s Farm. She            before going to the farm was rapid. However, easily
started doing exceptionally well in school; excelling    within 10 minutes on arrival I discarded those fears
in most of her subjects. Amena has faced some            and felt at home. The experiences have been a huge
challenging moments since coming back from the           factor for making me be the person I want to be.
farm, however she has been composed and mature           I have now gained strong bonds with friends from
when dealing with them, something she possibly           the social skills I developed on the farm. My passion
would not have been prior to attending the farm. She     for the craft of story has brewed because of the
is also looking to attend successful 6th forms in the    motivation and self-belief the farm showed me I
area and is seeing a counsellor for her bereavement.”    had. Directing involves working with others to make
Head of Safeguarding, St George’s                        something brilliant, I love that and perhaps some of
                                                         the love for that bred from the way the farm works.
“Amena is full of life whenever she goes to Jamie’s
                                                         To be able to work together in unison, it’s important.
Farm, motivated and more self-confident. She
                                                         Finally, the skills and core beliefs of the farm have
knows herself more when she is there – as if she
                                                         made me want to spread it, thus I have started a
finds a precious part of herself which she is proud
                                                         youth group at school which holds those same
of to discover. The most important thing is the
happiness; I can see her happiness through her
eyes, her words, her voice and body language.            “Paul was a very quiet, unconfident 13 year-old when
I really can’t explain her happiness enough.             he first went to Jamie’s Farm. Nearly five years on,
Thank you.”                                              and Paul says he can’t imagine life without it. He
Amena’s Mum                                              has loved his visits from the moment he first arrived
                                                         and felt so welcomed. He has thrown himself
                                                         (sometimes literally as well as metaphorically!) into
                                                         the activities at Jamie’s Farm, and has gained so
                                                         much from this experience throughout his teenage
                                                         years. He really thrives on the mixture of practical
                                                         achievements, teamwork, helping others, banter
                                                         and good chats. The farm has been a warm, safe
                                                         and welcoming place to be, where he has grown
                                                         hugely in confidence, independence and empathy.
                                                         From his initial caution, Paul has grown to become
                                                         a great advocate and champion of Jamie’s Farm.”
                                                         Paul’s carers

                                                                         Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 15
2017–18 demographics

Who visited Jamie’s Farm                                   We work with a range of different groups. These
                                                           include mainstream Secondary Schools, Virtual
During the 2017–18 academic year, we worked with           Schools and CLA specific groups, mainstream
1,158 vulnerable people across our three residential       Primary Schools, Pupil Referral Units (PRUs),
sites, from 69 schools, alternative provisions and         Special Schools, those focused on young people
other organisations. Of these, 995 young people            Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET),
visited as part of our ‘standard’ residential programme,   big groups (including revision groups), families and
133 came as part of larger groups, including revision      unaccompanied asylum seeker groups.
groups, and 20 young people and 10 vulnerable
adults came as part of family visits.                                                           70% Mainstream
                                                                                                Secondary Schools
                                                                                                11% Virtual Schools and
                                                                                                CLA-specific groups
                                                                                                6% PRUs
             We worked with                                                                     4% Special Schools

                                                                                                3% NEET groups
                                                                                                2% Family groups
                                        Year 12+                                                2% Big groups
                                      Year 12+
              young people                3% Primary                                            1% Mainstream
                                Year 11 3% Primary
                              Year 11
                                             2%  2%                                             Primary Schools
                               5%                                                               1% Other

                                                 Year 7
                                               Year 7                                           61% London

    female 59%
                                 Year 10
                               Year 10
                                               21%                                              10% North West
            male                                                                                7% East Midlands
                                                 Year 8                                         6% South East
                                    Year 9     Year 8
                                  Year 9
                                  25%           27%
                                                                                                6% West Midlands
                                                                                                4% Wales
                                                                                                3% North East
                                                                                                2% South West
                                                                                                1% Yorkshire &
Year               Young           Weeks                                                        The Humber
                   people          booked
2005–09             270              29                    Our initial site, Jamie’s Farm Bath, continues to
2009–10             174              13                    predominantly work with London groups due to a
2010–11             257              24                    strong track record in this area, our ability to build
                                                           and maintain relationships and word of mouth in
2011–12             413              30
                                                           the region. Our continued high percentage of London
2012–13             440              30                    groups overall also reflects the high level of per
2013–14             522              37                    pupil funding in the capital. However, our newer
2014–15             674              55                    farms have a more diverse profile, working with a
2015–16             850              71                    higher proportion of organisations from other
                                                           geographic areas.
2016–17             913              76
2017–18            1148            103
Total              5661            468

16 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Standard residential programme                                               Prior to visiting:
Our standard programme typically includes a five-
day residential, during which 8–12 young people
who fulfil the target criteria (outlined on page 8), and
2–3 accompanying adults, work alongside our staff,
following our ‘Farming, Family, Therapy, Legacy’
                                                                                  displayed poor mental
                                                                                                                      of young people improved
                                                                                                                        in the          poor by
                                                                                                                                area chosen
                                                                                      wellbeing and                        engagement
                                                                                                                         their             with
                                                                                                                               staff six months
approach. It applies to all groups except our big                                       self-esteem                              school
                                                                                                                              after visiting
groups and families.

         Across the UK                Of the young people
          in 2017–18                  who visited Jamie’s
                                       Farm in 2017–18                               56%
                                                                                 of young people improved
                                                                                   inwere   ‘not on
                                                                                      the area         track’
                                                                                                   chosen  by
                                                                                                                           had attendance
                                                                                                      months                 below 90%
                                                                                         after   visiting
  Pupils eligible for Free School
   Meals are around
                 At leastfour times              At least

  more likely to be permanently
  or temporarily excluded than                 45%                            50%                                               At least
            their peers
            classified as SEND        in receipt of Free School Meals
                                        (FSM) / Pupil Premium (PPI)
                                                                                     young to
                                                                          school meals
                                                                                    in the
                                                                                                free improved
                                                                                            area chosen
                                                                                        displayed   poor by
                                                                                                                       had experienced or were
                                                                                    their staff  six months
                                                                                           behaviour                    at risk of permanent
                                                                                          after visiting                      exclusion
     Black, Gypsy Roma and
   Mixed ethnicity pupils have

               42%                      3%35%
    the highest rates of both
   temporary and permanent                                                   Visiting staff outcome selection
                                                                             Before visiting, staff are asked to select the one
                                          Black, Gypsy Roma or               outcome they would like most for each young person.
            Children of ethnic           Carers
                                             Mixed ethnicity
            minorities (BAME)                                                           Improved attendance

  Young people with SEND are
    six times more likely to be                  At least                           At least      7%
  excluded than those without,
   accounting for around half                  31%                               45%
                                                                                     attainment                      50%
   of all permanent exclusions                                                     13%
                                            classified as SEND          in receipt of Free School Meals           wellbeing
                                                                                                                Children entitled to free
                                                                          (FSM) / Pupil Premium
                                                                                                                 school meals (FSM)

   Children who are Looked
   After (CLAs) are five times                   At least
  more likely to be temporarily
  excluded than pupils overall
                                               42%                        3%
                                            Children who are                 We know that young people’s mental wellbeing is
             (DfE, 2018)                   Looked After (CLAs)               increasingly a cause for concern. This is evident in
                                            Children of ethnic             Carers
                                                                             our young people, with wellbeing being the predominant
                                            minorities (BAME)
                                                                             reason for referral by visiting staff, and poor mental
                                                                             wellbeing and self-esteem being displayed in the
                                                                             majority of young people before visiting. We have
                                                                             seen an increase in this as a reason for referral over
                                                                             time, reflecting changes in what visiting staff are
                                                                             concerned about. Improved behaviour continues to
                                                                             be the selected main outcome for around a third of
                                                                             our young people.

                                                                                                    Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 17
2017–18 outcomes

Our rigorous reporting shows improvements             “HHHHH just isn’t enough! The positive
in young people’s mental wellbeing and self-          impact Jamie’s Farm has had on the young
esteem, behaviour, engagement and essential life      people I work with is profound. I feel honoured
skills, at least six months after visiting. We also   and privileged to have been welcomed into
improve the practice of education professionals.
                                                      the Jamie’s Farm family this past week along
                                                      with my kids.”
“Overall it was an unforgettable and life             Residential Care Officer, Springfields Academy
changing experience for all the students. If only
all young people could have this opportunity!”
Teacher, Harris Academy St John’s Wood

The following outcomes are for all the young people         “His self-esteem has shot through the roof –
who have participated in our standard residential           he is the happiest we have ever seen him. He
programme, and unless otherwise stated refer to the         is no longer scared and anxious around school,
2017–18 academic year.                                      he engages with more people generally and
                                                            he is confident to express himself.”
                                                            Teacher, Selly Oak Trust

     visiting staff agreed /
                                  young people improved
                                  in the area chosen by
     strongly agreed there
        was a benefit to           their staff six months   Improved engagement
            students                    after visiting
                                                            We have demonstrated improved engagement in two
                                                            thirds of our young people. This will enable them to
                                                            make positive relationships, raise attainment and
                                                            attendance, and allow them to develop goals and
Improved mental wellbeing                                   aims in their lives through a renewed sense of focus.
Our most significant impact has been on young

people’s mental wellbeing, demonstrated through the
Shortened Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale.
This will promote their self-esteem and nurture them
to make the most of school and other opportunities
                                                                  displayed improved
                                                                                                of those referred for
                                                                                               increased attainment
                                                                engagement six months            showed an increase
in their lives.                                                       after visiting               six months after

      displayed improved
                                  had a higher mental
                                                            “Here I work way harder than when I am at
    self-esteem six months        wellbeing score after     home. At home, I just sit down with my phone
          after visiting                 visiting
                                                            and technology. Here, I wake up in the morning
                                                            and work, work, feed the animals, eat, work
                                                            again, walk – and I like it much better.”
                                                            Young person, 12, Harris Academy St John’s Wood
“M was not very confident in himself before                 “We cannot thank you enough for the
he went to Jamie’s Farm. Since his return, he               amazing time spent on the farm. It really was
has become much more confident. Jamie’s                     the most fantastic experience for our students.
Farm taught him how to cook and look after                  I felt privileged to watch and be part of the
other people and animals and I’ll never forget              transformation in some of our young people’s
my first batch of pancakes! Yum!”                           presentation. Engagement and self-confidence
Parent to young person, 14, Tonypandy School
                                                            grew in abundance as our students were
“C didn’t want to stay on the first night,                  acknowledged for their potential and I feel all will
didn’t talk to anyone and hid under a table in              have benefitted from the impact of The Farm –
withdrawal. By the end of the week he had                   which I for one had certainly underestimated!”
climbed the mountain, stood with the wind                   Assistant Principal, Nova Herod Academy
billowing in his clothes and rolled all the                 “Two young people who attended who were
way down like a sausage. He enjoyed the                     NEET have now decided to go into Education.
encounters with all the animals, and threw                  I think that highlights the impact that Jamie’s
himself down the water slide with total                     Farm can have.”
abandonment. On the last day, he was able                   Participation Officer, Westminster Virtual School
to make jokes with other pupils and was
comfortable enough to sit snuggled on the
sofa with his new friends. WOW.”
Math’s Teacher, Selly Oak Trust

                                                                            Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 19
Improved behaviour                                         “I’ve been much calmer here, I haven’t lost
                                                           my temper. Just breathing this nice fresh air,
We have demonstrated improved behaviour in over            clean, no pollution like London, with all the
half of our young people and reduced the number of         technology and the high buildings. Out here
those at risk of exclusion overall. This is so that they   it’s all mother nature and getting fresh eggs
can develop a purposeful, positive attitude to learning
                                                           from the chickens.”
and wider interactions with the people around them.
                                                           Young person, 14, Harris Academy St John’s Wood

                                                           “One student arrived and had experienced

       53%                         58%
                                  of those at risk of
                                                           a lot of negativity from school staff due to
                                                           his behaviour and attitude. At the farm he was
                                                           incredible; he listened politely, he worked so
     displayed improved         permanent exclusion
    behaviour six months        were no longer at risk     hard, he showed a caring side, he was funny,
         after visiting            six months after        he showed resilience and interest in others.
                                                           One of the more important things he did was
                                                           showed his weaknesses and reflected so
                                                           well about how he could change to become
“L is a pupil who has been at risk of losing               a better person. I just didn’t think we would
his place at the Academy – often showing                   have this much success from this trip.”
aggressive and violent outbursts at school.                Lead Teacher, Harlington Upper School  
Only the week before coming, he had been
involved in incidents that led to disciplinary
action. This week, L has come out of his shell,
supporting other pupils and responding to
challenges calmly and without losing his temper.
Seeing L calmly and confidently round up
170 sheep on his own is one of the proudest
moments of my career. The farm has already
helped L see what he is capable of and that
he can react calmly and with control.”
Assistant Principal, Oasis Academy Oldham

20 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Improved essential life skills                              “One word to describe Jamie’s Farm…
                                                            ‘Giving’. It’s giving opportunities to young
We also develop young people’s essential life skills,       children to be able to correct their mistakes
including resilience, grit, determination and teamwork,     if they have any. And just gives them all a
all of which are huge predictors of fulfilling their        chance, to be honest.”
potential in later life. Our programme also gives           Young person, 14, Accrington Academy
them the opportunity to experience a week without
technology and on a low sugar diet. While we do not         “I’ve learnt that people think that I’m a really
quantitatively measure our outcomes on essential life       good kid, they think I’m polite. I’ve learnt that
skills, young people, visiting staff and Jamie’s Farm       I could do so much more with my life.”
staff have all recognised an impact in these areas.         Young person, 14, Swindon Academy

                                                            “Many of our young people feel worthless and
“Jamie’s Farm has had a huge impact on all                  unlikeable – the Farm helps to prove otherwise.
the pupils we brought, in many different ways.              Our young people have not had, and are
Some are more confident, some are calmer,                   unlikely to have, an opportunity like this and
some seem more focused and some have tried                  the memories they make during our stay will
things they would never have been exposed to                last a lifetime. That is something which cannot
before which I feel has left them with much                 be measured but means the world to them.
                                                            Thank you all for giving us that opportunity”.
more direction in life.”
                                                            Deputy Head, Hillingdon Virtual School
Teacher, Accrington Academy
                                                            “I would just like to say thank you to everyone
“F developed a lot of skills while attending
                                                            who’s made my week so amazing. The staff –
Jamie’s Farm. She now has more of a sense
                                                            your positivity has been so high and it’s made
of responsibility in the kitchen and is curious
                                                            me feel like I need to be on that frequency as
about different types of food. She has so much
                                                            well. I’ve learnt so much from watching you
love for all of the animals. She enjoys baking
                                                            and being with you about how life should be.
and uses her cookery book that was given to
                                                            Just get rid of the stress. Thank you to the
her at the farm. We find that the cookery book
                                                            virtual school staff for allowing me to come
brings us together and we can make lots of
                                                            here because I’ve enjoyed it immensely,
lovely food. For example we made cookies
                                                            I really appreciate it.”
together and they were delicious.”                          Young person, 14, Hillingdon Virtual School
Mother to young person, 13, Harris Academy St John’s Wood

                                                                           Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 21
Our impact on Black Caribbean young people
        Black Caribbean pupils are permanently
        excluded at nearly three times the rate of            “I have learnt how to be more patient
        White British pupils (DfE, 2018)                      with people, and that if I put my mind to
                                                              things, I can complete things to the best
        6.4% of our young people (from our standard
        programme) were Black Caribbean
                                                              of my ability.”
                                                              Young person, 14, Archbishop Tenison’s School
      	Before visiting, 51% of these demonstrated
        poor behaviour, 54% poor mental wellbeing             “S found the trip a challenge and not
        and self-esteem, 50% were not on track in             something she would usually engage in.
        their core subjects, and a third were at risk         However, she is doing brilliantly [on her
        of exclusion                                          return to school]! She has come back really
                                                              focused to do well. Her understanding
        Our programme seems to have a particularly
        high impact on this subset of young people
                                                              and self reflection is really something to
                                                              behold. She really benefitted from her
     After participating in the                               experiences at Jamie’s Farm – [including]
     Jamie’s Farm programme:                                  building up a trusting relationship which
                                                              is really special for her. It has also been a
                                                              really positive thing for her in that she is

             91%                                              risk taking in a positive way now.”
                                                              Teacher, Archbishop Tenison’s School

           of those at risk of
         permanent exclusion
         were no longer at risk
            six months after       improved in the area
                 visiting          chosen by their staff
                                     six months after

           displayed improved
         self-esteem six months
               after visiting
                                    of those ‘not on track’
                                        were ‘on track’
                                       six months after

          displayed improved
            engagement six
          months after vsiting
                                    displayed improved
                                   behaviour six months
                                        after visiting

22 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Family groups

Since 2016 we have supported a number of                 “Seeing young people with their families gave
vulnerable families each year, many of whom are          me the opportunity to observe how influential
at risk of having their children taken into care, and    key parental behaviours are and how they
demonstrated a transformation in the way they relate     manifest in the social and emotional
to, and communicate with, each other. This provides
                                                         intelligence of the young person. Watching
us with a way to ensure greater long-term impact
                                                         some families grow through the process of the
(by working with the family system not just the child)
                                                         week by having the space to be honest and
and helps our staff understand the familial contexts
of our young people, crucial to their effectiveness
                                                         open with each other has made me realise the
as practitioners.                                        importance of giving young people the chance
                                                         to share their feelings when they are exhibiting
 	During 2017–18 we worked with two family
                                                         challenging behaviour. Furthermore, the
   groups from Families Forward and the
                                                         opportunity to have open conversations with
   Triborough Virtual School
                                                         the parents about their children has given me
 	Since 2016 we have worked with six family             further insight into working more closely with
   groups overall                                        certain parents when it comes to building
                                                         positive change in a young person.”
“It was important for us to spend some time              Residential volunteer and teacher at Harris Academy South
                                                         Norwood, Families Forward Visit
together as a family because we don’t get a
chance to do it much back home. The kids are
really getting on and I think we’re learning to
communicate better as a family, so that’s a
good thing!”
Parent, Families Forward

Outcomes for education
Alongside young people, we also support education      Visiting Staff
professionals, having received much feedback from
visiting staff and volunteers on how our programme     Each week, 2–3 members of accompanying staff
has strengthened their practice. This is especially    visit alongside their groups of young people. Not only
important now that some of the biggest issues          does this mean they can support them best through
currently facing school leaders include financial      the programme and be their advocates on their
concerns and the recruitment and retention of high     return, but also improve their own practice through
quality teachers. Cutbacks also mean that schools      learning from our experienced teams and observing
have reduced training budgets for their staff.         our approach.
Not only do visiting staff and volunteers get to
see a different approach to working with vulnerable
young people outside the classroom, and witness
alternative and effective behaviour management tools
in practice, we also provide Continuing Professional
                                                          agreed / strongly agreed
                                                                                                  agreed / strongly
                                                          that Jamie’s Farm staff                 agreed there was
Development (CPD) sessions in schools and have               were professional                      a benefit to
developed a series of blogs and podcasts aimed at               and skilled                            staff
those in the sector. As such, we are improving the
practice of education professionals and empowering

them to achieve the best outcomes for vulnerable
young people.
                                                                              said the visit improved
During 2017–18:
                                                                            their practice of working
                                                                               with disadvantaged
                                 we worked with                                    young people

     we worked with

    270visiting staff
                                    volunteers         “Jamie’s Farm has reminded me of the power
                                                       of praise and the incredible impact that it can
                                                       have on a child’s confidence and self-esteem.
“Jamie’s Farm always makes me reflect on my            It has inspired me to incorporate into my
working practice with our young people, both           practice more activities that allow pupils to
at the Farm itself and then when we return to          explore how they feel about certain issues and
London. It gives me an insight into my young           how what we learn can be applied to their own
people that I can never get just by meeting            lives outside of school. In regards to my role as
with them at school. It allows me to gain              a form tutor, it has made me think about how
a full appreciation of their personality, their        to ‘check in’ with my pupils in terms of whether
stressors, their calmers… It also helps me to          they are ‘ready to learn’ and how to motivate
see what my own triggers are so that I can             them at times that they may not.”
work on these and then work with my young              Teacher, Bartley Green School

people in a more effective way.”
Deputy Head, Hillingdon Virtual School

24 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
Residential volunteers                                              Continued Professional
Our formalised programme for residential volunteers,
                                                                    Development in schools
aimed at those involved or interested in the education              As mentioned above, observing the Jamie’s Farm
sector, is becoming more and more popular. By                       approach to working with vulnerable young people is
immersing themselves in a week-long visit, they get                 now recognised as essential training and CPD. On the
to work alongside our groups of young people and                    back of this, Jamie’s Farm has been asked to deliver
learn from our skilled staff. Many volunteers have                  bespoke CPD sessions for teachers who have not
reflected upon the benefit and uniqueness of the                    visited the Farm, and subsequently we now formally
experience, and that it provides training they haven’t              offer a range of CPD sessions in schools. During
been able to access elsewhere. From our volunteer                   2017–18 this included:
                                                                     	Meeting a select number of teaching staff who
                                                                       are key to the ongoing support of our young
                                                                       people, in order to share best practice from the

    agreed / strongly agreed
                                           would recommend
                                                                       farm and from teachers who may already be
                                                                       achieving well in the classroom.
    that Jamie’s Farm staff             undertaking a residential    	Appearing in a Monday morning school briefing in
       were professional                  volunteer placement
          and skilled                       with Jamie’s Farm          order to present effective strategies that we may
                                                                       have gleaned from our time with the young people.
                                                                     	Sharing the broader methodology of the

                        said the visit improved
                                                                       Jamie’s Farm approach, especially the value of
                                                                       positivity, empathy and authenticity in the way
                                                                       that young people are met by education and
                      their practice of working
                                                                       care professionals. In this context we have:
                         with disadvantaged
                             young people
                                                                         ed CPD for over 200 teacher trainees at the
                                                                        Teach First Teacher Development Conference.
                                                                         elcomed five ‘Away Days’ over multiple days
                                                                        for educational charities or Local Authority
“After observing the techniques Jamie’s Farm
                                                                        Virtual School staff teams across our farms,
staff used, I have a renewed sense of faith that
                                                                        focused on what they could learn experientially
unfailing positivity and empathy CAN work to                            from the way we work with young people.
support vulnerable young people and build
relationships.”                                                          osted a full day of Farm Activities for
Residential Volunteer (and Teach First Participant)                     80 teacher trainees to ground them in our
                                                                        methodology ahead of their first school
“I have witnessed and learned a lot about                               placement.
very subtle forms of behaviour management
throughout the week which I will be able to
take into my teaching practice. I also feel that
this experience has helped me have a better
understanding of how vulnerable young people
can be helped in their day to day lives and how
reflecting can be used to help them make
better choices.”
Residential Volunteer (studying for a PGCE at University
of Reading)

                                                                                 Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year | 25
Oasis Farm Waterloo

                                                   We undertake follow-up work and longer-term
“Every time I return to the farm I am              interventions at our city farm in Waterloo, primarily
reminded of the importance of calmness.            with our London schools and organisations, enabling
My life in school is busy and hectic and the       us to deepen our impact once groups return home.
time to just ‘be’ with the pupils and give them    Set up in partnership with Oasis Community Hub, this
quality time is hard. Just giving pupils time to   half-acre city farm is home to sheep, pigs, chickens,
talk and think things through is a really          a fantastic growing space including polytunnels, an
effective way of managing their difficult times    outdoor kitchen and a green timber framed barn. The
and helps build stronger relationships based       programme delivered here mirrors familiar activities
                                                   from the residential, allowing young people to build
on positive interactions. I also have weekly
                                                   on their successes and skills identified during the
group meetings with my Golden Group pupils
                                                   original visit.
where they have the opportunity to check in
and shout out. It encourages pupils to be more
aware with how the rest of the group are                  To date we have
feeling at a given time and to adjust their              worked with nearly

interactions accordingly, which is great for
pupils with Additional Educational Needs and
to also recognise the achievements of others.
Those weekly meetings are a time that all the
pupils look forward to.”                                young people at Oasis
AEN Subject Driver and Golden Group Teacher,
                                                           Farm Waterloo
St Paul’s Way Trust

26 | Impact Report: 2017–18 Academic Year
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