ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
Contents                                        ISSUE 1 2018

                                      7                              3      From the Acting Head of College
                                                                     4      From the Chaplain

                                                                     5      Whole School News

                                                                     11     From the Acting Head of Senior
                                                                     12     Senior School News

16                                                                   19     From the Head of Junior School

                                                                     20     Junior School News

                                                                     24     Boarding News

                                                                     27     Old Bathurstians’ News

                                                           20         Cover photo: 2-Day Pre-Kindergarten
                                                                      students Taylor Barwick was all smiles at the
                                                                      Easter Hat Parade.


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                                                                                        VIM can be found on the All
                                                                                        Saints’ College website at:
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VIM                          Desktop Publisher/Photographer
                             Mrs Cherylene Anderson
                                                                     Proof Reader
                                                                     Mr Scott Anderson
    MAGAZINE                 02 6332 7372                            02 6331 3911
Issue 1 2018       

2   |   ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
What it is to be a man

                                                                                                                FROM THE ACTNG HEAD OF COLLEGE
                       One of our English teachers recently      Men should be macho, brave, strong,
                   shared with me an article from the            watch football and never show emotion.
                   Guardian by Tim Winton. In the article,       According to most people, men shouldn’t
                   Tim was writing about how toxic               do things that counter standardized
                   masculinity was shackling men to              worldviews of masculinity. People get
                   misogyny. Boys and young men are so           uncomfortable when they see a man doing
                   routinely expected to betray their better     things outside of the ‘norm’ because it’s
                   natures, to smother their consciences,        different.
                   to renounce the best of themselves and           A lot of people aren’t used to seeing
 Mr Stewart Ross   submit to something low and mean. As          fathers or husbands doing things that go
                   if there’s only one way of being a bloke,     against the norm.
                   one valid interpretation of the part, the        Real men couldn’t care less about what
“We need more      role if you like.                             people think of them. They do what they
  role models          There’s a constant pressure to enlist,    want, they do what’s necessary, and the
                   to pull on the uniform of misogyny and        opinions of others don’t faze them at all.
that understand    join the ‘Army’ that enforces and polices     They can and should be vulnerable, loving,
what it actually   sexism. Men need to step up and liberate      emotionally intelligent, and willing to
                   boys from the game, the race and the
 means to be a     fight.
                                                                 do what it takes to make their loved ones
 man in society        Women too have been standing up              We need more role models that
     today.”       recently in support of other women and
                   liberating them from what has been
                                                                 understand what it actually means to be a
                                                                 man in society today. Times have changed
                   wrongly happening to them and refusing        significantly and so must our standards
                   to meekly accept the ‘norm’, particularly     of what men should be. There is a lot of
                   in showbiz. The ‘Me Too’ hashtag has          pressure placed on men to be the provider,
                   been sweeping the world since October         the protector, and the strong-willed. There
                   2017, encouraging women to speak up if        is not much emphasis placed on men being
                   they have been sexually harassed.             sensitive or emotionally intelligent.
                       These things have made me think              Young boys need to see this from the
                   about masculinity.                            men in their lives. They need to see that
                       First of all, masculinity is a socially   expressing their emotions or understanding
                   constructed concept that people               the emotions of others is just a normal part
                   selectively use to describe what a            of life.
                   man should be and how he should act.

                          Scholarship winners recognised
                          Scholarship Assembly
                             On Tuesday 6 March
                          parents of scholarship
                          recipients for 2018 were
                          invited to join our Assembly.
                              Certificates were
                          presented to Academic,
                          Music and ICPA Scholarship
                             The assembly was
                          followed by a morning tea
                          with staff. Congratulations
                          to our 2018 scholars!

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
A Chaplain’s role

                              We have finished a very full term,                 Then there is one edited by Bishop
                          covering Easter and the debate surrounding           Tom Frame specifically for Anglican
                          the merger of All Saints’ and Scots. I am            Schools. I have picked up some
                          pleased with all that has been done and there        good platforms on which to develop
                          is a sense that all has been done to the best        Chaplaincy from these pages. Though
                          of our ability.                                      we are merging these ideas are still
                              It falls to me as Chaplain to keep looking       applicable.
                          ahead and so I offer you an insight into some
                          of the books I have read during the term and                                                             Father
                          these past holidays.
                              Jesus describes a good Rabbi (teacher) as                                                         Paul Woodhart
                          one who: ‘..brings out of his treasure what
                          is new and what is old’. (Matthew 13:52).
                          I sense that the activity of a good Chaplain                                                        “It falls to me
                          is to follow in the same vein. Often I ask                                                          as Chaplain to
                          myself what is the role of a Chaplain and
                          is there something which I am missing?
                                                                                                                               keep looking
                          To reply publicly, and after speaking with                                                           ahead and so
                          many school chaplains at our Anglican
                          Schools Conference, I think it comes back
                                                                                                                               I give you an
                          to personality and the traits of listening,           Here is an American reflection on               insight into
                          empathy, knowledge and enthusiasm. Each            Chaplaincy, from which I have collected            some of the
                          of the Chaplains I speak with is immersed in       a few crumbs of inspiration.
                          a unique school and each brings their gifts                                                          books I have
                          to minister to that community. What works                                                          read during the
                          at Kings or Barker might not work at All
                          Saints’; the Chaplains from those schools                                                                term.”
                          might not fit well at our College and I am
                          quite content to work in a small school!
                              So what have I collected in my recent net
                          of reading?

                                                                                During the holidays while I
                                                                             travelled to Ballarat and back to visit
                                                                             my son and his family I listened to
                                                                             ‘Monash - The Outsider Who Won
                                                                             A War’ by Roland Perry on 21 CD’s.
                                                                             It was exhaustive, fascinating and so
                                                                             timely as the John Monash centre in
                                                                             northern France was opened on Anzac
                           Above are life stories and insights from          Day.
                        Chaplains in Education, Prisons, the Military
                        and Universities.
                           This next one is more ‘serious’ about
                        these themes and more theoretical than

                                                                                                                          My challenge is to weave
                                                                                                                       these ideas and knowledge into
                                                                                                                       our College life.
                                                                                                                          The Rev’d Paul Woodhart.

                                                                              Lastly, a recent publication which
                                                                           offers 350 pages of discussion about
                                                                           the role of the Bible in our nation.

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
Three tier school structure unique in Bathurst

                                                                                                                                   WHOLE SCHOOL
    The new school structure has been     Church of Australia in NSW, to parents      content.”
finalised as the merger of The Scots      of both schools states that “the creation      All boarders will be accommodated
School and All Saints’ College enters     of a Middle School allows for an            at The Scots campus from 2019
its next stage.                           educational model that is replicated in     following an upgrade of facilities
    The new entity, tentatively named     many outstanding independent schools        while there will be no change to
Scots ASC College, will be the first      in Australia but which will be unique       existing pre-kindergarten classes at
in Bathurst to introduce a three-tier     in Bathurst.”                               either of the schools.
structure comprising Junior School           “Such a model allows for                    The latest developments follow
(Kindergarten to Year 4), Middle          homeroom teachers for some core             many weeks of meetings among
School (Years 5-8) and Senior School      subjects in Years 7 and 8 so that           the schools’ integration committee
(Years 9-12).                             the ‘jump’ from primary school to           and have been made in consultation
    Junior School and Middle School       secondary school is not as great.           with the school boards, Presbyterian
classes will be held on the current All      “This model also allows for some         Church trustees and Association of
Saints’ campus in 2019 with Senior        specialist secondary school teachers        Independent Schools of NSW.
School classes on The Scots campus.       to teach Years 5 and 6 at a time               Story adapted from and courtesy of
    A letter from Jeof Falls, General     when they are ready to experience           The Western Advocate
Manager-CEO of the Presbyterian           more diversity in teaching style and

                                                         Literature festival a real
                                                               success story
                                                          Literature Festival               teachers alike with a variety of
                                                             The 2018 Literature            workshops and presentations.
                                                          Festival came to a conclusion     Thank you to the staff for
                                                          after three fabulous days         their support of this important
                                                          in the last week of Term 1.       event. All of our guests were
                                                          This year John Heffernan,         impressed with the event, the
                                                          Tim Harris, Jess Black            location and our wonderful
                                                          and illustrator Liz Anelli        students.
                                                          entertained the students and            Ms Cate Mitchell (Head of
                                                                                                           Library Services)

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
>>> Principal’s update

                     Year 9 and 10 PASS the test in
                        instructing the littlies
                  Year 9 & 10 PASS Studies               wonderful time.
                     The infants students loved their       The Year 1 students were assisted by
                  aquatics program in the heat of the    the Year 9 PASS class. It was wonderful
                  early year.                            to see the Senior School students
                     Kindergarten and Year 2 were        enjoying building new relationships
                  helped out by the Year 10 PASS class   with our younger students.
                  during their PE lesson and had a                  Mr Chris Jackman (Head of
                                                                                  Junior School)

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
>>> Principal’s update

                                                                                                         WHOLE SCHOOL
    Everything just grand on this special day
                    Grandparents’ and Special Friends’
                       It was a wonderful day at the College
                    on Friday 23 February, when Year 5 and
                    Year 8 students welcomed their guests
                    to the annual Grandparents’ and Special
                    Friends’ Day.
                       Grandparents’ and Special Friends’
                    Day is a great opportunity for our students
                    to showcase All Saints’ to people who
                    don’t get to visit the College on a regular
                       The grandparents and special friends
                    were entertained with a variety of
                    activities throughout the day.

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
>>> Principal’s update

                                                      went like clockwork
                                                      Commencement Service                    Professor David Goldney who gave
                                                                                              an address especially written for the
                                                         The day was cool and cloudy as we occasion. It was a grand beginning for a
                                                      gathered on the Chapel Lawn for the grand year.
                                                      Commencement Service; the workies                         Father Paul Woodhart
                                                      had set up the carpet and chairs in
                                                      just the right way and the Lectern and
                                                      Flags were out.
                                                         Our Acting Head of College, Mr
                                                      Stewart Ross welcomed us to the new
                                                      academic year as did Head of The
                                                      Scots School, Mr David Gates.
                                                         We had three hymns which were
                                                      drawn from our repertoire, ‘O God
                                                      beyond all praising’, ‘God is our
                                                      Strength and Refuge’, and of course
                                                      every verse of our beloved College
                                                      hymn ‘For All the Saints’.
                                                         Every prefect had a speaking part,
                                                      whether it was in the welcome, the
                                                      readings or the prayers. The Junior
                                                      School Captains did their first reading
                                                      for the year as well.
                                                         Thanks to the Jazz Band for a very
                                                      professional performance just three
                                                      days into term.
                                                         Finally a hearty thanks to Adjunct

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst
Cancer campaigners show true colours
           Relay for Life
               All Saints’ College once again hosted
           the Cancer Council NSW Relay for Life
           on the 10th and 11th of March.
               It was the culmination of a big week
           of fundraising that began in the Junior
           School on Tuesday, 6 March with a fun
           day of purple and yellow themed mufti-
           clothing, a cake stall and an afternoon of
           walking or running laps of Watson Oval.
               The Junior School also held an event
           on Wednesday morning in the Chapel
           where Father Paul led the group in
           prayer for those who have suffered or
           are suffering from cancer.
               These activities raised more than
           $550 for Relay for Life before the
           weekend commenced! We are grateful to
           all the families who help us support this
           important community event.

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ALL SAINTS' COLLEGE BATHURST ISSUE 1 2018 - All Saints' College Bathurst

                     Life’s a picnic on the junior school oval
                                                          Picnic on the Oval
                                                             Beautiful weather and a lovely setting
                                                          on the Junior School Oval provided
                                                          a great opportunity for families and
                                                          staff to gather and enjoy each others
                                                          company at the annual Picnic On The
                                                          Oval. Thank you to Mr David Gates for
                                                          attending the evening and to the Parents
                                                          and Friends for their support.
                                                                   Mr Stewart Ross (Acting Head of

                                                                           ASC community gathers to
                                                                             farewell headmaster
                                                                         Steven O’Connor Farewell
                                                                            The All Saints’ College
                                                                         students and staff farewelled
                                                                         Head of College Mr Steven
                                                                         O’Connor and his family at a
                                                                         special assembly on Friday,
                                                                         23rd March.
                                                                            A function was held that night
                                                                         on the College Chapel lawn so
                                                                         the All Saints’ community could
                                                                         also say farewell and thank
                                                                         Steven and his family for their
                                                                         contribution to the school.

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One plus one equals great

                                                                                                                      FROM THE ACTING HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL
                      The first term has been a great one for     thriving sporting and co-curricular program
                   the Senior School with students settling       with full-sized teams and groups. At the
                   in quickly and getting on with the job of      same time, it will be small enough to retain
                   learning. Year 12 students, in particular,     the community feel that both schools have
                   have been very focused and we are looking      nurtured, encouraged and enjoyed over many
                   forward to some excellent results at the       years. We really will have the best of both
                   end of the year. The house competition         worlds.
                   has begun in earnest with all three houses         I have said many times that we have the
                   winning one event each. Barton won the         most fantastic students at Saints’ and I believe
                   swimming carnival, Bean won the debating       that is why we have so many long-term,
  Mr Greg Jones    and public speaking, and Long won the          experienced staff with great expertise. In
                   cross country. It is always great to see a     my experience and encounters with students
                   close contest and we look forward to the       from Scots, through the combining of the
  “If the staff,   house music festival and athletics carnival    Year 11 cohorts and my interaction with the
  students and     with interest.
                      Many staff and parents have approached
                                                                  Scots hockey girls, I am delighted with what
                                                                  I have seen so far. The Scots students are
  parents from     me with views about the merger between         also fantastic young people with whom it is a
  both schools     Scots and All Saints’. I have to say, I
                   believe it is a fantastic thing. For many
                                                                  pleasure to work.
                                                                      I do not think I am exaggerating when
   are able to     years, both schools have achieved some         I say I believe this merger is an absolute
bring the same     remarkable things with a resource base that
                   has been, frankly, less than ideal.
                                                                  God-send. If the staff, students and parents
                                                                  from both schools are able to bring the same
  passion and         In the 25 years since I moved to Bathurst   passion and commitment to the new College
  commitment       with my family (a move I have never            as they have to their individual schools, it
                   regretted) it has been clear that the two      will be an outstanding place to learn and to
   to the new      schools have been, periodically, anything      teach. More significantly, it will be a great
   College as      from a third, to a half, to two thirds of a    community, encompassing students, parents,
                   good-sized school as they have competed        staff and all associated with both schools.
  they have to     to attract, essentially, the same students.        In time, it will meld into the strongest
their individual   Over those 25 years, the excellence of both    school in country NSW and will challenge
                   schools has relied upon teachers, students,    many of the well-resourced schools in Sydney
   schools, it     and parents giving about 150% of what          as a leader in educating young people. I am
   will be an      would be required in a full-sized school.      not naive enough to think there has not been a
                      While the way it has come about might       process of grieving on both sides of the river,
  outstanding      not be ideal, from either side of the river,   but I believe that if we stop and reflect for a
 place to learn    this has been coming for more than 20 years    while, we will see that the biggest difference
                   and is actually long overdue. We are now       any of us will experience will be that it is
 and to teach.”    faced with a very exciting future. We have     a little bigger so that everything works just
                   the opportunity to experience a good-sized     that little bit better. It will remain a home and
                   school. The strengths of both schools, of      community for all who choose to embrace it.
                   which there are many, can come together to         So, whenever you speak to anyone who
                   form the most amazing school.                  you think would be an asset to our combined
                      Significantly, it will be big enough to     College, encourage them to become involved
                   be well resourced academically and have a      and embrace this most exciting of ventures.

                                                 ASC Captains meet Governor
                                                 General as nurses recognised
                                                 Mayoral Reception
                                                    The Governor General, his Excellency, General Sir
                                                 Peter Cosgrove, attended a Mayoral reception at the RSL
                                                 to commemorate the role of nurses in all wars and in
                                                    The High Commissioner of Singapore also attended to
                                                 acknowledge the 76th anniversary of the sinking of the SS
                                                 Vyner Brooke, an Australian hospital ship off their waters
                                                 in WWII.
                                                    The school captains had the opportunity to meet his
                                                 Excellency. A service was also held at the Cathedral in
                                                 which the boarders attended.
                                                                  Mr Stewart Ross (Acting Head of College)

                                                                       ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018           |                    11

                       The summer of sporting content
                                                                Summer Firsts Sports Dinner
                                                                   All Saints’ College celebrated
                                                                another busy and productive
                                                                season of sport on Thursday
                                                                5 April at the Summer Firsts
                                                                Presentation Dinner at Carrington
                                                                   Well done to all of our teams
                                                                across the summer codes: tennis,
                                                                touch football, basketball and
                                                                cricket! It has been a great
                                                                pleasure to see Saints’ teams take
                                                                to the field/court throughout the
                                                                season and compete at such an
                                                                incredibly high level!
                                                                   It is well known that we punch
                                                                well above our weight when it
                                                                comes to sport and this Summer
                                                                proved no different with many
                                                                teams enjoying great success.

                      The sky is the limit
                      when science is on
                        your horizon
                     Youth Science Forum
                        In the January holidays, Gabrielle
                     Burge, Bethany McCumstie and Elysia
                     Chua attended the National Youth
                     Science Forum. The NYSF is a two-
                     week STEM (Science, Technology,
                     Engineering and Mathematics) based
                     program for Year 12 students who are
                     interested in a career in these fields.
                        Below are their thoughts on the
                     wonderful experience that is the
                     National Youth Science Forum.
                     Congratulations girls!
                             Peter O’Neill (Head of Science)
                        Attending NYSF is a phenomenal
                     two weeks, filled with meeting
                     like-minded students from across          highly enough to any students              what you’re really interested in. If
                     Australia and overseas, networking        interested in Science. It has changed      we have learnt anything from this
                     with successful NYSF alumni, getting      us in so many ways, and has opened         program, it’s to grab opportunities
                     ‘hands on’ in lab visits and exploring    our eyes to a wide and exciting future.    when they’re in front of you so go
                     the wide range of futures that a career   If you’re unsure of what to do in the      for it Year 11. Take this opportunity.
                     in STEM can offer, with a bit of sleep    future, or if you’re thinking of going     Broaden your horizons and we
                     deprivation along the way.                into a Science-based career, the NYSF      guarantee you will not regret it!
                        We cannot recommend this program       is the perfect place for you to discover                     Gabi, Elysia and Beth

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Raising money and having a ball
         Netball Gala Day
            More than 150 Senior School students
         participated in the Netball Gala Day to
         raise funds for the Hong Kong Tour.
            Teams dressed up as TV show
         characters with some interesting and
         resourceful costumes on show.
             Some spirited play and ‘lenient’
         umpiring made for a fun afternoon of
         competition and fundraising.
            Congratulations to all the students
         who played and thank you to all the
         parents for their wonderful support.
                                  Mrs Kay Nelson
                             (Netball Coordinator)

                                   Barton rule the pool in 2018
                                Swimming Carnival
                                    Barton House won the
                                annual swimming carnival by
                                just 6 points. Barton captains
                                Joseph Hodges and Amber
                                Stockman were very gracious
                                in victory. Mitchell Nelson
                                and Kirrily Edwards broke
                                5 records each and Breahna
                                Burgess set a new mark in
                                the 14 years breaststroke.
                                The 13 years girls Bean and
                                15 years boys Barton relay
                                teams each broke records.
                                Congratulations to all who
                                participated in the 50m
                                freestyle for their spirit and
                                        Mr Greg Jones (Acting
                                       Head of Senior School)

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                         The big smoke keeps getting bigger
                                                                Year 12 Sydney Trip                    The inner city bus tour
                                                                                                    included suburbs such as
                                                                   Year 12 Geography                Balmain, Leichhardt, Redfern,
                                                                conducted fieldwork in Sydney       Glebe, Bondi Junction, Bondi
                                                                on Sunday, Monday and               Beach, Dover Heights, Kings
                                                                Tuesday 4th, 5th and 6th of         Cross, Darlinghurst and
                                                                February as part of their studies   Woolloomooloo.
                                                                of Urban Dynamics (Urban               Students made regular stops
                                                                change over time).                  on this tour to examine specific
                                                                   Students travelled down to       aspects of the urban geography
                                                                the ‘Big Smoke’ by train and        of these suburbs.
                                                                stayed at the Sydney Harbour           Students’ understanding of
                                                                Youth Hostel at The Rocks.          Urban Dynamics was greatly
                                                                   They took part in a guided       enhanced by this enrichment
                                                                tour of the redevelopment on        opportunity. The students
                                                                the Pyrmont Peninsula as well       will be preparing an HSC
                                                                as an inner city bus and Sydney     assessment task on their
                                                                harbour ferry ride.                 fieldwork.
                                                                                                       Thank you to the parents
                                                                                                    of Year 12 for their financial
                                                                                                    support of this trip. Special
                                                                                                    thanks to Mrs Sarah O’Neill for
                                                                                                    her invaluable help and support
                                                                                                    on our excursion.
                                                                                                       The students are to be
                                                                                                    congratulated for their
                                                                                                    enthusiasm and good
                                                                                                    behaviour. Thank you all for a
                                                                                                    very positive, worthwhile and
                                                                                                    enjoyable learning experience.
                                                                                                                  Mr Wayne Feebrey
                                                                                                                      (Head of HSIE)

                                                             Bean a lean mean debating machine
                                                           Inter-House Debating
                                                              Students from Years 7 to 11
                                                           took part in the annual inter-house
                                                           debating and public speaking
                                                           competition on Thursday 5 April.
                                                              They spent the first four
                                                           periods of the day arguing the
                                                           quality of digital vs traditional
                                                           education, sport and ethics,
                                                           societal values and many other
                                                           interesting topics.
                                                              Congratulations to Bean house
                                                           for making it back to back wins in
                                                           a very closely contested event!

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Breahna’s making a huge

                                                                                                                                                  SENIOR SCHOOL
    splash in the pool this season
    All Saints’ College’s Breahna
Burgess finished third in the girls 12-14
years 200 metre breaststroke at the
Combined Independent Schools (CIS)
Swimming Championships.
    A top three finish was required
to book a place in the CIS team for
All Schools but Burgess ended up
qualifying in style.
    Her time of two minutes and 54.04
seconds put her almost six seconds clear
of her nearest opponent.
    The Bathurst swimmer has
progressed strongly over the past 18
months since joining City Of Orange
Swim Club.
    City Of Orange coach Tanya
Chapman said Burgess is fulfilling her
    “Breahna’s the only swimmer
from our club to make through to
All Schools. The work she puts in is
amazing,” she said.
    “Recently she’s also been picked in
the NSW Sharks development squad.             warm-down and then everyone said                the field for the mixed 12-14 years age
That’s thanks to the extra work she’s put     ‘You made it through’,” she said.               group.
in over the last six months. Getting into        Burgess heads to All Schools with                She completed the 2.5km swim in a
that team is no easy feat.”                   one big goal in mind.                           time of 33 minutes and 13 seconds.
    Burgess was unlucky not to                   “I’ll try and get a PB there,” she said.         At February’s NSW Country
also qualify for the 50m and 100m                “I’ll try for a top 10 but a PB would        Championships Burgess won bronze
breaststroke events after coming home         be great.”                                      in the 12 and under 400m freestyle
eighth and seventh respectively.                 The CIS Swimming Championships               and knocked over 20 seconds off her
    “She’s a fantastic breaststroke           results add to what has already been a          personal best in the 400m individual
swimmer. She would have loved to              fantastic 2018 for Burgess.                     medley.
qualify for the 50m and 100m as well             In January’s Australian Age Open                    Story and photo adapted from and
but she wasn’t quite warmed up enough.        Water Swimming Championships at                         courtesy of the Western Advocate.
Breahna’s got that great back end speed       Adelaide Burgess finished at the head of
though in the 200m,” Chapman said.
    Burgess is the first swimmer to
qualify for All Schools at the club since
Chapman took the coaching role.
    Burgess also took part in the 50m
and 100m freestyle, 50m butterfly plus
the 4x50m freestyle and medley relays.
Her best result was a ninth in the 100m            OXYGEN RECRUITMENT & HR CONSULTING
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    “Training is very intense but it’s very       • Candidate Facilitation
good when you get the results that you
want. My coach has been really good.              • Interview Management, Referencing & Feedback
She pushes you really hard.”                      • Temp Hire and HR Consulting
    Even with a large gap back to the           Alicia and James are dedicated to providing a local option for businesses seeking
fourth-placed competitor in the 200m
breaststroke at the CIS Championships           professional staff. As active members of the local business community we support buying
it took Burgess some time to realise            local and are proud to contribute to All Saints’ production of Godspell.
she’d qualified.                                For more information email or visit our website
    “I had no idea. I was thinking ‘Gosh
that was a hard race’, went to do my  

                                                                                            ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018              |      15

                                               Come on, give us a try!
                                              Try Saints’ for a Day
                                                 All Saints’ welcomed prospective students
                                              for Year 7, 2019 to Try Saints’ for the day.
                                              Students from our own Junior School, The
                                              Scots School as well as current and new
                                              families had a busy and exciting day.
                                                 Each of the groups undertook five
                                              different lessons including Drama, D&T,
                                              Music and Science.
                                                 The current Year 11 students also ran
                                              some Peer Support activities as well as
                                              games during the lunch break.
                                                 We look forward to welcoming all of
                                              these students next year as the first Year 7
                                              cohort of our combined school.
                                                                            Mr Stewart Ross
                                                                   (Acting Head of College)

  16 |          ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
Who can excel at NAPLAN? ASC kids can!

                                                                                                                                          SENIOR SCHOOL
    ONE cohort of students in Bathurst
has scored substantially above all
Australian students for the past four
NAPLAN tests, new data shows.
    The reading, writing, spelling,
grammar and numeracy skills of
students across Australia are put to the
test annually for people in Year 3, 5, 7,
and 9.
    Results were recently released for
the 2017 NAPLAN test, and All Saints’
College students from Year 9 were the
only group of students across Bathurst
to be classified as ‘substantially above’
all Australian students in all five testing
    The group of students has managed
to do the same thing every year since
they first took the test in 2011 when
they were in Year 3.
    The only blimp on the students’
perfect record was in 2013, when
they were in Year 5, when they were
classified as ‘above’ rather than
‘substantially above’.                        Bridget said learning commerce had            methods.
    Ralph Nicholls and Bridget Ellis are      helped her to “understand some of the             “We can individualise learning and
among this high-achieving cohort and          segments in the news”.                        it allows you to work with students
they said the secret to doing well in            All Saints’ College Independent            who are having trouble in a particular
NAPLAN was not to get too stressed.           Learning Centre head Phil Cant                area or excelling in an area,” Mr Cant
    “Most of the time all the information     praised the cohort’s efforts in               said.
is on the page, don’t over-complicate         achieving such consistent high results.           Mr Cant said the college used
things,” Bridget said.                           “They’re already a bright group to         evidence-based teaching strategies
    Ralph and Bridget, who are now in         start with and I think part of this is the    and explicit teaching which builds
Year 10, are both keen students and           teaching that’s provided here,” he said.      on information the students already
agree that commerce is their favourite           While acknowledging that                   understood.
subject.                                      NAPLAN was not the only testing                                  Photo and story from
    “It’s good fun because we’ve got          the college’s students undertook, he                            The Western Advocate
a good teacher,” Ralph said while             said the results do help tailor teaching

    Students keen to go on the record
   Stage 5 Music                       software for editing, students
       Stage 5 Music students have     have begun to understand
   created their own recording         the complexity in sound
   studio and have enjoyed their       engineering. Many are keen to
   first attempts at a live take.      create their own albums and
   From selecting the correct          a career in music technology.
   microphone and mixing levels        Watch this space.
   to learning how to utilize the                 Mr Jonathan Clipsham
                                          (Coordinator of Senior Music)

                                                                                           ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018       |     17
>>> Principal’s update

                       Scots and ASC make beautiful music together
                      Integrated Year 11 Music                   on a duet with a member from each         After they are published, their
                                                                 school. Duirng the first semester,     works will be workshopped and
                         Students have made an excellent         the musicians will discover JS         performed by a professional string
                      start to integrated Year 11 Music,         Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and many       quartet.
                      performing for each other and sharing      more as they begin their significant                Mr Jonathan Clipsham
                      their musical ideas and favourite          compositional task of a classical            (Coordinator of Senior Music)
                      artists. Students are currently working    string quartet.

                      Hannah has a big hand in helping
                        New South Wales to Gold at
                         Australian Championships
                         ASC’s Hannah Kable played a major role in
                     New South Wales’ victory at the Australian Under
                     18 Girls Hockey Championships in Launceston in
                         NSW defeated Western Australia 3-2 in the gold
                     medal final on Wednesday 21 March, after scores
                     were locked 1-all at halftime.
                         NSW were undefeated in pool games but had an
                     inkling they might be facing Western Australia at the
                     pointy end after they drew 1-1 in the preliminaries.
                         Victoria put up a good fight in the semifinals but
                     NSW were still too good, clinching their spot in the
                     gold medal game with a 2-nil win.
                         Hannah scored 5 goals throughout the
                     tournament, three from the field and 2 from penalty
                     corners, making her the equal fourth highest scorer
                     at the championships.
                         Awesome work Hannah!

  18            |   ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
It’s not if you win or lose

                                                                                                                         FROM THE HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL
                   that matters - it’s how you
                           win or lose
                       Today we live in a very competitive                sport for their enjoyment - not yours.
                   world where a ‘win at all costs’ mentality       •     Encourage children to play according
  Mr Christopher   appears to be the norm. Some of the leaders            to the rules - settle disagreements
     Jackman       in our treasured Australian Cricket team               without resorting to hostility or
                   recently demonstrated how an aggressive,               violence.
                   winning attitude can have dire consequences      •     Never ridicule or yell at a child for
   “The way a      to those who make the mistake of putting               making a mistake or not winning.
 parent relates    winning before playing fairly and by the         •     Respect officials’ decisions and
                   rules.                                                 encourage children to do likewise.
  to their child       Children are innately competitive as can     •     Show appreciation for coaches,
   when their      be witnessed each recess in the handball               officials and administrators.
child is winning   games at school. They often struggle with
                   losing and must develop resilience when
                                                                          Remember they are usually
  or losing has    put in these situations and learn to cope        •     Applaud good performance and
   a profound      with disappointment. Just as important
                   is teaching children to win with integrity
                                                                          efforts from all individuals and
    impact on      and grace. Being a ‘boaster’ is not popular      •     Congratulate all participants
 what the child    amongst primary school aged children.
                       As teachers and parents we have a            •
                                                                          regardless of the game’s outcome.
                                                                          Condemn the use of violence,
   believes is     responsibility to teach children that playing          verbal abuse or vilification in any
 important and     fair is far more important than winning at all         form regardless of whether it is
                   costs. The way a parent relates to their child         by spectators, coaches, officials or
  appropriate.”    when their child is winning or losing has a            players.
                   profound impact on what the child believes       •     Support all policies and practices
                   is important and appropriate. During my                (lead by example). This includes
                   career in education I have witnessed many              responsible alcohol and drug use and
                   situations where children have behaved like            support of child safe strategies.
                   a ‘bad sport’ and have been consoled by          •     Support involvement in modified
                   their parents when they should have been               rules games and other junior
                   told that such behaviour is unacceptable. I            development programs.
                   encourage everyone to take an active role        •     Respect the rights, dignity and worth
                   in helping our children develop the skills             of every young person regardless
                   required to lose with honour and win with              of their gender, ability, cultural
                   integrity and grace. Like most things in life,         background or religion.
                   learning such lessons at a young age is much     •     Ensure you are aware and follow
                   easier than learning them as an adult.                 the correct processes if you have an
                       Following is a set of Guidelines as                issue or complaint. Do not perpetuate
                   recommended by the Australian Sports                   issues with gossip or general
                   Commission for Parents to adhere to when               criticism.
                   involved in their children’s sport.                            Australian Sports Commission
                       • Remember that children participate in                                     (accessed 2018)

                                                                        ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018         |            19
>>> Principal’s update

                      Easter parade was truly eggscellent!
                                                            Easter Hat Parade
                                                               All Saints’ infants and pre-
                                                            kindergarten students showed
                                                            off their Easter Hat creations on
                                                            Thurday 29 March.
                                                               The children performed a dance
                                                            routine (so did a few parents!)
                                                            before parading in front of an
                                                            extremely enthusiastic audience of
                                                            junior school students, parents and

                     ASC swimmers make history
                    HICES Swimming                         There were some
                                                        amazing individual
                        Congratulations to the 24       performances by our
                    swimmers who represented            swimmers.
                    the Junior School at the               It was absolutely thrilling
                    HICES swimming carnival.            to see Chontelle Burgess
                        This is an excellent meet,      break the 8 Yrs girls HICES
                    bringing 16 independent             record while Ruby Thorne
                    co-educational schools              set a new mark in the junior
                    together for a day of intense       girls 50m butterfly to go
                    competition in the pool.            with her 3 individual wins.
                        I was, as always,                  It is my understanding
                    incredibly proud of the             that we have never broken a
                    sportsmanship and effort            HICES record in swimming
                    displayed by our students.          so to have two broken by
                        Their combined effort           two different swimmers on        three swimmers who will      50m freestyle relay).
                    resulted in All Saints’ taking      the one day is phenomenal.       be representing HICES at        They are Emily Saint
                    out the percentage shield in           What amazing                  the NSWCIS carnival along    (50m freestyle, freestyle
                    Division 1 for the 4th year in      achievements girls – your        with Ruby (50m freestyle,    relay), Milla Nelson (50m
                    a row!                              hard work certainly paid         50m breaststroke, 50m        freestyle relay) and Harry
                        This is a fantastic effort in   off!                             backstroke, 50m butterfly,   Thorne (50m Freestyle).
                    itself and congratulations to          Further congratulations       freestyle relay) and                           Kay Nelson
                    all for making it happen.           should be extended to the        Chontelle (50m freestyle,

  20            |   ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
                          No, these bridge engineers
                          haven’t lost their marbles!
                          Year 5 STEM
                             Year 5 made bridges with 50
                         straws and sticky tape as a STEM
                         activity on Grandparents’ and
                         Special Friends’ Day. They then
                         placed a cup on top of the bridge
                         over a 30 cm span and began
                         filling it with marbles to see who
                         had the strongest design. Tyler,
                         Lily and Abbie managed to use
                         130 marbles before the bridge
                         collapsed. Well done Year 5!
                                           Mrs Kay Murray

Year 4 have the write stuff to help local author on next book
                          Local Author Visit                    the Trouble with Trixies’ before
                                                                knuckling down to be part of the
                              Early in the term Year Four       editing process for the second
                          were visited by local author and      title in the series ‘Olivia Stone
                          illustrator Jeff Doherty.             and the Dread of the Dreamers’.
                              Mr Doherty is the author of           We look forward to helping
                          ‘Paper Magic’, a story the class      Mr Doherty with our feedback
                          was reading at the time about a       and edits of the manuscript!
                          young girl finding the courage to         Banjo and Lachie were
                          try new things.                       excited to show him the book
                              Later in the term, the class      they are writing and illustrating.
                          read his book ‘Olivia Stone and

                                                        ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018         |        21

                    Kids could do no wrong at Burrendong
                                                           Year 3 & 4 Camp
                                                              The Year 3 and 4 students had a
                                                           wonderful time at Lake Burrendong
                                                           Sport and Recreation Centre in week 5
                                                           of Term 1. The huge range of activities
                                                           and the children’s fantastic behaviour
                                                           made it an absolute pleasure.
                                                                                Mr Chris Jackman
                                                                          (Head of Junior School)

  22            |   ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
Terrific trio tear up the record books
               Junior School Inter-House Swimming Carnival
                  Congratulations to all students     25m medley. Congratulations to
               who competed in the Inter-House        Milla Nelson, Emily Saint, Sian
               Swimming Carnival in February.         Campbell and Ruby Thorne.
               I am always impressed with the           While it was a close
               determination of our students and      competition between the two
               their willingness to have a go,        Houses, it was the mighty Esrom
               particularly in events that they       who were victorious in the end.
               may find challenging. This attitude      Champions:
               will take these individuals to great     8yrs: Jenson Hornery,
               places on their personal journeys. .     Chontelle Burgess.
                  We have many fine swimmers            R/U: Felix Brown,
               in our Junior School and this            Soana Finau.
               was reflected in the number of           9yrs: Harry Thorne,
               records broken on the day. Huge          Emily Saint.
               congratulations must be extended         R/U: Charles Croaker,
               to Ruby Thorne, Harry Thorne and         Sian Campbell.
               Chontelle Burgess who broke 11           10yrs: Lachie Nelson,
               individual records between them.         Ruby Thorne.
               Ruby broke every possible record         R/U: Leo Klonis,
               on the day which is an outstanding       Milla Nelson.
               achievement. There were also 2           11yrs: Baxter Killiby,
               relay records broken in the Junior       Ava Purvis.
               Girls 4 x 25m freestyle and the 4 x      R/U: Aston Hornery,
                                                        Ava Hotham.
                                                        12yrs: Charlie Rendall,
                                                        Grace Francis.
                                                        R/U: Will Helms,
                                                        Siana English.

                                              ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018      |       23

                From circus to slides, this weekend had it all!
                Big Weekend of Fun                          The show featured acrobats,            girls went into town for shopping and
                   The weekend of Saturday 10 and        trapeze artists, clowns and lots of       Rebecca took a small group to one of
                Sunday 11 February was certainly a       animals. For many, the highlight of       the orchards in Marsden Lane, Kelso
                busy one in girls boarding.              the evening was a beautiful group of      for peaches, nectarines and apples.
                   The action started the night before   6 lions, one of whom actually hugged         As it was a fairly hot weekend, the
                with many of the girls playing           his trainer! There were also plenty       children also had a few dips in the
                basketball and continued on Saturday     of animals of the non-ferocious kind      pool to cool off.
                morning with a                           including monkeys, goats, pigs, dogs         Residential Assistant Vanessa
                   a large group of girls played touch   and horses. It was a great show and       Cozens and some enterprising girls
                football.                                very entertaining - the girls loved it.   borrowed tarps and a large sheet of
                   Following this many girls went           Residential Assistant Rebecca          black plastic to make a slide that
                shopping and then in the evening,,I      Ashton took the girls who did not         they slathered with copious amounts
                took a group of 16 girls to the          attend the circus to ‘Macca’s’ for a      of liquid soap to go ‘slipping and
                Stardust Circus which had been in        treat and the usual ‘happy lap’ of Mt     sliding’ on the Marsden front lawn.
                Bathurst for around 10 days.             Panorama.                                           Mrs Gill McAllister (Head of
                                                            On Sunday afternoon some more                Marsden House/Girls’ Boarding)

                                                                              Reflecting by the riverside
                                                                              Outdoor Chapel              Father Paul singing us
                                                                                 Father Paul treated the a song and playing his
                                                                              boarders to an ice-cream    guitar.
                                                                              at Annie’s on Sunday 4th       It was warm and sunny
                                                                              March, before heading o     and  we sat in the shade
                                                                              the park adjacent to the    of the beautiful big trees.
                                                                              Japanese Gardens on the     Some of the boarders had
                                                                              Macquarie River.            a quick paddle in the river
                                                                                 Father Paul and I drove before we came back to
                                                                              the school buses while the school.
                                                                              Head of Boys’ Boarding         It was a very pleasant
                                                                              Spencer Goddard came in     way   to spend the afternoon
                                                                              his own car with his wife before heading back for
                                                                              and 2 boys.                 dinner at the normal time
                                                                                 We had an outdoor        of 6 pm
                                                                              ‘service’ in lieu of Chapel    Thank you Father Paul.
                                                                              with some boarders                   Mrs Gill McAllister
                                                                              reading the prayers and      (Head of Marsden House/
                                                                                                                      Girls’ Boarding)

 24        |   ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
 Tasty treats on the menu for Valentine’s
Valentine’s Day                            photos as I had to take an injured
   The boarders had a wonderful            student to the hospital and was there
dinner on Wednesday 14th February to       for a couple of hours, missing the
celebrate Valentine’s Day.                 festivities!
   Thank you to Catering Manager Matt          The girls gave each boy a red love-
Hitchens for his lovely preparation of a   heart shaped card with a heart-shaped
menu chosen by the house leaders and       lollipop and the boys gave the girls a
including spring rolls, honey mustard      little bag of chocolates and lollies.
chicken and chocolate pudding.                 Everyone made an effort to dress up
   Our leaders are Anna Single and Jaz     for the occasion making it all the more
Johnston (Marsden House), and Joe          special.
Hodges and Braden Muller (Watson               Well done to all!
House). They also decorated the dining                           Mrs Gill McAllister
room with streamers and balloons.                   (Head of Marsden House/Girls’
   Thank you to Jaz for taking the                                        Boarding)

                                                                                  ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018   |   25

             Marsden girls add to the
              colour of the carnival
            Swimming Carnival                  encouraged their friends from
                                               the poolside.
               Friday 16th February was           Thank you to the parents,
            a warm, sunny day – just           some of whom travelled quite
            perfect for our annual School      long distances, for coming and
            Swimming Carnival.                 enjoying the day before taking
               As always the Year 12           their daughters out for the
            girls got dressed up in their      weekend.
            House colours of yellow, red          It was a colourful and noisy
            or blue for the occasion. Other    occasion and everyone had a
            students had face and body paint   great time!
            decorations.                                     Mrs Gill McAllister
               Congratulations to all the              (Head of Marsden House/
            girls who swam and also to                          Girls’ Boarding)
            those who cheered, sang and

 26 |      ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018
Driving force behind Dubbo dinner heads north
                OBU                                     for the last 30 plus years.
                   The Dubbo Branch of the                 Judy has now moved to
                All Saints’ College OBU held a          Goondiwindi to be closer to family
                successful dinner on Saturday           and we wish her well.
                10 March 2018 with 52 people               There will be another dinner in
                attending.                              Dubbo in March 2019 with a date
                   Acting Head of All Saints’           yet to be confirmed.
                College Mr Stewart Ross spoke to           John Cranfield, Shirley Burrow,
                the attendees about the sale of the     Eric Matheson, Gai Sullivan and
                school.                                 David Provost from The OBU
                   Gai Sullivan and Shirley Burrow      Committee attended the dinner and
                made a presentation to Judy Jakins      enjoyed a night of good food and
                for her ongoing support and             friendship.
                organisation of the reunion dinner                         Mr Glen Stockings

                                                      ALL SAINTS’ COLLEGE VIM Issue 1 2018     |    27
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