RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop

Page created by Holly Flores
RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
2019                     RUSSIAN
                       Language Learning Resources
European Schoolbooks


                           Further / Adult / Higher Education
RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
Welcome to our 2019 catalogue                                            Contents
of Russian Language Resources!                                           Latest titles                            3
This catalogue contains the latest and most popular resources            Recent...                                4
for language learners of all ages.
                                                                         Classroom courses		                       4
Everything here is distributed by European Schoolbooks                   Short & intensive courses                 6
Ltd. (ESB) and is available from The European Bookshop in                Vocational courses		                      6
London and nationally by mail order from Cheltenham, online
                                                                         Listening			                              7
via our website:
                                                                         Speaking			                               7
Prices                                                                   Reading			                                8
                                                                         Writing		                                 9
Prices are correct at the time of printing (13/03/2019) but may
                                                                         Vocabulary			                             9
be changed without notice if affected by publishers’ increases
or exchange rate movements.                                              Evaluation, tests		                       9
Prices followed by a + symbol indicate that VAT (currently               Mixed skills			                          10
20%) must be added to the stated price. Up to date prices                Idioms				                               12
can always be found on our website.
                                                                         Grammar			                               12
New titles are highlighted with catalogue codes and prices in red.       Teacher resources		                      14
                                                                         Graded readers                           15
Inspection Copy Service for UK Teachers
                                                                          Bilingual books                         16
We will gladly send your school/college an inspection copy
of most textbooks (sorry, not audio-visual materials) you are
                                                                         Reference                                16
thinking of buying in class sets. If you subsequently buy 12 or          Encyclopedias                            17
more copies of the book directly from ESB or our bookshop                Comic strips                             17
you may keep the inspection copy free-of-charge. Please ask
                                                                         Classroom aids                           18
for more details or visit the Help section of our website for full
terms of our Inspection Copy service.                                    Games		                                  18
                                                                         Periodicals			                           18
Common European Framework of Reference
                                                                         ELI magazines                            19
for Languages (CEFR)
                                                                          Miscellaneous aids                      19
ESB’s mission is to provide UK language teachers and learners
with the best of a huge range of materials produced by the
many European publishers who specialise in the learning and              Contacting us:
teaching of their respective languages.
                                                                         European Schoolbooks Ltd.
In particular, we think it is in every pupil’s interest that UK
                                                                         The Runnings, Cheltenham
language learning should be aligned with the CEFR, which
                                                                         GL51 9PQ
all the best new materials produced within the other member
countries of the Council of Europe now incorporate.                      phone: 01242 245 252
As a guide, please see the table below for an approximate      
comparison of CEFR language levels, TORFL (Test of Russian
as a Foreign Language) levels, and UK certifications:                    Business Hours
                                                                         Monday to Friday 8:30 - 17:00
 Language Levels         TORFL          CEFR       General Certificate
                          ТРКИ                        of Education
                                                                         The European Bookshop
     Beginners         Elementary        A1            Entry Level       123 Gloucester Road,
  Near beginners          Basic          A2         Foundation GCSE      London, SW7 4TE
   Intermediate          Level I         B1           Higher GCSE        phone: 020 7734 5259
 Upper intermediate      Level II        B2               AS/A2          email:
     Advanced            Level III       C1            Proficiency

                                                                         Opening Hours
                                                                         Monday to Friday 9:30 - 18:30
We are always pleased to hear your comments and                          Saturday 10:00 - 18:30
feedback regarding our resources. If you have any queries or             Sunday 12:00 - 17:00
suggestions, please contact our Marketing Department on
                                                                         The European Bookshop is a division of
01242 245252. All trade enquiries should be directed to ESB
                                                                         European Schoolbooks Ltd.
Head Office in Cheltenham.
RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
Russian 3
 Latest Titles                                    Точка Ру                                              Reading
                                                  ТОЧКА РУ
                                                    Tochka ru is a Russian course for young peo-       Ages 5-7
 Courses                                          ple (16+) and adults. The perfect balance of
                                                  grammar, vocabulary and conversational skills
                                                                                                       Даллас -
Adolescent/Adult                                  of modern Russian language is the key feature        Москва -
                              Bestseller!         of this course. The combination of traditional
Поехали!                                          and modern teaching methods helps students           Даллас
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                          to achieve their goals quickly and efficiently: to   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                  keep a conversation on such topics as Family           This book is recommended for bilingual chil-
  This is the much-anticipated, new version of    and Home, Work and Free time, Food and
the famous course Let’s Go!. It is designed for                                                        dren learning Russian at preschool and junior
                                                  Drinks, Plans and Travel, Holidays and Fash-         school age. It tells about the adventures of the
adult students who are beginners in Russian       ion, Daily routine and Biography, Education
as a foreign language. It covers CEFR levels                                                           bilingual boy Nicholas (Nikolay) who flew to
                                                  and Career, Town and village living, Time and        Moscow from Dallas to see his Russian grand-
A1-A2 and is intended for 80-120 academic         The Internet and others.
hours of study with a teacher. It uses a com-                                                          parents and to learn to speak Russian well.
                                                  Tochka ru A1 consists of a textbook, a               Every chapter is a complete story told by Nich-
munication-focused approach which presents        workbook and audio resources. The course
Russian grammar in a systematic way. Cov-                                                              olas himself. There is a list of questions at the
                                                  covers 120-150 academic hours. Tochka ru             end of every chapter to check the understand-
ering modern topics, the course develops          A2 part 1 is a follow-up to the course Tochka
and practises all language skills, emphasising                                                         ing of the material children have read.
                                                  ru A1 and consists of a textbook, a workbook
speaking skills and encouraging students to                                                            B1
                                                  and audio resources. The course covers 110
speak Russian from the first lessons.                                                                  042078 Dallas-Moscow-Dallas. The
                                                  academic hours.
                                                                                                              Adventures of the Bilingual Boy
  The beginner’s course now comes in 2 Parts:     A1                                                          Nicholas in Moscow           £15.95
Part 1.1 and Part 1.2. Each part comes with       043357 A1. Textbook + Workbook           £55.00
a textbook, a workbook, and an audio sup-
plement. After studying the new beginner’s        043363 A2. Textbook + Workbook           £63.00      Ages 11-14
course, students are advised to continue their
study with the old editions of Poekhali! 2.1
(ESB code 42455) and Poekhali! 2.2 (ESB code                                                           ELI Graded Readers
42463).                                                                                                ELI
                                                                                                        For the first time published in Russian!
041645 Textbook 1.1                   £23.50
041647 Workbook 1.1                   £16.95                                                             These beautifully illustrated readers include
041652 CD 1.1                           £7.85+                                                         a mixture of classic fiction, adapted for lan-
041653 Textbook 1.2                   £23.50                                                           guage learners, and original non-fiction titles.
041669 Workbook 1.2                   £16.95                                                           The books are graded according to Russian
       CD 1.2 will be available in April 2019                                                          language proficiency levels and the Common
A2                                                                                                     European Framework: Elementary level (CEFR
042455 Textbook 2.1                    £21.95                                                          A1) and Basic level (CEFR A2). Each book is
042900 CD 2.1                           £8.90+                                                         accompanied by an audio CD with a narration
B1                                                 Vocational courses                                  of the text, either whole or partial, which can
042463 Textbook 2.2                    £23.75                                                          also be downloaded for free in MP3 format.
042900 CD 2.2                          £8.90+
                                                  Adolescent/Adult                                     The books are divided into chapters with a
                                                                                                       glossary of more difficult vocabulary at the
                                                                                                       foot of each page. A variety of activities before
                                                  Язык                                                 and after each chapter aid comprehension and

                                                  будущей                                              enrich the language learning process. Fiction
                                                                                                       titles offer a selection of useful 'Focus on' pag-
                                                  специаль-                                            es providing additional information about the
                                                  ности. Медико-                                       author and cultural context of the text, while
                                                                                                       non-fiction titles include stunning photos and
                                                  биологический                                        interesting facts to stimulate students' intellec-
                                                  профиль                                              tual curiosity towards a new culture and raise
                                                                                                       their cultural awareness.
                                                  РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                    This book is designed for foreign students     40001 Пиковая дама + CD            £8.75
                                                  planning to study medicine and biology. It can
                                                  be used as a training course at the preparatory
                                                                                                   40003 Санкт-Петербург от А до Я + CD £8.75
                                                  faculties of the corresponding colleges or uni-
                                                  versities. The book consists of the introductory
                                                  (CEFR A1) and the main parts (CEFR A2), and
                NEW!                              the texts for independent studies. It is aimed
                                                  to develop students' language skills in bio-
                                                  medical field of communication at CEFR B1.
                                                  045683 Textbook                          £22.50

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
4        Russian
                                                   Хочу говорить по-                                  mar units for successful communication in

 Recent...                                         русски
                                                                                                      Russian as well as various interesting texts on
                                                                                                      Russian customs, traditions, and culture. Each
                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                part provides assignments of different diffi-
                                                                                                      culty levels depending on children's language
 Classroom courses                                   The course I Want to Speak Russian has
                                                   been specifically designed for teaching bilin-
                                                                                                      level. The book helps to develop and practise
                                                                                                      informative, intellectual, and creative abilities
                                                   gual children living abroad. It is based on the
Ages 5-7                                           methodology of teaching Russian as a family
                                                                                                      of children, contributing to their multicultural
                                                                                                      upbringing. The book comes with a CD.
Букварь                                            language at weekend schools. The first grade
                                                                                                      047433 Russian School. Communication
                                                   is aimed at children aged 6-8 years old. ТNow
для умнички                                        the 2nd grade follow up part of the course for
                                                                                                             Practice + CD-MP3           £21.95

ЗЛАТОУСТ                                           children aged 8-10 years old is also available.
                                                                                                      Ages 11-14
  The book is for Russian-speaking primary
                                                   047494 1 Class. Book for Reading       £18.75
teachers and parents who would like to teach
children to read Russian, as well as to raise
                                                   047491 1 Class. Textbook + CD
                                                   047493 1 Class. Workbook
                                                                                                      Школьные предметы
children’s interest in the language. It can be
used for monolingual and bilingual children,
                                                   A2                                                 на русском языке
                                                   047449 2 Class. Textbook + CD          £24.50      ЗЛАТОУСТ
and for children with speech difficulties. The
                                                   047451 2 Class. Workbook               £19.95
book draws on the author’s 30-year experi-
ence of teaching children of 5 and older to
read. Exercises include learning letters and
phonemes, recognising the position of letters
in words, and distinguishing between similar
sounds. Each page provides tips for parents
and teachers.
                                                                                                        The series presents the textbooks on vari-
040259 ABC Book for Clever Heads       £10.95                                                         ous school subjects in Russian for those who
                                                                                                      know the language at level CEFR A2-B1. Its
                                                   Ages 8-10                                          purpose is to introduce the language material
                                                                                                      of the scientific style to schoolchildren, enrich

                                                   Едем в                                             their vocabulary, practise their language skills
                                                                                                      required for comprehension of the scientific
                                                   Простоквашино                                      texts, as well as provide basic information on
                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                the specific course.

                                                     Learn Russian through exploring a famous         045551 Physics - 7                      £23.75
                                                   cartoon film Edem v Prostokvashino. Intended       045550 Geography - 6                    £23.75
                                                   for school children and foreign students learn-    045575 Biology - 8                      £26.95
                                                   ing Russian, this book is suitable for those who
                                                   have a basic understanding of Russian (CEFR        Adolescent/Adult                      NEW!
                                                   A2-B1). It develops students’ understanding of

                                                   basic grammar as well as practises their listen-
                                                   ing, reading, speaking, translation skills, and    Русский сувенир
                                                   widens their vocabulary.                           РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
Буковкины истории                                  047432 Edem v Prostokvashino           £15.95        This is a popular communicative Russian
БРАГИНА Н.                                                                                            course for English-speaking adults. It is de-
                                                                                                      signed for study with a teacher both for group
  From the author of the bestselling course
                                                                                                      and individual lessons. A recently published
URA! Nadezhda Bragina, this book is designed
                                                                                                      Russian Souvenir 2 (A2) is a follow-up to the
for 4-5 years old children who have been in-
                                                                                                      original Russian Souvenir 1 (A1). The course
troduced to the letters of the Russian alphabet
                                                                                                      introduces original video clips to make the
but can't read yet. It includes a student book
                                                                                                      process of learning Russian efficient and
and a workbook, and consists of 36 lessons
                                                                                                      enjoyable, making it possible for students to
structured according to levels of difficulty.
                                                                                                      actively speak Russian at a basic level by the
Children will learn to differentiate between
                                                                                                      end of the course. The 3rd part of the course
soft and hard sounds as well as vowels and
                                                                                                      (New Souvenir, B1) by the same author I.
consonants. They will learn to produce sylla-
bles through the learnt sounds and letters and
                                                   Русская школа.                                     Mozelova but with a different publisher is now
to read: from simple monosyllabic/disyllabic/      Практикум по                                       available too!
three-syllable words to short texts specially
written for this stage. The book also introduces
                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
children to the basics of punctuation marks. It
has been successfully tested and is currently        The course is designed for children aged 7-9
used for work with bilingual children in Russian   years old who learn Russian abroad and live in
Gymnasium #1 in London.                            a non-Russian speaking environment. It con-
                                                   sists of 15 training parts, a vocabulary, gram-
042919 The Letters' Stories            £20.00

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
Russian 5
041006 Student’s Book + CD             £34.95      Практический                                        Я пишу по-русски
041007 Workbook
041008 Teacher’s Book + CD
                                       £22.75      русский язык                                        ЗЛАТОУСТ

A2                                                 в cитуациях и иллюстрациях                            This is a two part course for foreign stu-
                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                 dents who just begin their discovery of Rus-
041026 Student’s Book + CD             £34.95
                                                     This s a new course for beginners in Russian      sian (CEFR A1) or already have some basic
041027 Workbook                        £24.95
041014 Teacher’s Book + CD             £22.75      as a foreign language (CEFR A1). It teaches         knowledge of it (CEFR A2). Students will learn
                                                   through colourful illustrations, carefully se-      how to write the letters of the Russian Cyrillic
                                                   lected dialogues, and structured grammar            alphabet whilst developing useful vocabu-
041028 New Souvenir. Student’s Book £34.95
                                                   material. The course consists of 48 lessons,        lary, which is repeated and revised through
041029 New Souvenir. Workbook     £24.95
                                                   each lasting for 2 hours. It includes lexical and   comprehension questions, gap-fill exercises,
                                                   grammar units to practise students’ speaking        crosswords, and longer written tasks. Gram-
Лестница                                           skills as well as provides texts and dialogues      mar is practised throughout the course in a
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                to successfully get ready for the oral speech       clear and concise way. The books can be used
                                                   testing level. The textbook comes with a CD         as exercise books as spaces are provided for
  This new workbook is a part of the Ladder                                                            writing answers. They can also be used for
                                                   and can be used for study with a teacher.
series but can also be used for study as an                                                            study with a teacher or for independent study
                                                   041011 Practical Russian in Situations and
independent learning resource. It is aimed at                                                          alongside any A1 or A2 Russian courses. An-
                                                             Pictures + CD                   £35.50
students who are starting to learn Russian as a                                                        swers and reference tables are provided.
foreign language. The exercises are designed                                                           A1
to practise and develop students' grammar                                                              045163 I Write in Russian (Elementary) £23.95
skills and enrich their vocabulary so they feel                                                        A2
comfortable communicating in Russian at level                                                          045401 I Write in Russian (Basic)        £23.95
A2+ (basic). The book comes with an answer
key for self-checking revision. The combined
vocabulary for the entire series is available to
download through a QR-code.
042040 Textbook +CD
042030 Workbook
                                       £35.50      Русская мозаика
                                                      Russian Mosaic is designed for students
                                                   learning Russian as a foreign language at B1-
                                                   B2 level of the CEFR. The course is designed
                                                   for 80 classroom hours for study with a teach-
                                                                                                       Русский язык для
                                                   er. It is aimed to advance the communicative        продвинутых
                                                   competence of foreign students in social and        ЗЛАТОУСТ
                                                   cultural fields of communication. The course          Russian for Advanced Learners is intended to
                                                   provides informative messages taken from the
Русский язык:                                      Internet, literary and popular science texts,
                                                                                                       help learners of Russian as a foreign language
                                                                                                       to prepare for the Level III TORFL (CEFR C1).
Первые шаги                                        and extracts from documentary and feature
                                                   films. The course consists of a textbook which
                                                                                                       12 topics are covered across the series of 4
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                                                                               textbooks, presenting lexical and grammatical
                                                   comes with 2 CDs, and a workbook.                   material in a structure similar to the Level III
  Designed for foreign students learning Rus-      041010 Textbook + 2 CDs (MP3 & DVD) £52.00          TORFL exam, as well as practising students'
sian, the course Russian Language: First Steps     041013 Workbook £18.95                              writing, reading, and speaking skills needed
consists of 3 parts covering levels A1, A2 and                                                         to pass the exam. The series can be used
B1 of the CEFR. It has already proved itself to                                                        for study with a teacher and for independent
be an effective resource in teaching practice
in older editions. The present edition, new and
                                                   Русский                                             study. Each book comes with a DVD.

updated, is now published by Zlatoust, and in-     сезон                                               041134
                                                                                                                Issue 1. Book + DVD
                                                                                                                Issue 2. Book + DVD
cludes various illustrations, tables, and answer   ЗЛАТОУСТ                                            041247   Issue 3. Book + DVD           £37.95
keys. Each textbook comes with a CD.                                                                   041248   Issue 4. Book + DVD           £37.95
045530 First Steps. Part 1 + CD        £40.95        Russian Season is a course for foreign stu-
                                                   dents learning Russian with little to no previ-
                                                   ous knowledge of the language. It is aimed to
045531 First Steps. Part 2 + CD        £40.95
                                                   help students reach Elementary level (CEFR
B1                                                 A1). Designed for 100-120 classroom hours for
045532 First Steps. Part 3 + CD        £54.00
                                                   study with a teacher, the course consists of
                                                   14 lessons and a final A1 test at the end. The
                                                   series includes a textbook, a workbook (which
                                                                                                       В мире людей
                                                   also consists of 14 lessons), and a CD-MP3,
                                                   each sold separately.                                 The series In the World of People is aimed to
                                                   041017 CD-MP3                             £8.80+    help students to prepare for the II - III TORFL
                                                   041016 Textbook                          £31.95     level (CEFR B2-C1). It consists of three parts.
                                                   041015 Workbook                          £18.95     The first book prepares students for the writ-

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
6       Russian
ing and speaking parts of the examination.       basis for further studies of Russian, developing    of famous scientists-physicists. It introduces
The second book, which comes with a DVD,         students' speaking skills as well as covering       students to Einstein, Tesla, Kurchatov, Landau
prepares them for the listening and speaking     lexical and grammatical material. It teaches        and Alferov, based on the materials of the ar-
parts. The recently published third part helps   students to carry out dialogues about every-        ticles from popular science magazines, news-
students prepare for the reading and speaking    day life, to talk about themselves, and to listen   papers, and books. The texts vary in genres,
parts of the exams to a high competency lev-     to and read basic Russian texts. The book           levels of difficulty and adaptation. The book
el. Grammar and vocabulary are revised and       comes with a CD.                                    helps to develop students' language skills and
practised, and authentic texts and interesting                                                       broaden their horizons.
                                                 041062 Short Vocabulary and Grammar Course
themes are covered throughout the series.                                                            041960 People Who Changed the World £22.75
                                                        for Beginners + CD           £23.50
040520 1. Writing & Speaking            £30.95
040522 3.1. Reading & Speaking          £32.95

040519 2. Listening & Speaking + DVD £32.95
                                                 БРАГИНА Н.
                                                   URA! Russian for Speakers of English is
                                                 a short-term ab-initio course of Russian as
                                                                                                     Русский для деловой
                                                 a foreign language consisting of a book,            поездки
                                                 a workbook and a CD. The workbook, as               РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                 well as additional support materials, are
                                                                                                       The book teaches to speak Russian in busi-
                                                 available online. Specially designed for an
Нестандартные                                    English-speaking audience, the course of 30
                                                                                                     ness and everyday life communication by

учебники РКИ                                     academic hours is based on a communicative
                                                                                                     providing the most common speech models,
                                                                                                     samples of advertisements, and materials to
RUSSIA LOCAL LTD.                                approach to language teaching with wide
                                                                                                     develop speaking skills in an office environ-
                                                 use of visualisation, cultural commentaries,
  The unconventional textbooks for adult                                                             ment as well as telephone skills. It includes
                                                 educational games and songs. The topics
learners The Story Sensation, The Story                                                              cross-cultural reference and comes with a
                                                 include greetings, talking about yourself
Provocation and The Story Canonisation                                                               CD with exercises to develop students’ lis-
                                                 and your family, your job, the weather, time,
are detective stories about a Guadeloupean                                                           tening skills. The book can be used for study
                                                 directions, shopping for food, accommodation,
banker. They are written as an aid to make the                                                       with a teacher or for independent study. It is
                                                 ordering drinks and snacks.
process of studying Russian from A1 to B2                                                            designed for foreign businessmen, students
level of the CEFR easier.                        042917 Textbook + CD £17.95                         learning business Russian, and everyone inter-
A1-A2                                                                                                ested in business communication with a basic
043136 Рассказ-Сенсация
                                                 Русский язык                                        knowledge of the language (CEFR A1-A2).
                                                                                                     041965 Russian for a Business Trip + CD
043152 Рассказ-Провокация
                                                 в упражнениях                                              £22.75
                                                 РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
043632 Рассказ-Канонизация             £13.95
                                                   The book is designed for Spanish speaking
                                                 students who learn Russian at CEFR A2. It           окончательный.
                                                 can be used as an additional source along any       Обжалованию
                                                                                                     не подлежит
                                                 A2 Russian course and contains exercises
                                                 to develop basic Russian grammar skills and
                                                 vocabulary, most essential for everyday com-        ЗЛАТОУСТ
                                                 munication.                                           This book is designed for foreign students
 Short & intensive                               041727 El Ruso en Ejercicios            £25.75      studying law at universities, who learn Russian
                                                                                                     at CEFR B1 level. It is also aimed at those who
 courses                                                                                             like crime mysteries and detective stories.
                                                  Vocational courses                                 048130 Final Sentence Is Not Subject of Appeal
Adolescent/Adult                                                                                            £17.75
Русский язык.                                                                                        Русский язык
Краткий лексико-    Люди, изменившие                                                                 для гостиниц
грамматический курс мир                                                                              и ресторанов
для начинающих      РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                                              ЗЛАТОУСТ

РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                               This book is intended for foreign students           This is a basic CEFR A1-A2 level course for
                                                 of technical faculties, who learn Russian at        hotel and restaurant personnel working abroad
 The textbook is written for foreign students    CEFR B1 at their 1st/2nd year at universities,      attending to Russian customers, or collaborat-
who begin learning Russian without any previ-    postgraduates, interns, and everyone interest-      ing with Russian Tourist Agencies. Designed
ous knowledge of the language. It provides the   ed in science, technology, and life and work        for study with a teacher, the book includes ba-

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
Russian 7
sic grammar, dialogues, examples of business      designed for foreign businessmen, students,           tongue twisters of various difficulty levels for
correspondence, listening exercises, and a        and everyone interested in business communi-          children of different age groups.
vocabulary content of 1200 words.                 cation in Russian.
                                                                                                        041931 100 Tongue Twisters to Improve
041925 Russian for Hotels and Restaurants + 2     041957 Meetings, Negotiations,                                Pronunciation                 £9.60
       CDs                           £32.95              Correspondence: A Business Russian
                                                         Course + CD                 £22.95
Синтаксис русского
языка для медиков и                                Listening                                            Давай с тобой
биологов                                                                                                поговорим!
                                                  Adolescent/Adult                                      ЗЛАТОУСТ
  The book is designed for foreign students                                                               Aimed at adult students learning Russian as
and postgraduates of medical and biological       Живой русский                                         a foreign language at level A1-B1 of CEFR,
faculties, who speak Russian at CEFR levels       ЗЛАТОУСТ                                              this book is designed to build the necessary
B1-C1. It is based on lingua-didactic provi-                                                            communicative competence for everyday life.
                                                    The series Zhivoj Russkij is designed for stu-
sions of semantic-functional grammar, and in-                                                           Its tasks, projects and presentations help stu-
                                                  dents learning Russian as a foreign language
cludes medical-biological texts and exercises                                                           dents to practise and develop their Russian
                                                  at B1-C1 level of the CEFR, and is intended
to develop students' communicative skills in                                                            speaking skills.
                                                  for self study or for study with a teacher. The
academic and scientific environment by teach-                                                           045577 Let's Talk! Collection of 47 Cases
                                                  textbooks help students to develop commu-
ing them how to use syntactic units to express                                                                 for Lessons of Russian as a Foreign
                                                  nicative competence focusing on their listen-
objective, causative, consecutive, conditional,                                                                Language                        £12.75
                                                  ing and speaking skills by developing skills in
and concessive meanings in their speech.
                                                  interpreting spoken Russian and by facilitating
041962 Syntax of Russian for Medical Workers
         and Biologists                £31.50     students' quick adaptation to the Russian lan-
                                                  guage environment. Each book comes with a
                                                  CD or DVD and answer keys.

                                                  042006 1. Listening and Understanding
                                                         Everyday Conversations and Adverts +
                                                         CD                       £17.50

Стратегия успеха                                  042065 2. Listening and Understanding Spoken

                                                         Russian + CD        £17.50
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                               C1
                                                  042068 3. Listening and Understanding TV and
  This course is designed to develop speaking
and writing skills in business communication
                                                         Radio Programmes + DVD       £18.95            русский речевой
and is recommended for foreign students                                                                 этикет в картинках
with an advanced knowledge of Russian (B2                                                               ЗЛАТОУСТ
and C1 of CEFR). The book is based on the
                                                                                                          This new book is designed for adult students
principle of interactive modelling of everyday
                                                                                                        learning Russian as a foreign language at level
situations that occur in daily business com-
                                                                                                        A1 of the CEFR and above. It introduces stu-
munication. It comes with a DVD and includes
                                                                                                        dents to the speech etiquette formulas used in
3 modules: Job Search, You Are a Member of
                                                                                                        modern Russian in different types of speech.
Staff, Working Days. The authentic texts and
                                                                                                        The language material is presented through
complex exercises including video-texts make
                                                                                                        various speech situations supported by the
it possible for the students "to plunge" into
                                                                                                        author’s illustrations.
real business communication.
046528 The Strategy of Success: Russian for
                                                   Speaking                                             041663 Modern Russian Etiquette in Pictures
       Business Communication + DVD
       £25.75                                     Ages 5-7
                                                                                                        От звука к слову
Встречи,                                          100 скоро-                                            РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ

переговоры,                                       говорок для                                             This is a new phonetic and grammar course

переписка                                         улучшения                                             for students who are starting to learn Russian
                                                                                                        as a foreign language. It consists of 10 lessons
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                               дикции                                                to be mastered in 2-3 weeks with a teacher.
 Improve your speaking and writing skills and                                                           Students will learn: the system of sounds in
progress from beginner's level to A2 of CEFR.     ФЕНИКС                                                Russian; peculiarities of sound combinations;
The book provides various aids including           Tongue twisters are very helpful practice            the specificity of the Russian accent; grammar
sample dialogues, examples of business doc-       exercises for accurate speaking skills and            and vocabulary. By the end of the course they
uments, training exercises as well as authentic   correct pronunciation of separate sounds and          will be able to read syllables, words, combina-
dialogues on CD. The textbook can be used         words. They also develop listening skills and         tion of words, sentences and short texts; ask
both for classroom and individual study. It is    articulation abilities of children and enrich their   and answer questions on certain themes; talk
                                                  vocabulary. The book is a compilation of 100          about familiar subjects (3-4 sentences); write

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
8        Russian
syllables, familiar words and short sentences.     commentary. Book 1 is aimed at children aged       Adolescent/Adult
The course contains information on the history     7+ and newly published Book 2 is aimed at
and culture of Russia, a short grammar refer-      children aged 8+ years old. Both books come
ence as well as a Russian-English glossary.        with CDs.                                          Читаем А.С. Пушкина.
The book comes with a CD.                          042062 Literary Reading. Book 1 + CD £19.95        Пиковая дама
045576 From a Sound to a Word + CD £19.95          042069 Literary Reading. Book 2 + CD £19.95        РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                                                                        This adapted version of Pushkin’s short story
                                                                                                      is designed for foreign students with an in-
                                                                                                      termediate knowledge of Russian (CEFR B2).
                                                                                                      The book includes commentaries, footnotes,
                                                                                                      questions, grammatical and lexical exercises
                                                                                                      to make the reading process easier and help
                                                                                                      students remember new material.
                                                                                                      044054 Reading Pushkin. The Queen of
                                                                                                             Spades                      £17.95

                                                   Ages 11-14
выражения в                                        По-русски обо всем
русском языке                                        The book is designed for bilingual children
                                                   aged 10 to 13 years old who learn Russian
  The book is designed for foreign students        as their family language. It includes various
learning Russian at an advanced stage              adapted texts for reading, as well as grammar
(CEFR B2-C1) and for teachers of Russian           and spelling rules, games, creative tasks,         Мифы о России, или
as a foreign language. It teaches students to
communicate in various situations, enriches
                                                   jokes, and comic stories. It can be used in
                                                   schools where Russian is part of the syllabus
                                                                                                      развесистая клюква
                                                                                                      РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
their vocabulary with the stylistically coloured   or as an individual optional course.
expressions of etiquette, and masters their        042035 About Everything in Russian     £20.95        The book is for students learning Russian at
speaking and listening skills. Special attention                                                      CEFR B2 who would like to know more about
is paid to the ability to differentiate between                                                       Russian culture. The texts dispel misconcep-
general cliches and phraseological units used                                                         tions about Russia and explain the most pop-
in formal and informal situations or speech                                                           ular opinions about the country and its people
units used by different social and profession-                                                        created by foreigners and Russians them-
al groups of native speakers (youth, elderly                                                          selves. The book develops students' reading
people, representatives of scientific or higher                                                       skills, widens vocabulary, and tests speaking
education environment). The material is organ-                                                        skills, as students can discuss the texts after
ised by topics (greetings, getting acquainted,                                                        reading them.
congratulations). Each topic includes various                                                         044053 The Myths about Russia, or a Branchy
creative assignments to practise spontaneous                                                                 Cranberry                     £19.95
dialogues and monologues in Russian.               Зимние истории
041655 Etiquette Phrases in Russian     £19.50     России                                             Русские этюды
                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                                                                      РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ

 Reading                                             This is a compilation of 5 adapted texts - the
                                                   stories and tales by Russian classics. Some
                                                                                                        This book is designed for foreign students
                                                                                                      with CEFR B1 knowledge of Russian, who
                                                   stories happened long ago, others - fairly
Ages 8-10                                                                                             would like to improve their skills to B2. By
                                    NEW!           recently. But they all happened in winter. The
                                                                                                      introducing students to the works of Russian
Литературное                                       wonderful snowy Russian winter is not the only
                                                                                                      writers, the book develops students’ reading
чтение. Книги 1 и 2                                thing which brings the stories together. It is
                                                   also the timeless idea of kindness in people,
                                                                                                      skills. Adapted and abridged, the texts come
                                                                                                      with commentaries and comprehension exer-
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                their warm hearts and generous souls. The
                                                                                                      cises to check understanding, revise grammar,
   These books are designed for bilingual chil-    book will be interesting for children who speak
                                                                                                      and improve vocabulary. The book also helps
dren to form their communicative, linguistic,      Russian at level B1 of CEFR. It can also be
                                                                                                      students develop writing, listening, and speak-
and cultural competence. They include literary     entertaining for adults. The exercises accom-
                                                                                                      ing skills, by encouraging them to formulate
works of various genres (classic examples of       panying every story help to understand the
                                                                                                      spoken and written expressions, to observe,
children literature) which present the Russian     texts better and sense the beauty of a Russian
                                                                                                      add and reproduce the texts and audio mate-
culture. The tasks help to comprehend the          word. The book comes with a CD.
                                                                                                      rial, and to present information according to
literary texts, develop language skills, and an-   042057 Russian Winter Stories: A Book for          the suggested schemes. The book consists of
alyse the texts at an elementary literary level.          Reading with Exercises + CD £20.50          8 lessons intended for 48-50 classroom hours,
Adapted for bilingual children, the texts have                                                        but can also be used for independent study. It
accents, reference, and linguistic and cultural                                                       comes with answer keys.

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
Russian 9
044099 Russian Etudes: A Reading Book with
       Exercises and Commentaries £19.95
                                                     op children's writing skills. It includes grammar
                                                     explanations and training exercises, and             Evaluation, tests
                                                     comes with an answer key. To avoid common
                                                     language mistakes typical for bilingual chil-       Ages 5-7
                                                     dren, the book provides a comparative analy-
                                                     sis of grammar characteristics of Russian and
                                                     English. The tasks are presented in the form of     Тест по русскому
                                                     games, competitions, riddles, and crosswords.       языку для
                                                     The Russian poems and short comic stories
                                                     are widely used in the texts.
                                                     041660 Russian Language: Games, Riddles,            детей
                                                            Exercises                   £15.75           ЗЛАТОУСТ
Вы не поверите!                                                                                            The test allows to evaluate the level of Rus-
                                                                                                         sian of bilingual children aged 3-8 years old
  This is s a compilation of 15 adapted
                                                      Vocabulary                                         (preschool and junior school stage). It is de-
                                                                                                         signed for teachers of Russian, kindergarten
academic texts by Russian and foreign
authors, which is designed for foreign students
                                                     Ages 8-10                                           teachers, logopedists, and parents of bilingual
                                                                                                         children. The set includes 57 cards and a me-
learning Russian at CEFR B1. The texts have
                                                                                                         thodical description.
been selected for their fascinating storylines       Picture Book Pack for                               041316 Russian Language Proficiency Test for
                                                     Primary Topics
and incorporate the most frequently used
                                                                                                                Bilingual Children + Cards £34.50
Russian words and grammatical structures.
 044051 You Won't Believe It!            £19.95        This pack features specially selected picture
                                                     books to teach the basic vocabulary topics
                                                     in Russian in an entertaining way. They cover       Ages 11-18
 Writing                                             numbers, colours, clothes, animals, telling the
                                                     time, and parts of the body. Children will rec-
                                                     ognise some of the stories which have been
Ages 8-10
                                                     translated from English, others are authentic       страно-
                                                     tales in Russian or simple board books with
Тетрадь                                              limited vocabulary. Each title can be pur-
                                                     chased separately.                                  олимпиада
юного                                                041801 Russian Picture Book Topics Pack             ЗЛАТОУСТ
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                                                                        A Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Olympiad
                                                     Adolescent/Adult                                    is a compilation of exercises and games for
  The textbook is designed to develop writing                                                            students of Russian as a foreign language,
skills of bilingual children aged 7-12 years old.
The book consists of 2 parts: part 1 is a work-      Лексический                                         from levels A1- C2 of CEFR. It tests students'
                                                                                                         knowledge of Russia, its culture, traditions and
book and is aimed at children; part 2 includes       минимум                                             everyday life.
methodological instructions and is aimed at          ЗЛАТОУСТ                                            041339 Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Russian
teachers and parents. The tasks are presented
                                                                                                                Language Olympiad for Foreigners
in the form of a play. Within a year children will
learn to create their own texts - from simple          This is a series of vocabulary books appro-
lists to stories with elaborate storylines. Every    priate to various levels of CEFR from A1 to C1.
task is a new step for children to learn how to      Books 1, 2 and 3 contain word lists and gram-
express their thoughts coherently and logically.     mar information with translations into English,
The course covers 55-60 academic hours.              German, French, Spanish, and Chinese. The           Требования
                                                                                                         по РКИ.
041672 A Notebook of a Young Writer £16.95           books are divided into 2 sections: part 1 is
                                                     the vocabulary lists and part 2 contains in-
                                                     formation such as explanations and notes on
                                                     synonyms, phrases and linguistic terminology.
                                                                                                         I уровень
Ages 11-14                                           Lexical Minimum III Certificate Level (CEFR C1)
Русский язык:                                        is now also available!
                                                                                 NEW!                      The book presents the updated minimum
игры, загадки,                                       A1                                                  requirements for the First level of Russian (I
                                                     045654   Elementary Level                £15.95
упражнения                                           A2
                                                                                                         TORFL, or B1 CEFR). It is designed for learn-
                                                                                                         ers of Russian as a foreign language, teachers,
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                             045655   Basic Level                      £18.95
                                                     B1                                                  textbook authors, administrative staff of ed-
                                                     045656   First Certificate Level         £21.95     ucational centres and language schools, and
                                                     B2                                                  specialists in international education.
  The book is aimed at children aged 10-
                                                     045657   Second Certificate Level         £21.95    045405 Requirements for the First Level of
13, who learn Russian abroad and live in a
                                                     C1                                                         Russian as a Foreign Language £15.95
non-Russian speaking environment. The basic
                                                     045661   Third Certificate Level         £21.95
knowledge of Russian spelling and punctua-
tion is required. The book is designed to devel-

RUSSIAN 2019 - The European Bookshop
10 Russian
100 очков вперед                                    Mixed skills                                      to a blog. The book outlines numerous ways to
                                                                                                      express consent, disapproval and advice, as
                                                                                                      well as helping students to enrich their vocab-
  This book presents tests of Russian as a for-                                                       ulary. The topics in the book cover the most
eign language for students at elementary and       Ages 8-10
                                                                                                      common problems encountered in modern life
basic level to practise their skills in grammar,                                                      and society. Designed for work with a teacher,
vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and
speaking. It covers 2 major topics: “An Intro-
                                                   Русский                                            it has been successfully tested in both groups

duction to Russia” (CEFR A1) and “It’s Time        в шутку и                                          and one-to-one lessons. It helps students to
                                                                                                      overcome barriers which often appear when
to Go on Holiday in Russia” (CEFR A2), and
provides various interesting facts about the
                                                   всерьез                                            they try to express their thoughts in oral or
                                                   ЗЛАТОУСТ                                           written forms.
                                                     This book is aimed at children of primary-       041338 Communicate Online £20.75
041358 One Hundred Points Up: Tests                and secondary-school age who learn Russian
       to Learn Russian as a Foreign
                                                   as their second language at level B1 of CEFR.
       Language                    £22.50
                                                   It is a compilation of texts with exercises.
                                                   The book is designed to develop children's
                                                   pronunciation skills and enrich their vocabu-
                                                   lary. It also helps to advance their knowledge

     NEW!                                          of Russian grammar and develop their commu-
                                                   nicative and creative skills.
                                                   041332 Russian for Fun and Serious     £15.75

                                                   Ages 11-18                                         Пульс времени
                                                   Поэзия русской                                     РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ

                                                   осени                                                Recommended for students learning Russian

Тренировочные                                      ЗЛАТОУСТ                                           as a foreign language at an advanced level
                                                                                                      (CEFR B2-C1), this book is designed to devel-
тесты по русскому                                    The book is aimed at foreign students with
                                                   CEFR B1 knowledge of Russian and above. It
                                                                                                      op communicative competence. It comprises

языку как                                          presents literary texts in Russian which are re-
                                                                                                      10 chapters which reflect the principal fields
                                                                                                      of modern social life and the main news col-
иностранному для                                   lated to autumn. The book develops students'
                                                   writing and speaking skills as well as enriches
                                                                                                      umns in mass media (National & International

школьников                                         their vocabulary. It introduces students to the
                                                                                                      Politics; Economics & Business; Social Sphere;
                                                                                                      Demographic Processes & Family; Science,
МАРИНА ЧЕТИНАЛП                                    linguistic images of autumn and includes the       New Technologies & the Internet, Culture & Art,
  This book includes training materials for        works by Russian artists as an illustrative ma-    Environment & Ecology; Naturals Disasters &
Russian language GCSE exams. The sample            terial. The exercises at the end help to summa-    Catastrophes; Criminal Chronicle; Sport). Every
exercises are structured by the topics and         rise and comprehend the covered material.          chapter presents current topics with the texts
develop students’ language skills which allow      041133 Poetry of Russian Autumn: Speech            from modern press, accompanied by various
them to be part of a role play and to describe            Activity Textbook for Foreign Students      exercises designed to practise and develop
pictures. Every topic is presented in two dif-            £14.50                                      students' language skills. The exercises and
ferent ways: for a student and for a teacher.                                                         final tests come with answer keys. The course
The sample conversation exercises in the book                                                         is intended for 160-200 academic hours.
do not require the only correct answer, which                                                         041351 The Pulse of Time: Reading and
encourages students to provide multiple pos-                                                                 Discussing the News in Russian £22.50
sible responses to the set questions. The book
is designed for students who prepare for their
GCSE exams in Russian as well as for teachers
and parents who organise preparation for the
exams. It also will be useful to the specialists
in lingua-didactic testing.
041362 Training Tests in Russian as a
        Foreign Language for Schoolchildren        Adolescent/Adult

                                                   РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                 По-русски - легко!
      NEW!                                           This book is designed for students learning       РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                   Russian as a foreign language at CEFR A2-B1          This new course is designed for beginners of
                                                   to practise and develop their speaking and         Russian as a foreign language to develop their
                                                   writing skills, concentrating on communication     speaking and listening skills. The book ad-
                                                   through social media. It presents informal,        dresses the main communicative requirements
                                                   spontaneous communication styles to reflect        for effective communication in everyday life.
                                                   multiple points of view of people responding

Russian 11
The basic grammar commentary encourages
students’ interest for active speech practice
                                                    writing. They also help students to broaden
                                                    their range of discussion topics. The book is
                                                                                                        Время обсуждать
                                                                                                        РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
from the first lessons. The book complies with      intended for study with a teacher and as a
the requirements of level A1 of the CEFR and        supplement to a practical course in Russian at        The book is designed for students learning
is intended for 96 academic hours. The au-          CEFR A1-A2.                                         Russian as a foreign language at CEFR B2
dio materials are available to listen to online      041356 What Is There to Discuss?       £20.75      and wishing to improve their skills to C1. It
through the QR-code.                                                                                    consists of 5 lessons, divided into units. Each
                                                                                                        unit includes speech exercises for better
041363 Speak Russian Easily!            £35.50      Коротко о                                           comprehension and understanding of the au-

 NEW!                                               главном. Смотрим                                    thentic texts. Each lesson ends with exercises

                                                                                                        to help students formulate statements and
                                                                                                        expressions in both written and oral forms. The
                                                    фильмы                                              book also prepares students for an individual
                                                    РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                 and group report and a presentation in Power
                                                                                                        Point. It comes with a CD.
                                                       The set consists of a DVD with 9 contempo-
                                                                                                        042423 It’s Time to Discuss: Speech Practice
                                                    rary original short films by young Russian film-
                                                                                                               for Foreign Students + CD      £25.75
                                                    makers, and an exercise book with the full film
                                                    scripts, tasks, and an answer key. Each film
                                                    draws a picture of modern life and people’s
                                                    relationships, as a reflection and understand-
                                                    ing of the Russian reality. The films bring up
                                                    topical questions and problems. Some of the
                                                    films have been shortlisted for cinematography
                                                    awards at various film festivals and have won
Русская культура.                                   prizes. The set is aimed at foreign students
Диалог со временем                                  learning Russian at B1/B2 level of CEFR. It is
                                                    designed to develop students' speaking skills,
                                                    enrich their vocabulary, and make them famil-
  The book is aimed at foreign students learn-
ing Russian at level B1-B2 of CEFR. Carefully
                                                    iar with the modern Russian realities.
                                                                                                        имена России
                                                    041335 Watching Short Films (Book + DVD)
selected texts and illustrations demonstrate               £22.75+
the Russian national character reflected in the                                                         РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
cultural artefacts. All the questions, tasks, ta-
                                                                                                          The Golden Names of Russia series presents
bles and schemes are based on a comparison
                                                                                                        textbooks which come with short films on
of Russian culture to other cultures. The book
                                                                                                        discs. Each textbook gives a simplified biog-
develops students' reading, speaking, writing,
                                                                                                        raphy of "the golden name" along with com-
and listening skills. The key words and phrases
                                                                                                        prehension exercises. These books are ideal
are translated into English. The book comes
                                                                                                        for foreign students studying Russian at CEFR
with a CD with illustrations and audio tasks.
                                                                                                        A2-B1 who have a keen interest in Russian
045927 Russian Culture: Dialogue with the Time                                                          history, culture and literature.
       + CD £24.95
                                                                                                        040580 The Firearms Designer Makarov + DVD
                                                    В Москву? В Москву!                                        £15.95

                                                    РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                 040583 The Constructor Kalashnikov + DVD
                                                      This is a video course on a DVD and a text-

                                                    book for students of Russian as a foreign
                                                    language at level A2-B1 of CEFR. The video
                                                    course includes 6 films, each lasting for 10
                                                    minutes. The textbook offers various tasks
                                                    based on the films. All the films share the same
                                                    storyline and characters. However, each film is
                                                    an independent finished product with its out-
                                                    set, culmination, and ending. The texts include
                                                    the speech patterns covering main conversa-
А что тут обсуждать?                                tional topics, which makes the video course
                                                    useful alongside any course of Russian as a
                                                    foreign language. The course teaches students
                                                                                                          These book + DVD sets focus on the famous
  This book presents texts which have been          to interpret live Russian speech in full and pre-
                                                                                                        firearms designer Makarov and the honoured
abridged or adapted for the teaching of Rus-        pares them for watching original feature films
                                                                                                        constructor Kalashnikov, their life and work,
sian as a foreign language to students at level     in Russian.
                                                                                                        and the history of creation of the famous
A1-A2 of CEFR. The main characteristics of
                                                    041350 To Moscow? To Moscow!: Video Course          Makarov pistol and the Kalashnikov machine
the texts are their focus on vocabulary and                 on DVD and Textbook        £22.75+          gun, the legendary weapon. The sets help
grammar as well their rich informational con-
                                                                                                        students to develop their reading, listening,
tent. The texts develop students' skills in all
                                                                                                        speaking, writing and comprehension skills.
types of speech activity, as well as reading and

12 Russian

 Idioms                                              Когда есть                                           Russian Grammar
                                                     о чем                                                in Use
Adolescent/Adult                                     поговорить                                           ЗЛАТОУСТ
                                                     ЗЛАТОУСТ                                               This is the first part of a brand new grammar
Путешествуем по                                        This book tells about Russian idioms, used         course for English speakers with some knowl-

России с русскими                                    in spoken informal language to express               edge of the Russian alphabet as well as for
                                                                                                          learners who are revising their grammar skills
пословицами и                                        estimation, consent, denial, emphasis,
                                                     singularity, plurality, and to make speech           from their first 100-150 hours of study (CEFR
поговорками NEW!                                     vivid and eloquent. It includes general              A1). It is suitable for study with a teacher or
                                                                                                          independently, and it can be used as a main
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                  characteristics of idioms and various exercises
                                                     to strengthen students' understanding of             textbook or with supplementary materials. All
  This book is designed for foreign students         idiomatic expressions. The book is designed          the explanations and instructions are given
and schoolchildren learning Russian at CEFR          for foreign students learning Russian at CEFR        in both English and Russian. The language
B1 level and for those interested in the Russian     B2 level, translators, teachers of Russian as a      material is presented in an accessible way,
language and culture. It presents educational        foreign language, and linguists.                     with plenty of communicative tasks. A lot of
texts on linguistic and cultural studies as well                                                          exercises are based on humorous texts which
as stories of everyday life with various plots.      045520 We Have Something to Talk About:              will make students smile. The course makes
The texts contain information on the origin                 Idiomatic Expressions in Russian              the learning process easy and entertaining by
of the Russian proverbs and sayings and the                 £17.75
                                                                                                          providing useful tips and comments along the
peculiarities of their use in modern speech.                                                              way. Answer keys and a vocabulary are provid-
The interesting facts about various cities and                                                            ed at the end of the book.
regions of Russia as well as the popular tourist      Grammar                                             040584 Russian Grammar in Use - A1 £25.50
attractions in the country are also provided.
045521 Travelling Around Russia with                 Adolescent/Adult
       Russian Proverbs and Sayings                                                                       NEW!
                                                     Fun Russian: 27 Tips
                                                     from the Cat Vasily
                                                        This new beginners book with its colourful
                                                     material and English translation makes the
                                                     experience of learning grammar live and dy-
                                                     namic. Drawing on British research ("Cute Cats
                                                     Could Be Key to Learning New Languages"),
                                                     as well as on a famous character created by
                                                     A. Pushkin, the authors devised the Cat Vasily,
                                                                                                          Essential Russian
                                                     a professor who has 3 assistants: Anfisa the         Grammar
                                                     Cat, Zhorik the Parrot and Mag the Cat, who          ЗЛАТОУСТ

Общаемся на                                          introduces students to Russian nouns and
                                                     their endings, explaining the magic of Russian
                                                                                                            Specifically designed for English-speaking
                                                                                                          students of Russian, this book provides a clear
русском в разных                                     words. The authors deliberately leave the            and concise introduction to all of the main
ситуациях                                            teacher in a supporting role so that students
                                                     feel comfortable interacting mainly with Vasily,
                                                                                                          aspects of grammar, from the basics of gender
                                                                                                          agreement and verb conjugation through to
РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ                                  Anfisa, Zhorik and Mag. Carefully designed           the use of numerals and prepositions. It also
  This book on practical stylistics and develop-     illustrations for grammar and vocabulary help        offers exercises to practise students' skills (an
ment of speech is aimed at foreign students,         students to memorise material easily, and the        answer key is included). Ideal for students with
mastering their Russian skills at level B2 of the    karaoke from Zhorik is an entertaining aid for       a basic understanding of Russian (CEFR A2),
CEFR. It helps students comprehend the sty-          learning Russian songs. As explained by the ti-      the book can be used in the classroom or for
listic riches of Russian by teaching them how        tle, it is hoped that the seeds of joy in learning   independent study.
to differentiate between the stylistically neutral   Russian with this amusing book will turn into
                                                                                                          045269 Essential Russian Grammar        £37.75
and coloured words and expressions of formal         powerful sprouts of love for Russian culture.
and informal speech, and how to use them             040581 Fun Russian. 27 Tips from Vasily the
appropriately in different communicative sit-               Cat                         £35.95            Грамматикон
uations. The book can be used at universities                                                             РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
for translation courses, seminars on Russian
stylistics, and workshops at language schools.                                                              This grammar book is designed for Eng-
It can also be interesting to foreign teachers of                                                         lish-speaking students who learn Russian at
Russian, journalists, and translators.                                                                    CEFR B2. It provides academic, communica-
                                                                                                          tive and creative exercises on morphology
045528 We Communicate in Russian in
                                                                                                          and syntax of Russian. The book presents
       Different Situations. Practical Stylistics
                                                                                                          main types of grammar units and revises basic
         £19.95                                                                                           grammar structures. It is recommended as a
                                                                                                          semester course on Russian grammar at an
                                                                                                          advanced stage for study with a teacher.

Russian 13
040573 Grammatikon. Morphological &
       Syntactic Structures in Russian £27.75
                                                   Синтаксис                                            Illustrated Russian
                                                   современного русского                                Grammar
                                                   языка                                                SNETKOV, G
                                                   ЗЛАТОУСТ                                               This book covers all the key points of el-
                                                   The book is aimed to help students get               ementary Russian grammar (CEFR A1).
                                                   to grips with basic syntactic structures in          Info-graphics and illustrations in the book
                                                   Russian. It is suitable for students studying        produce visually engaging explanations. It pro-
                                                   Russian at university and for those learning it      vides various exercises and a comprehensive
                                                   at B1-B2 levels of the CEFR.                         table of regular and irregular Russian verbs.
                                                   040567 Syntax of Modern Russian          £25.75      The book can be used for self-study or as a
                                                                                                        supplement to any Russian coursebook.
                                                                                                        085246 Illustrated Russian Grammar. A1 £18.95

  The book covers various controversial and
unresolved syntactic issues on syntactic
units, relations, and structures, and also         Отрицательные и
provides different approaches to addressing
them. Apart from theoretical material, it
provides practical tasks, questions and tests      местоимения и наречия
to strengthen students' understanding of the
covered material. The book can be helpful to
                                                   в русском языке                                      По грамматике с
philologists, university teachers, students,
                                                   ЗЛАТОУСТ                                             песней
postgraduates, and everyone interested               Designed for students learning Russian as a        BRAGINA, N
in Russian grammar system who learn the            foreign language at an advanced level (CEFR            This book contains 12 educational songs
language at an advanced stage (CEFR C2).           B2 and above), the book presents grammatical         specifically written for students of Russian.
040578 Syntactic Topics                £14.95      units and spelling rules for negative and            Each song covers a different aspect of gram-
                                                   indefinite pronouns and adverbs in Russian,          mar and is suitable for students from CEFR A1
                                                   and provides lexical and grammatical
Let's Improve                                      exercises as well as communicative tasks. It
                                                                                                        to B2 levels. The songs are accompanied by

                                                                                                        grammar rules and sets of exercises to prac-
Our Russian                                        also includes literary texts of various difficulty
                                                   levels for collective analysis in the classroom
                                                                                                        tise them.
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                                                                                041001 Russian Grammar through Songs + CD
                                                   and for independent study.
  This grammar series is suitable for B1-B2 lev-                                                               £17.95
el students. Having chosen the most difficult      045403 Negative & Indefinite Pronouns &
grammatical themes that exist in the Russian              Adverbs in Russian            £14.50
                                                                                                        All ages
language, the authors present a collection of
tasks to help develop grammatical accuracy.
Tasks, theoretical explanations and unfamiliar
                                                   В мире русской                                       грамма-
lexical material are provided in English. The      грамматики                                           тические
books contain interesting texts, jokes, verses,    РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
riddles, proverbs and sayings to make the pro-
                                                     Specifically aimed at English-speaking stu-        таблицы
cess of practising grammatical structures and                                                           ЗЛАТОУСТ
                                                   dents, this grammar book is for beginners and
improving accuracy more enjoyable. Answers
                                                   for those who have some basic knowledge of
to the exercises are provided at the back.                                                                This selection of useful laminated cards
                                                   Russian. It covers the grammar units required
041687 Textbook 1 (revised & expanded                                                                   covers the most important aspects of Russian
                                                   to pass CEFR A1, A2 and B1 levels. English
       edition)                    £31.75                                                               grammar. The tables are recommended for
                                                   translations in the book help to clarify stu-
041721 Textbook 2                  £25.95                                                               individual use by students as a source of refer-
                                                   dents’ understanding of difficult grammatical
041724 Textbook 3                  £25.95                                                               ence, or for teachers in the classroom.
                                                   concepts. The book can be used for study with
                                                   a teacher or for independent study alongside         041700 Местоимения и прилагательные £7.20
                                                   any Russian course to strengthen the knowl-          B1
                                                   edge of grammar, helping students feel confi-        042958 Наречия                           £7.20
                                                   dent of using grammatical structures.                041681 Падежи                            £7.20
                                                                                                        045620 Русские падежи: основные значения
                                                   045189 In the World of Russian Grammar
                                                                                                        041682 Глаголы движения                  £7.20
                                                                                                        041717 Глаголы движения и глагольный вид
                                                                                                        041729 Русский глагол: образование
                                                                                                                 настоящего и простого будущего
                                                                                                                 времени                         £5.80

14 Russian
Карты, карточки,                                    from lessons of Russian as a foreign language
                                                    with students at various levels in over 40 coun-
                                                                                                        043097 The programme of learning Russian
                                                                                                               as a foreign language. A1-C2 levels.
картинки                                            tries.                                                     Main Course. Phonetics. Vocabulary.
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                            043088 Friendship Bracelets              £8.35             Grammar. Listening. Reading.
                                                                                                               Speaking. Writing £16.95
  Charts, Cards, Pictures is a series of playing

                                                    Русские дети
sets designed to help students learn Russian
in an interactive way. It is aimed at those who                                                         Книга о грамматике
just begin their discovery of the language or       за границей,                                        ЗЛАТОУСТ
who already have some basic knowledge of it.
                                                    или посадите                                          This book explains the most difficult ques-
133429   Вып. 1. Падежи              £29.50+        тигра в свой                                        tions of Russian grammar which are included
                                                                                                        in the programme of the basic and advanced
         Вып. 4. Буквы-раскраски £18.95+
         Вып. 5. Я знаю. А ты знаешь? £28.95+
                                                    бензобак                                            course of teaching foreign students. It sum-
                                                    ЗЛАТОУСТ                                            marises many years of experience of the Rus-
148903   Вып. 7. Вот как-то так: жизнь в
         картинках                £28.95+             The author shares her experience of teaching      sian as a Foreign Language Department, and
A2                                                  Russian and Russian Literature abroad, gives        presents the description of the grammatical
148886 Вып. 2. Угадай звук!         £28.95+         advice and specific practical recommenda-           structure in the functional and communicative
148887 Вып. 3. Угадай слово!        £29.50+         tions to help teachers and parents to answer        aspect. The book is recommended for teach-
                                                    a difficult question - How to preserve Russian      ers of Russian as a foreign language.
148898 Вып. 6. Созвездие русских глаголов           in children living abroad in a different language   043098 The Book about Grammar        £35.75
       (лексическое лото)        £28.95+            environment? The book will also be useful
                                                    for parents of children, living in Russia and
                                                    struggling with the native language learning,
                                                    as well as for teachers of philology, who will            NEW!
                                                    find out about new techniques and methods of
                                                    043091 Russian Children Abroad, or Put a Tiger
                                                           in Your Petrol Tank            £12.95

 Teacher resources                                  смысловые единицы
Adolescent/Adult                                    ЗЛАТОУСТ                                            Методика обучения
                                                      This academic study reflects on the results of    РКИ
Русский язык с                                      the research project, realised by the Russian       РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
колыбели                                            Humanitarian Science Foundation. The book is
                                                    designed for linguists, teachers of Russian at
                                                                                                          The book presents theoretical questions of
ЗЛАТОУСТ                                                                                                teaching Russian as a foreign language, im-
                                                    schools and universities, including teachers of
  The authors of the Russian from the Cradle                                                            portant problems of the study, and language
                                                    Russian as a foreign language, and everyone
series, the acknowledged specialists in bi-                                                             teaching techniques. It covers sociolinguistic
                                                    interested in culture of speech.
lingualism studies, present their methodical                                                            principles of teaching Russian as a foreign
recommendations and general advice for par-         043096 Functional-Semantic Linguistic Units:        language, lingua-culturology, intercultural
ents of bilingual children and bilingual nursery           Typology, Source Models and Principles       communication, stylistics, and innovative
school teachers, who want to teach children to             of Development                  £22.95       technologies in methods of teaching Russian
speak two languages, including Russian. The                                                             as a foreign language. Theoretical material
series describes main characteristics of bilin-                                                         is illustrated with the examples of practical
gual children speech development at the very                                                            exercises. The book is designed for students,
early stages.                                                                                           graduates, postgraduates, teachers of Russian
041232 Issue 1. A Bilingual Child from Birth to 1                                                       as a foreign language, and those attending the
         Year                            £17.95                                                         advanced training courses.

                                                                                                        041240 Methods of teaching Russian as a

                                                    Программа по РКИ                                            foreign language             £19.95

                                                    РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ
                                                      A programme for teachers of Russian as a
Фенечки                                             foreign language and foreign students planning
                                                    to study at the Russian universities. It covers
                                                    levels A1-C2 and includes methodical recom-
  This book is for teachers who would like to       mendations on vocabulary, grammar, listening,
refine their lessons and come up with novel,        reading, speaking and writing.
interesting ways to maintain students' motiva-
tion. The author shares secrets and examples

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