Page created by Vincent Ward


 Show gardens to             Spring clean    Challenge yourself!
celebrate 180 years          your finances         pg. 20
       pg. 4                    pg. 12
                          In 597, St Augustine established what is now The King's School Canterbury, the first
                          charity, still in existence, to be founded in the UK. This year Perennial, established
                          in 1839, celebrates its 180th birthday. So in comparison we don’t seem that old.
                          but in fact very few charities go back as far as us and we are very proud of our
                          history and our record of service to people in horticulture over the last 180 years.

                          But as I hope this newsletter will show, we are very focused on the present and the
                          future. In this issue you will read about mental health in the horticulture sector, we
                          report on financial wellbeing and the launch of our budgeting tool and we
                          explain how we support families during school holidays.

                          Included here also is a preview of the new look Perennial brand, which will be
                          launched officially at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May. Our reach has
                          expanded over the years from supporting gardeners to helping everyone working
                          in or retired from horticulture, and our new strapline ‘helping people in
                          horticulture’ has been developed to get this message out as widely as possible.

                          And of course we have news of how we are marking our 180th year. We have
                          show gardens at Cardiff (with a theme that links to mental health), Harrogate
                          and Chelsea along with a presence at many others. We are offering a bumper
                          programme of special events culminating in our Festival Dinner on 11 October.
                          And we are investing in our garden at York Gate (featured on 15 March on
                          Gardeners’ World) to ensure that it continues to offer a wonderful experience to
                          visiting garden lovers well into the future, and thereby spreads the word about the
                          advice and support we offer.

                          Everything you read about in this newsletter, indeed everything that we do as a
                          charity, is directed towards the achievement of our purpose of building better
                          futures for people in horticulture and their families. Thank you for supporting us in
                          that endeavour and happy reading.

                          Peter Newman
                          Chief Executive

2 | 180th Anniversary Issue

Page 4 & 5                                                 Page 6 & 7
Show gardens to celebrate 180 years                        Be mindful of your mental health

Page 12 & 13                                               Page 18 & 19
Spring clean your finances with Perennial                  When school’s out we’re
                                                           here to help

Page 10                               Page 20 & 21         Page 23
Notes from The Laskett Gardens,       Challenge yourself   A day in the life of Jack Ogg
by Sir Roy Strong

                                                                              180th Anniversary Issue | 3
Show gardens to celebrate
       180 years

        It is 180 years since Perennial         in horticulture and their families      around the garden, representing
        was founded at an annual                now and into the future.                the ‘lifeline’ that Perennial has
        dinner for ‘nurserymen,                                                         been for so many people over the
        florists and amateurs’ with             The Perennial Lifeline Garden is        past 180 years. We understand the
        the aim of providing a                  inspired by Sir Roy Strong’s            critical needs of people in
        source of income for                    autobiographical The Laskett            horticulture, but also that anyone
        gardeners in retirement.                Gardens and designed by first           can struggle, whether their
        We have grown a lot since               time Chelsea designers Colm             difficulties are financial, physical or
        1839, evolving to meet the              Joseph and Duncan Cargill,              emotional, which is why we are
        changing needs of today’s               following a competition run jointly     always there as a safety net.
        horticulture industry and               by Perennial and the London
        the challenges faced by                 College of Garden Design. The           The creation of this garden is a
        individuals and families.               garden celebrates Perennial’s role      fantastic demonstration of the
                                                at the heart of horticulture and        industry coming together to
        This year we want to reach more         captures the spirit of The Laskett      support its trade charity and
        people than ever and, as part of        Gardens in Herefordshire, created       ultimately anyone in horticulture
        the year-long calendar of events        by Sir Roy Strong CH and his wife       that may need help at any time
        to mark our 180th anniversary,          Julia Trevelyan Oman that was           during their lives. The wide range
        we are creating a series of show        bequeathed to Perennial in 2015.        of suppliers and partners that have
        gardens at some of the top                                                      made it possible include London
        flower shows to raise awareness         Staged in Chelsea Flower Show’s         Stone, providing all the stone for
        of how Perennial helps people           centrepiece the Great Pavilion,         the hard landscaping, Conquest
        in horticulture.                        this walk-through exhibit is inspired   Creative Spaces as contractor and
                                                by the classical rose garden and        plants and trees supplied by
        Within the gardening world, the         colonnade at The Laskett                Hardy's Cottage Garden Plants,
        major flower shows are the most         Gardens, which are reimagined in        Peter Beales Roses and Majestic
        high profile events and a valuable      a modern design. Here the rose          Trees. Stark & Greensmith have
        platform for getting in front of a      garden takes the form of a lower        designed and crafted the
        large audience of visitors and the      maintenance and wildlife-friendly       bespoke metalwork and fountain.
        media. None more so than the RHS        'rose meadow', with long seasonal       By partnering with London College
        Chelsea Flower Show, where we           interest. The colonnade is              of Garden Design on the design
        are excited to be creating the          reinterpreted in an asymmetrically      competition and having
        Perennial Lifeline Garden in May.       arranged series of verticals            apprentices from the Association
        We have also been taking part in        including metal screens, topiary        of Professional Landscapers assist
        the RHS Flower Show Cardiff and         pillars and sawn limestone              with the build, we are helping
        the Harrogate Spring Flower Show        columns. Two modern fountains           support new talent entering the
        with gardens designed to highlight      and three multi-stem trees replace      industry and giving them
        to visitors Perennial’s vital role in   the classical water features and        experience that will inspire them in
        building better futures for people      sculpture. A contemporary rill flows    their careers to come.

4 | 180th Anniversary Issue
©Ginger Horticulture
At RHS Flower Show Cardiff,            In a modern world dominated                             not. have been possible without
Irish garden designer                  by social media, we can so                              the brilliant support of other
Peter Donegan, Burnham                 often be fooled and fail to                             partners including Hortus Loci
Landscaping and CED                    realise when people are                                 and Oxford Planters.
Stone created a show                   struggling. Mental health is a                          The garden is now being
garden to raise awareness              growing concern across the UK                           relocated to Veterans’ Growth
of Perennial in Wales.                 but Perennial is here to help                           in East Sussex, a charity that
                                       people in horticulture when                             provides horticultural therapy
The garden was a modern urban          challenges seem overwhelming.                           to ex-service men and women
private space, designed for            The growing need for the                                facing mental health issues.
relaxing with friends or family, but   awareness of Perennial’s services                       We know the positive impact
its underlying message was a           led us to the Cardiff show for the                      gardening can have on mental
serious one. It invited visitors to    very first time. Fewer people in                        health so it is great that this
look beyond the polished exterior      Wales know of Perennial and this                        garden is going to live on after
and imagine what challenges its        was a real opportunity to make a                        the show and help even more
owner or creator may be facing.        difference. The garden would                            people who need it.

                                                                                               publicly to the industry that we are
                                                                                               there for them. The designers,
                                                                                               contractors, nurserymen, growers
                                                                                               and all of the other hundreds of
                                                                                               professionals that come together
                                                                                               to create these wonderful events
                                                                                               are the very people Perennial
                                                                                               helps if they ever need it. While
                                                                                               those involved in public shows are
                                                                                               the section of the industry more
                                                                                               likely to have heard of us, many
                                                                                               show visitors employ self-employed
                                                                                               gardeners, tree surgeons and
                                                                              ©Wendy Preston

                                                                                               landscapers to help them in their
                                                                                               own gardens and it is these types
                                                                                               of people that are hard for us to
                                                                                               reach. And they are often some of
                                                                                               the more vulnerable people and
We were thrilled that the the          The water reminds us that life                          the most likely to need our support.
Perennial Legacy Garden                emerges, flows through time
won Best in Show and a                 overcoming all obstacles in its way                     Against the harsh backdrop of
Premier Gold Award at the              before returning to the earth. The                      austerity measures that have
Harrogate Spring Flower                bubbling, tricking and flowing of                       resulted in growing social
Show. The garden aimed to              water culminated in a still pool,                       problems, longer waiting times for
inspire people to think about          providing a calming space for                           access to key services and a more
their own legacy and the               people to sit, reflect and                              complex benefits system, our role
difference their help can              remember.                                               in supporting people in
make to the lives of others.                                                                   horticulture has continued to
                                       Taking part in the flower shows not                     deepen. That is why we really
The conceptual design created          only brings the work of Perennial to                    appreciate the part that flower
by David Wyndham Lewis used            a wide range of people, they are                        show visitors play in helping
water to represent life and legacy.    also a great way to demonstrate                         spread the word about Perennial.

                                                                                                                   180th Anniversary Issue | 5
Be mindful of your
       mental health
        The Perennial Garden at RHS Flower Show Cardiff highlighted
        the importance of acknowledging mental health in horticulture
        and we’re committed to supporting people through challenges
        affecting their mental health every day.

                                                 • Nearly half of adults in the UK think they
                                                 have had a mental health condition
                                                 • Nearly 1 in 4 people in the UK have
                                                 anxiety or depression
                                                 • Suicide is the leading cause of death for
                                                 men aged under 50 in England and Wales
                                                 • 1 in 5 adults say they have thought
                                                 about taking their own life

6 | 180th Anniversary Issue
According to latest figures, nearly    post or a gushing status update          problems and we know the
half of all adults in the UK believe   when many of us are struggling           impact mental health has on lives
they have had a mental health          with physical, mental and financial      and the ripple effect on family
condition at some point in their       challenges and burdens. Perennial        and friends. Research shows that
lives. Mental health problems are      helps people in horticulture             those on low incomes are more
a growing public health concern:       manage and overcome the                  likely to develop a mental health
the number of women being              challenges life throw at us which        condition, this may be due to
diagnosed with common mental           can become contributing factors          the stress of struggling to meet
health problems has been steadily      to poor physical and mental              financial demands, the impact of
increasing and suicide remains the     health in an industry that               debt, poor housing conditions or
leading cause of death for men         demands strength and resilience.”        poor physical health. Our services
aged 50 and under in England                                                    team works with people facing
and Wales.                             Mental health is often referred          challenges that can often seem
                                       to as ‘emotional health’ or              overwhelming, supporting people
To highlight the importance of         ‘wellbeing’ and it touches               coping with life changing events
talking about mental health in the     everyone. We all feel stressed,          and helping them overcome some
horticulture industry, Perennial       sad or afraid about something            of the most complex issues families
supported a show garden at RHS         from time to time and usually            are facing today. There are many
Flower Show Cardiff earlier this       those feelings pass but sometimes        ways in which we help, including
month, designed by Peter               they develop into a more serious         maximising income through
Donegan. Speaking about his            problem and this could happen            welfare benefits, financial
decision to design a garden for        to any of us. Julia Hayne, Director      assistance or support with housing,
Perennial, he says:                    of Services at Perennial says:           employment or debt. We’re here
                                                                                for you and your family, so please
“In a modern world dominated by        “One in four people working in           don’t wait until things are
social media we can so often be        horticulture are likely to               becoming too much before
fooled by an edited Instagram          experience mental health                 you get in touch.”

                                       worried about money and fell into        After a 6 month wait I was referred
                                       depression. He says:                     for regular UV light treatment at
                                                                                Salisbury hospital. Although the
                                       “The bills didn’t stop, so I didn’t.     individual sessions last only a few
                                       My condition made me mentally            minutes the recovery process is
                                       depressed and I just didn’t know         very slow. My hands and feet are
                                       how I was going to cope.                 getting better now though and I
                                                                                am able to stay on my feet for
                                       I was referred to Perennial by In        longer periods each day.
                                       Touch and within a week I had
                                       received a visit from my                 If it wasn’t for Perennial I don’t
                                       caseworker. He was brilliant from        know where I’d be now. They’re
                                       day one, helping me fill in the          patient, they don’t judge.
                                       forms to apply for financial help        You just feel like you’re being
Perennial helps people like Leigh,     while I was unable to work. He           looked after, when you can’t
a self-employed landscaper who         made all the phone calls and             look after yourself.”
developed an acute skin                was so patient and organised
condition as a result of stress at     about everything. It was like a          You can read more about
work. He was unable to work while      huge weight had been lifted              Leigh and watch a short film
he waited for treatment and as a       and I know that it has contributed       about how we helped at
lone parent with bills to pay, he      to my recovery.                

TOP TIPS FOR STAYING                                        3. Eat well and drink responsibly – eating a
                                                            balanced diet and not exceeding your
MENTALLY HEALTHY                                            recommended daily alcohol consumption will really
Mental health affects everyone and we should all be         help you stay physically and mentally healthy.
mindful about how to take care of our mental                4. Keep in touch – your own personal network is a
wellbeing. We all cope with situations in different         powerful safety net so stay in touch with friends and
ways, but there are a few tips we can all adopt to          family. Spending time with people you love will make
stay on top of things.                                      you feel good.
1. Talk about it – it can be difficult to express how       5. Ask for help – we all need a helping hand
you feel but it helps to acknowledge that you’re not        sometimes and it’s OK to ask for help. Perennial is here
ok. Talking about your feelings isn’t a sign of             for anyone working in or retired from horticulture and
weakness – it can help you cope with a problem              no problem or question is too big or small. We’re
if you share it with someone.                               ready to help help you get the support you need.
2. Keep active and get outdoors – exercise is well
                                                            More advice about staying mentally healthy is
known to help keep your mind healthy but if poor
                                                            available from the Mental Health Foundation at
physical health prevents you from keeping active,
try to enjoy a little time outside every day.

                                                                                                     180th Anniversary Issue | 7
Garden News
                              Perennial’s gardens play an important role in raising awareness of the
                              charity, bringing new audiences to Perennial and spreading the word that
                              we are there to help everyone in horticulture. As well as this they also
                              provide opportunities for training and we’re delighted to currently have two
                              full time apprentices at Fullers Mill and two full time trainees at York Gate.

                  FULLE RS MILL

       Head Garden er Annie Dellbrid ge and her team
       were delighted to welcom e visitors back to
       Perenn ial’s Suffolk garden when it reopen ed for
       the 2019 season on Wedne sday 3 April.

        The team worked hard over the winter months .
        A numbe r of really old willow trees were felled,
        having becom e hollow and unsafe and the areas
        replanted with a mixture of shrubs, perenn ials and
        bulbs. The millpon d in Fullers Mill garden was
        desilted , leaving it looking fantast ic with a new
        bridge having been constru cted over it and new
        plantin g opport unities create d close to the water.

        Volunteers needed
        The garden enjoye d record numbe rs of visitors in
        2018, followin g an appea rance on BBC                     We’d like to say a fond farewe ll and thank you
        Garden ers’ World, and its ever growin g popula rity       to John Weeks, the founde r of the Friends of
        means the team are always on the look out for              Fullers Mill, who retired from his role as Chair
        new volunte ers. Whethe r you’d like to help out in        of the Friends in Octobe r. We are extrem ely
        the garden or in the tea room, please get in touch         gratefu l for all he has done over the last 7 years
        - email fullersm illgard en @peren nial.or for        and wish him all the best.
        more informa tion or call 01284 728 888.

        Fullers Mill is an RHS Partner Garden, with RHS members   and plenty of parking for coaches.
        entitled to free entry on Wednesday afternoons.
                                                                  Tea, coffee and delicious home-made cakes
        Private visits from groups are welcomed                   are available to purchase from the Bothy. Plants
        throughout the year by prior arrangement,                 propagated from the garden are available for sale.
        with an introductory talk available from staff            Assistance dogs welcome.

        Dates for your diary                                      Opening times
                                                                  through to 30 September 2019
        Sunday 19 May - NGS opening
                                                                  Monday — closed
        Sunday 21 July - Suffolk Nurseries Plant Fair
                                                                  Tuesday — closed
        Monday 22 July - Illustrating Lilies –
                                                                  Wednesday — 2:00pm - 5:00pm
        two day botanical art course
                                                                  Thursday — closed
        (visit website for details on how to book)
                                                                  Friday — 2:00pm - 5:00pm
        Saturday 17 August - Mid Anglia Alpine Garden
                                                                  Saturday — closed
        Society bulb Sale
                                                                  Sunday — 11:00am - 5:00pm

8 | 180th Anniversary Issue
1 : 2 0 0
                                                       Y O R K

                                                     G A T E
                                         A 1
                                                    S K E T C H

                                                                                                                                                                    YORK GATE

                                                                                        DROP OFF
                                                 L A N D S C A P E

                                                                                                                                                            You might have seen at the start
                                               M A S T E R P L A N

                                                                                                                                                            of the year that Perenn ial was
                                                                                                                                                           grante d plannin g permis sion for re
                                                                                                                                                           develo pment of the facilitie s at
                                                                                                                                                           York Gate. Work is due to start

                                                                                                                               CAR PARKING
                                                                                                                                                           in Septem ber/October 2019 and
                                                                                                                                                           is schedu led to finish ahead of
                                                                                                                                                           or shortly after the 2020 openin g.
                                                                                                                                                           There’ll be no interruption to the
                                                                                                                                                           facilitie s at York Gate this year
                                                                                                                                                           though and it remain s busine ss
                                         A L I S T A I R

                                                                                                                                                           as usual.
                                  B A L D W I N

                                                                                                                                             redevelopment will accommodate the growing visitor
                                                                                                                                             numbers, improving parking and other facilities,
                                                                                                                                             and will grow the garden’s profile, feeding into
                                                                                                                                             our strategy to increase awareness of Perennial.
                                                                                                                                             Individual self-employed and older retired
                                                                                                                                             horticulturists are the hardest for us to reach and
                                                                                                                                             among the visitors to York Gate will be people who
                                                                                                                                             employ horticulturists to maintain their own gardens.
                                                                                                                                             We rely on those who enjoy gardens to tell these hard
                                                                                                                                             to reach horticulturists that Perennial is here for them
                                                                                                                                             and to encourage them to get in touch with us.

                                                                                                                                             Across York Gate and Fullers Mill we have around
                                                                                                                                             150 volunteers, who we rely upon not only to help
                                                                     What’s the redevelopment about?                                         the gardens staff, but also to support Perennial and
                                                                     Perennial acquired the garden’s neighbouring                            spread the word about the charity. The benefits of
                                                                     property in 2015. Following the success of our small                    volunteering are not just one way. Volunteering can
                                                                     but beautiful tea room, it will be relocating to the                    help combat loneliness and offer the chance to
                                                                     cottage, doubling our catering capacity to 50                           learn new skills.
                                                                     covers. We’ll have onsite parking, releasing the
                                                                     pressure on other facilities around Adel, and giving us                 Many of you reading this will have supported
                                                                     a safer, more accessible solution for cars, bikes and                   Perennial by shopping on our website, through our
                                                                     pedestrians arriving at the garden. The current front                   catalogues and at our trade stands at flower shows.
                                                                     garden of the cottage will undergo a major design                       The York Gate gift shop provides another outlet for this
                                                                     and landscape overhaul to create a new beautiful                        income stream and also stocks branded products,
                                                                     space to compliment the garden rooms next door,                         all of which help spread the word about Perennial.
                                                                     and this will form the new entrance to the garden.                      For example our Perennial Christmas cards reached
                                                                     There’ll be a significant number of native trees                        over 340,000 people in 2018.
                                                                     planted as part of the development too.
                                                                                                                                             The investment in York Gate will also provide
                                                                     Why the need for redevelopment?                                         greater opportunity for training and the improved
                                                                     York Gate is an important presence for Perennial in                     facilities will provide a base to run training sessions
                                                                     the north of England, as proved by increased                            for horticulturists. Last year former York Gate trainee
                                                                     concentrations of clients and supporters in and                         Jack Ogg returned to the garden in the role of
                                                                     around Yorkshire. The garden enjoyed record                             Senior Gardener, and we were delighted to
                                                                     numbers of visitors in 2018 and Friends of York Gate                    welcome him back. Turn to p23 for our day in the life
                                                                     membership stands at more than 600 supporters. The                      of interview with Jack to read more.

                                                                     Our popula r Tea Room and Gift Shop is open throug hout
                                                                     garden’s opening times,     you  can enjoy light lunche
                                                                                                                             s and
                                                                                                                                  ng a daily
                                                                                                                                                                Opening times
                                                                     teas, or a selectio n of freshly home baked                                                throug h to 30 Septem ber 2019
                                                                     gluten free choice.
                                                                                                                                                                 Open Sunday to Thursda y
                                                                     Please park on Church Lane and walk throug h the church                                     12.30pm - 4.30pm
                                                                     then straight on to come out opposi te the garden gate.                                     Closed Fridays and Saturda ys

                                                                     Visitor groups are welcome but please book first.

                                                                                                                                                                                      180th Anniversary Issue | 9
                     E L ASKET T GAR
                                     DE N S

        by Sir Roy Strong

        Spring arrived early at The
        Laskett but then, in early
        April, went into sharp reverse
        with bitter cold and snow
        flurries. By then one of the
        garden’s great set pieces,
        the Silver Jubilee Garden               To listen to her tell her story           But today I look out across the
        parterre was virtually in full          brought tears to my eyes.                 rolling farmland and muted hills
        bloom weeks in advance.                 I need hardly add that her                of the Herefordshire landscape
                                                small garden had a poignant               and, yes, for the first time the light
        Every year a great Dutch friend of      and perfect beauty.                       comes pouring into the garden in
        mine sends me some 600 tulips,                                                    front of the house, There too this
        half orange and half white, the         As I write this I look out of the         winter the four malus floribunda,
        colours of the Dutch royal house.       window down onto a vista which            over forty years old and withering,
        They, in turn, remind me of another     once was dominated by a great             also were felled. But they’ve been
        great Dutch friend who died in his      cedar of Lebanon. When we first           replanted and there’s a blossom
        early fifties who introduced me to      glimpsed the house in 1972 it             or two even on these spindly
        his country’s rich horticultural        seemed to hold the house in its           saplings. If I reach ninety, a few
        tradition. Later I was to get to know   arms. It was the signature tree,          years off, I shall see them again
        so many of the Dutch who had            referred to when the garden               in their springtime frothy glory of
        created some of most wonderful          began to open as a point of               pink and white.
        perfectly articulated small             reference seen from every
        gardens. They were brave people         viewpoint across the four acres.
        who, after the War, went back to a      Over the years howling gales from         The Laskett Gardens are open to
        wiped out landscape and began           Wales to the west took its toll as        pre-booked groups on Tuesdays
        again. To me they have always           vast branch after branch was              and Thursdays until the end of
        remained a heroic inspiration. One      blown off until, finally, last year the   September. Find out more and
        woman came back and the first           decision had to be taken to fell it.      book online at:
        thing that she had to do was plant      To my late wife and myself it   
        a shelter belt before she could         somehow was The Laskett and
        even begin her garden again. She        now it had gone. It had been
        waited a decade and then that           there since the 1870s and now
        moment of rebirth began.                there was just a poignant stump.

10 | 180th Anniversary Issue
Volunteer and join
the Perennial team
Volunteers are hugely important to the work of Perennial. From helping
at flower shows and in our gardens to selling Christmas cards and
helping in our warehouse, the support they have shown has been
amazing and we simply could not do what we do without them.

Now we want to take our                 become an even more valued                supporters to get their ideas, the
volunteering to the next level by       part of our team. We want you to          more creative the better. George
setting up a network of community       let us know what you can do and           Kestell has been actively
groups across the country. This will    help shape what our community             promoting Perennial in his local
become a key part of the way we         fundraising looks like. Put simply –      community in Cornwall for over
spread the word about Perennial         we need your help! Please                 15 years. As well as creating
so everyone in horticulture knows       contact us if you are interested in       exhibits for Perennial at Cornish
we’re there for them when they          setting up a group and or getting         flower shows, he has taken every
need us, as well as raising funds.      involved in any way. It is fun and        possible opportunity to spread the
To help make this happen, we            sociable to be part of a team             word about Perennial and raise
have recently appointed James           working together and knowing              money through fundraising events
Burns as our new Community              that you are making a difference.”        and product sales.
Fundraising Manager, who will lead
this initiative. He joins Perennial     There are many ways, big and              He says: “Working
from Help for Heroes where he was       small, that you can get active for
                                                                                  voluntarily for Perennial
a Regional Manager.                     Perennial. You could give a talk at
                                        a gardening club or community             fulfilled a need in me to
                                        group, collect donations at your          do something philanthropic
                                        garden centre, attend local fetes         that benefitted the industry
                                        or fairs to sell merchandise and
                                                                                  I love and have worked in
                                        raise awareness, or be part of our
                                        volunteer team at larger events.          since I was a boy. But
                                        We are always keen to encourage           volunteering has also
                                        people to take part in fundraising        opened doors many for me.
                                        activities but there is also a role for   My advice would simply be
James says: “Having a proactive         volunteers supporting fundraisers.
team of community fundraising           That includes cheering on those           to try it – you never know
volunteers working in different         who are running, cycling or               where it may lead.”
locations across the country will       walking, helping promote
become an important way for us          Perennial at                              If you are interesting in helping
to reach even more people in            these events, or becoming the             set up or take part in a local
horticulture with information about     Perennial representative who picks        community group, we want to
how we can help and provide             up the cheque and takes part in a         hear from you.
support before a situation              photo opportunity.
becomes a crisis. We know that                                                    Please contact James Burns on
volunteers find it a really rewarding   Above all we want people to find or call:
experience and they often               ways to engage with their family,         07946 055 848.
become actively involved and            friends and colleagues to raise
want to find ways to do more.”          awareness. Over the next few              For a full run down of all current
                                        months we will be out and                 volunteering roles, please visit
“So now is the chance for you to        about speaking to our existing  

                                                                                                      180th Anniversary Issue | 11
Spring clean
        your finances
        with Perennial

                               Our easy to use online budgeting
                               tool offers financial confidence
                               and control to people in horticulture
                               and their families

12 | 180th Anniversary Issue
A recent financial wellbeing survey of working-age people found that 94% worry about
money and of this group over three quarters say it impacts their work. Less than half of
employees surveyed had a financial plan and debt was cited as an issue for 58% of
people. In 2018, Perennial helped people in horticulture access nearly £4 million in
financial assistance – more than any other year in our 180 year history. Perennial is
encouraging everyone in horticulture, regardless of their financial status, to think
about their finances and check their ‘financial health’. Regular checks help people
understand their situation, identify potential problems early and plan for the future.
Our easy to use online budgeting tool is a quick and simple way of understanding
your situation and proactively managing your money.

Wendy Tozer, Debt Advice             this written down can really help       prevent the need for our crisis
Manager at Perennial, says:          and the great thing about our tool      response services, and would
                                     is that it suggests changes you         urge anyone worried about
“Most of the people we help          can make to achieve a good              money to use the online tool and
require financial support of some    balance between your income             speak to us as soon as possible.
kind and we know it is a huge        and expenditure. The tool also          In most cases we can make a
contributing factor to stress and    offers lots of tips for increasing      positive change to people’s
other mental health issues. But      your income and reducing your           circumstances and the earlier
financial wellbeing is so much       spending and points you in the          we can get involved, the better.”
more than managing debt and          right direction for further help if
we want everyone in horticulture     you need it.”                           Perennial’s online budgeting tool
to have the confidence to take                                               is available via our website
control of their money. Our online   Speaking about his experience of        ( and can
budgeting tool can help you          using the Perennial budgeting           be used on a desktop computer,
understand your financial            tool, one person said:                  tablet or smart phone. It is very
situation and suggest changes for                                            easy to use and does not need
successfully managing monthly        “I used the Perennial budgeting         any technical or financial
budgets.”                            tool on my phone and it was very        expertise. All information provided
                                     easy to use. It has helped me           is completely confidential and will
According to the Close Brothers      understand my finances better           not be shared with anyone else.
Financial Wellbeing Index 2019,      and encouraged me to contact            People can use it anonymously if
money worries are more prevalent     Perennial for additional help and       they wish or they can register to
among younger people. Over half      advice. I’d certainly recommend         allow them to revisit their budget
of people aged 18-34 say they        it to others who might be worrying      at any time and see how their
worry about money, with women        about money.”                           planned changes are working.
twice as likely to worry than men.
The top three concerns are           In 2019 Perennial wants to reach        If you have urgent debt issues
funding retirement (31%), paying     more people than ever before            you can contact Perennial’s
off debts (27%) and coping           with information about our              qualified debt advisers who
financially with losing their job    services, including preventing the      can help by negotiating with
(23%). Taking control of your        need for Perennial’s help in the        creditors, preparing financial
finances, particularly when          first place. Julia Hayne, Director of   statements, advising on
earning a low wage, can be           Services at Perennial, says:            bankruptcy, helping with court
challenging but Perennial’s                                                  paperwork and offering
Budgeting Tool could be the first    “We have seen a 22% increase in         representation at hearings.
step for many people in              the number of people needing            We can often help people
horticulture. Wendy continues:       crisis and emergency support            working in horticulture and their
                                     since 2016 and we know that             families with a range of short
“Creating a realistic budget is      unplanned expenditure remains a         term financial support. Our
really important because it helps    challenge for families managing a       team can talk to you about
you understand how you are using     stretched monthly budget. We are        your circumstances and work
your money and where your            committed to helping people             through solutions together on
biggest expenditures are. Seeing     take control of their finances to       0800 093 8546.

  TOP TIPS FOR...                                          income and expenses written down will really help
                                                           you take control of your finances and help you plan
  FINANCIAL WE LLBEING                                     for unforeseen circumstances.
                                                           3. Know who you owe money to and how much you
Our online budgeting tool will help you better             owe. Seeing it all written down can help you
understand your money and help you take control            understand if you need help or not.
of your financial situation.
                                                           4. Live within your means – try to keep your spending
1. Understand your financial situation –                   below your income and only borrow what you can
understanding your money is the first step in              afford to pay back.
planning for the future and making informed choices
                                                           5. Ask for help – If your income is not enough for your
about spending and saving.
                                                           essential costs, talk to Perennial about finding extra
2. Create a monthly budget – seeing your monthly           help before you consider borrowing more money.

                                                                                                 180th Anniversary Issue | 13
Corporate partnerships
        get creative

        Last year Perennial helped people access                across different sectors of the industry. Leading the
        more financial support than ever before. It is          charge in forging new partnerships with businesses
        great that we were able to increase our                 and organisations across the industry, Kate Cooney
        support for those in need, but our ambitious            joined Perennial as Corporate Partnerships Manager
        goal to reach more people every year                    in the autumn. Kate will be working alongside Sue
        means that demand for our help will only                Brinsden, Partnerships Officer and to further
        continue to grow.                                       strengthen our work in this area, we welcome Philip
                                                                Swainston this month as Corporate Development
        As a result, our supporters will play an increasingly   Manager, who comes to us from the HTA.
        important role in helping generate the funds that are
        vital to keeping our services going.                    Kate says: “It is fantastic to see the many original and
                                                                creative ways that companies are coming up with to
        While investments, legacies and donations from          support us. We are keen to build lasting partnerships
        people who enjoy gardens, parks and green spaces        with businesses that complement their own strategic
        form a major part of our income, developing our         objectives. No matter the size of your organisation or
        corporate partnerships is key for both bringing in      how you would like to get involved, we are keen to
        income and raising awareness at grass roots level       hear from you.”

        open day
        Thank you to Renato Canale and all the team at
        Europlants who raised over £3,000 for Perennial at
        their recent Spring Open Days. Europlants has raised
        thousands of pounds for various charities over the
        years at this popular annual event and we were
        delighted to be chosen as their charity this year.
        Garden designers, landscapers and local authority
        buyers came together for a day of networking and
        the chance to browse Europlants’ ranges of indoor
        and outdoor plants. A raffle and auction were held
        in aid of Perennial. Auctioneer extraordinaire was
        David Domoney from ITV’s Love Your Garden who
        kept the bidding flowing and worked hard to help
        raise as much money as possible for Perennial.

14 | 180th Anniversary Issue
Teeing up at BTME
Trade shows are a great way for us to meet new
people from across the industry and speak to more
people about what Perennial does. At the BIGGA Turf
Management Exhibition (BTME) in January, Europe’s
leading event for the turfcare sector, we partnered
with Rigby Taylor, who ran a golf simulator ‘nearest
the pin’ competition on their stand. It was an exciting
and hotly contested competition. There were some
great shots recorded and the winner, who got to
within 1.5 feet of the pin, claimed the overall prize of
tickets for the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth.
With over 400 people taking part, it gave us the
opportunity to speak to far more people than we
would have otherwise.

Pallets please                                             Wildflowers in freefall
A new fundraising initiative from George Davies Turf       April saw a brave team of supporters, including James
is the kind of original idea we love to see. They are      Hewetson-Brown and colleagues from Wildflower Turf;
asking all customers to return as many empty pallets       Adam Stoter, from the Royal Parks; Terry Burns and Ian
as possible and for every pallet returned, the             Sadler from idverde and Perennial’s own Julie Skinner,
company will donate 50p to Perennial. Not only is          take part in a 80 metre abseil down the ArcelorMittal
this a great fundraiser for Perennial, it is also good     Orbit Tower in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park - the
for the environment as the pallets are reused and          UK’s highest freefall abseil. It was a particularly apt
recycled. George Davies Turf has already taken             fundraising challenge for the idverde guys, who are
over 200 pallets back to the turf farm, which is           current park contractors and Wildflower Turf, who
a fantastic start. If you are one of their customers       supplied flowering turf for parts of the park as it is now,
and have a few pallets lurking in a corner                 as well as for the 2012 games, and who also helped
somewhere, you know what to do.                            create Danny Boyle’s ‘green and pleasant land’ for
                                                           the opening ceremony.


    Through our partnerships with the trade, Perennial is sometimes chosen as
    the nominated charity for industry awards events. Recently we were the
    beneficiary at the Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) Awards,
    where attendees were encouraged to make a donation via envelopes on
    the tables. Host Jamie Butterworth gave an inspiring talk about Perennial
    to the packed room and the collection raised over £900.

    To find out more about how your company can support Perennial,
    please contact Kate Cooney
    or Philip Swainston

                                                                                                    180th Anniversary Issue |XX
Thanks to our Partners
        Our Perennial Partnership scheme helps ensure that
        our work continues. Receiving regular payments from
        companies, at levels they feel comfortable with,
        allows us to plan for the future and help more people
                                                                      Why I support Perennial:
        who are facing difficulty. And by being a Perennial
        Partner, you are sending out a strong message to your               Tristram Plants is a family owned group
        staff, colleagues and clients that you care about the
        welfare of people working in our industry.                          of wholesale nurseries in West Sussex
        As well as providing vital revenue that supports ours               comprising Walberton, Binsted and
        services via the partnership scheme, we hope that
                                                                            Fleurie Nurseries. All the Nurseries are
        Perennial Partners might get involved in other ways:
                                                                            Silver Partners of Perennial because
        • Adopt Perennial as your charity of choice
                                                                            they strongly believe in the valuable
        • Sponsor a Perennial activity or event and raise
        your profile in the industry whilst publicly                        support that Perennial provides to
        demonstrating your support for your trade charity
                                                                            horticultural workers. Some of Tristram
        • Help us spread the word about how we help
        through your AGMs, newsletters, social media and                    Plants staff have been personally
        team meetings                                                       helped by Perennial funding,
        • Offer a product or a service where a percentage                   so we know that it makes a real,
        of the sale goes to support Perennial
                                                                            tangible difference.
        • Display our collection boxes in
        prominent positions
        To find out more about the Perennial Partners
        scheme, please contact Kate Cooney on
        01372 235 433 or

                                                                 4th Corner Limited                              Silver
                                                                 AA - Arboricultural Association                 Silver
                                                                 Binsted Nursery                                 Silver

                                                                 Claire Merriman Design                          Silver
                                                                 Fleurie Nursery Ltd                             Silver
                                                                 Habitat Landscapes Ltd                          Silver
                                                                 Keith Robertson Landscaping                     Silver
                                                                 Martha Krempel Garden Design                    Silver
        WCOG -
        Worshipful Company of Gardeners               Diamond    Practicality Brown Limited                      Silver

        BIGGA - British & International                          Silverland Stone                                Silver
        Golf Greenkeepers Association                 Platinum   The Garden Company                              Silver
        Clockhouse Nursery Ltd                        Platinum   Walberton Nursery                               Silver
        Joseph Rochford Gardens Ltd                   Platinum   Wildflower Turf Ltd                             Silver
        London College of Garden Design               Platinum   APC Horticulture Ltd                            Bronze
        Barton Grange Garden Centre                   Gold       Design by Katja Ltd                             Bronze
        Butter Wakefield Garden Design                Gold       Howy White Photography                          Bronze
        Enterprise Plants                             Gold       Jim Brasier Landscapes                          Bronze
        Gillian Goodson Design                        Gold       Mandascat                                       Bronze
        HTA - Horticultural Trades Association        Gold       Mark Stewart Gardens                            Bronze
        Joseph Jones Contract Gardeners Ltd           Gold       Mawgan Gardeners                                Bronze
        Landform Consultants Limited                  Gold       New Hopetoun Gardens                            Bronze
        Landscape Associates Ltd                      Gold       Pennells & Sons                                 Bronze
        London Stone                                  Gold       Platipus Anchoring Ltd                          Bronze
        Majestic Trees                                Gold       The Gardeners Guild                             Bronze
        The Landscape Show Limited                    Gold       The Patio Black Spot Removal Company            Bronze
        Tilhill Forestry                              Gold       Yorkshire Agricultural Society                  Bronze

                                                                                                        *Correct as of 10/04/2019

16 | 180th Anniversary Issue
Fellowship of friends
Our Fellowship programme takes its inspiration from the     As a Perennial Fellow you can make a significant
pioneering group of socially responsible landowners         impact on the lives of people in horticulture. Your
and leading social influencers who, in 1839, founded a      annual donation will help us maintain and plan
charity to provide welfare support to people in             services that directly support people overcoming
horticulture long before state-provision was available.     challenging events. In addition you will enjoy a range
Today, 180 years later, Perennial is that charity and our   of benefits including invitations to exclusive Fellowship
support is needed now more than ever.                       events throughout the year.

     2019 Fellowship Events                                 We have a number of exclusive
                                                            Fellowship events coming up in 2019

     RHS Chelsea Flower Show
     May – a private tour of The Perennial
     Lifeline Garden with the designers, enjoyed
     with a glass of fizz.

     Buckingham Palace
     June – an exclusive private tour of Buckingham
     Palace gardens followed by a wonderful

                                                                                                                   ©Buckinghma Palace
     afternoon tea at The Goring Hotel in Belgravia.

     West Green House
     September –an enjoyable and informative
     afternoon of great food, music and gardens
     with a fabulous lunch prepared with
     Mediterranean vegetables from the estate
     gardens, music from the West Green opera                Buckingham Palace
     and a tour of the garden with the team.

     York Gate Garden
     October – an opportunity to visit our garden in
     Leeds in early winter as the garden’s structure is
     beginning to shine. A private tour will give you
     a first look at our new garden development.

          David Lewis manages the Perennial
          Fellowship programme and is happy to
          talk through the benefits of becoming
          a Fellow at a time to suit you. He says:

          “Becoming a Perennial Fellow is
          a fantastic way to support people
          in horticulture with a significant
          annual gift. We have generated
          over £47,000 through the Fellowship
          so far which has helped us extend                  West Green House
          the casework team in Scotland to
          meet growing demand. We are
          committed to delivering tailored,
          personalised support to people
          in their own homes and rely on
          donations to allow us to extend that
          help to everyone who needs it.”

     If you would like to find out more about joining
     the Perennial Fellowship visit or contact us on
     01372 373962 or             York Gate Garden

                                                                                                    180th Anniversary Issue | 17
When school’s out…
        we’re here to help
        While school holidays give families a chance to spend more
        time together and kids the opportunity to have fun and
        discover new things, they can put extra financial pressure on
        families living on low incomes. The additional costs of the long
        summer break are too much for many families to cope with.

18 | 180th Anniversary Issue
Many children from low-income                to help people working in                cost of raising a child increases
        families are entitled to free school         horticulture with:                       each year and many families are
        meals during term time but there              • the additional costs of               struggling to meet these costs.
        is currently little provision during          childcare                               “We know how stressful it can be
        holidays. Food poverty affects                • addressing holiday hunger             for parents who, despite budgeting
        nearly half of the families                   especially for those families           hard, are constantly worrying
        Perennial supports. We can                    whose children receive free             about meeting the rising costs of
        make sure that everyone has                   school meals                            food, bills and childcare especially
        access to meals throughout                    • enabling low income families          during the school holidays. We can
        the school holiday periods                    to access day trips and holiday         help families gain the support they
        when free school meals stop.                  activities                              need. We want every child to be
                                                                                              able to take part in the same
        Childcare is also a major                    According to the Joseph Rowntree         activities as their friends. If you are
        challenge. Most working parents              Foundation poverty index, almost         worried about how you will
        do not have enough annual                    a quarter of all people in the UK        manage to meet the additional
        leave to cover all 13 weeks of               are living in poverty. This rate is      costs during the school holidays
        school holidays, so they will                higher among children, at almost         we can help.”
        need to make alternative                     a third. There is a direct correlation
        childcare arrangements.                      between poverty and educational          “Perennial helped us during a
        For many horticulturists the                 attainment with only around a            particularly cold winter when our
        summer break may be their                    half of children in receipt of free      heating bill was higher than
        busiest period putting additional            school meals likely to reach a           usual and we were struggling to
        stress on families to find and fund          good level of development at the         pay other bills. They helped with
        additional childcare. Parents in             end of their early years education.      school lunches and paid for a
        Britain now pay an average of                Julia Hayne, Director of Services        school trip for our older child.
        £133 per child per week for full             at Perennial, says:                      Without their help, we just
        time holiday childcare and over                                                       wouldn’t have been able to
        1.46 million families struggle to            “We believe every child has the          cover the cost.”
        fund a day out for their                     right to a healthy childhood and
        children. Perennial aims to                  over the last 12 months we’ve            Alison and Stuart –
        tackle these issues through                  supported more children of               self-employed gardener and
        our fund for families programme              horticulturists than ever before. The    garden centre worker

        Perennial offers extra                       expenditure further, after all their     he missed his scheduled bus,
                                                     essential bills are paid, they have      Toby had to be collected from
        support for families                         a very small disposable income           school by his parents. This incurred
        William* is a self-employed                  to live on.                              additional petrol costs as it is a
        gardener. He has several regular                                                      30-mile round trip. It transpired
        customers but over the winter, bad           Their son Toby recently started          that students at Toby’s school are
        weather and ill health prevent him           secondary school. Perennial              instructed to take a photo on their
        from working and as a result his             helped by awarding a grant to            smart phones of the homework
        income falls. His wife has a                 pay for his compulsory school            from the white board. Toby didn’t
        part-time job and they have two              uniform items including the school       feel able to say that his parents
        children at school. They budget              blazer, sports clothing and tie,         couldn’t afford a smart phone
        carefully, putting money aside to            which could only be purchased            for him and instead he was
        get themselves through the winter            directly from the school.                attempting to memorise the
        period when they have a                                                               homework. He also hadn’t felt
        significantly reduced income. In             Soon after starting school, Toby         able to explain that they didn’t
        recent years child benefit and               was soon placed on detention             have broadband, a laptop or
        child and working tax credits have           because his homework was not             printer at home.
        been frozen so this income has not           fully completed and had been
        been supplemented, however all               hand written, when it should be          With our support Toby now has all
        their bills have increased and               typed. As detention was after the        the essential equipment he needs
        despite reducing their                       school day had finished, meaning         to thrive at school.

       Single parent Rob* was struggling to          signed off work due to stress            accrued as a result of being signed
       care for Cameron* aged 9 and                  and anxiety.                             off work. We also helped Rob find
       work full time. As a gardener with a                                                   suitable childcare for Cameron and
       low monthly income, he was                    Rob contacted Perennial and              awarded a grant to contribute to
       unable to find any affordable child           together we reviewed all his             ongoing childcare costs. As a result,
       care places for the school holidays           finances. We were able to sort out       Rob has been able to return to work
       and before and after school.                  his statutory benefits, giving him a     full time, knowing Cameron is being
       Eventually the situation became               little more monthly income, and          safely cared for.
       too much for him and Rob was                  consolidate his debts, which had

       If you are struggling to meet the essential needs of               make a positive difference to your situation.
       your child/ren or know someone who is either in term               We’re ready to help you.
       time or in the holiday period, please contact us to                FREEPHONE: 0800 093 8543
       talk about how we can help. In most cases we can                   Email:

*Names have been changed and photo posed by models                                                                 180th Anniversary Issue | 19
Challenge yourself!

20 | 180th Anniversary Issue
This year to mark Perennial’s 180th anniversary we added
some extra special challenge events to our calendar,
including our first ever abseil challenge and three
‘experience of a lifetime’ overseas events.

We’re delighted by the support        Marathon Month
shown by the industry, including      We have launched our first ever
garden designer Kate Gould            virtual event to commemorate this
(5 x RHS Chelsea gold medals),        landmark year, taking place
Keith Chapman, Mark Gregory           throughout June when the 180th
(Perennial Ambassador, 20+            day of the year falls. We’re
RHS Chelsea gold medals) and          challenging supporters to walk or
Louise Gregory. These intrepid        run the equivalent distance of a
supporters have signed up to          marathon within the month.
scale the highest freestanding        Whether you want to boost your
mountain in the world - Mount         fitness, or just take a stroll in the
Kilimanjaro - this September!         summer evenings, the pressure’s off
Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain   and you can set your own pace.
on the African continent at 5,896m.
The spectacular views and             However, for the more competitive
beautiful ice formations will be      participants, there will be a
their reward for pushing themselves   leaderboard that tracks your
to the limit both physically and      progress with exercise tracking
mentally for Perennial.               apps should you wish to raise the
                                      bar and spur yourself on that extra
" I jumped at the chance to be        mile to be the 1st over the finish
a part of this. Perennial helps so    line, or challenge your colleagues.
many people and are the only          The perfect alternative industry
charity of their kind in the UK       event to Go Nuts for Perennial,
so I feel really privileged to        which will return next year.
be climbing this spectacular
mountain to raise funds for them.     Half marathon places
Let’s hope we make it to the top!     The Great North Run is the biggest
I am sure I can carry Keith if he     half marathon in the world, with
starts flagging!                      over 57,000 runners taking part. We
Kate Gould                            have secured places this year for
                                      the first time, so sign up now to take
"I am a self-confessed hill           part in this iconic event. For those of
climbing addict and when              you further south we again have
I saw the social media post           places in the Royal Parks Half
from Perennial announcing             Marathon which works its way
a fundraiser by climbing              through four of London’s eight
Kilimanjaro I was thrilled            Royal Parks, making it a particularly
and immediately shared the            perfect course on which to raise
post with Kate. We were both          money so we can continue to help
onboard straight away, it was         those who need support or advice.
the perfect way for me to raise
money for a great charity. I have     Why your support
been in the horticultural industry    counts
my whole life and the work that       We are working hard to increase
Perennial does for the industry       awareness and increase our
is invaluable. I will put our         services, reaching and helping
vertically challenged leader          more people. This all costs money
in my backpack if I have to           and the funds raised through these
but we are going to summit            challenge events is invaluable.
that mountain!"                       But as well as raising money, the
Keith Chapman                         awareness the events raise through
                                      promotion of justgiving pages on
                                      social media and even wearing
                                      Perennial vests whilst running
fundraising/kgg                       amongst 57,000 runners all increases
                                      our profile, so more people know
                                      we’re there for them if needed.

                                      Find out more at:

                                                           180th Anniversary Issue | 21
Bespoke garden tours

                                                                                                                         Bath Priory, North East Somerset

        Our special events programme goes from strength to strength offering garden lovers a range of
        exclusive tours of some of the UK’s most interesting gardens, many of which are not usually
        open to the public. We are pleased to have the support of Lumley Insurance as headline
        sponsor this year, meaning that more of the profits from ticket sales can go towards helping
        people in horticulture. The events include not only a private tour with the head gardener or
        owner, but also a delicious lunch or afternoon tea and refreshments.

        The garden tours always sell well      offer visitors behind the scenes
        and some have already sold out,        tours of such a special array of
        but tickets are still available for    gardens, demonstrating our
        events including the Leckford          continued support from and
        Estate in Hampshire and Whatley        partnership with garden owners
        Manor in Wiltshire. Other highlights   large and small. Thanks to the
        include Crewe Hill near Chester, a     generous involvement of Lumley                             Our special events programme
        fascinating Georgian walled            Insurance, we can ensure that                               is kindly sponsored by Lumley
        garden that has been resurrected       more of the money we raise                                    Insurance Limited. You can
        by its current owners. Lesley          goes directly to the people who                                 support Perennial whilst
        Watson, formerly of the                need it most.”                                                protecting your household.
        Beechgrove Garden and                                                                                 Lumley Insurance is proud
        Perennial’s own Chairman,                                                                               to donate £250 for any
        Dougal Philip will open their                                                                           household policy over
        private garden overlooking the                                                                     £750 plus Insurance Premium
        River Forth in West Lothian,                                                                       Tax arranged by us. For more
        Scotland. There is also the rare                                                                      information and full terms
        opportunity to visit Cantley Hall,                                                                   and conditions, please visit
        Lord Kirkham’s Grade II listed
                                                                                           ©Jo Hansford

        estate near Doncaster.                                                                                         perennial
        Chris Crooker, Events Manager at                                                                     Call for a free quote today.
        Perennial, said:
        “We are pleased to be able to
                                               Whatley Manor, Wiltshire

              Events include:
                                                                          18 July | Whatley Manor, Wiltshire
                                                                          1 August | Leckford Estate, Hampshire
              5 June | Cantley Hall, Doncaster
                                                                          5 September | Bath Priory, Somerset
              13 June | Lesley Watson & Dougal Philip’s
                                                                          12 September | Ulting Wick, Essex
              Garden, West Lothian
                                                                          For further information and the full list of events,
              27 June | Crewe Hill, Chester
                                                                          please visit:

22 | 180th Anniversary Issue
Day    in
A day in  the Life
the life of...
   JACK OGG                       SEN IOR GA RDE NER
                                  AT YOR K GATE GA RDE N

What does your typical working         varied collection of unusual little     How did you come to work at
day look like?                         gems such as hardy orchids,             York Gate?
I’m lucky to live just a               trilliums, Arisaema and Chinodoxa.      I undertook part of my training
fifteen-minute cycle ride from York                                            placement at York Gate almost
Gate. Usually I am out in the          What do you like best about             ten years ago, which was funded
garden most of the day, though if      York Gate?                              by Perennial. I went on to become
the weather is bad things might        For a small garden York Gate            a self-employed gardener but
change and we spend time in the        has huge variety – each of the          finding regular work was hard and
potting sheds and greenhouses          garden ‘rooms’ is a different           soon we started to struggle. At the
doing tasks such as propagation        microclimate, from the shady            same time my wife gave birth to
and sowing seeds. Usually in the       woodland area in The Dell,              our son who was born with Cystic
mornings during the open season,       to the alpines in the rockery,          Fibrosis. While we were completely
we spend time tidying the garden       to our allotment style kitchen          focused on him and his health
and preparing it for visitors. The     garden. It is great to be able          needs, we struggled to make ends
closed season is the time for some     to work with such a range of            meet. That is when I thought of
of the heavier, bigger jobs.           styles of gardening and types           Perennial. They gave help with
                                       of plants.                              finances and budgeting and it was
What have you been working                                                     like a weight had been lifted.
on recently?                           What are you most looking               Perennial supported me and my
I have rebuilt the rockery in          forward to at York Gate?                family at a really difficult time in
the paved garden and this is           During the next year a lot will be      our lives and so it feels good to be
whereI will plant out a display        happening at York Gate. In the          giving something back by helping
of succulents once the weather         established garden, the Spencers        look after York Gate now.
is warm enough.                        created the frame and we just get
                                       to fill in the picture in the middle,
What is the best part of the job?      but with the new garden we will         Watch a video of Jack describing
For me, it is undoubtedly the          be creating, it is something I will     how Perennial helped him at:
plants and seeing what is growing.     be involved in from scratch,  
The garden has a fabulous and          which is very exciting.

                                                                                                  180th Anniversary Issue | 23
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