Page created by Shawn Cohen

Objective of EIA: At REIAI, we believe that the EIA Notification is a very important piece
of legislation which, if properly used, can lead to the fine balance required to be struck
between environment and development, especially in a developing country like India which
needs development activities to lift large populations out of poverty but without damaging the
environment. The EIA process provides an opportunity to the country to assess the potential
impacts of the development activities and projects, and to design the required mitigation
measures and internalise the same within the project at planning stage itself to ensure that
adverse impacts are minimised and positive socio-economic and employment benefits of such
development activities/projects can be maximised. Our suggestions for transformation of the
process should be seen in this background.

Objective of EIA 2020: The draft EIA Notification 2020 comes 14 years after its currently
operational avatar came into operation, which itself came after 12 years of the first such
legislation. We may, therefore, safely assume that the draft 2020, once operational, will stay
at least for the next 10 – 15 years. We must, therefore, ensure that the legislation meets with
its objective – of promoting developmental activities at minimum or no damage to
The preamble to the draft Notification 2020 mentions, inter alia, the objectives of the draft as

“”---Though the EIA Notification, 2006 has helped in realizing necessary environmental
safeguards by assessing environment impacts due to the proposed projects, that require
Prior Environment Clearance at the planning stage itself, the Central Government seeks to
make the process more transparent and expedient through implementation of online
system, further delegations, rationalization, standardization of the process, etc.; ---“
       (emphasis ours)

Our understanding of the performance of the 2006 Notification is as noted below:

      There have, so far, been 56 amendments to the 2006 Notification through Gazette
       notifications while 230 Office Memoranda have been issued to clarify or significantly
       amend the provisions of the original notification, and still counting!
      There have been umpteen orders by various courts including NGT and Supreme Court
       quashing many Environmental Clearances (ECs) granted by the regulatory authorities
       due to poor quality of EIAs and questioning the decision-making process of the
       appraisal committees
      Courts have also been active in reversing many orders and amendments of the
       Ministry in respect of the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006, especially those
       relating to mining
   There is a wide perception that the quality of the EIAs and appraisal thereof does not
       do justice to the cause of protecting the environment which is the primary objective of
       the Notification
      Another widely held perception, surprisingly, is that the process of obtaining the ECs
       is a burden on the industry. It takes years to obtain EC for the smallest of projects
       without adding any value on the environmental protection front.
      SEIAAs and SEACs are overburdened with number of projects; on the other hand,
       Project Proponents and EIA Consultants are harried due to repeated hearings without
      The bottom line is that everyone involved in the process has only one objective: to get
       or to give EC to the proposed project, not the intended objective as stated earlier!

Major features of EIA 2020: In this backdrop comes the draft EIA Notification 2020. So,
it’s necessary to examine what does the draft Notification proposes to do:

      The draft does well in incorporating and integrating all the different amendments and
       OMs issued in the last 14 years. One won’t now be required to hunt outside the
       notification to find out applicable provisions. The moot question is: would the new
       Notification avoid another cycle of issuance of amendments and OMs?
      The draft does well in introducing definitions of terms used in the Notification which
       is expected to be helpful in avoiding interpretational issues, though some of the
       definitions would need to be improved before they serve the purpose.
      The draft incorporates procedure for dealing with violations of the provisions of the
       Notification. This is important and, in our view, well-intentioned since there is
       currently no mechanism to deal with applications for EC by projects which have
       indulged in violations, deliberately or otherwise. It remains to be seen, however,
       whether these provisions are able to stand the test in courts.
      The draft seeks to ease the burden on the industry by way of introducing:
           o Relaxed requirements for modernisation with limited increase in production
           o Increasing thresholds for many sectors
           o Relaxed provisions for MSMEs
           o Specific lists for exemptions from EC or from Public Hearing
           o Introducing B2 category projects within the Schedule
           o Re-introduction of District/Divisional Expert Appraisal Committees (for B2
               cat projects) to be constituted by SEIAAs on recommendation of the State/UT
           o Provision for a Technical Expert Committee and a Monitoring Committee
           o Providing for a new concept ‘Environmental Permission’ and issue of EP on-
               line based on ’acceptance’ of application by the concerned SEIAA
           o Provisions for issue of instant ToRs, and reduced time limits for all stages in
               the process

Pitfalls: While doing all the changes and integration, welcome as they are, the draft
notification suffers from the infirmity of being ‘more of the same’! So, there is no
acknowledgement of the fact (perception?) that the intended purpose of the legislation is lost
and industry is only chasing ECs and regulatory authorities are also going through the
motions of granting the same.
The basic structure of EIA administration remains unchanged
        Screening
        Scoping
        Preparation of EIA/EMP report, including
        Public Consultations
        Appraisal
        Grant/refusal of EC
The various pitfalls in this process, as identified by us are listed below along with suggestions
on how to overcome those within the framework of the Notification. Our belief is that, with
the suggested structural changes, the EIA as a tool will become more potent in balancing the
apparently conflicting demands of environment and development while simultaneously
reducing the burden on the industry.
Issue          Explanation               Suggestion                   Explanation
Quality of EIA        1. Too many             1. Reduce              1. Utilise to the extent feasible
reports; quality         projects,               number of              regional and/or cumulative
of appraisal;            especially at           projects               EIAs to grant ECs to
capacity and             SEIAA/SEA               requiring              clusters [as per para 5.1(a)
institutional            C level                 appraisal              of NEP 2006]; distinction
independence of       2. Many                 2. More                   between consents and ECs
regulatory               members of              competent           2. Transparent selection
authorities and          Appraisal               appraisal              procedure; training; more
appraisal                committees              committees             sectoral experts
committees               don’t have
                         g of EIA or
                         the sector                                  3. SC order in Lafarge
                      3. Lack of              3. National EIA           Judgement
                         institutional           Authority and
                         learning,               National
                         capacity,               EACs as well
                         independenc             as SEIAAs to
                         e                       have
                      4. Issue of EC             permanent
                         letter                  secretariats,
                         unrelated to            independent
                         EIA report              of MoEFCC
                      5. Appraisal of            and State
                         projects is             Govt/SPCBs;
                         normally                Independent
                         done without            budget              4. Will ensure endorsement of
                         doing site                                     all contents of EIA reports,
                         visits which         4. Approve the            and compliance monitoring
                         is a crucial            EIA report             also based on the same
                         step in                 with                5. More realistic appraisal
                         understandin            signatures of
                         g site-                 EAC/SEAC
                         specific                on each page
                                              5. Use
                                                 technology to
                                                 appraise the
                                                 site features
                                                 pictures, live
                                                 streaming, etc

Time taken;        Collection of fresh     Suggest: default       MoEFCC should develop/promote
reliability of     baseline data for one   option should be to    a portal which can host all possible
baseline data      season is the most      prepare EIA reports    data relevant to preparation of
(BLD)              time consuming step     based on secondary     EIAs, duly geo-tagged to enable
in the entire process   data (except for very    identifying sources of data relevant
                    of EIA preparation.     large projects) from     for a specific location based on
                    It’s an open secret     government or other      coordinates. The consultants and/or
                    that in a               reliable sources. This   PPs can download the data at a cost
                    predominant             will have benefit in     and prepare the EIA report quickly.
                    majority of cases,      saving lot of time and   Since everyone, including appraisal
                    the baseline data is    would improve            committees, have access to the
                    not credible.           quality of EIA reports   same data, appraisal would be
                                            as well as of            better.
                                                                     Primary data to be necessary only
                                                                     in case of and to the extent of non-
                                                                     availability of secondary data
                                                                     within 50 kms of the proposed site.
                                            In case of expansion
                                            projects: use of own     Expansion: Will improve EMP and
                                            monitored data           compliance monitoring; will avoid
                                            should be                fresh BLD, reduce cost of EIA and
                                            encouraged, duly         reduce time frame, improve
                                            calibrated with          appraisal quality
                                            secondary data

Mining sector       94 minerals,            Separate EIA             A small mine of, say, soapstone
has posed most      distributed across      Notification for         (minor mineral) in Rajasthan vs in
problems            different geo-socio-    mining sector            Uttarakhand(UK) can have entirely
regarding EIA       environmental           addressing all           different environmental
framework; on       scenarios; of sizes     minerals,                implications. Most such mines in
the other hand,     varying from 0.1 to     geographies, and geo     UK (along steep hill slopes) can
mining sector has   thousands of            - socio-environmental    lead to disasters like landslides.
its own set of      hectares and variety    factors. Also, in        Cluster/cumulative assessment
elaborate           of mining methods.      India, multiple leases   can look at all significant issues and
legislations                                are granted on single    ensure appropriate mitigation
relating to,        Sectoral regulators     deposit having           measures at a cluster level.
safety, welfare,    for mining at central   common geo-socio-
environment,        (IBM) and State         environmental issues.
scientific mining   (DMG) levels to                                  Combined assessment and approval
and mineral         approve mining          Combine                  process for mine plans and EIAs
conservation,       plans which contain     environmental            can reap the benefits of mining
community           EMP also                assessment with the      domain knowledge of sectoral
support,                                    mine plan approval       regulators and environmental
Sustainable                                 process for more         expertise of environmental
Development                                 effective EC process     regulators along with independent
Framework                                                            experts.

Construction        Integrate with the      Restrict the             Individual standalone projects can
sector              townplanning            environmental            continue to be governed by
                    process                 assessment process to    individual EIA/EC process
                                            Master Plans and
                                            Zonal Plans for
stipulating regional
                                           conditions on
                                           departments or

Does EIA            Different provisions   Suggest: the              Better appraisal if the social, socio-
Notification take   in the draft 2020      Notification should       economic and environmental
care of only        indicate differing     clearly state that it     concerns are integrated.
environmental       focus                  takes cognisance of       Duplication of such assessments
issues and                                 environmental as well     and public consultations should be
concerns?                                  as social and socio-      removed from other legislations,
                                           economic issues since     eg, LARR Act, wherever applicable
                                           these are closely
                                           interwoven and is
                                           also an internationally
                                           accepted best practice
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