Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions

Page created by Rick Peters
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions

Year in Review | 2
Treatment Outcomes | 4
Community Support | 6
Donor Support | 12
Finances | 20
Leadership | 21
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions

                 trong community support rooted in      treatment to our adolescent continuum of care.           In the midst of all the “pivoting” in 2021, we also
     S           our past allowed us to move nimbly
                 in 2021 to meet the needs of the
                                                        We are so proud – and thankful – to be ready to
                                                        meet the needs of young people at this critical time.
                                                                                                                 managed to begin a strategic planning process.
                                                                                                                 Board Chair Clay Jackson led the process which
                 present moment. Throughout the                                                                  engaged senior staff and members of our boards
                                                        Over the last three decades, community support
year, we continued to balance the unique challenges                                                              and advisory councils. This strategic plan builds on
                                                        for capital campaigns helped us build residential
of protecting the health of patients and staff during                                                            the strong foundation you have helped establish over
                                                        facilities with private patient rooms. During the
a pandemic with the escalating mental health needs                                                               the last 30 years and charts a course for the future.
                                                        pandemic, private rooms, which are unusual for
of our patients.                                                                                                 I look forward to sharing more information about
                                                        treatment organizations like ours, were essential
                                                                                                                 how you can be a part of meeting the mental health
Our strong foundation, built on the deep commit-        to our ability to admit clients to our residential
                                                                                                                 needs of the next generation soon.
ment our community has demonstrated for our             program with a precautionary quarantine period
mission, allowed us the flexibility to adapt to an      before they fully joined the community in-person.        Thank you for your support during a difficult year.
ever-changing landscape. Here are just a few                                                                     Now more than ever, in addition to strengthening
                                                        Gifts to annual giving campaigns helped us purchase
examples of how your support – past and present                                                                  our foundation and mission, you are helping people
                                                        the technology and systems that allowed us to
– made a difference.                                                                                             with psychiatric illnesses through some of the most
                                                        offer a virtual day treatment program. Clients were
                                                                                                                 challenging days of their lives.
Your contributions helped us open our adolescent        able to engage in the full continuum of care while
treatment program in fall 2019, just 6 months           reducing risks of introducing infections into our
before the pandemic began driving a teen mental         residential program.
health crisis. We completed our second full year of
                                                        Finally, charitable gifts to our financial aid program
operations at the J. Rex Fuqua Campus for adolescents
                                                        made it possible for more than 35 percent of our
in 2021, admitting 80% more teens to our program                                                                                    Elizabeth E. Finnerty, MBA, MHA
                                                        adult and adolescent clients to access and complete
in 2021 than in 2020. We also added psychological                                                                                   President & CEO
                                                        treatment. Skyland Trail awarded $2.49 million in
testing as an integrated service and added day
                                                        financial aid awards in 2021.

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions

    2021: Year in Review
    As the pandemic continued to wash                       PROGRAM GROWTH                                           EDUCATION

    over 2021 in waves, Skyland Trail                       M Our adolescent program experienced significant         M On May 12, 2021, Skyland Trail hosted the
    adjusted our programs and protocols                        growth in 2021. We added psychological testing           10th annual Dorothy C. Fuqua Lecture Series,
    as needed. Because of our strong                           as an integrated service for all clients and opened      which explored the intersection of sports and
                                                               a day treatment program for clients stepping down        mental health. Panelists included Sasha Cohen,
    foundation — because of you —
                                                               from residential treatment. We admitted nearly           Olympic Medalist and World Champion figure
    we were able to implement flexible                         80% more adolescent clients in 2021 than in 2020.        skater; Brett Rapkin, director and produce of
    solutions to meet the shifting                                                                                      the HBO documentary The Weight of Gold;
                                                            M The Glenn Family Wellness Clinic began offering
    requirements of the pandemic and                           Theta Burst transcranial magnetic stimulation            Dr. Kensa Gunter, a licensed clinical and sports
    the growing needs of our clients.                          (TMS) services for adult patients with treatment-        psychologist; and Dr. Raymond J. Kotwicki,
                                                               resistant depression. Skyland Trail began offering       Skyland Trail Charles B. West Chief Medical
                                                               TMS services in 2017 and acquired the new                Officer. The discussion was moderated by
                                                               Theta Burst technology in 2021 to improve the            Christie Diez, WXIA-TV anchor and reporter
    M The Skyland Trail community achieved high                patient experience. The new technology reduces           and a 2021 Rosalynn Carter Fellow for Mental
       vaccination rates early in 2021. As vaccines            each TMS session from 30 minutes to about                Health Journalism.
       became more readily available, we implemented           five minutes and allows the Clinic to serve           M More than 3,000 people attended professional
       policies to ensure that all staff and clients were      more patients.                                           and community education opportunities in
       fully vaccinated by the end of the year.                                                                         2021 that were hosted by Skyland Trail or
    M Infection control protocols in our admission          RESEARCH                                                    included a Skyland Trail speaker.
       process, including on-site testing and a precau-
       tionary quarantine period prior to joining the
                                                            M Outcomes research conducted in 2021 using data
                                                                                                                     LOOKING FORWARD
                                                               from clients served in 2020 explored the link
       residential community, helped protect clients
       and staff.
                                                               between a history of childhood trauma and             M Skyland Trail began a strategic planning
                                                               response to treatment. Based on this research,           process in 2021. A group of senior staff and
    M Our day treatment programs shifted from virtual          Skyland Trail is exploring opportunities to              volunteer leadership completed
       to in-person and back to virtual as case rates          connect patients with targeted interventions             the framework of a plan to
       fluctuated. (Day Treatment returned to campus           earlier in their treatment.                              meet the changing needs of
       again in March 2022.)                                                                                            our clients and strengthen our
                                                                                                                        foundation for the future.

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
2021 CLIENT COMMUNITY                       ADULT (ages 18 and up)                                                              ADOLESCENT (ages 14-17)

                 Age at admission                                     Primary diagnosis*                                                               Primary diagnosis*

                 21%      Ages   14-17                               57%      Major Depression                                                       77%      Major Depression
                 40%      Ages   18-25                               16%      Psychotic Disorders                                                    5%       Bipolar Illness
                 18%      Ages   26-35                               12%      Bipolar Illness                                                        7%       Anxiety Disorders
                 10%      Ages   36-45                               9%       Anxiety Disorders                                                      11%      Other
                 5%       Ages   46-55		                             5%       Other
                 5%       Ages   56+

                                                                      Co-occurring diagnoses                                                           Co-occurring diagnoses

                                                                      35%      three or more diagnoses                                                37%      three or more diagnoses
                                                                      		        at discharge                                                           		        at discharge
                                                                      65%      less than three diagnoses                                              63%      less than three diagnoses
                                                                      		        at discharge                                                           		        at discharge

                                                                      Gender**                                                                         Gender**

                                                                     40%  Female                                                                      55%  Female
                                                                     31%  Male                                                                        17%  Male
                                                                     21%  Gender neutral or non-binary                                                27%  Gender neutral or non-binary

                                                                     * For clients admitted and discharged in 2021; diagnosis confirmed at discharge
                                                                     ** Self-reported at admission
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Treatment Outcomes
    In 2021, measured outcomes confirm that our evidence-based psychiatric care, together with our holistic path to wellness, is effective.
    Simply put, our clients get better.

    Adult Outcomes                                                                                                                                                                                               Adolescent Outcomes

                                       of all clients experienced
                                                                                                                                              of clients with psychosis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of adolescent clients with very
                                       a clinically significant                                                                               experienced clinically                                                                                severe and severe symptoms
                                       improvement in functionality,                                                                          significant improvement in                                                                            of depression experienced
                                       symptoms and social                                                                                    their symptoms of psychosis4                                                                          clinically significant reduction
                                       relationships1                                                                                                                                                                                               in symptoms at discharge7

                                       of all clients experienced
                                                                                                                                              of clients with very severe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of adolescent clients with very
                                       a clinically significant                                                                               and severe symptoms of                                                                                elevated and elevated symptoms
                                       improvement in feelings                                                                                depression experienced                                                                                of anxiety experienced a clinically
                                       of hopelessness2                                                                                       clinically significant reduction                                                                      significant reduction in anxiety
                                                                                                                                              in symptoms5                                                                                          at discharge8

                                       of clients left treatment with a
                                                                                                                                              of clients who had clinically
                                       positive attitude about taking                                                                         meaningful episodes of mania
                                       psychiatric medication3                                                                                showed no symptoms of
                                                                                                                                              clinically meaningful mania
                                                                                                                                              at discharge6

    All measures are statistically significant at p=0.001.
    1 The 32-item Behavior and Symptom Identification Scale (BASIS-32): ©McLean University, Affiliate of Harvard Medical School. 2 Beck Hopelessness Scale: Beck AT, Weissman A, Lester D, Trexler L. (1074). The measurement of pessimism: The Hopelessness Scale. Journal of
    Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42(6), 861-865. 3 Medication Attitude Inventory: Hogan TP, Awad AG, & Eastwood R. (1983). A self-report scale predictive of drug compliance in schizophrenics: reliability and discriminative validity. Psychological Medicine, 13, 177-183. 4 Overall JE,
    Gorham DR. The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Psychological Reports. 1962; 10:799-812. 5 Montgomery, S.A. & Åsberg, M. (1979). A new depression scale designed to be sensitive to change. British Journal of Psychiatry, 134, 382-389. 6 Young RC, Biggs JT, Ziegler VE, Meyer DA:
    A rating scale for mania: reliability, validity and sensitivity. British Journal of Psychiatry, 133:429-435, 1978. 7 Dozois, D. J. A., Dobson, K. S., & Ahnberg, J. L. (1998). A psychometric evaluation of the Beck Depression Inventory–II. Psychological Assessment, 10(2), 83–89. 8 March, J.S., Parker, J.D.A., Sullivan, K., Stallings, P., Conners, C. K. (1997). The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC): Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent
4   Psychiatry, 36(4), 554–565.
Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
New Possibilities for a Better Life
Adam’s Story

                y journey to Skyland Trail has been        After hiding my suffering for so long, at Skyland
     M          decades in the making. When you’re
                a kid, you don’t know what depression
                                                           I eventually realized I was surrounded by people
                                                           who had been suffering too, and everybody felt free
                and anxiety are. You just know that        to talk openly about their illness. I felt like a weight
you feel really upset and in turmoil all the time. I       had been lifted and things started to get better.
also had problems completing projects, and, although       I started to trust the Skyland Trail method. I opened
I knew I was smart, I just couldn’t focus, so I didn’t     up to my therapist and in group sessions. I even
have faith in my own abilities. I was my own best          appreciated art and horticultural groups, which
friend and isolated a lot.                                 I previously worried would be a waste of my time.
I went to college and had some good years and even         I participated in residential treatment for seven
completed grad school. I think people don’t realize        weeks and completed my treatment as an intensive
that people who are severely depressed can appear          outpatient program (IOP) patient. I was prescribed
happy and “normal.” But when I was by myself and           transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy that
I only had my own thoughts, it was a different story.      really helped with my depression. And I went through
The thoughts are cyclical and they don’t stop. It’s        a full array of psychological testing that helped my
like having a narrator in your head 24/7. So while I       treatment team diagnosis me with attention deficit
was trying to concentrate on my life, I also felt like     disorder (ADD) and prescribe effective medications.
I was listening to other versions of me being critical
                                                           My treatment team helped me stop pretending with
or demanding my attention.
                                                           my parents and learn to be open and tell them what
I started a career that I enjoyed, but, as I got older,    I need. My father came to family therapy, which he
things got worse. Now at age 47 I thought, “I’ve           was not comfortable with in the beginning, and now
survived this long, but I’m never going to be happy.       calls me and checks on me regularly. It really makes
I can’t keep going.” I started thinking about the next     a difference, when I’m at my worst, to know that he
50 years and came to the conclusion that I needed          is there for me.                                           “Today, I am at the point where
treatment. I was worried about taking time off of                                                                      my issues are still there, but I have
                                                           Today, I am at the point where, my issues are still
work and about what people might think if they                                                                         the skills to manage them.”
                                                           there, but I have the skills to manage them. I can
learned I spent time in a “mental institution” (which
                                                           now focus and concentrate like I never could before.
Skyland is NOT), but eventually it came down to,
                                                           Not every day is great. But I know how to manage
I can go to treatment, or I can accept a life of misery.
                                                           every day now. And I know who to call if I have
I made the choice to go to Skyland.
                                                           a bad day. Looking forward, I see new possibilities
                                                           for a better life.
                                                           – Adam, Skyland Trail adult program graduate

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Community Support
    Why We Give: Tricia and Maurice Rosenbaum                                                          Corporate Donor Spotlight

    Laughter really is the best medicine, and in      priority in our annual giving. Making a gift
    this case, laughter introduced us to Skyland      to Skyland Trail has always been an easy
    Trail. Benefits of Laughter has been an           decision for us, especially after knowing
    event we look forward to each fall. I felt very   someone who benefited so much from the
    fortunate to know about Skyland Trail when        treatment provided there.
    a relative called who needed help.
                                                      Today, our daughter is also volunteering
    While our relative was at Skyland Trail, we       and giving to help Skyland Trail through         Norfolk Southern is
    saw how much she enjoyed the art classes,         the young professionals group, Trailblazers.     committed to enriching the
    team sports, and living in the residential        Unfortunately, this younger generation has       communities where we live
    hall. This really hit home when I got a phone     seen the effect of anxiety and depression        and work to help them thrive. With the
    call about a minor arm injury. When I             among friends in their age group. With the       increase in prevalence of mental health
    arrived, I learned that, yes, her arm was         rise in suicide rates, the result of untreated
                                                                                                       challenges, especially among our youth, we
    a little painful and swollen, but the main        mental illness has hit home for so many on
    excitement was that she had helped on             high school and college campuses. Social         are proud to support the life-saving work at
    an impromptu volleyball team. It totally          media, too, is increasing awareness of mental    Skyland Trail to help sustain this valuable
    overshadowed the injury! Although she had a       health issues with this younger generation.      resource in our community. Working
    very short sports career, having a place to go,   As young people like our daughter learn          together, we achieve what we can’t alone.
    to be accepted, and to discuss issues of one’s    more about Skyland Trail, they are inspired
    mental illness in an accepting community          to support this wonderful resource in            LaSandra Boykin
    was instrumental her recovery.                    our community. Through all these efforts,        Director, Corporate Giving & Community Engagement
                                                      my family’s                                      Norfolk Southern
    My family member graduated from
                                                      collective hope
    Skyland Trail many years ago; however, our
                                                      is that others
    family stays connected to the Skyland Trail
                                                      who need help
    community. As a volunteer on the financial
                                                      will be able to
    aid committee, I have learned about both
                                                      find healing,
    the broad community support for Skyland
                                                      recovery, and
    Trail and the enormous need for financial
                                                      acceptance at
    aid. This need is one of many reasons my
                                                      Skyland Trail.
    husband and I make Skyland Trail a top

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Planned Giving
                                                  As of December 31, 2021:                 Dorothy C. Fuqua*                    Jackie and Tony Montag
                                                                                           Helen and John C. Gordon             Elizabeth C. and Harry G. Moore, Jr.
                                                  Anonymous (6)
                                                                                           Anne and Bernard Gray                Doris and Jeff Muir
                                                  Anita and Tom Adams
                                                                                           Wally G. Hills and Thomas D. Hills   Karen and Richard Parker
                                                  Elizabeth Alexander
                                                                                           Kristin and Jim Howard               Mary Anne Quin
                                                  Charlotte Pierce-Baker and
                                                                                           Dorothy O. Jackson*                  Sally M. Scholze
                                                    Houston Baker
                                                                                           Douglas E. Jackson                   Beth and Jerry Shaifer
                                                  Libby and Brooks Barge
                                                                                           Glen O. Jackson                      Ty Smith
Last year, the Cypress Society grew to            Susan Lare Baumgartel
                                                                                           Jane and Clay Jackson                Nancy and Ted Spetnagel
65 members with the addition of four new          Ellen and Roland Behm
                                                                                           Edwina and Tom Johnson               Michelle and Stephen Sullivan
                                                  Shelby and Dick Bryant
planned giving commitments. A realized                                                     Beth C. Jones                        Margaret and Randolph W. Thrower*
                                                  Sarah Aline Carpenter *
bequest in 2021 helped Skyland Trail              Chris Cline
                                                                                           Patrick M. Kelly                     Diana and Mark Tipton
employ flexible solutions to meet the                                                      Dixie and Duey Kerper                Janet and John* Turman
                                                  Cecil Conlee
                                                                                           Raymond James Kotwicki, MD, MPH      Pennie and Dan Walden
changing needs of our clients. Legacy             Annelly Deets*
                                                                                           Amy R. Kreisler                      Brooke Trible Weinmann
gifts like these strengthen our foundation        Margaret Perdue Denny
                                                                                           Kelly Loeffler and Jeff Sprecher     Ruth and Charles Wellborn
and ensure an enduring base of support            Vivian Noble DuBose
                                                                                           Betts Culp Love                      Marjorie and Charles West*
for our clients and programs.                     Elizabeth and Bob Felton
                                                                                           Melissa and Chris Lowe               Mark C. West
                                                  Cynthia and John L. Ferguson
                                                                                           Maryland and Don McCarty             Marjorie C. Wynne
Thank you to the individuals and                  Elizabeth E. Finnerty and David Martin
                                                                                           Jay D. Mitchell                      John B. Zellars, Jr.
families who have made planned                    Margaret V. Finnerty
                                                                                           Michael J. Mock
giving commitments and joined                     Carol and William H. Fox*                                                     *Deceased
the Cypress Society.

              It just made sense to me to make a planned giving commitment to an organization that
              I believe in with all my heart, and I am pleased that my support will provide financial
              assistance to clients who might not otherwise be able to access this treatment program.
              Susan Lare Baumgartel, Cypress Society Member

Strong Foundation, Flexible Solutions
Thankful for Today: A Grateful Family Story
    – Renee L.

                       hen my son was diagnosed with                   Today, several years after completing treatment at Skyland Trail,
         W             schizophrenia in 2016, I began
                       looking for answers. They were hard
                                                                       I am so thankful to see my son SMILE. He laughs. He is present
                       to find. After extensive research,              and aware and joins in conversations. He shares memories that
    however, we discovered Skyland Trail and felt it was               were previously locked far away. Today, I recognize my son.
    the right journey for our family. I must say even then,
    it wasn’t easy. It took a second attempt at Skyland
    Trail because my son discharged himself the first
    time, halfway through the program. Today, a year
    after finally completing treatment at Skyland, I am
    so thankful to see my son SMILE. He laughs. He is         his time at Skyland Trail. And my family and I have       Renee’s son, Bobby, Skyland Trail adult program graduate
    present and aware, joins in conversations and shares      learned a lot too. In part from our participation in
    memories that were previously locked far away. He is      Skyland’s family therapy and the Family STEP              I encourage people to look inside themselves
    making plans for his future. Today, I recognize my son.   program, I know I need to connect with others, plug       and determine what asset they have in abundance.
    Today, even if my son isn’t fully ready yet to accept     in for my own healing, and unload. We’re not alone        I found that I could speak and write to help lift
    his diagnosis, he accepts his journey. He accepts         in whatever we’re facing. We’ve got to connect with       spirits. When I am able, I give through charitable
    the medications that keep him stable. He sees past        people who are sharing our experience. When we            donations, like when I saw the opportunity to
    actions in a way that’s not skewed and realizes he was    plug in to other people, we can find a healthy balance,   support the Skyland Trail art program on Giving
    unable to manage himself in a healthy and socially        revitalized attitudes, and new behaviors that will        Tuesday. The myriad of times I’ve felt lost, doing
    appropriate way. He accepts what his experience has       help us take the next step or shrug off the unhealthy     something creative has helped, and I wanted to help
    taught him. He wants to reconnect with his family         thought. And we have to unload the mental, emotional,     open that door for others as well.
    and friends instead of isolating.                         behavioral and physical toxic things that we allow
                                                                                                                        I think when our eyes are open, and our minds are
                                                              to burden us. While my son was in treatment, I called
    Today, he declares his goals on a daily basis. He even                                                              open, we can see the evidence that life is just a
                                                              Family STEP my lifeline. What was shared by families,
    commits them to paper, takes action and communi-                                                                    struggle. The battle is the fiercest when we choose to
                                                              parents, partners, and loved ones in that safe space
    cates the progress he’s made to me. He’s not sitting                                                                opt out, when we decide to hide away and pretend
                                                              was a precious gift.
    in a dark room staring out of a window. He’s taking                                                                 that we’re not affected. But, it takes connection and
    back the life he wants for himself. He’s taking steps     Today, I look for ways to give back. Growing up, we       true community for healing to take place. When
    each moment to get everything that he now believes        definitely weren’t rich with material wealth, but my      those who look like me, and you, and my son, and
    he can achieve.                                           parents taught us that there were always other people     your daughter, and your partner, or your mom - when
                                                              who were going through misfortune, and that we were       we suffer silently - everybody loses. Today, I fervently
    Today, our lives look a whole lot different. My son       responsible for them. They told us no matter where we     believe we’ve got to connect so we help each other
    is applying so much from what he’s learned from           were in our lives that we had a responsibility to give.   come through this.

Giving Highlights

    +10                                                                      +26%
                                                                          increase in annual fund
  new corporate                                                              giving over 2020
  event sponsors

                                    first-time donors

  new leadership donors
(with a gift of $1k or above)
                                                         1,341,503                                                    Left to right: Piper Coffey, Vice President for Adolescent
                                                        raised from special events
                                                                                                                      Clinical Services, and Nick Foster, Zeist Foundation Gen3
                                                                                                                      Board Member; Jennifer Wood, friend of Skyland Trail and
                                                                                                                      Leslie Wierman, 2021 Advisory Board Chair

Thanks to generous community support, including a grant from the David, Helen,              IN-KIND GIVING
and Marian Woodward Fund, Skyland Trail purchased a 1.99-acre property                      Pickleball Fun                                   A Gift of Music
adjacent to the J. Rex Fuqua Campus for adolescents. Work began in spring 2022              Skyland Trail 2021 Advisory Board                The Sean Costello Memorial Fund for
to convert the undeveloped property into additional parking and recreational and            chair, Leslie Wierman, and friend of             Bipolar Research purchased ukuleles
expressive therapy space for adolescent clients.                                            Skyland Trail Jennifer Wood (both                for the Skyland Trail adolescent
                                                                                            shown above) came to the J. Rex Fuqua            program. Each teen in treatment over
                                                                                            Campus for adolescents to donate and             the winter holidays received a ukulele
GRANTS AWARDED                             Skyland Trail provided critical                  help install a pickleball court for our          as a gift. Clients learned some ukulele
Zeist Foundation                           financial aid for our teen clients and           teen clients. Leslie donated pickleball          fundamentals as part of music therapy
The Zeist Foundation Gen3 Board            their families to access evidence-based          court sets for our adolescent and adult          activities while in treatment and then
Members awarded grants in 2021 to          mental health treatment.                         recreational therapy programs.                   were able to take their ukuleles home
three organizations with a focus on        TEGNA Foundation                                                                                  to enjoy after graduating.
mental health: Hopebound, The              Skyland Trail was pleased to be
Confess Project and the Skyland Trail      one of 11 organizations to receive
                                                                                            GIVING TUESDAY SUPPORT FOR ART
Adolescent Program. The check              a grant from the TEGNA Foundation,
                                                                                            Thanks to gifts made on Giving Tuesday, Skyland Trail raised nearly $5,000 for
presentation took place on December        a charitable foundation sponsored
                                                                                            the purchase of a clay pugger for our adult and adolescent art programs. Exploring
21, 2021, at the J. Rex Fuqua Campus       by TEGNA Inc. and 11Alive, TEGNA’s
                                                                                            ceramic arts and working with clay is a favorite activity in our art groups. A clay
for adolescents. The $10,000 grant to      Atlanta NBC affiliate.
                                                                                            pugger will help the art department transform scraps and old materials into
                                                                                            workable clay for clients to enjoy.

2021 Financial Aid & Support
     The Mark C. West Financial Aid Program removes financial barriers to treatment
     to increase access to life-saving care for eligible patients and families.

     Financial aid helps clients stay in treatment longer, giving them
     time to fully develop the skills needed to sustain recovery and
     prevent relapse after leaving Skyland Trail. Beyond the
     financial impact, financial aid awards relieve stress
     and help families focus on what is truly important –
     supporting their loved ones and helping their families heal.                 total financial
                                                                                  aid distributed                                        36%
                                                                                                                                       of adult clients
                                                                                                                                      received financial
                                                                                                                                         aid awards

                                                                                                    average award
                                                                                                     per recipient

         provided to pay for 100% of
         remaining program fees for
         clients who had exhausted
            insurance benefits and
               self-pay options
                                                                  of adolescent clients
                                                                   received financial
                                                                       aid awards                                    20.6M
                                                                                                                         since 2009

When my insurance coverage                                   My loved one was at her lowest
ended, I knew I still had more                               point ever when she admitted
work to do. But financially,                                 herself to Skyland Trail… She
I was unable to cover any treat-                             couldn’t seem to find interest in
ment out of pocket. Thankfully                               anything prior to Skyland Trail, but
financial aid stepped in, allowing me to continue            after graduating she learned she enjoys painting,
the work I was doing at Skyland. I know leaving              meditating, mothering her collection of plants,
Skyland abruptly would have interfered with my               is working full-time and is looking forward to
recovery process and I’m so grateful I got to finish         re-enrolling at Georgia Tech to finish her
out the program!                                             engineering degree.
Skyland recognizes that recovery doesn’t just                If it were not for the wonderful financial support
happen in traditional therapy groups, but in other           we received to complete the residential portion of
settings too, like in the gardens, or the amazing art        the program, I know she would not be in the good
studio, or in a group game of volleyball, or in a quiet      head space that she’s currently in and may have
moment on a yoga mat. I felt like so many parts              chosen to take her own life.
of me were addressed and celebrated at Skyland,              I owe everything to Skyland Trail and their
and that truly makes their program special.                  wonderful donors.
Please continue the work you all are doing.
                                                             – April, parent of a Skyland Trail Adult Program graduate
It matters. It saves lives.                                    and financial aid award recipient

– Hope, Skyland Trail graduate and financial aid recipient

Skyland Trail Donors
     2021 ANNUAL DONORS                          Gifts of $15,000 - $99,999         The Rich Foundation              Harry & Caroline Gilham              Doris and Jeff Muir
                                                 Anonymous                          Tricia and Maurice Rosenbaum       Charitable Trust                   Colleen and Sam Nunn
     Gifts made throughout the year, including
     program-specific donations, gifts to the    Atlanta Charity Clays, Inc.        The John and Polly Sparks        Rand and Seth Hagen                  Richard Parker, Jr.
     Alumni Family Endowed Scholarship, and      Connolly Family Foundation, Inc.     Foundation                     Patty and Jim Hatcher                Susan Van Vleck Patton
     2021 Associates Fund donations.             Stephanie Davidson                 David, Helen & Marian Woodward   Hugh M. Inman Foundation             Mary Beth and Cy Pritchard
                                                 The DeAngelo Family                  Fund                           Luci Johnson and Ian Turpin          William Shaheen
     Skyland Trail is especially grateful
                                                 Nan and Ed Easterlin               Margie and Robert Wynne          Jim Kieffer                          The Shaifer Family
     for leadership donors who made
     gifts of $1,000 and above.                  Susan and Jim Hannan                                                Carolyn and Steve Knight             Caryl and Ken Smith
                                                                                    Gifts of $10,000 - $14,999
                                                 Jane and Clay Jackson                                               Amy and Nevin Kreisler               Michelle and Steve Sullivan
     Gifts of $100,000 and above                                                    Anonymous (2)
                                                 Carla Knobloch                                                      Livingston Foundation                Diana and Mark Tipton
     Anonymous                                                                      Wendy and Neal Aronson
                                                 The Martha & Wilton Looney                                          Betts C. Love                        Penny and Edward Tokash
     Annelly Deets                                                                  The Atlanta Foundation
                                                   Foundation Inc.                                                   Jackie and Tony Montag               Tina and Peter Watterberg
     Patty and Gerry Hull                                                           Libby and Brooks Barge
                                                 Melissa and Chris Lowe                                              The Morningside Family Fund          Brooke and Winston Weinmann
     Patty and Doug Reid                                                            Mary and John Brock
                                                 Lee and Malcolm McComb                                              Bett and Ray Moses                   Leslie and David Wierman
     The SKK Foundation                                                             Mary Alice and Bennett Brown
                                                 Eileen and Chris Millard                                            Mary and Wendell Reilly              Tyler and Robby Wynne
                                                                                      Foundation, Inc.
                                                 Alice and Eddie Miller                                              Becky and Mark Riley                 Lois and Danny Yates
                                                                                    The John and Rosemary Brown
                                                 Norfolk Southern                                                    Andrea and Tim Rollins
                                                                                      Family Foundation                                                   Gifts of $1,000 - $4,999
                                                 Patricia Phelan                                                     Shayla and Chip Rumely
                                                                                    The John and Mary Franklin                                            Anonymous (3)
                                                                                                                     The Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Fund
                                                                                      Foundation                                                          Joanna and Al Adams
                                                                                                                     Lynda Thomas
                                                                                    Duvall and Rex Fuqua                                                  Sam Ajizian
                                                                                                                     The Zeist Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                          All Saints’ Episcopal Church
                                                                                                                     Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999             Jill Ashmore
                                                                                                                     Anonymous (2)                        Kathy and Thomas Barclay
                                                                                                                     Jennifer and Tom Bell                Susan Lare Baumgartel
                                                                                                                     Bennett Thrasher Foundation          Carol and Walter Berman
                                                                                                                     Tammie and Mike Brown                Erin and Richmond Bernhardt
                                                                                                                     Camp-Younts Foundation               Liz and Frank Blake
                                                                                                                     Katie and Reade Fahs                 Sami and Mike Bolger
                                                                                                                     William Howard Flowers, Jr.          Kate and Lyons Brewer
                                                                                                                       Foundation                         The Brown Family
                                                                                                                     John Rex Fuqua                       Shelby and Dick Bryant
                                                                                                                     Anne and Berny Gray                  Melissa and Kevin Buckner
                                                                                                                     The Dot and Lam Hardman              Jan and Gene Burleson
                                                                                                                       Family Foundation                  Boog and Sam Candler
                                                                                                                     Scott Hudgens Family Foundation      Carolyn and Ralph Carl
                                                                                                                     Julie and Shayan Hussain             Barbara and Gary Caruso
                                                                                                                     C. Eugene Ireland Foundation         Sally and Jim Chafin
                                                                                                                     Walda and Tim Jefferson              Cherokee Garden Club
                                                                                                                     Edwina and Tom Johnson               Amme and Philip Clinkscales
                                                                                                                     Jennifer and David Kahn              Becky and Courts Cooledge
                                                                                                                     Ibby and Jim Mills                   The Cross Foundation
                                                                                                                     The Shauna and Jim Muhl              Alison and Chase Davidson
                                                                                                                       Giving Fund

Nancy and Joe Davis                   Lois and Lucy Lampkin Foundation      Wiggle Bug Foundation
Education Connection Advisors LLC     Overton & Lavona Currie Foundation    Lynne Winship
Frank Elliott                         Barbara and Bert Levy                 Helen and Chris Wray
Epps Aviation                         Reneé Hutcherson Lucier               Studie and Zach Young
Dan Ethridge                          Lisa and Mark McBriar                 Joe Zolkowski
Sarah and David Everman               Jane and Bill McDonald
                                                                            Gifts of $100 - $999
DeWitt Ezell Family Fund              Judy Z. Miller and Lester Miller
                                                                            Anonymous (9)
Judy and Paul Faletti                 Susan and Bob Mills
                                                                            Anita and Tom Adams
Cindy and John Ferguson               Denise and Jay D. Mitchell
                                                                            Howell Adams
Marge Finnerty                        Michael Mock and Clinton Rice
                                                                            James Adams
Mary and Marty Fiorentino             The Moran Family Foundation
                                                                            Chowning Aguilera
Jenny Fleischman                      Mimi Monett Maslia
                                                                            Elizabeth Alexander
Courtney and Clinton Fletcher         Susanne and John Nicholas
                                                                            Patrice and Robert Allison
Cindy and Bill Fowler                 Clare and Michael O’Shaughnessey
                                                                            Virginia and Bond Almand
Eileen and Joe Gebbia                 Karen and Richard Parker
                                                                            Amazon Smile Foundation
Katie and Ryan Grant                  Douglas and Craig Perry
                                                                            Cyndi and Chris Anderson
Caroline and Mark Greatrex            Charlotte Pierce-Baker and
                                                                            Debbie and Paul Anderson
Dana Halberg and Larry Pless            Houston Baker
                                                                            Gretchen and Craig Anderson
David Haley                           Sharmila and Sreeni Prabhu
                                                                            Chris and Scott Arnold
Sally and Steve Harbison              Cecelia and David Ratcliffe
                                                                            Allison and Eddie Ausband
Hil Harper and Brian Fuller           H. English & Ermine Cater Robinson
                                                                            Beth and Bruce Badgett
Becca and Rudy Harrell                  Foundation, Inc.
                                                                            Allan Bahrs
Karen and Peter H’Doubler             Kathy and Walter Rudisiler
                                                                            Lisa and Michael Banov
Bo Heiner                             Mary Ellen and Jack Ryder
                                                                            Debbie and Jim Barnhill
Ellen and David Herold                Elizabeth and Chris Schul
                                                                            Emily and Bill Bartles
Julia and Bayne Hill                  Beth and James Scott
                                                                            Lola and Charlie Battle
The Hills Family Foundation           Nancy G. See
                                                                            Therese Beale and Mark Abramson
Mary Beth and Rick Holcomb            Carol and Graham Selick
                                                                            Jackie and Jay Berkelhamer
Beth and Tommy Holder                 Paul B. & Mildred Seydel Foundation
                                                                            Wendy and Kevin Best
Kristin and Jim Howard                Carolyn and Bill Shiverick
                                                                            Emily and Eric Bleke
Sue and Dan Huff                      Ellen Weiman and Dubi Silverstein
                                                                            Greg Blount
Abby and John Irby                    Sally and Ross Singletary
                                                                            Mary Blumstein
Lou Brown Jewell                      Julie and Ty Smith
                                                                            Bolger Family LiF Campaign
Sally Jobe                            Paige and Arjun Srinivasan
                                                                            Haqiqa and Bill Bolling
Patricia Toy Johnson                  Wendy and Will Stengel
                                                                            Yvette Bonheur
Barbara Cleveland and Stan Jones      David Suever
                                                                            Susan Borrelli
Julie and Bryan Jones                 TEGNA Foundation
                                                                            Claire and Ben Bowen
Martha and Blaine Kelley              Lynn and Peter Valentino
                                                                            Stacey and John Bozeman
Gayla and Clint Kilts                 George Van Dyke
                                                                            Ben Bradley
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc.   Virgil P. Warren Foundation
                                                                            Kris and Mike Bridges             Top: Mary and Tom Watson, Carol and Charles Doty
Sharon and David Kuck                 Mary and Tom Watson
                                                                            Linda and Elwyn Bridges           Bottom: John Barge, Betsy and Scott Akers, Jr.
Anne Meredith and Harry Lamberton     Betsy and Mark West
                                                                            Corinne and Mark Bridgman

2021 Skyland Trail Donors

     Lyndy Broder                    Ashley and Jay David             Jean and Galen Greene               Jennifer and Steve Kuninsky            Nancy Morales
     Kersti and Daniel Bruining      Ann and Seth Davies              Greenlight Financial Technology     Cathy and Michael Labanowski           Betsy and Sandy Morehouse
     Shelley Palmer-Burgess and      Jon Davis                        Habersham Garden Club               Paul Landon                            Kathy Morris
       Gary Burgess                  Phyllis Decker                   Nancy and Mike Halwig               Carrie and Whit Lanier                 Tony Moye
     Wendy Butcher                   Rose Decosimo                    Claudette and Keith Harden          Joyce Latimer                          Robin and Jim Murray
     Le and Beauchamp Carr           Gayle and David Demarest         Susan Hargrove                      Peter Lauer                            NAMI Georgia
     Elizabeth Carter                Alan Dobrin                      Nancy and Don Harrelson             Cynthia Lazard                         Christy Nelson
     Sheryl and Lee Cassidy          Paula and George Dorris          Elizabeth and Joe Harris            Florence LeCraw                        Susan and Mike Nevel
     Hitesh and May Chokshi          Katie and Taylor Dozier          Ruth and Greg Hartman               Kathy and Richard Lee                  David Newkirk
     Debbie and Mike Cindrich        Druid Hills Garden Club          Martha Hasty                        Elizabeth LeMasurier                   David Nguyen
     Karen Cleveland-Ward            Teri and Seth Ehrlich            Laura and Brian Henry               Lori and Allan Levey                   Irene and Jim Nowicki
     Susie and Clyde Click           Jeff Elam                        Lily Henson                         Linda and Bert Levy                    O2 Aspen
     Chris Cline and Ron Rezendes    Laura and Mike Elkins            Cassondra Hepburn                   Linda and Jonathan Lewin               Tony O’Connor
     Jean and Robert Cochoy          Yael and Jon Ellis               Teri and Brad Hightower             Catherine and Doug Lindauer            Linsday and Ben O’Dell
     Piper Coffey                    Anne-Marie and Greg Esslinger    Marilyn Hines                       Kim Link                               Cynthia Odom
     Dawn Collinge                   Facebook                         Parul and Joachim Hinzen            Maggie Lipham                          Myla and Glen Outlaw
     Laura Corbett                   Claire and Thomas Farrell        Jane and Arnold Hoffmann            Suzanne and Chris Litrel               Bettie Patterson
     Sally and Reynolds Couch        Chuck Feehan                     William Hollett                     Michele and Michael Little             Martha and Billy Payne
     Council of State Court Judges   Kathryn and Chris Fellows        Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School    Claudia and Alex Livingston            Rob Peterson
     Perry Cox                       Pam and Hank Fellows             Elizabeth Howard                    Martha Logan                           Devon and Duey Pfeifer
     Betty and Sean Coy              Elizabeth and Bob Felton         Ashley Taylor-Hull and Peter Hull   Vinny Lotti                            Sally and Alan Pinsker
     Julie and Darren Crispin        Beth Finnerty and David Martin   John Hunsinger                      Ann Weeks and Eric Lustig              Marcus Porkert
     Claire Crumbley                 Karen and Steve Finnerty         Doug Hurd                           Rena and Josh Malkofsky-Berger         Kelley and Todd Powell
     Sara Cushing                    Nancy Fischer                    Nancy and Joe Inman                 Ken Marcus                             Power Law PC
     Shelley Danser                  Teresa and Matt Fischer          Cindy and Ralph Jennings            The Maribill Foundation Incorporated   Janis Price
                                     Sandy Flesner                    Johna Jennings                      Marketwake                             Suzy Quenzer
                                     Bonnie Flood                     Susan and Rich Jicha                MARTA Employees Charity Club           Mary Anne Quin
                                     Nancy and Marshall Ford          Cedrella Jones-Taylor               Mary Pat and David Mathison            Janet and Marty Quirk
                                     Lori and Joe Freeman             Chris Jueschke                      Abbie and Colin McBurnette             Marlene and Cliff Rackson
                                     Judy and Ed Garland              Andrea and Mark Kauffman            Maryland and Don McCarty               Kathleen Rast and John Ledbetter
                                     Lisa and Cove Geary              Martha and George Kaulbach          Lauren and John McColskey              Dawne Raulet
                                     Emily Giattina                   Johnetta and John Kearns            Tracey and Patrick McCormick           Jill and Craig Reynolds
                                     Kristen and Duncan Gibbs         Ashley Kelly                        Steve McDaniel                         The Harry Frazier III Family
                                     Susan and Candler Ginn           Perrin and Bryan Kibler             Sue and John McKinley                  Lynn and David Rogers
                                     Stacia and Pete Glavas           Judith Kight                        Julie and Jim McPhail                  Rose Garden Club
                                     Betsy Glenn                      Kim and Scott Kingsfield            Adam Meadows                           Lori Rosenkopf
                                     Nancy and Lewis Glenn            William J. Klopstock                Melanie Turner Interiors               Jo Roziewski
                                     Arleen and Terry Golden          Anne Sheerin and Joel Kolker        Carole and Nathan Metzger              Robin Ryder
                                     Goodwood Consulting              Ginny and Mark Konopka              The Miccichis                          Sanibel Captiva Trust Company
                                     Jennie and Tom Gould             Ray Kotwicki and Todd Pouwels       The Miller Charitable Foundation       Jane and Rein Saral
                                     Greater Houston Community        Mark Kovacevich                     Jean and Bill Millkey                  Darva and Daraka Satcher
                                       Foundation                     Brooks Kuester                      Paula Mills                            Nancy and Alan Schatzberg
                                     Amy and Josh Greenberg           Ken Kukla                           Beth and Harry Moore                   Janet and Ira Schwartz
     Beth and Jerry Shaifer
Sarah Scorza                         Carrie and Ken Wiesenfeld                Georgia Power Company
Ann Hayes Shaifer                    Elizabeth and Chris Willett              Beth and Don Inman
Treacy and Mark Shaw                 Anne and Brice Williams                  Invesco
Susan and Jim Shepherd               Bruce Williams                           Edwina and Tom Johnson
Bryan Shockley                       Cheryl Wilson                            Betsy and Mark West
Elizabeth Shortridge                 Kaki Williams                            Margie and Robert Wynne
Gina and Greg Sims                   Kiki Wilson
                                                                              Gold Sponsors
Avijit Singh                         Lauren and Robert Winborne
Elizabeth and Scott Slayden          Dottie Wise
                                                                              Angel Oak Capital Advisors
Ann S. Smith                         Keith Wood
                                                                              Betsy and Scott Akers, Jr.
John Smith                           Mimi and Gerry Woodruff
                                                                              Arrow Exterminators
Mary-Teresa and Craig Smith          David Worley
William R. and Sara Babb Smith       Sherry and Billy Wren
                                                                              Julie and Jim Balloun
  Foundation                         Carolyn and Jon York
                                                                              Jennifer and Tom Bell
Smith, Welch, Webb, and White, LLC   Amy and John Zolkowski
                                                                              Lora and Barry Boniface
Lauren Standish
                                                                              Kit and David Bowlin
Margaret and Bryan Stickney          ENDOWMENT GIFTS                                                             Carrie Lanier, Jim Hannan, Christine Ragland
                                                                              Crawford Investment Counsel
Callie Stingel                       Judy Zellars Memorial Fund
                                                                              ELK Foundation
Esther and Jim Stokes                Hugh M. Inman Foundation
                                                                              Emory Department of Psychiatry     Andrea and Tim Rollins                         Jackson Spalding
Pam and William Strickland           John B. Zellars, Jr. and Randy Tibbals
                                                                                and Behavioral Sciences          Romanoff Renovations                           Mary and Neil Johnson
Paige and Steve Stripling            Allison F. Williams                                                         Sartain Lanier Family Foundation               Jennifer and David Kahn
                                                                              First Horizon
Carmen and Jimmy Stroud              Financial Aid Fund                                                          The Shaifer Family                             Robert C. Loudermilk, Jr. and Family
                                                                              Duvall and Rex Fuqua
Thomas Sumner                        Nancy and Ted Spetnagel                                                     Lou and Blanton Winship                        Donna and Stan Sands
                                                                              Lorre and George Gaudiosi
Ciera Tavana                                                                                                                                                    Snodgrass Family Foundation
                                                                              Georgia Banking Company            Silver Sponsors
Linda Tharpe                         BENEFITS OF LAUGHTER 2021                                                                                                  Kerri and Dan Staley
                                                                              GPS Hospitality                    BlackRock
Kay Thieleke                         Event Chairs                                                                                                               Maria and Tim Tassopoulos
                                                                              Anne and Berny Gray                BlueCross BlueShield
Tara Thieleke                        Carrie Lanier and Christine Ragland                                                                                        Mary Bridget and Greg Thurman
                                                                              Hennessy Automobile Companies        of South Carolina
Dana and Terry Tolbert                                                                                                                                          WDG Real Estate Partners
                                     Patron Committee Co-Chairs               Kristin and Jim Howard             Ginny and Charles Brewer
Margaret and David Townsend                                                                                                                                     Beth and Julian Williamson
                                     Cindy & John Ferguson                    Tish and John Inman                Nancy and Doug Bryant and
Julie Turner                                                                                                                                                    Angela and Billy Woods
                                     Andrea & Ned Montag                      Jackson Healthcare                   Sherlock’s Wine Merchant
Kathryn and Jim Turner
                                     Corporate Committee Chair                Jane and Clay Jackson              CBRE                                           Bronze Sponsors
Steven Turner
                                     Jim Hannan                               JP Morgan Chase & Co.              Colliers International                         Arnall Golden Gregory Private
Verne Vance
                                                                              Frances and Jim Kerr               Christie and Doug Derrick                        Wealth Group; Barbara and
Jill and Paul Vella                  Diamond Sponsors
                                                                              Carla Knobloch                     Sylvia and Bruce Dick                            Bertram Levy
Susan Volentine                      Cox Enterprises
                                                                              Amy and Nevin Kreisler             Nan and Ed Easterlin                           BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Ellen Von Geyso                      Delta Air Lines
                                                                              Carrie and Whit Lanier             Fulcrum Equity Partners                        BlackSheep Production
Olivia and Zach Wall
                                     Platinum Sponsors                        Kelly Loeffler and Jeff Sprecher   Greenberg Traurig, LLP                         Donna and Chip Davidson
Betty and Jeff Ward
                                     Atlanta Fine Homes | Sotheby’s           MONTAG                             Rand and Seth Hagen                            Dorsey Alston, Realtors
Alexandra Weber-Balzer
                                       International Realty                   Karen and Richard Parker           Susan and Jim Hannan                           Carol and Charles Doty
Qing Wei
                                     Liz and Frank Blake                      Printpack                          Douglas J. Hertz Family Foundation             Cindy and John Ferguson
Ruth and Charles Wellborn
                                     The J.B. Fuqua Foundation                Christine and Bill Ragland         Beth and Tommy Holder                          Elizabeth and Sheffield Hale
Nicole and Jack Wharton
                                     Genuine Parts Company                    Patty and Doug Reid                Houlihan Lokey                                 The Home Depot Foundation
Joe White
                                                                              Resurgens Technology Partners

2021 Skyland Trail Donors

     Inspire Brands Foundation         The Lookout Foundation
     Beth Coleman Jones                Betts Love                                   I support Skyland Trail, and it is included in my annual and estate
     Lorin and Matthew Middelthon      Melissa and Chris Lowe                       charitable giving for three reasons: the mission, how the organiza-
     NAI Brannen Goddard, LLC          Virginia Maguire and
     New South Construction              J. Matthew Maguire, Jr.                    tion leads in this space, and the incredible impact it has on lives.
     Beth and David Park               Kim and Greg Marks
                                                                                    I always held Skyland Trail in high regard having worked with
     Caroline and Jeff Tucker          Miller+Boyd
     Olivia and Zach Wall              Denise and Jay D. Mitchell                   countless nonprofits in my work career, but it wasn’t until I actually
     Elizabeth and Chris Willett       Jackie and Tony Montag
                                                                                    had family members and relatives struggle with these issues
     Yates Insurance                   Colleen and the Honorable

     Patron Sponsors
                                         Sam Nunn                                   that it became very real for me. –Ty Smith, Vice Chair, Board of Directors
                                       Lisa and Charlie Ogburn
     Joanna and Al Adams
                                       Swati and Rahul Patel
     Spring and Tom Asher
                                       Kelley Bogle Peace
     Olivia and John Barge
                                       Mary Jo and Bill Riddle
     Libby and Brooks Barge
                                       Becky and Mark Riley              Kay and Jim Douglass              Carolyn and Bill Shiverick       Silver Sponsors
     Trudie and Michael Bisciotti
                                       Tricia and Maurice Rosenbaum      Mary Elizabeth and Joseph Estes   Caryl and Ken Smith              Anna Paré, M.D. -
     Lisa and William Bridges
                                       Carrie and Jim Shelden            Jennifer and Marty Flanagan       Robyn Smith                        Dermatology Consultants
     Laurie and Gordon Buchmiller
                                       Eloise and Stephen Shephard       Susan and Dan Faulk, Jr.          Myles Solomon                    BlackRock
     Catherine and TJ Callaway
                                       Marianne and Lenny Shutzberg      Emily and Lance Garrison          Mary Kelly Speed                 Dorsey Alston Realtors
     Aimee and Tom Chubb
                                       Caryl and Ken Smith               Kristen Gibbs                     Page and Arjun Srinivasan        Anne Marino
     Amy and Cecil Conlee
                                       Julie and Ty Smith                Anne and Rick Gieryn              Ann and Sheldon Taylor           Lauren & John McColskey
     Margaret and Dallas Denny
                                       Michelle and Steve Sullivan       Newell and Tom Harbin             Darlene and Mark Trigg           Proof of the Pudding
     Shannon and Stan Dixon
                                       Shane Thomas and Michael Bishop   Betts and Jeffery Irvine          Missy and Stefaan Ver Eeck       Patty Reid
     Jenifer and Mike Dobbs
                                       Lucy Carpenter Vance              Molly and John Jamieson           Dina Woodruff                    VPI Design
     Vivian and Sam DuBose
                                       Ally and Todd Wandtke             Catherine and J.J. Jaxon          Leslie and David Wierman         Betsy West
     Beth Finnerty and David Martin
                                       Mary and Tom Watson               Andrea and Boland Jones           Randi and Syd Williams           Janice Wilmer
     Mary Gill and Dennis Kruszewski
                                       Brooke and Winston Weinmann       Danica Kombol and David Lewis     John Zellars and Randy Tibbals
     Helen and John Gordon                                                                                                                  Hosts at Home
                                       Karen Spencer Welanetz and        Gregory McAlvin
     Hil Harper and Brian Fuller                                                                                                            Liz Blake
                                         Robert Welanetz                 Betsy and Geoff Meacham           ASSOCIATES LUNCHEON 2021
     Catie and Michael Hart                                                                                                                 Vivian DuBose
                                       Ruth and Charles Wellborn         Marni and Julian Mohr             Associates President
     Emily and Bob Herndon                                                                                                                  Cindy Ferguson
                                       Anna and Warren Wick              Kate and Michael Monk              Anne Marino
     Meg R. Heyer                                                                                                                           Beth Finnerty
                                                                         Gayle and Charles Nemeroff        Associates Vice President
     Wally and Tommy Hills             Friends                                                              Cat Lindauer                    Mary Frances Garrett
     Ellen and Jack Holland            Steven and Marti Alexander        Emily and Eric O’Brian
                                                                                                                                            Susan Hannan
     Katie and West Johnson            Serina Awadalla                   Helen and Donald O’Shea           Leadership Sponsors              Suci Jackson
     Nicole and John Jordan            Deborah and Michael Bald          Leigh and Tee Pollard             IBERIABANK/First Horizon         Barbara Levy
     Sheila and Seth Jutan             Carrie and Andy Beskin            Payal Rao                         The Shaifer Family               Cat Lindauer
     Dixie and Duey Kerper             Susan and Frank Brown             Cathy and Scott Rhodes
                                                                                                           Gold Sponsors                    Kim McCollam
     Fontaine and Matt Lee             Cathy and Richard Chrismer        Jennifer and Leo Rose
                                                                                                           Atlanta Fine Homes | Sotheby’s   Beth Park
     Julie and Billy Levine            Jennifer and Tim Collins          Lizzie Ross
                                                                                                            International Realty            Karen Parker
     The Lookout Foundation            Jennifer Cooper                   Phillip Sadler
                                                                                                           JPMorgan Chase & Co.             Denise Rezek
     Deborah and William Liss          Alice and Colin Daniel            Lauren and Andrew Schlossberg
                                                                                                                                            Becky Riley

Tricia Rosenbaum       Margaret McManamy                  Members                              Tricia Gryn                       Michelle and Hal Peeler
Katherine Strickland   Betsy Meacham                      Founding Members                     Johna Jennings                    Kelley and Todd Powell
Michelle Sullivan      Amy Nelson                         Britt and Hunter Amos                Christy Nelson                    Carol and Warren Power
Brooke Weinmann        Myra J. Palmer                     Alison and Will Blue                 Myla and Glen Outlaw              Power Law PC
Leslie Wierman         Beth Park                          Catherine and TJ Callaway            Julianne Paquin                   Janis Price
                       Bobbi Patrick                      Alison and Chase Davidson            Robin Ryder                       Joe Price
                       Leigh Pollard                      Maddie and Connor Davidson           Dana and Terry Tolbert            Bryan Shockley
Harriet Adams
                       Debbie Price                       Katherine and Jason Deere                                              Smith, Welch, Webb, and
Joanna Adams                                                                                 Marvin Bowen
                       Cindy Reedy                        Morgan and Mike DiOrio                                                 		 White, LLC
Elizabeth Ausband                                                                              Jean and Robert Cochoy
                       Denise Rezek                       Katie and Taylor Dozier                                                William R. and Sara Babb Smith
Kathy Barclay
                       Phyllis Rodbell                    Kwynn and Chris Everest            Kenny Bowes                         		 Foundation
Lucy Barry
                       Betsy Sawyer                       Catherine and Kenny Kraft            Ann and Seth Davies               Callie Stingel
Donna Bergeson
                       Cameron Sherrill                   Chappell Loudermilk                James T. Chafin, IV                 Mary Stingel
Melinda Bond
                       Carolyn Shiverick                  Louise and Charlie Loudermillk       James Adams                       Kara Stowers
Susan M. Boyd
                       Libba Shortridge                   Morgan Predieri                      Robert Arnold                     Pam and William Strickland
Nancy Bryant
                       Marianne R. Shutzberg              Allison and Chris Reagan             Allison and Eddie Ausband         Nancy Taylor
Lesley Carroll
                       Libby Simons                       Margaret and Brady Sumner            Emily and Bill Bartles            Steven Turner
Nancy Caswell
                       Elizabeth M. Spiegel               India Land Waters                    Lyndy Broder                      Stacy and Todd Wallace
Mary Coffin
                       Celine Stribling                   Caroline and Bill Weimar             Paul Cates                        Betty and Jeff Ward
Julie Collins
                       Mary Watson                                                             Sally and Jim Chafin              Cheryl Wilson
Carla Corley                                              Gifts In-kind and Special Thanks
                       Lauren A. Wegman                                                        May and Hitesh and Chokshi        Dottie Wise
Cheryl Durham                                             Greg Irby Gallery
                       Brooke Weinmann                                                         Stacey Clark                      David Worley
Tommye Easterlin                                          Greystone Inn
                       Ruth Wellborn                                                           Jane and Joe Claxton
Josiane Eecke                                             Scofflaw Brewery                                                     Emily R. Chaisit
Susan Franco           Gifts in Kind and Special Thanks   St. Regis Atlanta                    Council of State Court Judges     Nancy Morales
Susan Gallagher        Anna Paré, M.D. –                  Aya Medspa                           Susan and Michael Craig
                                                                                                                               Reid Davidson
Trisha Gross             Dermatology Consultants          Woo Cosmetics                        Claire Crumbley
                                                                                                                                 Stephanie Davidson
Emily Heimermann       Laura Pearce Ltd.                  Oodazu                               Bonnie Flood
Shayan Hussain         Proof of the Pudding                                                    Jean Foster                     Eugene T. Dykes, Jr.
Kerry Izard            Beth Shaifer                       HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS             Shelly Gardner                    Perrin and Bryan Kibler
Nancy Izlar            Libba Shortridge                                                        Susan and Candler Ginn
                                                          Gifts in Memory                                                      William R. Finnerty
Bobbi Cleveland        The Front Porch                                                         Susan Hargrove
                                                                                                                                Marge Finnerty
Frances Kerr           Maylie W.                          Kevin Baker                          Lily Henson
Laine Kilburn                                               Suzanne Baker                      Teri and Brad Hightower         Dottie Fuqua
Carrie Lanier          TRAILBLAZERS                                                            Cindy and Ralph Jennings          Beth Finnerty and David Martin
                                                          Kyle Behm
Jill Levenson                                                                                  Linda Jinks                       Jane and Bill McDonald
                       Leadership                           Anonymous
Mary D. Lindgren       Kwynn Everest, Chair                                                    Brian Johnston                    Mary Anne Quin
                                                            Shannon Easley
Margaret Long          Alison Blue, Vice Chair                                                 Chris Jueschke                  Pedro J. Garcia
                                                          Oliver Bolger                        Vinny Lotti
Kim Marks                                                                                                                        Dr. Klopstock
                       Leadership Sponsor                   Oliver Bolger LiF Campaign         Rita McGarity
Lisa Martin                                                                                                                      Mimi Monett Maslia
                       Anonymous                            Sami and Mike Bolger               Paula Mills
Sally S. Masters
                                                            Wendy C Butcher LLC                Mary-Frances Morgan             Kathryn Ginden
Mary Pat Matheson      Silver Sponsors
                                                            Janet Caudill                      Tony Moye                         Linda and Jonathan Lewin
Shaun C. McCarthy      Franklin Bolston Charitable Fund
                                                            Jon Davis                          NAMI Georgia
Kim McCollam           Jennifer Fleischman                                                                                     Robert J. Glenn
                                                            Stacia and Pete Glavas             Mary Jane Owen
                       Betts C. Love                                                                                             Betsy Glenn
2021 Skyland Trail Donors

     Hayley Hennessey                 Gifts in Honor                      Claudia and Richard de Mayo       Susan and Jim Hannan            Elizabeth Klump
       Samantha Graveline                                                   Debbie and Paul Anderson          Missy and Stefaan Ver Eecke      O2 Aspen
                                      Erik Abramson
                                                                                                              Josiane and Wilfried Eecke       Dina Woodruff
     Marzena Holly                      Therese Beale and Mark Abramson   Phyllis Decker
                                                                                                              Debbie and Gary Price
       Arlene and Michael Hormann                                           Verne Vance                                                     Ray Kotwicki
                                      Bridget Ajizian
       Beth and Harry Moore                                                                                 Samir Hasanji                     Carolyn and Steve Knight
                                        Sam Ajizian                       David Dorris
       Irene and Jim Nowicki                                                                                  Serina Awadalla                 Anne Meredith and
                                                                            Paula and George Dorris
                                      Elizabeth Alexander                                                                                     		 Harry Lamberton
     Frances and Charles Howard                                                                             Karen and Peter H’Doubler
                                         Maryland and Don McCarty         Rachel Ehrlich                                            
       Elizabeth Howard                                                                                       Nancy and Joe Inman
                                                                            Teri and Seth Ehrlich                                             Penny and Billy Peebles
                                      Suzanne Baker
     Duncan Kaulbach                                                                                        Emily Hoffman                     Janet and Ira Schwartz
                                        Julie and Bryan Jones             Kwynn and Christopher Everest
       Martha and George Kaulbach                                                                             Jane and Arnold Hoffmann
                                                                            Sanibel Captiva Trust Company                                   Hank Kowalczyk
                                      Howie Berman
     Kathy Kelley                                                                                           Kristen and Jim Howard            Martha Logan
                                        Carol and Walter Berman           Thomas Fellows
       Shelley Danser                                                                                         Erin and Richmond Bernhardt
                                                                            Gail Wilson                                                     Carrie Lanier
                                      Walter Berman
     Alex Labanowski                                                                                        Beth and Don Inman                Susan and Frank Brown
                                       Laura and Mike Elkins              Kayla Felton
       Cathy and Michael Labanowski                                                                           Phil Sadler                     Mary Elizabeth and Joseph Estes
                                                                            Elizabeth and Bob Felton
                                      Patrick Bertrand                                                                                        Emily and Lance Garrison
     Dr. Mike Luke                                                                                          Glen Jackson
                                        Yvette Bonheur                    Cindy Ferguson                                                      Newell and Tom Harbin
        Beth and Harry Moore                                                                                  Le and Beauchamp Carr
                                                                            Lesley Carroll                                                    Catherine and J.J. Jaxon
                                      Drew Bleke and Family
     Carol Lunde                                                            Carla and Paul Corley           Jane and Clay Jackson             Betsy Meacham
                                        Alice and Eddie Miller
       Greg Blount                                                          Sally and Reynolds Couch          Paige and Arjun Srinivasan      Kate and Michael Monk
                                      Gavin Bramblett                       Mary and Jones Lindgren           Dina Woodruff
     Niels Nicholas                                                                                                                           Emily and Eric O’Brien
                                        Paula Vineyard                      Mary Kelly Speed
       Brooks Kuester                                                                                       Suci Jackson                      Lizzie Ross
       Susanne and John Nicholas      Corinne Bridgman                    Beth Finnerty                       Nancy and Doug Bryant           Randi and Syd Williams
                                        Mark Bridgman                       Marge Finnerty
     Judson Lannis Ponder                                                                                   Jacob Jicha                     Justin “Jay” LeGrendre
                                      Stuart Bryant                         Cindy and Gary Reedy                                              Cathy Bauer
       Joanna and John Skinner                                                                                Susan and Rich Jicha
                                        Patricia Toy Johnson              Cibby and Daniel Fischer
     Langdon C. Quin, Jr.                                                                                   Edwina and Tom Johnson          Barbara Levy
                                      Cecil D. Conlee                       Teresa and Matt Fischer                                           Phyllis Rodbell
       Lethea and Doug Mitchell                                                                               Cindy and Bill Fowler
                                        Sarah Scorza                      Jason Flynn                         Luci Johnson and Ian Turpin
     Michael Rourke Shaheen                                                                                                                 Cat Lindauer
                                      Ed Craighead                          Myles Solomon                     Judy and Lester Miller          Nancy and Doug Bryant
       William Shaheen
                                        Mary and John Brock               Duvall and Rex Fuqua              Beth Jones                        Mary and John Coffin
     Abb Jackson Smith II
                                                                            Mimi and Gerry Woodruff           Leslie and David Wierman        Kerry and Bailey Izard
       Ann S. Smith                   John Crawford, IV
                                                                                                                                              Shaun McCarthy
                                        Goodwood Consulting               Lorre and George Gaudiosi         Dorothy Jordan
     Carolyn Tye                                                                                                                              Amy Nelson
                                      Carley Culmo                          Jennifer and Leo Rose             Trudy Farkas
       Ashleigh Harris-Gates                                                                                                                  Carolyn and Bill Shiverick
       Sam Ross                         Susan Culmo                       Emma Gordon                       Judy Jordan
                                                                                                                                            Sarah Little
       Andrea Schklar                 Shelley Danser                        Harold Gordon                     Mary Pat and David Mathison
                                                                                                                                              Michele and Michael Little
     Edna and James Underwood           Maryland and Don McCarty          Bess Greenberg                    Zach Kindy
                                                                                                                                            Robert Lucier
       Karen and Steve Finnerty       Ashley V. David                       Amy and Josh Greenberg            Kathy and Walter Rudisiler
                                                                                                                                              Reneé Hutcherson Lucier
     Mark Wynne                         Diana and Mark Tipton
       Susan and Jim Shepherd

In Memory

Jeffrey Malkofsky-Berger           Sharmila and Sreeni Prabhu            STEP Program                     Farrell Braziel, MD
  Rena and Josh Malkofsky-Berger     Lauren and Andrew Schlossberg         Lynn and Brian Berryman        Dr. Braziel’s practice as a psychiatrist benefited many, earning him
Kendalee Marcus                    Teddy Quenzer
                                                                           Marlene and Cliff Rackson      not only gratitude from his patients but also the highest recognition
  Ken Marcus                         Suzy Quenzer                        Phillip Street                   from his colleagues. Dr. Farrell Braziel served on the Skyland Trail
                                                                           Denise and Jay Mitchell        Advisory Board from 2001 to 2007. He encouraged Skyland Trail to
Anne Marino                        Christine and Bill Ragland
                                                                                                          create a group for psychiatric professionals to provide consultation
  Nancy and Doug Bryant              Deborah and Michael Bald            Katherine Strickland
                                                                                                          for the clinical team, and he became the founder and first chair of
  Nan and Ed Easterlin               The Lookout Foundation                Meg McManamy
                                     Carolyn and Bill Shiverick
                                                                                                          the Skyland Trail Professional Advisory Board. Since that time more
Kim McCollam
                                     Darlene and Mark Trigg
                                                                         Andy Stull                       than 100 individuals have served as members, and the board
  Lesley Carroll                                                           Leigh and Tee Pollard          continues to provide valuable feedback to our clinical team.
  Mary and Jones Lindgren          Patty Reid
                                                                         Diana and Mark Tipton
Erin Meadows
                                     Susan and Frank Brown
                                                                           Bobbi and Ferrell Patrick      Brad Currey
  Jean and Galen Greene
                                     Loretta Fine
                                                                           Celine and Wade Stribling      Brad Currey was a longtime Atlanta resident, civic leader, volunteer
                                     Elizabeth LeMasurier                                                 and businessman. After serving in the U.S. Army, Brad began a more
                                                                           Peter Lauer
Cole Metzger
                                   Ross Richard                                                           than 20-year career with Trust Company of Georgia in 1953. In 1976,
  Carole and Nathan Metzger                                              Caroline Tucker
                                     Agnes and Steve Richard                                              he joined Rock-Tenn Company (now WestRock), which he helped
                                                                           Sally and Mike Masters
Michael Mock                                                                                              lead until retiring in 2000. He was a vital and engaged civic leader
                                   Becky and Mark Riley
  Gregory McAlvin                                                        Dina Varner                      in Atlanta for more than 70 years. Brad was an esteemed friend of
                                     Anne and Rick Gieryn
Jackie and Tony Montag
                                                                           Nancy and Doug Bryant          Skyland Trail, and the legacy of his kindness and generosity will
                                   Tricia Rosenbaum                        Kim and Greg Marks             continue make an impact for generations to come.
  Erica Greenblatt
                                      Sally and Alan Pinsker               Leigh and Tee Pollard
  Laura and John Hardman
                                   Bebe Shaifer                          Kim Venable
                                                                                                          John Gates, PhD
Sebastian Mosley                                                                                          Dr. Gates was a longtime, trusted advisor to former first lady
                                     Ann Hayes Shaifer                     Kris and Mike Bridges
  Tara Thieleke                                                                                           Rosalynn Carter. He directed her mental health program at The
                                   Emma Shortt                           Olivia Wall                      Carter Center from 1993 to 2000 and then served as a member
Jeff Muir
                                     Anonymous                             Betsy Meacham
  Kay and Jim Douglass                                                                                    of her Mental Health Task Force and also on the advisory board
Jack Naron
                                   Libba Shortridge                      Dierdre Smith, Sterling Smith,   of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers until his death.
  Phyllis Decker
                                     Virginia and Bond Almand            and Ari Warsager                 Dr. Gates served on the Skyland Trail Advisory Board from 2004
                                     Habersham Garden Club                 Allan Bahrs                    to 2009. He was a true advocate for patients their families.
Kelley Naron                         Elizabeth Shortridge
                                                                         Betsy and Mark West
  Phyllis Decker                                                                                          Bart Miller
                                   Sophie Silverstein                      Karen and Peter H’Doubler
  Verne Vance
                                     Ellen Weiman and Dubi Silverstein     Kathy and Richard Lee
                                                                                                          Bart Miller served at Northside Hospital for 16 years, ending his
Charles B. Nemeroff                                                        Bett and Ray Moses
                                                                                                          career there as Vice President. Bart was instrumental in the start-up
                                   Anna Sims                                                              of Skyland Trail. Our founding members relied on his expertise
  Rose Decosimo                                                            Christopher West
                                     Gina and Greg Sims                                                   in healthcare administration to develop our early support services.
  Luci Johnson and Ian Turpin
                                                                         Lisa and Vincent West            As the first chair of the Program Committee, he supported our
                                   Skyland Trail Staff
Anna Paré                                                                   David Suever
                                     Lori and Joe Freeman                                                 Joint Commission accreditation efforts and chaired our first
  Nancy and Doug Bryant
                                     Gayla and Clint Kilts               Lou and Blanton Winship          strategic planning effort which led to the construction of the
Karen and Richard Parker             Elizabeth and Chris Schul             Margaret and David Townsend    Health and Education Center, now part of our Charles B. West
  Studie and Zach Young              Tina and Peter Watterberg                                            Campus. Bart served on the Skyland Trail Advisory Board from
                                                                         Margie and Robert Wynne
                                   Kyle Smith                              Bettie Patterson               1990 to 1994 and on the Board of Directors from 1995 to 2011.
                                     Mary-Teresa and Craig Smith                                          He served as chair of the program committee from 2008 to 2010.

2021 Financial Highlights
     REVENUE                                                                                      EXPENSES

     Total Revenue               Breakdown of Program Revenue   Sources of Charitable Donations   Direct Program Expenses        Distribution of Financial Aid by Program

     76%  Program Revenue       79%  Residential Treatment    55%  Individuals                 39%  Residential Treatment    90%  Residential Treatment
     11%  Unrestricted          14%  Day Services             27%  Foundations                 31%  Day Services             6%  Day Services
                                 2%  Physician Services        18%  Corporate & Business        17%  Physician Services &     3%  Transitional Housing
     4%  Financial Aid               & Family Therapy                                                  Family Therapy
2021 Volunteer Leadership

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                 EMERITUS DIRECTORS            Carla Knobloch                          ADOLESCENT ADVISORY        NATIONAL ADVISORY                       Ned H. Kalin, MD
Clay Jackson, Chair                Vivian DuBose, Chair          Dorian Lamis, PhD                       COUNCIL                    BOARD                                    University of Wisconsin School of
Mark Tipton, Vice Chair            Richard Bryant                Carrie Lanier                           J. Rex Fuqua, Chair        Charles B. Nemeroff, MD,                 Medicine and Public Health,
Tom D. Bell, Treasurer             Cecil Conlee                  Barbara Levy                            Virginia Apperson, PhD,    PhD, Co-Chair                            HealthEmotions Research Institute
Patty Reid, Secretary              J. Rex Fuqua                  Colin McBurnette                          APRN, CS                  The University of Texas at Austin,
                                                                                                                                                                            Clinton D. Kilts, PhD
Rev. Joanna Adams                  John Gordon                   John McColskey                          Fred Assaf                  Dell Medical School
                                                                                                                                                                             University of Arkansas –
Brooks Barge                       Betty Ann Inman               Bob Mills                               W. Edward Craighead, PhD
                                                                                                                                    Raymond J. Kotwicki, MD,                 Medical Sciences Psychiatric
Liz Blake                          Beth Jones                    Michael Mock                            Sara Eden
                                                                                                                                    MPH, DFAPA, Co-Chair                     Research Institute
Cindy Ferguson                     Amy Rollins Kreisler          Katherine Ohlhausen                     Duvall Fuqua
                                                                                                                                     Skyland Trail
Bernard Gray                       Richard Parker                Karen Parker                            Rand Glenn Hagen                                                   William M. McDonald, MD
Rand Glenn Hagen                   Mark C. West                  Sharmila Prabhu                         John Hardman, MD           Kathleen Brady, MD, PhD                  The Fuqua Center for
Dana Halberg                       Blanton C. Winship            Christine Ragland                       Tom Johnson                 Medical University of South 		          Late-Life Depression,
Thomas D. Hills                    Margie Wynne                  Becky Riley                             John McColskey              Carolina, Carolina Clinical &           Emory Brain Health Center
James Howard                                                     Tricia Rosenbaum                        Anna Moore, PhD             Translational Research Institute
                                   ADVISORY BOARD                                                                                                                           Alan F. Schatzberg, MD
William E. Huger, III                                            Daraka Satcher                          Melanie Palumbo            Barbara Coffey, MD                       Stanford University School
Shayan Hussain                     Leslie Wierman, Chair         Caryl Smith                             William Shaheen
                                   Chowning Aguilera                                                                                 University of Miami, Miller School      of Medicine
Don Inman                                                        Lizeth Arizmendi Smithgall              Sally Singletary, MS,       of Medicine
Tim Jefferson                      Wendy Conrad Aronson          Harrison Spry                             APC, NCC                                                         Steven Siegel, MD, PhD
Betts Love                         Lisa Bridges                  Will Stengel, II                        Rosemary Tippett, MA       W. Edward Craighead, PhD                 University of Southern California
Melissa Lowe                       Philip Clinkscales            Andy Stull                              Brooke Weinmann             Emory University, School of Medicine    Keck School of Medicine
Jay D. Mitchell                    Denise DeAngelo               Olivia Wall                                                        Philip D. Harvey, PhD                   Manpreet K. Singh, MD, MS
Jackie Montag                      Nan Easterlin                 Mary Watson                                                         University of Miami, Miller School      Stanford University,
Jeff Muir                          Clint Fletcher                Betsy West                                                          of Medicine                             Stanford Maternal Child Health
Ty Smith                           Jennifer Fuqua Fowler         Keith Wood, PhD                                                                                             Research Institute
Arjun Srinivasan                   Susan Hannan                  John Zellars, Jr.
Michelle Sullivan                  Hill Hardman
                                   Hil Harper                    Anne Marino,
Brooke Weinmann                                                   Ex-Officio/Associates President
Robby Wynne                        Bo Heiner
                                   Keisha Hines                  Denise Rezek,
Leslie Wierman                     Catharine Kelly                Ex-Officio/Past Associates President
 Ex-Officio/Advisory Board Chair

Very Special Thanks
After serving as Skyland Trail Board Chair from 2019 to 2021, Clay Jackson stepped down                                              “Clay was a pillar of strength for me and the
from the Board of Directors in December 2021 and was elected to the Emeritus Board. As                                                leadership team throughout the pandemic
Board Chair, Clay helped guide the organization through what we hope will be the worst of                                             and demonstrated great care and concern for
the Covid-19 pandemic. Also under Clay’s leadership, Skyland Trail grew our endowment
by 50 percent, grew our operating reserves by more than 60 percent, opened a 26-bed                                                   our patients and employees. He was always
adolescent treatment program, and completed a strategic plan that will set the direction                                              available for a phone call, strategy session, or
for our next phase of growth. Clay’s term as Board Chair completes 16 years of volunteer                                              show of support. We could not have asked for
service with the organization. He served on the Advisory Board from 2006-2008 and on                                                  a better partner through all of this! We thank
the Board of Directors from 2008 to 2021, serving on every committee during his tenure.                                               you for your leadership and guidance over the
To recognize Clay’s leadership, Skyland Trail planted a Japanese Stewartia tree in the Board                                          past 16 years.” –Beth Finnerty, President & CEO
Chairs’ Forest on our Charles B. West Campus.
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