Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...

Page created by Donald Allen
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
The Meadoword
January 2022
                 The Meadoword
                       The Meadows Community News and Lifestyle   Volume 40, Number 1

                                                                                 Photo by: Jacques Linder

    Ready for

       NEWS       COMMUNITY REMINDERS           Pages 12-13         Page 14                Page 22-23
     Pages 2–9         Pages 10–19
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
2                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                             January 2022

Community News                                              Looking into The New Year
                                                                                Jan Lazar—MCA Board President

                               H   appy New Year! I hope you
                                   all had wonderful holidays
                               and were able to be with family
                                                                       The expanded outdoor dining
                                                                       at Centre Court is expected to
                                                                       be competed by January. We
                                                                                                                 Meadows will increase by 9.95%.

                                                                                                                 The budget reflects our expanded
                               and friends after the prolonged         have also added some additional           programs, debt service on
                               separations caused by COVID. It’s       parking in that area along both           our loans and one new staff
                               truly nearly beyond belief that we      sides of the entrance/exit to that        position. I am happy to report
                               would have had to endure such           area. The tennis community has            that we have, as I originally
                               a ravaging pandemic and still           added new landscaping around the          projected, been able to reduce
                               have to exercise precautions after      area including a memorial garden          interest on our debt by cash
                               almost two years. We can only           for Kim Miller, who served as             flow management, saving over
                               hope that the vaccinations and          chair of the tennis program and           $184,000 in interest to date, and
                               distancing protocols have enabled       was instrumental in the efforts to        making an additional $250,000
                               us to reestablish contact with our      keep the tennis facilities first rate.    in principal prepayment. As of
                               loved ones and that we will never                                                 this writing, we have paid over
                               have to isolate from them again.        The Dog Park is a great success.          $500,000 off on the loans. Since
                                                                       It is great to see continuing             the new building is not completed,
                               But while COVID has dominated           enhancements being added                  we have not yet drawn down
                               and controlled many things in our       through resident donations.               the full $4,000,000 loan, which
                               lives, we here in The Meadows                                                     will be done by summer. Due to
                               continue to flourish. Activities in     Safety continues to be a major            the cash flow management and
                               our community abound. We are            focus in our community. I hope            principal prepayments, our total
                               outside and active on a daily basis     you by now have seen the flashing         outdistancing debt will be less
                               and back inside for many things.        stop signs along Longmeadow.              than 1% of our total community
                               And new people are joining us           Please observe the speed limits           Assessed Valuation by this time
                               every day.                              and stop signs for the safety of all.     next year. In other words, think of
                                                                                                                 it in relation to your home value.
                               The new year will be exciting           The new budget will be mailed to          It would be like having a $4,000
                               as completion of our new                you in the next few weeks with            mortgage on a $400,000 home.
                               Community Lifestyle and Wellness        the ballot for board candidates.
                               Facility will be accomplished.          We are right on track for the             Our acquisition of the real
                               Despite numerous delays due to          plan we set forth when we began           property from the Club, the new
                               permitting issues, labor shortages      our major capital initiatives and         building, enhanced facilities for
                               and supply chain disruptions, we        activities improvements. The              dining, and other activities add
                               expect the building to be finished      new budget reflects an increase,          value for both your daily life and
                               by summer. The underground              as I have promised since we               for your property values. We
                               work, which is extensive for a new      started, of single digits in the          will continue to work diligently
                               building, is virtually all completed.   MCA assessment The MCA                    to protect our green space, our
                               You can walk or drive by and see        assessment will increase by 5.9%          lifestyle and our property values.
                               walls going up. We look forward         and your own assessment will              The plans and programs we have
                               to seeing it in use later this year     be that number +/- the change             made are designed to do just that.
                               for a wide range of activities and      in your assessed value from the
                               functions and as a location for         County Assessor. Some of you will
                               the fitness center, which will be       actually see decreases but most
                               operated by the Club and available      will see an increase of the 5.9%
                               to all Renaissance Access Plan          plus the county increase. Overall,
                               (RAP) members.                          our projected assessments for The

                                    Annual Assessments are mailed in January. If you have an address change,

                                         please contact MCA by email:

                                                      to ensure prompt delivery of your assessment.

                      Our Vision                                                                                Our Mission
     To be known as a well-maintained, welcoming,                                        To preserve the property values, ambience and
        safe community with up-to-date housing,                                          vitality of our community.
       activities and services designed to meet the
                   needs of all residents.
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
January 2022                                                           THE MEADOWORD                                                                         3

                            How You Can Get Ready for New
                                                                 Frances Rippcondi—MCA General Manager

H    appy New Year. I would
     like to begin my New Year
off by thanking and welcoming
                                         great place to start is becoming
                                         familiar with our upcoming events.
                                         If you are unable to stop by during
                                                                                 consistent high standards in
                                                                                 support of the Community’s
                                                                                 mission. If you have an eye for
                                                                                                                         MCA MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE
                                                                                                                         The purpose of this committee
                                                                                                                        is to oversee the Association’s
the residents of The Meadows.            the day give us a call and we will      beauty this committee is for you.      common area grounds and
Thank you to all the residents           make alternate arrangements for                                                landscaping to achieve excellence
who support the vision and               you to receive your Renaissance         MCA COMMUNICATIONS                     in the care of MCA grounds.
Renaissance of The Meadows.              card.                                   COMMITTEE
Whether you live in a single-family                                              If your background includes            MCA MOST IMPROVED
home, condominium, or villa, your
                                         Interested in getting to                marketing, communications,             COMMITTEE
                                         know more people?
efforts in beautifying, maintaining,                                             public relations, community            This newer committee’s agenda
improving and upgrading your             Whether you are a long time             relations, writing or editing,         is to select the most improved
property has drawn homebuyers            resident or a newcomer, we              this committee will spark              properties that reflect The
from all around the world and            designed our Social Meet and            your imagination and                   Meadows’ high standards as
landed us the accolade as being          Mingles with you in mind.               creativity. Support the MCA            well as support the community’s
one of Sarasota’s hottest places to      Bringing residents together is          communication’s team in                Mission Statement “To preserve
live by Sarasota Magazine–Red            what community is all about. We         reinforcing key messages.              the property values, ambience and
Hot Neighborhood article and The         want our community to thrive and                                               vitality of our community.”
New York Times. Which leads me           friendships to grow. If you don’t       MCA COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES
to my Welcome.                           know anyone, you will by the time       COMMITTEE                              MCA SAFETY COMMITTEE
                                         you leave the event. Contact Sue         If you enjoy event planning,          The Safety Committee’s goal is to
Welcome all new residents who            Lytle, our Lifestyle Coordinator, at    creating fun venues, organizing        maximize the safety and security
have recently moved into The             941-377-2300 and she will get           volunteers for smooth execution        of residents, property owners and
Meadows. Now that you have               you connected.                          of plans, parties and events,          commercial enterprises within The
unpacked that last box and all                                                   this committee is for you. Be          Meadows.
household items have been                Another great way to meet new           involved in community events,
properly placed, it’s time to            people is to volunteer. The MCA         identify and vet new activities        MCA STANDARDS COMMITTEE
venture out and see what your            has plenty of opportunities for you     and clubs for The Meadows – be         The Standards Committee’s
new community has to offer.              to be part of the team, from being      a part of the lifestyle.               purpose is to guarantee all rules
If you don’t know where                  a committee member to gardening                                                and regulations are maintained
to begin, stop by the MCA                outside. Volunteering is the perfect    MCA FINANCE COMMITTEE -                to ensure that all properties in
Community Center located at              way to meet new friends who have        Those with financial experience        The Meadows are kept at a high
2004 Longmeadow. We will gladly          similar interests and give back to      will enjoy volunteering with           standard that enhances the over-
share information on the latest          the community at the same time.         peers reviewing, monitoring and        all value of The Meadows.
activities and events happening in                                               recommending actions on the
The Meadows and provide you with         If you are new to The Meadows           broad scope of MCA’s financial         MCA WATER & WILDLIFE
a New Homeowner’s package.               and want to get involved but            matters.                               COMMITTEE
                                         don’t know what to do or where                                                 If your interests and experiences
Our New Homeowner’s package              to start, below is a synopsis of        EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS                 favor environment quality of our
provides an array of information,        opportunities that may interest         COMMITTEE                              resources, protection of wildlife
from in-depth communications on          you – check out the MCA Website         This committee guides and              and resultant education and policy
the Renaissance of The Meadows,          “”. Below         prepares the community for             setting, this prestigious committee
capital improvements, basic rules        is a synopsis of opportunities          any disaster, such as weather,         will provide the perfect setting to
and regulations, to answering            that may suit your interest.            terrorism and other natural            contribute your skills.
frequently asked questions.                                                      or manmade disaster that
                                         VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                 could threaten The Meadows.            Make a resolution this year to
While you are at the MCA picking         MEADOWS U ACTIVITY                      This is a hands-on, help your          embrace your community by
up your New Homeowner’s package          If you want to be part of the           neighborhood prepare for and           volunteering, meeting your
register for your Renaissance            team that brings in exciting new        stay safe during threatened            neighbors, and enjoying The
Access Card. Your card allows            educational programs, speakers          conditions.                            Meadows lifestyle. We look
you to participate in recreational       and learning adventures that pique                                             forward to meeting you and wish
offerings, activities and dining         residents’ interest this activity is    LONG-RANGE PLANNING                    everyone a year filled with new
opportunities as well as access the      for you. Enjoy great satisfaction       COMMITTEE                              friends, happiness, joy and peace.
dog park, fitness at the Dickens         by bringing continual education         The objective of this committee
facility, swimming, golfing on both      opportunities to The Meadows as         is to define a process to facilitate
of the public courses and on The         residents participate in these highly   preparation of an MCA Strategic
Meadows private course of The            sought-after programs.                  plan, including formulating and
Meadows Country Club every 3rd                                                   proposing a capital budget for
Saturday of each month. A detailed       MCA BEST KEPT COMMITTEE                 inclusion in the MCA Annual
list of activities is also included in   The goal of the Best Kept Committee     Budget along with evaluating
the package and on our website;          is to judge and reward Meadows’         and keeping the community's
therefore, if you want to socialize,     properties for maintaining              Mission and Vision to protect
have fun and meet new people, a          outstanding appearance and              our assets.
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
4                                 THE MEADOWORD                                                January 2022

            Construction Update
                                                                 Additional parking spaces added for New Community Lifestyle
                                                                    and Wellness Facility and Centre Court Lounge dining.

    Pavers and composite decking are being installed
                 for expanded dining.

                      The Meadows Lifestyle and Wellness Facility foundation preparing to be poured.

                                          RENTALS NEEDED!!!!
                                        YOU CAN TRUST ME TO
                                      MANAGE YOUR PROPERTY!
                                    I HAVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE
                                     LEASING BOTH ANNUAL AND
                                    SEASONAL PROPERTIES IN THE
                                         ***CALL ME NOW***
                                       I PAY ATTENTION TO THE
                                     INVESTMENT AND MINIMIZING
                                            THE HASSLES.
       THE MEADOWS                          941-954-4443

     CELL: (941) 321-1549
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
January 2022                                                           THE MEADOWORD                                                                       5

                           A New Year, New Hope, and a Chance for a New Beginning
                                         Time to Get Ready and Make This the Best Year Ever in The Meadows
                                                                             Bob Clark—Standards Chair

Italk to many people in The
 Meadows during property
visits for the approval of projects
                                          one of the most desirable places
                                          to live in Sarasota. The support
                                          received from the community to
                                                                                  politics and a good friend can be the
                                                                                  most important thing you can have.                  Architectural
submitted through the Architectural       help maintain those standards is      Last year was an excellent year           November Approved Applications
Review process, and I am always           greatly appreciated.                  for property improvements in
encouraged by the enthusiasm                                                    The Meadows with requests for              3153 Heatherwood Ln
expressed by those who live here.         You can help promote a better future Architectural Reviews far exceeding         4410 Whisperwood
These are residents who show their        for all living here by volunteering   the year before. It would be great         4510 Whisperwood
                                                                                                                           3463 Hadfield Green
pride in their homes by initiating        for a committee and have input        if 2022 would exceed that record.
                                                                                                                           3355 Hadfield Green
updates and improvements to               regarding important issues facing     The result of actions of the past          4477 Highland Oaks Circle
preserve their property values for        The Meadows. Without the work         such as preserving our green space         4322 Highland Oaks Circle
themselves and their neighbors.           of our many committees we would       and respecting our standards has           2828 Breton Woods
                                          need a much larger staff to provide   resulted in record home values. The        5561 Downham Meadow
One of the best things about living       the planning and services we all      improvements that have been made           5605 Downham Meadow
in The Meadows is the way we              enjoy. The Meadows is a community to create an enhanced lifestyle in             3413 Highlands Bridge Rd
                                                                                                                           3444 Highlands Bridge Rd
respect the past but work together to     of almost 3500 residences, which      The Meadows and plans already for
                                                                                                                           4770 Ringwood Meadow
pave the way for a better tomorrow.       makes the governance the equivalent the future will keep our beautiful           Chatsworth Greene Condo Assn
Every new year brings with it             of managing a small town, so all help community a desirable place to live.       4426 Highland Oaks Ct
renewed hope for the future and a         is greatly appreciated.                                                          4866 Greywood Ln
chance to make a new beginning for                                              So enjoy your life here, take              5055 Marsh Field Rd
ourselves, our relationships and our      A new beginning can mean many         advantage of all the many lifestyle        4946 Rutland Gate
                                                                                                                           4952 Rutland Gate
community.                                things but could involve making       opportunities available to our
                                                                                                                           1905 Deancroft Rd
                                          those property improvements           residents and look forward to a new        4812 Greencroft Rd
Respect for our past was built            that have been put off during the     year, new hope and a new beginning         4836 Waterbridge Down
into The Meadows by the                   pandemic. It could mean helping       in 2022. As always, thanks go out to       3524 Richwood Link
wise individuals who long ago             a neighbor in need or volunteering    our many volunteers and our hard           4422 Whisperwood
established a set of standards which      for a charity where you could         working staff and thank you to all of      3425 Hadfield Greene
preserve the quality of life we enjoy.    make a positive contribution. Most    our residents who band together to         4333 Longmeadow
                                                                                                                           5636 Sheffield Greene
It has been the enforcement of those      importantly, it may mean realizing    make The Meadows a community.
                                                                                                                           4563 Windsor Park
standards that keeps The Meadows          that friends are more important than

                                                      Assembly Committee
                                                                          Mike Mazur—Assembly Chair

                    A    s we kick off the New Year,
                         the Assembly of Property
                    Owners programs continue
                                                             parameters on the weight, height
                                                             or number of animals that can be
                                                             housed in a unit, but Federal and
                                                                                                      Please be certain to return your
                                                                                                      completed election ballot and
                                                                                                      proxy form by March 14, 2022,
                    through May. On January 19,              State laws may overrule them.            the date of the MCA Annual
                    2022 beginning promptly at 4:00          Before your Board says “no”, learn       Meeting. Do read the articles on
                    pm, join us as attorney Scott K.         from this session on how to be on        the four candidates for the three
                    Petersen presents a program              the right side of the law and avoid      positions as covered elsewhere in
                    that will focus on Service Animal        potential issues.                        this issue. In addition, visit www.
                    and Emotional Support Animal                                             to view
                    matters. Association officers are        Later this month, each residential       the presentations made by each
                    being required to address these          and commercial property owner            candidate at the October 2021
                    matters with greater frequency           in The Meadows will receive their        meeting of the Assembly.
                    and this program is designed             Annual Assessment invoice as well
                    to impart information that will          as a Board of Directors election
                                                                                                        See you at the January 19,
                                                                                                             2022 meeting!
                    assist in the proper handling of         ballot and other materials related
                    new owner or tenant applicants           to the business of The Meadows
                    or existing owners who wish to           Community Association, Inc.
                    include animals that do not fit
                    association Rules and Restrictions.      Budget back up detail is available
                    Most associations have specific          on the MCA website.
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
6                                           THE MEADOWORD                                                                  January 2022

                                         NOVEMBER SAFETY REPORT

                    D    uring the month of November,
                         2021 there were fourteen (14)
                    incident free days, two (2) less than
                                                              Myrtlewood (Springlake and
                                                              Somerset.) Items taken: sunglasses,
                                                              change ($ 15) and knives.
                                                                                                         Vandalism: On Monday November
                                                                                                         22, 2021 someone(s) kicked in the
                                                                                                         front door to a unit in the 4700
                    last month. There were twenty-three                                                  block of Winslow Beacon. Sheriff’s
                    (23) reported incidents, six (6) more     Vandalism: On Saturday,                    Dept. on scene. Sheriff’s report
                    than last month. There were one           November 20, 2021 someone(s)               #21-96705.
                    hundred fifty-eight (158) citations       cut the fence to the boat lot, and
                    issued this month, fifty-nine (59)        attempted to steal two outboard
                                                                                                                In the event of an
                    more than last month.                     motors of the boats in the lot. They
                                                                                                                 emergency, 911.
                                                              also cut the power lines on the
                                                                                                          The non-emergency Sarasota
                    Burglary-Auto: On Wednesday,              light poles. Sheriff’s Dept. notified.
                                                                                                         County Sheriff’s Office number
                    November 24, 2021 we had three            Sheriff’s report
                                                                                                         is 941-316-1201. The Meadows
                    unlocked vehicles entered on              # 21-096150.
                                                                                                             Safety Patrol number is

                                                         The Season for Sharing
                                                                                  Michael Cox

Ihope everyone’s holidays were
 wonderful and I’m wishing us all a
happy 2022.
                                         (although this sounds like a lot of
                                         work. Maybe just pulling the guitar
                                         out of the closet and dusting it off
                                                                                     resolution, one I might suggest
                                                                                     would be to look into the activities
                                                                                     going on in The Meadows and find
                                                                                                                              to have taken hold in our society
                                                                                                                              and come together as a local and
                                                                                                                              national community in 2022.
                                         will do.)                                   one, or possibly more, that you’d
2022! How did this happen? It                                                        like to take part in. There are a lot    Oh, I’m also going to buy a horse
seems the last I remember it was         Perhaps the best resolutions to             of them and they’re announced            and learn to ride it so I can be a
1985 and the Bears were winning.         keep are those that have loopholes.         through constant contacts emails         cowboy.
                                                                                     and The Meadoword.
Since it’s the beginning of              I resolve to “eat more healthy” could                                                On another note, the MHOA would
another new year, let’s talk about       be one less slice of pizza every week.      Another might be to sign up for the      like to make sure we have the email
resolutions. You know, those                                                         Renaissance plan, if you haven’t         addresses of all our members that
promises we make to ourselves            I resolve to “exercise more” could be       already and take advantage of all it     have one. If you’re a member of the
that last from January 1st to about      just moving the bike out of the way         has to offer, such as the fitness club   MHOA please email your name,
February 1st. When I was young,          to make it easier to get in the car.        and pool access.                         home address and email address to:
I used to resolve to learn and                                                                                                meadowshomeownerssarasota@
actually practice playing the guitar,    I resolve to “read more” might              One that I’m making is to try to
so I could be a rock star. Now, I        mean looking over the menu at a             find the connections I share with
keep my resolutions a bit more           new restautant.                             others instead of the differences.
attainable, like slightly less napping                                               I’d really like to think we can get
or maybe relearning to play guitar       Now if you’re looking for a                 beyond the divisiveness that seems

                                           Be a member of MHOA. It's only $15 a year or $25 for two years.
                                 For information, contact the MHOA at
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
January 2022                                                       THE MEADOWORD                                                                                            7

                        Getting Ready For New, Serene Weather
                                  Roy Wysnewski — Meadows Weather/Hurricane Season Analysis: November 2021 Report

W     eather Summary: With
      the busy 2021 summer
rainy season a distant memory,
                                             Meadows Rainfall and Temperature Data
                                                                                                                      in the chart below (courtesy of Dr.
                                                                                                                      Ryan Truchelut at Weather Tiger),
                                                                                                                      Sarasota was totally spared any
and another very active Atlantic               Rainfall: 2.18 inches (YTD: 47.61 in.)                                 devastating weather because all
hurricane season just ended                    23 yr. November rainfall average: 1.96 in.                             21 storms seemed to ‘steer’ away
(November 30th), we are Getting                Average high temperature: 78 F (normal: 79 F)                          from the southern two-thirds of
Ready for a New year and five                  Above normal high-temp. days: 11                                       the Florida peninsula!
months of serene weather.                      Record high-temperature days: 2
                                                                                                                      The Meadows did receive some
For the first time in twenty-                                                                                         welcome rainfall from two storms
three months, the monthly high         this month include an average        days) was essentially ‘bone-dry’.         -- Elsa and Fred. Elsa delivered
temperature dipped below normal,       high temperature of 78 degrees F     There are six average rain days in        3.15 inches of rain over the three-
albeit by just one degree F! Big       (1 degree less than normal), only    November. This year there was             day period of July 5th to 7th as it
question for 2022 -- Will the heat     eleven above-normal temperature      just the one day of meaningful            gained strength moving northward
dome return?                           days, and two record high-           rainfall!                                 in the Gulf of Mexico. Fred, on the
                                       temperature days. This is quite a                                              other hand, influenced significant
Ninety-three percent of                shift from October when there were   Monthly temperature and rainfall          thunderstorm development in
November’s rainfall was recorded       twenty-seven above-normal days       data are presented in the graph.          Sarasota as it was first evolving
in one-day, boosting the monthly       and five record-temperature days!                                              in the Eastern Caribbean Sea –
total to just above normal.                                                 Hurricane Season Analysis: The            well before it entered the Gulf on
                                       Rainfall Analysis: November          2021 North Atlantic six-month             August 14. By the time Fred was
Temperature Analysis: As               rainfall statistics could be         hurricane season officially ended         adjacent to Tampa on August
reported last month, the               described as ‘feast or famine.’      on November 30th, and once again          15th, nearly 5.4 inches had been
twenty-three-month heat dome           Early in the month, on November      Southwest Florida residents escaped       recorded in The Meadows!
dissipated during the last             5th, a near-record 2.02 inches       the wrath of Mother Nature!
week of October. More normal           of rain was recorded. That one-                                                Send comments and questions
temperatures returned at that          day rainfall represented 93 %        This was the 3rd most active              about this month’s report to:
time, then continued for most          of November’s average rainfall       hurricane season on record with 21
of November. The statistics for        --the remainder of the month (25     named storms. Yet, as illustrated

                                                                                Meadows Resident          The Market is HOT!
                                                                                                         4509 Longmeadow ......................................... SOLD
                                                                                                         2b/2b condo with water view
                                                                                                         5168 Marsh Field Lane .................................... SOLD
                                                                                                         2b/2b RENOVATED first floor with carport
                                                                                                         5110 Marsh Field Rd ....................................... SOLD
                                                                                                         3b/2b NEW AC 2nd floor
                                                                                                         4491 Longmeadow ......................................... SOLD
                                                                                   Pam Watts             2b/2b condo
                                                                                                          Buying or selling? Let me help!
                                                                               Five Star Professional

                                                                                                                        KELLER WILLIAMS ON THE WATER
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
8                                         THE MEADOWORD                                                              January 2022

                                             2022 BOARD CANDIDATES
The candidates were asked to provide information that familiarize Meadows         • Length of time in The Meadows.
residents with their background, education, experience or specific skills that    • Identify where you moved from.
would provide residents information to cast their vote. This was to include       • Outline previous or current MCA, HOA or Condo Board experience(s).
outlining how these experiences align with the MCA’s mission, vision and          • Outline previous or current volunteer experience(s).
objectives. They were asked to provide one or two sentences that allow            • Previous or current business experiences, such as summarize positions
residents to see how that experience applies and how it makes them stand out        held or experience in disciplines that have MCA Board relevance.
as a candidate. Candidates were asked to limit the write-up to a maximum of       • Briefly outline how your experience(s), education or expertise aligns
200 words. The following guidelines were provided to assist with the effort.        with the MCA.
Candidates were encouraged to add to the list as appropriate.                     • State in one or two sentences how background is connected to
Below are their responses.                                                          The Meadows’ future/vision.

Candidate Guidelines
Provide personal information and experience and how that opportunity
relates to the election. Feel free to add to this list as appropriate.

     Amy Lyon MacDougall                          Thomas Pound                        G. Richard Malgran, Esq                  Stanley Miska Jr.

                                                                                                      G. Richard                             Stanley
                     Amy Lyon                                Thomas                                   Malgran,                               Miska, Jr.
                     MacDougall                              Pound has a                              Esq                                    Being a
                     has lived in                            BSME from the                            My wife,                               resident of
                     The Meadows                             University of                            Donna and                              Sarasota for
                     for eight years,                        Akron. After                             I, moved to                            twenty years,
originally in Kingsmere and now in       37 years as a Quality Engineer          The Meadows just over a year ago       Stan and his wife became very
Oakley Greene. She lives with her        with Continental Tire and 4 years       from New Jersey. We believe we         familiar with The Meadows, as
11-year-old son, Trey, 15-month-old      in Supplier Development with            have found a wonderful paradise        his mother, sister and son all have
foster son and two dogs.                 BMW, Tom retired in 2012. Tom           here in The Meadows and I would        been part of the community. When
                                         and his wife, Sue, have 5 sons          like to do whatever I can on an        they sold their Bird Key home in
 Amy is from Huntington, New York        and 10 grandchildren. Tom and           executive level to maintain and        2019, they made The Meadows
and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan         Sue decided to retire in Sarasota       improve where we live.                 their permanent home. Over their
University. She has worked as a          and moved to The Meadows from                                                  forty-year marriage they have also
school psychologist and later as a       Michigan in 2013. Shortly after         BA, Rutgers University; Juris          lived in Connecticut, Rhode Island
broker/associate residential realtor     that, they became tennis members        Doctor, University Nebraska            and Pennsylvania.
on the east end of Long Island.          of the Meadows Country Club.            Law School; U.S. Army 1967- 69;
Amy moved to Sarasota in 2007,                                                   combat platoon leader; attorney        Stan currently serves on the MCA
went into commercial real estate         Tom wanted to give back to              50+ years; history of public service   finance committee and is on the
with Ian Black Real Estate in 2013       the community he loves, so              elected and voluntary.                 Board at Wallace Ave Association.
and has since earned her Certified       he volunteered to serve on the
Commercial Investment Member             board of Meadows Homeowners             Since we have only 200 words           Stan graduated from American
designation. Amy has been a Board        Association (MHOA.) After one           within which to tell you, the          University, Washington, D.C. with
member of the Sarasota-Manatee           year on the board he was chosen         Voter, about ourselves, I have         a degree in Finance and Political
R.E. Commercial Division Board of        President and has served in that        decades of executive and volunteer     Science. With over 30 years at
Directors for the past year.             capacity for six years. Sue is also     experience that I would like           Merrill Lynch/Bank of America,
                                         a director of the MHOA and has          to share with you but am not           Stan has extensive experience in
Amy has enjoyed serving on the MCA       served on various committees of         permitted to do so under this          finance and leadership. His career
Board of Directors for the past three    the MCC. In 2016 Tom was asked          restriction. Therefore, I am happy     responsibilities included managing
years, as Chair and Board Liaison of     to be the MHOA representative           to provide you with a copy of my       a business with personnel,
the Safety Committee, Board Liaison      to the MCA long-range planning          resume if you would only email         budgeting, real estate, expense
to the Water & Wildlife Committee,       commission. He helped assess            me: I          management, client satisfaction
and member of the Long-Range             community wants and needs and           will immediately supply you with       and investment supervision.
Planning Committee. She supports         helped develop the long-range           an electronic copy.
the protection of The Meadows            plan we are currently executing.                                               The current MCA financial
green space and emphasizes the           In 2019, Tom was elected to the         Thank you; l would appreciate          position is more complex than at
value of our community for people        MCA Board of Directors and              your vote.                             any time in our past. Stan believes
in every stage of life. Amy is working   continued his work with the                                                    his business experience directly
to ensure that a plan that should        planning commission and survey                                                 relates to the MCA. This can help
allow the Sarasota County Sheriff's      committees. He has worked as                                                   the MCA continue improving
Department to patrol and monitor         the MCA liaison to the Activities                                              the community and manage the
traffic rules and safety of our roads    committee as well.                                                             current business plan with a
be implemented within the next year.                                                                                    financially responsible eye on debt,
                                         Tom would like to serve one more                                               expenses and assessments.
                                         term on the board to see the
                                         growth plan to its fruition.                                                   Stan's other interests are blue water
                                                                                                                        fishing, music and aviation. He is a
                                                                                                                        Sarasota Yacht Club member.
Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
January 2022                                                                             THE MEADOWORD                                                                                             9

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Getting Ready for New - The - The Meadows Community Association of ...
10                                 THE MEADOWORD                                                                           January 2022

Our Lifestyle                                       Happy New Year
                                                                David J. Smith, VMD—Bay Road Animal Hospitals

                               S   o, you got a cute puppy or
                                   kitten as a gift. You always
                               wanted a fuzzy friend, but what do
                                                                      of equal value. This is a great law,
                                                                      except sometimes the enforcement
                                                                      is up to the buyer, which could
                                                                                                                            should be given after 12 weeks
                                                                                                                            of age, separated by three weeks,
                                                                                                                            regardless of how many of these
                               you do now? Get an appointment         entail the hiring of a lawyer. The                    vaccines were administered
                               immediately with a veterinarian of     costs of enforcement may be                           before 12 weeks. In kittens, the
                               your choice. The State of Florida      greater than what you can recover.                    Distemper shots would follow the
                               has a very impressive pet “Lemon       It is therefore critical to deal only                 same protocol after 12 weeks of
                               Law,” which covers all puppies and     with reputable sellers.                               age. According to local law, both
                               kittens sold within the state. Most                                                          puppies and kittens need a Rabies
                               pet stores give a guarantee which      The first veterinary visit with a new                 vaccine at 16 weeks of age. Other
                               is similar to the pet Lemon Law,       kitten or puppy should include a                      vaccines will be discussed and
                                                                      nose to tail examination. A stool                     recommended as needed for each

      So you got a new kitten or
                                                                      test should include a test for                        pet. These are “lifestyle” vaccines,
                                                                      Giardia and Coccidia. These are                       so if there is no exposure to these

              puppy as a gift . . .
                                                                      two common one-cell parasites                         diseases, it is expected that those
                                                                      found in many young pets but                          vaccines would not be given. We
                                                                      missed by some routine stool                          never want to over-vaccinate
                               but it is often changed to indicate    checks from the seller. Vaccines                      our pets. At the first veterinary
                               that you must use the veterinarian     should be updated as needed                           visits, spay or neuter surgery will
                               they recommend or the guarantee        at this time. The information of                      also be discussed. Last and most
                               is void. The pet Lemon Law clearly     vaccines should be provided by                        importantly, diet will be discussed
                               states that this is not true. The      the seller. Discussions should take                   to assure healthy development of
                               law states that you must see a         place about house training and                        your new pet.
                               veterinarian within three days         behavior of young pets. Future
                               of purchase. If any problems are       appointments should be made to                        Remember, you now have a new
                               discovered, the seller is liable for   ensure vaccines are given in the                      member of your family. A good
                               the cost of treating the pet up to     right order. It is generally accepted                 start will make your new friend a
                               the purchase price or the pet can      that two puppy DAP (Distemper,                        joy that will give you unconditional
                               be replaced by the seller with a pet   Adenovirus, Parvovirus) vaccines                      love for many years to come.

                                 $55                                                                              I live here.
                                                                                                          Who better
                                                                                                     to market your home?

                                                                            5-Star Rating
                                                                         Traditional Service | Progressive Marketing | Unparalleled Results

                                                                                               Peggy Roberts, REALTOR®
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                                                                                                         Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC
January 2022                                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                                  11

                   Welcoming Bobby Jones Groups
                                                        Tony Johnson—TMCC General Manager

O    ur top priority relative to golf
     at The Meadows Country
Club is to provide the highest
                                        challenges that we have had on the
                                        Highlands front nine greens.
                                                                             Lifestyle and Wellness Facility
                                                                             construction that is due to be
                                                                             completed in late spring/early
                                                                                                                   Our goal is to continue to grow
                                                                                                                   our club’s financial well-being as
                                                                                                                   we have made significant headway
quality golfing experience for          My purpose in writing to you is      summer.                               in the past year and a half. We
our Renaissance Cardholders,            1) to explain the importance of                                            want to continue to grow together
members and guests along with a         this “public golf” aspect to our     Due to this construction, we will be in all aspects and utilize the full
successful public golfing program       business plan                                           having all public potential of our club. Our highest
at The Highlands and The Groves         and 2) to let                                           golfers check      priority is to grow membership,
to complement the private               you know that        Bobby Jones Groups in on the main along with improved member
member’s course.                        we are looking                                          clubhouse side of programming and maintaining
                                        for additional
                                                                 play    here  at  the          the property for   the golf courses to preserve
Both aspects are critical to the        ways to create           Meadows...over                 this season. It    property values.
financial viability of the Club. I      and enhance the                                         is impossible to
have said many times that our           value of these         $350,000 in annual move these two I appreciate the community's
54-hole mix of golf course play is      two prominent                revenue to                 groups across      understanding of the overall vision
unique in our market and presents       groups that help                                        the street for any for the club and our resources.
us with exceptional opportunities       make our yearly              our facility.              practice prior     Welcoming these large groups
to utilize our assets creatively        plan effective.                                         to play due to     of public golfers offers them an
to produce revenue while we                                                  having shotgun formats. We will       opportunity to experience the
continue to serve our Renaissance       Our plan is to utilize our assets as NOT be blocking off the entire        club and will lead to multiple
Cardholders and members and             creatively as possible as we emerge range and will also select times       membership opportunities as we
look for additional added value in      from the pandemic restrictions.      to provide a limited number of        continue to work together. I ask
that regard.                            Our Club’s Board of Governors        stations so that there are minimal    that you embrace our Bobby Jones
                                        have approved providing some         disruptions to our members and        friends with welcoming arms and
In March 2020, the Club created a       limited access to our private        member groups (we have met with even introduce yourselves to share
relationship with two large groups      driving range and putting green      our group leaders prior to this       the joy of being a member of the
of golfers who formerly played          only on the day of play for these    communication, and they agree.)       community and/or member at
on the Bobby Jones Golf course.         two groups. This decision is due to There will ALWAYS                      The Meadows Country Club.
The two Bobby Jones Groups play         the parking restrictions across the  be space available for our
here at the Meadows on Mondays          street with the new Community        members to practice.
and Wednesdays usually on The
Highlands course. They have
been a delight to work with and
have been incredibly supportive
to our club. Together, they are
responsible for over $350,000
in annual revenue to our facility.
Their patience and allegiance to
The Meadows Country Club has
been a true blessing, especially
with the recent conditioning
12   THE MEADOWORD            January 2022

                                         HOLIDAY CHEER IN


                                    Tree Lighting & Carols

                                         Ugly Sweater L
January 2022                                THE MEADOWORD                                                                                  13


                                                 THE MCA
 Special thanks to Fernando Viteri PA, Premier
 Sotherby's, our sponsor for the MCA Holiday
 Party. There was plenty of fun, holiday cheer

                                 Holiday Party
 and new memories made by all.


                                                          As the clock strikes midnight, I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.
                                                          I hope all your wishes and dreams come true in 2022. If a new home is on that list,
                                                          I’d love to help you achieve it. Call me to discuss your next real estate decision.

                                                                        AMY CHAPMAN GRI, REALTOR®

                                                                           1605 Main Street | Sarasota, FL 34236
14                         THE MEADOWORD                                      January 2022

FIRST PLACE—5055 Marsh Field Road
Stephen Dzialo and Tanya Havlias (Shown top right)
RUNNER UP—4544 Arborfield Road
James & Bobbie Dean (Shown below left)

                                                                     FIRST PLACE—Oakley Greene
                                                                     Cheri Nugent (Shown below right)
                                                                     RUNNER UP—Wedgewood
                                                                     Gary Deutsch (Shown below right)

FIRST PLACE—Penshurst Park
Malcolm Hay (Below left with inset)
January 2022                                 THE MEADOWORD                                  15

                                                                 NO HIDDEN FEES!!!
                                                               YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD
                                                                REALTY SPECIALISTS
                                                                  IN THE MEADOWS
                                                                  3590 17TH STREET
      KEN COWLES                 BOB COWLES                  SARASOTA, FL 34235-8908
      KEN@KENCOWLES.COM          BOB@ROBERTCOWLES.COM        Just up the street corner of
     (941) 302-4152              (941) 302-4150                   17th & Beneva
                    “OLD FASHIONED SERVICE”
                        “THE MEADOWS”
                        ALREADY KNOW.
                  SHIRLEY CUDDY (941) 321-1549
                  PAMELA MOTT (941) 504-1573
                    ***LOOK FOR THE CAR***
16                                 THE MEADOWORD                                                        January 2022

                            GET READY FOR MORE

                                                        The Garden Club Presents
                                                                                                    Bird Walks Are Back
     Cornhole Anyone?
     Every Thursday 3-4:30 pm
                                                       Composting                                      Learn about the birds that live in
                                                                                                        The Meadows. Walks are led by
                                                                                                    Jeanne Dubi. No reservations required.
     Anybody can play, only rule is you must               Thursday, January 6                                Bring binoculars.
        wipe off the equipment for your                         2 – 3 pm                                   THURS JAN 13, 8:30 am
          fellow residents after play.              RSVP to Meadows Garden Club at                     Meet at southwestern corner of
            Email Susan Weisse                                      The Meadows shopping village
                                                                                overlooking the lake.

                          FRIENDLY REMINDERS
                          If you wish to use the patio for an activity or event, it requires a reservation. Please
                          contact Sue Lytle at 941-377-2300 to make arrangements.

                          If you reserve space for an association meeting, activity or event and are unable
                          to come, please call and let us know, so someone else may enjoy using the space.
                          Space is limited and we ask that you be considerate of others. Thank you.

          We meet. We Talk sports.
              We have fun!
                                                   Book Club                                      JOIN THE
                                                   Wednesday,                                     MEADOWLARK
      Tuesday, January 11, 9:00 am                                                                POETRY GROUP
      MCA patio. New members are                   January 12                                     The group meets the 2nd & 4th
           always welcome.                                                                        Fridays of each month
         Contact: Mark Pienkos                     2 pm at MCA                                    from 10:00 to Noon
                                                                                                  Call Michael Bruno
                                                   The Four                                       941-346-6229
                                                   see page 21
                                                   for more

                                                                                                                 Mah Jongg
                                                                                                                Come learn how to
                                                                                                                play and make new
     Wednesday, January 12                                                                                      friends while your
            6:30-7:30 pm
        Doors open at 6 pm
                                                    Drop in Art Studio                                               learning.
                                                                                                              The Mah Jongg Group
                                                                                                                   plays every
                                                      at MCA Thursday, January 6                               Monday 9 am-noon.
          At MCA Lakeside
                                                                9-11:30 am                                     Interested in joining?
               Register at                                                                                            Contact
                                                        Contact Melinda Gordon @                                CarylMagnus2462@                                                     
                                                          to sign up or for more
January 2022                                                    THE MEADOWORD                                                       17

       JOIN TH  E BIKwe   E CLUB
            es and levels  lcome
                All ag                                                              SAVE A LIFE.
                     Call Janet Schmidt                                                             GIVE BLOOD
                       402-499-6490                                                                           .
                         Club Meeting
                       January 19, 2022
                       1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
                           Sun Room
                     Regular rides each
                   Wednesday at 8:30 am.
                       Meet in front of
                                                                                       SunCoast Bl
                  The Meadows Village Pub.                                                         ood Drive
                                                                                       Thursday, Ja
                                                                                                    nuary 13
                                                                                            8 am-2 pm
                                                                                        MCA Parking

                                                                                SAVE THE DATE
                 Join Us! For more                                               MCA Valentine's Day
                     Adam Lawall 941-3 ion contact
                                         79-4278 or
                     email saltyadam@
         bring your boat an   
                            d share the joy of
                                                                                   February 14
                       Tuesdays 1:00 – 3       sailing, we meet
                                         :00 pm

                       S C R E E N I N G CLINIC
                      N E S DA Y , J ANUARY 21
                         9 AM-11 AM                                                             Be Informed. Be Prepared.
                                 io  lo g y to  s ign up
               Call Adept           8         1                                                         It’s Important
                                                                                                Receive Constant Contact
                                                                                                     messages for:
                                                                                                •Important Community News
                                                              Wednesday, January                • Updated Emergency Info
                                                                                 1          8
                                                                     8 AM-5 PM                  • Latest on Events and Activitie
                                                               Major insurance acce
                                                           including Medicaid an pted,                Sign Up Today
                                                                                d Medicare.
                                                              To make an appointm                         Email
                                                                                 ent call
18                                THE MEADOWORD                                                                  January 2022

       Bay Road                 AAHA Accredited


       Hospital                   PRACTICE HOURS:
                                   Monday – Friday:
                                                                              Cremation and Burial
                                                                              Personalized Options
                                  7:30 AM to 5:30 PM                      •   Zero Interest Payments
         East                     Saturday & Sunday:
                                                                              Local & Global Coverage
                                                                              Veteran Discounts
                                                                          •   Meadows Resident
            Beautiful new                                                     Discounts*                          Anne Swartz, Preneed Counselor
           location on the                                                                                                  941-993-0024
              corner of           New clients and                                                                Resident of The Meadows 20+ Years
                                                                       Call Today for a FREE Consultation
            17th Street &        patients are always
           Honore Avenue
                                 welcome (including
                                dogs, cats, birds, and
                                                                                                                              
            5292 17th Street                                                  
          Sarasota, FL 34235                                                                  

                                    Nicole Tisdale, DVM


                                  Top 1% Sarasota Real Estate Agent
                                                           HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR!

                                                               FOR SALE IN THE HIGHLANDS
     Fernando Viteri PA          4080 Penshurst Park – Luxuriously updated with stunning views                                        PENDING
                                 3355 Hadfield Greene – Updated villa with treed pond views                                           PENDING
                                 3912 Oakley Greene – Panoramic pond and golf course views                                            $399K
 Fourteen-Time Winner

      FIVE STAR                                           FOR SALE ELSEWHERE IN THE MEADOWS
          Best in Client
      Satisfaction Awarded       4749 Greencroft Rd - Stunning lake and distant golf views                                            PENDING
                                 3155 Windrush Bourne – Upgraded villa with tranquil pond views                                       PENDING
        30-YEAR                  2405 Crispin Ct – 2/2 fixer-upper with high ceilings                                                 PENDING
      Meadows Resident
                                                          FOR SALE IN THE SARASOTA METRO AREA
                                 Racimo Ranches – Ideal live-work country retreat on two tranquil acres PENDING
                                 Downtown – Mid-century triplex minutes to it all                                                     PENDING
                                 Esplanade at The Heights – Brand new 4/3 pool home with lake views                                   SOLD!

      Talk to Fernando 941.400.7676
January 2022                                                                                      THE MEADOWORD                                                                    19

                               Creating Something New
                                                                                           Liz Barnett—Craft Group

O    ur creative crafters are always
     looking for something new.
Seeing what’s possible is a skill that
                                                Baby Basics, http://www.
                                      , is an
                                                all-volunteer group that provides
                                                                                                         oriented high school full time.
                                                                                                         Haven Industries provides
                                                                                                         vocational training and work

                                                                                                                                                 SPARCC (Safe Place And Rape
can become a habit. At the Craft                diapers and kindness for families                        opportunities as does its Heavenly      Crisis Center), https://www.
Group, we practice that skill each              of the working poor who do not                           Haven bakery and its Upscale  , provides state-certified
time we dream up a new project.                 receive government assistance.                           Resale store which are staffed by       domestic violence and sexual
We get in the habit of looking at               Currently the group serves 131                           adult clients. Life-long security and   assault services including a hotline,
the world and seeing possibilities              families who receive diapers                             care is ensured for adults living in    crisis counseling, support groups,
instead of barriers.                            each month from the group’s                              its six group homes.                    hospital and court advocacy and
                                                “diaper ladies” whose interest and                                                               an emergency shelter with family
But we do more than dream about                 encouragement strengthens ties to                        Resurrection House, www.                rooms for mothers with children,
possibilities. We make a dream                  the community for these struggling             , is       rooms for single women to share
become a reality each time we                   families while a sufficient supply                       a faith-based day resource center       and a separate area for men.
create something new. Taking                    of diapers ensures happier,                              for the homeless that provides          Last year 126 adults, 99 children
action when we see possibilities                healthier babies.                                        showers, restrooms, laundry,            and 16 pets were sheltered there.
becomes a habit too. It’s a habit                                                                                                                SPARCC also conducts community
that can extend far beyond                                                                                                                       awareness and education programs
making crafts.                                                                                                                                   on violence prevention and healthy
                                                                                                                                                 relationships for students from
So it isn’t surprising that the Craft                                                                                                            elementary through high school in
Group shifted their annual craft                                                                                                                 an effort to break the cycle
sale to an outside event at the                                                                                                                  of violence.
MCA when the pandemic led to
restrictions on indoor activities.                                                                                                               At our meeting on January 5,
But it might be surprising to learn                                                                                                              creativity will be on display as our
that they didn’t stop there. Heidi                                                                                                               members present ideas for new
Scheckler looked at The Meadows                                                                                                                  crafts to make this year. Then we
Farmer’s Market in the parking                                                                                                                   will be off – learning new skills,
lot of the Shopping Village and                                                                                                                  discovering new ways to use
saw a possibility for a new sales                                                                                                                materials, enjoying the sense of
venue. A possibility that she quickly                                                                                                            accomplishment that comes from
made into a reality so that on Nov.             The Haven, http://                                       counseling, medical treatment,          creating, making new friends, and
28, the Craft Group had a table       , located                              food, clothing, telephones, a chapel    deepening the bonds of community
at the Farmer’s Market, where                   just a few blocks away on Desoto                         and spiritual guidance, as well as      that arise from working together.
Heidi, Dottie Barr and Carol                    Road, is an enclave providing                            a place to store possessions and        We would love to have you join the
Larsen sold Christmas Crafts                    a wide range of services each                            to receive mail. With the work of       fun on Wednesdays from 9 to 11 am
and Fascinators to appreciative                 month to 800 individuals of all                          nearly 200 volunteers, the center is    at the MCA Community Building.
customers.                                      ages with disabilities. Beginning                        able to function with a small staff
                                                at infancy, children with physical                       and is funded entirely by donations.    If you can glue, we want you.
At the January MCA Board of                     and developmental disabilities                           It meets the immediate needs of
Directors meeting, the proceeds                 receive early intervention therapies.                    individuals who become homeless
from all our Craft Sales will be                Special-needs students from 7 area                       in a caring and compassionate way
donated to the following local                  high schools receive services there                      and provides services that form a
charities:                                      while others attend its vocationally-                    bridge from despair to dignity and



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20                                        THE MEADOWORD                                                                  January 2022

The Write Stuff                               The Old Becomes New as We Preserve and
                                                        Share Our Memories
                                                                                    Liz Barnett—Memoir Group Chair

                                         Everyone has a story to tell. A story that others want to hear. A story worth preserving.

                                        Y   ou’re invited to tell and preserve the stories of your life at the Memoir and Life Writing Group on the First and
                                            Third Friday of each month from 10 am until 12. Beginning on January 7 and 21, you can join on your computer
                                        through Zoom or participate in person at the MCA. For more information or to arrange to participate in the meetings
                                        by Zoom, please email us at

                                        Here’s what to expect if you attend. The heart of the meeting is reading stories we have written and reacting to the pieces
                                        that others have written. After each story is read, group members give their reactions and advice. We always begin the
                                        discussion with what was good about the piece and what we liked most. You can come just to discuss the stories if you
                                        haven’t written anything. Each meeting concludes with a brief explanation of specific techniques to improve memoir
                                        writing. Writing prompts are given for those who want suggestions, but you can write about whatever you wish.

                                        Most of our members want to preserve their stories for their families. Others want to relive past experiences
                                        and find that having an appreciative audience for their stories adds to their enjoyment. Some want to reflect on
                                        their lives, to define who they are and how they got that way and find a safe place to explore their memories at
                                        the group. A few want to publish their memoirs. Three members have published
                                        memoirs using material honed in our meetings and several are currently writing           Join the Memoir Group
                                        books. Whatever our goals, we find that a deadline and an appreciative audience
                                        motivate us to take action, to write and to tell our stories. We will be ready when        and tell your story,
                                        life presents an opportunity to tell our stories as in “The Frog Story” which follows.
                                                                                                                                      your memory.

                                                                                The Frog Story
                                                                                               Liz Barnett

                                        “What was the craziest thing             The lab assistant would check us          on campus – the smell might lead
                                        you ever did?” asked my                  out as we turned in our frogs to          to an inquiry. Under the honor
                                        granddaughter, Ella.                     him, but suppose I slipped a frog         system, we would have to admit
                                                                                 into my purse and went to the             our guilt if questions were asked.
                                        “Do you think I would do anything        restroom before the lab ended. Lee
                                        crazy?” I replied to stall for time.     could gather up my stuff as well          We decided to go out for beer and
                                                                                 as hers and turn in her frog when         pizza and to dispose of the frog on

   Here’s to                            “Oh, Grandma, you have told me
                                        tons of crazy things you did. What
                                                                                 the lab closed. I probably wouldn’t
                                                                                 be missed. Every student checking
                                                                                                                           our walk downtown to the Null
                                                                                                                           and Void Saloon. But no suitable
                                        was the craziest?”                       out would have turned in a frog. It       trash cans appeared and I was
 a New Year                                                                      could work.                               still holding the bag with the frog
                                        I was happy to be viewed as more                                                   as we finished our pitcher of beer
   and New                              than an old lady in sensible shoes                                                 and watched the waiters rush by
                                        and I had a story ready, one I had                                                 holding pans of pizzas aloft. We
  beginnings!                           written in the Memoir Group.
                                        So, I began to tell what would be
                                                                                                                           were mesmerized as we watched
                                                                                                                           them balancing the pans on one
                                        remembered as The Frog Story.                                                      hand above their heads.
 Thinking of selling
   or purchasing?                       We were scared. Our first lab                                                      That’s why we saw them, the mean
                                                                                                                           girls from our dorm who regularly
   NOW is the time!
                                        practical exam in Zoology 100 was
                                        Monday. The lab was open for an                                                    sneered at us and who had stolen
                                        extra study session on Saturday                                                    Lee’s boyfriend, Bill. There they
   CONTACT ME TODAY!                    and my roommate, Lee, and I                                                        sat at a table behind us, giggling
       Beverly Petz                     spent the afternoon there studying       Surprisingly, it did work. We             as they waited for their pizza.
      CALL OR TEXT:                     every inch of the frogs we had been      made it back to our room and              Suddenly it wasn’t fun to be there
       941-685-0884                     dissecting all semester.                 continued our frog study. But we          anymore. But just as Lee and I
         beverly@                                                                were now scared that we would             stood to leave, a waiter holding a                But with only 15 minutes more to         be discovered. We had visions             pizza aloft headed in our direction.
                                        study, we were still scared. Did         of a SWAT team of campus cops             Clearly, he would deliver it to the
                                        we really know enough? ZOO 100           storming in, shouting “I smell            mean girls. So just as he paused
                                        was a notorious flunk-out course         formaldehyde.”                            to avoid running into us, I slipped
                                        designed to weed out the unworthy                                                  the frog from the bag. As I walked
                                        from Duke’s pre-med track. We            No police raids occurred, but by          past him, I deposited it on top of
                                        needed to have a frog to study all       Sunday evening we had a new               the pizza.
                                        weekend.                                 problem. How would we dispose
 Don’t just work with a Realtor, work
with an Experienced Meadows Realtor!                                             of the frog? We were afraid to            As we walked out the door, we
                                        Then we hatched a brilliant plan.        throw it away in the dorm or even         heard the mean girls screaming.
January 2022                                                              THE MEADOWORD                                                                       21

                                             The Four Winds Preview
                                              Geraldine “Jerry” Bernier—The Meadows Book Club January Preview

I n a novel that calls to mind
  The Grapes of Wrath, Kristin
Hannah’s The Four Winds (St.
                                         mother, farmer,
                                         immigrant, and
                                                                                                        a year before
                                                                                                        writing it and
                                                                                                        turning it in at
                                                                                                                           Kristin Hannah is a former lawyer
                                                                                                                           and prolific writer. Her 25 books,
                                                                                                                           including The Nightingale, her
Martin's Press; 2021) explores           activist for farm                                              the beginning of   most famous, have been best
the themes of motherhood,                laborers’ rights. She                                          the pandemic.      sellers. Several have been optioned
immigration, and climate                 is welcomed into her                                           She hoped her      for movie treatments. Ms. Hannah
change all through the life of           husband’s family                                               novel would        is a graduate of the University of
one character. The resolute Elsa         as a fully capable                                             help put a face    Washington and the University
Wolcott ascends from poor-little-        adult. She embraces                                            on need and        of Puget Sound law school. She is
sick-girl to labor activist during       motherhood                                                     poverty and        married, has a son, and lives on
the Great Depression.                    zealously. Her work                                            would give us      Bainbridge Island, Washington.
                                         on her in-laws’                                                the ability to
Elsa had suffered a childhood            family farm is nearly                                          empathize with     Please join the discussion of
illness from which she recovered         enough to keep it                                              others.            The Four Winds on Wednesday,
years ago, except in the eyes of         viable as the rains                                                               January 12 at 2:00. Plans at the
her family. Exaggerating their           dry up and the Dust                                             "The Four         time of this writing are that we
concern for her health, while at         Bowl descends. She                                              Winds seems       will meet in person at the MCA
the same time showing her little         then must answer the question:              eerily prescient in 2021 . . . Its    Building. Should that change,
affection, she lives a limited life in   when are things bad enough to               message is galvanizing and            notice will be sent to book club
a smothering household.                  leave and look for something else           hopeful: We are a nation of           members. To add your name to
                                         somewhere else?                             scrappy survivors. We’ve been         the book club membership list,
Rebelling from this suffocating                                                      in dire straits before; we will be    please contact Joanne Simons at
treatment, Elsa dares to meet            In a recent interview, author               again. Hold your people close.” ―
a boy and is launched on her             Kristin Hannah said she                     The New York Times
life’s journey, becoming a wife,         researched this novel for over

                                                                 Book Club Schedule
                           TITLE				                         AUTHOR			                     PRESENTOR		           DATE

                           The Four Winds 		                 Kristen Hanna 			             Lois Robinson 		      January 12, 2022

                           The Other Einstein 		             Marie Benedick 		             Jerry Bernier 		      February 9, 2022

                           The Lost Girls of Paris		         Pam Jenoff			                 Dorothy Raleigh       March 9, 2022

                           The Engineer's Wife		             Tracey Enerson Wood		         Cindy Kodish		        April 13, 2022

                           The Light in Hidden Places        Sharon Cameron		              Barb Beisel		         May 11, 2022

           The Meadows, Hub of Sarasota
  Resales ending the months of November 2021 and
 November 2020 In The Meadows & Sarasota County
SALES                      THE MEADOWS                 SARASOTA COUNTY
Sales 2021 & 2020          ↓2021 (18) 2020 (32)        ↓2021 (1056 ) 2020 (1109)
Median Sale Price          ↑$360,000 $224,950          ↑$395,000 $312,000
Condominium Sales          ↓2021 (15) 2020 (28)        ↓2021 (328) 2020 (392)
Med Condo Sale Price       ↑$324,900 $215,500          ↑$349,900 $271,750
House Sales                ↓2021 (03) 2020 (04)        ↑2021 (728) 2020 (717)
Med House Sale Price       ↓$425,000 $520,000          ↑$418,750 $340,000
For sale on the 30th       ↓2021 (06) 2020 (28)        ↓2021 (657) 2020 (1863)
Property Pending           ↓2021 (24) 2020 (27)        ↓2021 (1430) 2020 1714)
Listing Supply             ↓2021 (0.3) 2020(0.9)       ↓2021 (0.6) 2020 (1.7)

 Dick Plumb, 24 years Full-time                  Call or Email
 Resident, Specializing in listing &              me if you
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 Call Anytime Direct 941-266-2512                    more                       detailed
 Horizon Realty International                     statistics.
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