Dugong and Marine Turtle: Teaching Resource and Information Package - Written and compiled by the Torres Strait Regional Authority's Land and Sea ...
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Dugong and Marine Turtle: Teaching Resource and Information Package Written and compiled by the Torres Strait Regional Authority’s Land and Sea Management Unit. Published by the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA).
Acknowledgements We acknowledge Traditional Owners of the six nations of Zenadh Kes (Torres Strait): Gudang, Kaiwalagal, Maluiligal, Guda Maluiligal, Kulkalgal, Kemerkemer Meriam for their support of the Torres Strait Regional Authority and North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Dugong and Marine Turtle Project. Dugong and Marine Turtle: Teaching Resource and Information Package Written and complied by the Torres Strait Regional Authority’s Land and Sea Management Unit (TSRA LSMU). Torres Strait Regional Authority Land and Sea Management Unit PO Box 261 Thursday Island Qld 4875 Email: info@tsra.gov.au Web: www.tsra.gov.au Tel: 07 4069 7691 Fax: 07 4069 2967 Published by the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance’s Dugong and Marine Turtle Project. NAILSMA Charles Darwin University Darwin NT 0909 Web: www.nailsma.org.au Email: nailsma@cdu.edu.au Tel: 08 8946 6684 Fax: 08 8946 6388 Printed November 2009 A PDF version of the printed package can be downloaded from http://www.nailsma.org.au/publications/resource.html The printed package and CD ROM can be ordered from NAILSMA (subject to availability). Email nailsma@cdu.edu.au © The material in this package, including the accompanying CD ROM may only be reproduced for not-for-profit educational activities. For all other uses, please contact TSRA or the copyright owner acknowledged on individual modules. ISBN: 978-0--9775886-4-0 Artwork by Torres Strait artist Alick Tipoti. Supplied by The Australian Art Print Network. Front cover: Ai Pugaik Back cover: Waru Thurul
Dugong and Marine Turtle Dugong and Marine Teaching Turtle Resource Teaching Resource and and Information Information Package Package
The CD ROM may contain images or video of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who have passed away. Content relating to hunting, cultural use, marine debris and threats to dugong and marine turtle may include pictures of deceased animals. Care must be taken when viewing or showing these pictures as the deceased animal may be a totem of the viewer. CD ROM The CD ROM accompanying Dugong and Marine Turtle: Teaching Resource and Information Package contains a vast collection of information products, photographs and video clips relating to dugong and marine turtle. The materials contained on the disk have been sourced from a number of individuals and organisations who have generously contributed to this package in the interest of sharing knowledge about dugong and marine turtle. The use of materials contained on the CD ROM is strictly limited to non-profit educational purposes only. CD ROM Contents Dugong • Dugong Booklet • Multimedia • Dugong Photos • Dugong Video Clips Marine Turtle • Booklets and activity sheets • Colouring Sheets • Sea Turtle Booklet and Poster • Sea Turtle Educators’ Guide • The Monkey and the Turtle – Story from the Philippines • Turtle Puzzles • Multimedia • Marine Turtle Photos • Marine Turtle Video Clips Marine Debris • Marine Debris Booklets and Poster • Marine Debris Information and Survey Sheet • Marine Pollution Poster • Marine Pollution Booklet • The Net Kit – A Net Identification Guide to Northern Australia • Marine Debris Photos Seagrass • Seagrass Booklet and Poster TSRA and NAILSMA Resources • NAILSMA Dugong and Marine Turtle Knowledge Handbook • NAILSMA Message Disk 3 • TSRA and NAILSMA Dugong and Turtle Project Newsletters
Contents Introduction 3 Dugong 9 • Dugong Activities 21 • Dugong Information and Resources 25 Marine Turtle 29 • Marine Turtle Activities 46 • Marine Turtle Information and Resources 51 • Marine Turtle Track Identification 54 • Hints for Marine Turtle Watching 55 Marine Debris: A Threat to Dugong and Marine Turtle 59 • Marine Debris Information and Resources 64 1
Introduction 2
F or Torres Strait Islanders, dugong and marine turtle represent more than just subsistence, a source of meat, or a relic of past times; it is a way of life. Dugong and marine turtle are integral to the customary way of life or Ailan Kastom of the Indigenous peoples of Torres Strait. A complex system of logic, knowledge, magic and language, environmental perception, social expectations and responsibilities, and the roots of Islander totems, myths and legends revolve around dugong and marine turtle. The dugong and marine turtle are also symbols of Torres Strait Islanders’ quest to assert their cultural identity and aspirations for self-determination. Dugong and marine turtle hunting also includes cultural adaptation to the coming of modern times. As such there is a responsibility in Ailan Kastom, with respect to culturally important resources such as dugongs and marine turtles. Looking after dugong and marine turtle is a part of looking after Ailan Kastom. A Torres Strait elder voiced his opinions of responsibility to Ailan Kastom at a workshop in 1998: the dugong has fed and healed Torres Strait Islanders for generations and now it is time for dugong totem people to look after dugongs, as we are all related, all Torres Strait Islanders should have a responsibility to look after dugongs. Why a Teaching Resource and Information Package? Torres Strait Islander knowledge of dugong and marine turtle belongs to Islanders. This Information package does not try to teach this knowledge or pass it on to younger generations as this is already a part of Torres Strait Islander culture. The information package looks to providing Torres Strait Islanders with access to dugong and marine turtle related information from around the world. It is hoped that the package will give Islanders more information to use in considering how they want to look after their dugong and marine turtle in Torres Strait in the future. Activities in this package are linked to Education Queensland’s ‘The New Basics Project’—specifically the ‘Rich Task’ component. Torres Strait languages (Eastern Island Language and Western Island Language) feature throughout the package. 3
What’s in the Teaching Resource and Information Package? The package contains three themes and is designed as a resource to support community education about dugong and marine turtle. The three themes include: • dugong; • marine turtle, and • marine debris. Each of the three themes contains the following information sources: • case-study stories; • booklets and activities sheets; • catalogue of imagery and video; • classroom and school activities; and • online links and material resources. Key Messages • Dugong and marine turtle are important to Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people. • Torres Strait Islanders and Aboriginal people hold a great deal of knowledge about these animals. • There is a lot of information available to the world on dugong and marine turtle and this information can be used by Islanders and Aboriginal people to expand their world view of dugong and marine turtle. • Dugong and marine turtle need to be looked after for the future (sustainability). • Indigenous management of dugong and marine turtle is happening across northern Australia and around the world. • Culturally appropriate and ecologically sound community-based management of dugong and marine turtle is the key to dugong and marine turtle sustainability. 4
Key Outcomes • Involve everyone (students, rangers and elders) in thinking about looking after dugong and marine turtle together. • Develop and strengthen Indigenous communities to guide and implement dugong and marine turtle management on their sea estates. • Encourage Torres Strait Islanders to express their aspirations for, and become involved in the management of dugong and marine turtle and bring together Indigenous groups, resource managers and researchers to assist communities in managing their sea estates and resources. Teaching Tips Awaken curiosity. Try to inspire. Spend a moment writing or thinking about what you can achieve through teaching people about the importance of dugong and marine turtle. • Integrate activities and information into existing curriculum where possible. • Seize opportunities to highlight the links to every day activities. • Encourage students to think critically. • Create a sense of connection to the environment, heritage and culture, and the future of your Torres Strait Island. • Empower your students to make decisions that will have a positive impact on their future. • Use positive examples of what students can do to help. • Involve elders, rangers and hunters in school education delivery. Recordings and Feedback The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) is interested in sharing the recordings made by your class with Indigenous students across northern Australia. If you make any recordings and your school is willing to share them please contact NAILSMA. Please also contact NAILSMA If you have any suggestions on how this information pack can be added to or improved. NAILSMA’s contact details can be found in the section ‘Contact Groups’ on page six. 5
Contact Groups There are a range of government and non-government officers willing to assist schools, communities and Traditional Owners with gaining greater understanding of dugong and marine turtle related issues. In line with the objectives of this teaching resource and information package, these officers will be able to provide information to Torres Strait Island people about latest dugong and marine turtle research and information from around the region and around the world. This information will assist Islanders to build on their current knowledge and allow them to consider a range of factors when looking after and sustaining dugong and marine turtle. These groups include: Torres Strait Regional Authority Land and Sea Management Unit PO Box 261 Thursday Island Qld 4875 Email: info@tsra.gov.au Web: www.tsra.gov.au Tel: 07 4069 2947 Fax: 07 4069 2967 North Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) Charles Darwin University Darwin NT 0909 Web: www.nailsma.org.au Email: nailsma@cdu.edu.au Tel: 08 8946 7691 Fax: 08 8946 6388 Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Cairns Regional Office 5B Sheridan Street Cairns Qld 4870 Tel: 07 4046 6602 Fax: 07 3202 6844 Email: csc@epa.qld.gov.au Web: www.epa.qld.gov.au Queensland Primary Industries and Fisheries (QDPI&F) Post: GPO Box 46 Brisbane Qld 4001 Tel: 07 3404 6999 Fax: 07 3404 6900 Email: callweb@dpi.qld.gov.au Web:www.deedi.qld.gov.au 6
Carpentaria Ghost Net Programme PO Box 155 Karumba Qld 4891 Tel: 07 4745 9661 Fax: 07 4745 9660 Email: riki@ghostnets.com.au Web: www.ghostnets.com.au Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Box 7051 Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610 Tel: 1300 723 621 Fax: 02 6225 5500 Web: www.afma.gov.au James Cook University (JCU) School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Townsville Qld 4811 Tel: 07 4781 45 36 Fax: 07 4781 5581 Email: Registrar@jcu.edu.au Web: www.jcu.edu.au 7
Dugong 8
The Sea Cow Dugongs or dhangal as they are known in Western Island Language are the only living species in the Family of Dugongidae. Another member of this family, Steller’s sea cow, is now extinct. Dugongs are related to elephants. Characteristics of Dugong Dugongs are mammals and are found along the coasts of more than 48 countries around the world. Over much of the dugongs range, herds consist of small populations that are separated by large distances. Life Cycle and Breeding Dugongs can live for more than 70 years. The age of a dugong can be determined by looking at its tusks. Scientists cut a tusk in half lengthwise and determine the age by counting the growth lines. The dugong lays down one white and one dark layer on their tusks each Dissected dugong tusk showing growth rings. year — like trees develop growth rings. Photo: Helen Marsh, JCU. Things to do: • Ask an elder if they would like to explain to the students the different stages of life for dugongs, the different names given to dugongs and some information on feeding. Ask about different feeding trails. Ensure that it is appropriate for all in the class to hear the stories and information. Record the language names for body parts and different life stages of dugong. • Ask students to draw the differences between male and female dugongs. • Look through the other dugong booklets and activities in the DVD ROM. • See the dugong section of the accompanying CD ROM to view video of a dugong grazing seagrass beds and photos of seagrass. • See the seagrass section of the accompanying CD ROM to view a booklet and poster on seagrass. • Visit the web sites referenced on page 25. Feeding Dugongs feed mainly on seagrass, but can supplement their mostly vegetarian diet with invertebrate animals such as polychaete worms, sea squirts and shellfish. Research has shown that dugongs feed mostly on small, delicate seagrasses, especially species of Dugong distribution. Source: www.robertosozzani.it/Dugong/habitatEN.html Halophila and Halodule. 9
Dugong Pregnancy Dugongs have low reproductive rates and long intervals between generations. Research indicates that Ipika dangal (females) do not bear their first Kazi danga (calf) until they are at least six years old and may not commence breeding until they are 17 years old. Scientists can tell if a female dugong has bred before by looking inside the dugong’s uterus. Each time the Dugong mother and calf. female dugong becomes pregnant the placenta leaves a Source: www.oceans.gov.au scar inside the uterus. By counting the number of scars you can tell how many times the female has given birth. Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal hunters also believe they can tell how many times a dugong has bred by the length and size of the female’s teats, getting longer with the number of offspring. Comparisons between researchers’ and hunters’ estimates of the number of offspring a single dugong has had have shown very similar results. Things to do: • Ask an elder or hunter to visit the class and talk to the students about dugong breeding. Ensure it is appropriate for the elder or hunter to talk with the students about dugong breeding. • Ask the elder to tell the class how they can tell if a female dugong has bred before. A delay in the onset of breeding observed with some female dugong may be linked to the availability of seagrass; when dugongs do not have enough to eat, it is believed they may delay breeding. Pregnancy lasts between 13 and 15 months, and usually only one calf results from each pregnancy. There are records of twin foetuses in pregnant dugong, and hunters have observed mother dugong swimming with two calves. Dugong calves are born under the water and swim to the surface for their first breath of air. Kazilaig (pregnant dugongs) are known to move into sheltered and protected areas to give birth to their calves to protect them from predators and rough weather conditions. Dugong calves are between one and 1.3 meters in length at birth and weigh between 20 and 35 kilograms. Nanaig (nursing mothers) suckle their calves for 14 to 18 months, and the time between pregnancies varies between two and a half years and seven years. Young dugongs start eating seagrass soon after birth, while they are still receiving milk from their mothers. Some Indigenous people believe that mother dugongs roll seagrass into balls for their calves, to encourage them to start eating. During the first two years of life, the dugong calf and apu kaz (mother) will stay close together, with the calf staying by the side of its mother or riding close behind in her slipstream. Mother and calf communicate with each other using a number of squeaks and chirping noises. 10
Things to do: • Ask an elder if they would like to talk with the students about the relationship between dugong mothers and their calves. • Ask the students to draw mother and calf dugongs and/or write a story about their travels together. • Ask an elder or hunter to visit the class and talk with the students about the different noises that dugongs make. Ensure that the elder is comfortable discussing these things with the students. Mature Dugong and Mating Researchers have observed several types of mating behaviour in dugong. Along the Queensland coast, garka dangal (male dugongs) have been observed violently competing for oestrous females (on heat). In contrast, dugongs in Shark Bay in Western Australia have been observed engaging in a mating behaviour know as ‘lekking’, designed to attract females to the male so that mating can occur. Male dugongs are believed to reach sexual maturity as young as four years of age. Indigenous hunters can differentiate Visual sexing of dugongs between the sex of mature dugongs by the length of their faces; the face of a male is longer. In addition, the first in line of swimming dugong will anus be a female and the second a male. genital slit A pregnant dugong is distinguished navel by the tail thrown high when diving. At night the sexes of dugong are Female Male distinguished by the sounds they make. Source: www.jcu.edu.au The male makes a loud sound and the female a softer whisper-like sound. When a dugong is captured it is easier to determine its sex by looking at the size of the genital slit. Females have a much longer slit than males. Research suggests that dugong over 2.5 metres in length are mature and male and female dugong under 2.2 metres are likely to be immature and not at breeding condition. It is known that a feeding mother dugong can become pregnant while still lactating (producing milk) for their last-born young. Torres Strait Islanders consider that dugong breed throughout the year. In the Townsville area the analysis of captured female dugong suggests their ovaries become active in the latter half of the year (July to December) with dugong calving concentrated around August through to December. The sex ratio of dugong births is considered to be one male to one female, meaning around 50% of the population will be male and 50% will be female. 11
Things to do: • Ask the elder if they could discuss places where they see dugong mating and the seasons when dugong mothers calve. Steller’s Sea Cow – Cousin of the Dugong This species, which could grow up to 10 metres in length and weigh as much as three Landcruisers, used to live in the cold waters between Alaska and Russia. The species became extinct due to over hunting by European sealers in 1768, less than 30 years after being discovered by Russian sealers. Steller’s sea cow fed on kelp and became so well adapted to shallow waters that it could no longer dive, making it easy prey for hunters. Steller described this sea cow as “strange and absurd”. Things to do: • Why do you think the sealers were killing Steller’s sea cows? • Ask students what it would be like if there were no dugong. Write a story about how important it is to have dugongs in Torres Strait. • Look at the dugong images and video in the dugong section of the accompanying CD ROM. These may be used in the different activities or to get the students thinking about dugongs. • Why would Steller have said this sea cow was “strange and absurd”? Other Cousins of Dugong Manatee are cousins of the dugong. Three types of manatee occur in the world but none of them live in Australia. Instead of a forked tail like a dugong, manatees have paddle-shaped tails. Manatees eat similar food to dugongs but unlike the dugong that spends all of its life in saltwater, the manatee may spend time in freshwater rivers as well. • Why are dugongs sometimes called sea cows? What similarities are there between dugongs and cows? • Look at the picture of the Manatee. Ask the students what are the differences between dugong and manatees. • See the section ‘Dugong Information and Resources’ on page 25 for a link to a UNEP web page aimed at children that Florida manatee. describes the differences and similarities between manatee Source: www.quantum-conservation.org and dugong. 12
Dugong Hunting In Torres Strait, dugong hunting is a major activity for many men. Although all men consider themselves seamen, not all are hunters. In western Torres Strait a real hunter is called a buai garka (male family head). In any dugong hunting party he is the leader, the harpooner and the one who makes all the decisions. ‘A buai garka is a respected person. “He knows how to hunt, how to find dugong, how to spear.” It takes a long period of training and experience to become a good hunter using the drift technique for hunting. One has to master a complicated body of knowledge that includes the animal’s behaviour, the precise times and places to hunt, the difference between various types and qualities of animals, and the way to get close enough Yanyuwa man hunting to a dugong to harpoon it. dugong, Gulf of Carpentatia. To get within harpoon range, the hunter must estimate the drift of his Source: www.ozoutback. com.au boat, anticipate the feeding interval time, and be able to distinguish the dark form of a submerged dugong from rocks, coral heads, and feeding turtles’. Teenagers start by going along as crew to help paddle and to pull harpooned animals alongside the dhingy. During the hunt, the buai garka will usually tell them about tides and dugong and marine turtle behaviour. But to teach how to harpoon and to have luck is the role of audi (one of a boy’s mother’s brothers). When the novice is strong enough to handle a wap (harpoon), he is taken out for lessons. The first dugong that he catches is given to his audi. In addition, the boy’s parents must provide a selection of gifts for the audi to choose from. Things to do: • Ask an elder to join the class to talk about hunting and the training of young boys for dugong hunting. • Ask the students what sort of things they started out doing when their fathers or audi took them hunting the first few times. • Ask the students to draw a hunt or write a story about what their family does when they plan to go hunting, the things they need to get ready. Include in the story what the family does when they get home with the dugong, if they share it with family and how they prepare the dugong for eating. During dirty water periods, when much dugong hunting takes place, the hunters must rely on several clues to find the diving dugong: floating sea grass uprooted by dugongs as they feed, milky white sand and silt clouds in the water made by dugongs as they uproot grasses; floating excreta; and wakes, swirls and bubbles on the water surface. Dugong move in and out of some feeding areas with the tide, following a rising tide into good seagrass areas. 13
Things to do: • Ask the students about where seagrass grows around their home island and if these are the same areas where the dugong are found. • Ask the students to draw a picture of their home island and draw where the seagrass areas are. • Contact the Torres Strait Regional Authority Land and Sea Management Unit and ask about becoming part of Seagrass Watch if you have seagrass around your island. Dugong. Source: www.colszoo.org • Visit the Seagrass Watch website. www.seagrasswatch.org Dugong Behaviour Dugong live in loose social groupings whose size fluctuates periodically, depending on reproductive behaviour, food supply, environmental conditions, local and long distance movements, and hunting pressure. Dugongs are usually seen in pairs and in small groups of fewer than ten that include young, sexually mature, and old animals. Herds of more than twenty are seen when small groups gather together to shelter from a storm. Some malu dhangal (dugong) appear to travel long distances seasonally and may be migratory. Other dugongs seem to reside in large reef and island margin territories. Dugong are sensitive to tidal fluctuations and changes in water clarity. Moving from place to place, they often swim with the flood and ebb tides. Some seagrass beds are so shallow that they dry at low tide; dugong feeding is thus limited to high tide periods. Torres Strait dugong hunters know where dugong scratching rocks can be found: places where dugongs rub their bodies against for scratching purposes. This behaviour is similar to that of elephants that scratch their bodies against trees and boulders. Things to do: • Ask an elder if they feel comfortable to come and talk to the students about dugong behaviour. Ensure that it is appropriate for all the students in the class to share this information. • Ask if the elders can tell the students about the different names for dugong and the different roles individual dugong play in the herd. • Ask the students to draw pictures showing the different types of dugong. • Ask the students to use the different names for dugong to make a story about a dugong herd in Torres Strait around their island. • Ask the elder to talk to the students about seasonal and weather movements of dugong around their island. 14
Communication Dugong are known to make a variety of noises when communicating with each other. The most noticeable is the noise made by the lead dugong in a herd, known as the ‘whistler’. Torres Strait Islanders note the whistle noise made by these dugong when moving the herd from seagrass bed to seagrass bed. Researchers have also recorded a number of other noises from dugong, including barks, chirps and squeaks, particularly when mating. Things to do: • Ask a hunter or knowledgeable elder to visit the class and talk to the students about how dugong communicate with each other. • Write an imaginary story about a particular animal in the herd and their travels. Movements Dugongs undertake small and large scale movements. Studies have shown that dugong regularly travel over 30 kilometres and sometimes travel distances greater than 100 kilometres to known feeding grounds. The greatest movement tracked in Australian waters showed a dugong moving up to 500 kilometres over 12 days. All dugongs make large moves, no matter what their size, age or sex. Dugong surfacing before capture. Photo: Dave Holley, ECU. Movements within Moreton Bay have shown that dugong in areas of lower latitude and colder waters undertake movements to regulate their body heat. Dugong were observed moving to parts of Moreton Bay that showed flows of warmer currents, residing in these areas for long periods until waters in the remainder of the bay warmed. Things to do: • Explain to the students about thermoregulation in mammals. It is much like humans having to move to warmer areas, or to put more clothes on when in a cold place. • Ask an elder or hunter to visit the class and explain to the students about dugong movements around their island. • Use a map to see where a dugong could swim to if it undertook a large 500 kilometres movement from your home island to a place outside of Torres Strait. 15
Dhangal in Torres Strait The shallow waters of Torres Strait support a large number of dugong in a small area, making it one of the most important dugong habitats in the world. Scientists have attempted to count dugong in Torres Strait six times between 1987 and 2006 using an aerial survey method. Estimates of the Torres Strait dugong population have varied over the 19 years, ranging from 13,000 to 28,000 animals. The Bardi Jawi Rangers from the Kimberley follow a dugong before attaching a researchers suggest that the satellite tracker to its tail. Photo: Richard Meister, KLC. large differences in population estimates can be explained by large movements of dugong in and out of the survey area. Torres Strait Islanders have regularly said that dugong herds move over large distances in response to changes in weather conditions and seagrass. The survey results also suggest a movement of dugong within the Torres Strait. In 1987, 1991 and 1996 the Orman Reef, north of Besi Mabuiag Island (Western Islands) had the most dugongs recorded by the aerial surveys. In 2001, the western region of Torres Strait had the most dugongs in Torres Strait. Things to do: • Ask your local Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) officer to attend the class and discuss how scientists do the aerial dugong surveys. Ask to borrow a copy of the James Cook University aerial survey poster from the Torres Strait Regional Authority Land and Sea Management Unit. • Explain to the students that the dugong around their island may move to other islands. Explain to the students that this means when they are older, they will be looking after dugong not just for their communities, but also for their neighbouring communities. 16
Predators of Dugong and Threats to their Survival As dugongs are large animals, only humans, crocodiles, large sharks and killer whales are a danger to them. Dugong calves are probably vulnerable to attack from large sharks, but mother dugongs are known to protect their calves from predators. Things to do: • Ask the students to write a story about the travels of a young dugong including the different predators that the dugong would encounter. Ask the students to A dead dugong found on Friday Island. The cause of death is draw pictures to accompany the story. unknown. Photo: TSRA Dugong and Turtle Project. Changes in Population The dugong is now absent from large areas of its former distribution range in some parts of the world, but aerial surveys in recent decades have estimated the dugong population in Australian waters to be around 80,000. However, population surveys have not been carried out in all coastal regions where dugongs are known to live in Australia. From their understanding of the dugong life cycle, researchers have estimated that in areas where there are no anthropogenic (human) impacts, dugong populations only increase about 5% per year. Researchers are therefore concerned that a population of dugong will decline if more than about 2% of adult females (considered to represent half of any dugong population) in a population are killed each year. In some areas of Australia, Traditional Owners have observed decreases in dugong numbers from time to time and have seen changes in the health of dugong. Dugong populations are affected by many threats including: • harvesting for food, meat, oil, medicaments, magical charms and other products; • biased harvest concentrating only on females that result in a reduced number of breeding stock; • the destruction of seagrass habitats by pollution or from direct physical damage by trawling and build-up of silt caused by mining, poor catchment management or coastal development; • large scale floods that result in seagrass dieback, causing loss of seagrass feed supplies; • injuries from stone fish and large marine predators; • boats and boat noise which are said to scare dugong from feeding and breeding areas, and boat strike that can directly result in the death of dugong; and • entanglement in fishing lines and nets. 17
These combined impacts can affect local population sizes, such as in the Hopevale area. In response to drops in the number of dugong around Hopevale, the Traditional Owners decided to make a dugong and marine turtle management plan to reduce the level of hunting. Although hunting was only one factor contributing to population changes, the Hopevale community felt they could reduce the pressure on dugong Dugong spotting (breathing) over a shallow sand bank. Photo: Toshi Nakata. and allow numbers to recover. Things to do: • Ask an elder to visit the class and talk to the students about any changes in the number of dugong around their island by comparing numbers when the elder was young to the numbers seen today. • Ask the students to write a short story about the many different impacts on dugong. • If the number of dugong has changed over time, ask the elder why they think numbers have changed. Ask the students to come up with ideas (management) that could be used to return populations to the sizes seen when the elder was younger. Management Dugong populations around the world have been subject to population declines. Evidence from current long-term monitoring studies is showing that with good management, such as by protecting habitat, reducing deaths in fisheries and ensuring that harvests of dugong is sustainable, dugong populations can be maintained or recover. Research and monitoring is essential for effective management of dugong populations. One of the main tools used by researchers to monitor dugong abundance and distribution is through the aerial survey method. Dugong aerial surveys are undertaken from a fixed wing plane, that flies at a set height along transects over the region of interest. Four observers travel in each plane, two looking out the left side, and two looking out the right side of the aircraft. 18
Dugongs that are seen are recorded and a total number sighted for a particular area is calculated from both sides of the plane. Scientists then use their knowledge of dugong dive durations to estimate how many dugong within a population will be at the surface, how many will be feeding on the bottom and how many would be either coming up to breathe or descending to feed. This information will tell the researcher what proportion of dugong in a population will be visible to the aerial surveys at any one time, and also the proportion of dugong that would not be visible. Research and Monitoring Scientists have attempted to track dugong to determine grazing areas, duration and depths of dives, movements between grazing areas and between regions. Some of these surveys have shown a variety of large and small scale movements. This information is vital for properly informing management decisions. For example, tracking can show Graphs showing dugong dive depth and duration. This information is used to assess the proportions of dugong on the surface and those feeding on the bottom researchers the main feeding at any one time during an aerial survey. Source: Helene Marsh, JCU. areas for dugong which allows the researches to consider the management of net fishing and boat traffic in these areas. There are many ways that communities are now managing dugong to make sure that populations either stay healthy or recover to the numbers they once were. Bardi Jawi Rangers Trevor Sampi, Kevin George, Dwayne George and Terry McCarthy with ECU researcher Dave Holley attaching a satellite tracker to a dugong. Photo: Daniel Oades, KLC. 19
Some of these management activities include: • go slow zones to reduce boat strike in known dugong feeding areas (Moreton Bay); • creating permit conditions that mean hunters must seek permission from Traditional Owners before hunting (Hopevale Aboriginal Community); • creation of quotas to limit the number of dugong taken to ecologically acceptable levels Bardi Jawi Ranger Dwayne George prepares to attach a satellite tracker to a dugong’s tail by first tying rope to it. Photo: Dave Holley, ECU. (Girrigun TUMRA, Hopevale Aboriginal Community); • setting aside sanctuaries where dugong cannot be hunted (Torres Strait); • restricting commercial net fishing in rivers where dugong are known to occur (Queensland and Northern Territory); and • only hunting dugong in a set season to allow the populations to be rested for part of the year (Bardi Jawi at One Arm Point, WA). Things to do: • Ask an elder if they would like to come and talk to the students. Ask the students to create a dugong life-cycle similar to the marine turtle life-cycle. Use the information from this package, relevant websites and the knowledge of community elders to finish the life-cycle. Add language names for the different cycles. • Ask the elder to talk about how the community would manage dugong populations when they were young. • Ask the students to come up with ideas on how their community can make sure that dugong numbers are maintained around their island and in the Torres Strait region. • Look up the TSRA and NAILSMA Resources section of the accompanying CD ROM to view newsletters produced by the Dugong and Turtle Project that outline work being done by Torres Strait Island communities to manage dugong and marine turtle. 20
Dugong Activities DUGONG ACTIVITY SHEET 1: Dugong Role Play Aims: Encourage students to play an active role in learning in a fun and interactive way. Explore different viewpoints through role playing, and focus on exploring issues, and finding solutions. Levels: Primary and Secondary Subjects: Music, English, Creole, Meriam Mir or Kala Lagau Ya, Drama Materials: Nil Instructions: Divide the class into groups. Each group is given a story, or is asked to design their own role-play. Read the story carefully. Students can add further information about the characters as long as it fits the story. The objective of the role play is to resolve the problem through a compromise that makes both sides happy. Role Play 1: A community celebrates the catch of a dugong by sharing it between the families. Hunters return from an afternoon hunt with a fat dugong. The women, children, and village men who did not participate in the hunt come down to the beach to watch and comment loudly on the quality and the size of the animal. Three or four men butcher the dugong. Young boys help by washing pieces of meat in the sea. It is tough work cutting the dugong in the traditional way, counting the number of bowls bought down to the beach by the families. The butchers cut the dugong into many small piles of specific pieces prior to distribution to each of the families. Everyone on the beach joke and share the story of the hunt. The families take their share of the dugong and go home to share the food. Role Play 2: Traditional Owners try to convince their community to conserve dugong. The elders have noticed that there is more and more dugong being caught by hunters in their community. Some hunters are sport hunting, not following traditions for sharing and throwing away meat from their freezers to make room for the fresh dugong. The elders are concerned that the sport hunting is affecting the status of traditional hunters, a part of Torres Strait Island culture. The elders are also concerned that the high numbers of dugong being taken may mean that dugong numbers will decline for future generations. The community — with the guidance of the elders — is working towards developing a community plan to make sure that cultural hunting protocols are followed and that dugongs will be around to be enjoyed by the community for generations to come. 21
DUGONG ACTIVITY SHEET 2: Write your own Rhyming song or rap Aims: Teach messages about threats to dugong in a fun and engaging way Levels: Primary Subjects: Music, English, Creole, Meriam Mir or Kala Lagau Ya Materials: Nil Instructions: Ask the students to write their own rhyming song / rap to perform to their classmates. The theme could be the role of dugong in the Torres Strait Islander life and why they are important for culture. The overall aim is for the students to learn about sustainability and looking after dugong so they are around for future generations as part of Islander culture. The song / rap could be about where dugong is found in the Torres Strait, what they eat, where they live, their life cycles, and what we can do in our community to look after dugong. Ask the students to pretend they are a local band / singing group who are teaching their local communities to spread the message about looking after dugong. Their songs need to be between 30 seconds and 1 minute long. You can invite the local radio station to record these songs to play them on the radio. Invite other classrooms and parents and friends to attend a singing day to listen to the songs. Maybe you can organise a community day and invite family and friends to attend this special concert. Dugong foraging area, western Badu Island. Photo: TSRA. 22
DUGONG ACTIVITY SHEET 3: Write a radio play Aims: Encourage students to promote sustainable use of dugong to their communities through the production of small radio ‘plays’ Levels: Primary and Secondary Subjects: Music, English, Creole, Meriam Mir or Kala Lagau Ya Materials: Nil Instructions: If possible, hook up with a local radio station and discuss whether they would be interested in supporting this initiative. This could be a series of 15-minute segments, or just a one off. Radio is a fun and entertaining way to teach the community about important issues such as looking after dugong. Radio is also one of the best ways to reach communities in the Torres Strait. You can write on any subject. Your radio play can be set in the past, present or future. Try to keep it simple. Work with your students to develop radio plays based on the following guidelines: • Think about the key topics you want to share with the audience. Draw the listener in immediately. Write the play around a number of scenes. Vary the pace and length of scenes, as well as their background acoustics and ‘location’. • Do not have more than six characters in a half-hour play. There is a risk of confusion if you do. The listener only knows a character exists if that character speaks, or if another character refers to him or her by name. Get to know your characters. Each will have their own individual speech mannerisms. Don’t have them all speaking in the same tone of voice. • Use a number of sounds to support your play and to hold the listeners interest (e.g. waves, wind and birds singing). • Above all, have fun! Bardi Jawi Ranger Kevin George and Torres Strait Ranger Terrence Whap recording a story about dugong management. Photo: TSRA. 23
DUGONG ACTIVITY SHEET 4: Kala Lagau Ya Language Names (Western Island Language) Dugong: Dangal Launguage: Kala Lagua Ya Nuth Pasipawna Kayaraw dan Dan Individual Portions Sibuy Dhadha yaabu Dak Kiriz Butchering Marks Information provided by Patrick Whap Dangal: Dugong Kala Lagau Ya: Language Mabuyag: Location Age, Sex, Social Groups Garka dangal: Male dugong Ipika dangal: Female dugong Kazi dangal: Young dugong Ngawaka dangal: Adolescent female Kaukuik dangal: Adolescent male Barakutau garka: Adolescent male that stays with mother Sabi gudad: Single male Puru dangalal: Mating dugongs Kazilaig: Pregnant dugong Nanaig: Nursing mother Tuarlaig: Herd leader Size Gilab: Really big dugong Koi dangal: Big dugong Nurai dangal: Medium-sized dugong Migi dangal: Small dugong 24
Dugong Information and Resources Useful Internet Sites NAILSMA Website www.nailsma.org.au Information from the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance. Visit the Dugong and Marine Turtle Project section to view video, listen to audio interviews, and read project newsletters. Download the excellent resource ‘Dugong and Turtle Knowledge Handbook’. You can also subscribe to receive the project newsletter and future editions of Message Disk - a DVD containing stories from Indigenous land and sea managers who are looking after their dugong and marine turtle resources across north Australia for future generations. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 2-3 and wider community and assumes a moderate to high level of English language proficiency. Hans Rothauscher Website http://www.hans-rothauscher.de/dugong/dugong.htm German website with detailed information on dugongs from around the world. There is a great deal of anecdotal information and stories of close encounters with dugong, recordings of dugong voice, history of the species and related animals. The website contains old myths and stories related to dugong hunting and mermaids. This is a good website for a broad range of information, quite random but also very interesting. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 1-3 and wider community but probably for school students best to have teacher assist in navigation, assumes a moderate level of English language proficiency. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) website www.gbrmpa.gov.au Website containing general biological information for dugong. The website provides a brief description of dugong history, ecology, connections to Indigenous Australian communities, changes in populations of dugong and summarises management options. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 2-3 and wider community and assumes a moderate level of English language proficiency. 25
Animal Diversity Web http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/ Dugong_dugon.html Website provides a summary of dugong life history, reproduction, diet, distribution. There are a number of photos of dugong skulls and information on structures of the inner ear. The link goes to a webpage of related dugong information. A good start for quick points on dugong biology and ecology for teachers and students for projects. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 2-3 and assumes a moderate level of English language proficiency. Call of the Siren http://www.sirenian.org/caryn.html#KIDS Contains some links to other relevant information and activities mostly regarding Manatees but of relevance to dugong. Some good activities such as origami and kids corner which has links to younger school age activities relating to natural resources. Some pictures comparing the sizes of manatees and dugong and Steller’s sea cow. Good teacher resource for links to useful activities. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 1-3 and assumes a moderate to high level of English language proficiency. Link to dugong video http://www.heartsong3.com/dugong_video.htm Video footage of feeding and surfacing dugong from Vanuatu. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 1-3 and wider community, does not assume English language proficiency. The Caribbean Environment Programme http://www.cep.unep.org/kids/cb01.html Useful manatee and dugong information and great colouring in pages. There is not a great deal of information but good resource links. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 1 and assumes a low level of English language proficiency. Link to dugong brochure on CRC Reef website http://www.reef.crc.org.au/publications/brochures/dugong_2002.pdf Attractive brochure discussing dugong biology and behaviour with some good pictures and relevant information. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 2-3 and wider community and assumes a moderate to high level of English language proficiency. 26
Dugong related Associations: Sirenia Specialist Group http://www.marinemammalogy.org/snews.htm Sirenews is a publication released with stories from around the world relating to dugong and manatee research and news stories. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 3 and wider community and assumes a moderate to high level of English language proficiency and suitable for mature ages. Dugong related Email Discussion Groups: MARMAM email discussion list http://whitelab.biology.dal.ca/marmam.htm Sign up and receive emails regarding latest marine mammal work, ask questions and have them answered by experts and enthusiasts in the field of marine mammals. Useful resource for schools and communities to ask questions to a large number of people involved in dugong conservation and management. Department of Education and Training (Qld) Curriculum link: Suite 2-3 and assumes a moderate level of English language proficiency. Dugong. Photo: Toshi Nakata. 27
Marine Turtle 28
The Ancient Mariner Marine turtles have lived in the oceans for over 100 million years. Evolution Marine turtles evolved and lived on the Earth before the dinosaurs. Marine turtles remain an integral part of the traditional culture of many coastal peoples throughout the world. Once there were 200 species of marine turtles on Earth. These have been found in fossils like the dinosaurs. Things to do: Green turtle. Photo: Toshi Nakata. • Show students the picture of the fossilised giant marine turtle. • Look at the marine turtle images and video on the accompanying CD ROM. These may be used with the different activities or to get the students thinking about marine turtles. • Ask the students how this fossil is different and how it is similar to the marine turtles they know today. • Ask an elder to visit the class and if appropriate, ask the elder if their people have stories that describe where marine turtles came from or how they were created. Above: Seventy million year old marine turtle fossil. Source www. euroturtle.org. Below: Green turtle shell bone - similar in shape to that of the fossil. Photo: Frank Loban. 29
Species (different types of marine turtle) Today there are seven marine turtle species surviving in the world — six of these occur in Australia. One species, the flatback turtle, occurs only in Australasian waters. Loss of habitat, over harvesting of marine turtles and their eggs, commercial fishing practices and pollution place all species of marine turtle under threat. Whilst all marine turtles are at risk, the green turtle is hunted more regularly than other species. Indigenous communities prefer to eat the green turtle as it lives as an adult on a diet of seagrass and seaweed, unlike other species of marine turtle. The most commonly found species of turtle in Torres Strait are the flatback turtle (Natator depressus), green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). The different species of marine turtle have varying shapes and sizes, with the leatherback capable of growing to 3.6 metres in length and weighing up to 550 kilograms. Green turtles are easily identified by their high domed carapace and the four large costal scutes (bony external plate or scale) on either side of the shell. The adult carapace is about one meter long and the colour of the shell is light to dark green with mottling. They can be easily distinguished from the hawksbill turtle that has thick overlapping carapace scales and grows to only 80 centimetres in length. The flatback turtle has upturned edges to the carapace. From left to right; Hawksbill turtle (Oonuwa), green turtle (Waru) and flatback turtle. Photos: Col Limpus. Things to do: • Show students pictures of the six species of marine turtle found in Australia and ask them to show which ones they have seen in Torres Strait. (see the accompanying CD ROM for turtle booklets) • Compare the pictures of the marine turtles species and pick out the differences between them. Use the species identification key to identify the different marine turtle species by comparing their shapes and scales. • Ask an elder or hunter if they would like to come and talk to the students. Look at the turtle life-cycle diagram and ask the elder or hunter if they would like to tell the students about the different language names given to the different species, the different sizes of marine turtles and their body part names. This talk can be linked to Activity Sheet 4 (page 49) and Activity Sheet 5 (page 50). • Ask students how they tell the turtles apart. • Ask an elder if they would like to come and talk to the students about the species of turtle near their island, which ones nest there and why they eat green turtles and not hawksbill turtless. Record the traditional names to the different species. 30
• Visit http://www.euroturtle.org/bones/skel.htm and check out the educational activities. • View the booklets, activities, photos and video on the accompanying CD ROM. • Make a chart to identify green turtles, hawksbill turtles and flatback turtles and the different patterns on their shell. Nesting Marine turtles nest at a large number of areas around Australia but only some sites are considered major nesting areas. For example, near Torres Strait the majority of green turtles nest at Raine Island in the northern Great Barrier Reef, and the central and eastern islands (such as Marray Island). From these sites turtles migrate between Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, spending long periods at sea and travelling up to 3,000 kilometres during nesting migrations. Very little is known about the journey marine turtle hatchlings This map show the sites where tags recovered from marine turtles that were make. It is believed they circulate on ocean currents until large tagged while nesting on Raine Island were enough to take residence closer to shore. This time period is found. Source: Col Limpus. known as the ‘lost years’. However, more is known about adult marine turtles migrating between nesting beaches and feeding grounds thanks to valuable tagging and satellite tracking programs, like those conducted by Indigenous rangers in the Torres Strait. Through genetic sampling, scientists are able to identify breeding groups and their origins. The ability of nesting females to return to a beach close to where they hatched from is linked to the bearings being imprinted on the ‘internal compass’ of the hatchlings as they turn clockwise before entering the water. Tragically, many females return to their place of birth for their first mating and nesting season— some 30 to 40 years after their hatching—and encounter concrete paths, cities, dumps and hotels. Females breed for several decades and often mate with more than one male. Things to do: • Visit the unep-wcmc Marine Turtle Nesting Database website (http://www. unep-wcmc.org/marine/mturtle/home. htm), select to view the current dataset as an interactive on-line map then search for the major nesting sites in the Torres Strait. • Visit a turtle nesting beach, or if possible visit a nesting beach during nesting season to see the effort it takes Tags used to identify and track marine turtles are made from for a marine turtle to move on land and titanium and carry a unique code. Photo: TSRA. lay eggs. 31
• Ask the students to write or draw a story of the journey of a marine turtle to a beach on their island. • Ask an elder to talk to the class about marine turtle nesting on their island, ask if it has changed over time. Identify the nesting sites on a map of the island and the species that nest there. Although females carry hundreds of eggs at a time and may return several times in a season to lay eggs, only one in every 1,000 hatchlings is quoted as surviving. Marine turtle hatchlings are vulnerable to a wide range of predators. The incubation time and sex of the hatchlings is depends on the temperature of the sand. Warm dark sand produces mostly female marine turtles while cool white sand results in mostly males. The eggs are round, white and resemble a ping pong (table tennis) ball. The hatchlings take several days to dig their way to the surface before commencing the difficult journey to the sea. Birds, crabs, fish, goanna, wild dogs and pigs can devour many of the newly hatched marine turtles but it is humans that have proven to be the greatest threat to the species. The sale of marine turtle Eggs incubating in Hatchlings begin Hatchlings work their satay on the streets of Bali and the belief the nest breaking out of shells way to top of nest that turtle eggs are a tonic for male virility have decimated the number of marine turtles in Indonesian waters. In one case during the late 1990s, 70,000 eggs were harvested in a two week period on three small Indonesian islands. The number of turtles in Indonesia are slowly declining. Things to do: • Ask the students what colour the sand is on their island. What sex do the students think the hatchlings will turn out to be? Top: Marine turtle hatchling sequence showing emergence from • Ask the students if they can tell you nest. Source: Caribbean Conservation Corporation. the difference between the eggs of Bottom: Ranger Moses Wailu conducting a nesting success survey. The green turtle hatchings pictured were recovered after failing to different marine turtle species, or ask emerge from the nest. Photo: Frank Loban. an elder if they would like to explain the differences. • Talk about what kinds of animals might eat marine turtle hatchlings as they make their way to the sea. • Ask the students what would happen if all the marine turtle eggs at one island were taken every year for 20 years. • Create a game board based on snakes and ladders that illustrates the many predators and hazards faced by a marine turtle in its lifetime. 32
• Visit a nesting beach and find a nest. Ask an elder to accompany you and show how to search for the eggs. Find a nest that has been dug up and see if you can identify what has eaten the eggs. Turtle Tracks You can tell the difference between the different species of marine turtle by the tracks they leave on the beach. It is known that waru (green turtle), unuwa (hawksbill turtle) and maiwal (loggerhead turtle) leave tracks that are parallel. These tracks are made by the turtles pulling themselves along the beach with both fore-flippers at the same time. These tracks look like the tracks left by a tractor tyre. The other marine turtle species found in Australia—unuwa (hawksbill turtle), olive ridley and maiwal (loggerhead turtle) leave staggered tracks. These tracks are made by the turtle pulling itself along the beach with the left fore-flipper (front flippers) and the right rear-flipper at the same time, then alternating to the right fore-flipper and the left rear-flipper at the same time. These tracks look a bit like a zip (see the marine turtle track identification chart on page 54). Changes in Population Whilst marine turtles are in trouble in many parts of the world, recent evidence from long-term monitoring studies is showing that with good management, such as by protecting habitat, reducing deaths in fisheries and ensuring the harvest of marine turtles and their eggs is sustainable, turtle populations can recover. One of the best examples comes from green turtles in Hawaii, where the numbers of nesting females per year has increased from less than 100 to almost 500 over the last 40 years. The zipper-like pattern of a hawksbill turtle track, Muyarpui (Wongai Beach). Photo: TSRA. Community-based Management There are many ways that communities are now managing their marine turtles to make sure populations either stay healthy or recover to the numbers they once were. Some of these management activities include: • only taking half the eggs in a nest and marking the nest with a stick to show that someone has already collected eggs (as done in some north Australian Aboriginal communities); • restricting commercial net fishing around marine turtle nesting beaches during times of mating and nesting (Queensland Commercial Fisheries); • closing hunting areas for three years and then opening them up for three years to reduce the disturbance of marine turtles made by dinghies and hunters (Fiji); 33
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