Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020

Page created by Julie Keller
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
Strategic Plan
South Australian Baseball League Inc.

2017- 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA   2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
Seek and pursue avenues to secure the
                                                                    future of baseball as a sport that is fun,
                                                                    attractive, and affordable for current and
                                                                    future baseball community and its

  Baseball SA and its members act in the best
  interests of the sport and its people. We do this
      • focusing on and supporting our people
      • engaging and collaborating with our
        colleagues and partners                       That baseball will be the sport of choice for fans, players
      • acting with integrity                         and administrators in South Australia. Participation will
      • practicing open decision-making               continue to increase at all levels and among all on-field
      • being inclusive.                              and off-field groups. Partnerships will expand in number
                                                      and value. The fan base and spectator numbers will
      Members of the Baseball SA community will
                                                      increase. The finances of Baseball SA will be secure and
  at all times act according to the agreed values
                                                      sustainable. Baseball SA’s leadership will seek, identify,
                                                      and pursue opportunities for growth.

STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
Aim to stage competitions and events that are attractive to as well as meeting the expectations of clubs, participants, and spectators. To stage/host
competitions that expand the profile of baseball in our State. Target events that support our business and marketing objectives.

Priority                           Focus                                        Objective

                                   To have all competitions well organised      Develop paperwork and distribute early. Set due dates for all steps of the process. Plan a
Competition Planning
                                   in advance by 1 month                        communications strategy with clubs.

                                   Improve access to representative teams for   Explore opportunities to reduce costs, including sponsorship, reduce number of uniforms,
Representative Teams
                                   as many eligible players as possible.        reduce mark-up of uniforms.

Clubs                              To achieve an even competition for clubs.    Provide support for clubs, as sought, and needed.

                                   To have all competitions well organised      Work with clubs to help promote, recruit and access coaching. Plan competition one season in
Women’s Baseball League
                                   in advance by 1 month                        advance. Promote the Women’s All-Star Game.

Host Championships and             Regularly host championships and series,     Develop a matrix of events with actions and timelines. Be the preferred venue for Junior League
other Representative series.       including charter competitions.              Nationals beyond 2018. Seek new opportunities

                                   Make off-field events as appealing and       Seek sponsorship for all presentation events. Seek alternative presentation formats, venues and
Off Field Events
                                   cost-effective as possible.                  costs. Investigate ways to save money.

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
To engage clubs and participants to shape an environment that is inviting, inclusive and fun for all. To work with clubs, and partners to expand participation at
all levels amongst all groups. To provide quality training programs and clear pathways for athletes, managers, coaches, and umpires. To build a profile for
baseball that attracts players, officials, spectators, and volunteers for existing and future competition. To invite and embrace contributions to the sport’s future
from participants, volunteers, and partners.

Priority                           Focus                                        Objective

                                   Increase membership numbers of Clubs         Maximise the BITE brand to promote junior involvement in club’s programs. Engage school
Clubs and affiliated leagues
                                   at all levels across SA                      clinics. Develop promotional fliers with club-specific contact details

                                                                                Provide support for clubs, as sought, and increase access to and availability of training and
                                   Increase the number and improve the          courses. Follow up with BA re National Accreditation Scheme issues. Seek
Coaches and Officials
                                   overall standard of coaches and officials.   sponsorship/grants to deliver more affordable courses. Plan and promote courses in
                                                                                advance. Undertake a quality review of content and methodology and needed

                                   Deliver a planned, school-based              Seek local government and Sporting Schools financial support. Plan and promote school
Schools programs                   program of practical workshops and           holiday camps. Enlist club support to identify target schools and promote clinics. Recruit
                                   clinics for school students                  and train individuals to conduct the camps and clinics.

Junior development                 To have all competitions well organised      Promote representative trial opportunities to affiliated clubs and leagues. Conduct clinics in
programs                           in advance by 1 month                        regional areas to identify and recruit potential participants Promote the Academies

Talent identification and          Regularly host championships and series,     Reduce Club conflict sessions and encourage cooperative programs. Plan a series of
Athlete pathways                   including charter competitions.              promotion activities to highlight the "value for money" offering.

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
To succeed in national competitions. To provide a proportionate number of representatives in national teams at all levels.
To develop and maintain pathways to professional careers and college entry. To increase State and Charter team participation opportunities across the State.
To expand South Australia’s reputation as a location for elite competition and training.

Priority                           Focus                                        Objective

                                   Perform successfully in the ABL or           Invest in building a winning culture that is in line with our Vision. Success will drive interest,
Adelaide BITE
                                   equivalent entity.                           growth, and participation.

                                   Provide improved training programs and
Adelaide BITE Academy              clear pathways for the development of        Evaluate programs and make recommended changes to improve quality and quantity.

                                   Provide college opportunities for eligible
                                                                                Explore opportunities to reduce costs, including sponsorship, reduce number of uniforms,
College Pathways                   players, support mechanisms and
                                                                                reduce mark-up of uniforms

                                   Increase the number of visiting coaches
International Players,                                                          Create communications with targets Asian countries Seek ways to fund visits and
                                   and officials and to have more
Coaches & Officials                                                             exchanges with support from local Municipalities, OR&S and State/Federal Government.

                                   Increase the number of Little League,
Representative and Charter                                                      Introduce opportunities with clubs, coaches, and players to increase the number of
                                   Junior League and Senior League
Teams                                                                           participants.
                                   programs and charters

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
To lead and govern baseball so it is best-placed to serve the needs of clubs, participants, and spectators. To keep the sport affordable for participants
while monitoring and planning for the sport’s financial future. To identify and explore business and other partnerships for growth. To work with the
Australian Baseball Federation, Australian Baseball League, South Australian Government, and other entities to help expand the sport for all
participants. To provide a secure and attractive workplace

Priority                           Focus                                      Objective

Financial planning and             Maintain current levels of financial       Operate within Board approved budget. To seek to reduce costs and improve revenue
management                         planning and management.                   streams through strong partnering

                                   Improve the opportunities for long-term    Identify new business, by extending our network of commercial and government
Business investment
                                   financial security.                        relationships.

                                   Introduce Club Handbook that contains
Member Clubs                                                                  Introduce a sub-committee to plan and implement static and dynamic versions.
                                   common policies and procedures

                                   Maximise the potential benefits the        Build strong foundations to enhance and develop opportunities which will provide
Diamond Sports SA Inc
                                   relationship with Diamond Sports           sustainable revenue streams for our organisation.

                                                                              Identify how best to communicate with Baseball Australia, Australian Government, SA
                                   Increase the breadth and value of          Government (OR&S, Minister) local government (councils and bodies), Adelaide Shores,
Partnerships & sponsorships        relationships with baseball, government,   sponsors, Softball SA and other partners to maximise effective cooperation and benefits.
                                   and business partners                      Determine clearly the purposes of such relationships and how each relationship will be

                                   Review the Constitution and By-Laws and    Introduce subcommittee to revise and recommend any change, amendments, and
Constitution and By-laws
                                   their relationship to the Sport            alternations for the Board to implement.

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
To promote baseball as a welcoming, inclusive community sport in which good behavior is and can be expected at all times. To capitalize on media,
technology, and partnerships to expand the profile of baseball and Baseball SA. To communicate and engage with clubs, participants, and partners to support
participation, business, and reputation growth.

Priority                           Focus                                      Objective

                                   Relationship building with media,          Target receptive media partners, increase press release which highlight good feel stories
External promotion
                                   increase social media interaction          relative to our clubs, game, and individuals within

                                   Build brand awareness with strategic
Brand awareness                    partners, community, and government        Build, implement, monitor, and evaluate brand awareness plan.

                                   Build valued relationships with key
                                                                              Implement a targeted plan which focuses on maximising a return for both the sport and the
Strategic partnering               stakeholders, influencer's, media, and
                                   corporate partners

                                   Improve regular communications with        Introduce e-communication portals to engage and deliver to members, stakeholders, and
Internal communications
                                   members, stakeholders, and media.          media. Monitor and adjust as required.

                                   Invest in internal mechanisms to deliver
                                                                              Implement internal infrastructure to ensure all communications deliverables are met when
People and culture                 consistent and up to date
                                                                              engaging members, stakeholders, and key influencer’s.

                                   Make off-field events as appealing and     Seek sponsorship for all presentation events. Seek alternative presentation formats, venues,
Off field events
                                   cost-effective as possible.                and costs. Investigate ways to save money.

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020
To plan for, build and maintain facilities that enable baseball to be presented and played in a manner that is attractive, safe and fun for participants and
spectators. To plan for and build facilities that attract and stage national and other elite-level championships.
To maintain facilities at a standard that enables them to support Baseball SA and clubs’ business and growth objectives.
To build and maintain relationships to support facility planning and maintenance objectives.

Priority                           Focus                                      Objective

Government funding and             To have all competitions well organised    Seek all current and potential opportunities to gain funding to improve, develop and build
grants                             in advance by 1 month                      baseball focus infrastructures.

Audit, management, and             Introduce facility audit of all baseball   Identify risk assessment tools to ensure all grounds and facilities meet or exceed Baseball
resource                           grounds and facilities                     SA requirements

                                   Identify and implement maintenance
                                                                              Annual audit process will identify specific needs and improvements to satisfy all
Maintenance and upgrades           programs to ensure facilities are of the
                                   highest standard.

                                   Explore all opportunities to expand our    Align with key partners, to improve and or build new venues to be attractive to grow the
New venue opportunities
                                   game throughout SA.                        sport. Explore intra and international opportunities as an alternative venue

           STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA    2017 - 2020
Strategic Plan South Australian Baseball League Inc 2017- 2020

                                   This Strategic Plan has been prepared in consultation with
                                   members, stakeholders, staff and the Board of Directors.

                                   South Australian Baseball League Incorporated
                                   trading as Baseball SA
                                   Barratt Reserve, West Beach Road
                                   West Beach SA 5024

STRATEGIC PLAN | Baseball SA   2017 - 2020
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