Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA

Page created by Carl Norris
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
        Spring/Summer 2021
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
Temple City: Still Connected
Spring/Summer 2021                                                                                                                    In This
                                                                                        6    Stay Connected
                                                                                             Receive updates from the City

2     We got this
      Letter from the City Manager

4     Silver Linings for the Temple City Bike Shop
      People turned to them when parks, hiking trails and gyms were closed

                                                                                        8    Parks and Recreation
                                                                                             Some creative ways to beat cabin fever

                                                                                        12   Senior Resources

Temple City: Still Connected is the City of Temple City's bite-size magazine that
                                                                                        16   COVID-19 & City Hall
connects the community to City Hall.                                                         Resource Sheet

EDITOR                COPY EDITOR            CITY COUNCIL           Tom Chavez
Bryan Cook            Christine Ziemba       Vincent Yu             Councilmember
MANAGING                                                            William Man
EDITORS                                      Cynthia Sternquist     Councilmember
Tinny Chan                                   Mayor Pro Tempore
                                                                    Fernando Vizcarra
Iliana Flores
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
From the City Manager

                   We Got This

     Spring is traditionally the season for
     renewal and new beginnings—and this
     sentiment rings true now more than ever.
     We find ourselves slowly emerging from the dark cocoon of 2020,
     seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and perhaps feeling hopeful
     for the first time in more than a year.

     After a particularly tough and troublesome winter, Temple City and
     Southern California seem to be turning the corner on the COVID front:
     hospitalization and death rates are down. The number of people getting
     vaccinated—which leads to herd immunity—is steadily climbing.
     Restaurants restricted to takeout, delivery, and some outdoor dining
     this past year have begun to open for both outdoor and indoor dining         In this, our second issue of Still Connected, we wanted to continue
     at limited capacity. Similarly, gyms and movie theaters are operating at     the outreach to all our residents, especially those not online. Found
     a much smaller capacity.                                                     inside this newsletter are items on the virtual recreation programs
                                                                                  offered for spring break, a drive-thru Easter Egg Hunt and an
     While this is all excellent news, and I remain cautiously optimistic about   Arbor Day-themed art contest for youth ages 3 to 17. In addition,
     the months ahead of us, We still urge Temple Citians and our businesses      you will meet Ron McKiernan, owner of the Temple City Bike Shop
     to stay vigilant in the fight against COVID. More than ever, wearing         on Las Tunas Drive. He never expected to find any silver linings in
     masks and staying socially distant is vital in keeping the numbers down,     such a challenging year, but many people turned to his shop when
     especially with vaccinations still occurring. Parts of Europe are seeing a   most recreational opportunities were closed.
     resurgence of COVID and may have to lockdown again. We must work
     together to help ensure that doesn’t happen here.                            As we hopefully begin to turn the corner on this pandemic, it is the
                                                                                  City’s wish that we all remain connected until that day comes where
                                                                                  we can gather together safely. With your help and vigilance over the
                                                                                  next few months, together as a community, we will get there.

                                                                                  Bryan Cook
                                                                                  City Manager

2 | From the City Manager                                                                                                                   Spring/Summer 2021 | 3
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
    Linings for
    the Temple
    City Bike
    Shop                                           by   Christine N. Ziemba

     When the COVID-19 pandemic first              John Jr. McKiernan and a small team          Photography by   Iliana Flores
     hit more than a year ago, many                (one additional full-time employee and
     beaches, gyms, parks and trails               a part-timer) have spent the past year
     were closed—but the streets and               building up bikes and doing repairs
     sidewalks remained open for                   and fittings all while selling cruisers,
     walking, jogging and riding bicycles.         hybrids, mountain bikes and
     Ron McKiernan, owner of Temple                commuter bikes to customers.
     City Bike Shop, never expected silver         Specialized and XDS / Firmstrong
     linings in such a challenging year,           bikes are some of the store’s most
     but quarantining and cabin fever              popular lines.
     proved to be an unexpected boon
     to his business.                               Some shoppers who are experienced
                                                    riders know exactly what they’re
      In the days before anyone outside of          looking for when they enter the shop,
      the medical profession even heard the         while others may not have been on a
      word “coronavirus,” McKiernan says            bike in 20 years—or ever. It doesn’t
      during a recent interview that in an          matter to McKiernan. All their
      average month, his shop would sell            customers get the same attention.
      about 45 bikes. Last April, they sold        “One thing that I really strive for is
      more than 80; in May, people                  customer service. You have to listen
      purchased 144 bicycles. “They                 to what their issues are, and what
      were still in the box and people were         they want to accomplish [on a bike].”                                                Temple City Bike Shop
      taking them [unassembled],” he notes.         He takes pride in their level of service,   last year, he was able to turn off his   9628 Las Tunas Drive,
     “Our biggest problem has been the              and believes that’s what sets Temple        computer at 5 p.m. and reconnect with    Temple City, CA 91780
      availability, but it’s a good problem         City Bike Shop apart from the rest.         his kids. “They ride bikes together as
                                                                                                                                         (626) 287-6936
      to have.”                                                                                 a family.”
                                                   People are buying bicycles at this
     The Temple City Bike Shop first               time for a number of reasons, but            McTiernan knows that in the grand
     opened in 1977 by original owner              McTiernan says that there’s one              scheme of things, he’s been fortunate
     John Spielmann, and McKiernan                 conversation that sticks with him the        and lucky, especially when other
     started working at the shop about             most. He talks about a customer who          businesses have been struggling.
     six months later. Fast-forward                worked long hours at an office job and       He’s grateful for the opportunity
     40 years, and McKiernan and his               rarely got to spend time with his kids       to help keep Temple City’s residents
     wife Candy bought the shop in                 at night since he got home late. But         and families active and riding
     2018 from Spielmann’s son,                    when he began to work from home              along together.

4 | Silver Linings for the Temple City Bike Shop                                                                                                    Spring/Summer 2021 | 5
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
     VIRTUAL RECREATION CENTER                                                    E-NEWSLETTER                                                           Another way to stay connected is with the City's new Parks and
                                                                                  Recreation e-newsletter. Each month the Parks and Recreation
     Although the coronavirus pandemic has changed daily life for most
                                                                                  Department releases an information filled e-newsletter directly
     of us, the Temple City Parks and Recreation Department remains your
                                                                                  to your personal email with the latest programs and events.
     go-to resource for staying active and engaged during these uncertain,
                                                                                  This is a wonderful resource to stay up to date, get direct links to
     physically distanced times. Our Virtual Recreation Center (VRC) serves
                                                                                  registration and sign-ups and to learn about exciting new services.
     as the Parks and Recreation Department’s information hub where you
     can find out about the latest programs, events and activities. We are
                                                                                  To sign-up for the Parks and Recreation e-newsletter, please email
     constantly offering new services and altering traditional events to
                                                                                  your contact information to Parks and Recreation Coordinator
     best meet the needs of Temple City.
                                                                                  Veronica Luna at

     Be on the lookout for updates on these monthly programs:

     Family Trivia Night                     Craft Club          

     We are thrilled to offer Family         Get creative with specially themed
     Trivia Night every second Thursday      crafts and awesome games via
     of the month at 7 p.m. Challenge        Zoom workshops. Youth ages 6 to
     your family and friends in a            12 years can register for one, two
     spirited game of trivia, covering       or three Craft Club sessions that
     a variety of topics. Games are best     take place on Friday nights from
     suited for kids ages 5 and older,       5:30-7:30 p.m. Registration for
     but all ages are welcome to attend      each two-class session is $15 and
     the program and cheer for their         includes a “Rec Pack” of crafting
     teams on Zoom.                          supplies and materials. Rec Packs
                                             will be available via contactless
     Each trivia night will have a           pick-up at the Live Oak Park
     main theme with three different         Community Center Annex,
     categories, featuring 20 to 30          located at 10144 Bogue Street.
     questions per round. After
     each category, winners will be          Registered participants will be
     announced and the top three             provided with a Zoom login and
     finishers receive gift cards! It is     must have a valid email address
     absolutely free to participate in       listed at the time of registration
     the city's monthly Family Trivia        as well as access to a computer,
     Night. Preregistration is required      laptop or smart device with
     each month; the deadline to             microphone access and
     register is the day before the event.   video capabilities.

6 | Stay Connected                                                                                                                          Spring/Summer 2021 | 7
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
Parks and
                                                                                  SPRING CAMP
                                                                                  If you’re looking for something fun for your kids to do this spring
                                                                                  break, children ages 5-14 years old can join the Virtual Spring Day
                                                                                  Camp and experience a variety of fun and engaging activities via
                                                                                  Zoom. The weeklong camp will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. from March
                                                                                  29 through April 2. Registration is $35 for the entire week and includes
                                                                                  a "Rec Pack" of camp supply materials that will be made available with
                                                                                  contactless pickup. (Drive-thru pickup instructions will be provided after
                                                                                  registration). Space is limited so register today!
     YOUTH ART CONTEST                                                            For more information, please visit
     National Arbor Day is April 30, and to celebrate Temple City is hosting
     an art contest for youth ages 3 to 17! Arbor Day is an annual celebration
     of trees and their importance not only to our community but also
     to communities worldwide. Throughout California, communities
     are honoring trees—and Temple City’s kids and young people can
     participate, too.

     Think about how trees invite YOU outside and what that
     means to you. Then create an art piece that reflects the theme:
    “Trees Invite Me Outside.”

     Here’s a little inspiration to help get young artists started. Can you see
     trees from your window? Does your family go to a park so you can play,
     hike or run under trees? Have you ever climbed a tree? Can you believe
     that just touching a tree connects you to the natural world and can help
     reduce some of the stress you might feel? We have learned that being
     around trees can help us concentrate, relax and do better on schoolwork.
                                                                                  HEALTHY TC
                                                                                  The Healthy TC initiative promotes health and wellness for
     Contest rules: Youth ages 3 to 17 residing in, or attending school           individuals and families in our community through active programs
     in Temple City are invited to submit their art for the contest               and recreation. With the theme, "Keep Healthy TC" we’re offering
     beginning March 29 through April 22. Draw, paint or collage a picture        monthly programming—like running and hiking challenges—to help
     demonstrating how trees play an important role in your life and in           Temple Citians make and achieve wellness, fitness and mental
     our community. The winning artists will be awarded prize ribbons             health goals.
     and special prize pack. The winners and select submissions will be
                                                                                  Membership for Healthy TC is free and open to all community
     featured on the Temple City website and social media platforms.
                                                                                  members and includes a free t-shirt upon enrollment.

     For more information and to submit your                                      To find out about the latest monthly programs, please visit
     online application, please visit

8 | Parks & Recreation                                                                                                                     Spring/Summer 2021 | 9
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
Parks and
                          EASTER EGG HUNT DRIVE-THRU EVENT
                          Join us Saturday, April 3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for a hopping good time!
                          Families are invited to a fun drive-thru event at Live Oak Park. Drive
                          through the decorated bunny trail and drive up to receive a special treat
                          bag filled with goodies and see the Easter Bunny! All participants must
                          remain in their vehicles to participate. This is a completely free event.
                          Registration is required and is available through the city’s Virtual Parks
                          and Recreation website.

                          The drive-thru festivities will take place at the Live Oak Park parking lots
                          so the park and its facilities will be closed for regular use on April 3. The
                          entrance for the Easter Egg Hunt drive-thru begins at Gracewood Ave.,
                          entering the parking lot next to the tennis courts. To provide a safe and
                          fun experience for participants, all persons must remain in their vehicles
                          at all times. Drivers are asked to drive with extreme caution and obey all
                          traffic laws. Please be aware that walk-up registration or participation is
                          not allowed at this event.

                          For more information and to register for the event, visit

                          SUMMER ACTIVITIES
                          The Parks and Recreation Department is busy at work planning and
                          organizing for summer 2021 in accordance with the latest L.A. County
                          Health Order.

                          As we get closer to summer, all the latest program information will
                          be updated on the Temple City Virtual Recreation page located at

10 | Parks & Recreation                                                              Spring/Summer 2021 | 11
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
Senior Resources

     The Aging Adults 50+ Database registration form is now available!
     The City of Temple City and the Committee on Aging are working
     together to create a database of residents 50 years of age and older.
     By requesting and filling out the form, Temple City seniors will
     receive emergency notifications in a timely manner and will be
     informed by the city about critical resources, especially in times
     of crisis. The database can also assist in keeping aging adults
     connected to the community.

     When you complete and submit the form, your contact information
     will be added to the database to receive critical community updates.
     Email Parks & Recreation Coordinator Roman Rodriguez at to request your form or call the
     Live Oak Park Community Center at 626-579-0461.

                                                                             Dial-A-Ride is a transportation service for community members 60 years
                                                                             and older, or younger than 60 years of age with a physical, psychological
                                                                             or developmental disability. Services are available to residents of Temple
                                                                             City and adjacent unincorporated areas. This service operates seven
                                                                             days a week and makes point-to-point trips around town and designated
                                                                             medical facilities outside of Temple City. We are now allowing same day
                                                                             sign-up. Eligible residents can call 626-286-2456 to make a reservation.
                                                                             For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation
                                                                             Department at 626-579-0461 or visit

                                                                             Dial-A-Ride Services times:
                                                                             Monday through Friday | 7 A.M.–8 P.M.
                                                                             Saturday and Sunday | 7 A.M.–5 P.M.

12 | Senior Resources                                                                                                                Spring/Summer 2021 | 13
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
Senior Resources

                        SENIOR LUNCH DELIVERY PROGRAM
                        The City partners with the YWCA San Gabriel Valley to provide weekly
                        meals to our senior population. This service has transitioned to a
                        delivery program with meals provided to participants every Tuesday.

                        To inquire about participating in the Senior Lunch program please
                        contact the YWCA at 626-960-2995 or 626-214-9465 for detailed
                        information. The program is a no cost program, but does accept
                        suggested donations.

14 | Senior Resources                                                          Spring/Summer 2021 | 15
Still Spring/Summer 2021 - Temple City, CA
COVID-19                                                              City Hall
                   Resources                                                             Resource
                   & Hotlines                                                            Sheet
     Visit for the latest updates.

     2-1-1 (County of Los Angeles)     Senior Assistance                   Animal Control                    Public Records
     Countywide social services        (State of California)               (626) 286-1159                    (626) 285-2171
     referrals and assistance          Helps older Californians        
     (800) 339-6993                    access grocery and                         medication delivery while
                                       staying at home                     Business Banner Program           Public Works
                                       (833) 544-2374                          (626) 285-2171
     Free COVID-19 Testing                                                    (626) 285-7171 (after hours)
     (County of Los Angeles)                                                                       
     Determine eligibility and         Temporary Delivery Program          Business Licenses
     schedule an appointment online    (County of Los Angeles)              Free delivery service for seniors                                     Recreation & Senior Services
                                                                           (626) 656-7316                    (626) 579-0461
                                       and adult dependents      
                                       (888) 863-7411                                              
     Business and Worker
     Disaster Help Center                                                  City Manager’s Update
     (County of Los Angeles)           Tenant Protections                                                    Rental Assistance Program
                                                                           (626) 285-2171, ext. 4111         (626) 285-7187
     Counseling for businesses         (County of Los Angeles)   
     struggling to keep open and       Learn about tenant rights and                               
     to workers who are uncertain      receive free legal services
     of their next paycheck                      City Operator                     Street Sweeping & Trash Pickup
     (833) 238-4450                                                        Available weekdays from 8 a.m.    (888) 336-6100
                                                                           to 5 p.m. for general inquiries
                                       Vaccinations                        (626) 285-2171
     Domestic Violence                 (County of Los Angeles)             (dial "0" for operator)
     (LA County Department             Schedule your appointment                 Trash Hotline
     of Public Services)               for a free COVID-19 vaccine.                                          (626) 285-2171, ext. 4121
     Domestic violence counseling                                       
     and sheltering referrals                                              Permits
     (800) 978-3600                                                        Building inquiries
                                       Welfare Checks                      (626) 285-0488
                                       (Temple Sheriff’s Station)          Planning inquiries
     Friendship Line California        Checks on the well-being of         (626) 656-7316
     (State of California)             homebound seniors, the disabled
     Emotional support for older       and other vulnerable individuals
     Californians facing loneliness,   (626) 285-7171
     isolation and anxiety
     (888) 670-1360

     Mental Health
     (LA County Department
     of Mental Health)
     Mental health support,
     resources and referrals
     (800) 854-7771

16 | Resources                                                                                                                  Spring/Summer 2021 | 17
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