Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace

Page created by Luis Rice
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace

Starting your journey.
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace

                                                      1 Welcome                                       17   Replacement Procedure
                                                                                                      17   Risks and Side Effects
                                                      2 Getting Started
                                                                                                      19   MRI Information
                                                         03   Your RNS® System
                                                         05   Your Personalized Treatment          5 Stay Connected
                                                         07   Follow-up Visits                        21   We’re Here to Support You
                                                                                                      21   RNS Ambassadors
                                                      3 Sharing Information with your Doctor
                                                                                                      21   Patient Educator
                                                         11   Using your Wand and Remote Monitor
                                                                                                      22   Technical Assistance
                                                         13   Using your Magnet
                                                                                                      22   Medical Assistance
                                                      4 Life with the RNS® System
                                                                                                   6 Important Safety Information
                                                         15   Continue your Normal Activities
                                                         16   Travel with the RNS System

Join the growing RNS community!                          16   Restricted Activities

Visit to get connected today.
02                                                                                                                                     My RNS® System
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace
WELCOME                                                                                                                                                                        1

Congratulations on taking an important step     This guide is intended as a convenient reference.   AMBASSADOR INSIGHTS

in the treatment of your epilepsy. The RNS      For a more in-depth explanation about the           Inside Your Welcome Kit
System is a therapy that has helped many        RNS System, risks, contraindications, warnings,
                                                                                                    In your welcome kit, we’ve provided a model
individuals achieve a better quality of life    cautions, and other important safety information,
                                                                                                    (actual size) of the neurostimulator that is
with more seizure control. We hope that this    please refer to the patient manual that can be
                                                                                                    currently monitoring your brain’s electrical
therapy will benefit you too. This Welcome      found on our website at
                                                                                                    activity. Many RNS System patients find it
Guide provides information on how your RNS
                                                                                                    useful to have this model so that they can
System works, how to transfer information to
                                                                                                    explain the device to others.
your doctor, and what to expect in your daily
life. We also have included fun and practical                                                       “I carry mine with me all the time to show
advice from patient ambassadors who have                                                             people I work with.” —Don
seen their lives change with the RNS System.                                                                                                       Mine is my good luck
                                                                                                                                                   charm and I carry it
                                                                                                                                                   all the time.

01                                                                                                                                                                   My RNS® System
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace
GETTING STARTED                                                                                                                                                                                  2

Your RNS® System
It’s time to get to know your RNS System! You
are now the proud owner of a medical device
that is constantly monitoring your brain’s
electrical activity. Over time, this information will          Neurostimulator       Wand & Remote Monitor                                Magnet                         Medical Implant
help your doctor identify your unique seizure                                        The wand and remote        the RNS® System           The magnet enables you to      Identification Card
                                                                                     monitor allow you to       provides your doctor      record brain activity during   This wallet-sized card lets
fingerprint and personalize the therapy for you.               Depth lead
                                                                                     collect information from   with objective, ongoing   a seizure. See Section 3       others know you are using
                                                               Cortical strip lead   the neurostimulator and                              for more information on
Neurostimulator                leads are tiny wires that are                                                    information about                                        the RNS System. It will
                               implanted at the seizure                              send the information       your brain’s electrical   how to use the magnet.         also make them aware of
and Leads
                               focus or foci. You may have                           to your doctor. This       activity that can help                                   procedures that are not
The neurostimulator sits
                               up to 4 leads in place, but                           important feature of       inform your treatment.                                   allowed (such as any MRI
inside a titanium tray that
has been placed so that it     only 2 are connected to                                                                                                                   if you have a model
is flush with your skull and   the neurostimulator at a                                                                                                                  RNS-300M Neurostimulator),
does not touch your brain.     time. The neurostimulator                                                                                                                 your physician’s name and
The device is hidden under     is already set up to monitor                                                                                                              phone number, and which
your scalp—unnoticeable        and record your brain’s                                                                                                                   NeuroPace product you have.
to you and others. The         electrical activity.

03                                                                                                                                                                                     My RNS® System
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace

Your Personalized                             Step 1: Identifying your
                                              unique seizure patterns.
                                                                              at home to send information
                                                                              from your neurostimulator
                                                                                                             Step 2: Optimizing
                                                                                                             stimulation to help
                                                                                                                                             brief pulses of electrical
                                                                                                                                             stimulation to disrupt this
Treatment                                     In the beginning—usually
                                                                              to your doctor. The
                                                                              information will be used
                                                                                                             prevent seizures.               activity and normalize your
                                                                                                                                             brainwaves—often before
                                              for the first month after the                                  Once your doctor is satisfied
The RNS® System is a truly personalized                                       to program the device                                          you feel seizure symptoms.
                                              procedure—the RNS® System                                      that the neurostimulator                                      Step 1: In the beginning, the neurostimulator
therapy that is programmed to your unique                                     to distinguish between                                         The total stimulation
                                              will simply be observing your                                  is detecting the specific                                     will simply be observing your brain patterns. A
                                                                              normal brain patterns and                                      delivered is usually less
seizure fingerprint. It will take some time   brain patterns. It constantly                                  brain patterns that can                                       recording from the RNS® System shows unusual brain
                                                                              the unusual brain patterns                                     than 6 minutes a day
for your doctor to fine-tune the RNS          monitors your brainwaves,                                      develop into seizures,                                        patterns (in blue) that could lead to a seizure.
                                                                              that can lead to a seizure.                                    and should not be felt.
                                              even while you are sleeping.                                   the next step is to turn
System to detect your specific patterns.                                      Find more information on                                       Some people find that they
                                              In the coming days and                                         on therapy (therapeutic
                                                                              how to use the wand and        stimulation). This usually      experience a reduction in
                                              weeks, you will use the
                                                                              remote monitor in Section 3.   happens at the first or         seizures when stimulation
                                              wand and remote monitor
                                                                                                             second office visit, about a    is started, but the time
                                                                                                             month after the procedure.      frame for optimizing
                                                                                                             When therapy is turned          your neurostimulator
                                                                                                                                                                           Step 2: When therapeutic stimulation is turned on in
                                                                                                             on, the neurostimulator         settings may vary.
                                                                                                                                                                           response to detecting unusual brain activity, small
                                                                                                             responds within milliseconds                                  electric pulses are delivered to normalize brainwaves
                                                                                                             of detecting unusual brain                                    with the goal of preventing a seizure from developing.
                                                                                                             activity. It sends small,

05                                                                                                                                                                                                                        My RNS® System
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace

Follow-up Visits                                                                                                          Don’t get discouraged if
Initially, you may visit your doctor about once a                                                                         you don’t see immediate
month. Over time, your visits are likely to occur                                                                         improvement. Stay positive &
less often, usually every three months.
                                                                                                                          ask for support. Keep journaling
The follow-up visits allow                                                                                                in your seizure diary! —Michael                  —Janie
                                      Post-procedure                 Initial follow-up at       Subsequent visits
your medical team to:
                                                                     about 1 month              about every 3 months
• Review your personal
  seizure diary and your              • Your neurostimulator is      • Your doctor reviews      • Your doctor reviews
  seizure activity.                     programmed to monitor          your seizure diary.        your seizure diary.    AMBASSADOR INSIGHTS
                                        and detect brain activity.
• Make any necessary
  adjustments to your                 • You learn to use the
                                                                     • Your doctor reviews
                                                                       the data recorded by
                                                                                                • Your doctor reviews
                                                                                                  the data recorded by
                                                                                                                         Have patience with the process
  neurostimulator.                      remote monitor.                the RNS System.            the RNS System.
• Discuss any questions               • You typically return         • Your doctor typically    • Your doctor adjusts    “The RNS System gets better with time. Have
  or concerns you have.                 home after 1-2 days.           turns on stimulation       device settings         patience while data is collected and treatment
                                                                       at the first or second     as needed.
Note: you do not need to bring your                                                                                       is adjusted to one’s seizure activity.” —Paula
                                                                       office visit.
remote monitor to follow up visits.

07                                                                                                                                                                                  My RNS® System
Starting your journey - MY RNS SYSTEM - NeuroPace
SHARING INFORMATION WITH YOUR DOCTOR                                                                                                                                                  3

                                                                                                      AMBASSADOR INSIGHTS

Seizures result from abnormal electrical               You play an important role in the management   A unique window to your brain
discharges in your brain. This activity is difficult   of your care. By collecting and sending
to see, like looking into a black box.                 information from your neurostimulator to       “Before the RNS System, when a doctor would
With the RNS® System, your doctor can see              a secure database, called the Patient Data      ask if I had any seizures, I would say yes,
for the first time what’s happening in your            Management System (PDMS), you can help          but most of the time I could only relay what
brain during your normal daily activities.             your doctor see your brain activity and         someone else witnessed. Now, when I say I
The device collects ongoing information                ensure the device is working properly.          had a bad seizure, there is recorded data and
that helps your doctor learn more about                                                                my doctor can see what was happening in my
your seizures and improve your care.                                                                   brain at that time.” —Michael
                                                                                                                                                       If we do our part in
                                                                                                                                                       regularly sending the
                                                                                                                                                       data and keeping our
                                                                                                                                                       seizure diary, then our
                                                                                                                                                       care team is better
                                                                                                                                                       able to help us.
09                                                                                                                                                                          My RNS® System

Using Your Wand and                                                Daily                                                    Weekly

Remote Monitor

                                                                   Download data from         How to download data          Upload data to the               available to your doctor, but

                                                                   your neurostimulator to    from the neurostimulator      secure PDMS database             does not necessarily mean
Sharing data with your doctor usually takes                        your remote monitor.       to the remote monitor:        using the internet.              that they have reviewed
about 5 minutes and involves two steps. You will                   We recommend that          • Press Control-Alt-Delete    NeuroPace recommends             the data immediately.
be trained on how to use the remote monitor                        you collect data from        to start                    that you send the data           How to transfer data
                                                                   the neurostimulator:                                     to the PDMS database             from the remote
(laptop, wand, accessories) prior to your                                                     • Type “NPUser” as the User
                                                                                                Name (no password)          (via the internet) at least      monitor to the PDMS:
discharge from the hospital. You will also receive                 • At least once a day
                                                                                                                            once a week. This makes it
                                                                     (morning or evening)     • Hold the wand over the                                       • Click on Transfer Data on
written instructions to take home. For complete                                                                             available for your doctor to
                                                                   • After any significant      neurostimulator and click                                      the Main Menu.
instructions on how to use your remote monitor,                                                                             view in a secure database
                                                                     seizures or auras          on Interrogate. Hold the
                                                                                                                            called PDMS (Patient Data        • Click on Synchronize
please see the Remote Monitor Manual, available                                                 wand where the signal
                                                                   • Prior to any follow-up                                 Management System).
at                                                                     bars are high until the
                                                                     appointments                                           Please note that when you
                                                                                                remote monitor says
                                                                                                                            transfer your data, it is made
                                                                                                you’re done.

           Scan for an
11                                                                                                                                                                           My RNS® System
                                                                               implant site

Using Your Magnet                                                                                                     AMBASSADOR INSIGHTS

The magnet instructs the neurostimulator to                                                                           Making the RNS® System
record brain activity, so that your doctor is                                                                         work for your life
able to identify the event during data review
and make adjustments to the neurostimulator
                                                                                                                      “Every night I take time to download my
settings as needed. To learn more about using     Figure 1                         Figure 2                            data, which only takes a few minutes. It is
the magnet, please refer to the patient manual,
                                                  How to use the Magnet (as         Talk to your doctor to find        kind of like brushing your teeth; you just
available at
                                                  seen in Figures 1 and 2).         out when you should use            get into a routine.”
                                                                                    the magnet to record your
                                                  Swipe the magnet in line
Note: The magnet pictured is not actual size.                                       brain activity (such as when      —Carlo
                                                  with your neurostimulator,
                                                                                    a seizure is starting). The
                                                  while you say “counting 1,
                                                  counting 2, counting 3.” This
                                                                                    recording will be included                                                       Using the magnet has really
                                                                                    with the other data stored
                                                  instructs the neurostimulator
                                                                                    in the neurostimulator that
                                                                                                                                                                     improved my follow-up
                                                  to record brain activity, so
             Scan for an                          that your doctor is able to
                                                                                    you will send to the PDMS                                                        visits because it’s helped
                                                                                    database. At your next office
                                                  identify the event during data
                                                                                    visit, your doctor can identify                                                  my doctor see what’s going
                                                  review and make adjustments
                                                  to the neurostimulator
                                                                                    the event as a magnet swipe                                                      on in that moment.
                                                                                    and make adjustments
                                                  settings as needed.
13                                                                                  to the neurostimulator                                                                                    My RNS® System
                                                                                    settings as needed.                                                              —Heather
LIFE WITH THE RNS® SYSTEM                                                                                                                                                                                                         4
                                                                                                            Travel with the RNS System                                    Restricted Activities
                                                                                                            You will not have any travel restrictions with                Once you have the RNS System, you should not
                                                                                                            the RNS System. But here are some things to                   undergo any of the following procedures. Consult
                                                                                                            keep in mind or consider.                                     your doctor with questions you may have.

                                                                                                            • Airport scanners will not    • If you are unable to         Diathermy                     Transcranial Magnetic
                                                                                                              damage the system but          travel with your remote      You should not be treated     Stimulation (TMS)
                                                                                                              could cause or temporarily     monitor, you won’t be        with any type of shortwave,   You should not have
                                                                                                              disrupt stimulation.           able to transfer your        microwave, or therapeutic     any procedures that use
                                                                                                                                             neurostimulator data until   ultrasound diathermy          electromagnetic currents to
                                                                                                            • You may want to
                                                                                                                                             you return from your trip.
Continue Your                                     • Traveling                 • Undergoing standard
                                                                                dental procedures such
                                                                                                              inform the airport or
                                                                                                              security personnel             Talk with your doctor
                                                                                                                                                                          device, whether or not it
                                                                                                                                                                          is used to produce heat.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        treat psychiatric disorders.
                                                  • Participating in sports
Normal Activities                                   and water activities        as X-rays, teeth cleaning
                                                                                and fillings (although
                                                                                                              that you have the RNS          about your options.
                                                    like swimming.                                            System by showing            • If you travel interna-
In general, you should be able to continue your                                 you should not have                                                                       Therapy (ECT)
                                                                                                              your Medical Implant           tionally, connecting to
                                                  • Using common                procedures that involve                                                                   You should not undergo
normal activities, such as:                                                                                   Identification Card.           the internet might be
                                                    household devices,          electrocautery).                                                                          any electrically-induced
                                                                                                                                             different and you might
                                                    including cell phones,                                  • You might want to                                           seizures to treat
                                                                                                                                             be unable to send data.
                                                    computers, electronic                                     bypass a body scan                                          psychiatric disorders.
                                                                                                                                             Talk with your doctor
                                                    tablets, most headsets                                    and opt for a pat-down
                                                                                                                                             in advance to find out
                                                    and earphones, etc.                                       security inspection.
                                                                                                                                             what you should do.

15                                                                                                                                                                                                                      My RNS® System
Now with the RNS
                                                                                                                                                                                                     System, I can plan to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     celebrate and spend
Replacement Procedure                                         Risks and Side Effects                                                                                                                 time with family.
At medium stimulation and detection settings,                 The primary risks associated with the RNS                                                                                               —Tracey
the battery in the RNS-300M Neurostimulator is                System are those that are related to most surgical
estimated to last about four years, and the battery           procedures, such as risk of infection or bleeding.
in the RNS-320 Neurostimulator is estimated to                These risks are comparable to other surgical
last about eight years. Your doctor will let you              procedures to treat epilepsy.
know when the neurostimulator needs to be

                                                                                                                             AMBASSADOR INSIGHTS
During a replacement         Replacement procedures           The RNS System does not        the office to ensure you
procedure, the surgeon       are typically outpatient         cause the chronic side         do not perceive or feel it.     Embrace your new life.
will remove the old          procedures that last about an    effects associated with many
                                                                                             For more information about
neurostimulator and          hour or less. Your doctor will   anti-seizure medications                                       “I started coaching high school girls fastpitch at   “It has changed my life in so many ways. I have
                                                                                             the risks and cautions of the
replace it with a new one.   program your replacement         such as dizziness,
The leads usually do not     device during the procedure.     drowsiness, depression,
                                                                                             RNS System, see the safety       my husband and son’s alma mater, and will help       the freedom and security that I thought I would
                                                                                             information on pages 23-24.      with the bowling team in the fall.” —Paula           never feel again. I am now working on restarting
need to be replaced.                                          or confusion. Your doctor
                                                              will test the stimulation in                                                                                         my bucket list!” —Tammey

                                                                                                                                                                                  Every person’s seizures are different
17                                                                                                                                                                                and individual results will vary.       My RNS® System
LIFE WITH THE RNS® SYSTEM                             Steps to Follow Before,
                                                      During and After Your MRI
                                                                                                               #4 Getting Your MRI
Getting an MRI                                        #1 Contact Your Epilepsy Specialist
                                                      about Your MRI Needs                                     Visit your epilepsy specialist just prior to your MRI scan
Patients who have the model RNS-320                   If your doctor has recommended you receive an MRI,       to have MRI Mode turned ON. The specialist will give you
                                                      contact your epilepsy specialist to confirm that you     an RNS® System MRI checklist to bring to your scan.
Neurostimulator are eligible for MRIs under certain
conditions. Patients with the model RNS-300M          have an RNS® Neurostimulator model RNS-320 and           Tell the Radiologist or MR Technician that you have
                                                      discuss next steps.                                      an RNS® Neurostimulator and Leads implanted
Neurostimulator still CANNOT receive an MRI.
                                                                                                               in your head and give them the RNS® System
                                                      #2 Schedule Your MRI                                     MRI checklist from your epilepsy specialist.
Full Body MRI Conditional
You can recieve an MRI anywhere on your               When you make an appointment for your MRI, tell          Do: Bring your RNS® Neurostimulator patient
body under certain conditions.                        them that you have an RNS® Neurostimulator (model        identification card with you to the MRI Scan.
                                                      RNS-320) and Leads implanted in your head.
                                                                                                               Do Not: Bring your magnet or Remote Monitor laptop to
                                                                                                               the MRI scan. The magnet and Remote Monitor laptop
                                                      #3 Schedule Two (2) Appointments                         are MRI Unsafe and are not needed during your scan.
                                                      with Your Epilepsy Specialist
                                                      Schedule the first appointment with your epilepsy
                                                                                                               #5 After Your MRI
                                                      specialist just before your MRI scan, so they can turn
                                                                                                               As soon as possible after your MRI, visit your epilepsy
                                                      MRI Mode ON.
            Scan for more                                                                                      specialist so they can turn MRI mode OFF. Bring
            information about                         Schedule the second appointment to take place right      the RNS® System MRI checklists with you.
            getting your MRI.                         after your MRI scan, so they can turn MRI Mode OFF.

19                                                                                                                                                              My RNS® System
STAY CONNECTED                                                                                                                                                                                          5

We’re Here to Support You                   RNS Ambassadors                                   Technical Assistance                            Medical Assistance
When you chose the RNS System, you          You’ve heard from many of our volunteer           Contact NeuroPace Customer Support              Medical Emergencies:          • Experience seizures
joined a community of people with shared    RNS Ambassadors in this book, as they share                                                       Contact 911                     with greater frequency
                                                                                              (available 24 hours a day) at 1-866-726-3876    Please call 911 if you have     or severity.
hopes for a better quality of life. Why     their journey with you. If you’d like to ask an   if you:                                         any medical emergencies.      • Experience any pain
not stay connected? If you are interested   ambassador a question or hear about their                                                         Inform the personnel that       or discomfort from
                                                                                              •   Need help setting up or using the remote    you have an RNS System
in staying in touch, visit    experience with a particular matter, you can                                                                                      the stimulation.
                                                                                                  monitor and wand.                           medical implant and share     • Want to verify if it’s safe
NeuroPaceRNSSystem and         visit to schedule a call.                                                   your Medical Implant
                                                                                              •   Need more information about what to do                                      to undergo a medical
                                            Patient Educator                                      when traveling.
                                                                                                                                              Identification Card.            procedure or treatment.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Want to verify if it’s
                                            Even after you have the RNS System, our           •   Experience technical difficulties sending   Medical Concerns:               safe to participate in
                                            NeuroPace® Patient Educator is here to answer                                                     Contact Your Physician          a specific activity.
                                                                                                  data. If possible, please write down the
                                                                                                                                                                            • Cannot collect data from
                                            your basic questions and help you get the             issue(s) or error message(s).               Please contact your
                                                                                                                                              physician if you:               the neurostimulator and
                                            information you need. Our Patient Educator can                                                                                    send it to the PDMS.
                                            be reached at or at                                                         • Have infections at the
                                                                                                                                                site after surgery.
                                                                                                                                              • Have any medical issues
                                                                                                                                                following your RNS
                                                                                                                                                System implant surgery.
21                                                                                                                                                                                            My RNS® System
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             6
Indication for Use:                 at high risk for surgical           incorrect use of the Programmer   RNS® System External               complete a NeuroPace® RNS®          pregnant women. The effects           as a result of head trauma, or     during the RNS® System clinical
The RNS® System is an               complications, with medical         or Remote Monitor. Do Not         Components: All external           System training program and         of long-term brain stimulation        lead migration. Severe brain       studies include EEG monitoring,
adjunctive therapy in reducing      devices implanted that deliver      Resterilize and Do Not Reuse      components and accessories         demonstrate specific expertise      are not completely known.             tissue damage can result from      infection, change in seizures,
the frequency of seizures in        electrical energy to the brain,     the implantable products.         of the RNS® System such as         related to epilepsy, video- EEG     Strong electromagnetic                exposure to battery chemicals if   medical device removal, death,
individuals 18 years of age or      and those who are unable (or                                          the Magnet, RNS® Tablet,           monitoring, interpretation of       interferences (EMI) can result        the Neurostimulator is ruptured    device lead damage or revision,
                                                                        MRI Safety Information:
older with partial onset seizures   do not have the necessary                                             NeuroPace® Programmer,             electrocorticograms (ECoGs), the    in serious patient injury or          or pierced due to outside          antiepileptic drug toxicity,
who have undergone diagnostic       assistance) to properly operate     RNS® Neurostimulator model        NeuroPace® Remote Monitor,         pharmacology of antiepileptic       death, damaged brain tissue,          forces. The patient must collect   hemorrhage, psychiatric
testing that localized no more      the NeuroPace® Remote Monitor       RNS-320: An MRI scan may be       and Wand are MR Unsafe and         medications and selection of        loss or change in symptom             data from the Neurostimulator      events, status epilepticus and
than two epileptogenic foci,        or Magnet. For patients with        safely performed on patients      can pose a projectile hazard       patients for epilepsy surgery. In   control, reoperation, stimulation     once a day and send data to        seizure-related injury. Refer
are refractory to two or more       an implanted RNS® System the        with the RNS® System (with        in the MR environment, and         some instances, Neurologists        to turn on or off, a return of        the PDMS once a week.              to the product labeling for a
antiepileptic medications,          following medical procedures        RNS Neurostimulator model         therefore, must be kept out        who meet the experience and         symptoms, or a momentary                                                 detailed disclosure of other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Medical Environment:
and currently have frequent         are contraindicated:                RNS-320) only under the           of the MRI scanner room.           certification requirements but do   increase in stimulation felt by                                          reported adverse events.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Electrolysis on the head and
and disabling seizures (motor                                           specific conditions of safe use                                      not practice at Comprehensive       the patient. In addition, EMI,
                                    • Electroconvulsive Therapy                                           Clinical Use:                                                                                                neck should be avoided.            Rx Only. Refer to the product
partial seizures, complex partial                                       detailed in the MRI Guidelines                                       Epilepsy Centers could be           such as security screening
                                      (ECT)                                                               The RNS® System should                                                                                       Prior to the administration of     labeling for a detailed disclosure
seizures and/or secondarily                                             for the RNS® System. Scanning                                        qualified by NeuroPace to provide   devices and radio frequency
                                                                                                          only be implanted at                                                                                         Extracorporeal Shock Wave          of specific indications,
generalized seizures). The RNS®     • Transcranial Magnetic             under different conditions may                                       post-implant programming.           identification, can result in
                                                                                                          Comprehensive Epilepsy                                                                                       Lithotripsy or high radiation      contraindications, warnings,
System has demonstrated               Stimulation (TMS)                 result in device damage or                                                                               delivering the programmed
                                                                                                          Centers by neurosurgeons with      Surgical:                                                                 sources, the administering         precautions and adverse events.
safety and effectiveness in                                             malfunction and serious patient                                                                          stimulation to the patient and
                                    • Diathermy procedures (any                                           adequate experience in the         Implantation of the RNS®                                                  physician should consult with
patients who average three                                              risks including permanent                                                                                appear as sensing artifacts
                                      treatment that uses high-                                           implantation of subdural and       System and associated surgical                                            the physician prescribing
or more disabling seizures                                              brain damage which may cause                                                                             on the ECoG recordings. The                                              DN 1014760 Rev 4
                                      frequency electromagnetic                                           stereotactic implantation of       procedure risks may cause, but                                            the RNS® System. Read the          Rev. Date: 2020-03
per month over the three                                                severe injury, coma, or death.                                                                           RNS® System could interact
                                      radiation, electric currents or                                     intraparenchymal electrodes        are not limited to, infection,                                            user manual to understand
most recent months (with                                                RNS® Neurostimulator model                                                                               with implanted cardiac devices
                                      ultrasonic waves to produce                                         and in the surgical treatment of   intracranial hemorrhage, tissue                                           the steps to be taken before,
no month with fewer than                                                RNS-300M of the RNS®                                                                                     and result in inappropriate
                                      heat in body tissues)                                               intractable epilepsy. The RNS®     damage, temporary pain at                                                 during and after computerized
two seizures), and has not                                              System is MR Unsafe. Having                                                                              device response or device
                                    Warnings and Precautions:                                             System should only be used by      the implant site, CSF leakage,                                            tomography (CT) scans.
been evaluated in patients                                              an MRI scan with a model                                                                                 damage. Additional surgical
                                    The RNS® System is not                                                neurologists and neurosurgeons     seroma, and paralysis.
with less frequent seizures.                                                                                                                                                     procedures can result from            Potential Adverse Events:
                                                                        RNS-300M Neurostimulator          with adequate experience in
                                    compatible with non-NeuroPace                                                                            RNS® System and Therapy:            battery malfunction, electrical       Serious adverse events occurring
Contraindications:                                                      implanted may result in serious   the management of intractable
                                    leads and/or pulse generators.                                                                           The safety and effectiveness        short, open circuit, lead fracture,   in ≥ 2.5% of patients and those
The RNS® System is                                                      injury or possible death.         epilepsy and in the localization
                                    Electrical shock may occur with                                                                          have not been studied in            lead insulation failure, damage       of particular relevance reported
contraindicated for patients                                                                              of epileptic foci. They must

23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             My RNS® System

25                                                         My RNS® System

27              My RNS® System
Thank you for choosing the RNS System to start your
     new journey. We can’t wait to see what you do next.
     For more information, visit

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     NP160076 Rev 5/ Rev. Date: 2020-09

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