St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral

St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
St. Raymond– St. Elizabeth
                                  Maronite Catholic Church
                           Most Rev. A. Elias Zaidan, Bishop of The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon
                           Most Rev. Mitchell Rozanski, Archbishop of St. Louis
                           Rev. John Nahal, Rector

                            Downtown                                       Crestwood
                        931 Lebanon Drive                           1420 S. Sappington Road
                       St. Louis, MO 63104                           Crestwood, MO 63126
                       Tel: (314) 621-0056                            Tel: (314) 968-0760
                                                                      Fax: (314) 968-8023
                     Facebook: St. Raymond’s
                     Maronite Cathedral group                  Facebook: St. Elizabeth of Hungary
                                                                Catholic Church @sehcrestwood
                           DIVINE LITURGY                          DIVINE LITURGY/HOLY MASS:
                                                                   Saturday: 4:00pm– Roman
                         Sunday: 10:15am
                                                                             5:15pm— Maronite
                      Monday—Friday: 12 noon
                                                               Sunday: 8am and 10:30am—Roman
                                                                      Monday–Friday: 8am
                                                                    Tuesday-Thursday: 6pm
                           Sunday: 9:15am                                RECONCILIATION:
                          or by appointment                              Saturday: 3:00pm
Sacrament of Baptism: call the rectory 1 month in advance to schedule an appointment and date with Fr. John
Sacrament of Matrimony: call the rectory 6 months in advance (1 year in advance if there are canonical issues)
Visitation and Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory; Fr John’s emergency contact is on the answering machine
Intentions for Divine Liturgy: call the rectory, mail, or email your intentions

Liturgy p. 606                                               Nm 11:25-29
1 Cor 15:19-34                                               Ps 19
Mt 24:1-14                                                   Jas 5:1-6
                                                             Mk 9:38-43,45,47-48

                             Sunday, September 26, 2021
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
DIVINE LITURGY & MASS INTENTIONS                             WEEKLY FINANCES 9/19/21
DOWNTOWN:                                                    ST. RAYMOND-ST.ELIZABETH:
  Sat, Sep 25 First Sat. after the Holy Cross                4:00pm Saturday
     10:00am Joseph Ojile— Funeral and Divine Liturgy        Loose cash                           149
                                                             Checks/Envelopes                    1,052
     10:15am Charlie & Marcia Hertz By LaDonna Rask          8:00am Sunday
                                                             Loose cash                           205
 Mon, Sep 27 St. Vincent de Paul                             Checks/Envelopes                     270
    12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                10:30am Sunday
 Tue, Sep 28 Tuesday of the third week of the Cross          Loose cash                           498
    12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                                Checks/Envelopes                     560
 Wed, Sep 29 St. Cyriacus (Rouhana) the Cantor               Candles                              112
    12:00pm Najat Poleza                                     Online Giving                        415
Thurs, Sep 30 St. Gregory the illuminator          

     12:00pm No Divine Liturgy                               Other income                        2,681
    Fri, Oct 1 St. Therese of Lisieux                        Expenses                           $11,718
     12:00pm No Divine Liturgy
                                                             ST. RAYMOND:
                                                             5:15pm Saturday
     10:15am +Shirley Milford By Ramona Milford
                                                             Loose cash
              +Donna Thomas By Betsy Hooper
                                                             Checks/Envelopes                      0
CRESTWOOD: ( RC          Roman Catholic,    M Maronite)      10:15am Sunday
  Sat, Sep 25 Sunday Vigil                                   Loose cash                           200
   4:00pm RC Gene Metzler                                    Checks/Envelopes                     655
    5:15pm M +John Elking By Debbie Elking and Family        Revenue during the week              785
              +Subdeacon George Simon Sr., By His Family     Candles                              198
  Sun, Sep 26 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME           Second Collection                    520
   8:00am RC David Brophy
                                                             Festival Sponsor                     500
  10:30am RC Theodore V. Salvia
                                                             Caritas Lebanon                      200
 Mon, Sep 27 St. Vincent de Paul
                                                             Online Giving                       3,015
  8:00am RC Ribaudo family (special intention)     
   5:30pm M Tony Turco By David & Kathy Mueckl
                                                             Expenses (mainly Festival)        $39,509.81
 Tue, Sep 28 St. Simon de Rojas, St. Wenceslaus
  8:00am RC Barb Fix                                         LEBANESE FESTIVAL                9/18-19/21
   6:00pm M Jim & Dorothy Randazzo By David & Kathy Mueckl   We will post the income and expenses
 Wed, Sep 29 Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael the Archangels    once they are ready
  8:00am RC Barb Fix
Thurs, Sep 30 St. Jerome
   8:00am RC Stacy Schlueter
    6:00pm M Poor Souls in Purgatory By Brenda Winebright
    Fri, Oct 1 St. Therese of Lisieux
   8:00am RC Mary Scherrer Norris
   Sat, Oct 2 Sunday Vigil
   4:00pm RC Judi Schulz (special intention)
    5:15pm M Najat Poleza and Alber Akash
   8:00am RC Stacy Schlueter
  10:30am RC Marry Scherrer Norris                   -2-
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
                                                                                     Rev. John Nahal

                                                                                     ASSOCIATE PASTOR
                                                                                     Rev. Patrick Kassab

                                                                                     Dcn. Bill Meister

                                                                                     Dcn. Lou Peters

                                                                                     PARISH SECRETARY
                                                                                     Mona Milford
                                                                                     Mary Cohen-Ehlen

                                                                                     RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                                                                                     FORMATION DIRECTOR
                                                                                     Pam Olimpio

                                                                                     BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS
                                                                                     Deadline: 8am Tuesdays
                                                                                     To submit: Email Fr. Patrick
                                                                                     ONLINE GIVING

                                                                                     ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
            Enroll online at or in your Parish                SACRAMENT– CRESTWOOD
                                                                                     Mondays 8:30am-5:30pm
For more information about the Order, please contact your Parish Priest or Order
of Saint Sharbel President Jim Abdo at or call the Eparchy   OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP
              of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles at 314 231-1021                  DEVOTIONS– CRESTWOOD
                                                                                     Tuesdays 8:30am
 If you are interested in becoming a Priest or Religious Sister, contact Vocations   (After morning Mass)
           Director, Msrg. Donald J. Sawyer, D. Min, at 512 458-3693 or
                                                      MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
                                                                                     Donate or Borrow piece of med-
                                                                                     ical equipment, please call
                                                                                     Patty Renschen 314 517 7044
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
LECTORS: CRESTWOOD                             COFFEE HOUR
  Sat, Sep.25 Teresa Killian                   Coffee hour this coming Sunday at St. Raymond Cathedral is pre-
        4:00pm                                 pared by the St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth Men’s Society.
  Sun, Sep.26 Mary Alice Englehard
       8:00am                                  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
       10:30am Jean Minton                     We Just started!
                                               You can still register and join our religious education program.
     Sat, Oct.2 Janet Finke
                                               Classes are available for all grades, both in presence and online.
       4:00pm                                  Every Monday 6:00pm, preceded by Divine Liturgy at 5:30pm, at St.
                                               Raymond-St. Elizabeth Maronite Church.
    Sun, Oct.3 Silvio Fleim
                                               To Register:
                                               • Log onto the Parish website /save and fill in application/ email/
       10:30am Chris Pickel                       submit back to
                                               • Pick up a registration hard copy in the Church vestibule, fill in
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK                          and turn into the Parish office, or Pam Olimpio.
AND HOMEBOUND OF OUR                           For additional questions call or email Pam Olimpio 636 495 6402
Mark Beck               Jim Hoffman
Tom Hearst              Gary Bieller           ADULT BIBLE STUDY
Steven Sulze            Richard Baker Sr       Deacon Lou Peters is leading a study of the Book of Revelation (the
Victor Sciarrino        Patrick Carr           Apocalypse). Sessions are on Monday evenings 6-7PM in Fr.
Rosalie Hubert          Steve Baker
                                               Edwards Hall. No background necessary. Bring a Bible!
Mike McSorley Sr.       Jana Smith
James Brumfield         Bernie Elking Sr
                                               PICKLEBALL MONDAY & FRIDAY IN CRESTWOOD
                                               Beginner with instruction session Mondays from 8:30am to
Christopher & Cathy     Janet Zhakaria
                                               10:30am. Open play Mondays 10:45am-12:45am, and Fridays
                        Poppy Kazda
Mary Lou Works          Bert Marchi
Patrick Nelms
Chris Nelms
                        John Cleary
                                               KITCHEN SCOOP
                        Tom Morrow             The kitchen will be open for dine-in and carry out. Wed. Sep. 29 On
Ted Arunski             Marie Kallial          Tuesday, Sep. 28, at 8:30am we will be preparing kibbe aras and
Dave Holdinghausen      Mary L Simon           rolling grape/cabbage leaves and another shift at 5:00pm.
Lynn Warfel             Jim Benoist            We encourage everyone to preorder through our Square link
Pat Cooseman            Eddie Bremehr so you are guaranteed
Mary Ann Reiter         Larry Tuberty & Mary   your order. All help is welcomed and needed!
Dave Wissler            Kaye                   Thank you, Denise, Kathi and Gina
Michelle Bausworth      Pete & D. Maniscaico
Tom Saucier                                    CONSECRATION TO SAINT JOSEPH
Will Karcher                                   Join Subdeacon Tony every Thursday 5:30-6:00pm
Rhoda Simpher                                  before divine liturgy for the prayers of consecration
Patricia Beck                                  to St. Joseph, starting Thurs. Sep. 30
Sr. Carol Kopff                                Every participant will be provided with the Fr. Cal-
Betty Tracy                                    loway’s book.
Pat Webbe                                      For more information:
Terry Leong
Mary Ojile                                     CARITAS LEBANON
Gloria (Skip) Leisure                          During this Season, let us sponsor a family in
Don Ganim
                                               need for one year . We already (OLOL Epar-
Nijmeh Abounader
                                               chy) sponsored 440 families, and have an-
                                               other 3 families to be sponsored. Thank you.
Elias Hitti
Ralph Salamie
John Anton                     -4-
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS                        St. Louis Lebanese Festival 2021 Raffle WINNERS
ITEMS MOST NEEDED:                           1st Prize: Green Mountain Grill - Frances Berger
                                             2nd Prize: Big Screen TV - Ryan McClusky
Canned meat/fish, soups/stews,               3rd Prize: Fine Jewelry - Angus Lehrer
fruit, vegetables, pasta sauce, pasta/rice   4th Prize: iPad – Beth Miller
& cereal—No glass jars please.               5th Prizes (Multi):  Lladro Figure - Mary Ulett
Donations go to St. Raymond’s Food                                Glass Vase – Chuck Henke Cilenti
Pantry Downtown.                                                  Rachel Ray Bakeware – Sarah Winebright
                                                                  Cutlery Set – Rafi Kevorkian
COMMUNION CALLS                                                   Quilt – Cathy Dunley
& HOME VISITS                                                     Tupperware - Jennifer Westphal
                                                                  Fall Décor – Gina Painter
If you are sick or homebound and                                  Pink Clothing - Chris Simon
would like a Communion minister to                                Cardinal Clothing - Norm
come to your home, please let us
know! If you could use a helping             Liquor Wagon: Mr. & Mrs. Comparato
hand with household tasks or a visi-         Money Basket: Christian Gordon
tor to chat, please contact the office
                                             Kidz Raffle:
to get in touch: (314) 968-0760 or            Tech Pad:           Gordon
email deacon Bill                             Outdoor Box:        Gus                    Kids Camera         John Jabouri
                                              Walkie Talkies:     Barbara Skitt
ETERNAL REST GRANT UNTO                       Stroller:           Joseph Kallial
THEM, O LORD                                  American Girl Doll: Richard Baker, Sr.
 Joseph Ojile           9-22-2021
 Sue Bremehr            9-21-2021
                                             CONGRATULATIONS TO MR & MRS SHAFFER
 Beverly Klipfel        9-16-2021           May the Lord grant happiness and serenity to the Shaffers! Drew
 Barbara Fix            8-21-2021           Shaffer and Lydia Mccurren were bound by the sacrament of mar-
 Celeste Dames          8-20-2021           riage last Saturday, September 18, in the Joseph and Mary Chapel,
 Sharon Mitchell        8-18-2021           St. Louis. We pray for them and we wish them a happy married life.
 David Flores           8-14-2021
 Margaret M. Rengier    8-8-2021
 Stacy Schlueter        8-1-2021            REST IN PEACE BEVERLY KLIPFEL
 Kathleen Ann Antoni    7-30-2021           Beverly Klipfel passed to eternal life on Thursday, September 16.
 Elizabeth Wolff        7-20-2021           Her funeral mass was celebrated this last Tuesday, September 21 at
 Geoffrey Bilger        6-30-2021           St. Raymond-St. Elizabeth Church. Our deepest condolences for her
 Mark Grogan            6-25-2021
 Gertrude Slama         6-20-2021           husband Glenn, her family and her friends. May the Lord rest her
 Anthony Gamma          6-15-2021           soul in peace.
 Paul Simon             6-6-2021
 Dolores Lee Bradford   5-31-2021           REST IN PEACE SUE BREMEHR
 Jo Ann Vollet          4-2-2021            Our prayers and condolences are offered to the family of Sue
 Hazim Kamil Abboodi    3-29-2021
 W. Randolph Rott       2-24-2021           Bremehr. Sue was the light of Crestwood with organizing Christmas
 Esther Nassif          2-23-2021           in Crestwood and other major events.
 Joyce Webbe            2-12-2021           May the Lord rest her soul in peace.
 Mary Jane Simon        2-9-2021
 Madeleine Crowe
 Patricia Deiters
                                             REST IN PEACE JOE OJILE
 William Perkins        12-28-2020          Deepest sympathy to the family of Joe Ojile. Joe & his wife Mary just
 Daniel I Hurley        11-28-2020          received in August a Papal Blessing on their 63rd Wedding Anniver-
 Thomas Deiters         11-4-2020           sary. May the Lord rest his soul in peace.
 Marie Holley           10-25-2020
 Loretta Linder         9-28-2020
 Rajaa Haddad           9-15-2020
 Patricia Skinner       9-2-2020                       -5-
 Maurice Safar          8-11-2020
St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral St. Raymond- St. Elizabeth Maronite Catholic Church - St. Raymond Maronite Cathedral
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