Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...

Page created by Billy Fletcher
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
287 South Fourth Street, Memphis, TN 38126                                     Founded 1866

                             Baptism of the Lord
                                   January 10, 2021
             This Week:Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm: 29; Acts 10:34-38; Mark 1:7-11
Next Week:   1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19; Psalm 140; 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20; John 1:35-42

                                       MISSION STATEMENT
       The Mission of St. Patrick Catholic Community is to proclaim and live the Gospel message
      of unconditional love, healing, and reconciliation, through prayer, celebration, and action on
                         behalf of justice, as a sign of hope for all God's people.
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
             Today’s Psalm Response
                                                                 Word Eucharist Life
The Lord will bless his people with
peace. (Psalm 29)                                               Mark 1    Baptism of
                                                              Isaiah 42
                                                              Psalm 29    the Lord
                                                               1 John 5

          SUNDAY MASS                                      The Spirit affirmed
            In The Church                                    the mission of Jesus
                                                             at his baptism
             January 17                                    The Spirit affirms our vocation
Seating is extremely limited and is by
                                                             as disciples of Jesus
           Online Sign-up                                    because we have been baptized                   in his name
        catholic-church-30260988438                        We are called to carry out
                                                             the works of justice
                                                             in the nation where we live
        Live streamed Mass                                 The light of Christ
                                                             is now meant to shine in us
       every Sunday at 11am
                                                             and in our acts of compassion                                            for those neglected or mistreated
StPatrickCatholicChurchMemphis                               in our midst
                                                           How often we have sung
  Replayed on YouTube                                         They will know we are Christians
        after 1:00 pm                                         by our love
                                                           If we live up to what we have sung
UCYTZjk9suUZtMi1mb-IYBIw                                      then a Voice can assert
                                                              You are my beloved
                                                              in whom I am well pleased
 Sacrament of Reconciliation                               The waters of our baptism
                                                              are matched by the Blood
                     by appointment only
                                                              flowing from the Cross
                Call the office 901-527-2542
                                                           The Blood of Christ
                to schedule an appointment
                                                              is the drink he has given us
                Can be done face-to-face or anonymously.
                                                              in the Eucharist
                                                           Even in our spiritual communions
        Father Val’s Homilies                                 we ask the grace of living with Jesus
Father Val’s recent homilies are available on our          May your passion and death
website: Click Homi-                   be our strength and life
lies.                                                      Jesus with you by our side
The Sunday Bulletin is also available on the web-             enough has been given
site, in color.
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
    Sunday Soup Kitchen                                Volunteer Opportunity
                                                           in the Church
                                                Volunteers are needed to take down the Christmas
                                                environment, and organize and transition the church
                                                into Ordinary Time.

                                                                    Tuesday Morning
                                                                   Wednesday Morning
                                                              Come for the whole morning or just
                                                              an hour abd help us transform the
                                                              Church for the new Liturgical Season.
                                                Contact Shannon, 901.722.4758.

We are very excited to share our newest vol-
unteer opportunity-St. Patrick’s Sunday
Soup Kitchen: We are recruiting families or
small groups to bring pre-made food (we
can reheat onsite if needed) and to serve the
50 or so homeless clients that have been
coming every Sunday to eat. Due to Covid,
everything is a "take-and-go" style served
out of the back door of the Outreach Center
from 12 noon-1:30 pm. If you want to com-
mit to a Sunday or learn more about this
opportunity, please email Mandy at mandy. or call 901.722.4758.

Poinsettias will be
available for pick up
this week beginning
Tuesday until they
are gone. Contact
Shannon 540-487-8677
for more info!

      *And remember                                                    Please Pray for our
                                                                     St. Patrick Community
  pointsettias are toxic to                                                 Every Day
  cats, dogs, and people.
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
THANK YOU for your service at our successful Christmas Mobile Food Pantry

                          Let’s Do It Again!
                    MOBILE FOOD PANTRY

                      Friday, January 29
                      in the COGiC parking lot.
                           7:30am - 12:30pm
The Mid-South Food Bank has approved our next Mobile Food Pantry at St.
Patrick Church's large parking lot on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave at 4th
Street on Friday, January 29, 2021. In our humble way, we hope to serve 500
households as the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect our Mid-South fami-
lies. Memphis Rotary Club, St. Patrick Community Outreach, Inc. and the
Mid-South Food Bank depend on VOLUNTEERS to make this happen.

Your help makes all the difference! Questions? E-mail Joe Birch
at or call (901) 726-0419

            We have three Volunteer shifts
SHIFT 1- 7:30am arrival and remain on duty all morn-
         ing until completion of clean up by 12:30pm
SHIFT 2- 7:30am arrival -10:30am
SHIFT 3- 10:30am-12:30pm including completion of clean up
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
  Please pray for the sick in our parish
 community, our friends and loved ones:
Arthur Pera, Kate’s father), Margretta daLomba
Dobbs, Craig Hodges, Barbara Weddle (Brenda
Somes’ mother), Ralph David Kelley (Sandy Heiss’
granddaughters’ grandfather), Tom
and Pat Gorney (Tom’s parents),
Lucinda Lee, Rusty Ramsey, John
Letchworth, Lois and Coy Hender-
son, Maureen Hough, David Farley
(Jeff’s father), Stephen Golanka
(Mary Evans’ son), Patrick Harkins,
Troy Strickland, Bill Morman (Monica and Stephen         Jan 10, 8:30 am, +Julia Whalen by Kay and Tom
Juma’s uncle), Ella Herod (Mike Garrett’s mother),            Whitman
Samantha Smith, Terry Nesmith, Peggy Pera, Deacon        Jan 17, 11:00 am, +Myles Whalen by Kay and Tom
Eugene Champion, Fr. Eric Peterson, Brad Patterson,           Whitman
Theresa Gifford, Ray Berthiaume, Phyllis Somerville,     Jan 29, 5:15 pm, +Noelle Crone on the Second
Ginger Tubbs (John’s mother), Robert Anthony Lucas,           Anniversary by the Crone Family
Norma Millan Zalamea, Dot Eubanks, Joyce Johnson,
Daniel “Mickey” Farrell, Fr. Michael "Mickey" Stewart,
Jerry Handwerker (Fr. Val’s cousin), June Greene
(Bob Green’s stepmother), Kevin David, Chuck Cog-           WEEKLY CALENDAR Jan 10 - Jan 17
gins, Travis Handwerker, Della Miles, Archbishop
Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Earl Randle, Shelby Terry    Sunday, January 10
(Ray and Louise Terry’s daughter-in-law), Jerry Fos-      8:30 am, 11:00 am, and 5:15 pm Masses with
ter, Anne Lee Buford, Mary Baldwin, Shantia Baldwin,
Sharon Shea and Family, Deidre Smith, Fenton
                                                            limited seating
McEvoy, Joy Asbury, Jeanne Richardson, Robert Col-        11:00 am, Mass live streamed on Facebook
lins, Fred Robinson, Richard Asbury, Peggy Cunning-       12:00 pm, Soup Kitchen, Outreach Center
ham, Margaret Lynch
                                                         Monday, January 11
Notify Parish Office: If you or                           Office Closed
someone you know is hospitalized or
                                                         Tuesday, January 12
homebound and would like to be
added to our prayer list, or if some-                     5:15 pm Mass, Church
one has recovered and should be re-
moved from our list, please call the
                                                         Wednesday, January 13
parsh office at 901-527-2542.                             5:15 pm Mass, Church
                                                         Thursday, January 14
 Parish Library                                           5:15 pm Mass, Church
You are invited to make a                                Friday, January 15
time for visiting and read-                               5:15 pm Mass, Church
ing in our parish library.
     Tuesday - Friday                                    Sunday, January 17
  9:00 a.m. til 4:30 p.m.                                 8:30 am, 11:00 am, and 5:15 pm Masses with
Call office manager, Julie                                  limited seating
Boland, at 901-527-2542,                                  11:00 am, Mass live streamed on Facebook
to make an appointment                                    12:00 pm, Soup Kitchen, Outreach Center
for the parish library.
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
          Community Care                           Our Offertory Donations
          Mass Volunteers
                                                     Offertory         $1,407
As the COVID pandemic continues to lin-
                                                               December 27
ger, the extra care we take to protect our
                                                     Offertory         $2,775
parishioners also continues.
                                                     Online Giving      5,095
We are asking for people to help us sanitize         Other                180
the church pews and other surfaces after                        January 1
each Mass to ensure that those attending             Offertory         $ 104
the following Mass are in a safe environ-                       January 3
ment. All materials and disinfectants are            Offertory         $1,784
supplied.                                            Online Giving      4,285
                                                     Food Ministry        888
We also need help be-                                Other                 50
fore Mass to screen peo-
ple as they enter the                                Total                 $16,568
church - greet people
and take their tempera-                                    2020 Major Gifts
tures (no touch ther-                                Church         $55,150
mometers) and dispense hand sanitizer.               Food Ministry    12,500
If you can help, please sign up in the back
                                                     Villa Vianney:         $ 928
of the church or on line at https://
                                                  Thank you for your generosity
                                                 your support and your patience
 Small Faith Sharing and Prayer Groups
                                                   during these difficult days
                A Prayer Circle
               Monday – Friday
        9:00 a.m. for about 15 minutes
      Jan Kidder

            Faith Sharing Group
              Tuesday evenings
                  6:30 p.m.
          Louise Cayo 901-833-1506
                                               It’s a safe and easy way to make your dona-
              Say Their Names                  tions. Just go to
      Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m.          StPatrickgiving or
      Linda Opiel       and click on the Easy button or the Parish
      Sandy Heiss
                                               Giving button to join.
      Jan Kidder
                                               If you have problems or questions, please
              Sunday by Sunday
                                               call Julie at 901-527-2542.
             Faith Sharing Group
             Thursday mornings
            10:30 a.m. until noon                     Please follow us on social media!
            Judy and Jerry Bettice
                                                         And check out our website:
               Centering Prayer                              Read the Bulletin online
         Saturday mornings 9:15 a.m.
    John Tubbs
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
January 10, 2021                    8:30                      11:00                       5:15

Lector 1                  Mike Stengel            Jen Sneed                    Donna McLellan
Lector 2                  Rhea Thomas             Bob Greene                   Linda Jackson
EMHC                      Kate Pera               Joe Birch                    Sharon Shea
Cantor                    Bill Gaudet             Dan Rojcewicz                Angelica Rendek
Musician                  Jeannine Gaudet         Angelica Rendek              Daniel Ward
Altar Server              Jonathan Nichols        George Espinoza
Sacristan                 Andrea Nichols          Mike Watermeier              Eugene Mangiante
Flowers                   Christmas

January 17, 2021                    8:30                      11:00                       5:15

Lector 1                  Jan Kidder              Sally Greene                 Shannon Curtis
Lector 2                  Rhea Thomas             Kamia Khouzam                Linda Jackson
EMHC                      Mike Stengel            Anne Stubblefield            Eugene Mangiante
Cantor                    Angelica Rendek                                      Bill Gaudet
Musician                  Natalie Nibert                                       Jeannine Gaudet
Altar Server              Jacob Burgess           Amir Khouzam
Sacristan                 Tracey Burgess          Joe Birch

            St. Patrick Parish Staff                     St. Patrick Parish Pastoral Council

Msgr. Val Handwerker – Pastor                          Please contact any of these people with comments,                            suggestions, or offers of help!
Rev. Mr. Eugene Champion – Deacon
Rev. Mr. Frank Williams - Deacon                     Jenni Barr   
Shannon Curtis – Pastoral Assistant                  Michelle Evans                Don Farrell  
                901-308-6381                         Jan Kidder   
Angelica Rendek - Music Director                     Gloria Sangster-Fort               Anne Stubblefield
Julie Boland – Office Manager                        John Tubbs   
                                                               Parish Office Hours
Adult Faith Formation Coordinators                              Tuesday - Friday
Judy and Jerry Bettice –                 8:30am - 4:30pm
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ... Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 - St Patrick Catholic ...
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