St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022

Page created by Janice Reid
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church
           March 20, 2022
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022
In 1908, the Illinois High School Association            should be on fire for all the ways they can do good in
sponsored a small invitational basketball tournament         the name of the Lord. Go out there and give it your all!
that quickly grew to a statewide event due to its
                                                                 The messages of St. Paul and the Holy Father on
popularity. As years went on, this tournament
                                                             perseverance and persistence are so relevant to
consistently sold out the University of Illinois
                                                             keeping the flame of faith and salvation alive in the
gymnasium in Urbana-Champaign and was commonly
                                                             minds, hearts and souls of Christ’s followers. In this
referred to as "March Madness.” This term of
                                                             time of extended pandemic and constant bad-news
endearment is also used to promote the National
                                                             cycles, we are in need of God’s burning love, mercy,
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) basketball
                                                             compassion, healing, hope, joy and peace more than
                                                             ever. We are encouraged not only to personally
    The word “madness” has many connotations and             embrace this relationship with the Lord, but also to
definitions. In this case, “madness” refers to the fervor,   share it with others with our words, attitudes and
passion and enthusiasm that accompanies the                  actions.
tournament. Using that definition, let's imagine what it
                                                                 The pope also reminds us that if we do not give
would be like if we were to approach the 40 days
                                                             up, if we stay in the game, then victory is ours. That
before Easter as “Lenten Madness.” Just think of a
                                                             victory certainly looks different from winning the
fervent, passionate and enthusiastic Lent.
                                                             NCAA tournament. As missionary disciples, our
    We have become accustomed during “March                  victory is sharing in the life and salvation that was won
Madness” to see and read feature stories about Sister        through Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection. The
Jean, BVM. She is the legendary chaplain of the Loyola       Holy Father reminds us to never take our eyes off the
Ramblers men’s basketball team. Even though she loves        prize. “If we do not give up, we shall reap ourharvest
the sport of basketball and supporting her team, never       in due time and that, with the gift of perseverance, we
doubt her true passion. Anyone who knows her, knows          shall obtain what was promised, for our salvation and
that her deepest love is being a servant of God and          the salvation of others. By cultivating fraternal love
devoting her life to helping others.                         towards everyone, we are united to Christ, who gave
                                                             his life for our sake, and we are granted a foretaste of
    On February 24, our Holy Father released beautiful
                                                             the joy of the kingdom of heaven, when God will be
message for Lent 2022. I invite you to read and reflect
                                                             ‘all in all.’” (Pope Francis, Lenten Message 2022,
on the pope’s powerful words as a way of preparing for
                                                             Section 3)
this holy season:
messages/lent/documents/20211111-messaggio-                       Lent is a time that we are invited to grow closer to
quaresima2022.html                                           the Lord with our acts of penance, prayer and
                                                             almsgiving. It is all too easy to approach this sacred
   In his Lenten message, Pope Francis reflects on St.
                                                             time with a status quo mentality or lackluster energy.
Paul’s exhortation to the Galatians: “Let us not grow
                                                             We might say, “I will give up this” or “I will do that.”
tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our
                                                             But then we may neglect to back it up with the needed
harvest, if we do not give up. So then, while we have
                                                             fervor, passion and enthusiasm. This year, however, I
the opportunity, let us do good to all.” (Gal: 6:9-10)
                                                             invite you, within the life of the Church, to get off the
You can almost hear St. Paul delivering those words of
                                                             bench and back into the game. Let’s strive to make this
encouragement to the Galatians, like a basketball coach
                                                             a time of renewal and conversion that leads us deeper
animating his or her team during halftime. Basically, St.
                                                             into our love of God and neighbor. In other words,
Paul is inspiring those followers of Christ to not lose
                                                             let’s make this blessed season a time of “Lenten
heart, to not grow weary or apathetic. Instead, they
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022
Prayer Requests                                             Baptism
                                                                        St. Mary of Gostyn Parish Family welcomed
                                                                        the following child to the Catholic Faith
                                                                        through the Sacrament of Baptism recently:
  The following persons have requested prayers
                                                                        Elizabeth Grace Adams,
           from our parish community:                                     Daughter of Thomas & Caitlin Adams
Lois Bach           Kathy O’Keefe       Spencer Mehr                    Casey Christopher Catral,
Rita Lukowski       Tom Barney          Carmela Martini                   Son of Brian & Nicole Catral
                                                                        Raegan Elise Hoffman,
Hugh Toner          Baby Jack Massura   Kathy Noonan
                                                                          Daughter of Eric & Melissa Hoffman
Linda Barcelona     Nicole Moyer        Keith Warpinski
Joe Leto            Rudolph Spacal      Charles Zezulak Sr.
John Sommer         Ron Gatto           Charlene Oliver
Kathy Berg          Nicholas Affatato   Irene Simatic
Linda Badalamenti   Joshua Smith        Patricia Brennan
                                                                              A Warm Welcome
                                                                                    We welcome:
                     In Sympathy                                               Jared & Callie Rummel
         Our deepest sympathy to the families of                         who registered at St. Mary of Gostyn
         George Durante, father of Lynn Aument                                     Parish recently.
                     Brenda Fetch
                     Norm Olafson

 March 2022

 Dear Friends,

 Our diocese will take up the annual second collec on for Catholic Relief Services on March 27, and it could not
 come at a more fortunate me.

 As the arm of the Catholic Church that helps the poor and vulnerable overseas, Catholic Relief Services plays a vital
 role during emergencies such as the war in Ukraine. When Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine last
 month, Catholic Relief Services immediately contacted its partners in that country to help families fleeing to safety.
 The agency and its workers set up field kitchens that offered food. They established evacua on centers to provide
 shelter, food and counseling for displaced families. They rescued children from areas of conflict and relocated them
 to safe zones.

 Your support of Catholic Relief Services funds organiza ons dedicated to aiding people affected by war and natural
 disasters, migrants and refugees in need of material and legal assistance, and people worldwide whose livelihoods
 are impacted by changing poli cal and environmental condi ons.

 This is life-saving work. Thank you for your support of our neighbors overseas with your dona on to the humanitar-
 ian mission of Catholic Relief Services.

 Paz y bien,
 Most Reverend Ronald A. Hicks
 Bishop of Joliet
                                                                                              March 20, 2022    Page 3
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022
Our Catholic Faith with Fr. Keith:
                                                          We are familiar with the Lenten devotion of the
                                                          Stations of the Cross which each stop to prayerfully reflect
MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022                                    on that final journey of Jesus to Mount Calvary. The Via
 6:00 PM - Frank Bobek Sr. req. St. Mary Parish & Staff   Dolorosa in Jerusalem winds through the
                                                          ancient, holy city along the familiar path where Our Lord
TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2022                                   carried the Cross, received the care of Veronica’s veil and
 9:00 AM - Christa Lenski req. Family                     the help of Simon the Cyrene, and endured the final agony
           Joan Fox req. Deanna Giutoli                   of the Crucifixion. About seven years ago, I had the
                                                          opportunity to study abroad for a semester in the Holy
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2022                                 Lands. Participating in the Via Dolorosa along the same
 9:00 AM - Robert Olp req. Gerry & Carolyn Mueller        route and steps of Jesus allowed me to experience a
                                                          sorrowful intimacy with Our Lord. The devotion usually
THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2022                                  includes fourteen reflections bookended with the Stabat
 9:00 AM - Carolyn Fiel req. Golly Family                 Mater musically transitioning between each station. The
                                                          popularization of this devotion in Lent began in the earliest
FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 2022                                    centuries of the Church reaching worldwide appeal on
  9:00 AM - Helen Davy req. Mike & Mary SIgner            Fridays during Lent and Good Friday during the Sacred
                                                          Paschal Triduum of Holy Week. The walls of parish church-
SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022                                  es are adorned with the stations as both an aid to this
 4:00 PM - Cindy Ruginis req. Al Ruginis                  devotion and a year-round reminder of the sacrifice of
                                                          Jesus. Lent is a journey in the footsteps of Christ. We walk
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2022                                    with him in the wilderness just as he made his way through
  8:00 AM - Terry O’Dekirk req. Mike & Mary Signer        the desert. We make each step with him along the proces-
             Sharon Paul req. Mike & Mary Signer          sion through the Holy City when we participate in the
 10:00 AM - People of the Parish                          Stations of the Cross. I encourage you to go at least once
 12:00 PM - Sheila Belano req. Mary Calistro              during this holy season in order to recharacterize this time
  6:00 PM - Jake Jurinek req. Marty & Jean McGrath        of year with prayer, reflection, and a deeper immersion in
                                                          some of the final mysteries of the life of Christ. We walk
                                                          with him as he walks for us.

    Please prayerfully consider giving to our
   parish community online as it does benefit
      our parish in many important ways.
 I T ’ S S A F E . I T ’ S SI M P L E . I T ’ S C O N V E N I E N T .

   Donate today using your debit, credit card,                                             By WeShare
                checking, or savings account.
  1.     Visit

  2. Click on the collection you wish to donate to.
  3. Click Recurring Donation,enter your donation amount
         and frequency.                                                                      BANK

Page 4     Third Sunday of Lent
St. Mary of Gostyn Catholic Church - March 20, 2022
School News

              March 20, 2022   Page 5
Adult Faith

Page 6   Third Sunday of Lent
St. Mary of Gostyn Parish
                          445 Prairie Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515 ~ 630 - 969 - 1063
NEW PARISHIONERS: We are happy to welcome new members to our                     SACRAMENT of ANOINTING: Due to Covid restrictions, you will need to
community, and encourage you to register either in person at the                 make arrangements by contacting the parish office.
Parish Office, or register online through our website,                                                            FUNERALS: Arrangements are usually made by the Funeral Home or by a
                                                                                 family member. A member of our Funeral Liturgy Planning team will meet
BAPTISMS: St. Mary of Gostyn offers baptismal preparation sessions on a
                                                                                 with you to plan the Funeral Liturgy. Eulogies are be given at the Wake
monthly basis. If this is your first child, you will need to participate in a
baptismal preparation session before you can receive a date for your baby’s      Service, Interment at the Cemetery or at the Funeral Luncheon, but not at
Baptism.                                                                         the Mass of Christian Burial.
  Parents are the first and primary educators in the practice of the Faith.      MARRIAGES: Arrangements should be made at least six months in
Godparents play an important role in the faith life of your child. While         advance to provide ample time for preparation of this sacrament.
considering godparents for your child, be aware that at least one must be a
baptized and confirmed Catholic who is active in his/her faith. Please call      ROSARY GROUPS: Monday evenings at 6:30 PM and Tuesday evenings
the parish office at 630-969-1063 to register for a preparation class and to     at 6:00 PM in the Parish Center chapel.
schedule a baptismal date.
BECOMING A CATHOLIC: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)           RECONCILIATION: Confessions are heard Saturday, 8:30 to 9:30 AM in
is a process of welcoming and preparing adults for the Sacraments of             church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also available by appointment.
Initiation - Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation - for full membership in the   Please call the Parish Office (630-969-1063) to arrange to have your
Catholic Church. Unbaptized adults, adults baptized in another Christian         confession heard by a priest.
faith, and baptized Catholics with little or no formal religious education are
invited to participate. Please call the Parish Office for further information.   ANNULMENTS: We are available to help anyone who is in need of
                                                                                 information about how to apply for an annulment. Please contact the
                                                                                 Parish Office at (630)969-1063.
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