March 2019 - Redeemer Church

Page created by Gilbert Higgins
March 2019 - Redeemer Church
March 2019

                                                                                    13980 Schavey Road
                                                                                      DeWitt MI 48820
                                                                                       (517) 669-3430

                                                                                      Visit us at:

                                                                                          Sue Campbell
                                                                                   Dir. of Children’s Ministry
                                                                                             ext. 306

              Jesus Always Forgives and Forgets
                                      During the season of Lent, which         the Lenten season), Jesus paid the
                                      begins on Ash Wednesday (March           price for our sins. The Bible says God
                                      6 this year), the traditional focus is   casts our sins “into the deepest part of
POWERSOURCE                           on our sinfulness and our need for a     the sea” (Micah 7:19) and remembers
                                      Savior. Lent isn’t a time to wallow in   them “no more” (Hebrews 8:12).
                                      guilt but to humbly reflect, repent,
1. To forgive your sins: the wrongs   and turn to Jesus, who always            Family life offers many opportunities to
   you’ve committed and the           forgives us.                             learn about and practice forgiveness.
                                                                               Parents have the privilege of showing
   “rights” you’ve omitted.
                                      People of all ages often have a          kids what it looks like to lovingly ask for
2. To make forgiveness a key          tough time forgiving others—or           and grant forgiveness.
   component of your family’s life.   asking for forgiveness. Letting go of
                                      our hurt and anger when we’ve            This helps children understand the
3. To help you model repentance       been wronged can be challenging.         importance of Jesus’ gift of complete
   and forgiveness for your kids.     And admitting when we’ve messed          forgiveness—and his command to
                                      up is rough on the ego.                  forgive others, even our enemies.

                                      Thankfully, Jesus provides us with       Read on for ways to explore the topics
                                      complete forgiveness and also            of sin and forgiveness with your family.
                                      shows us how to live as forgiven
                                      and forgiving people. Through his
                                      death on the cross (another focus of
March 2019 - Redeemer Church
Forgiveness Is Divine
                                           Because forgiveness is an abstract concept and only God can forgive
                                           perfectly, children’s thoughts about forgiveness gradually mature over time.
                                             Ages 3 to 5: Concrete thinkers process life in literal terms. Ask questions
                                              to help make connections. Give hugs and say, “I love you. I forgive you.”
                                             Ages 6 to 8: Children this age connect new ideas to old information. Help
                                              them make associations by modeling kindness in relationships.
          TEACHABLE                          Ages 9 to 12: Older kids begin to think abstractly but still rely on familiar
          MOMENTS                             experiences. Let kids ask questions, and value their thoughts.

 All Clear!                                Forgiveness Brings Healing Ask           forgiveness.” Read aloud
                                           family members to consider times         Philippians 3:13-14. Have people
                                           they’ve been hurt by someone’s           cross the room again, this time
 Hand out calculators or use the
                                           actions and been unable to forgive.      facing forward. Say: “Let’s live for
 calculator on your phones. Say: Let’s
                                           Have them draw a symbol of each          Jesus, with our eyes on him.”
 do some addition. Add 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 +
 5 + 6 + 7. What did you get? 32! Me       hurt on a bandage and place
 too. Here’s another one: Add 2 + 3 +      bandages on their exposed skin.          Don’t Hide Sin! Wrap masking
 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8? What did you get       Ask: “What makes it tough to             tape around a rock and write “sin”
 this time? 35! Me too. One more:          forgive? How did it feel to be           on it. Have family members close
 Add 7 + 9 + 4 + 6. What did you get?      forgiven?” Read aloud Matthew            their eyes while one person hides
 (Family members will say “26.”) Oh my,    6:14. Say: “Jesus forgives all our       the rock. Then have everyone else
 I must have added wrong. I got 25.        sins and tells us to forgive people      search for it. Repeat several times.
 Here, I’ll just push the “clear” button   who sin against us.” Remove the          Then ask: “What was it like to hide
 and try again. Yep, it’s 26!              bandages and pray together for           the rock? To search for it?” Read
                                           hearts that forgive and heal.            aloud Numbers 32:23. Ask: “Have
                                                                                    you ever had a sin discovered
 Say: The “clear” button is one of the
                                           Spell It Out Down the left side of a     even though you tried to hide it?
 best things about calculators. If you
                                           chalkboard or piece of paper, write      What happened? What does God
 make a mistake, it just wipes the
                                           the word FORGIVE. Talk about             want us to do when we’ve
 screen clean and you can start over.
                                           what it feels like to be forgiven, and   sinned?” Use a marker to blot out
                                           write one of those feelings by each      the word “sin” on the rock. Close
 Read Isaiah 43:25. Say: When God                                                   by reading aloud 1 John 1:9.
 forgives our sins, He doesn’t even        letter; for example, Free, Open,
 remember them. It’s like God has a        Relieved, Grateful, and so on.
                                                                                    Good Riddance With highlighters,
 clear button, wiping out those sins                                                take turns writing down sins on a
 forever. Jesus paid the price for our     Press on With Forgiveness On
                                                                                    coffee filter. (Assist younger kids.)
 sins by dying on the cross. But           one wall, tape a sign that says
                                                                                    Say: “The Bible says when we
 because he rose again, God wiped          “Past” and on the other a sign that
                                                                                    confess—or admit—our sins, God
 away all our sins, like with this         says “Future.” Ask family members
                                                                                    always forgives us.” Put a few
 “clear” button. We can start over and     to think about good things from the
                                                                                    drops of lemon juice on the writing
 don’t have to worry about past sins.      past as well as things they regret.
                                                                                    and watch as the “sins” disappear.
                                           Say: “Try to cross the room walking
                                                                                    Read aloud Acts 3:19. Say: “The
                                           backward, keeping your eyes on
                                                                                    juice made the words disappear,
                                           the past. If you bump into anyone,
                                                                                    just as God makes all our sins
                                           fall, or look back, you have to sit
                                                                                    disappear when we say we’re
                                           down where you are.” Afterward,
                                                                                    sorry. We may still have to deal
                                           say: “It’s good to learn from the
                                                                                    with the consequences, or results,
                                           past, but we shouldn’t get stuck
                                                                                    of our sins, but when God forgives
                                           there and forget about God’s
                                                                                    sins, they’re totally gone. Hooray!”

 “Partnering with parents to connect         But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful
children with the love and life of Jesus
  Christ so they can become lifelong
                                             and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
           disciples for Him”                       from all wickedness.     1 John 1:9
March 2019 - Redeemer Church

               MOVIE                                          BOOK                                    & TRENDS
Title: Dumbo                                 Title: My Heart                                  Stop Yelling! In what’s being called
Genre: Family, Fantasy                       Author: Corinna Luyken                           a nightmare for parents, a new toy
Rating: PG (for peril/action, thematic       Synopsis: With vivid phrasing and                flying off shelves is called Yellies:
elements, and brief mild language)           tender drawings, this picture book               The louder you yell at them, the
Cast: Eva Green, Colin Farrell, Danny        encourages young readers (ages 4 to              faster they go! Sales of the Hasbro
DeVito, Michael Keaton, Alan Arkin           8) to take special care of their heart—          creatures tripled over the holidays,
Synopsis: Director Tim Burton brings         and to listen to its messages and                and new versions will be released
this 1941 Disney classic back to the         needs: “My heart is a window. My heart           throughout 2019—despite an outcry
screen with a lavish live-action version.    is a slide. My heart can be closed…or            from parent bloggers.
As a family’s circus faces financial ruin,   opened up wide.” Luyken also wrote               (
characters learn about love, loss, and       and illustrated The Book of Mistakes,
the pros and cons of standing out.           about the creative process.                      K-Pop Won’t Stop South Korean
Our Take: Farrell says the beloved tale      Our Take: Because this book conveys              bands such as BTS (all male) and
of a big-eared flying elephant tackles       the value of empathy as well as self-            BlackPink (all female) have become
the timely topic of social bullying and      care, it will spark important discussions        so popular that they’re collaborating
reveals the importance of “inclusion,        about emotions and interactions.                 with American companies. Mattel’s
acceptance, kindness, and support.”          Parents can talk with children about a           stock went up 9% when it announced
After watching the movie together,           range of feelings and how to deal with           a BTS toy line, and Puma is making
discuss how Jesus wants us to treat          them constructively. Though the book             BTS sneakers. K-Pop products are
others, including people who are             isn’t faith-based, parents can readily tie       also popular at preteen-favorite
different from us.                           in such concepts as the Golden Rule.             stores such as Hot Topic.

        Games, Podcasts & Apps
 Storm Boy                  The Past & the                 Froggipedia
 In this short video        Curious                     Apple named this the top
 game, based on a 1964
 children’s book, a boy
                            A museum educator and iPad app for 2018. With                         QUICK STATS
                            his guests tell interesting 3D AR (augmented
 runs along beaches to      unsung stories from         reality), users discover
 rescue orphaned            history in this podcast.    frog anatomy with no                  Health Concerns An estimated 18%
 pelican chicks. Text       Topics are family friendly, dissection necessary,                 of U.S. children live with a chronic
 from the story appears,    ranging from trains and     earning kudos from                    health condition, and that number
 plus mini-games to         spies to cartooning and     animal rights groups.                 has been on the rise. The most
 play. Despite childlike    ballooning. Listeners can Older children interested               common chronic conditions are
 imagery and ease of        record their own 30-        in science and nature                 obesity, asthma, and ADHD. (
 play, the game is rated    second segments for         will enjoy learning about
 E10+ for mild violence     possible use on a future everything from life
 (a bird gets shot).        episode.                    cycles to organ systems.

                              This page is designed to help educate parents and isn’t meant
                               to endorse any movie, music, or product. Our prayer is that
                                you’ll make informed decisions about what your children
                                             watch, read, listen to, and play.
March 2019 - Redeemer Church
What is Lent?
                 The season of Lent is the 40 days beginning with Ash
                 Wednesday and ending on the Saturday before Easter (not
                 including Sundays. The word ‘Lent’ comes from the Anglo Saxon
                 word lencten, which means "spring." The 40 days represent the
                 time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring the temptation of
                 Satan and preparing to begin his ministry.

                 Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the
                 coming of Easter. It is a time of self-examination and reflection.
                 In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts for
                 baptism. Today, Christians focus on their relationship with God,
                 often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of
                 themselves for others.

                 Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each
                 Sunday represents a "mini-Easter" and the reverent spirit of
                 Lent is tempered with joyful anticipation of Jesus’ resurrection.

        Our focus in Kingdom Quest during March and April will be on the events of Holy
        Week leading up to the celebration of Easter. A highlight is to share in the
        customs and traditions of a Jewish Passover meal on Sunday, March 17th, and
        we’d like you to participate with us!
        Our Passover Meal takes the place of our regular Kingdom Quest activities that
        morning. You may come to either of the 2 hours: 9:30 or 11:00 am.
        Please note that while this is called a ‘meal,’ we’ll be eating only small portions of
        food (cheese, crackers, & grapes) so you’ll want to have breakfast beforehand.

   Upcoming Dates
 March 17 – during 9:30 & 11:00 hours
  in Kingdom Quest
  Passover Meal – families are welcome
  to attend with their KQ kids
 March 24 & 31 – DeWitt Schools’
  Spring break - No KKids/KQuest
 April 21 – Easter
  No Kingdom Kids/KQuest
 May 19
  Last day - KKids & KQuest
 June 24-27 9:00-11:30am
  Vacation Bible School
 July 21-27
  Wesley Woods Elementary Camp
March 2019 - Redeemer Church March 2019 - Redeemer Church March 2019 - Redeemer Church March 2019 - Redeemer Church March 2019 - Redeemer Church March 2019 - Redeemer Church
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