Herausforderungen der Geldpolitik in Zeiten hoher Inflation - Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel Mitglied des Direktoriums der EZB

Herausforderungen der Geldpolitik in Zeiten hoher Inflation - Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel Mitglied des Direktoriums der EZB
der Geldpolitik in
Zeiten hoher Inflation

Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel
Mitglied des Direktoriums der EZB

                                                Wirtschaftspolitik aus erster Hand
                                    Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
                                                       Mannheim, 19. April 2023
                                                              www.ecb.europa.eu ©
Herausforderungen der Geldpolitik in Zeiten hoher Inflation - Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel Mitglied des Direktoriums der EZB
Rubric              und Inflation im Euroraum seit Beginn der Pandemie

                   Reales Bruttoinlandsprodukt                                                              Inflationsrate
                                (Index: Q4 2019 = 100)                            (Jahreswachstumsrate HVPI, in %, vierteljährliche Daten)
                                March 23 ECB staff projections                                            March 2023 ECB staff projections
                                Realised GDP                                                              Realised HICP
                                March 2020 ECB staff projections                                          March 2023 (final release)
     110                                                                                                  March 2020 ECB staff projections

     105                                                                      10.0

     100                                                                       8.0                 2.0
                                                                                                   1.6                                   6.9
       95                                                                                          1.2
       90                                                                                          0.4
                                                                               2.0                 0.0
                                                                               0.0                    2019 2020 2021 2022

       80                                                                     -2.0
         2019       2020       2021        2022   2023   2024      2025           2019        2020        2021       2022        2023        2024       2025
  Sources: Eurostat, ECB and Eurosystem.                                      Sources: Eurostat, ECB and Eurosystem.
  Latest observation: Q4 2022.                                                Latest observation: Q1 2023 for quarterly data, March 2023 for monthly data (diamond).

                                                                          2                                                                                    www.ecb.europa.eu ©
Herausforderungen der Geldpolitik in Zeiten hoher Inflation - Prof. Dr. Isabel Schnabel Mitglied des Direktoriums der EZB
 Rubric Rückgang der Gesamtinflation, doch zugrundeliegende Inflation bleibt hoch
                                                                        Zugrundeliegende Inflation
                                                                           (jährliche prozentuale Veränderung)

                                                                                  HICP excluding energy and food (HICPX)
                                                                                  PCCI (persistent and common component of inflation)
                                                                                  Trimmed mean (10%)
                                                                                  Trimmed mean (30%)
                        Jan-10               Jan-12                Jan-14                Jan-16                Jan-18                Jan-20   Jan-22   Mar-23

   Sources: ECB and ECB calculations.
   Notes: HICPX, Supercore and Trimmed means are non-seasonally adjusted, while PCCI is based on seasonally adjusted price series.
   Latest observation: March 2023 (flash) for HICPX and February 2022 for the rest.

                                                                                                3                                                               www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric       des Inflationsdrucks auf den Großteil der HVPI-Komponenten
             Anteil der HVPI-Komponenten                                               Beitrag zur Gesamtinflation
                                                                          (jährliche prozentuale Änderung; Beitrag in Prozentpunkten)
              nach Preissteigerungsrate
                Below 1%
                Between 1% and 2%                                          NEIG          Services         Food   Energy     HICP
                Between 2% and 3%                               12
                Above 3%

      80                                                         8




       0                                                        -2
       Jan-21                           Jan-22    Jan-23
                                                 Feb-23           Jan-21                             Jan-22               Jan-23
   Sources: ECB and ECB calculations.                          Sources: Eurostat and ECB calculations.
   Latest observation: February 2023.                          Latest observation: March 2023 (flash).

                                                           4                                                                   www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric  der Inflation bleibt bei allen Komponenten außer Energie hoch
                                   Inflationsmomentum des HVPI und seiner Komponenten
                                        (jährliche prozentuale Änderung; annualisierte 3m-auf-3m prozentuale Änderung)

                   Momentum                      Momentum                     Momentum                     Momentum                   Momentum
                   HICP                          Energy                       Food                         HICPX                      Goods

       16                             72                            16                            8                                                  8

       14                             60                            14

       12                             48                            12                            6                       6                          6

       10                             36                            10

        8                             24                             8                            4                       4                          4

        6                             12                             6

        4                              0                             4                            2                       2                          2

        2                             -12                            2

        0                             -24                            0                          0                          0                          0
        Jan-22   Jul-22   Jan-23
                             Mar-23     Jan-22   Jul-22   Jan-23
                                                           Mar-23    Jan-22   Jul-22     Mar-23 Jan-22
                                                                                       Jan-23            Jul-22   Jan-23
                                                                                                                    Mar-23 Jan-22   Jul-22   Jan-23
                                                                                                                                               Mar-23 Jan-22   Jul-22   Jan-23

       Sources: Eurostat and ECB calculations.
       Note: Seasonally-adjusted data.
       Latest observation: March 2023 (flash).

                                                                                              5                                                                                    www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric         Störungen von Lieferketten und Energiepreise gehen weiter zurück
               (links: Standardabweichung; rechts: USD pro TEU)
                                                                                                                 Gas- und Ölpreise mit Termingeschäften
                                                                                                                                    (Gas: EUR/MWh, Öl: USD/Barrel)

                         NYFED global supply chain pressure index
                         EA supply-chain disruption strain                                                             Euro area gas (TTF)                        Gas futures
                         Global shipping cost (rhs)
                                                                                                                       Brent oil                                  Oil futures
     6                                                                                 12
                                                                                                             250                                                                       250
                                                                                                             200                                                                       200
     3                                                                                 8

     2                                                                                                       150                                                                       150
     1                        Tightening
                             supply chain
     0                        pressures                                                4                     100                                                                       100

                                             Loosening                                 2                       50                                                                      50
    -2                                      supply chain
    -3                                                                              0                             0                                                                    0
    Dec-20               Jul-21             Feb-22             Sep-22         Mar-23
                                                                                                                      2021                  2022                 2023           2024
 Sources: Haver Analytics, Refinitiv and ECB calculations.
                                                                                                           Sources: Refinitiv, Bloomberg and ECB calculations.
 Notes: Global shipping cost is Freightos Baltic aggregate across major trade routes. TEU stands for
                                                                                                           Latest observation: 14 April 2023.
 twenty-foot equivalent unit shipping container.
 Latest observation: February 2023 for global shipping costs, March 2023 for the rest.

                                                                                                       6                                                                         www.ecb.europa.eu ©
  Rubric              kehrt sich um, während Fiskalpolitik akkommodierend bleibt
   Einkommenseffekte des Terms-of-trade-Schocks                                                                                   Fiskalischer Impuls während
               (Effekt auf jährliches BIP-Wachstum in Prozentpunkten)                                                             Pandemie und Energiekrise
                                                                                                                                           (Prozent des Potenzialoutputs)
                                                                                                                               Euro area: change in CAPB* vs 2019
                                area                                                                                           United States: change in CAPB vs 2019

                         United   States
                                States                                                                              0.0


     0.5                                                                                                           -2.0


    -1.0                                                                                                           -4.0


    -2.5                                                                                                           -6.0
       03-20                12-20                09-21               06-22         12-22                                        2020            2021            2022             2023            2024
                                                                                                           Source: March 2023 ECB staff Macroeconomic projections and IMF Fiscal Monitor, April 2023.​
                                                                                                           Notes: Negative (positive) numbers denote fiscal loosening (tightening) vs 2019.
   Source: Haver analytics, Eurostat and ECB calculations.                                                 *CAPB stands for the cyclically adjusted primary balance. For the EA, this is adjusted for NGEU grants on
   Notes: The income effect of terms of trade is calculated import and export price changes by their       the revenue side, in line with the definition for the EA fiscal stance. The measure shown in chart is a proxy
   respective past values (one-year lag) expressed as percentage of GDP. The latest observation is         for the discretionary fiscal policy response since the pre-pandemic period (2019). It includes also other
   2022 Q4.                                                                                            7   factors (such as revenue windfalls/shortfalls). The measures for the EA and US are not fully comparable due
                                                                                                           to the timing and other methodological differences between the two sources.                www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric hin zu nachfrageseitigen Faktoren bei besser als erwarteter Gesamtwirtschaft
       Rolle von Nachfrage- und Angebotsfaktoren                                                                                    Citi Economic Surprise Index

                   Demand                   Supply                 rolling correlation                                               China                 United States        Euro area
           1.0                                                                               1.0                250
                                                                                                                           ▲ actual data better than
                                                                                                                200        expected
           0.5                                                                               0.5
           0.0                                                                               0.0
          -0.5                                                                               -0.5
                                                                                                                                                                 ▼ actual data worse than expected
          -1.0                                                                               -1.0
             Jan-22                      Jul-22                     Jan-23                                  -200
                                                                                                               Jan-22               Apr-22            Jul-22       Oct-22      Jan-23       Apr-23
  Sources: Refinitiv and ECB calculations.
  Notes: 30-trading days rolling correlation of daily percentage point changes in 1Y1Y ILS rates and                  Sources: Bloomberg, Citi.
  daily returns on Euro Stoxx. Demand (supply) refers to that part of the correlation coming from trading             Latest observation: 14 April 2023.
  days on which ILS rates and stock returns moved in the same (opposite) direction. In each
  subsample, the split between favourable and adverse is based on the share of days in the rolling
  window of favourable (equities up) or adverse (equities down) market dynamics. Latest observation:        8
  14 April 2023.                                                                                                                                                                            www.ecb.europa.eu ©
Märkte erwarten raschen Rückgang der Inflation, aber langfristige Erwartungen bleiben erhöht
            Marktbasierte Inflationserwartungen                                                                                 Langfristige marktbasierte Inflationserwartungen
                       im Euroraum                                                                                                         im Euroraum und den USA
                                               (Prozent)                                                                                                                       (Prozent)

                           y-o-y HICP inflation                                                                                                    5y5y inflation-linked swap rate

                           Inflation compensation rates (latest)                                                                                   US BEIR 5Y5Y
   11                                                                                                  11                         2.8
   10                                                                                                  10                         2.4
    9                                                                                                  9
    8                                                                                                  8
    7                                                                                                  7                          1.6
    6                                                                                                  6
    5                                                                                                  5
    4                                                                                                  4                          0.8
    3                                                                                                  3                          0.4
    2                                                                                                  2                            Jan-19                Jan-20              Jan-21               Jan-22              Jan-23
    1                                                                                                  1
     2022                    2023                  2024                 2025                  2026
 Sources: Bloomberg, Refinitiv and ECB calculations.                                                                            Source: Bloomberg, Refinitiv and ECB calculations.
 Notes: The coloured diamonds refer to forward ILS rates that extend the equally coloured line of inflation fixings. The grey   Notes: One caveat applying to BEIRs is that the market for inflation-linked bonds is less liquid than that
 area refers to a projection horizon ending in December 2025. Latest observation: 17 April 2023.                                for standard bonds. This implies that BEIRs also reflect liquidity premia. Latest observation: 17 April
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 RubricArbeitsmarkt bei deutlichem Anziehen des Lohnwachstums
                          Arbeitslosenquote                                                                       Nominales Lohnwachstum
                                       (Prozent)                                                                     (jährliche prozentuale Veränderung)
                                             Euro area
                                                                                                                                Negotiated Wages
                                                                                                                                ECB wage tracker
                                                                                                                                Indeed wage tracker
   12                                                                                         6




    3                                                                                         1

                                                                                               Jan-21         May-21        Sep-21         Jan-22        May-22         Sep-22 Dec-22
     1999     2002      2005      2008      2011      2014      2017      2020   2023
                                                                                             Sources: Adrjan, Pawel & Reamonn Lydon (2022), Wage Growth in Europe: Evidence From Job Ads –
    Sources: Eurostat Labour Force Survey and ECB staff calculations.                        Central Bank of Ireland - Economic letter - Vol 2022, No. 7 (November), ECB and Eurostat. Notes: the
    Notes: The dashed line refers to the sample average over 1999M1-2023M2.                  ECB wage tracker is calculated based on micro data on wage agreements provided by Bundesbank,
    Latest observation: February 2023.                                                       Banco de España, the Dutch employer association (AWVN), Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Bank of
                                                                                             Greece, Banca d’Italia and Banque de France. For FR see also: Gautier, E. (2023): Negotiated wage
                                                                                             increases: what is the picture for 2022?. EA aggregate based on ES, IT, GR, AT, DE, NL and FR.
                                                                                             Latest observations: 2022 Q4 (based on Oct and Nov data) for negotiated wages and March 2023 for
                                                                                        10   ECB wage tracker and Indeed data.
                                                                                                                                                                                         www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric   Gewinne haben wesentlichen Anteil am Anstieg der heimischen Inflation

                                  BIP-Deflator                                           Sektorale Lohn- und Gewinnentwicklung
       (jährliche prozentuale Änderung; Beitrag in Prozentpunkten)                              (prozentuale Änderung über die genannte Periode)

                                                                                                                                         Wages 2019 Q4 - 2022 Q4

                     Unit labour costs             Unit taxes                                                                            Profits 2019 Q4 - 2022 Q4

                     Unit profits                  GDP deflator                                                            Total
   8                                                                                                                Agriculture

                                                                                                           Mining and utilities
   6                                                                                                            Manufacturing

   4                                                                              Trade, transport, accomodation and food

                                                                                             Information and communication
                                                                                                       Finance and insurance

                                                                                                                    Real estate
                                                                                                  Professional and technical

                                                                                                         Public administration
                                                                                    Arts, entertainement and other services

                                                                                                                                   -40     -20     0      20       40      60      80
       2020                     2021                    2022      2022Q4
                                                                              Sources: Eurostat and ECB calculations. Notes: For each sector, wages refer to compensation of
   Sources: Eurostat and ECB staff calculations.                              employees and labour income of the self-employed, and profits refer to gross operating surplus, computed
   Latest observation: 2022 Q4.                                               as nominal gross value added minus wages. The total labour income of the self-employed is computed
                                                                              assuming that the per-capita labour income of the self-employed is the same as that of employees and it is
                                                                              then distributed to each sector according to the sector-specific share of total compensation of employees.
                                                                           11 Latest observation: 2022 Q4.                                                                 www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric     Zinserwartungen aufgrund persistenter Inflation und Finanzinstabilität
          Marktbasierte Zinserwartungen im Euroraum                                                                         Anleiheportfolios und gezielte längerfristige
                                                      (in %)                                                                  Refinanzierungsoperationen (TLTROs)
                                                                                                                                                            (EUR Billionen)
       Realised                                             Latest (18 Apr)
                                                                                                                              APP              PEPP              TLTRO II                TLTRO III
       1 Dec 2022                                           Pre-SVB collapse (8 Mar)
       Mar SMA                                                                                                   8



 2.0                                                                                                             2

 0.0                                                                                                             0
                                                                                                                 Apr-20                Apr-21              Apr-22             Apr-23              Apr-24
  Mar-22           Sep-22           Mar-23           Sep-23          Mar-24           Sep-24                          Source: ECB, Survey of Monetary Analysts (SMA).
                                                                                                                      Notes: Blue and yellow bars show Eurosystem aggregated holdings under the asset purchase
 Sources: Bloomberg, ECB calculations.                                                                                programme (APP) and pandemic emergency purchase programme (PEPP) in book amortized values.
 Notes: Chart refers to realized and forward €STR levels. SMA refers to the expected level of deposit facility        SMA responses for the projections.
 rate (DFR). Latest observation 18 April 2023.                                                                        Latest observation: March 2023.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric Anstieg der Realzinsen von niedrigem Niveau bei stabilen Renditedifferenzen

          10-jähriger realer OIS-Zins im Euroraum                                Sensitivität von Staatsanleiherenditen
                                        (Prozent)                               gegenüber geldpolitischen Erwartungen
                                                                                                              (Basispunkte, Prozentpunkte)
                                                                                                         IT until 15 June 2022      IT after 15 June 2022
     2.5                                                                                                 ES until 15 June 2022      ES after 15 June 2022
     1.5               Show EA 10-year                                                        180
                       nominal and real

                                                            Sovereign spread over OIS (bps)
     0.5               since 2010 zoom-in                                                     120
                       since 2022                                                             100
    -1.0                  To be                                                                60
                          updated                                                              40
    -2.5                  by IMA                                                               20
        2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023                                            0
                                                                                                    -1           0           1          2           3               4
                                                                                                                     Expected terminal rate (percent)
                                                                   Sources: Bloomberg and ECB calculations. * This chart shows the relationship between the
   Sources: Bloomberg.                                             spread of selected sovereign 10-year benchmarks over the 10-year EA OIS rate (y-axis) versus
   Latest observation: 17 April 2023.                              the outright level of the ESTR OIS forward covering the 8th ECB maintenance period from today
                                                                   (%). The chart differentiates between the period from the start of 2022 until 15 June 2022 (ECB
                                                                   announcement on activation of PEPP flexibility and work on an anti-fragmentation instrument) and
                                                       13          the period thereafter. Latest observation: 14 April 2023.                         www.ecb.europa.eu ©
  Rubric     bleiben robust trotz höherer Zinsen aufgrund komprimierter Risikoprämien
                         Treiber der Aktienpreise                                                                   Risikoprämien am Aktienmarkt
                   (links: kumulierte Änderung seit Januar 2021,                                                                               (Prozent)
                                  rechts: Prozent)

                  Equity risk premium
                  Risk-free discount rates                                         Change                                               Excess CAPE Yield
                  Longer-term earnings expectations                               since Jan                                             Equity Risk Premium
                  Short-term earnings expectations                                                        16                                                                                16
                  Dividends and share buybacks                                      2022
                  EA Total Economy Index                                                                  14                                                                                14
  150                                                                                        150          12                                                                                12
  100                                                                                        100          10                                                                                10
                                                                                                            8                                                                               8
   50                                                                                        50
                                                                                                            6                                                                               6
    0                                                                                        0              4                                                                               4
                                                                                                            2                                                                               2
  -50                                                                                        -50
                                                                                                            0                                                                               0
 -100                                                                                        -100          -2                                                                               -2
                                                                                                           -4                                                                               -4
 -150                                                                                        -150            2007          2010         2013         2016         2019         2022
    Jan-21           Jul-21         Jan-22           Jul-22         Jan-23                               Sources: Refinitiv, IBES, Consensus Economics, Bloomberg and ECB calculations.
   Sources: Refinitiv, IBES, Consensus Economics, Bloomberg, and ECB calculations.
                                                                                                         Note: The excess CAPE yield is the inverse CAPE minus the risk-free rate. The equity risk
   Notes: The decomposition is based on a dividend discount model. The model includes
                                                                                                         premium is derived from a dividend discount model. See ECB Economic Bulletin, issue
   share-buybacks, discounts future cash-flows with interest rates of appropriate maturity
                                                                                                         4/2018 for more details. Latest observation: March 2023 (monthly data).
   and includes five expected dividend growth horizons. See ECB Economic Bulletin, issue
   4/2018 for more details.
   Latest observation: 7 April 2023 (weekly data).                                                  14
                                                                                                                                                                                         www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric Baufinanzierungskosten führen zu niedrigeren Häuserpreisen
 Risikoloser Zins und Baufinanzierungskosten                                                                                         Häuserpreise
                 für Haushalte                                                                                  (Monatliche Preisindizes – Dezember 2019 = 100)
                                     (% pro Jahr)

                       Cost of borrowing                            OIS 5Y
   4.0                                                                                4.0

   3.0                                                                                3.0

   2.0                                                                                2.0

   1.0                                                                                1.0

   0.0                                                                                0.0

   -1.0                                        -1.0
       2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
   Sources: ECB and ECB calculations.
   Notes: The cost of borrowing indicator is calculated as a weighted average of MFI interest        Sources: Europace, Statistics Netherlands, Eurostat, SDW (U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency).
   rates on short-term and long-term loans to households for house purchase, where the new           Notes: RRE stands for Residential Real Estate. Last EA observation from Eurostat is for Q4 2022, so
   business volumes used are smoothed with a moving average of the previous 24 months’               several countries with more timely data available are added.
   observations.                                                                                     Latest observation: February 2023 for DE, NL, Q4 2022 for US, EA
   Latest observation: February 2023 for the cost of borrowing, 11 April 2023 for the OIS 5Y.

                                                                                                                                                                                          www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric Zinsen dämpfen das Kreditwachstum bei Haushalten und Firmen
            Kreditstandards und Kreditnachfrage                                                                               Bankkredite nach Schuldnertyp
               von Haushalten für Hauskäufe                                                                                              (jährliche prozentuale Änderung)
(Prozentualer Nettoanteil der Banken, die ein Anziehen oder eine Lockerung
              Other factors                                 Use of alternative finance
              Banks' risk tolerance                         Other financing needs
              Risk perceptions                              General level of interest rates
              Competition                                   Consumer confidence                                                    Loans to firms                    Loans to households
              Cost of funds and BSC                         Housing market prospects
              Credit standards - actual                     Demand - actual                                        10
              Credit standards - expected                   Demand - expected
   40                                              80
                                                     0                                                               6
   10                                             -80

                                                -120                                                                 2
  -10                       -200
    2020 Q4 2021 Q4 2022 Q4    2020 Q4 2021 Q4 2022 Q4                                                                2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
  Source: ECB (Bank Lending Survey).                                                                               Sources: ECB (Balance Sheet Statistics) and ECB calculations.
  Notes: Net percentages refer to the difference between the percentage of banks reporting a tightening            Notes: Loans are adjusted for loan sales and securitization as well as positions arising
  (an increase) and the percentage of banks reporting an easing (a decrease). “Other factors” refer to the         from notional cash pooling services provided by MFIs.
  further factors which were mentioned by the banks as having contributed to changes in credit standards.          Latest observation: February 2023.
  “BSC” for “balance sheet constraints”. The separate factors are also reported in net terms but do not sum
  to the net tightening of credit standards (net increase in loan demand).                                    16
                                                                                                                                                                                                      www.ecb.europa.eu ©
  Latest observation: 2022 Q4 (January 2023 Bank Lending Survey).
 Rubric     dämpfen Marktpreise im Finanzsektor, geringere Effekte im Euroraum
                                          Aktienpreise                                                             Renditedifferenzen                           Renditedifferenzen
                                    (Index, Januar 2022 = 100)                                                   erstklassiger Anleihen                       erstklassiger Anleihen
                                                                                                                  (IG) im Finanzsektor                      (IG) im Nicht-Finanzsektor
                Banken                                    Nicht-Finanzsektor                                                  (Basispunkte)                          (Basispunkte)

                          EA              US                                                                                                                          EA             US
120                                              120                                                                                                           450
110                                              110
                                                                                                                 350                                           350
100                                              100                                                             300                                           300
 90                                                 90                                                           250                                           250
                                                                                                                 200                                           200
 80                                                 80
                                                                                                                 150                                           150
 70                                                 70
                                                                                                                 100                                           100
 60                                                 60
                                                                                                                  50                                            50
 50                                                 50                                                            0                                             0
  Jan-22                    Jan-23                   Jan-22                    Jan-23                             Jan-20                  Jan-22                Jan-20       Jan-22

                                                                                                                       Sources: iBoxx, ECB calculation.
 Sources: Bloomberg, ECB calculations. Notes: NFC series are based on standard S&P500 and
                                                                                                                       Latest observation: 18 April 2023.
 Eurostoxx incides, stripped of banks and financial sectors. Daily data. Last observation: 18 April 2023.
                                                                                                                                                                                 www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric      im Euroraum weist robuste Liquiditäts- und Eigenkapitalquoten auf

                      Liquiditätsquoten der Banken                                          Eigenkapitalquoten der Banken
                (links: € Billionen, rechts: Prozent, Q3 2016 – Q4 2022)        (Prozent der gesamten risikogewichteten Aktiva, Q1 2015- Q4 2022)

                        Central bank reserves
                                                                                                CET1 ratio 10th-25th percentile
                        Government bonds
                                                                                                CET1 ratio 25th-75th percentile
                        LCR (right-hand scale)                                                  CET1 ratio median

                        NSFR (right-hand scale)                                                 CET1 ratio
           5                                                   180

                                                               170                     18

           3                                                                           16

                                                               150                     15

           2                                                                           14

           1                                                                           12

           0                                                   120
               2017                2019                 2021                           10
                                                                                            2015                2017              2019                2021

  Source: ECB Supervisory Banking Statistics.                                               Source: ECB Supervisory Banking Statistics.
  Note: Based on a sample of 84 Significant Institutions.                                   Note: Based on a sample of 84 Significant Institutions.

                                                                                                                                                             www.ecb.europa.eu ©
  Rubric stützt kurzfristig Profitabilität der Banken, aber nicht ihr ökonomisches Kapital

   Zerlegung der Änderung der Eigenkapitalrendite                                                  Effekt einer parallelen Aufwärtsverschiebung der
               (Prozent der risikogewichteten Aktiva, Q4 2021- Q4 2022)                                 Zinsstrukturkurve um 200 Basispunkte
                                                                                                     (X-Achse: Prozent des CET1 Kapitals, Y-Achse: Dichte, Q4 2022)

                Positive contribution                                                                                     Change in NII as a share of CET1 capital
                Negative contribution                                                                                     Change in bank net worth as a share of CET1 capital

          13                                                                                                 0.16


          10                                                                                                 0.12



           5                                                                                                 0.06


           2                                                                                                 0.02

           0                                                                                                        -20   -15       -10       -5        0            5    10    15    20
                ROE 2021 Op. income       Op.       LLP      Other P&L    Equity   ROE 2022
                  Q4                    expenses                                     Q4
                                                                                                     Source: ECB Supervisory Banking Statistics.
                                                                                                     Note: Based on Q4 2022 data. The kernel density shows the distribution of a sample of 100 euro
                                                                                                     area Significant Institutions. Data is based on supervised banks' self-reported sensitivity
   Source: Bloomberg and ECB calculations.
                                                                                                     estimates to a 200 basis point parallel shift of the yield curve. Changes in NII are based on a 12-
   Note: Based on a sample of 29 listed euro area Significant Institutions.
                                                                                                     month horizon, the change in bank-net worth goes beyond the 12-month horizon, accounting also
                                                                                                     for the longer-term impact (e.g. due to gradually rising funding costs).
                                                                                              19                                                                                        www.ecb.europa.eu ©
 Rubric      von Sicht- in Termineinlagen, während Einlagenzins nur langsam anzieht
              Sicht- und Termineinlagen                                                                           Einlagenzins vs. €STR
                                                                                                                             (Prozent pro annum)
          des nicht-finanziellen Privatsektors
                        (monatliche Ströme, EUR Milliarden)

                                                                                                        From 10th to 90th percentile           Average deposit rate           €STR

                   Overnight deposit flows               Time deposit flows                                   Firms                                   Households
                                                                                               5                                           5
   100                                                                             100
                                                                                               4                                           4

    50                                                                             50
                                                                                               3                                           3

     0                                                                             0
                                                                                               2                                           2

    -50                                                                            -50
                                                                                               1                                           1

   -100                                                                            -100        0                                           0

   -150                                                                            -150        -1                                         -1
          Jan-22       Apr-22            Jul-22        Oct-22          Jan-23                    2007      2012      2017       2022        2007       2012      2017       2022

    Source: ECB. Notes: Time deposits are those with a maturity up to two years.               Sources: ECB (iBSI, iMIR).
    Latest observation: February 2023.                                                         Notes: Distribution of composite deposit rates on firms’ (lhs) and households’ (rhs)
                                                                                               newly issued deposits weighted by outstanding amounts (cumulated over six months).
                                                                                          20   The average deposit rate is taken from the aggregate MIR data.
                                                                                               Latest observation: February 2023.
                                                                                                                                                                           www.ecb.europa.eu ©
   Rubric Veränderungen führen zu Risiken aus CRE bei Banken und Nicht-Banken
  Anteil der Wohn- (RRE) und Gewerbeimmobilien-                                                            Anteil der Immobilien-Investmentfonds (REIFs)
     kredite (CRE) am gesamten Kreditvolumen                                                                  am Markt für Gewerbeimmobilien (CRE)
                (% der gesamten Kredite und Vorschüsse, Q3 2022)                                           (Q4 2013 – Q4 2022; CRE-Aktiva von REIFs in Prozent des gesamten
           RRE loans                                                                                                         Gewerbeimmobilienmarktes)
           CRE loans                                                                                                70
                                                                                                                    60                  IE
  70                                                                                                                                                                         NL               PT

                                                                                                          Q4 2022
                                                                                                                    40                 EA
  50                                                                                                                                              DE
  40                                                                                                                30
                                                                                                                         LT          SK
  30                                                                                                                20
  20                                                                                                                10     EE
  10                                                                                                                     LV ES
   0                                                                                                                     0      10           20        30   40               50         60         70
        EE MT LT LV CY SK NL BE FI PT DE IE BG ES SI AT GR IT HR LU FR EA                                                                              Q4 2013
   Source: Supervisory data and ECB calculations. RRE (Residential Real Estate) loans are loans        Sources: ECB IVF (Investment Funds Balance Sheet Statistics), RCA, C&W, MSCI & ECB calculations.
   to households collateralised by residential immovable property and CRE (Commercial Real             Notes: ‘CRE assets’ include non-financial assets, debt securities, shares and other equity. LU excluded
   Estate) loans are loans to NFC (Non-Financial Corporation) collateralised by commercial             for readability.
   immovable property as a share of total loans and advances.                                          Latest observation for Q1 2023: 14/02/2023
   Latest observation: Q3 2022.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 www.ecb.europa.eu ©
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