DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin

Page created by Lori Day
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
                                                    A Stone of Hope
                                                    in the Marian Way

                                                    April 2 – April 12

                                                    on loan from the History
                                                    Museum at the Castle

                                                    This exhibit is about local
                                                    Black history from the 1700s
                                                    to the present.

“Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished
lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of biography and history.”
 Carter G. Woodson, Black historian (1875-1950)
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
1. St. Mary Lenten Alms Project - Ukraine Relief

Support Ukraine through Catholic Relief Services. Find more information
and DONATE DIRECTLY HERE. Alternatively, you can donate by writing a check to
St. Mary Parish - be sure to put Ukraine in the memo line. So far we’ve collected
$8216.00 for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine!

2. Family Lenten Project

Grab a Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl in the back of church or the Marian Way
(you'll find a great Lenten calendar inside). The CRS Rice Bowl project is a meaningful
way for kids to make a real difference with sacrifices and prayer during Lent. Head to
the CRS website for lots of information and resources.

3. Help fill immediate needs for Afghani refugees through the St. Mary Human
Concerns Committee. Everything must be new. Please place your items on the cart in
the Marian Way.
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
Bishops Appeal
 We are SO close to our goal! Thank
 you to all who contributed so far!
 Remember to send your
 contribution directly to the Green
 Bay Diocese, not the parish office!

 2022 Goal: $58,588
 Reached: $57,956 (99%)

April Food Drive!
Our April Food Drive for the St. Joseph Food Pantry is this weekend! We will be
collecting boxed meals such as hamburger helper, mac and cheese, rice, instant
potatoes, or anything to make a casserole. As always, nothing perishable, in glass or
past the used by date.

    Fundraiser Raffle and Shamrock Shenanigans 2022!

                                        Goal: $20,000
                                        Reached: $12,920 (65%)

                                        Shamrock Shenanigans and the raffle have
                                        been our main fundraisers prior to the last
                                        two years. These activities were a major
                                        source of funding for our parish operations
                                        generating $20,000 each year. As we consider
                                        how to bring our fundraising and financials
                                        back to life, we're proposing something new
                                        this year: a non-raffle raffle. Let's fill in the
                                        shamrock and reach our goal of $20,000.
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
This beautiful ministry is opening again! We are
                                     in need of members for teams. Counting will
                                     occur on Sundays after the 9:45 a.m. Mass. Please
                                     contact Pam Acker or Julie Morse in the parish
                                     office with your interest to learn more and/or to
                                     participate in this rewarding ministry.

                                     Email packer@stmaryparish.org or
                                     stmary@stmaryparish.org, or, contact the office
                                      @ 920-739-5119.

St Mary’s Book Club News
The book selections for the next couple of months are -
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah on May 10th
Extreme Measures: Finding a Better Path to the End of Life by Jessica Nutik Zitter
on June 14th

For more information, please contact Mary Schulz, 920-809-4474. All are warmly
welcome to join!

                                                  Palm Sunday Bake Sale
                                                    and Palm Braiding!
                                                Make plans to stop in the Community
                                                Room before or after Mass this weekend.
                                                We’ll have a great selection of cookies,
                                                cakes, and other sweet treats, as well as
                                                your favorite breads. Stock up and check
                                                one thing off your Easter celebration to-do
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
Easter Flowers

                                    Donations for Easter flowers can be dropped off at
                                    the parish office, mailed in, or put in the collection
                                    basket. Please include your name and if you want
                                    the flowers to be in memory of a loved one, please
                                    include the name. Donations need to be in by Easter
                                    Sunday to be included in the flyer! Thank you for
                                    your generosity!

Holy Week Happenings

Palm Sunday – Join us for an outdoor Palm Sunday Procession into church at the
beginning of our 9:45 am Mass

Monday – Fr. Bill will be “Keeping the Lights On” in the chapel for the Sacrament of
Reconciliation from 6 pm – 9 pm

Holy Thursday – 7 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday – 12:15 pm & 6:30 pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. Join us at 3 pm
for an Outdoor Stations of the Cross through downtown Appleton. More information in
next week’s bulletin.

Holy Saturday – 8 pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday – Masses at 7:45 am, 9:45 am, 11:45 am
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
In Loving Memory
If you have lost a loved one and would like them to be remembered in the bulletin, call
the parish office at 920-739-5119.

Prayer Requests

Contact Laurie Richter (lauriejrichter@gmail.com) or Ann Walkowski (920-428-0969) if
you have a prayer need. Please remember the requests in our prayer baskets.

A Grateful & Blessed Family
The Lenten season fills our parish with hope and promise – opportunities abound to
grow our vital ministries, explore new ways to share the good news of Christ’s love,
and reflect His care and mercy to those in need throughout the community. To continue
to make a difference in 2022, St. Mary Parish is reaching out to our parishioners.

With eGiving, we can help sustain and build ministries this year that reflect the promise
of God’s love. The need is great in our community, and your generous online gifts will
help people all around us.

We prayerfully request that you consider signing up for eGiving from your computer,
smartphone or tablet. You can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift.

Sign up today by visiting faith.direct/WI990, or text ‘Enroll’ to (920)294-1189.

Thank you for your continued support of our parish family.

God Bless You,
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
Updates from Xavier High School

On the snowy morning of March 31, the Xavier students were launched into the
community to embark upon their All School Retreat. Picking from almost 40 different
retreat options, students could select a retreat they were interested in. Options ranged
from Discipleship, the Gospels, Service projects, the Mass, college life, and everything in
between. The retreats were led by the XHS Faculty, Parish Leaders, Community
Leaders, and Diocesan Leaders. We are so grateful to everyone that helped make the
day great. During the retreat, students worked in groups of about fifteen, to increase
their faith knowledge, build community with each other, and grow deeper in their
relationship with Christ. Overall, the day was well received with most students sharing
that it exceeded their expectations. Check the Xavier High School websites and social
media for more information and pictures.

                                                    The parish office will be closed on
                                                    Easter Monday, April 18th for the
                                                              staff holiday.

                    Mass Times Intention
               Mon., April 11, 8:00am   Mass at St. Bernard Parish
                Tue., April 12, 8:00am  Mass at St. Bernard Parish
               Wed., April 13, 12:05pm  Lauren Ann Arkens
               Thur., April 14, 7:00 pm Tyler Smith
                 Sat., April 16, 8:00pm Debbie & Dave Wagner
                 Sun., April 17, 7:45am David & Patricia Hannemann 51st Wedding
                                 9:45am Living & Deceased members of the Courtney
                                        Eugene Higgins

                                           Eugene Higgins
DISPLAY: A Stone of Hope - St Mary Parish Appleton Wisconsin
Events Calendar
Monday, April 11
10:30am Homily Connect Group/Lower Level Room 7
6:00pm Confessions – Keeping the Chapel Lights On/Chapel
7:00pm Boy Scouts/St Anne Room
8:00pm Al-Anon Meeting/Lower Level Rooms 1 & 3
Tuesday, April 12
2:00pm Rosary Group/Church
6:00pm Facilities Committee Meeting
7:00pm Pastoral Council Meeting/Community Room
Wednesday, April 13
9:00am Mom's Group/Babysitting Room
9:00am Connect, Pray, Reflect on the Sunday Scriptures/Lower Level Room 7
Thursday, April 14
Holy Thursday
Friday, April 15
Parish Office closed!
3:00pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross
Saturday, April 16
9:00am THEO Grief Support Group/Community Room
9:00am Easter Egg Hunt/Community Early Learning Center
Sunday, April 17
Happy Easter!
In Joy & Sorrow                                                            With Fr. Bill

HOLY WEEK by Ann Weems from Kneeling in Jerusalem:             This prayer is composed of different components that
                                                               carefully define what the priest and people are asking of
Holy is the week…                                              the Lord and of the Holy Spirit. One of the components is
Holy, consecrated, belonging to God …                          called the anamnesis, which is Greek for remembrance.
We move from hosannas to horror                                After the Consecration of the Bread and Wine, there is
  with the predictable ease                                    always the remembrance of the saving death and
     of those who know not what they do.                       resurrection of Jesus. In the third option of the Eucharistic
Our hosannas sung,                                             Prayer, the anamnesis includes the following: Therefore, O
  our palms waved,                                             Lord, as we celebrate the memorial of the saving Passion of
Let us go with passion into this week.                         your Son, his wondrous Resurrection and Ascension into
It is a time to curse fig trees that do not yield fruit.       heaven, and as we look forward to his second coming, we
It is a time to cleanse our temples of any blasphemy.          offer you in thanksgiving this holy and living sacrifice.
It is a time to greet Jesus as the Lord’s Anointed One,
  to lavishly break our alabaster jar                          Ann Weems reminds us, “Eat, drink, remember.”
  and pour perfume out for him
     without counting the cost.                                This act of remembering is not so much about recalling
It is a time for preparation …                                 something that happened a long time ago. In fact, in the
The time to give thanks and break bread is upon us.            very act of remembering, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus’
The time to give thanks and drink of the cup is imminent.      Dying, Rising, Ascending, and Sending of the Holy Spirit
                                                               is made real in our lives once again. These sacred events
Eat, drink, remember:
                                                               are having an impact on our lives and in our world now.
On this night of nights, each one must ask,
                                                               Jesus, in a sense, is still dying and rising, still ascending
  as we dip our bread in the wine,                             and sending the Holy Spirit. On our pilgrim journey, we
    “Is it I?”                                                 are dying and rising, and letting go and trusting in the
And on the darkest of days, each of us must stand              Spirit’s presence again and again.
  beneath the tree
and watch the dying                                            So, too, with the events of Holy Week. We are not simply
  if we are to be there                                        remembering something that happened long ago. We are
when the stone is rolled away.                                 remembering something that is still happening to Jesus
The only road to Easter morning                                and His Church, the People of God now! We are
  is through the unrelenting shadows of that Friday.           celebrating Mystery as well as History!
Only then will the alleluias be sung;
  only then will the dancing begin.                            Happy Holy Week!

In the early Church, the Mass was usually celebrated in the
homes of believers and the priest who led the prayer did not
have a decided-upon script that he had to follow. The Mass
and the prayers were spontaneous and free-flowing. But the
Church figured out very soon that some of the prayers
needed to be written down so that important elements
would never be overlooked. The Eucharistic Prayer or the
Prayer that includes the Consecration of the Bread and
Wine is one of those prayers.

St. Mary Parish Office                  Hours
312 S. State Street                     Mon - Thurs, 8:30am-4:30pm
Appleton, WI 54911                      closed Fridays
920-739-5119                            Contact us: stmary@stmaryparish.org
                                        Mary Ann Otto
                                        Missionary Discipleship
Fr. Bill Swichtenberg, Pastor
cell 920-422-4316
                                        Tracy Turba
Dcn. Gerry Schraufnagel                 Minister of Young Disciples
Deacon                                  tturba@stmaryparish.org
cell 920-540-9594                       Pam Acker
Chris Higgins                           packer@stmaryparish.org
Director of Business Administration &
Information Technology                  Julie Morse
chiggins@stmaryparish.org               Administrative Assistant
Nadine Duncan
Director of Pastoral Administration &
Pastoral Care
                                        Congratulations! Contact Fr. Bill at least 6 months
                                        before your planned wedding date.
Tom Walter
Liturgical Music
twalter@stmaryparish.org                Congratulations! Contact Nadine Duncan for
Chip Acker
Cemetery & Facilities Management        Confession
cacker@stmaryparish.org                 Sat. 9-10am and Tues. 6:15-7:15pm (except for the
                                        1st Tues. of the month)
Parish Trustees
Ted Suess 920-636-8855                  St. Mary Cemetery
Carol Frahm 920-733-0207                920-882-4158

Pastoral Leadership Council Chair       Xavier Catholic School System
Beth Power 703-819-4829                 920-735-9380

Finance Council Chair
Larry Bonneville 920-419-3097
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