St. lawrence o'toole & sacred heart parishes
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july 18, 2021 sixteenth sunday in ordinary time st. lawrence o’toole & sacred heart parishes Mass schedule St. Lawrence Saturday Vigil 5:30, 7:30 pm (Spanish) Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm (Spanish) 5:30 pm Monday-Friday 8:30 am Sacred Heart Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 10:30 am St. Lawrence Cemetery Plots and cremation niches are available for purchase. 'IQIXIV]SJ½GI\ call to schedule an appointment. 31 Prospect Street Brewster, NY 10509 845-279-2021 414 Haviland Drive Patterson, NY 12563 845-279-4832 Instagram: stlawrenceotoole_brewsterny Facebook: St. Lawrence O’Toole & Sacred Heart Twitter: St. Lawrence O’Toole Church YouTube: Saint Lawrence BREWSTER CARES CAMP-MAKING PLAY DOUGH
July 18, 2021 while we’re at it SYVZMWMSRCreate a parish of missionary disciples whose personal relationship with Jesus Christ inspires others into a life-changing relationship with Him. Dear Friends, This past week I took off to Wheel- ing, West Virginia, for my annual priest’s retreat directed by Drs. Scott Hahn and John Bergsma of the St Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Priests from around the country are here – 204 in total. And the Center now directs similar retreats in Texas and California for other priests as well. I’m happy to report that six of us are from the Archdiocese of New York, including our Auxiliary Bishop Peter Byrne. Not to mention Bp. DiMarzio – the bishop of Brooklyn. I am always really happy when so many priests gather for serious thought and prayer – Mass and Holy Hours and prayer all together. It gives me a lot of hope, despite the fact we’ve got huge problems in the Church and it looks like we’re in for rough times ahead. The Center and its directors have been on a mission for 20+ years to reignite a focus on the Bible among priests and lay Catholics. And not just the “book” of the Bible, but they aim to spark a living encounter with the “Word of God.” That “Word” is a Person – the person of Jesus, Son of God. As the Gospel of John tells XV³7KH:RUGZDVPDGHÀHVK´«7KHPRUHZHFRQQHFWZLWKWKH:RUGRI*RGWKHPRUHZHDUHGUDZQLQWR the mystery of Jesus and the more we are changed . In many cases in the past, being brought up a Catholic meant keeping the rules, showing up at Mass, and PRUHRUOHVVEHKDYLQJWKHULJKWZD\%XWWKDWZDVDPLQLPDOLVWLFVXSHU¿FLDOZD\RIEHLQJ&DWKROLF7KHUHLV so much more to it. And that is good – very good. At our parishes, that is why our preaching is so biblically based and our faith formation programs are always inviting us deeper into a relationship with him. There is an inexhaustible source of spiritual fruit in getting to Jesus in a more personal way. And that personal encounter with Jesus leads us right to his Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament – the gift he left us in the Mass and Adoration. That is where we meet him day in and day out. The Scrip- tures point us to Jesus in the Eucharist. We’re blessed to have Perpetual Adoration – and hundreds of our parishioners are doing an hour a week or dropping in for short visits to be touched by that Real Presence. Is it time for you to start? God bless, Fr. Richard Gill
grab your foursome and get your swing ready! SEPT 10, 2021 GOLF OUTING — CENTENNIAL GOLF COURSE 185 JOHN SIMPSON RD, CARMEL, NY 10512 $185 A GOLFER RSVP: STLAWRENCEOTOOLE.ORG/GOLFOUTING To help, contact: Jimmy King at or 203-856-1701 st lawrence o’toole sacred heart
brewster cares came and coached the kids in soccer and basketball. I saw WYQQIVGEQT the kids work hard at some basketball drills. In the dancing department, the kids danced, played musical chairs and Simon JAY SULIT Says. In Simon Says, I had a lot of fun pretending to the kids I was never an outgoing that I didn’t know where my head and stomach were. When child, and I grew up in a they said “Simon says ‘hand on very quiet and reserved your tummy!’” I put my hand on my family. When I was in head. The kids also made beau- 7th grade, I came across WLIXOFUDIWVVXFKDVDEOXHÀRZHU my school’s summer lantern and some slime. They also camp sign up sheet that listened to some Church lessons someone else probably and prayed in church. They were accidentally left on my very respectful, quiet, and well-be- desk. I signed up for the haved. I was happy to see that FDPSDQGZHQWRQWKH¿UVWGD\DQHUYRXVZUHFN(YHQWXDOO\ the counselors were very attentive I became more expressive and comfortable with my peers as to Joe and me. Some other kids played fun card and board I enjoyed the camp with them. Looking back, summer camp JDPHV0D¿D*R)LVKDQGWKLVRQHERDUGJDPHWKDWFRQVLVW- helped make me more outgoing and gave me a fun, memo- ed of throwing and dodging plush burritos. It was a whole week rable summer. Brewster Cares Camp does this too for kids. of seeing them smile, having fun, and being energetic. Through the Brewster Cares Camp, these kids get what is necessary for them: socializa- tion, a fun time, and a memo- rable summer. They had great experiences that I hope they take with them for the rest of their lives. Camper Estefany Coronado “It’s Awesome! I made new friends.” Soccer was the sport of choice for the kids. For all so young, they were all very good players. I could have sworn I was CIT Jaqueline Sagastume: “I really liked how the kids got watching the FIFA World Cup! Two teenage counselors different stations and how we got to interact with them.”
WTVMRKWYQQIV faith formation CONSECRATION TO ST. JOSEPH: THE WONDERS FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHTS IN THE GYM OF OUR SPIRITUAL FATHER SUNDAYS: IN-PERSON & ZOOM THE CHOSEN: SEASON 2 July 18 – Aug 22 June 4 – July 23 9:30 am – 10:30 am 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM NEW YORK ROOM This innovation video series al- In the midst of crisis, confusion, lows us to come to know Jesus and a world at war with the Church, through the eyes of the peo- it’s time to come home again to our ple closest to Him. These are spiritual father, St. Joseph. In this thought-provoking segments that lead to great discussions. richly researched and lovingly presented program of con- We are excited to continue this summer with Season 2! secration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings WOMEN’S GIFT BOOK DISCUSSION to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal, MD Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and the Terror of MONDAY Demons. July 19 REGISTER: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Dr. Mary Healy’s remarkable spiritual journey after drowning in a kayak accident is a moving story from life to death to eternal life, and back again. Mary’s life has been forever changed by her newfound understanding of her purpose on earth, her awareness of God, her closer relation- VKLSZLWK-HVXVDQGKHU¿UVWKDQGH[SHULHQFHLQKHDYHQ REGISTER BY 7/14: AGES 20-39 Young Adults Meet UP 1SRHE].YP]at 7 pm 4%6-7,')28)60%6+)'32*)6)2')6331 VIWXMRTIEGI On July 3, 2021 Rev. Doctor Monsignor George Kwame INTEREST MEETING: Kumi, Vicar General of the Sunyani Diocese in Ghana, *SGYWSRGSQQYRMX]JEMXLERHWIVZMGI returned to the Lord. He was at St. Lawrence O’Toole par- Questions? Contact Erin Lennon at ish from 1993-1996. He was so joyful and loved by all and was very involved in the St. Lawrence youth group.
7X0E[VIRGI3´8SSPI Blessed Mother 7X.SWITL beauty shines through our symbol of the Holy Trinity. In his youth, Patrick was taken stain glass windows captive by Irish pirates and enslaved. He later escaped, re- turning home where he studied and became a priest. He was made Bishop and sent back to Ireland to bring the Gospel. TINA GRANT He worked to convert the pagan tribes and established many churches. Patrick died March 17, 461. ,¿QGRXUVWDLQHGJODVVZLQGRZVWREHEHDXWLIXOHVSHFLDOO\ZKHQ God’s light shines through. Jean Anthony, who has studied our Opposite St. Patrick is St. Brigid. Brigid was born of a Chris- church, shared the following: Our church was designed to tell tian slave woman and an Irish chieftain. There are many the story of our faith to the people who worshipped here 150 stories of her purity and her care for the poor. Brigid entered years ago. We can “read” our story by looking at the images and the Church and with some friends, organized communal con- symbols that are in the stone, glass and wood that compose the secrated religious life in Ireland. She later founded a school church. of art, noted for beautiful illuminations of scripture. $VZHHQWHU6W/DZUHQFHFKXUFKWKH¿UVWZLQGRZRQWKHULJKWLV The next two stained glass windows, facing each other, are St. Lawrence O’Toole, our patron Saint. He wears a bishop’s mi- the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph holding Jesus. The Holy tre and carries a crozier and book. His right hand is held up mak- Family is in the heart of our Church. Mary is depicted in quiet ing the sign of peace. He is known for his dedication to keeping prayer. She is honored as the Mother of Jesus and each one peace among the Lords of Ireland, who were often feuding. The of us. She is humble. Joseph also carries a lily, a symbol of book represents treaties he negotiated. On November 14, 1180, purity. This image of Joseph reveals his fatherhood of the while on a peace mission, St. Lawrence died in Eu, France. He is child of Jesus. Joseph taught, protected, loved and lived considered a martyr. each day with Mary and Jesus. Opposite St. Lawrence is St. Bernardine of Siena (to the best of Our church was just not “put together.” It was built on faith, our knowledge), a noted preacher in Italy. Wearing the robes of vision and purpose. The early parishioners remembered a Franciscan, he carries a book of scriptures. The lily is the sign where they came from, and they wanted future generations of his purity. Bernardine cared for those stricken with the plague. to remember also. He devoted his life to reforming the gangs of Siena and bringing people to devotion of our Blessed Mother. He died in 1444 while Note: As we celebrate the150th Anniversary this year, please traveling to preach in Aquila. share any stories and pictures you have of St. Lawrence. They will be included in our history so we can pass it on as a legacy Next to St. Bernardine is St. Patrick of Ireland, wearing a bishop’s for future generations. Send to mitre and carrying a crozier. In his right hand is a shamrock, a
TVE]JSV mass intentions Saturday, July 17 Please remember our brothers and sisters in the 4:00PM Sacred Heart Gladys, Philip & Mary O’Connor Lord who have asked for prayers: 5:30PM Michael Carleton 0DU\0F0DKRQƕ%HWW\/RX/DZORUƕ0DU\DQQ -DFNLH&LYLWD 7:30PM Spanish ƕ&DURO*DUFLDƕ/DXUD)DXOƕ-RKQ'RQRYDQƕ+DLOH\ƕ%RQ- Sunday, July 18 QLH*UDQWƕ$QG\0RUHKHDGƕ0LFKDHO7D\ORUƕ-RKQ&XUUDƕ 8:00AM Gregory Blank 3DWULFN-R\FHƕ$P\/DXUDƕ3DWULFLD/LFKWHQEHUJHUƕ+HQU\ 9:30AM Michael Keegan -R\FHƕ&OLIIRUG*DOHƕ%ULDQ6HLEHUWƕ(G'RODQƕ%DE\1RDK 10:30AM Sacred Heart Intentions of Judy McDermott 0DUWLQH]ƕ-RGHH.RRQW]ƕ-DVRQ0RUDOHVƕ,OO\D%HFNWROGƕ 11:00AM Bisogno Family %ULDQQD0DUWLQH]ƕ2UODQGR6HUUDQƕ$XURUD.RRQW]ƕ'LDQH 12:30 PM Spanish /D0RXUHX[ƕ'DQLHO/\RQVƕ-XVWLQ/\RQVƕ)LOLEHUWD*XWLHUUH] 5:30PM Peter McParland ƕ'HQLVH0HUNHOƕ-HQQLIHU/LSDULƕ-DQLFH/DEDWWHƕ-DFNLH 3DVTXDOHƕ$GG\VRQ$VKOH\$QHOORƕ0DULDQQH*DOODFKHUƕ Monday, July 19 %ULGJHW.HQQ\ƕ%HWW\'REELQVƕ*DUHFKW3LQ]XU6DUOR)DPL- 8:30AM Kasper Todd Kristian OLHVƕ3DWULFLD:LOOLVƕ&DWKHULQH6ORRWPDNHUƕ'HPDULR&UHDFR ƕ6DOO\7HUOL]]Lƕ%DUU\1HZPDQƕ%DE\:\DWW%RZHQƕ-HUU\ Tuesday, July 20 'DYLVƕ'DQQ\+HUQDQGH]ƕ5XVVHOO6Q\GHUƕ6KLUOH\*LJOLRƕ 8:30AM Helen Bozza & Joseph Racciopi &LQG\$JRVWRƕ%DUEDUD0F*XLUHƕ9LQFHQW/DPELQRƕ 0LFKDHO7DUUƕ/HWWLH)ULLV Wednesday, July 21 8:30AM Robert Cocuzzo Names will remain on the Prayer List for 90 days Thursday, July 22 and then will be transferred to the prayer list in the 8:30AM Patrick & Kathleen Stokes Adoration Chapel. To add names to or remove names Friday, July 23 IURPWKH3UD\HU/LVWSOHDVHHPDLO6/276+2I¿FH#JPDLOFRP 8:30AM Fred Merkel __________________________________________ Saturday, July 24 'RQ3DU¿WW dedications 4:00PM Sacred Heart 5:30PM Anne Clifford 7:30PM Spanish The Pascal Candle at St. Lawrence is dedicated Sunday, July 25 to Toni Akanewich at the request of Betsy Hansbury 8:00AM Maria Cianciulli The Blessed Mother Candle at St. Lawrence is dedicated to 9:30AM Mary Mitchell Michael Keegan at the request of Geraldine & girls. 10:30AM Sacred Heart Intentions of Vincent Lambino 11:00AM Marylou Lamb __________________________________________ 12:30 PM Spanish 5:30PM Lucia Stagno __________________________________________ A fundraiser for BREWSTER CARES at St. Lawrence O’Toole 34 PROSPECT ST, BREWSTER, NY %9+ GYM %141 VENDORS INTERESTED VENDORS & MORE *6))%(1-77-326%**0)7%2(46->)7 Contact Betsy Hansbury at BREWSTER cares %PMXXPIJVSQ]SYQEOIWEFMKHMJJIVIRGI Viviana Pacurucu is interning for Brewster Cares this summer. 7LIQEHIXLMWHIPMGMSYWWREGOJSVXLIOMHWEXXLIGEQTPEWX[IIO
7KHLQVLGHFLUFOHLVRXU&LUFOHRI,QÀXHQFH,WLVPXFKVPDOOHU but it is personalized for each of us. No matter how old or edu- FDWHGRUWUDYHOHGZHDUHZHKDYHRXURZQFLUFOHRILQÀXHQFH Whether we know a lot of people or not, it doesn’t matter. The people and experiences within our own sphere can be LQÀXHQFHGE\XV7KDWLVHPSRZHULQJ Some people can shape world peace from within their circle RILQÀXHQFHEXWPRVWRIXVDUHFDOOHGWRLPSDFWWKHZRUOGRQ a smaller community level, one issue, one person, one day at a time. We see in the Gospels that Jesus worked that way. Although his circle of concern was the entire world and every being contained in it, during his earthly life, he kept his circle of LYNDA HOLLER LQÀXHQFHVPDOO+HKHDOHGFXUHGUDLVHGWKHGHDGH[SHOOHG DIRECTOR OF DISCIPLESHIP demons, and forgave sins one person at a time. He looked each person in the eyes, touched them, made them feel $PD]LQJ3DULVK&LUFOHRI,QÀXHQFH important, loved. I imagine that personal interaction was as powerful to the recipients as the healing they received. The world can seem very big and disordered, DQGZHFDQIHHOYHU\VPDOODQGLQVLJQL¿FDQW We need to do the same. To be attentive to the needs and News reels are broadcasting disturbing messag- concerns of the people in our own circles. Touch, listen, love es from all corners of the planet straight to our them. If each of us loves and heals the people within our own phones and living rooms. We want to make a circles, we will be solving world peace, poverty, and depres- difference, but where do we start? sion too. At Amazing Parish, they showed us a diagram – a small circle Scripture: Read Matthew 8:1-3. What stands out to you? inside a larger circle. The outside circle represented our Circle of Call to Action&RQVLGHU\RXUFLUFOHRILQÀXHQFHDQGSOHGJHWR Concern. Contained within are issues like world peace, poverty, make positive impacts within it. depression, and so forth. The big-ticket concerns that can leave us feeling discouraged and helpless. 4PERELIEHERHLEZITIEGISJWSYP [LIR]SYSV]SYVPSZIHSRIWKSLSQIXSXLI0SVH Single and double burial plots available. St. Lawrence O’Toole Cemetery 20 Turk Hill Road, Brewster Contact the 'IQIXIV]3J½GIEX\
TEVMWLWYTTSVX TEVMWLWXEJJ WXPE[VIRGITEVMWLWYTTSVX 5HY5LFKDUG*LOO««««««««««««3DVWRU 5HY7KRPDV%HUJ«««««««:HHNHQG$VVRFLDWH Weekend of July 11 In Pew Collection $ 6,613.00 0DUN6KNUHOL«««««««««««««««'HDFRQ MayWeShare weekly $ 5,991.35 Total $ 12,604.35 -XOLH1RFH««««««««««««3DVWRUDO$VVLVWDQW WEGVIHLIEVXTEVMWLWYTTSVX 0DXUHHQ+HUEVWULWW««««««««%XVLQHVV0DQDJHU /\QGD+ROOHU«««««««««'LUHFWRURI'LVFLSOHVKLS Weekend of July 11 In Pew Collection $ 2,094.00 6DOO\6LOYHVWUR«««««««'LUHFWRURI&RPPXQLFDWLRQ May WeShare weekly $ 479.17 Total $ 2,573.17 &HFLOLD%ULWH]«'LUHFWRURI(YDQJHOL]DWLRQDQG)DPLO\3URJUDP __________________________________________ Peter Ryan ....................................................Director of Music Note: Regardless of whether you attend St. Lawrence or Sacred Heart, for convenience on a particular weekend, 7KHUHVD6FRUFD«««««&RRUGRI5HOLJLRXV(GXFDWLRQ be assured your collection envelopes will be returned to the parish in which you are registered. &ODUD6HJUHWL««««)DPLO\3URJUDP$VVLVWDQW GIRXIRRMEPVIRSZEXMSRW Jay Sulit.............................................................Youth Minister .LP6DQWHUUH«'LUHFWRURI(DUO\&KLOGKRRG/HDUQLQJ&HQWHU June Gold Envelopes $ 3,134 ,UHQH:HVWLQ««««$GXOW6DFUDPHQWDO$GPLQLVWUDWRU Other Centennial II Gifts $ 1,000 WeShare $ 1,404 *DEE\5DPtUH]2I¿FH6XSSRUW TOTAL $ 5,538 (LOHHQ6WRNHV««««««««&HPHWHU\$GPLQLVWUDWRU We have made another quarterly payment of $36,000 and our _________________________________________ loan balance is now down to $495,000 from the original $3.8 million. We are hoping to pay dow,n the rest of our renovation loan by sometime in 2025. Thank you for your generosity. Fully Insured AMYRAF Landscaping and Masonry Services Free Estimates Residential/Commercial FULL LANDSCAPING SERVICES Parishioner All Your Outdoor Needs Top Soil & Mulch • Pruning • Masonry Owned 845-279-4324 845-406-7220 Serving Brewster Since 1960 Meadowland GMC FEEHAN INSURANCE McGoldrick & McGoldrick 1952 Route 6 Carmel, NY 10512 AGENCY, INC. Certified Public Accountants, LLP 845-225-8468 Brewster Ford ~ Serving Brewster Since 1986 ~ 413 Route 164, Brewster, NY 10509 2350 Rte. 6 • Brewster 1024 Route 22 Brewster, NY 10509 (845) 278-7070 • Chris Feehan (845) 878-7703 845-279-2992 Meadowland of Carmel 1952 Route 6 Scotty’s Carmel, NY 10512 Gift Lotto 845-225-8468 Baskets Bill Volz Westchester Putnam ake ines L W AND L iquors 2293 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Meg & Scotty Cairney 845-279-2043 914-739-7100 74 FAIRFIELD DRIVE, PATTERSON Hours: Sun 12-5:30 · Mon 9-7 · Tues-Sat 9-8 Tony Berardi Real Estate Associate Broker ~ Parishioner 914-588-4564 Quality & Service As Always Open Mon-Sat 6am-8pm • Sunday 6am-6pm HVSHOOTINGSPORTS.COM 342 Downing Drive · Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 74 FAIRFIELD DR. • PATTERSON, NY 12563 T: 845.279.5905 • F: 845.279.5965 845-444-5233 / HVSHOOTINGSPORTS 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left
HOGAN & ROSSI ABLE AUTO INSURANCE Somos hispanos • Notario Público Dine-In Takeout & ATTORNEYS AT LAW - Seguros de Auto Delivery Catering 3 Starr Ridge Road · Suite 200 · Brewster, NY 10509 • (Se aceptan licencias de otros estados) restaurant • bar - Traducciones de Español a Ingles 845.279.2233 John Jay Hogan (845) 279-2986 Donald M. Rossi 52 MAIN ST. • 278-1810 1620 Route 22 (Towne Center) • Brewster How Will You Pay for Retirement? Let’s Talk. Paul G Lavelle Financial Advisor, Parishioner Bus. : 845-471-6346 • Cell: 914-318-8523 • Member SIPC Ledley JACK T. GALLAGHER Brewster Paint & Decorating Center Member of the Old Goat Club! Discounted Window Treatments Food Service MAY YOU LIVE TO 100 YEARS WITH AN EXTRA YEAR TO REPENT 38 Argonne Road • Brewster • 845-279-7686 "Excellence Through Experience" YOUR CHS ‘68 BUDDIES 845-279-9595 BOB, PETE & JOHN Monday-Friday 6:00-5:30pm · Saturday 6:30am-4:00pm Brian Ledley, COSMETIC, IMPLANT AND FAMILY DENTISTRY Parishioner Small Town Values • World Class Care Alexander Bogler DDS ~ Serving Putnam Since 1958 ~ 845.278.6116 83 Haviland Drive (Across from Monument) • Patterson 845-279-8060 OPEN 8AM EVERY DAY LAW OFFICE OF GOD BLESS PARISHIONER OWNED & OPERATED Interior & Exterior Painting Power Washing • Deck Staining Wall Paper Removal • Taping CLASSIC CAR SHOW Noreen K. Scaperotti Sheetrock Repair • Carpentry ON FRIDAY ESTATE PLANNING EVENINGS FREE ESTIMATES 845-721-4615 FULLY INSURED & LICENSED ELDER LAW REAL ESTATE 845-278-9500 1519 Rte 22 • Brewster Download the Burger King App Catering Available Any Size Event (845) 661-7540 LUNCH • DINNER • TAKE OUT Patio Dining • Play Area 100 Independent Way • Brewster (Home Depot Shopping Center) AMERICA 845.278.2502 O’MARA & ASSOCIATES Balsamo-Cordovano VERA KARAQI Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Accounting ~ Tax Preparation Individual • Partnerships Cell 201-832-2037 Funeral Home llc Corporations • LLC’s & LLP’s 73 FAIRFIELD DR. • PATTERSON, NY 2 Old Tomahawk Street Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Parishioner ~ Fluent in Albanian (845) 279-2228 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Licensed in NY & CT National Society of Tax Professionals National Association of Tax Practitioners Family Owned & Managed Joseph J. Balsamo, Lic. Dir. John R. Balsamo, Lic. Dir. Catering For All Occasions & Special Events Jonathan W. Garcia, Lic. Dir./Mgr. Vilson Vataj, Owner/Operator “Detailed Service for Memorable Funerals” 845-363-1024 15 Church Street, Carmel, NY 10512 (Off Route 6) 983 Route 22 · Brewster, NY 845-BAL-2144 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • DINE-IN • TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY STAY SAFE, STAY HEALTHY AND STAY POSITIVE! Jose Ramirez TE Social isolation is more COMPLOETIVE 914.621.1056 AUTOM Hablamos Español than feeling lonely. REPAIR 3069 Route 22 • Patterson, NY PROFESSIONAL, QUALITY SERVICE 845-279-1800 OFBUYMOZZARELLA 2 LG PIES GET 1 ORDER STICKS FREE! Sub-Acute Rehab • Skilled Nursing Care W/THIS AD. EXP 09/30/21 Medical-Model Adult Day Care 1511 Route 22 • Brewster, NY instagram@mezzalunany 46 Mount Ebo Road North • Brewster (Up hill from Post Office) facebook@Mezza Luna Due 845-278-3636 • 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right
Christopher M. Milano, Director Richard T. Hazzard, Jr., Director “Serving Your Family As Family” BREWSTER Beecher • Complete Funeral Services FLOWER Funeral Home • Cremation Dwyer GARDEN • Pre-Need Arrangements Family Owned & Operated For Over 70 Years • Serving All Faiths Funeral Home 14 Main Street 1 Putnam Ave., Brewster 23 South Street, Patterson (Across from Train Station) 845-279-3615 845-878-3161 279-5471 Clinical Psychologist PUTNAM COUNTY MONUMENTS MINI-MART RESTAURANT Patrick W. Ford, Ph.D. 198 Route 52, Carmel, NY • 845.200.7615 Excellent Individual, Couples & Family Therapy 845-278-2858 Mexican 845-278-2858 for Adults and Adolescents Showrooms in Putnam, Orange, Rockland and Fairfield County 70 Main Street · Brewster Food! 64 Main Street · Brewster Because Your Family Deserves The Very Best ~ Open Every Day at 5:00am! ~ 845-745-6980 by appt. Joseph N. Marino,Instead D.M.D. of Remodeling... SHARON SHEIL Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Family & Cosmetic Dental Care ~Parishioner~ Instead of Remodeling... Tear Down Instead & Rebuild with the Experts of Remodeling... Since 2002 Tear Down845-940-1000 & Tear Rebuild with the Experts Down· Brewster, & Rebuild 914-497-0912 NYwith 10509the Experts 338 Route 202 612 Clock Tower Commons Somers, NY 10589 Instead of Remodeling... ear DownTear & Rebuild Instead of Remodeling... Downwith the Experts & Rebuild with the Experts LANDSCAPING All Landscape Work, Mulching, J & J Automotive Masonry & Tree Work COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 m All Foreign & Domestic Service & NYS Inspection santoscardona1 1785 Route 22 • Brewster, NY 10509 914-227-0979 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 Parishioner Owned/Operated (845) 278-0567 Joe Cinelli (845) 279-6305 The 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NY • (800) 879-6001 • (800) 879-6001 PUTNAM PALMER BROS. • EST. 1984 • EDVIN APPLIANCE 1995 Route 22, Brewster, NYDINER & RESTAURANT REPAIR Open Every Day At 6:00 AM HARDWARE INC. Private Dining Room Is Your Appliance Broken? Not Working the Way It Should? Dan Fox, Parishioner We Can Fix It!!! 878-8000 Paints • Sundries • Plumbing Call Now 203-417-9065 Edvin Espana 845-279-8809 2600 R 22 • P oute atterson Tools • Electrical • Hardware 1583 Rte. 22 • Country Plaza • 278-6114 Owner Operator Serving Fairfield County, CT & Putnam County, NY SEPTIC SYSTEMS SPECIALIST INSTALL • REPAIR • CLEAN INSURED LICENSED JINA’S 509 Route 312 Brewster, NY 10509 EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR NAILS & MORE $ 1000 OFF with this Ad 845-278-0728 Family Owned & Operated for Over 50 Years 279-1212 REGISTERING FOR OUR SUMMER CAMP - MORNING & AFTERNOON SESSIONS 200 MAIN STREET · MONDAY-SATURDAY 175 Main Street · Brewster · 845-279-4605 “Brewster’s Hometown Family Market” 570 North Main Street · Brewster ADAMS PLUMBING Since 1957 We We & HEATING Well Pumps · Water Treatment · Boilers Deliver! Cater! Water Heaters · Gas Piping · General Repairs DAVID ADAMS, MASTER PLUMBER Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 to 9 • $50 Sun. 8 to off any 8 event - 50pp min. 09/30/16 banquet 845-855-8600 P: 845-279-3515 · F: 845-279-6591 PUTNAM LAKE, N.Y. ~ PC-2910 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • BODY WORK • TOWING AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTS, INC. Free Estimates Complete John W. Neubauer, Parishioner Fully Insured Automotive Center and Towing 878-4240 • Fax 878-3640 556 N. Main Street • Brewster Scanners, Printers, Copiers & More 845-279-5527 • ~ For All Your Outdoor Needs ~ Luna and Sons Plumbing & Heating Edwin Luna • Plumber, Parishioner Landscaping • Construction • Excavation (Residential/Commercial) Masonry • Landscape Design • Full Scale Lawn Care 914-447-1664 AND SERVICE CENTER WWW.TOBACCOANDSONS.COM • 845-803-3813 Westchester County, NY • Putnam County, NY (845) 878-3456 LA FIESTA DECORATIONS FULL SERVICE 24 HOUR EMERGENCY HEATING ASSISTANCE We Are #1 - Because Our Customers Come First Preventative Maintenance Specializing In: Weil McLain, Biasi, System 2000, Hybrid Repair - Hertz Car Rentals Peerless, Generac, Carrier & All Other Major Brands. Licensed, Auto Fuel - Convenience Store Fuel Oil • Gasoline • HVAC • Service • Propane • Diesel (845) 628-1330 We Make Warm And Now “Cool” Friends Too! Heating Oil • Propane • Gas • Diesel • Air Conditioning Insured & Bonded 845-302-2746 Communion Outfits for Boys & Girls 2597 Route 22, Patterson 867 Route 22 • Brewster, NY SENIOR DISCOUNTS 52 Croton Falls Road - Mahopac, NY ~ Serving Northern Westchester, Southern Dutchess & Putnam Counties Over 30 Years ~ Open Every Day! 146C (JR) - St. Lawrence O’Toole - Brewster, NY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 364-0684 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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