St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022

Page created by Cathy Young
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022

 St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 912-265-3249
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
Love One Another
    In the Jewish faith there was not just the Ten Commandments but hundreds of laws to be
followed. Today Jesus tells the apostles, “I give you a new commandment.” Will this be another
law to add to the previous hundreds? What will this command be? Jesus says, “Love one another
as I have loved you.”
    So, the first question is how did Jesus love us? At the Last Supper he showed us the depth of
his love. He gave himself that we might live. This is a model for us. We are to give of ourselves and
to seek the best for each other. True love is to will the very best for the other. We are to love
selflessly without expectation of return.
    So often in relationships today the question is, “What is in it for me? What can I get out of this
relationship?” We can ask ourselves, Am I loving the people in my life in such a way as to will the
very best for them? Teenagers, are you calling your friends to be the best? Are you setting a good
example for them and encouraging them? Married couples, do you seek the best for your spouse
and for your children? Do you assist them to be the best they can be? Do we do the same for our
extended family? Do we seek to help them? How about our coworkers that we work with each
   What set apart St. Teresa of Calcutta, or St. John Paul II? It was their love for all. St. Augustine
wrote, “If you see charity, you see the Trinity.” St. Francis of Assisi captured this in his famous

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Fr. Tim McKeown

Fr. Tim is on vacation this week and will return by next weekend.
Fr. Dawid will be available, or you can call the office for assistance.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
The Christ Life ministry will be sponsoring coffee and
baked goods after the 8:30 am mass on May 15th.

Please join us for Coffee and Donuts after the
morning masses on Sunday May 22.
This summer we will welcome seminarian Noah
Pace as he spends a summer with us. He will arrive
on May 25 and be with us until the end of July.
Class of 2022! Submit        Please consider coming to the spring
the name/s of your           ordinations at the Cathedral. On Saturday,
graduating seniors to        May 28 at 10 a.m. Chris Sadowski will be

Marisol Soler,               ordained a permanent deacon and Lewis           King will be ordained a transitional deacon.
                             On Saturday, June 4 at 10 a.m. Will Cook
by May 27. We would
                             and Esteban Mallar will be ordained priests
like to celebrate your
                             of Jesus Christ. Please consider coming to
accomplishment with a
                             the Cathedral to support these men who
Mass and small
                             have served in our parish!
reception at a later date.

Confirmation is on Monday May 16 at 6:00 pm with Bishop Parkes.
Graduation Mass for St. Francis Xavier School is Friday May 20th.

     The parish is always invited to attend these celebrations.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
Make plans to join us for Vacation Bible School.
              Save the dates June 13 to 17, 8:30 to noon.

For children entering Kindergarten thru graduated 5th grade, $10/child.
          For planning purposes please register by June 10.

                     Volunteers are needed to serve as Lectors and Eucharistic
                     Ministers. These are incredible opportunities to share
                     God’s Holy Word and Jesus’ Body and Blood with our
                     faith family. Please contact the parish office or any
current ministers you know for more information or to get scheduled.
Training is available.

                 started Mother’s Day and
                ends June 19, Father’s Day
Your giving will support the life-changing work of meeting
the physical and spiritual needs of women and men who find themselves
facing an unplanned pregnancy.
TWO WAYS TO GIVE: Pick up a physical bottle to fill with coins, cash, or a
check. Bring it back to church on Father’s Day.
Pick up a virtual bottle and learn how to give online. Donate at any time.
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
MASS INTENTIONS                     If your baby or toddler is feeling restless,
                   May 14 - 22                      the Narthex is open with a live video and audio
Saturday, May 14                                    feed. There are about 25 seats available. There is
 10 a.m. First Communion
                                                    also a room located at the back of the Church you
 5:00 p.m. L& D Benton-Rocha Families
                                                    can go to.
  7:00 p.m. t Sandee Coddington
 (at Jekyll United Methodist Church)                                 FINANCIAL SUPPORT

Sunday, May 15                                      Thank you! You can still sign up for on-line giving
  8:30 a.m. t George & Rita Doubek,                 through this link: https://
              Roseanne Hale
                                           Thanks for your
 11:00 a.m. t    Samuel Soler
                                                    support and be assured of our prayers for you and
 6 p.m. (Spanish) t   Maximo Contreras
                                                    your families!
Monday, May 16
                                                                      Registration updates
 Noon t   Jo Mason
 6 p.m. Confirmation
                                                    If you have just moved here, cancelled your
Tuesday, May 17
                                                    landline, got a new number or had an addition to
  Noon t Constance Osinski
                                                    your family, please fill out a new registration form.
Wednesday, May 18                                   You will find these on our website or can pickup
  7 p.m. Regina Schulte &                           one up from the back table of the Church.
           Paula Juana Paz Vega
                                                                 HOW TO HELP UKRAINE!
Thursday, May 19
  8 a.m. t Alexandra Bergman &                      Donate online:
            Dorcas-Ehlman Families                  Donate by phone: 1-877-HELP-CRS

Friday, May 20                                      Donate by check:
 8 a.m. t Jason Thomas
                                                    Ukraine Response, Catholic Relief Services, P.O.
  6 p.m. SFX 8th Grade Graduation
                                                    Box 17090, Baltimore
Saturday, May 21
                                                    Maryland 21297-0303
 5:00 p.m. t Allene Sculthorpe
  7:00 p.m. t Bill Wilson                                            Advertise your business
 (at Jekyll United Methodist Church)                                           in the
                                                                     St. Francis Xavier bulletin
Sunday, May 22
                                                                       Please contact our rep.
 8:30 a.m. t Richard Marschean &
                                                           Mary Frericks,,
           Thomas Buckley
11:00 a.m. t Mary, Effie & Preston Blanchard
                                                    Please patronize our supporting parishioner businesses!
 6 p.m. (Spanish) Teofilo & Virginia Pacheco (32)
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
St. Francis Xavier School
SFX hosts ceremony
    to celebrate

  Thank you to Mr. Rojas'
 Community Service class
for sprucing up our picnic
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
St. Francis Xavier Staff email addresses and exts.
          Fr. Tim, Pastor:, ext. 11
  Fr. Dawid, Associate Pastor:, ext. 12
       Ann, Office Manager:, ext. 0
Nancy, Hispanic Ministry:, ext. 11
Marisol, PSR, Youth & Family Ministry:, ext. 12
    Maggie, Finance Director:, ext. 10
   Dr. Mermann, Principal:, 912-265-9470
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - May 15, 2022
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