Heritage highlights - AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Page created by Gene Peterson
Heritage highlights - AWS Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Heritage Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

heritage highlights
                                                                                      Lent 2021

                                                      As Jesus and his disciples traveled along
                                                            the road, someone said to him,
                                                         “I will follow you wherever you go.”

                                                                  – Luke 9:57 (CEB)

                                 It feels strange for me to be planning for Lent. In some ways, I
                                 feel time has stood still since March 12 of last year when we
                                 made the decision to stop meeting in person. We were only in
                                 the second week of Lent then. Even as we planned to go virtu-
                                 al with our Sunday worship, we were exploring in parallel op-
                                 tions for Easter if Tudor Oaks had not reopened.
Heritage Presbyterian Church     Oh, to be so young and naïve.
c/o Tudor Oaks
S77 W12929 McShane Drive         Since then, we’ve followed Jesus through Ordinary Time, Ad-
Muskego, WI 53150                vent, Christmas, and Epiphany, arriving once again at Lent. I
Phone:: 414.425.2050             didn’t expect to find myself visiting Tudor Oaks to retrieve
Fax: 414.455.4592                our Lent and Easter worship items that I so confidently re-
                                 turned last May. As I gathered the music Connie had request-
                                 ed, I really had to search for one of the anthems — it was in
Website:                         the choir folders, still unsung.
                                 Maybe it’s appropriate, then, that our Lenten theme is Again
Rev. Michelle Henrichs,
                                 & Again.

Clerk of Session
                                 Again & Again, we find ourselves asking when life will return
Glenn Sheridan:                  to “normal.” Again & Again, we try to make plans not really
414.422.1282                     sure if we will need to delay once again. Again & Again we la-
                                 ment over the division and oppression in the world. Again &
In case of Emergency or          Again, we pick up our cross each Lent to follow Jesus as he
Hospitalization:                 prepares to carry his.
1. Pastoral Care,
Rev. Michelle Henrichs:          But Again & Again, we are reminded that as we follow Jesus
262.488.5100                     we are also walking with him, and he with us. Again & Again,
Email: mahenrichs@gmail.com
                                 we see that we are not alone but go together as a community.
2. Your assigned deacon
                                 Again & Again, we find that hope still lives in the midst of
3. Church office: 414.425.2050
                                 suffering and doubt, confusion and pain. For Again & Again,
                                 we experience that the way of the cross does not end in a tomb
                                 but in the resurrected life.
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PAGE 2                              HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS


                       Once again, I look forward to journeying with you this Lent.
                       In Christ,
                       Pastor Michelle

                             Two Ways to Reflect During Lent

                                  A Devotional Booklet
                                 Daily Devotional Cards

  As we enter Lent, we are offering two different ways to do some spiritual, scriptural re-
  A Devotional Booklet will be available to you on line. You are welcome to use it online
  or print it out for your home use. For each week of Lent, there are two offerings to con-
                        Poetry Prayer – A Scripture – A Commentary
                              Art – A Scripture – A Reflection
  A set of Daily Devotional Cards are being mailed to each household in the congrega-
  tion. The cards will come printed on perforated paper so it will be easy to separate them
  and have them available for daily use.
                   The front of the card has a word and a scripture on it.
                   The back has some reflections questions and a prayer.
  Select a card each day, consider the word, read the scripture, consider the reflection
  questions and the prayer.
  No formal pairing of folks to share their reflections is being organized (like was done
  with Advent Buddies) but you are welcome to connect with someone and share your re-
  flections. Or bring a word to Coffee Time and share a bit of what was meaningful to
  No matter which resources you choose to use, may your Lenten Journey be enriched.
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         Lent at Heritage
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         Holy Week at Heritage
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PAGE 5                             HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS

                          Emmanuel Acho Videos:
               “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man”

    On 1/31/21, 18 people from Heritage came together during a Zoom coffee hour to watch
    Episode 1 of Emmanuel Acho's YouTube videos "Uncomfortable Conversations with a
    Black Man." The Mission Council hosted our own conversation after the video as a way
    to continue our education on racism in America. We learned that white people need to
    be educated in order to know the full level of pain of our black friends and neighbors.
    Becoming educated helps us understand what has been happening in our country
    through peaceful protests, rioting and the Black Lives Matter movement.

    You are invited to watch any of Acho's YouTube episodes independently. They are gen-
    erally short (about 12 minutes), and cover many different topics with famous
    guests. Or, you can check upcoming Heritage E-news for times to watch an episode

    together followed by a time of sharing our own reactions to the topic covered.

    Try copying and pasting the link below into your browser. Or, just google YouTube Un-
    comfortable Conversations with a Black Man to pull up the episodes.

    Emmanual Acho also has a book by the same title if you want to delve a little deeper in-
    to the topic.

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PAGE 6                              HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS

                              One Great Hour of Sharing 2021

                   In a world of disaster, hunger, and oppression,
     millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources,
               clean water, sanitation, education, and
    The three programs supported by One Great Hour of Sharing - Presbyterian
    Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of
    People - all work in different ways to serve individuals and communities in need.
    From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, their work fits
    together to provide people with safety, sustenance, and hope.

         We will dedicate our One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Palm Sunday, March 28.
         Please give generously.

         For more info: special.offerings@pcusa.org
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PAGE 7                           HERITAGE HIGHLIGHTS

                                           Save the Date: Annual Meeting

                                        Please save the date, March 21, for Heritage’s
                                        annual meeting. We’ll meet via Zoom following
                                        worship. The link is the same as our coffee hour


                                        See you there!

          Council Chairs, please send your annual report to the church office by
                                  Feb. 15. Many thanks!

                                  2021 Per Capita

                             Per Capita Apportionment

         Just a reminder that 2021 Per Capita Apportionment is $38.75 per com-
                                   municant member

                       (GA $8.98; Synod $5.50; Presbytery $24.27)
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PAGE 8                                    HE R I TA GE H IGH LIG H T S

   An Invitation from Representative LaKeshia Myers


   As a member of the Legislative Black Caucus, it is important to me to highlight the
   achievements of African Americans during Black History Month. I will be hosting events
   throughout the week of February 7th to 13th to honor those that have come before us and
   the theme will be Education.

   I will be hosting is a Virtual Parent Engagement Forum on February 11 from 6-8p via
   zoom. Our office will be partnering with MMBSE to provide parents with tips on how to
   better serve their children at school. State Superintendent Carolyn Stafford Taylor will
   be a special guest at this event. Community organizations that serve children ages K-12
   will also be present to provide parents with resources. This event will be broadcasted live
   on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you!

   Here is the official flyer for the event I listed above. I hope to see you there. Please con-
   tact my office if you have any questions.

   Rep. LaKeshia Myers
   12th Assembly District
   (608) 266-5813                                              (Flyer from the Feb. 9 event.)
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( U . S. A .)

Heritage Presbyterian Church, c/o Tudor Oaks
S77 W12929 McShane Drive
Muskego, WI 53150

Web Site: heritagechurchmuskego.com
Download newsletter from this site.

Phone: 414.425.2050
Email: muskegoheritage@gmail.com
Fax: 414.455.4592

Calendar of Events*

Feb. 7:       Ash Wednesday Fab Four + service online; watch e-news for link
Feb. 15:      Choir rehearsal via Zoom, 7:00 p.m.
March 2:      Worship Council, via Zoom, 6:30 p.m.
March 14:     Annual Congregational Meeting via Zoom following worship
March 28:     Palm Sunday; In person/Zoom at 10:00 a.m. Online service also available.
April 1:      Maundy Thursday Fab Four + service online; watch e-news for link
April 2:      Good Friday; watch e-news for more info
April 4:      Easter Sunday; Zoom communion at 8 a.m. Online service also available.

*Prayer and Meditation 2nd and 4th Wednesdays via Zoom, 3:00 p.m.
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