SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame

Page created by Miguel Luna
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
2325 HIGHLAND RD | HERMITAGE, PA 16148 | PHONE: (724) 981-5566 | HTTP://NOTREDAME-PA.ORG

 M—TH: 9 am-12 pm & 1-3 pm
     Weekend Masses
    Saturday: 4 pm & 6 pm
 Sunday: 8 am, 10 am & Noon
      Weekday Masses
      Monday: 7:30 am
      Tuesday: 9:00 am
    Wednesday: 7:30 am
     Thursday: 5:30 pm
       Friday: 9:00 am
     Saturday: 9:00 am
Confession: Saturday 9:30 am
        Fr. Richard Allen
       Mr. Frank Hannah
     Director of Religious
       Mr. Joseph Ranelli
 Director of Adult Education
       Mrs. Kathy Higgins
 Liturgy/Music Coordinator
     Mrs. Gretchen Wagner
      Mrs. Carrie Hannah
Religious Education Secretary
    Mrs. Mary Lou Hornyak
      Business Manager
         Mrs. Ann Miller
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
Next Sunday’s “Pantry Shower”
                                                                                           item is juices and powdered drinks.
                                                                                           The upcoming item will be large
                                                                                           garbage bags.
MON 9/20 730AM          Special Intention
TUES 9/21 9AM           Frances M. Brestelli [Family]                   Thank you for your care and concern for God’s needy.
WED 9/22 7 AM
                        Clayton Ross [Wife, Florence]
THU 9/23 5 PM
                        Diane Peters [Bob & Joan Peters]
FRI 9/24 9AM            Erasmo & Lena Piccirilli [Family]                  PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY
SAT 9/25 9AM            Henry Fill [Son, John Fill]                    We extend our sympathy to the families and friends
SAT 9/25 4PM            Eleanore Addison [Tim & Sarah Susteric         of those who have lost a loved one. Please keep in
                                                                       prayer those who have entered into eternal life:
                        & Family]
SAT 9/25 6PM            Thomas Zorzi [Wife & Children]                                  Mary Jane Simon
SUN 9/26 8AM            Mass for the People
SUN 9/26 10AM           Wanda Hale [Family]
SUN 9/26 12PM           Carlo & Micheline Buzzeo [Pat Buzzeo]                                       Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
                                                                                                         9:00 AM—11:00 PM
                                                                                                     For more information call:
                                                                                                      Jo Feeney 724-699-3340
                                                                                                     Rosalee Beal 724-981-2645

SAT 9/25 4PM
Lector            Eucharistic Min.                Altar Server
M. Multari        R. Beal / P. Polesnak
                  P. Polesnak / P. Thornburg
                                                  SERVER NEEDED        PRAYER Line
SAT 9/25 6PM                                                           Keeping those in need in our prayers. If you, a family
Lector            Eucharistic Min.                Altar Server         member or a friend are in need of prayer please call the
J. Feeney         EUCH. MIN. NEEDED               SERVER NEEDED        prayer line with your request.

SUN 9/26 8AM                                                           Prayer Line,
Lector            Eucharistic Min.                Altar Server         Kathy Higgins #724-342-7858
B. Lackey         T. Brandenstein / P. Clark      A. Zahniser
                  A. Joseph / J. Wolinsky
SUN 9/26 10AM
Lector            Eucharistic Min.                Altar Server
                                                                                    MINISTRY NEEDS
M. Jones          B. Moder                        N. Selby             We are in need of more help in all ministries; Altar Serv-
                  EUCH. MIN. NEEDED                                    ers, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers.
SUN 9/26 12PM                                                          If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries
Lector            Eucharistic Min.                Altar Server         during a Mass time of your choice, please call the parish
R. McGoff         R. Fleis / Sue Hohman           K. Fleis             office 724-981-5566.
                  M. Hohman
                                                                       Training will be provided.

Reg. Offertory, 4 Sundays,       and Maintenance Fund
        Budgeted                 Received
        $54,800                  $57,750
Latin America Church             $815                            Today is the 2021 Catholic Education Collection!
                                                                 Please support this important program that funds
  2021 CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL                                  faith formation opportunities. Half of what you give
                                                                 will remain at our parish to support our own reli-
Number of Pledges                317                             gious education and faith formation programs.
Amount of Pledges                $120,385
Amount Received to Date          $92,870                         Thank You!

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
ST. MICHAEL BYZANTINE                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
        CATHOLIC CHURCH                                                    CALENDAR 2021-2022
                  2140 HIGHLAND RD
                    HERMITAGE PA                                 Grades: Pre-K—11th / Sunday Mornings: 8:50am-9:50am
         44TH ANNUAL CHINESE AUCTION                                         Use Grotto entrance of SJPII School
                                                            Joe Ranelli, RE & Sacrament Prep Director / Mary Lou Hornyak, Sec-
              SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3RD
                                                            retary Office: 724-981-5566 / Email:
     DOORS OPEN 1:00 PM / DRAWING AT 2:15 PM
                ADMISSION—$5.00                             October 2021                     NOTE:
         [LUNCH + 1 FREE TEAR SHEEET]                       17th    RE Begins (all grades)   Calendar is subject to change due to the on-
                                                                                             going COVID circumstances. We will adhere
           TEAR SHEETS—7 FOR $5.00                          24th    Class                    to state mandates and guidelines as they
                                                            31st    Class                    unfold concerning the virus. Our primary
            Prizes for every family member!                                                  means of communications to convey adjust-
50/50 Raffle / Lottery Raffle / Finale—Grand Prize Raffle                                    ments and notices will be email. Please check
                                                            November 2021
                                                                                             your email on a regular basis. If you do not
    LEVEL PARKING & WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE                   7th   Class                      have an email address, please notify the RE
                                                            14th  Class                      office.
                                                            21st  Class
                                                            28th  NO CLASS (Thanksgiving) (Advent begins)
          ERIE’S 15TH ANNUAL
            OKTOBERFEST                                          RE-MEMBER OUR SUNDAY STORY
St. Joseph Church Bread of Life, 24 and Sassafras St.
                      October 1st—3rd
                                                                     BISHOP PERSICO INVITES
        Fri. 5-11 PM / Sat. 1-11 PM / Sun. 12-5 PM               US TO DEEPEN OUR COMMITMENT
               FOOD / MUSIC / BEER                          “It is time for us to come together again as disciples of Christ and to
Free Admission / Free Parking / Authentic German            “re-member” our Sunday story,” Bishop Lawrence Persico says in his
Food / Beer Tent / Wine Tent / Live Bands / Family &        new pastoral letter written in time of pandemic. “By this I do not mean
Pet Friendly / Kid’s Fun Zone—Wiener Dog Race               only a recalling of the teachings and legacy of Jesus Christ that deep-
Bavarian Coffee House / Church Tours / Photo Booth          en our faith; I also mean that we need to come together again as the
Over 150 Theme Baskets!                                     Body of Christ…and to become in Christ the faith-filled disciples that
                                                            we are called to be.” The letter, along with questions for reflection
              For more information visit:                   and discussion, can be found in its entirety on the Re-membering Our
               WWW.STJOESBOL.ORG                            Sunday Story webpage at

             Online Giving is Now Available on the Notre Dame Website
Notre Dame Parish members are now able to make donations to the church online at the Notre Dame parish website:
For those who like setting up payments online, whether recurring or on a one-time basis, the website’s online giving feature
will be convenient and timesaving. Here’s what to do:
Go to
• Click on the Resources line at the top of the website then click on Online Giving.
• Once there you will be asked to set up an account with your name, address etc. while setting a username and password.
• Once logged in, you can decide whether you want to make a recurring gift or make a contribution whenever you wish to.
    You can designate a weekly gift as you do with your Sunday envelopes and also make donations for Holy Days, special days
    designated by the Catholic Church and the Erie Diocese Catholic Services Appeal.
• You will be asked the type of payment method, e.i., from checking or savings accounts or by credit card . You will need to
    provide the necessary information for whatever account is designated.
Feel free to call the parish office at (724) 981-5566 is you have any questions about Online Giving.

                      A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE                                               PARENTING POINTERS
Disagreements are common in families. But what would you say if            “Taking a child, Jesus placed him/her in the
Jesus posed the same question “What are you arguing about?” Is it          [disciples’] midst….Whoever receives one child in my
silly and petty? Is it an attempt to impose your will and control on an-   name, receives me.” (Mark 9:36-37) Think of one thing
other, or to really solve a problem? Today Jesus tells us and his disci-   you have learned from your child.
ples to give it up. We are meant to serve each other, not control.

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19 2021 - Church of Notre Dame
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