Everyone should feel safe at home - Recognising and responding to domestic abuse camden.gov.uk/domestic-violence

              feel safe
              at home

            Recognising and
         responding to domestic

you’re not alone
One in three women and one in          •   They will have less
six men experience domestic                opportunity to meet with
abuse in their lifetime. We all            friends and family and they
have a role to play in preventing          may feel it is unsafe to reach
domestic abuse and to help                 out for help, traditional
provide residents and staff the            routes to support such as
support they need, to be safe              schools, health services and
and to build an independent                workplaces may be less
life for themselves and their              accessible.
                                       It is therefore essential that we
Whilst this may not be your area       are all extra vigilant during this
of expertise we all can play a part.   crisis in order to help those that
This quick guide aims to help you      might be most at risk.
recognise the signs of domestic
abuse and where to seek further        How do I recognise domestic
help.                                  abuse?
                                       There are a number of key signs
Do I need to be more vigilant          of domestic abuse or unhealthy
about domestic abuse during            relationships but it’s important to
COVID-19?                              remember that these behaviours
                                       can vary.
•   Nationally there has been a
    rise in domestic abuse since       Controlling behaviour
    the COVID-19 pandemic.             Being told what you are
•   A number of domestic abuse         allowed to do, what to wear and
    organisations have reported        who you can see. It could also
    a 25 per cent increase in calls    include someone threatening
    and online requests since the      to reveal information about the
    first lockdown began on 23         survivor without their permission,
    March 2020.                        for example their sexuality or
•   Due to the social distancing       gender. It can often include
    and self-isolation measures in     a partner or family member
    place, domestic abuse victims      withholding medication or
    may be trapped at home with        deciding if they do or don’t see a
    the perpetrator for a long         healthcare professional.
    period of time.
Emotional and                        Other abuse includes Forced
psychological abuse                  Marriage, Honour-Based Violence
This can include being               and Domestic Servitude.
insulted by a partner or family
member, put down, or                 How do I ask questions
embarrassed in front of people or    around abuse when
made to feel scared or worthless.    concerned?
This could leave them questioning
their own judgement or blaming       Ensure it is a safe time to speak,
themselves for the treatment.        and that there isn’t anybody else
                                     present. Focus on the client’s
Social abuse and isolation           feelings.
This could involve being kept
away from family or friends, or      •   Do you ever feel frightened of
being told who they can speak to         your partner or other people at
and when.                                home?
                                     •   Does anyone make you feel
Financial abuse                          scared or worthless, or leaves
A partner or family member               you questioning your own
stops them having access                 judgement?
to their money, or they take their   •   Is anyone physically hurting you
money and control what they              or making you do something
spend it on. They may also prevent       you don’t want to do?
them from working or make them       •   Have you been in contact with
miss work regularly.                     friends or family? If not, is
                                         someone stopping you from
Physical violence                        accessing support?
Physical violence is where           •   Does anyone monitor who you
someone is harmed or endangered          speak to and where you go?
by a partner or family member        •   Are you able to attend
when they use physical force,            appointments on your own?
violence or aggression.              •   Is anyone preventing you from
                                         having access to any money,
Sexual abuse                             taking money from you or
This is a form of physical abuse,        controlling what you spend
and is any situation where they          money on?
might be forced or coerced to
participate in unwanted, unsafe or
degrading sexual activity.
Are there factors that put           •   If it is safe to talk, encourage
individuals at particular high           them to call the local domestic
risk from domestic abuse?                abuse service; Camden Safety
All forms of domestic abuse              Net on 0207 974 2526 or email
need to be taken seriously and           camdensafetynet@camden.
responded to. There are factors          gov.uk
which we know that put survivors     •   Do they have a phone?
at high risk.                            Encourage them to keep it
                                         accessible, with credit and
•   Separation or child contact          charged at all times. If it is not
    dispute                              safe to speak on the phone,
•   Pregnancy or recent birth            is it safe to email or text them
•   Escalation and severity of           to an account which only
    violence                             they access. If they are going
•   Cultural issues, isolation           shopping for food or exercising
•   Stalking, jealousy, harassment       ask them to utilise this time to
    or controlling behaviour             call services for help.
•   Sexual assault                   •   In the property avoid the
•   Suicide                              kitchen and bathroom when
                                         they feel unsafe or a situation
Don’t assume that someone else           is escalating.
will ask about these. You may be     •   Would they consider leaving
the only service in contact with         the property? Talk through how
the client so use the opportunity.       they would leave the property
Showing concern and asking               if they felt in danger. Would
about abuse will encourage the           they consider a refuge or is
client that it is safe to reach          there anyone they could stay
out to you when they are ready.          with temporarily?
If you are unsure and or need        •   Encourage clients to prepare
further advise always contact            an emergency bag with
Camden Safety Net on 0207 974            essential items such as ID,
2526.                                    some cash, bank card, clothes
                                         and hide this somewhere safe
What immediate steps can I               in the property or with a friend
take:                                    should they need to leave in a
•   Encourage them to call the           hurry.
    police on 999 if they feel at
•   Also encourage them to set           •   Encourage them to contact the
    up a code word with a trusted            National Domestic Violence
    family member, friend or                 Helpline (08082000247) if it is
    professional who they can text           safer to call later in the evening.
    in an emergency to summon            •   If they are in immediate danger,
    help. This could be an indicator         ask if they would like you to ring
    to call the police. Encourage            999 or if they are able for them to
    the client to talk to children in        do themselves.
    the property about how to call
    for help? Is there a room in the     If in immediate danger and they
    property they can go to that is      are able to ring themselves, silent
    safe. Please encourage them to       calls can be made to the police by
    let the school and social services   calling 999, then 55 if they can’t
    know they may need help about        talk.
    the situation at home.
•   Obtain consent to refer to a         How do I acknowledge a
    domestic abuse service (if           disclosure
    consent is not obtained, but you     •   If a disclosure of domestic abuse
    have high concerns consider              is made, these key messages
    a referral to the local MARAC).          that were created by Refuge are
    Please email MARAC@camden.               a great way to acknowledge it:
    gov.uk                               •   You are not to blame for your
                                             partner’s violence. He/she alone
If it is not safe to talk                    is responsible, violence is a
•   Offer to text the local and/or           choice he/she makes.
    national domestic abuse number       •   There are solutions to the
    to them and agree a safe way             problem. Getting help is a brave
    to do this (i.e. text the number         and positive step.
    backwards).                          •   Take your time to consider your
•   If they have access to the               options. Take one day at a time,
    internet, encourage them to              don’t feel pressured into making
    Google the Women’s Aid Live              any decisions.
    Chat and speak to someone            •   Everyone has a right to live free
    online, (chat.womensaid.org.uk).         from violence.
                                         •   Reaching out for help (talking
                                             about it) is a massive step and
                                             you should be proud of yourself
                                             for doing this!
Key contact numbers:                  North London Rape Crisis
Police                                Counselling, Groups, Helpline,
T: Emergency 999 (if it is not safe   Independent Sexual Violence
to talk, dial 999 and then 55 for     Advocacy (ISVA) service
silent calls), Non-emergency 101      T: 0808 801 0305
                                      W: solacewomensaid.org
National Domestic Abuse
Helpline                              Respect Helpline
T: 0808 200 0247, Freephone           For those that are worried about
24-Hour                               their own behaviour
                                      T: 0808 802 4040
Camden Safety Net                     W: respectphoneline.org.uk
Independent Domestic and
Sexual Violence Advisory Service      Men’s Advice Line
T: 0207 974 2526                      Helpline for male victims of abuse
                                      T: 0808 801 0327
Safeguarding adults in                W: mensadviceline.org.uk
If you are worried about an adult     LGBT+ Domestic Abuse
in Camden                             Helpline
T: 020 7974 4000 and select           Advice and support
option 1, Out of Hours,               T: 0800 999 5428
0207 974 4444                         W: galop.org.uk

Safeguarding children in              Camden Mental Health,
Camden                                Crisis Team
If you are worried about a child in   Urgent mental health support
Camden                                T: 020 3317 6333
T: 020 7974 3317, Out of Hours,       W: mentalhealthcamden.co.uk
0207 974 4444

National Centre of Domestic
Civil Injunction support
T: 0800 970 2070
W: ncdv.org.uk
Other useful contact                   Karma Nirvana
    numbers:                               UK Helpline for ‘honour’ based
                                           abuse and forced marriage
    Camden Housing Options                 T: 0800 5999 247
    Help with housing                      W: karmanirvana.org.uk
    T: 0207 974 4444
                                           Women @ the well
    Camden Housing Repairs                 Supporting women whose lives
    Repairs                                are affected by prostitution
    T: 020 7974 4444 (option 3             T: 020 7520 1710
    followed by option 1 and select        W: watw.org.uk
    your local repairs district), Out of
    Hours: 0207 974 4444                   Hopscotch
                                           Specialist support for BAME
    Hourglass Helpline                     women and children on a range
    Support around elder abuse             of services, including domestic
    T: 0808 808 8141                       abuse
    W: wearehourglass.org                  T: 020 7388 8198
                                           W: hopscotchawc.org.uk
    Suzy Lamplugh Trust
    National Stalking Helpline and         The Sharan Project
    Stalking Advocacy services             Support for South Asian Women
    T: 0808 802 0300                       T: 0844 504 3231
    W: www.suzylamplugh.org                W: sharan.org.uk

    Signhealth                             Victim Support
    Support for deaf victims survivors     Victim & Witness Service
    of abuse                               Online resource where victims
    T: 020 3947 2601, Text 88802           can access a range of tools
    with the message 121SIGN, Text         to help them cope and move
    or WhatsApp/Facetime 07970             forward after crime
    350366                                 T: 0808 168 9291
    W: signhealth.org.uk                   W: londonvws.org.uk/

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