St Francis Church, Valley Park Va

Page created by Betty Gibson
St Francis Church, Valley Park Va
17th September 2020.

                            St Francis Church, Valley Park                                                 Va


It’s great to be back! Having a holiday late in the summer was a real treat and it’s
exciting to return to a new season here at St Francis.
Autumn is a season of fruitfulness. The last few months haven’t been
easy for anyone: there’s been a sense of it being a rather barren,
wilderness time. But on looking back, there has been fruit in it, and
we’ve moved forward with many of the things we set out to do together
in our mission action plan. Here are some fruit from our three
objectives, only possible because of our generous volunteers using
their gifts (time, money and talents!) to build up the church:

We’ve welcomed Heather to the office - albeit a home office for now, though a new administrator’s
office is coming on nicely! - refreshed our logo, and added to our social media profile, as well as
working hard towards a new website, and updating all our policies and procedures required for our
safe and equitable operation.

Debbie Reed, our Junior Church lead, has put together a great program of Bible stories with weekly
activity packs, with help from her great team - and we’ve been able to enjoy her feedback on
Sundays. Mike and Steph Flack will be running a program during our focus on justice for the next few
weeks, before the next series of Bible stories starts again at the end of October. In a similar vein,
summer holiday goody bags were well received by our Messy Church families, and Fiona and friends
plan to put some more together for festivals that are coming up.

Youth group has flourished on line, mid week, as a number of young people have found it easier to
access. Who knew you could play so many games on Zoom?! (They discover more about Jesus too!)
And our engagement with St Francis school has continued with weekly video assemblies in term

GP Chaplaincy has continued during lockdown, and a number of our congregation have taken part in
training to lead ‘Take Time’ Christian meditations, which we’ve piloted to good response. They’ve
been helpful independent of whether people are familiar with the Bible, and a helpful way to hear
God’s still small voice on a regular basis. We’re planning to offer regular opportunities to ‘Take Time’
in the near future.

St Francis Church, Valley Park Va

                                          Autumn Term ‘Connect’

                                          Our autumn theme of fruitfulness continues
                                          with an opportunity for the whole church family
                                          to join together mid week, just once a month,
                                          for prayer and more in-depth teaching.
                                          It will tie in with home group material, and our home groups
                                          are invited to attend instead of meeting in separate groups
                                          that week, to connect with one another. The evenings but
                                          will also stand alone if you’d just like to join in for the
                                          teaching - which will also be recorded so you can access it
                                          at your convenience. They’ll be virtual initially, on the usual
                                          church Zoom link. Feel free to join us at any point in the
                                          evening - just for prayer, just for teaching, or both!

Connect on Zoom - evening dates for                    Connect evenings will have the
your diary:                                            following pattern:
Tuesday September 29th                                 7.15 - 7.45 pm - Prayer and praise
Tuesday November 3rd
                                                       8 - 8.45pm - teaching, followed by further
Tuesday December 15th                                  discussion if wanted and finishing by

Fruitfulness on the frontline

A great opportunity to look at where God is working with us and through us in
the every-day, at work and at home.
Home Groups have been invited to participate in a course called ‘Fruitfulness on the frontline.’ One
home group has already looked at this and really enjoyed it! We’ll start in October, after the connect
evening where it’ll be introduced further.

Details and an introductory video are here:

Would you like to join a Home Group to share in this course?
Home groups are a great opportunity to meet together, support each other and do life together! There
are evening and day time groups, and we are looking to start a new group too. Please do consider
joining one. If you’d like to email Chris Hill

St Francis Church, Valley Park Va
27TH AUGUST 2020

Church News and What’s On?

Eastleigh Basics Bank
Can you offer any help? As folk return to work or university we are in need of more volunteers.
Please contact David Gurr:

Just want to donate some food? There’s a plastic box outside the vicarage at 35 Raglan Drive and
this will be monitored while we’re away, and food collected on Wednesdays - feel free to contribute!

Situations vacant: see page 7 for information about an opportunity to help.

International Cafe
Frederick and Maryline in Strasbourg will be hosting an International Cafe! They invite us to join them
and some of their church members in Strasbourg on their own Zoom link. Pop in any time on
Thursdays 10am - 12, for a trial for the month of September. If you’d like to join in, please email them
on and they’ll send you a link.

Dates for your Diary:

Sat and Sun September 26th & 27th: ‘All
round our place’ Treasure Hunt in Aid of
Christian Aid (see opposite)

Sunday September 27th: Last day to sign
up for church membership (electoral roll) -
see next page!

Tuesday September 29th 7.15/ 8pm:
Connect Evening (see page 2)

Saturday October 3rd 10am: Home Group
leaders meeting

Sunday October 4th 1230pm: Joe
Sweetnam’s Ordination - watch live on the
Cathedral website.

Monday October 5th 10am: Morning prayer
at church, a short, traditional service.
Continuing each Monday.

Sunday October 11th 10am: Harvest
Festival on line service - more details coming

Sunday October 18th 1115am: Annual Church Meeting after the 10am service.

St Francis Church, Valley Park Va
27TH AUGUST 2020

Worship this week

                                                              LINK FOR SERVICE
8.45 Said Communion
                                            Joining instructions are attached as ever - and here’s a
You’d be really welcome to join us in
                                           super quick link that takes you to all of our Zoom services
person at 0845 for communion… we’ll
                                                                   and events:
be outside if the weather permits.

Just let us know if you’re coming - if
you can, by emailing or leaving a
message on 02380271152, before
midday the Saturday before the service
(ie the day before).

Then just stick to distancing, dress for
the weather and pop a mask in your
pocket, in case we’re inside!

And don’t come if you’re ill. Of course.

Sunday Sept 20th: Leader: Sarah,
Preacher: Steve Williams.

10am is still virtual.
We have the option to gather for
communion at 0845 but our main
church family gathering will continue to
be online at 10. Though we’ll stream it
from the church building, we won’t
have a congregation there in person.
                                                                Virtual Collection: It’s now
So don’t worry - you can still join in
from your sofa.                             possible to give to St Francis virtually! It’s really
                                            easy - if you are considering a regular gift or a
Sunday Sept 20th: We’ll be continuing
our sermon series Justice and Mercy:        single large gift, please contact Geoff Roberts first,
Micah 6: 1-8.Leader: Sarah, Preacher:
Steve Williams, Junior Church: Mike         otherwise just go to our website www.stfrancis-
and Steph Flack                    and find the ‘donate’ button at
                                            the top right of the screen, or go to iKnow church
                                            where there’s also a donate link on the home


Annual Church Meeting: Signing up as a church
 member (joining the electoral roll)
An effective and lively church – and one that is true to its calling – depends on all its members
working together and participating fully in its worship and activity. This is our aim for this
parish and we need to keep working at it!

The Church electoral roll is our official list of members entitled to take part in church affairs. The roll is
opened every year, just prior to the Annual Meeting. Every six years the roll is scrapped and a fresh
roll created, as required by the Church Representation Rules 2020.

During the years between full revisions, maintenance of the roll involves admitting new members, as
people move to the parish, or reach the age of 16. The last full revision was in 2019, the next full
revision will be in 2025. This year is therefore a maintenance update only.

Only people who are not on the existing roll, typically those who have recently moved to the parish or
who have recently reached the age of 16 will need to complete the application form which is

We would love you to consider joining the electoral roll and that is enough! And also, whilst
completing the roll, please stop for a moment to consider how you can assist our church in Valley
Park. Overleaf, you will also find a form giving you an opportunity to make your own response to this
challenge. The form is attached to this email! It’s OK to type in your name by way of signature and
return it electronically to Mike Hook, our electoral roll officer on electoralroll@stfrancis-

Please note that applications for inclusion in this year's update of the Electoral Roll of St Francis
Church, Valley Park must be received on or before Sunday 27th September 2020.

What Is The Church Electoral Roll? Why have one?
It is your parish church’s register of electors; it is the list of those qualified to attend and to vote at the
Annual Parochial Church Meeting where the elections take place for:
     - the parochial church council , and the parish’s representatives on the deanery synod

Any person entitled to attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting may raise any question of
parochial or general church interest. By enrolling you become a voting member of the Church of
England and so help to ensure that all the Synodical councils of the Church – the parochial church
council, the deanery synod, the diocesan synod, and the General Synod – are fully representative of
its members.

Synodical government gives an opportunity for partnerships between bishops, clergy and laity in the
life of the Church. The system is intended to enable church people at every level to be in touch with
the Church as a whole and to play their part in decision making. The system is also intended to
ensure that congregations - those who aren’t ‘revs’ - have their place in every aspect of church life,
including its doctrine and services.


Points for prayer this week

From the World Council of Churches: Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru

We pray for:
•Christians to have the courage, imagination and energy to build bridges of peace and understanding
against conflict and division, and to pursue justice for the poor, marginalized and dispossessed

•an end of corruption in all levels of the society, including economic exploitation which impoverishes and
hinders economic growth from benefitting all.

•immigrants and refugees seeking a new home, and those who accompany and support them

•coca farmers to find sustainable incomes from other crops, for an end to drug trafficking, and effective
assistance for those who are addicted.

Diocesan Prayer Cycle:

Pray for the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan - The Most Revd Justin Badi Arama – Bishop of
Juba and Archbishop of the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan.

Diocesan life:

Our School of Mission which supports our discipleship, discernment, calling, training and

equipping in ministry and mission.

Our local community:

Pray for the residents of Foyle Rd, Shannon Way.

For all we know who are unwell, including those on our prayer chain.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for
                      this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
                                          (1 Thess 5: 16 - 18)


Situations Vacant!

Basics Bank:
Help needed! Are you a strong person with a large car? Eastleigh Basics Bank needs a volunteer
stock management assistant to work on Thursdays. The role involves collecting crates of donations
from the shop late morning, taking them to the store nearby and sorting them, and returning to the
shop with crates of food needed that day. Please contact Hazel Bateman 023 8090 3028 for more information, or call into the shop on Tuesdays or Thursdays
and speak to the shop manager.

Lay Pastor - Alresford Methodist Church
Are you looking for a new and pioneering role within the Winchester, Eastleigh and Romsey Methodist Circuit?

As part of our developing strategy we are looking for our first Local Lay Pastor for Alresford Methodist Church.

You will be the recognised leader of the Methodist Church in Alresford and by the circuit, working
collaboratively with the local church stewards, and within the oversight of the Circuit.

You will have strong listening and inter-personal skills, that enable you to support, enthuse and encourage the
church community to develop its pastoral care and engagement with the local community. You will be
committed to involvement in local ecumenical activities.

There is an office in the church which will provide opportunities for engagement with those using the church

Application deadline: October 23rd; applicants must be available for interview on November 16th.

See the full job description, terms and conditions on the circuit website:

If you want to know more please contact Superintendent Minister the Revd Sue Keegan von Allmen at or 023 8026 8803.

 Please get in touch! Email, or, or
  make use of our Listening Line – Thank you, pastoral and welcoming
team, who have agreed to provide a listening ear to anyone who could
 do with it! Just leave a message on the church answer phone (02380
 271152) with your details, or email and they’ll get
                              back to you.


An update from Churches Together in Chandler’s Ford:
Our AGM (which had been deferred from May) and September meeting took place at St Boniface on
Tuesday 1 September. The meeting was well attended, with representatives from all six churches
present. Three officers were elected: Sara Goodhead (Chair), David Gurr (Treasurer) and Jamie
Broadey (Secretary). The outgoing officers were thanked for their work.

Money set aside for Twinning would be available for the deferred Twinning visit in 2021. The
accounts were in good heart. It was resolved that member churches would not be asked for
subscriptions in 2020, and the formulae for determining the level of subscriptions would be devised
before the next AGM in May 2021.

After discussion, it was decided that the ecumenical Lent groups for 2021 – Not a Tame Lion -would
repeat the course that was started last year, but halted by lockdown, with the addition of a Zoom
group this time.

Our double pitch at Fryern Funtasia was booked and the insurance transferred from the previous
year. Ideas for the stall would be developed at future meetings.

Stephen Dominy from the Chandler’s Ford Christian Aid Committee addressed the meeting
concerning the forthcoming treasure hunt around Chandler’s Ford and Valley Park to take place on
26 & 27 September. The money raised would be matched six to one by Bread for the World, so a
donation of £10 would be worth £70. Information and tickets available online:
The course was about three miles and was designed to be fun for families. Church reps had paper
copies for people who wished to engage that way.

Jackie Richardson reported from the Chaplaincy that two chaplains had been lost in the spring;
following a fallow time during lockdown, chaplains had returned to work in the Fryern Arcade. During
lockdown, there had been good opportunities to network with other chaplaincies and to undergo
online training. More chaplains were needed now to undergo training and to work locally. Please
speak to your CTCF rep if you are interested.

Carol singing at ASDA was under review. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service in January
would be on Zoom, and there would be no formal ‘church swaps’ this time. Instead, church members
would be encouraged to check the CTCF website and attend another church in person or online
during the month.

Hazel Bateman


Thanks for reading! As ever this comes with my prayers and love in Christ.

Sarah McClelland
Lead Minister, St Francis’ Church.
A Local Ecumenical Partnership of the Church of England,
Methodist Church and United Reformed Church.
Pilgrim’s Close, Valley Park, Eastleigh SO53 4ST
T: 023 8048 6298
Usual Day off: Friday.

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prefer not to receive further mailings please let me know.

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