St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support

Page created by Jeffrey King
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support

News from St. Dunstan’s
Episcopal Church & Preschool
5635 E. 71st Street, Tulsa OK 74136 • 817-492-7140 •                 October • 2021


       St. Dunstan’s 2022 Ministry Funding
                   and Support

                                                        O C T. 10 T H – K I C K- O F F
                                                       N O V . 2 1 S T– I N G A T H E R I N G

     Our theme for ministry funding and support this year, Every Perfect Gift, reminds us
  of God’s blessings and all the ways we have been inspired to give back to our neighbors,
  our church, and the world. In this issue of the Chalice and Tongs newsletter, we will shine a
  spotlight on some of the many ministries and activities that your support and participation in
  make possible at St. Dunstan’s.

    Fellowship                          Outreach Committee                  Disney Elementary Partner
                                        (Diaper Drive)
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
A Letter from Our Senior Warden

Elsewhere in this edition of the Chalice and Tongs you’ll read about Every Perfect Gift which
is the theme for this year’s Annual Campaign. If you’ve been around St. Dunstan’s or pretty
much any other Episcopal church, you may remember this time of year as when the Annual
Stewardship Campaign is held and pledges are collected to support the next year’s budget.

As you may also recall, last year was different in so many respects and, as a consequence of
the prevalence of Covid-19 and the abundance of caution in not meeting for worship as a
congregation, not having any fellowship to avoid crowds and pretty much the cessation of the
“normal” fall activities, we also did not have a fall stewardship campaign either. As we thought
about it this year and with the input of other resources in the national church, we decided to do
things differently.

One of the things that we realized is that even though we were not able to worship in person,
or have fellowship activities in the parish hall, the ministry of the church and our parishioners
continued. You can read about many of these ministries in this edition of the Chalice and
Tongs. Another thing we realized is that our “church” is not just what takes place in our
building. It is our parishioners, the relationships we have with one another and the ministries
that we engage in both within our congregation and without to the community and world. We
realized that the money that we give supports more than paying salaries and keeping the lights
on. It supports our many ministries and enables us to touch one another and touch the world.
While it may seem like this is just another way of saying the same thing, it really enables a
change of mindset to allow us to focus on our ministries.

So, here’s what’s different. In today’s economic times we understand that some people may not
be comfortable making a “pledge”, rather the money that we give goes to the “support” of St.
Dunstan’s many ministries. And rather than asking you to complete a pledge card, we will be
asking you to complete an “Annual Estimate of Support”. Hopefully, those that may be unsure
of their personal economic stability will be more comfortable providing an estimate and not a

Instead of an annual budget we will be using the terminology of “ministry funding”. Again,
while it may seem like a minor change, its purpose is to facilitate our understanding that all we
do, including salaries, utility bills, insurance and so many other line items, that ultimately its
purpose is to support our ministry. Hence, we are engaging in our Annual Ministry Support

Over the next five weeks we will be sending out more information, weekly reflections, and other
communications to inform you about our Ministry Support Campaign which will conclude on
Sunday, November 21st when we will give thanks for Every Perfect Gift.

Bill Young,
Senior Warden
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
The dates and times for activities, worship
                                             and times    services, classes, meetings, and fellowship
          St. Dunstan’s                      subject to   events are subject to change as we deal with
          Episcopal Church                    change!     the rise and fall of COVID-19 cases in our
                                                          area. Please check The Bell for the latest
                                                          updates to the church calendar.

                                                             Taryn Yahn on be-
                                                                       coming an Eagle Scout!
                                                                       Taryn is the daughter of
                                                                        Jude and Erica Yahn and
                                                                        sister to Ayden.
                                                                         We’re so proud of you!

                                                                                   Jude and
                                                                                   Taryn Yahn

        Live the Resurrection.
         Proclaim the hope.
           Serve all people.


  The Rev. Mary Ann Hill, Rector

  The Rev. Alan Barrow, Deacon

  Anne Roberts, Organist & Choirmaster

  Cathy Woods, Parish Administrator
                                                  Online Worship Services Continue
  Kandi Replogle, Bookkeeper                    Thanks to our audio-visual/broadcasting expert, Chas
  Crystal Johnson, Director, St. Dunstan’s
                                             Emerson, we continue to have worship services available on
                                             Sunday mornings on the church Facebook
  Preschool                                                                                  Like &
                                             page and YouTube. You can find them at
  Chrissy McGrath, St. Dunstan’s             these links:                                 Subscribe!

E VISION: The world transformed
  through Christ
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
              St. Dunstan’s Preschool
    When children get a leg up by attending our
Preschool they reap the benefits throughout their
lifetime in untold ways. Through this program we have
touched many thousands of lives.
    At St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Preschool we want children
to feel self-confident, as well as capable of meeting new                              Preschool Graduation
challenges, both social and educational.
    Classroom activities are varied to provide a balance between free-choice and teacher-directed activities,
with a large variety of options that meet needs in all developmental areas: large/fine motor, cognitive,
social, emotional, and self-help skills.
    The program serves children from 6 weeks to pre-kindergartners. Parents choose the number of days
per week their child attends.
    St. Dunstan’s Preschool is open Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

               Food for the Hungry
   In 2020, 10.5% (13.8 million) U.S
Households were food insecure. That
means that 13.8 million households
spent time, energy, and mental resources
on where their next meal would come
from, taking time away from so many
important and fulfilling things. By
partnering with the Food Bank and our
friends at Espiritu Santo our hope is
to lessen the burden of food insecurity
and allow these families to live out their       Volunteers at the Food Bank
mission as children of God.

  Donations for Espiritu Santo Food Pantry       Filling Backpacks for Kids at the Food Bank
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
G E T T I NG T O K NOW              We are delighted to welcome Anne Roberts as our organist and

Anne Roberts                     choirmaster. Here is a little background information, so you can get
                                 to know her better.
Organist &                          Anne was born in Tulsa and has lived most of her life here. She
                                 attended Phillips University in Enid and holds a Bachelor Degree
Choirmaster                      in Music.
                                    Anne comes to us after having worked 20 years at St. Bernard’s
                                 Catholic Church in Tulsa. She also worked for 20 years at St. Pius
                                 X Church in Tulsa. She has fond memories of the musicals she
                                 participated in while at both of these churches.
                                    Anne says, “Semi-retirement is a new world for me! The past
                                 has been full of choirs, diocesan musicals, and citywide ‘Olympics,’
                                 pageants, and spookhouses for nursing center residents. I’ve loved
                                 forming music outreach groups that go to area nursing, rehab, and
                                 hospice facilities. And I’ve had a special love for our little 6-piece
                                 jazz band…Deja Bleu. Now as I begin retirement, I’m loving
                                 St. Dunstan’s, learning lots of English music (Sir Elton John not
                                 included), and reviving music outreach groups that were grounded
                                 by the pandemic. I also enjoy working with Catholic Charities
                                 and Day Center in food distribution and love dabbling with and
                                 exploring jazz harmonies, with an occasional “gig” at Nola’s. I’ve
                                 always been pulled to the energy and beauty in music of all types. It
                                 unites us with each other and with our Creator.”

                                                   The Memorial Garden Committee has been
                                                working hard to add a stone paved area, allowing
                                                more people to sit or stand in our beautiful garden.
                                                Great job!
                                                   To all who mowed and took care of the lawn,
The Glastonbury Market is scheduled
                                                all summer long, thank you so much for braving
       for Saturday, Nov. 20,                   the heat and keeping the grounds looking great.
     from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
                                                   The property committee worked hard to clear
 Please join us to shop for unique,
                                                the roof drains to be ready for fall and the influx
     handmade goods, fine art,                  of leaves and pinecones. We really appreciate their
      holiday decor, and gifts.                 hard work.
 Chef Terry Watts will be providing                There are so many people who quietly make sure
 the food for the Dunstan Café, with            things get done “behind the scenes.” In this column we
                                                express our gratitude, but realize there are probably
      sandwiches, soup, salad and
                                                many more whose actions we never hear about. We
   delectable desserts being offered.           thank them, too! If you would like to recognize one
                                                of our incredible volunteers in the next C&T, please
 Watch The Bell for more information.
                                                send your information to the church office.
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
                   Music Ministry
   St. Dunstan’s Choir is open to anyone, sixteen years or
older with singing ability. The choir sings at the 11:00 a.m.
service on Sundays during the school year, and for special
services such as Evensong, Lessons & Carols, Christmas
Eve and Holy week services, with corresponding rehearsals.
Practices are on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. and
on Sunday mornings from 10:15 – 10:50 a.m.
                                    Our Choral Scholar
                                 program helps high school         St. Dunstan’s Choir
                                 and college students polish
                                 their musical skills while earning funds for education. Students are paid
                                 for their time singing with the choir at rehearsals and worship services.
                                 This program has been extremely successful for many years and has
                                 resulted in a number of young people learning about the Anglican music
                                 tradition and even joing the Episcopal Church. These students bring
                                 their talents and energy to the choir and in return receive the support
  Choral Scholar Keegan Ryan     and friendship of adults who advocate for them in their music training,
                                 education, and life journey!

                Christian Formation
Adult Forum & Bible Study
   Through both Adult Formation and Bible Study we
encourage our members to deepen their understanding
and relationship with the Christ. Our hope is that we
are able to live in faithful action and be the hands and
feet of Jesus on earth.

                                                                Adult Forum Leader,
                                                                Deacon Alan Barrow

                                                              Adult Forum takes place Sunday
                                                           mornings between the services in Daniels
                                                           Hall and also can be found online. It is led
                                                           by Decaon Alan Barrow. The Bible Study
                                                           class is available in the north narthex on
  Bible Study                                              most Monday mornings at 11:00 a.m.
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
                Property Committee                              Fellowship Committee

                                                    Pub Night
   The work of the Property Committee is
crucial to our ability to worship and gather         The Fellowship Committee meets on an ad hoc basis to
at church, and to share our building with         plan special social events for the parish. (When scheduling
the community.                                    activities that will be attended by many people, we follow
   These wonderful volunteers work                the guidance of health professionals for the safety and
hard to keep things in great condition            welfare of all who are present.)
at St. Dunstan’s. Members participate as             In recent years we have enjoyed marvelous events
available in monthly work mornings.               such as Pub Night, the Dinner and a Movie summer
   Help is always appreciated! If you would       series, parish game night, the annual church picnic in
like to be a part of this ministry, please call   May, a Thanskgiving meal in November, and of course,
the church office at 918-492-7140.                the amazing Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt between the
                                                  services on Easter Day.

                      Altar Guild
   Members of the Altar Guild prepare the church
for worship services. They make sure everything
needed for services, from bread and wine to candles
and vestments, are ready for the service. Serving
on the Altar Guild often leads people to a deeper
understanding of the liturgy and practices of the
   Altar Guild member Chas Emerson comments,
“It is more than Holy Housekeeping, though there is
never harm in keeping things clean. For me it is about
having a deeper understanding of the liturgy of the
church and it allows me to serve the church in a quiet
and thoughtful way. In some way, preparing the altar
is a physical reflection of a spiritual preparation for
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
Please Join Us at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church for

   On the Eve
   of the Feast of

   Sunday, Oct. 17th
   7:00 pm
   Reception to Follow

With the Choirs and Clergy of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
and St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

                        St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
                        4818 E 9th St E Ave • Tulsa, OK
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
                    Trunk or Treat
   This highly anticipated fall activity
supports the preschool and, during times
when it is safe to gather, is a way to reach
out to the community around the church.
   It is also a delight to the children of the
parish, as well the grownups who enjoy
donning custumes, handing out candy, and
decorating their cars.
   This year, Trunk or Treat is scheduled
for Oct. 24th, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
   If you would like to provide candy or
decorate your car for Trunk or Treat, please
contact the church office at 918-492-7140
or email the church office:

               Sharing Our Facilities
   St. D’s has been home to a twice-weekly 12-
Step meeting, as well as an Al-Anon meeting, for
40+ years. During Covid, when many churches
were closing their buildings to all “outside”
groups, or in some cases, for all activities,
including worship, St. D’s opened it’s doors to
make room for some of those groups.
   The Twelve-Step meetings have increased to
10 a week. Not only are we helping those groups
reach dozens of people with life-changing (and in
some cases, life saving) help every day, but those
groups are live-streaming their meetings, and are
reaching people all across the country and as far
away as Europe and the Artic Circle!
   Mo. Mary Ann says, “Providing space like
this is a ministry that very few parishioners see       Opening Our Doors, Sharing Our Building
in action, but it provides a HUGE impact in our
community, and in the wider world. To me, the idea of a church building sitting empty most of the week is
beyond sad.”
   She continues, “If you combine the impact of the 12-Step groups and our Preschool, St. Dunstan’s plays
a big role in improving the lives of hundreds of Tulsans, and by extension thousands of friends and family,
every week. We can’t underestimate what a difference that makes in people’s lives.”
St. Dunstan's 2022 Ministry Funding and Support
in Us
                       P l e a s e Jo

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church and Preschool

          Sunday Oct. 24
          4:00 - 6:00 PM
                Costumes, Candy & Games!
                        Decorated Cars!
                       Photos Available

     We will wear masks and observe social distancing for safety!
                  Garden Ministry
    Families or individuals can adopt an area
of the gardens to weed, trim fading blooms,
and care for.
    Beautifying the gardens is a wonderful
ministry for those who have a “green
thumb.” Our gardens help provide a
welcome to both parishioners and visitors.
It is especially nice to have the Memorial
Garden in tip-top shape when people come
there to remember their loved ones.
    This photo shows a recent improvement
to the memorial garden with a place for a
small group to sit and enjoy the peaceful

                                                          A MINISTRY HIGHLIGHT
                                                              Support for Schools
                                                   St. Dunstan’s is a community partner with
                                                Disney Elementary School. We support the
                                                school through donating backpacks, uniforms,
                                                providing reading buddies and more!
                                                   St. Dunstan’s has had a number of
                                                parishioners who have been on the staff at
                                                Street School, and we are also passionate
                                                about supporting this unique alternate high
  Street School                                 school.

   Acolytes are young persons in grades 3
– 12 who vest and serve with the clergy at
Sunday and special services. Lighting the
candles at the altar, carrying the cross in
procession, and assisting at the altar during
communion are among the duties of these
helpful young people.
   Acolytes generally serve once every
2-3 weeks at one of the Sunday or special
Please Join Us for

A Festival of Nine

      SUNDAY, DEC. 12
         5:00 PM
            recePtion to
All Saint’s Day — Nov. 7
                                  We will remember and honor the “saints” in our lives, our loved ones
                                  who are no longer with us, by reading their names in the service.
                                  Please submit your list to the church office by Nov. 3rd.
                                  Call the church office at 918-492-7120 or email

                                       Mark your won’t want to miss these important events:

Bishop’s Visit - We will only have one worship service, at 11:00 am................Sunday, Oct. 10, 11:00 am
Evensong - At St. Luke’s..................................................................................... Sunday, Oct. 17, 6:00 pm

Trunk or Treat ............................................................................................. Sunday, Oct. 24, 4:00 - 6:00 pm

“Ministry Funding & Support” Ingathering .....................................Sunday, Nov. 21, 9:00 & 11:00 am

                                                                                                                      ’S E     P
                         — Events Coming Soon —                                                                   N

                                                                                                              . DU STA

            Dates and times subject to change.

   More information will be published in The Bell and on the                                                          ULSA •

               church website for these and other events:
                                                                                                           2021 VESTRY
                       NOVEMBER & DECEMBER                                                                    Bill Young,
                                                                                                             Senior Warden
                            All Saint’s Day — Nov. 7
                                                                                                            John Pondelik,
 Veteran’s Day, honoring all veterans, current and in memoriam,
                                                                                                            Junior Warden
                 with photo display — Nov. 14
                                                                                                            Nancy McNair,
              Glastonbury Market - Arts and crafts fair,
         with Dunstan Café — Nov. 20, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
                                                                                                            Darrell Miskell,
           Advent Lessons and Carols — Dec. 12 at 5:00 pm                                                     Treasurer
               Greening of the Church — Sunday, Dec. 19                                                    Barbara Lowell,
                                                                                                           Clerk of the Vestry
                                                                                                            Jane Osborne
                          Pub Night 2.0 — Jan. 2022                                                        Nancy Graham
                      Parish Game Night — Feb. 2022                                                          Kathy Bogie
                                                                                                           Chas Emerson
                     Ash Wednesday — March 2, 2022
                                                                                                           Brandice Estes
                  Visit us online at:                                                  Kirsten Bernhardt
                                                                                                             Sally Turner
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