February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola

Page created by Patrick Fields
February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola
February 2022
February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola
February is now upon us. 2022 has
already experienced one month in the
books. If you are one that makes goals at
the start of each year, how are you with
them right now? I want us as a church to
take part of a goal together. Let’s make
Jesus known in Pensacola and beyond.
This month, I want to challenge you to              Dave Snyder
have at least 1 Gospel conversation a week          Senior Pastor
with someone. If you don’t know where
to start, a friendly invitation to join you at
First Baptist can open the door for a great conversation. We were
placed together at 500 N. Palafox for a reason. Let’s share the
story of Jesus with those that God places in our path.
Where are you currently serving? Are you connected to a Bible
study group? Are you faithful in worship participation? In order
for you to combat any hint of complacency in your faith, you must
engage with your church. Please let us know how we can connect
you here to the right place of fellowship and ministry.
Please take a few minutes and read what is happening in the life
of your church family. Take time to pray over the events listed as
well as the mission efforts given. Don’t ever hesitate to contact us
with any questions.
Your church loves you. Your pastor loves you.
Blessings, Dave


February 9 at 6:00 p.m. in Chipley Hall
 * Approve Minutes of November 2021 Quarterly meeting
 * Organizational Report
 * Finance Report
 * Ministry Reports
 * Introduce new Deacon Chair-elect                                    2
February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola
                                                                              h o f Pe n s a c o l a
                                                                       u rc
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                                                      p   tis
The Lord continues to bless and amaze               H

through the Church-to-Church Food Pantry.

Here is a message we received recently from
one of the pastors of a partner church: “Praise
God! A woman we ministered to thru the
Church-to-Church Food Pantry a few months
ago came to Sunday school and worship
today. She brought another adult plus 6
grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. We
had 20 in church today. We also ministered to 3 homeless through
prayer and providing food as well. To God be the Glory.”
Come join us as we work alongside local churches in Escambia
County to share Christ’s love. Interested in being a part of this
ministry? Volunteer at our February 5 event!

Saturday, February 5 from 6:30-10:30 a.m.
As most of you are aware, FBCP has been conducting food pantries
since June 2020. Since then, we have distributed over 525,000
meals to needy people in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. Our
Church-to-Church model has been extremely effective in getting
food to those in need, helping to grow churches, and in helping those
churches to lead people to Christ. Our next distribution will be at
Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy.
Due to safety concerns, we ask that only adults and young people 16
or over come to assist.
Please register online for the specific area in which you wish to
volunteer by visiting www.fbcp.org/events.


Friday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Join us at the Pensacola Bay Center for a Pensacola Ice Flyers game
as they take on Knoxville in a clash on the ice. $20/per person.
Sign-up online at fbcp.org/events

When: Tuesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. in the ROC
Who: Dads and kids (8-12 Year Olds)
Come have a good time hanging and playing some indoor soccer.
We will be having Dads vs Dads, kid vs. kid, and a dad vs. kid
game each Tuesday through the end of February.

Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. through mid-March in the ROC
This men’s group will be studying the book of Acts.
Wednesday nights beginning February 2 at 6:00 p.m. in room
E-209. This men’s group will be studying the Holy Spirit.
February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola

Craig Bonelli was born and raised
in Pensacola. Craig and his family
have been long-time members
of Myrtle Grove Baptist Church.
Craig and his wife Charlotte
have been married for 26 years.
Charlotte is a Registered Dental
Hygienist. She loves her patients
and enjoys volunteering in the
dental department of Health and
Hope Clinic. Charlotte and Craig
have four children: Jonathan,
23, and his wife Mary are both
Registered Nurses in Colorado who volunteer with Samaritan’s Purse
relief efforts. Adrianna, 22, works in law enforcement and lives in
Pensacola. She is her dad’s favorite daughter. Joshua, 21, is a Cross-
Cultural Business Management major in his third year at William
Carey University and plans to own a Tesla Cyber Truck upon its
release. Jabin, 13, attends Alethia Christian Academy. According to
his older siblings, Jabin is the favorite.
Recently, the family returned from serving 15 years with the
International Mission Board in Southeast Asia. Craig worked in
logistics, primarily in Indonesia and Thailand. We discovered Craig’s
unique skill set and fit for what we were doing in local missions
through the International Mission Board. The timing of his return to
Pensacola and our growing need for someone with his particular
depth of experience appears uncanny, but we believe this to indicate
God’s leading for both our church and the Bonelli’s. Craig has
served and observed a Church to Church Food Distribution and the
Operation Christmas Child packing party. He has met with many
leaders in our church, been unanimously approved by our Missions
Committee and been affirmed by our Personnel Committee. It is
a credit to our church, and the sign of a promising future, to have
someone the caliber of Craig Bonelli joining our staff.
   “I first met Craig and Charlotte at a church to church food event.
   How appropriate! Besides being hard workers , they are wonderful
   people that you will want to meet and get to know. Please
   welcome them into the FBCP family!” - Dr. Andy White.
   “After serving 15 years as a southern Baptist missionary in
   Indonesia and Taiwan Craig was recommended to us by the
   leadership at the IMB. The first time I called him I fell in love with
   his heart for ministry , his passion for the gospel and his love
   for his hometown of Pensacola. He also laughed at my jokes.
   God’s timing is a beautiful thing to bring our needs and his gifts
   together!!” - Al Stubblefield


Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 p.m. in room E-205
“Gospel-Centered Parenting,” led by Mark Taylor and Al Stubblefield.
February 2022 - First Baptist Church of Pensacola

Sewing for Jesus had a great kick-off
meeting in January! We are currently making
                                                       FB CP
dresses for Operation Christmas Child.
Sewers and non-sewers alike are welcome!        Women’s
There is much to do that doesn’t involve
using a sewing machine or serger. Please
                                                  share, study, ser ve
join us on February 14 in Room S-209 for
fun and fellowship. We meet from 9:00 a.m.-
3:00 p.m. with a break for lunch (please bring your own lunch) and
fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there to help in this much
needed service project.

The MerriWidows will be gathering and celebrating Valentine’s Day
at Lori Kizziah’s home at 1991 Villafane Drive on February 22 at
11:30 a.m. Please RSVP to Darlene Ginnetti at 609-442-9777 or
e-mail darleneginnetti@gmail.com

Mondays through March 7 in room S-208
9:15-9:30 a.m., Coffee Fellowship
9:30-11:30 a.m., Study
The Best Is Saved For Last: The Revelation, led by Kay Sasse

Beginning Wednesday, February 2 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in room E-214
How Much More by Lisa Harper. Led by Keri Medlock

Beginning Wednesday, February 2 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in room E-310
Encountering God ~ Cultivating the Habits of Faith through Spiritual
Disciplines by Kelly Minter, led by Amy Floyd

Beginning Wednesday, February 9 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. in room E-213
Free: Galatians, led by Brooke Snyder

Beginning Thursday, February 3 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in room E-213
20/20 by Christine Caine, led by Leigh Sanders

Saturday, April 2 in Chipley Hall
Come be part of the fun and fellowship at this Women’s Ministry
service day. Invite a relative, neighbor or co-worker to join you for
this day of mission projects in the community as well as on the FBCP
campus. Lunch will round out the day with a time of connection and
sharing. Sign-up information coming soon!
Contact Teresa Howerton at 850-501-6061
or howerton1956@gmail.com for more information.

Saturday, April 23 at Marcus Pointe Baptist Church
Group rates available, contact Lori Kizziah at kizzi@cox.net
Deadline: February 16, register at EWomen.net/Pensacola
Our Backpack Buddies ministry continues
to meet weekly hunger needs for the
students at C.A. Weis Elementary School             Ba ckp a ck
and their families. We have had many
supply issues getting the foods we need,
but God continues to provide just what we
need when we need it most.
A big shout-out to our FBCP youth group and the many wonderful
adults who lead them. They continue to show up and pack every
available food container for this ministry, even on their own school
holidays. Each packing event, 35-40 faithful volunteers go above
and beyond to get things done.
We fill the student/family blue bags on Thursday afternoons at
Weis Elementary. We meet at 2:30 p.m. and we are finished in
about an hour. If you would like to be a part of this group, please
contact Jennifer Daniel at 850-572-0856 or Gatormom79@aol.com.

Friday, February 25. Watch for more information coming soon!


Friday, February 4 – MS Hangout, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Hudspeths
Sunday, February 6 – High school Hangout 5:00-7:00 p.m.
 in the ROC
Friday through Sunday, February 18-20 – Disciple Now Weekend
  for all youth 7th-12th. Registration deadline is February 7.
Friday, March 4 - MS Hangout – TBD

Family Dinner February
For the month of February, our students will have the opportunity
to eat supper in Chipley Hall with their families at 5:30 p.m. We will
all sit together at reserved seating.
The cost of a meal is $5 with a $20 cap for families. Please join
with us as we promote eating with family and friends. Parents
are not required to attend with student but you must make
reservations in advance at fbcp.org/connect. You may pay online
when you register.


Are you looking for a place to serve?

Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room.

Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Graded Children’s Choirs
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in the Children’s Area

5th through 8th Grade
Kick-Off Feb 6 at 4:00 p.m. in the 4th Floor Music Suite

formerly the Singing Seniors
Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. in Pleitz Chapel

Sundays at 4:00 p.m. in the 4th Floor Music Suite

Sound, Lights, Cameras, and Broadcast volunteers needed Sundays
and Wednesdays. Contact: djlee@fbcp.org


Tuesday, February 15 at 10:15 a.m. in Chipley Hall
Lunch: $5, served at 11:45 a.m. (RSVP at 850-433-5631)

Royal Family Kids Camp Information meeting will be Monday,
February 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the ROC. Anyone interested in getting
information on ways to serve our local children in foster care through
RFK should attend. Camp dates are June 12-17, 2022 at Camp
Baldwin. Mandatory training will be in May. Any questions please
call Amy Floyd at 850-418-1939 or email her at japm@att.net.


          Amy Whitwell       Derek Ondrof     Kaleigh Ondrof
              Letter            Letter             Letter

         Reagan Spruill      Frank Starr        Linda Starr
              Letter            Letter             Letter

     Not Pictured:
     Stanley Redd, Letter           Hong Nguyen, Statement
     Christie Redd, Letter          Mindy Nguyen, Statement


Sunday, February 6
SANCTUARY - In memory of Russell and Carolyn Robertson, given
by their daughter, Pat Bridges.
FOYER – In memory of Kathy Markham, given by her son Matt B.
Markham and family.
Sunday, February 13
SANCTUARY - In memory of Dr. Leon Flowers, given by his wife
Dolly and children; Shelly Flowers and Jeff Flowers.
FOYER – In memory of Carol Ann Cooper, given by her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper, and family.
Sunday, February 20
SANCTUARY – In loving memory of Vernon and Elsie Phillips, given
by their children; Ann Southerland, Jack and Bill Phillips, and their
Sunday, February 27
SANCTUARY – In memory of Elise Keith Sutton, August 13,
1915 – February 17, 2013, member of FBC February 1929 –
February 2013, lovingly given by her son, David.

Our long-time member Norma Davis will turn 100 on February 18.
Please bring cards to the Welcome Desk before that date, when
Neal Kinard will deliver them.


Sympathy:                             George Markham and family
The Pastor, Staff and Church          in the death of his brother,
Family extend Christian               Randy Markham, on January
sympathy to the following:            4, 2022.

Sandra Luker and family               Family and friends of Jean
in the death of her mother,           Musser who passed away on
Louise Reichman, on                   January 9, 2022.
December 31, 2021.                    Preston George and family in
Michael Hatsfelt, Jessica             the death of his sister, Ann
Everett and family in the             Johnson, on January 16, 2022
loss of their mother, Marian          in Blythewood, SC.
Hatsfelt, on January 3, 2022.


MEMORIALS                              David & Sophie Ranney,
                                         Music Ministry
Dick Bell
                                       Jack & Betty Logsdon, SHM
Jim & Judi Sherrill, Music Ministry
                                       Bonnie Meenen, SHM
SJ Bell                                Samara Pals, SHM
Darryl & Terry Knight,                 Stubblefield Sunday School
 Children’s Ministry                     Dept, SHM
Hester Boggs                           Norma Driskell, SHM
Lydia Sunday School Class, SHM         Margaret Bell, Music Ministry
Darryl & Terry Knight,                 Scott & Mitzi Shanks,
  Lottie Moon                            Lottie Moon
                                       Jerry Norris, Martha’s Vineyard
Beverly Burns
Dave & Nancy Andrews,                  Judy Higdon
 Music Ministry                        Scott & Mitzi Shanks,
Margaret Bell, Music Ministry            Lottie Moon
Richard Cross                          Jim Howard
Darlene Ginnetti, SHM                  Darryl & Terry Knight,
Darryl & Terry Knight,                   Children’s Ministry
 Children’s Ministry                   Carol Hudspeth
Martha Dickson                         Dave & Nancy Andrews, SHM
Dave & Nancy Andrews, SHM              Tim Jordan
Kris Frost                             Darryl & Terry Knight,
Counselman Sunday School                 Children’s Ministry
 Class, Martha’s Vineyard              Lynne Lauderdale
Marian Hatsfelt                        Darryl & Terry Knight,
Darriel & Linda White, SHM              Music Ministry

                                       Continued on next page...         9
...continued from previous page

Suzanne Laws                        Louise Reichmann
Darryl & Terry Knight,              Al & Mary Lee Stubblefield, RFK
 Children’s Ministry                Dr. George Ricketson
Margaret Bell, SHM                  Scott & Mitzi Shanks, Lottie Moon
                                    Jet Rogers
Dr. & Mrs. B. R. Little             Dave & Nancy Andrews,
Amy Williamson, Lottie Moon           Martha’s Vineyard
Connie Madison                      Darryl & Terry Knight, SHM
Jim & Jeanette Murphy,              Fred Simons
  Martha’s Vineyard                 Dave & Nancy Andrews,
Margaret Bell, Music Ministry         Martha’s Vineyard
Dorothy Maddox                      Marie Sjoberg
Dave & Nancy Andrews, SHM           Counselman Sunday School
Darryl & Terry Knight,               Class, Music Ministry
 Lottie Moon                        Daniel Miller, Backpack Buddies
Kathy Markham                       Darryl & Terry Knight,
Darryl & Terry Knight, SHM           Children’s Ministry
Randy Markham                       Mary Ellen Spears
Jerry Norris, Martha’s Vineyard     Dave & Nancy Andrews,
Billy Merritt                         Martha’s Vineyard
Jim & Jeanette Murphy,              Margaret Bell, Library
  Martha’s Vineyard                 David & Sophie Ranney,
Billy & Regi Merritt                  Backpack Buddies
Darryl & Terry Knight, SHM          Lydia Sunday School Class, SHM
                                    Darryl & Terry Knight,
Avery Morrison                        Children’s Ministry
Jim & Jeanette Murphy,
  Martha’s Vineyard                 Laurie Thrash
Margaret Bell, Music Ministry       Dave & Nancy Andrews,
Scott & Mitzi Shanks, Lottie Moon   Martha’s Vineyard
Darryl & Terry Knight,              Vick & Anne Vickery
  Music Ministry                    Griffin Vickery, Lottie Moon
Becky Morrison
Counselman Sunday School
 Class, Overman Memorial Fund       HONORARIUMS
Scott & Mitzi Shanks, Lottie Moon   Beverly Warren
Darryl & Terry Knight,              Margaret Bell, Backpack Buddies
 Music Ministry                     Ken Counselman
Roger Mott                          Counselman Sunday School
Dave & Nancy Andrews,                Class, Anchor of Hope
 Martha’s Vineyard                  Toni Clevenger
Diane Norris                        Darryl & Terry Knight, History
Dave & Nancy Andrews,               Margaret Bell
 Martha’s Vineyard                  Darryl & Terry Knight,
Margaret Bell,                       Children’s Ministry
 Martha’s Vineyard
Sheldon Bernau Family,              Bill Morrison
 Martha’s Vineyard                  Darryl & Terry Knight,
                                     Music Ministry
Joe Phillips
Jim & Jeanette Murphy,
  Martha’s Vineyard
Margaret Bell, SHM

On Sunday, January 23,                  Myrtle Grove Baptist Church
the Church affirmed the                       5920 Lillian Hwy
Administrative Structure and
                                           Pensacola, FL 32506
Organization document which
provides clarity and transparency         Pastor: Dr. Josh Morea
for various administrative
processes related to Church
operations and decision-making.
                                          OFFERING REPORT

     FAMILY DINNER                               January 2, 2022
                                     Weekly Needs............................$87,212
   WEDNESDAY NIGHTS                  Weekly Receipts.................... $144,352
      AT 5:00 P.M.                   Offering Receipts................... $144,342
                                      Other Receipts............................... $10
Make your reservation each week
                                     Year to Date Needs............$1,220,962
 by Tuesday at noon by visiting
                                     Year to Date Receipts.......$1,583,522
  www.fbcp.org/family-dinner         Designated Gifts.................... $156,020
                                     Lottie Moon YTD.......................$74,470
 Adult Meals: $5 | Child Meals:
    $3 | Family Max*: $20
   *Family Max = 8 immediate
        family members                           January 9, 2022
                                     Weekly Needs............................. $87,212
DINNER MENU                          Weekly Receipts......................$177,771
Wednesday, February 2                Offering Receipts.....................$176,602
                                      Other Receipts...........................$1,169
Adults: Pork with wild rice, baked
                                     Year to Date Needs............. $1,308,173
sweet potato with honey butter,
                                     Year to Date Receipts........ $1,760,124
jello salad, biscuit, cookie
                                     Designated Gifts........................ $17,286
Children: Cheeseburger

Wednesday, February 9
Adults: Chicken alfredo, broccoli
and cauliflower, buttered roll,                 January 16, 2022
bread pudding
                                     Weekly Needs............................. $87,212
Children: PB&J
                                     Weekly Receipts........................ $40,906
Wednesday, February 16               Offering Receipts....................... $40,376
                                      Other Receipts.............................. $530
Adults: Valentine’s Day Dinner
                                     Year to Date Needs............. $1,395,385
Taco bar and red velvet cake
                                     Year to Date Receipts........ $1,800,500
                                     Designated Gifts........................ $10,397
Wednesday, February 23
Adults: Mardi Gras Dinner
Red beans and sausage, rice,
broccoli with cheese, cornbread,
chocolate chip cookie                           January 23, 2022
Alternate Meal: Baked Chicken
Children: Corn Dog                   Weekly Needs.............................. $87,212
                                     Weekly Receipts......................... $58,093
                                     Offering Receipts........................ $57,083
                                      Other Receipts............................$1,010
First Baptist Church of Pensacola
                                     Year to Date Needs.............. $1,482,596
        500 N. Palafox St.,          Year to Date Receipts......... $1,857,583
       Pensacola, FL 32501           Designated Gifts............................$4,211
     850-433-5631 // fbcp.org
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