Clark University 2017-2018 Multicultural Resource Guide

Page created by Reginald Nguyen
Clark University 2017-2018
               Multicultural Resource Guide

                                    Table of Contents
                                 Local Advocacy
                                Places of Worship
                             Restaurants and Markets
                         Off Campus Festivals and Events
                             Barber Shops and Salons
                              Community Resources
                               Multicultural Events
                                 Clubs and Activities
                                  LGBTQ+ Resources

We have adapted this guide based on Assumption College’s willingness to share their template.
Local Advocacy
Black Legacy
Community health equity project that works to              Neighbor to Neighbor/Vecino a Vencino
determine the root cause of health inequity and
improve health outcomes in Worcester’s black               (N2N)
community                                                  Organizes low-income and working families on
(508)799-0702                                              economic justice issues including housing,                                       healthcare, wages
Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance
(CMHA)                                                     Office of Human Rights
Affordable housing development and preservation,           City Hall Room 402
services for homeless people                               (508) 799-1186

Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts                     Refugee and Immigrant Assistance
(CLUM)                                                     Center
Local affiliate to American Civil Liberties Union, first
amendment protections, opposition to U.S. Patriot          The Refugee & Immigrant Assistance Center, formerly
Act, defending right to choose                             known as the Somali Women and Children’s
(508)752-5363                                              Association, was established in 1993. It is a                                          community-based, grassroots organization dedicated
                                                           to promoting educational and socio-economic
                                                           development in Massachusetts refugee and
Greater Worcester Equality Network                         immigrant communities.
(GWEN)                                                     (508) 926-7557
Equal rights for GLBTO, including marriage rights
(508)612-3142                                                South Worcester Neighborhood
                                                           Improvement Center (SWNIC)
Latino Education Initiative                                Provides needed helping services to the community
Seeks to improve academic achievement and the              such as parent skill-building, leadership development,
general well-being of Latino individuals and families in   job creation, planning and youth programs
the Worcester area                                         (508)757-8344
                                                           Worcester Branch National Association
                                                           for the Advancement of Colored People
                                                           Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest
                                                           and largest civil rights organization. From the ballot
                                                           box to the classroom, the thousands of dedicated
                                                           workers, organizers, leaders and members who make
                                                           up the NAACP continue to fight for social justice for all
                                                           (508) 251-9501
Places of Worship
American Baptist, First Baptist Church         Church of God, Grace Community
of Worcester                                   Church of God in Christ
111 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA                 67 Vernon Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 755-6143                                 (508) 755-8221
                                               Greendale Peoples Community Church
African Methodist Episcopal, Belmont           25 Francis Street, Worcester, MA
AME Zion Church                                508-852-7727
55 Illinois Street, Worcester, MA    
                                               Hindu, Hindu Sarvadev Hindu Mandi
Bones and Flowers                              6 Main Street, Oxford, MA
980 Main Street, Worcester, MA                 (508) 987-8441
(508) 798-3330                       

Jewish, Chabad Lubavich Orthodox,              India Society of Worcester
Yeshiva Tifereth Synagogue                     152 Main Street, Shrewsbury, MA
22 Newton Avenue, Worcester, MA                (508) 842-3737
(508) 752-0904                       

Christ Tabernacle Apostolic Church             Inter-Denominational Service of Praise
1188 Main Street, Worcester, MA                and Worship at Holy Cross
(508) 756-0238                                 1 College Street, Worcester, MA                (508) 793-2429
Conservative, Congregation Beth Israel         service/interdenominational
15 Jamesbury Drive, Worcester, MA
(508) 756-6204                                 Baptist, John St Baptist Church                     43 John Street, Worcester, MA
                                               (508) 753-4991
Baptist, Emmanuel Baptist Church     
717 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 756-0009                                 Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran Church                        73 Lancaster Street, Worcester, MA
                                               (508) 753-2989
Episcopal, All Saints Episcopal Church
10 Irving Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 752-3766                                 Ministry of Reconciliation (Christian                         Non-denominational)
                                               315 Hamilton Street, Worcester, MA
                                               (508) 296-3701
Modern Orthodox, Congregation Shaarai     Orthodox, Saint Spyridon Greek
Torah West Synagogue                      Orthodox Cathedral
835 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA        102 Russell Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 791-0013                            (508) 791-7326    
Pentecostal, Mount Olive Pentecostal      Baptist, Second Baptist Church
Church                                    14 Hammond Street, Worcester, MA
60 Highland Street, Worcester, MA         (508) 752-8869
(508) 753-0950            Seventh Day Adventist, Pleasant Street
                                          Church of Seventh Day Adventist
Church of God, Mount Sinai Church of      370 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA
God in Christ                             (508) 797-5009
63 Wellington Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 754-9609
                                          Jewish, Temple Sinai
Presbyterian, First Presbyterian Church   661 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA
125 Holden Street, Worcester, MA          (508) 755-2519
(508) 852-2111                  
                                          Unitarian, First Unitarian Church
Quaker, Worcester Pleasant Street         90 Main Street, Worcester, MA
Friends Meeting                           (508) 757-2708
901 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 754-3887   Unitarian, Unitarian Universalist Church
                                          of Worcester
Roman Catholic, Saint Peter's RC          90 Holden Street, Worcester, MA
Church                                    (508) 853-1942
929 Main Street, Worcester, MA  
(508) 752-4674
                                          United Church of Christ, United
United Methodist, St. Andrews Covenant    Congregational Church
United Methodist Church                   6 Institute Road, Worcester, MA
24 Hamilton Street, Worcester, MA         (508) 752-3785
(508) 755-2321                  
church/church/10878                       United Church of Christ, Hadwen Park
                                          Congregational Church
Catholic, St. Joan of Arc Church          6 Clover Street, Worcester, MA
(English, Hispanic, Ghanaian)             (508) 752-7489
570 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 852-3232                       United Church of Christ, Pilgrim
                                          Congregational Church
911 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 753-6970
                                              Buddhist, Vietnamese Buddhist Center
                                              96 Dewey Street, Worcester, MA
United Methodist, Aldersgate United           (508) 755-7817
Methodist Church
1048 Main Street, Worcester, MA               Islamic, Worcester Islamic Center
(508) 755-2867                                248 E. Mountain Street, Worcester, MA                    (508) 595-0298

  *Clark also has a Prayer/Meditation Room on campus, open to all
           denominations, and located in Dana Commons*

                                  Restaurants & Markets
African                                       (508) 755-8888
Albino Fruit Market                 
92 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 753-9280                                Bahn Thai (Thai)
                                              2 Coes Square, Worcester, MA
Anokye Krom African Restaurant                (774) 420-7666
687 Millbury Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 753-8471                                Basil n’ Spice Thai Cuisine (Thai)
                                              299 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, MA
Fatima’s Café                                 (774) 317-9986
43 W Boylston St, Worcester, MA 01605
(508) 762-9797                   Choose & Mix (Korean, Japanese)
                                              5 East Mountain Street, Worcester, MA
Kumasi Market (African, American and          (774) 530-6123
850 Main Street, Worcester, MA                Chuan Shabu (hot pot and Sichuan Chinese)
(508) 797-3692                                301 Park Ave, Worcester, MA
                                              508) 762-9213
Peace African Market                
1104 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 753-5950                                Dalat Restaurant (Vietnamese)
                                              425 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA
Asian                                         (508) 753-6036
7 Nana (Japanese)
60 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, MA               Ha-Tien Market (Vietnamese, Asian market)
                                              892 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 831-7413
                                                Simjang (Korean) [Opening fall 2017]
                                                72 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA
Loving Hut (Vegan-Asian)
415 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA              Twin's Oriental Market
(508) 459-0367                                  118 Cambridge Street, Suite 5, Worcester, MA                  (508) 798-2547

Mekong Market                                   Vietnam Café (Vietnamese)
747 Main Street, Worcester, MA                  148 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 304-1437                                  (508) 753-0688

Nancy Chang Restaurant (Chinese, Japanese,      Brazilian
Thai)                                           Miranda Bread (Brazilian Bakery)
372 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA              140 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 752-8899                                  (508) 791-2030                

Pho Bowl (Vietnamese, Asian Fusion)             Pampas Churrascaria
580 Park Ave, Worcester, MA                     145 East Central Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 757-2695                                  (508)757-1070         

Pho Dakao (Vietnamese)                          Caribbean
593B Park Avenue, Worcester, MA                 Extreme (Puerto Rico)
(508) 756-7555                                  848 Main Street, Worcester, MA                        (508) 752-1400
Racha Thai Restaurant (Thai)                    Home Style Cuisine (Jamaican)
Southwest Cutoff/Rt. 20, Worcester, MA          33 Canterbury Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 757-8884                                  (508)795-3307
t/Welcome.html                                  Spanish Grille “El Primo” (Dominican)
                                                703 Main Street, Worcester, MA
Red Pepper (Sichuan Chinese)                    (508)-791-5144
1083 Main St, Worcester, MA
(774) 243-6488                                  Jamaica Thymes (Jamaican)              169 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA
                                                (508) 868-1511
Saigon Vietnamese Restaurant (Vietnamese)
976 Main Street, Worcester, MA                  Jamaica Thymes (Jamaican)
(508) 799-5250                                  462 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA
Sapporo Korean Barbecue & Sushi (Korean and     Belmont Vegetarian (Jamaican, Vegetarian)
Japanese)                                       157 Belmont St, Worcester, MA 01605
50 East Main Street (Rt. 30), Westborough, MA   (508) 798-8898
(508) 898-1880                        
El Buen Sabor (Dominican)
59 Chandler St, Worcester, MA              Multiethnic
508-798-9160                               Compare Foods
                                           664 Main Street, Worcester, MA
Cibao Market                               (508) 438-3663
805 Main Street, Worcester, MA   
(508) 831-0604                             st

Middle Eastern                             Fairway Beef
Bahnan’s International Marketplace         48 Grafton Street, Worcester, MA
344 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA         (508) 756-8808
(508) 791-8566                        PriceRite
                                           117 Gold Star Blvd
Bay State Shawarma & Grill                 (508) 853-7443
96 Water Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 753-6000                             Shaws   14 W Boylston St, Worcester, MA
                                           508) 852-5833
Ed Hyder's Mediterranean Market
408 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA         South and Central American
(508) 755-0258                             Café Reyes (Cuban)                   421 Shrewsbury Street, Worcester MA
                                           (508) 762-9900
El-Basha Restaurant
424 Belmont Street, Worcester, MA          El Patron (Mexican)
(508) 797-0884                             192 Hardling Street, Worcester, MA              (508)757-8000

Pomir Grill                                Fuente de Vida (Salvadorian)
119 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, MA 01604     Restaurante Y Pupuseria Fuente De Vida
(508) 755-7333                             1159 Main Street, Worcester, MA                 508-929-3266

Sahara Cafe & Restaurant                   Hacienda don Juan (Mexican and Salvadorian)
143 Highland Street, Worcester, MA         875 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 798-2181                             (508)-756-2076        

Shiraz Restaurant                          Kumasi Market (African, American and
259 Park Avenue, Worcester, MA             Spanish)
(508) 767-1639                             850 Main Street, Worcester, MA
                                           (508) 797-3692
Zorba’s Taverna
97 Stafford St, Worcester, MA 01603        La Cabana Restaurant (Ecuadorian)
(508) 796-5828                             181 Millbury Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 755-626                                   Tacos Parilla (Mexican)
                                                138 Millbury Street, Worcester, MA
La Terraza (Mexican)                            (508) 798-3496
591 Park Ave, Worcester, MA
(774)530-6360                                   Talyta’s
                                                20 Front Street, Worcester, MA
Maria's Kitchen (Dominican)                     (508) 929-3355
826 Main Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 797-3380                                  Southern & Soul Food
                                                Addie Lee’s Soul Food
Plaza Azteca                                    596 Main St, Worcester, MA 01608
539 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA               (508) 752-0569
(508) 853-3536                                  Black Seed Farmers Market
                                                215 E Mountain St
Sazon Latino Restaurant                         Worcester, Massachusetts
130 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA    
(508) 797-5645
Sol de Mexico (Mexican)                         Smokestack Urban BBQ
538 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA              90 Harding Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 756-2660                                  (508) 363-1111           

                          Off Campus Festivals and Events
MLK Breakfast Philip Niddrie                    August                        CENTRO Latin American
March                                           latino-arts-culture/
Latino Film Festival
                                                Caribbean American Carnival
African American Festival and Juneteenth
Brazilian Festival                              September
Celebration                                     ALANA Support Network Welcome BBQ              Worcester Pride
Asian Festival  
Greek Festival    stART on the Street
Paulie's NOLA Jazz and Blues Festival      October
zfestival/                                      Main South Celebrates
stART on the Street

July                                            December
Celtic Festival                                 Kwanzaa Celebration at          YMCA
Barber Shops and Salons
Amazing Styles – Sonia                        Total Touch Salon
1174 Main St., Worcester, MA                  312 Grafton Street, Worcester, MA
                                              (508) 459-5950
Bebe’s African Hair Braiding
2 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA              Barbers:
508791-8628                                   Main Attractionz - Great Line ups, Ask for Phil!              974 Main street, Worcester,MA
Clarissa's Hair Salon
Midtown Mall - Lower Level                    Colin’s Barber
22 Front Street, Worcester, MA                375 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 831-9692                                (508) 752-9895

Clarisse Hair Braiding                        G’s Cuttin Up
139 Pleasant St, Worcester, MA                315 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA
508-459-4980                                  (508) 798-3718

Hair & Grace                                  Henrok’s Barbershop
1066 Main Street, Worcester, MA               1082B Main Street, Worcester, MA
508-754-5511                                  (508) 752-5800

Josefina's Hair Salon                         Michaelangelos’s Gent Barbershop
763 Main Street, Worcester, MA                138 Green Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 752-3344                                (508) 209-8800

L ‘image Salon                                MVP’s Barbershop
227 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA            258 Grafton St, Worcester, MA 01604
508-798-2722                                  (508) 792-3334

Shi-Shi's Lounge                              Pleasant Style Barbershop
376 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA            809 Pleasant Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 304-7870                                (508) 304-7217
Resources in the Community
African Community Education          
24 Chatham Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 799-3653                                 Multicultural Wellness Center     250 Commercial Street, Suite 330, Worcester,
m_content&view=article&id=95&Itemid=86         MA
Boys and Girls Club of Worcester     
65 Tainter Street, Worcester, MA               Southeast Asian Coalition of Central
(508) 754-2686                                 Massachusetts                           484 Main Street, Worcester, MA
11 Sycamore Street, Worcester, MA
(508) 798-1900                                 Worcester Youth Center                           326 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA
ESL Academy Computer Systems Institute
10 Mechanic Street # 110, Worcester, MA
(774) 317 6900                                 YMCA                             766 Main Street, Worcester, MA
Ethiopian Dream Center
18A Millbury Street, Worcester, MA             YWCA
(508)752-0849                                  One Salem Square, Worcester, MA                   (508)791-3181
Intensive English Language Institute
486 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA             Health Resources
(508) 929-8120                         AIDS Project Worcester
Jewish Community Center                        85 Green street
633 Salisbury Street, Suite 1, Worcester, MA   Worcester MA, 01604
(508) 756-7109                                 (508) 755-3773                           for Prevention and Screening for more
                                               information about groups.
Latino Education Institute           
537 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA
(508)798-6507                                  Planned Parenthood
                                               470 Pleasant Street,
Martin Luther King, Jr. Business Empowerment   Worcester MA 01610
Center                                         (800) 258-4448
237 Chandler Street, Worcester, MA

Logan International Airport, Boston, MA             Worcester Airport Limousine Service (to/from
                                                    Boston Logan Airport)
                                                    800-660-0992, West Boylston, MA
ZipCar Share (Rental Cars)
                                                    Link to Special Clark Discount:
Union Station (Train)                     
2 Washington St, Worcester, MA 01604                RY=CLARKU&LOGON=GO%22

(800) 872-7245                                      Worcester Regional Transit Authority (City Bus)              508-791-9782, 60 Foster Street,
Greyhound:               Clark Bike Share
Peter Pan:                 Yellow Cab: (508) 754-3211
                                                    Red Cab: (508) 792-9999

   The Office of Student Leadership and Programming has more information on the Student Council
                       shuttles and special transportation around break times.
Select Clark Multicultural Events

        Autumn Moon Festival (Asian Culture                             Latin American Student Organization
         Society hosts, this year will fall around                        Carnival
         October 4th)
                                                                         Millennium Leadership Conference
        Eid/Diwali Dinner (Muslim Culture                                (Millennium Leadership Club, 1st
         Society, usually spring semester)                                weekend in November), bringing
                                                                          diverse students from across New
                                                                          England to Clark for sessions on
        Drag Ball (sponsored by OPEN, usually
                                                                          leadership, social justice, and
                                                                          professional development

        Kwanzaa Dinner (Sponsored by Black                              Night Market (Asian Culture Society
         Student Union usually in December)                               presents a late night food experience,
                                                                          usually September/October)
        Homecoming (Sponsored by
         multicultural organizations and                                 Noche Latino (sponsored by Latin
         Multicultural and First Generation                               American Student Organization,
         Student Support, usually in October), a                          usually around November/December)
         festival/performance bringing voices
         and communities together in Dana                                Lunar New Year (Multiple organizations
         Commons.                                                         host a lunar new year event that
                                                                          includes dinner and entertainment)
        International Gala (the biggest Clark
         event of the year, sponsored by                                 International Film Festival (new to Clark,
         International Students Association,                              this is an event put together by most
         usually in April)                                                multicultural organizations on campus
                                                                          during the second semester)

                    Some Clark Multicultural Clubs and Activities
All Kinds of Girls (AKOG)
Clark female-identifying mentoring program for girls (ages 9-15) from the local community. Takes place every
Saturday 10 am - 3pm. If interested please contact: Nia Slater-Bookhart at or Fatima
Orta at
Asian Culture Society (ACS) Founded in 1986, the Asian Culture Society enhances the Clark community by providing
opportunities to learn about and experience Asian cultures. It has also worked in conjunction with other organizations
to sponsor international cultural celebrations.
Black Student Union (BSU) Black Student Union provides greater communication & unity among students by sharing
and promoting African American cultural pride and awareness within the Clark community. Our events range from
dances in the Grind, our annual Kwanzaa Dinner, and bi weekly discussions and activities promoting African
American culture, pride, and unity. BSU encourage all students regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity to participate !
Share your ideas, celebrate diversity, and have fun!
Caribbean and African Student Association (CASA) The Caribbean and African Student Association (CASA) seeks to
promote cultural awareness on Clark's campus, along with aiming to foster a sense of community amongst students
from Africa or the Caribbean, and students of African or Caribbean ancestry. CASA has monthly general member
meetings, as well as hosts various events throughout the academic year such as our highly anticipated CASA Weekend
in the Spring!
Clark Commuters and Residents Everyone wants to live the full Clark experience, but sometimes certain students can
feel left out from doing so. This includes commuting students, who don't always have access to the same resources
and fun that on-campus students get to enjoy.
First Generation Student Union This group was just founded last year by ACE mentor Justin Woods as a space for
students who are the first in their families to pursue a four-year degree to build community, mentor, discuss common
issues, and develop as leaders together.
Focus A group for men of color to discuss common experiences, and challenges over FREE food and brotherhood.
Through bi-weekly sessions consisting of speakers, workshops and dialogue, facilitators focus on providing
mentorship and cultivating resilience and community among underrepresented students.
International Student Association (ISA) this organization welcomes both International students and students who
want to promote and learn about global experiences at Clark.
Korean Student Association (KSA)
Latin America Student Organization (LASO)
OPEN aims to serve the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and queer (LGBTQ) communities, otherwise known as gender,
sexual, and romantic minorities. Allies of LGBTQ students are also a valuable part of the group, and aid in efforts to
educate and spread awareness of LGBTQ issues. OPEN members are dedicated to improving support and awareness in
both the Clark community and all over the globe. OPEN holds big events throughout the school year such as Coming
Out Stories, the (in)famous Drag Ball, and our Month of Awareness. We hope to create a more trans*-friendly campus.
Sisters in Stride (SIS) SIS works to build solidarity and community among women of color at Clark through a
discussion of common experiences and learning about our differences. Through bi-weekly sessions consisting of
speakers, workshops and dialogue, facilitators focus on providing mentorship and cultivating resilience and
community among underrepresented students.

For more information on clubs:

                           LGBTQ+ RESOURCES IN WORCESTER
The Bridge of Central MA, Inc.                                 Queer Students of Color Group (at Clark)
4 Mann Street                                                  This organization is still being developed, but talk to
Worcester, MA 01602                                            Hayley Haywood if you are interested in helping to grow
508-755-0333                                                   this space!
PFLAG of Greater Worcester (Parents, Families
                                                               Trans4mations is a drop-in group offered by AIDS Project
and Friends Lesbians and Gays)                                 Worcester for transgender, gender variant, and questioning
                                                               individuals ages 18-35. Meetings are held every evening from
4 Mann Street                                                  6:00-8:00 pm.
Worcester, MA 01603                                            (508) 755-3773

OPEN (Clark student org, see above)                            Ascentria Care Alliance
                                                               LGBTQ+ Human Rights and Legal Assistance
                                                               14 East Worcester St., Suite 300
                                                               Worcester, MA 01604
Feel free to contact the Multicultural and
 First Generation Student Support office if
you are seeking any type of support, and we
    can point you in the right direction!
       We provide resources such as:
               Sisters in Stride
         Student Success Workshops
McCann Resource Room (a study/meeting space in
              Dana Commons)
      We are located in Suite 2 of Dana Commons
         Or you can call us at 508-421-3722
        E-mail Hayley Haywood, the Director at
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