St.Ann'sParish Peabody,MA March20,2022 - Catholic ...
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St. Ann’s Parish Peabody, MA S AINT ANN’ S P ARISH 140 Lynn Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Phone: 978-531-1480 • Religious Ed: 978-531-9625 Web: Rev. David Lewis 978 -531-1480 Rev. Raymond Van De Moortell 978– 531-1480 Mass Schedule Deacon Richard W. Cordeau 781- 962-4480 Weekend Masses Susan Patturelli, Administrative Assistant 978– 531-1480 Donna Soltys, Choir Director 617-584-1545 Saturday 4:00 pm Peter Moore, Organist 978-204-5593 Sunday 9:30 am Leanne Amirault, Pre-School Director 978- 532-3329 Live-stream Donna Zinna, Religious Ed. Co-Ordinator 978- 531-9625 Parish Pastoral Council Members Holy Day Masses As announced Tom Flanagan, Dan Lemenager, Carol Provenzano, Maura Santos BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated PROGRAM/COORDINATORS individually Saturdays at 2:30pm. Please call 978-531-1480 for more info. RCIA Tom Flanagan Homebound Ministry Millie Onos Eucharistic Ministers Debbie Obremski Lectors Carol Provenzano SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Liturgy Committee Dcn. Richard Cordeau Archdiocesan policy: Weddings are to be scheduled six months prior to the celebration. Please call the Parish Office PARISH LEADERSHIP BODIES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Parish Pastoral Council St. Ann’s -Wednesdays 5:00-6:00pm Finance Committee John McGinn St. Adelaide’s- Saturdays 10:30-Noon PARISH MISSION STATEMENT “We are a welcoming community of faith grounded in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our faith leads us to action prompted by Scripture and taught by Jesus. Our life of faith is celebrated through our parish liturgy with the full participation of the laity.” Third Sunday of Lent
Peabody, MA St. Ann’s Parish Lenten Regulations Abstinence: Catholics over 14 years of age are bound to the obligations of abstinence. Saturday, March 19, 2022 Abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednes- 4:00pm Virginio Silva, Neal Onos, 2nd ann., day and the Fridays of Lent. On days of Judith E. Flynn abstinence, meat may not be used at all. Sunday, March 20, 2022 9:30am All enrolled in St. Ann’s Memorial Fund Saturday, March 26, 2022 Fast: Catholics 18 and up to the beginning of 4:00pm All enrolled in St. Ann’s Memorial Fund the 59th year are bound to the obligation of Sunday, March 27, 2022 fasting. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are 9:30am All enrolled in St. Ann’s Memorial Fund the days of fasting. On these days, only one full meal is allowed. Two other meatless Readings for the week of March 20, 2022 meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to each one’s needs, but Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6- together they should not equal another full 7, 8, 11 [8a]/1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12/Lk 13:1- meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, 9Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4/ but liquids, including milk and fruit juices Lk 4:24-30Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25: 4- are allowed. 5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9/Mt 18:21-35Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20/Mt 5:17-19Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, Holy Week & Easter 2022 8-9/Lk 11:14-23Friday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps HOLY THURSDAY 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26- April 14 7pm 38Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20- 21ab/Lk 18:9-14Next Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10- GOOD FRIDAY 12/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [9a]/2 Cor 5:17-21/Lk April 15, 3PM 15:1-3, 11-3 Good Friday Services HOLY SATURDAY April 16 7:30 pm The Great Vigil of Easter (Please note: NO 4pm Mass this day) Stations of the Cross will take place EASTER DAY on Friday evenings at 7PM Sunday of the Resurrection They will be on March 25 April 17 & April 1 & 8 9:30am We extend our sincere sympathy to the family and friends of James M. Sousa Holy Hour whose funeral Mass was Wednesdays , 5:00pm celebrated at St. Ann’s. There is adoration and confession at 5:00pm May he and all our faithful followed by the celebration of Mass at 6:00pm. departed rest in the peace of the Lord. March 20,2022
St. Ann’s Parish Peabody, MA Parish Prayer List Out of compassion please pray for your sisters and brothers in Christ. Our shut-ins, sick and hospitalized& those whose needs are known to God alone: Raymond Armstrong Susan Madruga The Cenacle Amanda Barber Rosemary O’Brien Emma Jane Barber Diane Oteri The Marian Prayer group meets at St. Adelaide’s Alison D’Ambrosio Bosma Anne Paskievich Church. every other Thursday, 6pm.. Sarah Cena Bill Pcheny The next date is March 24, 2022 Coffey Family Rita Pezzuto Each meeting will include the Rosary, Meditation and Jack Corrado Jacqueline Puglisi Maria D’Aveni Allissa Rodriguez Consecration to Mary. Ann DePaolo Eduardo Silva Our Lady insistently calls upon the faithful to gather Elizabeth Doherty Virginia Slattery together with her in fervent prayer and fraternal love, Sandy Feeney Helen Smith in authentic cenacles as when the first apostles gath- Genevieve Gannon Nick Spinazola ered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem await- Daniel Gargas Jean Sullivan ing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Nancy Hassan Greg Surman Delia Keka Fred Tirabassi All are Welcome! Louise Kozak Patricia Twoey Larry Lane Steve Vavoudes Irene Lobao Carole White Jack Lucier JT White Claire McGowan Virginia Zambella George Cerullo Irene Zielski Diane Cullen Please call Deacon Richard at 781-962-4480 if you wish to have someone added to our prayer list. Thank you, Conway,Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home is collecting socks “We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ” for service members and veterans through the Warm Feet Lord, Hear Our Prayer for Warriors Program. Please bring new socks, adult sizes, in all colors in their original packaging to the funeral home located at 82 Lynn Street in Peabody. Collection will Second Collection take place from March 1 - March 31, 2022. Help us keep Ukraine Relief our troops and veterans' toes feeling nice and toasty! The March 19 & 20 socks will be distributed to veterans in VA Hospitals and in care packages to the deployed Due to the unprecedented needs brought about by the devastation of the attacks on Ukraine and the immi- gration of millions of victims fleeing the ravages of war, I am authorizing a special collection to be taken up in all parishes on the weekend of March 19 & 20. The proceeds from the collection will be sent to Cath- olic Relief Services, the overseas relief & development agency of the U.S. Catholic Bishops, and to the Vati- can agency for outreach to the Churches in Eastern Europe. Please join me in supporting the people of Ukraine through our prayers, our concern, and our contributions. God bless, Cardinal Sean Third Sunday of Lent
Peabody, MA St. Ann’s Parish Financial Report February 2022 EASTER BASKET RAFFLE Required Actual to meet Budget Difference It is time again for the St. Ann’s Easter Basket Raffle. The parish is seeking 12 generous parishion- Feb $20,698 $20,000 $698 ers/friends to donate gift baskets for this raffle, the Offertory drawing for which will be held, on Sunday, April 24, 2022. Our Grand Prize basket will be an Apple iPad, July-Feb $129,939 $160,000 ( $30,061) donated by the church. Offertory If you would like to put together and donate a basket (minimum value $35), please contact John Graf, Financial Report (978-979-4186) or Rich D’Ambrosio (978-729- 1693). The February 2022 Offertory Collection totaled * Raffle tickets have been mailed $20,698. Thank you very much for your donations ! * We are still in need of 4 themed baskets This money is used to pay for the operating costs of * Additional tickets are available if you call Susan St. Ann’s Parish such as staff salaries, utilities, Patturelli (978-531-1480) or see the ushers at Mass program costs and basic building maintenance. * More details to follow in the coming weeks These funds are also used to pay the costs associated with the Parish’s Religious Education program not We now have 9 Baskets and still need 4 more covered by fees charged for those classes. The following themed baskets donated so far are: On average, we need to collect $20,000 each month – or $4,616 each week – to maintain our current 2 Breakfast baskets level of services. Gardening Movie Actual offertory collections for the 12-month Car care period ending on June 30, 2021, fell short by Lottery over $53,000 from what was required to Ice Cream Tea fully cover the parish’s operating costs. Please Grill consider increasing your offertory donations We still need 4 more with one of the themes that are to cover this shortfall. not already taken,. Thank you! Also we are in the market for donation( s) towards the i-pad basket which has an apple i-pad Fiscal Year 2020/2021 Cheese-Cheese Board, Sampler, Cheese Knives, small Budget Amounts Annual Monthly Weekly book about chesses Offertory Giving $240,000 $20,000 $4,616 Cocktails/Martinis Glasses, Martini mixes, Olives, Budget Cocktail Shaker, Cocktail napkins small plates & small book about cocktails. Other The parish strongly encourages parishioners to Game Night– Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue, Battleship, participate in offertory giving. The Commitment to Checker Board, Deck of Cards, Candy & Snacks, Other Parish Life Program (CPL) allows participants to Italian-Pasta, Pasta Sauce, Colander, Olive Oil, Bread make an annual donation pledge to the parish. The Sticks, Wooden Spoon Cookbook, Other pledged amount can be fulfilled throughout the year Luxury Chocolate– Godiva Chocolates, Lindt Choco- by making actual donations on a quarterly, monthly, lates, Caramels, Truffles, Ghiradelli Chocolates, Cocoa or weekly basis. Mix , Ghiradelli Brownie Mix, Other The CPL program helps the parish forecast offertory Movie Night– Popcorn, Popcorn Bowl, Specialty So- collections in the establishment of the annual budget. das, Candy, Snacks, Other Alternatively, parishioners are free to make Spa– Soaps, Bath salts, Loofa/sponge, Bubble bath, Eye donations to the offertory without making an annual mask, Bath Pillow, Lotions pledge. Wine– Wine Bottles, Wine Glasses, Corkscrew, Wine Stoppers, Cocktail Napkins, small books on wine March 20,2022
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