St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hamilton - 28 February 2021 - Lent 2 9.30am Kiwi Service - Rev Dr Mario Weyers

Page created by Derek Carter
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hamilton - 28 February 2021 - Lent 2 9.30am Kiwi Service - Rev Dr Mario Weyers
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

         Jesus – our scapegoat

      28 February 2021 – Lent 2
9.30am Kiwi Service – Rev Dr Mario Weyers
          Organ: Phyllipa Fraser
 11.30am Korean Service – Rev Tae Ju Ham
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hamilton - 28 February 2021 - Lent 2 9.30am Kiwi Service - Rev Dr Mario Weyers
St Andrew’s Mission                          St Andrew’s Vision
  To worship and work with God                    A bridge to the city ...
          in the world                        where love and friendship meet

    Welcome to worship; Kia ora tatou; 환영합니다; An-nyeoung ha-se-yo?
   Kam na mauri; Bula Vinaka; Kia orana; Malo e lelei; Mabuhay; Namaste;
         Nimen hao; Salaam; Selamat datang; Talofa lava; Welkom

Call to worship (Mario) – Revelation 15:3-4

Hymn – To God Be the Glory (CH4 512, tune sheet music)

Prayer (Mario)

Birthday (and other) celebrations (Mario)

Notices (Parish Clerk)

Hymn – Be Still (CH4 189, tune sheet music)

Scripture reading (Anne Jolly) – Leviticus 16:5-10, 15-17, 20-22 (NIV)

Sermon (Mario)

Hymn – What a Friend We Have in Jesus (CH4 547, tune Blaenwern WOV 165ii)

Prayers of gratitude and concern (Joan Bellhouse)

Hymn – The Lord’s Prayer (WOV 676)

Offering (Elders)

Dedication of offering (Mario)

Hymn – Rock of Ages (CH4 554, tune Petra WOV 157)

Benediction (Mario)
  May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God (our
  Father) and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit will be with you all.

Three-fold Amen

    Please join us for morning tea/coffee and a chat in Mary Bryant
    Commons. We hope you enjoyed worshipping with us; please sign the
  Visitors’ Book at the side door of the church. We want you to feel at home
                      here, so feel free to join our activities.
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hamilton - 28 February 2021 - Lent 2 9.30am Kiwi Service - Rev Dr Mario Weyers
THIS WEEK AT ST ANDREW’S                                  Is there someone you can
                                                             share this publication
Monday 1 March
 9.30am   Mini Movers
                                                          with? Please take another
                                                          copy of this bulletin to put
Tuesday 2 March                                                in their letterbox.
10.00am   Bowls group
12.00noon Gold coin lunch (see notice overleaf)

Wednesday 3 March
10.00am  Minutes that Matter in Mario’s office

Friday 5 March
10.00am    World Day of Prayer at Discovery Church (see notice p6)

Sunday 7 March – Lent 3
 9.30am   Kiwi service
11.30am   Korean communion service

                      Christianity 101
 Are you interested in the foundations of Christian belief?
        Please contact Mario (mob 022 089 4395)

Rosters                28 February                          7 March
Service Elder          David Roberts                        Marian Carmichael
Convenor               Butch Rothman                        Graeme Carmichael
Door duty              Rianna Rothman                       Norma Stewart
Finance                Ross Williams                        Wynne Dymock
AV Operator            Gavin Petrie                         David Roberts
Organ/Piano            Phyllipa Fraser                      Phyllipa Fraser
Bible Reader           Anne Jolly                           Margaret Gault
Intercessory Prayer Joan Bellhouse                          Alison Ringer
Morning Tea            Joanne Bedford & Adrian Coote        Anne & Brian Jolly

       2 Corinthians 9:7 – God loves a cheerful giver (NKJV)
         St Andrew’s depends on the generous giving of members and friends.
   If you would like to make a donation, our church BNZ bank account details are:
   St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church - Hamilton        02-0316-0046144-000
         (Please include your Name or Giving Number in the Reference)
If you would like to use planned giving, please contact the Church Office (ph 854 9737)
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hamilton - 28 February 2021 - Lent 2 9.30am Kiwi Service - Rev Dr Mario Weyers
Autumn 2021 Appeal
The management financial statements prepared for the seven months
to 31 January 2021 show a net cash operating deficit of $15,300. This
is $2,800 short of the 2020/2021 break-even budget presented at last
year’s church AGM. While this is a very credible performance, given
the COVID-19 world that we currently live in, our working capital
position is currently very tight. “Working capital” is what is used to
fund the day-to-day operations.
To give you an idea of the sum of regular recurring expenses that must
be met out of income, each week more than $3,000 is paid for salaries
and ministers’ house rents. When you add PAYE tax and ministers’
stipends, which are paid monthly, the combined equivalent weekly total
sum spent is nearly $5,800.
While there is no risk that stipends, house rents and salaries will go
unpaid, there are all the other operating expenses that also need
paying each month.
The break-even budget includes income from many sources, one of
them being $25,000 from special appeals. $14,970 was received in
response to the Spring Appeal made in September last year. I now
wish to make a second special appeal for $10,000, which will be known
as the “Autumn Appeal”.
Donations can be made electronically (either online, automatic
payment, or telephone banking) to the church’s bank account:
02-0316-0046144-000. Please include either your name or your
envelope number in the Reference field and enter “Autumn Appeal” in
the Particulars field. The bank account details can also be found each
week in the Sunday church service bulletin.
Alternatively, your donation can be placed in the church offering bag on
a Sunday, in an envelope marked with your envelope number and
“Autumn Appeal”.

             Gold Coin Lunch
     Tuesday 2 March at 12.00noon

   The first lunch of the year! See you there!

               Marian Carmichael
Dusting Roster
                  Can you help? Volunteers are needed to keep our
                  beautiful church free from dust and spiders.
                  Please phone Marian Carmichael (ph 856 2560) if
                  you can help.

          Craft Group March Get-Togethers
       Tuesday 9 and 23 March – 9.30am to 1.30pm
Last Tuesday was another relaxed and enjoyable morning, and the
production of bassinet and cot blankets is well under way. We are
also working on knee rugs, which will be handy with winter again on
the horizon.
We do have a range of charities looking for quality, up-cycled
bedding so please keep us in mind if you are downsizing or clearing
your linen cupboards.
We have decided to continue with Tuesday for the month of March.
Please come and join in sometime, even if you can make it for just a
couple of hours – and feel free to bring a friend. It’s about a relaxed
morning, in great company, and helping others in our community.
                                      Joanne Coote (ph 07 856 8331)

               Donation Envelopes
       The Bridge - Autumn 2021 Newsletter
These are available for collection from the church at today’s service,
or from the church office during the week. Office hours are Monday
to Friday, 9.00am to 3.30pm.

                St Andrew’s Telephone List
Copies of the church phone directory (February 2021) are available
in the Church Library (cost $2.00 each).
(If you happened to purchase a February 2020 copy last Sunday,
please replace it with the February 2021 copy at no charge.)
You are invited to join Bible Society New Zealand in celebrating their
175th anniversary when they come to Hamilton on Saturday 15 May
(7.00pm), which will be held in the Pavilion at Hamilton Gardens.
They will be looking back at the early story of the Bible in Aotearoa, and
hear from some of the people who have shaped Bible Society’s mission
over the years – their supporters. This free event will be interactive with
plenty to look at and learn about.
Registration is online (spaces are limited, so get in quick!). If you don’t
have internet access but want to attend the event, please contact Alison

          ‘Like’ us on Facebook!
                                                        Prayer Chain
We would like to encourage you to ‘Like’
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Hamilton’s
                                                          Elaine Riddell
Facebook page (
                                                      (ph 834 2488, email
The more ‘Like’s we get, the more people get to
know about St Andrew’s.
Health & Safety
                           Please note where the Exits
                         and Evacuation Point are located

                       LINK HOUSE FOOD BANK
With autumn weather settling (we hope) in March, you may like to bring
items such as salad dressings and pizza sauces, which the Link House
single parents can use to dress up their basic food preparation.
St Andrew’s food basket is located in the north transept as you enter the
You can, of course, bring any other sort of food instead, if you wish.
Non-perishable food only but, if you have surplus fresh fruit or veges,
please phone Link House on 839 1051 to see what could be of immediate
                   Please use paper bags if you need
                   to bag up your donations, rather
                   than plastic.
                                Thanks from the
                          Social and Ecumenical Action

Lead Minister                            Korean Minister
Rev Dr Mario Weyers                      Rev Ham Tae Ju
Ph 854 9737 (bus), Mob 022 089 4395      Ph 855 0020 (DDI), Mob 021 044 5192
Email:               Email:
Parish Clerk                             Associate Parish Clerk
Elaine Riddell – ph 834 2488             Lance Kendrick – ph 855 8428

The Link Manager (Mon to Fri 8.00am–5.00pm)
Ian Jamieson – ph 855 3190 (direct line)

Church Office (Mon to Fri 9.00am–3.30pm)
Secretary: Jacky Overdevest – ph 854 9737
Postal Address: PO Box 4407, Hamilton East, Hamilton 3247

             Deadline for bulletin notices: Wednesday (9.00am)
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