Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Page created by Amber Conner
Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
www.tricountycoop.com         December 2020

                                                                           MISSION STATEMENT

                                                                             electric  service, superior
                                                                           electric service, superior
                                                                           customer      service,and
                                                                           tical energy solutions, allallatat
                                                                             tical energy  solutions,
                                                                           reasonable      prices.

                                                                           3906 Broadway
                  2021 Plan of Work
                  Marcia Scott
                                                                           Mt. Vernon, IL 62864

                  General Manager                                          618-244-5151
                                                                           Toll-Free: 800-244-5151
   Tri-County Electric               voltage drop at peak use times and    Fax: 618-244-1496
Cooperative’s Board of Directors     increase reliability.                 Pay by phone:
recently approved the annual         • Dix East - Upgrade 1.6 miles        855-385-9902
plan of work for 2021. Each year,    of aged single-phase to three-
a number of line projects which      phase conductor needed to reduce
should improve the reliability of    voltage drop and balance load.        Mt. Vernon
the electric distribution system     • SCADA Phase 2 - Begin phase         Office Hours
are selected and prioritized. Some   2 of 2 replacing our SCADA            Monday - Friday
lines are replaced due to age and    (Supervisory Control and Data         7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
condition. Other lines will be       Acquisition) system. This will
replaced with a larger conductor     allow us to better monitor and        Salem
due to load growth.                  maintain our grid and also assist     Office Hours
   The following are items           in outage restoration.                Tuesday - Thursday
included in our 2021 plan of work:   • Sectionalizing - Upgrade
                                                                           7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
• Pole Replacements -                regulators, capacitors, and OCR
Approximately 500 poles will         (oil circuit reclosers).              (Closed 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.)
be replaced in 2021. Poles are       •Substation Improvements -
inspected on an eight-year           Maintenance to help improve
rotation cycle and poles that fail   reliability will be conducted on       BOARD OF DIRECTORS
inspection are replaced. This        various substations. This work
year, the poles being replaced       should also prolong equipment life
are located in southern Marion       and increase efficiency.                  Greg Vieira - Salem
County.                                 The goal of all of the above
• Marlow Northeast - Upgrade         mentioned system upgrades is to            Vice-President
1 mile of aged-three phase with      improve service reliability for the   Donnie Laird - Waltonville
larger conductor needed to reduce    membership.
                                                                               Sam Phillips - Salem

                                                                               Tom Beyers - Odin
                                                                             Phil Carson - Oakdale
   The Board of Directors and Employees of Tri-County Electric             Doug Knolhoff - Hoyleton
                                                                           Larry Manning - Belle Rive
        Cooperative wish you a safe and Merry Christmas!                    Rick Russell - Richview
                                                                           Kathy Withers - Mt. Vernon
Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Lobby Reopening......

   Interior phase one of two will be completed        into our normal workspaces and welcome our
by the end of December. You can expect for the        members through the lobby door again!
lobby to reopen at our Broadway location in Mt.          Phase two will involve minor renovations in
Vernon very soon. As you can see, it’s starting to    our Operations, Engineering, and Manager’s
come together!                                        Departments. This phase will be much shorter
   Our temporary location has worked out              than phase one, and should only take four
great, and we thank you for your patience             months.
during the transition! However, there is “no
place like home”. We will be glad to settle back

                                                      By the time you receive this month’s newsletter, the
                                                      front of the building will most likely be complete!
                                                      Here is a photo during the reconstruction, which
Above is a picture of the new terrace offering flat   included masonry repairs and a facelift to our
space to safely and accessibly store equipment for    existing entrance.
our linemen!

We now have a copy/print/mail room! Having all
functions in one room will improve efficiency.        Billing Department Reconfiguration
Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
                                                        WHEN MOTHER NATURE STRIKES


   Unless it’s an           Have a storm kit        When using a             Install smoke alarms     Never use a stove
   emergency, stay home     prepared with food,     portable generator for   and carbon monoxide      to heat your home.
   during ice and snow      medicine, first aid     power, always place      detectors with battery
   storms, and wait until   supplies, battery       it outside, well away    backups. Test them       Learn more at:
   roads are passable.      operated clock radio,   from the garage,         to make sure             SafeElectricity.org
   Heavy snow and ice       and other items you     doors, windows and       they work.
   can bring down           may need if you can’t   air-intake vents.
   power lines, creating    leave your home for
   hazardous conditions.    several days.

Deadline for IEC Memorial Scholarship Applications
    The deadline to apply for scholarships                   munity college who are
awarded by Illinois electric cooperatives is De-             the sons or daughters
cember 31, 2020. A total of twelve scholarships of           of Illinois electric coop-
$2,000 each will be awarded.                                 erative members, em-
    •Six scholarships to high school seniors who             ployees or directors.
are the sons or daughters of Illinois electric co-               •The final schol-
operative members receiving service from the                 arship will help pay for
cooperative.                                                 costs to attend the lineworker’s school at Lincoln
    •One scholarship to a student who is the son             Land Community College in Springfield, IL.
or daughter of an Illinois electric cooperative                  Visit www.tricountycoop.com for more infor-
employee or director.                                        mation.
    •Four scholarships are reserved for students
enrolling full-time at a two-year Illinois com-

                               Tri-County Electric Cooperative offices will be closed:
                                   Friday, December 25th - Christmas Day &
                                        Friday, January 1st - New Years Day
Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Mascot Pecans make the
                                                              perfect stocking stuffer!

    16 oz. Mammoth Pecan Halves                                                $9.50 Nuts are available, while supplies last, during
                                                                                                regular business hours
    16 oz. Medium Pecan Pieces                                                 $9.25  at both office locations of the cooperative.

    12 oz. Salted Jumbo Cashews                                                $7.50            The proceeds from the employee Mascot
     4 oz. Pecan Log                                                           $3.50          Pecan Fundraiser are donated to community
    12 oz. Chocolate Covered Pecans                                            $7.00          organizations that serve the membership of
                                                                                                   Tri-County Electric Cooperative.
     8 oz. Pecan Caramel Clusters                                              $6.00

2021 Forestry Cycle
    Asplundh, Endrizzi, and Lily Tree Service will                                                                 Vernon

begin forestry work in January 2021. The substa-
tions in the 2021 program are: Ashley, Patoka,                                                                     Patoka
                                                                                                                                Patoka Sub
Reserve, Irvington, Odin, Mt. Vernon, and                                                                                                                           Kinmundy Sub
Nashville.                                                                                                                                                                          Omega
    The Forestry Program is a cycle program de-
                                                                                                                                Odin Sub
veloped to trim, remove trees, mow brush, and                                                                                                        South
apply herbicides to each substation area in a four-                                                                           Odin
year cycle.                                                                                          Salem Industrial Sub                            Sub
                                                                                                           Junction City

                                                                                                                              Salem Sub             Cartter               Iuka Sub

                        New Memphis
                                                                                                                            Walnut Hill

                                         Okawville Sub
                                                                                       Hoyleton       Irvington                  Dix Sub
                                                                                                                                              Dix          Texico
                                                                Hoyleton Sub
                                                                          New Minden
                                                                                                                  Cravat             Boyd                Jaycee
                             Venedy                                                                 Irvington Sub                                          Sub
                                                  Plum Hill
                                                                                       Beaucoup                               Shiloh               Sub
           St. Libory                                                 Nashville
                                                                                                               Woodlawn        Sub
                                                                                                                  Sub    Mt V
                          Lively Grove Sub                                                                                                           Bluford
                                                                 Nashville Sub                                           Sub          Mount Vernon
                                                                                                      Ashley Sub                  Sub             Reserve
                                                                                                  Du Bois
                                                                                                             Waltonville     Sub                  Belle Rive


     This program was developed to reduce storm                                                                    Scheller                 Nason

                                                                                                                                                           Ina         Bonnie Sub
                                                                                                                                                                    Spring Garden

damage, blinks, and maintenance costs.
   If you have any questions regarding the coop-
erative’s Cycle Forestry Program, please contact                                                                                                      Whittington

Ben Ceglinski, Tri-County Electric Cooperative’s
Forestry Supervisor, at 618-244-5151.
Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc. Hi-Lites - Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.
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