St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings

Page created by Rhonda Welch
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
St. Andrew’s

April Soundings
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
The Rectors Reckonings
   Death, be not proud, though some have
   called thee
   Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
   For those whom thou think'st thou dost overthrow
   Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
   From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
   Much pleasure; then from thee much more must flow,
   And soonest our best men with thee do go,
   Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
   Thou art slave to fate, chance, kings, and desperate men,
   And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
   And poppy or charms can make us sleep as well
   And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then?
   One short sleep past, we wake eternally
   And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.
The feast day of the author of this poem, John Donne, fell on
Wednesday of Holy Week this year. Known in life as an
eloquent preacher; he was the dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral
and a favorite of King James I. He is remembered to day
largely as one, of the great poets of the English language,
capable of writing poetry that was, by turns, sensual, worldly,
and deeply religious.
The poem quoted above, Sonnet #10 of the Holy Sonnets, is
ideal for Good Friday. Death is portrayed as a tyrant, assured
of his destructive power, secure in his reign. But his power is
exercised through servants who each claim their own
authority, the rewards of his reign are dismal ones, and, in
truth, he will be overthrown. God’s vindication of his righteous
servant(s) will undue all of Death’s machinations, turning them
into the equivalent of a nap.
The message of Good Friday/Easter is that all of
the powers of “the world” are deluded, and, foolish
as it may seem, love will triumph.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
Thursday, April 1
       5:00pm and 7:00pm

       Friday, April 2
 Reservations are not required
     11:15am and 4:15pm

      12Noon and 5:00pm

         Saturday, April 3
        (Starts in the Cemetery)
           EASTER VIGIL

      Easter Day, April 4
 6:30am - (Oxford St., Wrightsville Beach)
Services outside at St. Andrew’s
         (weather permitting)
 Reservations are not required
  7:45am - 9:00am - 11:00am
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
the Easter
  Bring flowers
from home and
help us cover the

                                Often, families
                                stand together at
                                the cross, each
                                picking out a
                                special spot for
                                their flowers.
                                the cross is
                                completely covered
                                in beautiful
                                flowers with a
                                brilliant array of
                                color, light, and
                                The Flowering of
the Easter Cross transforms a symbol of hope, joy,
and new life.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
Flowers On-the-Sound
           are given to the glory of God and in:
   11th: Memory of Nancy Loughlin and Darrell Tackett,
             by Dale and Peggy Loughlin.
                Thanksgiving for our family,
                 by Mort and Judy Neblett.

            This is a great way to honor and/or
  remember that special someone or event. The process is
   easy. Choose your date and call Barbara at 256-3034;
           and you will be billed at a later date.
                     Available dates:
                    April 18th & 25th
         May 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th
    Thank you for your continued support. The Flower Guild

           Candle Dedications
   The Altar Candles are given to the glory of God and in
          celebration of our wedding anniversary,
                 by Jim and Donna Grice.
  This is a very nice way to dedicate a candle to a loved one
or in memory of someone. A donation of $25.00 will be billed
    to you at a later date. If you would like to sign-up for
 either an Altar or Sanctuary Candle, please call Donna
                  Hancock at (910) 256-8754.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
From the Music Room
            Dear Members and Friends of
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound,
As I write this on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, we have just
had our first services back in person after several months. It
was great to see many of you in church, even if from a
(social) distance, and I look forward to seeing more of you
soon as more of us get vaccinated and things slowly begin to
look somewhat like the pre-Covid times. While we all must
keep safety precautions in mind while at church, it was great
to be able to participate in a corporate Episcopal liturgy and
receive the Eucharist for the first time in a while. I hope that
all of you are planning to come back when you feel it is safe
for you to do so. I would love to meet you soon as things
become safer with increasing vaccination levels. I am
personally looking forward to receiving my second shot the
week before Holy Week.
Speaking of Holy Week, I hope that you will join us in person
and/or online for our special services. While things will not
look the same, we will soon celebrate the beloved traditional
Palm Sunday, Triduum, and Easter Day liturgies. While
these services will not be what we are used to musically, with
special guest soloists and instrumentalists, beautiful choir
anthems and chant, and large congregations singing hymns
full voice, we will do the best that we can given the
circumstances. These liturgies are the most special of the
year for me, and I know they are to many of you as well.
Tracing the highs and lows of that most important week in the
life of Christ is always the pinnacle of my year. I hope that
you will be able to join us in some form for these events.
Even if you are out of town for the holiday weekend, you are
still invited to join us virtually through the pre-recorded
services on YouTube. And if you are in town and feel
comfortable, please join us in person.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
More from the Music Room
In terms of the pandemic, I believe we are turning a corner in
the response and recovery from our long life-pause. I am
prayerful and hopeful that with additional immunity from
vaccines and prior exposure, the availability of vaccines to
folks of all ages by May 1, along with additional study of the
impact of singing in groups given herd immunity, it will be
possible to return to some normalcy in the coming months. I
know it is difficult to miss worship, and then when you are in
the service, to experience the jarring inability to sing out on
our favorite hymns. I am looking forward to a wonderful day
when I can lead you in robust congregational song for the
very first time.

   Episcopal Youth Community
In March, we were so excited to be able to meet
in person and catch up. Our March youth gatherings were
at Wrightsville Beach Park. We would meet, walk the loop
and beach, and then have snacks/lunch together at the
park. We have this halfway point after we walk the
beach where we would take a break on benches and talk
about what is going on in our lives. Our theme for this
second half of the year has been focusing on mental and
physical health. Our gatherings at Wrightsville Beach
have been all about this.
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
Episcopal Youth Community
We are looking forward to planning our Youth
Sunday/Senior Sunday which will be on Sunday, May 16th.
Graduation for our high school seniors will be earlier this
year. If you are a high school senior or a parent of a high
school senior, please send me an email to let me know.

                    APRIL CALENDAR
4th: NO EYC (Easter/Spring Break)

11th: 12-1:30 EYC Outing at WB Park/Loop

18th: Youth Sunday Planning Meeting in the Church
      Courtyard-Time to be Announced

25th: EYC Outing-Beach Clean Up-Trolly Stop Lunch-
      Time to be Announced

February-May Outdoor
Fitness Challenge...
The EYC has a tracker to record
100 hours outside exercising or
outdoor activities. This challenge
will continue until May 16th. As
soon as they finish, they will send a picture of the
tracker and a picture of them doing their favorite
outside activity. Ideas for outdoor fitness activities
include walking, running, playing a sport, swimming,
surfing, skateboarding, biking, hiking, skiing, etc. Can't
wait to see all the different outside activities that our
youth are doing! This goes along with our theme for the
second half of the year which is focusing on PERSONAL
HEALTH-physically and mentally.

For more information on the EYC program, contact
Stephanie Rieman at 910-431-7898 or
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
Children’s Ministry
St. Andrew's On-the-Sound - April Soundings
Christian Formation Cont.
Christian Formation Cont.
Christian Formation Cont.
Preschool News
Every month as I sit down to write for
Soundings, the first thing I do is review the previous
year’s article. In April 2020 I wrote of the pandemic
shutdown and how the preschool was still reaching our
students with take home packets, YouTube videos, and
Zoom meetings. (Remember the days when we were
blissfully ignorant of Zoom, masking, our quarantine
bubble, etc.?) It has been a stressful year as we’ve all
learned to live life differently. With the mass
vaccinations comes the hope of getting back to some sort
of normalcy. It’s God’s perfect timing that this hope
comes during the Easter season.
Though the preschool was able to open and run this year,
it too had to operate differently and within the health
department and CDC guidelines. We found our feet
thanks to dedicated and flexible teachers and parents.
We also could not have done it without the support of
Richard, Sarah, Barbara, and Jen. We are grateful for all
of your continued prayers and your encouraging words.
What a wonderful church community we have!
March was busy, busy, busy. We tackled Read Across
America Week, Daylight Savings, St Patrick’s Day, and
the coming of Easter. We always have a big time at
Just a reminder, IT IS NEVER TOO EARLY to get on our
preschool waitlist! While you’re at it, make an
appointment for a tour. We love our school and our
teachers and would be proud to show you around. Check
out the preschool website for more information,
                                           Tracy Hanson
3 year-old-class
  2 year-old-class          Reading time
Mixing blue and yellow
   makes green...

                            4 year-old-class
                           Enjoying chalk art

    4 year-old-class
  Outside with the boys
Keep us Informed
The St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound Ambry was in desperate
need of a makeover, so the Altar Guild decided to take on this
project while the church was closed. (See the amazing
transformation below).
An ambry is a recessed cabinet in the wall of a Christian
church used for storing sacred vessels as well as items for
the reserved sacrament, the consecrated elements from the
FUN FACT: Richard told me that our Ambry used to be a
confessional years ago.

     BEFORE                                    AFTER

                                           FRONT OF AMBRY

Thanks to Barbara, Josh, and Mark for helping us get this
project completed.            Submitted by MaryAnn Ryder
    Consider joining us in this
fulfilling service to the Lord with
  a minimal time requirement...
The Altar Guild, presently made up of 23
members of the parish, is responsible for
preparing the church for all services – Eucharist’s, weddings,
funerals and special services. We are also responsible for the
purchase and caring of the linens, silver, wine and bread. Many of
our members have served on other Altar Guilds before coming to
St. Andrews bringing a lot of experience with them. However,
experience is not a requirement of joining the Altar Guild. There is
no fund raising or decision making. To put it simply, we set God’s
table – clean up after the service and set it up again for the next
The Altar Guild is divided into 4 teams, meets for a brief meeting
on the first Saturday of March, June, September and December at
9am. Each team is responsible for one week a month. It meets on
Saturday morning to prepare for the Sunday services. This includes
vesting the chalice, filling the cruets and bread box, filling the
candlesticks with oil, straightening the books in the pews and
replacing the votive candles. Team members are responsible for
cleaning up after the service, resetting for the next service or
putting everything away. During the summer a separate crew
takes care of Lebanon Chapel.
Some of the items we learn to identify are: purificator, lavabo
towel, chalice, burse, veil, paten, fair linen, corporal, cruets, etc.
One member of each team takes home the linens to wash and
iron them.
Please consider becoming a part of this special ministry. For more
information contact Mary Ann Ryder at 910-228-6592 or email
April 1    Jim Matthews, Jane Wright
April 2    Irene Gangemi, Laura Apollonio,
           Stefanie Mancuso, Quinn Schnurbusch
April 3    Anita Turner
April 4    Carter Hubard, Timothy Bramley
April 6    Skip Henson
April 7    Laura Earnhart
April 9    April Tillett, Bill Sowers, Weston Aiken
April 10   Ken Long
April 12   Jack Guggenheimer, Barbara Merten,
           Caroline Moore
April 13   Tracy Hanson, Carolyn Harkcom, Staffan High,
           Elizabeth Mautz
April 14   Jim Doxey, Deaton Guill
April 15   Patsy Aiken, Estelle Brissette, David McRae
April 16   Dorothy Ray, Abigail Fisher
April 17   Billy Butcher, Max Hildreth, William Mead,
           Madeline Pinter
April 19   Natalie Sherwood, Dawn Moffitt, Dillon Moore
April 20   Mary Lou Busch, Richard Murnock,
           Ross Studebaker, Ladd Barnes
April 21   Bobby Miller, Susie Biggs, Isabella Fair,
           Mitchell Jones
April 22   Janet Hugh, Kathleen Struble, Jane Tinney
April 23   Doug Sherwood
April 24   Walter Keckich
April 25   Rachel Sumrell
April 26   Margaret Eames
April 28   Hubert Bordeaux, Rachel Cobb, Ethan Ferree,
           Desmond Herbert, III
April 29   Dick Brice, Louis McAuliffe
April 30   Alison Atkins, Diana Matthews, Jake Morris
April 2         Marc and Mary Frere
                Jim and Donna Grice
April 8         Richard and Margo Colicchio
                Jack and Joan Pfisterer
                Scott and Angela Williams
April 11        Jim and Becky Fawks
April 13        Kevin and Joy Davidson
April 16        Dick and Carol Nasca
April 17        Robert and Mary Ann Dennis
April 18        William and Elisabeth Mead
April 20        Bob and Chris Thomas
                Shawn and Karli Mikula
April 21        Jim and Dianna Matthews
                Jason and Christa Chapman
                George and Ginny Reabold
April 23        Tom and Virginia Colantuono
April 25        Stanley and Boo Carraway
April 27        Carter and Kristy Hubard

     And over all these virtues put on love,
  which binds them all together in perfect unity.
                Colossians 3:14

                                           Our Parish Offices
                                            will be closed on
                                           Good Friday, April
                                             2nd and Easter
                                           Monday, April 5th.
St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
      101 Airlie Road
  Wilmington, NC 28403
      (910) 256-3034
The Rev. Richard G. Elliott     Rector                Ext: 105
Barbara Burdett                 Parish Secretary      Ext: 101
Jennifer Arcuri                 Christian Formation   Ext: 106
Stephanie Rieman                EYC Director          431-7898
Justin Smith                    Director of Music     Ext: 103
Tracy Hanson                    Preschool Director    Ext: 107
Joan Denney                     Financial Secretary   Ext: 104
                                         St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound
                                    101 Airlie Road, Wilmington, NC 28403
                              (910) 256-3034
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