Spotlight Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market - April 2018

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Spotlight Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market - April 2018
Savills World Research

Beyond Tokyo 2020:
Prospects for the Japanese
real estate market                 April 2018

Spotlight Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market - April 2018
Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                                                            April 2018

Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for
the Japanese real estate market

“A series of nation-wide infrastructure improvement
and large-scale redevelopment projects towards                                                                                               SUMMARY
and beyond the 2020 Tokyo Olympics should
have a positive influence on the real estate                                                                                                  The upcoming 2020 Olympics has triggered a
                                                                                                                                             wave of redevelopment transforming Tokyo and key
market in the long term. Macroeconomic and                                                                                                   regional cities.
demographic trends are driving demand for real                                                                                                Massive redevelopment projects, as well as
estate and encourage continuing development,                                                                                                 infrastructure improvements towards and beyond
especially in key cities. The Olympics could be                                                                                              2020, will renew Tokyo’s landscape and make the
                                                                                                                                             city more attractive and accessible.
a stage to showcase a new Japan and set the
country on a resilient growth track.”                                                                                                         Macroeconomic and demographic trends
                                                                                                                                             should continue to support development after 2020
                                                                                                                                             in key cities.
Introduction                                                               early 1990s, the country is currently
With the closing of a successful                                           experiencing its second longest post-                              The Olympics could highlight the beginning of
Winter Olympics in PyeongChang,                                            war economic recovery.                                            a new growth period for Japan’s economy and real
the spotlight has now turned towards                                                                                                         estate market.
the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics.                                            Nominal GDP reached JPY545
The first Olympics held in Tokyo                                           trillion in 2017, a JPY57 trillion or                              Several risk factors need to be carefully
in 1964 marked the beginning of a                                          12% increase from 2011. Corporate                                 monitored, including rising protectionism, the
new era for Japan after World War                                          profits have been steadily growing                                planned consumption tax hike, and a possible
II, preceding the Izanagi economic                                         and continue to set new highs.                                    loosening of cap rates.
boom (1965-1970) that made the                                             Demographic shifts are driving the
country the world’s second largest                                         population into cities, including an
economy. Although Japan fell into                                          expanding foreign workforce that
a long bout of economic stagnation                                         mitigates a severe labour shortage
                                                                                                                                          Expansion of tourism is likely to
after the asset bubble burst in the                                        and contributes to the economy.
                                                                                                                                          continue, benefiting large cities - as
                                                                                                                                          well as regional economies - as more
GRAPH 1                                                                                                                                   overseas tourists visit cities beyond
Office rents and vacancy in Tokyo’s C5W, 2012 –                                                                                           Tokyo and Osaka.

Q4/2017                                                                                                                                   The real estate market is also
                                                        Average Grade A vacancy (RHS)   Average Grade A rent (LHS)
                                                                                                                                          strengthening, as reflected in
                             35,000                                                                                  14%                  extremely tight office vacancy and
                                                                                                                                          slow but steady rental growth.
                             30,000                                                                                  12%
                                                                                                                                          Massive redevelopment projects
                                                                                                                                          are making Tokyo and key regional
Rent (JPY / tsubo / month)

                             25,000                                                                                  10%
                                                                                                                                          cities more attractive and accessible.
                                                                                                                           Vacancy rate

                             20,000                                                                                  8%                   The 2020 Olympics could mark the
                                                                                                                                          beginning of a new resilient growth
                             15,000                                                                                  6%                   period for Japan, just as the 1964
                                                                                                                                          Olympics did over 50 years ago.
                             10,000                                                                                  4%

                              5,000                                                                                  2%                   Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                          improvement & urban
                                      Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
                                                                                                                     0%                   developments
                                         2012        2013         2014         2015        2016          2017                             Construction volume in Tokyo took
                                                                                                                                          off in 2013, right around the time the
Source: Savills Research & Consultancy                                                                                                    city was selected to host the 2020

Spotlight Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market - April 2018
Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                                                     April 2018

Olympics. Not surprisingly, many                       GRAPH 2
projects are aiming for completion                     Construction volume in Tokyo, 2012 – 2017
in time for the event. This has led to
some concern that the construction
                                                                                                      YoY change (RHS)          Trailing 12 months (LHS)
boom may cool abruptly. Regardless,                                   700                                                                                    40%
ongoing developments will have                                                               after Tokyo was selected
a long-term impact on Tokyo and                                       600
ultimately improve its status as a global
gateway city. Mega-scale development                                                                                                                         20%
projects that will have a local and
                                                        JPY billion


                                                                                                                                                                    YoY change
national impact have already been                                                                                                                            10%
planned for the post-Olympic period.                                  300

Toranomon and Shibuya are                                             200

going through a substantial
redevelopment phase (as for Shibuya’s
redevelopment, please refer to our
                                                                       0                                                                                     -20%
report published in November 2017,                                          2012   2013       2014            2015            2016            2017
“A gravitational shift to Shibuya”). Mori
Building will accelerate its Toranomon                 Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT), Savills Research & Consultancy

redevelopment projects that began
with the completion of Toranomon                       matching Roppongi Hills. In addition                      bus terminal for limousine buses from
Hills in 2014. Its JPY400-billion                      to Mori Building’s projects, Urban                        airports and bus rapid transit (BRT)
projects include three state-of-the-                   Renaissance Agency is leading a                           systems which will connect central
art towers designed by globally-                       255,000-sq-m redevelopment project                        Tokyo with the bay area.
renowned architects and feature                        involving a hospital and an office
high-specification office space and                    tower. The Toranomon/Azabudai                             The bay area itself has experienced a
ultra-luxury residential units (possibly               District Redevelopment Project is                         rapid increase in population following
including an over JPY10 billion condo                  another mega mixed-use development                        developments of residential towers.
unit), as well as other upscale facilities.            with a total GFA of 820,000 sq m.                         The Tokyo Metropolitan Government
After these projects are completed,                    The area will also see infrastructure                     has designated the area as a
the Toranomon Hills development                        improvement including the new                             strategic place for tourism, as well as
will exceed 800,000 sq m - almost                      Toranomon station and a 1,000-sq-m                        meetings, incentives, conventions,

Major development projects in Tokyo towards and after 2020

Source: Press releases, Central Japan Railway Company, Savills Research & Consultancy

Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                                    April 2018

and exhibitions (MICE). The Olympics       MAP 2
will facilitate the area’s growth as the   Development in and around the bay area
Tokyo Big Sight significantly expands
its capacity to accommodate the
international broadcasting centre and
main press centre. Additionally, the
Olympic Village will be converted into
residential towers with 6,000 units
and a retail facility after the Games.
Connectivity of this area will improve
as the BRT systems are scheduled to
be installed between Shinbashi and
Toyosu by 2020, with an extension
between Toranomon and Ariake
planned after the Olympics. New
roads will also improve access to city
centres and international airports (Map
2). Haneda Airport plans to increase
its capacity from 80 flights per hour to
90 flights per hour by modifying flight
courses, and the proposed Haneda
Access Line will directly connect the
bay area to the airport. Furthermore,
the area’s development will continue
beyond the Olympics as a 465,000-sq-
m mixed-use project located north of
the Tokyo Big Sight is planned to be
completed in phases between 2019
and 2026.

The wave of new construction is not
limited to Tokyo. In Osaka, the second
phase of the Umekita development,
which is located on a 160,000-sq-m
site, is set to partially open in 2024     Source: Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Savills Research & Consultancy
and be completed by 2027. Fukuoka’s
Tenjin Big Bang initiative aims to
expand total floor space in Tenjin by      Pacific region’s international visitation              in its growth forecast it seems safer to
70% and working population by 140%.        will grow 65% by 2030 and IR                           say that approximately 1.0% growth is
Also, large development is underway        developments are expected to take off,                 expected, after the Olympics.
in Nagoya’s Meieki area. Meitetsu          Japan has a good chance of achieving
plans to build a 30-storey mixed-use       the government’s audacious goals,                      The influence of macroeconomics on
building directly south of Nagoya          namely 40 million overseas visitors and                real estate can be clearly illustrated by
Station and will double the size of        JPY8 trillion (40% of Vietnams’ 2016                   comparing office market performance
Meitetsu Nagoya Station in time for the    GDP) in their spending, not long after                 with corporate profitability trends.
Linear Chuo Shinkansen bullet train’s      the 2020 target.                                       Historically, corporate profits have
opening in 2027. The new maglev line                                                              exhibited a strong correlation with
will run at a maximum speed of 505         Macro economy                                          overall office market performance
km/h and eventually connect Tokyo          Positive macroeconomic conditions                      in the central five wards (Graph 3)1.
with Nagoya and Osaka in 40 minutes        are fuelling development, and the                      Corporate profits rapidly recovered
and 67 minutes, respectively, thereby      momentum is likely to continue                         after a sharp drop in 2009 and reached
forming a gigantic commuter belt with      as the Japanese economy is on a                        JPY22 trillion in 2017, a JPY7 trillion
70 million residents.                      steady growth track. In January, the                   increase over the pre-recession peak.
                                           International Monetary Fund (IMF) and                  Total office rental revenue shows
Nationally, the integrated resort (IR)     the World Bank both made upward                        less volatility but appears to follow
developments should be a significant       revisions to their GDP projections for                 corporate performance trends with
tailwind for expanding tourism. Under      Japan, encouraged by sound growth                      some lag. Strengthening corporate
the assumption that two urban IRs and      in 2017. The IMF projects real GDP                     performance should continue to
ten regional casinos would be built,       growth of 1.2% in 2018 and 0.9% in                     1       To measure office market performance, we
CLSA has estimated potential annual        2019, and the World Bank’s figures are                 have used total rental revenue, which is computed
                                                                                                  by multiplying average rent by total leased space in
gross gaming revenue of US$25 billion      similar. In the medium term, Oxford
                                                                                                  the C5W. This performance metric shows a better
in Japan, comparable with US$33            Economics forecasts a ramp-up to                       correlation with corporate profits than rental levels. This
billion in Macau for 2017. Considering     0.9% in 2022 after a temporary fall to                 is likely because strengthening corporate demand was
                                                                                                  translated into increases in occupancy rather than rental
the World Tourism Organization             0.5% in 2020. Considering that the
                                                                                                  increases, especially after the recession. In this sense,
(UNWTO) forecasts that the Asia            Cabinet Office expects 1.7% growth                     total rental revenue is a more comprehensive metric.

Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                                                                                                April 2018

increase office demand, filling out new        GRAPH 3
spaces and mitigating the impact of            Total office rental revenue in the C5W and corporate
large supply in the pipeline towards the
Olympics. This is also why the current
                                               profits, Dec 2002 – Dec 2017
office market has been robust, despite                                                                        Corp. profit (1 year prior) (LHS)      Total rental revenue (RHS)
                                                                               25                                                                                                   180
a glut of supply and the initially bearish
forecast.                                                                                                                                                                           160


                                                                                                                                                                                           Total rental revenue (billion)
In addition to positive domestic                 Corporate profit (trillion)
economic growth, Japanese
companies’ overseas expansion                                                                                                                                                       100
has also improved corporate
performance. Although some                                                     10
critics point out that the Japanese                                                                                                                                                 60

manufacturing industry’s reliance on                                                                                                                                                40
exports has made sales vulnerable
to exchange rate fluctuations, many
companies have started overseas                                                0                                                                                                    0

operations, and sales of these
offshore subsidiaries expanded from
JPY165 trillion in FY2009 to JPY274           Source: Miki Shoji, Ministry of Finance, Savills Research & Consultancy
trillion in FY2015. During the same
period, dividends and other fees               GRAPH 4
from these overseas subsidiaries               Sales of Japanese companies’ overseas
increased from JPY2.2 trillion to
JPY4.5 trillion, thereby creating a            subsidiaries, FY2001 – FY2015
large cash inflow to Japan.                                                                                           North America        China      Other Asia      Europe       Other

Although Japan’s economic growth
is expected to continue as domestic                                            250
and global demand levels are on a
steady rise, the current domestic                                              200
                                                  Sales (JPY trillion)

labour shortage could be a growth
bottleneck. The workforce increased
by 2.5 million over the past five years,
largely due to increasing labour
participation of female and elderly                                            100

workers. However, as the labour
participation rate of these groups                                              50
is already high, there appears to be
limited room for further improvement.                                               0
                                                                                        2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
As such, it is essential for Japanese
companies to improve productivity             Source: MLIT, Savills Research & Consultancy
in order to foster the country’s
continuing growth.                           GRAPH 5
                                             Female labour participation rate by country, 2016
According to Japan Productivity
Center, Japan’s labour productivity
                                                                                    Japan     United States         United Kingdom          Germany        France        OECD - Average
in 2016 was US$81,777 per person,                                              90
21st among the member countries
of the OECD, an intergovernmental
think-tank of developed countries,                                             70
leaving much room for improvement.
                                             Labour participation (%)

Leveraging the build-up of national
sentiment against overwork and an                                              50
increased majority in the National
Diet after the snap election, Prime
Minister Abe is in a good position                                             30
to advance promised labour reform.
If his party can swiftly recover
from the recent political scandal,                                             10
the government will be able to
push for policy changes necessary                                                            15-24                      15-64                      25-54                   55-64
for his promised reform. Japan’s
strength in robotics and automation          Source: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Savills Research & Consultancy

Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                    April 2018

World city ranking by population, 2014 and 2030F

 City                              Country               2014 (thousand)                Rank      2030 (thousand)             Rank

 Greater Toyko                      Japan                      37,833                    1             37,190                   1

 Delhi                               India                     24,953                    2            36,060                    2

 Shanghai                           China                      22,991                    3             30,751                   3

 Mumbai                              India                     20,741                    6             27,797                   4

 Beijing                            China                      19,520                    8             27,706                   5

 Dhaka                           Bangladesh                    16,982                    11            27,374                   6

 Karachi                           Pakistan                    16,126                    12            24,838                   7

 Cairo                              Egypt                      18,419                    10            24,502                   8

 Lagos                              Nigeria                    12,614                    14            24,239                   9

 Mexico City                        Mexico                     20,843                    4             23,865                   10

 Sao Paulo                          Brazil                     20,831                    5             23,444                   11

 Kinshasa                         DR Congo                     11,116                    15            19,996                   12

 Greater Osaka                      Japan                      20,123                    7             19,976                   13

 New York-Newark                     USA                       18,591                    9             19,885                   14

 Kolkata                             India                     14,766                    13            19,092                   15

Source: UN World Urbanization Prospects 2014 Revision, Savills Research & Consultancy

should also help the country alleviate                 declines are likely to be more             Additionally, the Japanese government
labour constraints in areas such as                    moderate than previously estimated.        has set a goal of increasing the
healthcare, hospitality, and logistics.                According to the United Nations            number of international students
                                                       World Urbanization Prospects,              studying in Japan to 300,000 by 2020.
Demographic shifts                                     Greater Tokyo will remain the most         As of 2017, the figure is over 267,000,
Demographic shifts are another major                   populated metropolitan area in the         suggesting that the target will be
driver of the real estate market. In                   world until at least 2030.                 achieved. Growing demand for higher
Tokyo’s 23 wards, annual population                                                               education from middle-to-high-income
growth has been about 80,000                           With the construction boom preceding       families in Asia is a driving force for the
persons on average between                             the Olympics, a foreign workforce          inflow of students. In addition to quality
2000 and 2017. According to the                        is also increasingly contributing to       higher education, safety, proximity,
Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s                        population and economic growth.            and affordable tuition fees, some
projection based on 2015 census                        As of June 2017, Japan has over 2.4        are attracted to Japan by better job
figures, urbanisation is expected to                   million foreign residents, up 22%          prospects as many youths struggle to
maintain population growth until 2025                  from 2012. Over the same period,           find jobs in their own countries (Graph
in Tokyo Prefecture and until 2035 in                  the size of the foreign workforce in       6). In the Japan Revitalization Strategy
the central five wards. This forecast                  the construction industry increased        2016, the government stated that it
has been revised upward from its                       by 42,000, or 320%. The growth of          would collaborate with stakeholders,
estimate based on 2010 census                          the foreign workforce, however, is not     such as universities and corporations,
figures. The majority of migrants                      limited to the construction industry.      to increase the share of international
consist of the working population                      Between 2012 and 2017, the foreign         students who find jobs in Japan after
in their 20s, providing a steady flow                  workforce in the logistics, hospitality,   graduation from 30% to 50%. These
of workforce in a tightening market                    and healthcare industries substantially    graduates should provide a vibrant
and ultimately resulting in increasing                 increased. The lack of workforce in        talent pool and a source of future tax
demand for residential property                        these labour-intensive industries is       revenue.
(please refer to report published in                   severe, and real estate sectors related
June 2017, “Tokyo residential: A new                   to these industries directly benefit       Increases in international students
demographic wave”). Japan’s fertility                  from an expansion of the foreign           should also help nurture a global
rate has improved and population                       workforce.                                 mind-set and competitive spirit

Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                         April 2018

among the Japanese youth.                  GRAPH 6
According to a 2017 survey by              Increases in foreign workforce, 2012 vs 2017
the Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications, 70% of surveyed
companies answered that talent                                                       0%   50%   100%           150%         200%         250%
needed for overseas projects was
lacking, even though such talent                                    All industries
has increased over the past decade.
Considering the employment rate
of new graduates is almost 100% in
Japan, increases in foreign students
could fill the gap in the workforce,
rather than intensify competition
with Japanese students. As such, a               Wholesale & retail

backlash against foreign residents as
seen in western countries is less likely
to occur in Japan, another reason that                              Lodging, F&B
Japan may be an attractive option for
international students.
                                           Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Savills Research & Consultancy
Growing foreign population is an
especially positive sign for regions       GRAPH 7
where depopulation is an imminent
issue. Combined with growing
                                           Youth unemployment rate, 2017
tourism in regional cities, an inflow
of people may buoy economic                                        40
conditions and trigger a positive
development cycle. According to
the “Chika Koji” land price report,                                30
commercial land prices in regional
                                           Unemployment rate (%)

areas (excluding Greater Osaka and
Greater Nagoya) posted the first                                   20
positive growth in 25 years since
1991. In particular, station-front
developments are likely to increase                                10
as the Japanese government
promotes the formation of closely-                                 5

knitted, “compact city networks”                                   0
where urban functions such as
transportation, commerce, and
healthcare concentrate primarily
around major train stations.               Source: World Bank, Savills Research & Consultancy

As long as the above trends continue       The impact on the real estate market                     easing. However, as discussed in our
to sustain economic strength and real      could be substantial if a large influx                   January report, “2017 Review and
estate demand, the real estate market      of supply in the pipeline leads to a                     2018 Prospects”, macro factors such
is likely to remain on a sound growth      loosening of the market at the same                      as a growing need for stable yields
track. However, there are several risk     time. However, learning from the                         from pension funds and a ballooning
factors that could threaten this growth    tax hike in 2014, the government                         investment appetite in Asia should
trajectory.                                expressed its commitment to                              somewhat maintain downward
                                           economic stimulus policies, such as                      pressures on yields. If global
Although the global economy is             reduced tax rates on certain items,                      economic conditions remain sound
expected to continue its steady            which could mitigate its negative                        and capital continues to flow into
growth, several uncertainties, such        impact on the economy.                                   Japan, cap rates could remain tight
as rising protectionism, geopolitical                                                               or exhibit slight compression. 
issues, interest rate hikes, could make    The current bullish cycle which is
the global economy recoil.                 already extended, may continue,
                                           but a potential loosening of cap
On top of the current domestic political   rates is another concern among
confusion, the consumption tax hike        market participants. Cap rates are
planned for 2019 is another risk that      already tight, and upward pressure
could cause an economic slowdown           on interest rates is expected to grow
as household spending might lessen.        as central banks unwind monetary

Spotlight | Beyond Tokyo 2020: Prospects for the Japanese real estate market                                                                                                      April 2018

  The prospects for the market
  Since the Tokyo Olympics in                          5-chome redevelopment, a massive                          Considering that real estate
  1964, Japan has experienced a                        project of over 1 million GFA, will                       development is driven by long-term
  rocky ride of booms and busts.                       become new landmarks in the                               economic and demographic trends,
  Although the country has suffered                    Nihonbashi/Yaesu and Roppongi/                            the current momentum is likely to
  from a long bout of stagnation,                      Akasaka submarkets.                                       continue to 2020 and beyond. As
  Japan is now once again enjoying                                                                               with the 1964 Olympics, the 2020
  a period of economic recovery.                       Developments are not limited to                           Olympics could be the beginning
  Corporate profits are setting new                    Tokyo. Major redevelopment projects                       of a period of long-term economic
  highs. Urbanisation and inflows                      are underway in Osaka, Nagoya, and                        expansion.
  of people from overseas are                          Fukuoka. The completion of the new
  mitigating the labour shortage                       maglev line will significantly reduce
  while driving the economy and                        travel times between Tokyo and
  residential demand in cities.                        regional cities, forming a commuter
                                                       belt of 70 million residents. Expanding
  The Shibuya, Toranomon and                           tourism and IRs should also benefit
  Tokyo bay areas are undergoing                       regional cities.
  major transformations.
  Infrastructural improvements                         Although there are global and domestic
  such as BRT systems and the                          risks that could slow down the pace
  new Toranomon station will                           of growth, current macro conditions
  enhance accessibility of these                       appear to indicate that the Japanese
  areas. In other submarkets,                          market has solid fundamentals. Cap
  Mitsubishi Estate’s development                      rates might even compress slightly if
  in Tokiwabashi and the Roppongi                      the inflow of capital continues.

  Please contact us for further information
  Savills Japan                                              Savills Research

  Christian Mancini                                          Tetsuya Kaneko                            Simon Smith
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  (Ex Greater China)                                         & Consultancy, Japan                      Asia Pacific
  +81 3 6777 5150                                            +81 3 6777 5192                           +852 2842 4573                                      

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