MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah

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MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah
                                Tinjauan Berita Bulanan
Compiled by IDS

Vol. 25 Issue 1                                  IDS Online               1 – 31 January 2020

HIGHLIGHTS                                   National Statistics. Growth was            push by President Moon Jae-in's
FOCUS                                        slightly stronger in September and         government and a jump in factory
                                             October than previously thought, but       investment that included spending on
                                             fell 0.3% in November, dragging            equipment          for       making
•Global economy snapback to prove            down the three-month figure. The           semiconductors. (23 January, The
  elusive despite market joy:                ONS said growth in the economy             Straits Times)
  Reuters polls                              year-on-year was at its lowest since
•OPEC aims to extend oil output              the spring of 2012. Growth in              French economy shrinks in fourth
  cuts through June, alarmed by              construction was offset by a               quarter as strikes bite: The French
  China virus                                weakening service sector, while            economy unexpectedly shrank in the
•Boost to Malaysia’s GDP                     manufacturing was “lacklustre”. (13        final quarter of 2019 as manufacturing
•MITI welcomes US-China phase
  one trade deal, positive for open          January, BBC News)                         output slumped in the face of strikes
  economies                                                                             over an unpopular pension reform,
•Sabah-S’wak            link   road          Japan warns about risks to                 putting more pressure on President
  construction to start June                 economy      from     China     virus      Emmanuel Macron. Macron has so far
•RM3 mln to upgrade basic                    outbreak:      Japanese     Economy        been able to point to resilient growth
  facilities in 10 villages                  Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura warned        and job creation to justify his pro-
                                             recently that corporate profits and        business reforms. But he faced a wave
  INTERNATIONAL                              factory production might take a hit        of protests over the last year, first from
                                             from the coronavirus outbreak in           the “yellow vests” movement and now
    ANTARABANGSA                             China that has rattled global markets      from those opposed to his plans to
                                             and chilled confidence. Asian stocks       streamline the French pensions
Global economy snapback to prove             extended a global selloff as the           scheme. (31 January, Reuters)
elusive despite market joy: Reuters          outbreak in China, which has killed
polls: A significant global upturn will      106 people and spread to several           Australia jobless hits nine-month
remain elusive this year as many             countries, fuelled concern over the        low, analysts give up on February
economies still face an array of             damage to the world’s second largest       rate cut: Australian employment
daunting risks, despite improved             economy - an engine of global growth.      outpaced forecasts for a second month
sentiment from an initial U.S.-China         (28 January, Reuters)                      in December pushing the jobless rate
trade deal and ebullience in financial                                                  to a nine-month low, a much-needed
markets, Reuters polls showed. The           Singapore’s free trade deal with EU        improvement that could forestall a
global economy in 2019 may have              will apply to Britain during Brexit        near-term cut in interest rates. The
been near its weakest since the              transition period: MTI: A free trade       local dollar climbed 0.47% to
financial crisis thanks to trade             deal between Singapore and the             $0.6874 as the market sharply scaled
protectionism        and      political      European Union will continue to            back the chance of an easing from the
uncertainty, but world stocks had a          apply to Britain during its 11-month       Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) at
blowout year with several indexes            Brexit transition period starting on       its policy meeting on Feb. 4. Analysts
repeatedly setting record highs. (24         Saturday, the Ministry of Trade and        at several major banks, including
January, Reuters)                            Industry said on Friday (Jan 31).          CBA, ANZ and Citi, threw in the
                                             Singapore and the UK meanwhile are         towel on a February cut though they
OPEC aims to extend oil output cuts          working on an agreement to maintain        still expect a move at some point. (23
through June, alarmed by China               trade continuity after the transition      January, Reuters)
virus: OPEC wants to extend current          period ends and the EU-Singapore
oil output cuts until at least June, with    Free Trade Agreement (FTA) no              China posts weakest growth in 29
the possibility of deeper reductions on      longer applies to Britain. (31 January,    years as trade war bites, but ends
the table if oil demand in China is          The Straits Times)                         2019 on better note: China’s
significantly impacted by the spread                                                    economic growth cooled to its
of a new coronavirus, OPEC sources           South Korean economy ends bad              weakest in nearly 30 years in 2019
said. The quick slide in oil prices over     year with stronger-than-expected           amid a bruising trade war with the
the past few days has alarmed OPEC           growth: South Korea’s economy              United States, and more stimulus is
officials, the sources say, as the new       finished its slowest year of growth        expected this year as Beijing tries to
virus found in China and several other       since the global financial crisis with a   boost sluggish investment and
countries raised concerns about a hit        spurt that suggests the worst may be       demand. But data on Friday also
to economic growth and oil demand.           over for the Asian bellwether of global    showed the world’s second-largest
(28 January, Reuters)                        tech trade. Gross domestic product         economy ended the rough year on a
                                             expanded in the fourth quarter at its      somewhat firmer note as a trade truce
Weak November weighs on UK                   fastest pace since 2017, the Bank of       revived business confidence and
growth: The UK’s economy grew by             Korea (BOK) said recently. The             earlier growth boosting measures
just 0.1% in the three months to             stronger-than-expected growth was          finally appeared to be taking hold. (17
November, according to the Office for        fuelled by an aggressive spending          January, Reuters)
1 – 31 January 2020                         MONTHLY NEWS SCAN (Tinjauan Berita Bulanan)                                        1
MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah
recording a 2.2% growth in October         round of disruptions for global trade
         NATIONAL                          2019. (10 January, The Star)               flows. (31 January, The Star)
           NASIONAL                        Malaysia achieves 2019 fiscal
                                           deficit target of 3.4%: The                12th Malaysia Plan to crystallise
Boost to Malaysia’s GDP: Bank              government has achieved its fiscal         SPV2030 execution: The 12th
Negara appears to be focused on            deficit target for 2019 of 3.4% of gross   Malaysia Plan (12MP), covering three
boosting gross domestic product            domestic product (GDP), says               development dimensions - economic
(GDP) growth with the surprise cut in      Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng. “We         empowerment,              environmental
the overnight policy rate (OPR)            reached the target 100%, we achieved       sustainability    and       social    re-
recently. This is attributable to the      a fiscal deficit of 3.4% of GDP. We        engineering - will further crystallise
downside risks to growth that are still    definitely achieved it,” he said. Lim      the implementation of the Shared
present globally with the ongoing          was speaking to reporters after the        Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030).
trade negotiations between the United      Kuala Lumpur Customs Department’s          The SPV2030 - unlike the National
States and China, according to             Meet the Customer Day recently. Lim        Economic Policy (NEP), which is a
economists. “The adjustment in the         also announced that the government         policy prescription - is a new initiative
OPR is a pre-emptive measure to            collected RM27.6bil in Sales and           providing a 10-year development
protect growth, given the escalating       Service      Tax     (SST)     revenue,    roadmap and framework for the
growth risks. “Of particular concern is    surpassing the target of RM22bil in        country’s economic restructuring to
the uncertainty caused by the ongoing      the budget. He said it showed that the     benefit all Malaysians, regardless of
trade negotiations and the delay in the    economy is still sustainable. (10          race and ethnicity. Measures and
implementation of certain projects,”       January, The Star)                         courses of action to achieve the
Public Invest Research said in its                                                    SPV2030 goals would be incorporated
report. (24 January, The Star)             Macroeconomic stability drives             in the 12MP, which is expected to be
                                           Malaysia's      economic       growth:     tabled in Parliament in the third
MITI welcomes US-China phase               Macroeconomic stability will drive         quarter of this year. (30 January, The
one trade deal, positive for open          Malaysia’s economic growth this year       Star)
economies: Ministry of International       with Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Trade and Industry (MITI) lauds the        growth of between 4.4 per cent and         Govt determined to drive digital
recent agreement between the United        4.9 per cent easily achievable, said IQI   economy growth in 2020: The
States of America and China                Global chief economist Shan Saeed.         government is determined to drive the
following the phase one trade deal         The country he said, will continue to      development of digital economy to
signed on January 15. Deputy               be on the global investors’ radar due      boost the nation’s economic growth,
Minister Dr. Ong Kian Ming said the        to its solid economic position and         said Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.
trade agreement would be ‘good’ for        importance in the Belt and Road            He said the digital economy could also
all open trading economies such as         Initiative (BRI). Shan even predicted      attract investors and encourage human
Malaysia. “It gives more certainty and     the ringgit to improve to RM3.97           capital development as well as
stability to the international trading     against the US dollar this year. “The      research. "Malaysia’s transformation
landscape. That is something we            global economy is heading for a major      towards digital economy could only
welcome. “We hope this (outcome)           slowdown but despite this, Malaysia’s      be realised if the people immerse
will stabilise the global value chain,     economy        would       demonstrate     themselves in the digital culture and
which many Malaysian companies or          economic confidence due to strong          take part in digital transactions in a
multinational companies are base in        productivity,”. (17 January, Business      move towards becoming a cashless
the country,” he said on the sideline of   Times)                                     society,” he said. (27 January, The
MITI Seminar on Industry4WRD                                                          Star)
Incentives held in Kuala Lumpur. (20       RAM Ratings sees RM9.5b trade
January, Business Times)                   surplus in December: RAM                   Inflation up 1% in Dec, within
                                           Ratings expects a trade surplus of         forecast: Malaysia’s inflation rose
November industrial output up              RM9.5bil for December as its imports       by 1% in December last year, in line
2%, nearly double forecast:                and exports see a turnaround. In its       with      a    Bloomberg     forecast,
Malaysia’s industrial production           report issued on Friday it expected        underpinned by higher food prices,
index (IPI) grew at a much faster pace     Malaysia’s imports to expand by 3.9%       with Kuala Lumpur exceeding the
of 2% in November 2019 from a year         and exports by 1.7% in December            national average. According to the
ago, which was nearly double a             2019. “This contrasts against              Statistics Department, the consumer
Bloomberg survey of a 1.1% increase.       respective declines of 3.6% and 5.5%       price index (CPI) increased by 1% in
Chief Statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd      the preceding month. The better            December to 122.3 compared with
Uzir Mahidin said the growth in            showing was achieved despite               121.1 a year ago. Chief statistician
November was driven by the increase        subdued global demand, which has           Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin
in the index of manufacturing (2.5%),      been affecting Malaysia’s trade            said that of the 552 items covered in
electricity (1.6%) and mining (0.5%).      performance,” it said. However, RAM        the CPI, 360 items showed an increase
On a year-on-year basis, the               pointed out the “phase one” trade deal     in December 2019 from a year ago. He
manufacturing sector output rose by        signed between the US and China on         added that 137 items declined while
2.5% in November 2019 after                Jan 15,2020 could trigger another          55 items were unchanged. (23
                                                                                      January, The Star)
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MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah
(Medical), Dr. Abd Kahar Abd Azis          selepas merasmikan Jelajah Cuti Cuti
                                            and Deputy Director of HDOK                Malaysia sempena Tahun Melawat
         LOCAL                              (Medical), Dr. Mohd. Fahmi Othman.         Malaysia 2020 (VM2020), di Sekolah
                                            (4 January, Daily Express)                 Menengah Kebangsaan Bongawan II.
       TEMPATAN                                                                        (13 Januari, New Sabah Times)
                                            Shafie launches plan to boost
Sabah-S’wak           link        road      Kadamaian             socio-economic       Upgrading of all Sabah road
construction     to     start   June:       development:       The      Kadamaian      infrastructures soon – Peter: All
Construction of the Sabah-Sarawak           Development Plan 2020-2035, which          road infrastructures throughout Sabah
link road, which will connect the most      aims to boost the socio-economic           are expected to be upgraded around 50
remote areas of both states, is             development in the constituency to be      per cent by 2021 to 2022.Sabah
expected to begin in six months, says       on par with other developed                Infrastructure Development Minister
Baru Bian. The Works Minister said          constituencies, was launched at            Datuk Peter Anthony said that the
the first phase of the project would        Kadamaian       Square      Hall      in   State     Government       is    always
cost RM2bil from Lawas to Pa’               Taginambur, about half-an-hour drive       committed and concerned about the
Berunut in Sarawak, a distance of           from town. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri      people’s problems, especially in rural
about 90km. “We expect work to start        Mohd Shafie Apdal, who officiated          areas. “As the minister who is
by the middle of this year,” he said        the launching of the plan, also            responsible for the infrastructure
after a briefing on the latest Pan          approved a RM1 million additional          around Sabah, we will make sure that
Borneo Highway development at the           allocation for the implementation of       all roads connecting the city or rural
Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal. Under           the Taginambur Tamu Development            roads will be repaired. “I have
the previous alignment, road users          Phase 2 project, which is part of the      directed the Public Works Department
travelling from Sabah to Sarawak or         Kadamaian development initiative.          that we will ensure that at least 50 per
vice versa have to go in and out of         The Kadamaian Development Plan,            cent of the roads throughout the state
Brunei eight times. (18 January, Daily      an initiative by Rural Development         either in the city or villages will be
Express)                                    Minister Datuk Ewon Benedick as            improved by the year 2021 – 2022,”
                                            Kadamaian Assemblyman, was based           he said. (3 January, New Sabah
RM3 mln to upgrade basic facilities         on a study done jointly by the Institute
in      10    villages:    The     Rural                                               Times)
                                            for Development Studies (IDS), Kota
Development Ministry (KPLB) has             Belud District Office, Kadamaian
provided an allocation of RM3 million                                                  RM4.2 mln spent on welfare aid in
to upgrade the basic infrastructure         UPPM Office and Kadamaian                  Membakut – Wan Azizah: The
facilities in 10 villages throughout        Assemblyman’s Office, using the            Government spent RM4.2 million last
Sabah this year. Its minister, Datuk        Assemblyman touchpoint allocation          year on welfare assistance in the
Ewon Benedick, said the first village       of RM68,000. (21 January, Daily            district alone, said Deputy Prime
chosen under the program as the             Express)                                   Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah
Kampung Sejahtera this year is                                                         Wan Ismail. Speaking to reporters
Kampung Tiong Baru Membakut,                Kalabakan set to become food hub           after her unexpected visit to the
which was selected based on basic           of Sabah: A 1,200 hectare land in          Membakut Welfare Department
development needs of the village that       Luasong will be developed with             office, she said the visit was to see the
is still facing various issues including    mixed crops in efforts to make             operation and implementation of
no electricity and treated water            Kalabakan the food hub of Sabah.           government initiatives in the sub-
supply. He added, as per the target of      “The development plan for the land         district. “The RM4.2 million amount
10 villages under the Kampung               which has been identified by the State     spent in 2019 helped 8,717 senior
Sejahtera program annually, Ewon            Government is expected to start June       citizens (totalling RM3 million),
said the other nine villages identified     this year,” Kalabakan Member of            3,011 needy children (totalling
are located in Kota Belud, Keningau,        Parliament, Ma’mun Sulaiman, said.         RM883,880), 349 chronic patients
Nabawan and Paitan. (5 January, The         He said the proposal was mooted by         (totalling RM112,150), 268 disabled
Borneo Post)                                Agriculture and Agro-based Industry        workers        allowance       (totalling
                                            Minister, Salahuddin Ayub and had          RM107,020) and 234 people with
RM10.6m medical equipment for               been given the nod by the Government       disabilities totalling (RM58,500). (5
Sandakan hospital: The RM10.6               but how the implementation and the         January, The Borneo Post)
million allocation for Duchess of Kent      type of crops would be looked into.
Hospital (HDOK) from the Federal            (23 January, New Sabah Times)              Sabah Chief Minister to launch
Finance Ministry and Health Ministry                                                   state’s own cooking oil ‘Sabah Best’
in May, last year, was used for the         Industri homestay Sabah catat              soon: Chief Minister Datuk Seri
purchase of 26 high-value medical           pendapatan lebih RM6 juta:                 Shafie Apdal will be launching the
equipment. Finance Minister, Lim            Industri inap desa atau ‘homestay’ di
                                            Sabah, mencatatkan perkembangan            state’s own cooking oil product by this
Guan Eng was also pleased that the                                                     year. He said the name of the cooking
hospital management saved up to             positif dan antara yang menghasilkan
RM200,000 through open tender,              pendapatan tertinggi di Malaysia           oil, ‘Sabah Best’, would be
which could also be used for the            dengan kutipan lebih RM6 juta pada         manufactured by Sawit Kinabalu in
purchase of other medical equipment         tahun      lepas,    kata    Menteri       Sandakan and Tawau. Shafie said the
in the future. “The purchase of the 26      Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Datuk         company’s factories in Sandakan and
medical assets will also provide            Mohamaddin        Ketapi.   Katanya        Tawau had been in operation but had
patients with amenities, including          daripada jumlah itu, Homestay Seri         not marketed the product yet. “It was
diagnosis machines and other needs,”        Serbang yang terletak di Bongawan
                                            mencatat pendapatan RM2,0267,612           supposed to be launched much earlier
he said following a visit to the hospital
recently. Also present were Tanjung         dengan 68,269 penginap, termasuk           but due to the Kimanis by-election we
Papat assemblyman, Datuk Frankie            dari luar negara. “Di Sabah sahaja,        will do it by this year,” he told
Poon Ming Fung, Sandakan Member             terdapat 51 kampung mempunyai              reporters after launching the Career
of Parliament, Vivian Wong, Elopura         homestay dengan Papar dan Beaufort         Carnival Kimanis 2020 in Membakut
assemblyman, Calvin Chong, Deputy           sebagai kawasan terbesar terlibat          yesterday. (12 January, The Borneo
Director of State Health Department         homestay,” katanya kepada pemberita        Post
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MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah
                                        FAKTA MUTAKHIR

           Malaysia’s Economic Indicators: Leading, Coincident & Lagging Indexes, November 2019
(Source: 24 January, Department of Statistics Malaysia)

                             Malaysia’s Monthly Rubber Statistics, November 2019

(Source: 15 January, Department of Statistics Malaysia)

                                Malaysia’s Producer Price Index, December 2019

(Source: 30 January, Department of Statistics Malaysia)

1 – 31 January 2020       MONTHLY NEWS SCAN (Tinjauan Berita Bulanan)                             4
MONTHLY NEWS SCAN Tinjauan Berita Bulanan - Institute For Development Studies Sabah
Malaysia’s Consumer Price Index, December 2019

(Source: 22 January, Department of Statistics Malaysia)

                                Australia Consumer Price Index, December 2019

 Weighted average of eight            Sep Qtr 2019 to Dec Qtr 2019      Dec Qtr 2018 to Dec Qtr 2019
 capital cities
                                                  % change                       % change
 All groups CPI                                     0.7                            1.8
 Food      and     non-alcoholic
                                                     1.3                            2.6
 Alcohol and tobacco                                  3.0                           6.5
 Clothing and footwear                               -0.3                           1.4
 Housing                                              0.1                           0.2
 Furnishings,        household
                                                     -0.3                           1.1
 equipment and services
 Health                                              -0.3                            3.2
 Transport                                            1.5                            2.8
 Communication                                       -1.0                           -3.8
 Recreation and culture                               0.9                            1.5
 Education                                            0.1                            2.9
 Insurance      and     financial
                                                     0.4                            0.7
 CPI analytical series
 All groups CPI, seasonally
                                                      0.6                           1.8
 Trimmed mean                                         0.4                           1.6
 Weighted median                                      0.4                           1.3
(Source: 29 January, Australian Bureau of Statistics)

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