Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...

Page created by Peter Gray
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
              CHILDREN’S LIVES

Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
Invitation from the CEO

Child Australia is proud to announce the 2022       Each Child Australia conference builds on
Early Childhood Learning and Development            the former and provides a national stage for
Conference. Western Australia’s most anticipated    professionals working with children in their early
event by all those that work with children          or middle childhood years to reflect, further
across a range of professions. This conference      progress their own personal learning and explore
is the largest gathering in Western Australia of    future directions.
thought leaders, educators, researchers, and
                                                    By signing up as a sponsor for the 2022
other critically important practitioners and
                                                    Early Childhood Learning and Development
contributors in early childhood learning and
                                                    Conference (ECLD Conference) you are
                                                    showing your commitment to the importance
From newcomers to the field, to experienced         of early childhood education, development,
professionals, this Conference is a great           and investing in the future of our children and
opportunity to help advance our shared work         communities.
on behalf of children during their most critical
                                                    Through our collective efforts we can truly
period of learning and development.
                                                    change the trajectory of children’s lives. Join us
Keynote Speakers, educators and vendors             on this journey of putting the spotlight on the
from around the globe convene together              critical importance of the early years… together
for this 2-day event in order to provide early      we really can be the difference.
childhood professionals with the tools, resources
                                                    Following you will find details of the sponsorship
and support they need to further develop
                                                    packages and exhibition opportunities available
their expertise and contribution in the lives
                                                    for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to
of children. This conference will focus on the
                                                    contact us should you require further detail or
following themes:
• Learning from Practice
                                                    Yours sincerely,
• Social Emotional Wellbeing and Development
• Pedagogy & Curriculum                             Tina Holtom
                                                    Chief Executive Officer, Child Australia
• Meaningful Engagement with
  Family & Community


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                   2
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
Conference Profile

                           ABOUT CHILD AUSTRALIA
At Child Australia we work with children, their families, early childhood professionals and the
community to improve the learning and developmental outcomes of children in our society. As one
of the leading early years not for profit organisations in Australia, we dedicate ourselves to improving
children’s developmental outcomes through advocacy and leadership, building the capacity of the
sector and delivering exemplar programs and services to children and their families.

                          CONFERENCE FAST FACTS

         WHEN                 DELEGATES                REGISTRATION                    WEBSITE
Friday 18 - Saturday 19       400+ expected            Opens 1 June 2021        ecldconference.com.au
      March 2022

   The 2022 Early Childhood Learning and Development Conference will be held at Optus Stadium,
    Perth. The Stadium is a world class facility located on the eastern banks of the Swan River, just
                 minutes from the CBD and both domestic and international airports.


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                  3
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
We have a vision of a community where children grow,
thrive and reach their full potential.               CHILDAUSTRALIA.ORG.AU

• Early childhood educators                          • Service providers
• Early childhood leaders                            • Tertiary educators
• People aspiring to leadership positions in early   • University & TAFE students
  childhood                                          • Policy makers
• System leaders with responsibility for early       • Community and not for profit early childhood
  learning                                             providers
• Researchers and academics                          • For profit early childhood provider
• Health professionals                               • Government and non-government agencies
• Therapists/counsellors

                                                     E ecld@childaustralia.org.au
Event Coordinator - Child Australia
                                                     W www.ecldconference.com.au
P 1300 66 1164


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                4
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
Sponsorship & Exhibition
                      Packages Overview

                                            Platinum          Gold           Silver    Bronze
                                            A$25,000       A$15,000        A$10,000    A$7,500
Conference Delegate Registrations               4              2               2          1
List of Delegates attending the             4 weeks         2 weeks          1 week     At the
conference**                                  prior           prior           prior   Conference
Acknowledgement at opening                      Yes           Yes             Yes        Yes
and closing sessions
Satchel Insert – Promotional or Print           Yes           Yes             Yes        Yes
Market Place (Expo) Space                       Yes           Yes             Yes         -
Five (5) minute plenary address                 Yes            -               -          -

A ’LA CARTE                                           ‘THE MARKET PLACE’
SPONSORSHIP                                           EXHIBITION PACKAGES
Keynote Session                     A$6,600            Shell Scheme 3 x 2m              A$2,200
Conference App                      A$8,800            Table Top Display                A$1,000
Website                             A$3,800
Pocket Program                      A$3,000
Charging Station                    A$3,000
Lunch                               A$3,300
Refreshment Breaks                  A$2,500
Notepad or Pens                     A$2,500
Satchel Insert                          A$900
Master Class Series                       EOI


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                             5
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
Major Partner Opportunities

All Sponsors will receive the following standard entitlements in addition to those outlined in the
individual packages:

• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the pocket program*.
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on the sponsors’ Page of the official conference
  website, including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor acknowledgement board situated onsite at
  the conference*.

PLATINUM SPONSOR                                                                         A$25,000 (GST incl.)

• Standard sponsorship entitlements outlined above.      Premium Positioned Exhibition Space in
• Four (4) conference delegate registrations.            The Market Place:
• Verbal acknowledgement as a Platinum Sponsor           • One (1) networking space located in a prominent
  during the opening and closing sessions.                 position.
• Logo included in digital signage in the networking     • Two (2) exhibitor registrations
  area.                                                  • See Page 11 for exhibition space size and inclusions.
• One (1) Satchel Insert: promotional or print item.
• List of Delegates attending the conference supplied    Platinum Sponsor additions:
                                                         • Five (5) minute Opening Plenary address; and
  two weeks prior to the conference **.
                                                         Choose from:
• Use of the Conference logo until 1 July 2022.
                                                         • Sponsor Logo on Name Badge;
                                                         • Sponsor Logo on Conference Satchel; or
                                                         • Pocket Program Sponsorship (Page 9)


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                             6
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
GOLD SPONSOR                                                                                A$15,000 (GST incl.)

• Standard sponsorship entitlements outlined on             Premium Positioned Exhibition Space in
  previous page.                                            The Market Place:
• Two (2) conference delegate registrations.                • One (1) networking space located in a prominent
• Verbal acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor during the         position.
  opening and closing sessions.                             • Two (2) exhibitor registrations.
• Logo included in digital signage in the networking        • See Page 11 for exhibition space size and inclusions.
• One (1) Satchel Insert: promotional or print item.        Gold Sponsor additions:
                                                            • Sponsor one morning or afternoon tea break.
• List of Delegates attending the conference supplied
                                                              See Page 9 for details.
  one weeks prior to the conference **.
• Use of the Conference logo until 1 July 2022.

SILVER SPONSOR                                                                              A$10,000 (GST incl.)

• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in      • Logo included in digital signage in the networking
  the pocket program*.                                        area.
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on      • One (1) Satchel Insert: promotional or print item.
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,    • List of Delegates attending the conference supplied at
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.     the conference **.
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor      • Use of the Conference logo until 1 July 2022.
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
  conference*.                                              Premium Positioned Exhibition Space in
• Two (2) conference delegate registrations.                The Market Place:
                                                            • One (1) networking space located in a prominent
• Verbal acknowledgement as a Silver Sponsor during
  the opening and closing sessions.
                                                            • Two (2) exhibitor registrations.
                                                            • See Page 11 for exhibition space size and inclusions.

BRONZE SPONSOR                                                                                   A$7,500 (GST incl.)

• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in      • One (1) conference delegate registrations.
  the pocket program*.                                      • Verbal acknowledgement as a Bronze Sponsor during
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on        the opening and closing sessions.
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,    • Logo included in digital signage in the networking
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.     area.
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor      • One (1) Satchel Insert: promotional or print item.
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
                                                            • List of Delegates attending the conference supplied at
                                                              the conference **.
                                                            • Use of the Conference logo until 1 July 2022.


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                                7
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
A ‘La Carte Sponsorship

KEYNOTE SESSION SPONSOR                                          CONFERENCE APP SPONSOR
EXCLUSIVE A$6,600 (GST incl.)                                    EXCLUSIVE A$8,800 (GST incl.)

• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the       The App will provide delegates with an interactive digital
  pocket program*.                                               conference program, and works on all major platforms

• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on           • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,           pocket program*.
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.        • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor             the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the                     including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
  conference*.                                                   • Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor
• The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which              acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
  will be positioned in a prominent location during the            conference*.
  sponsored session (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide).            • Advertisement, message or logo displayed when App
• Your organisation logo will feature on the audio-visual          loads up for the first time for a user.
  screen in the session room prior to and at the conclusion of   • Logo displayed on the home Page of the App.
  the sponsored session.                                         • Acknowledged at the top of the Sponsors’ Page in the
• Verbal recognition by the Session Chair directly before and      App.
  after the Speaker’s session.                                   • Logo displayed on App flash screen.
• Corporate literature may be displayed in the sponsored         • Logo to be featured on all App promotional materials such
  session room (sponsor to supply).                                as the instructional sheet.
• Four (4) tickets for the sponsor’s nominated guests to         • Opportunity for sponsor to provide promotional PDF
  attend the sponsored session.                                    material to be linked to the App.
                                                                 • Opportunity for sponsor to feature hyperlink or QR code
                                                                   for the App on their website.
                                                                 • Sponsor advertisement banner to be displayed at bottom
                                                                   of the App.


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                                        8
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
WEBSITE SPONSOR                                               CHARGING STATION SPONSOR
EXCLUSIVE A$3,800 (GST incl.)                                 A$3,000 (GST incl.)
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the    • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the
  pocket program*.                                              pocket program*.
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on        • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,        the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.       including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor        • Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the                  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
  conference*.                                                  conference*.
• Banner advertisement with hyperlink to organisation         • Charging station branded with your company logo and
  website, will be placed on every Page of the Conference       message.
  website ***.
• One (1) Promotional brochure (maximum A4 size x 4-Page
  brochure) inserted in the delegate satchel (sponsor to      REFRESHMENT SPONSOR
  supply material.)                                           (MORNING OR AFTERNOON TEA)
                                                              A$2,500/break (GST incl.)
EXCLUSIVE A$3,000 (GST incl.)                                 LUNCH BREAK SPONSOR
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the    A$3,300/break (GST incl.)
  pocket program*.
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on        1 FULL DAY CATERING SPONSOR
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,
                                                              A$4,900/day (GST incl.)
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor        • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the                  pocket program*.
  conference*.                                                • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on
• Full Page advertising space on the outside back cover of      the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,
  the Pocket Program (artwork to be supplied by sponsor) *.     including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
• Logo printed on the cover of the Pocket Program             • Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor
  alongside the conference logo.                                acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
                                                              • Acknowledgement of sponsorship by session chair prior to
                                                                the sponsored break.
                                                              • Corporate literature may be displayed at the sponsored
                                                                catering break station (sponsor to supply).
                                                              • The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which will
                                                                be positioned in a prominent location in the catering break
                                                                area (maximum size 2m high x 1m wide).
                                                              • Small table signs featuring the organisation name and
                                                                logo will be displayed at the sponsored catering stations
                                                                (Conference Managers to supply).

                                                              We welcome your ideas to provide additional theming for the
                                                              sponsored break, subject to the approval of the Organising


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                                      9
Sponsorship & Market Place Prospectus - ENRICHING CHILDREN'S LIVES - Early Childhood Learning ...
NOTEPAD OR PENS SPONSOR                                         MASTER CLASS SERIES
EXCLUSIVE A$2,500 (GST incl.)                                   SPONSOR
                                                                EOI (Contact us for a Tailored Package)
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the
  pocket program*.                                              Pre and post conference sessions. Venue TBC.
• Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on          • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) in the
  the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,          pocket program*.
  including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.       • Recognition as a sponsor (with organisation logo) on
• Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor            the sponsors’ Page of the official conference website,
  acknowledgement board situated onsite at the                    including a hyperlink to the organisation’s home Page*.
  conference*.                                                  • Acknowledgement as a sponsor on the official sponsor
• Notepads provided by the sponsor will be included in the        acknowledgement board situated onsite at the
  satchel.                                                        conference*.
                                                                • The sponsor may provide a freestanding banner which
                                                                  will be positioned in a prominent location during the
SATCHEL INSERT                                                    sponsored master class (maximum size 2m high x 1m
Brochure or Merchandise A$900 (GST incl.)                       • Sponsor’s logo will feature on the audio-visual screen in
Company-supplied brochure, flyer, or merchandise to be
                                                                  the session room prior to and at the conclusion of the
inserted in all delegates’ satchels (insert subject to the
                                                                  sponsored master class.
approval of the Organising Committee).
                                                                • Verbal recognition by the Session Chair directly before and
                                                                  after the master class.
Promotional Item A$900 (GST incl.)
Promotional item/product for inclusion in all delegate          • Corporate literature may be displayed in the sponsored
satchels. One item only. A printed flyer/product description      master class room (sponsor to supply).
tag may be affixed to the promotional item, however if          • Delegate passes and tickets for the sponsor’s nominated
you wish to include a separate flyer or descriptor then an        guests to attend the conference and sponsored master
additional cost of $1,000 will apply (subject to the approval     class session.
of the Organising Committee).


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                                        10
‘The Market Place’ Exhibition Packages

EXHIBITION SPACE                                    TABLE TOP DISPLAY
A$2,200 (GST incl.)                                 A$1,000 (GST incl.)

• Shell scheme stand 3m wide x 2m deep (6m2)        • One (1) clothed trestle table
• White Octanorm panels 2.4m high                   • Two (2) chairs
• Organisation name in vinyl lettering on fascia    • One (1) exhibitor passes (which include):
• Two (2) x 150-watt spotlights                       - Morning and afternoon catering breaks
• One (1) x 5-amp power point                         - Conference satchel, including delegate List**
• One (1) clothed trestle table                       - Conference Pocket Program
• Two (2) chairs                                      - Attendance to Conference sessions
• Two (2) exhibitor passes (which include):         • A comprehensive exhibition manual
  - Morning and afternoon catering breaks           • Organisation name listed on exhibition Page
  - Conference satchel, including delegate List**     of Conference website

  - Conference Pocket Program
  - Attendance to Conference sessions               KEY
                                                    * Exposure in the Conference publications is determined by
• Organisation name listed on Exhibition page       confirmation of sponsorship prior to print deadlines. To maximise
  of Conference website                             exposure, please confirm your participation by the earliest date
                                                    ** The delegate list will exclude any delegates who have withheld
                                                    permission to publish their details in accordance with the Australian
                                                    Privacy Act
                                                    *** Venue surcharge to serve sponsor’s product will be an additional
                                                    cost to the sponsor. Please note all food sampling is subject to
                                                    approval by the Conference Manager, and the venue


Early Childhood Learning & Development Conference 2022                                                                  11
Sponsorship & Exhibition Enquiries
                                            P 1300 66 11 64                                    W www.ecldconference.com.au
Event Coordinator - Child Australia         E ecld@childaustralia.org.au

Organisation name (for marketing purposes):

Organisation name (for invoicing purposes):


City:				                             Postcode:				                                  State:

Main Sponsor / Exhibitor contact:              Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Other:



Tel:							                                                       Email:


A. SPONSORSHIP PACKAGE(S) REQUESTED                                                                                 COST A$



B. EXHIBITION BOOTH / TABLE TOP REQUESTED                       Please reserve the following booth type /table top (please tick):

     Exhibition Space A$2,200 (incl. GST)
     Table Top Display A$1,000 (incl. GST)

AMOUNT PAYABLE A & B                                                                                                         A$

PAYMENT To secure your booking please complete the below credit card authorisation.

     MasterCard           Visa Card

Credit card number:

Expiry date MM/YY:                                                          CCV:

Name on card:                                                     Signature:

     We wish to pay via EFT. Bank details will be provided by the Sponsorship & Exhibition Managers
     with your tax invoice.

Please note: All bookings under $5,000 must be paid with credit card and the full amount will be charged at time of booking.

     Yes, I have read and agree to the booking terms and conditions on the following Page.

Authorised by: (please print name) 					                                             Date:

1.   Where appropriate, Goods & Services Tax (GST) is applicable           1.   Where appropriate, Goods & Services Tax (GST) is applicable
     to all goods and services offered by the Conference Managers               to all goods and services offered by the Conference Managers
     and all prices in this document are inclusive of the GST. GST              and all prices in this document are inclusive of the GST. GST
     is calculated at the date of publication of this document. The             is calculated at the date of publication of this document. The
     Conference Managers reserve the right to vary the quoted prices            Conference Managers reserve the right to vary the quoted prices
     in accordance with any movements in the legislated rate of the             in accordance with any movements in the legislated rate of the
     GST.                                                                       GST.
2.   Sponsorship will be allocated only on receipt of a signed Booking     2.   Exhibition space/booths/display tables will be allocated only
     Form and Booking Terms & Conditions. A letter of confirmation              on receipt of signed Booking Form and Booking Terms &
     will be provided to confirm the booking, together with a tax               Conditions. Preferred booth allocation is subject to availability
     invoice for the required 50% deposit. The deposit is payable               and change. A letter of confirmation will be provided to confirm
     30 days from the date of the tax invoice. The balance is due               the booking, together with a tax invoice for the required 50%
     and payable by 20 December 2021. Applications received after               deposit. The deposit is payable 30 days from the date of the tax
     20 December 2021 must include full payment. Payments for                   invoice. The balance is due and payable by 20 December 2021.
     sponsorship of $5,000 and under will be required to be paid by             Applications received after 20 December 2021 must include full
     credit card and will be charged the full amount.                           payment. Payments for exhibition of $5,000 and under will be
3.   All monies are payable in Australian dollars.                              required to be paid by credit card and will be charged the full
4.   All monies due and payable must be received by the Conference
     Managers prior to the event. No organisation will not be listed as    3.   All monies are payable in Australian dollars.
     a sponsor in any official conference material until full payment      4.   All monies due and payable must be received by the Conference
     and a booking form have been received by the Conference                    Managers prior to the event. No exhibitor will be allowed to
     Managers.                                                                  begin move-in operations or be listed as an exhibitor in the
5.   If sponsorship payment is not received by 20 December 2021                 on-site publications until full payment and a booking form have
     you will receive an email notifying you that the authorised credit         been received by the Conference Managers.
     card supplied on the booking form will be charged the remaining       5.   If exhibition payment is not received by 20 December 2021 you
     unpaid amount.                                                             will receive an email notifying you that the authorised credit card
6.   CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event of cancellation, a service               supplied on the booking form will be charged the remaining
     fee of 50% of total fees applies for cancellations prior to 29             unpaid amount.
     October 2021. No refunds will be made for cancellations after         6.   Public and Product Liability insurance to a minimum of A$20
     this date and full payment will be required. Should a cancellation         million must be taken out by each exhibitor at their own
     be made prior to payment being made, the appropriate                       expense. A copy of the organisation’s public and product liability
     cancellation fee will be applicable, and the Conference Managers           certificate must be submitted to the Conference Managers at
     will issue an invoice which will be payable within seven (7)               the time of submitting their booking form or by no later than 20
     days. After Sponsorship has been confirmed and accepted, a                 December 2021.
     reduction in Sponsorship is considered a cancellation and will be     7.   CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event of cancellation, a service
     governed by the above cancellation policy.                                 fee of A$1,000.00 applies per 6 square metre space or shell
7.   No sponsor shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any              scheme stand / display table booking to cancellations on or
     part of their sponsorship package except upon prior written                before 29 October 2021 appropriate cancellation fee will be
     consent of the Conference Managers.                                        applicable and the Conference Managers will issue an invoice
8.   Sponsorship monies will facilitate towards the successful                  which will be payable within seven (7) days. After space has been
     planning and promotion of the Conference in addition to                    confirmed and accepted, a reduction in space is considered a
     subsidising the cost of management, communication, invited                 cancellation and will be governed by the above cancellation
     speakers, program and publications. Sponsorship monies are not             policy. Reduction in space can result in relocation of exhibit
     expended on any entertainment incurred which is incidental to              space at the discretion of the Conference Managers. Any space
     the activities of the Conference.                                          not claimed and occupied before the specified time and date of
                                                                                move-in will be reassigned without refund.
9.   Sponsorship entitlements including organisation logo on
     the Conference website and other marketing material will              8.   The Conference Managers reserve the right to rearrange the
     be delivered only after receipt of the required deposit or full            floor plan and / or relocate any exhibit without notice. The
     payment.                                                                   Conference Managers will not discount or refund for any
                                                                                facilities not used or required.
10. Delegate List may be used by the Sponsor for the purpose of
    contacting ECLD22 Conference delegates only. The list must             9.   If the exhibitor intends to install a custom-built stand, the
    not be used for the purpose related to future Conferences and               Conference Managers must be advised, and such advice must
    shall not be transferred in whole or in part to any Third party. The        include full details and stand dimensions. This information
    delegate list can be used up to a twelve-month period from the              must be received no later than 20 December 2021. All display
    start date of the Conference.                                               construction requires the approval of the Conference Managers
                                                                                and venue management. A pro rata fee will apply if any
11. Privacy Statement – YES, I consent to my details being shared               construction occupies space outside the specified space as
    with suppliers and contractors of the event to assist with my               indicated on the floor plan.
    participation, being included in participant lists and for the
    information distribution in respect to other relevant events           10. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any
    organised by Child Australia. [ ] NO, I do not consent.                    part of their booked space except upon prior written consent of
                                                                               the Conference Managers.
                                                                           11. Delegate List may be used by the Exhibitor for the purpose of
                                                                               contacting ECLD22 Conference delegates only. The list must
                                                                               not be used for the purpose related to future Conferences and
                                                                               shall not be transferred in whole or in part to any Third party. The
                                                                               delegate list can be used up to a twelve-month period from the
                                                                               start date of the Conference.
                                                                           12. Privacy Statement – YES, I consent to my details being shared
                                                                               with suppliers and contractors of the event to assist with my
                                                                               participation, being included in participant lists and for the
                                                                               information distribution in respect to other relevant events
                                                                               organised by Child Australia. [ ] NO, I do not consent

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