Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project

Page created by Dwayne Wheeler
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Space Shuttle Endeavour
   Transport Project
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Mission 26: The Big Endeavour

                                    ission 26: The Big          streets to the California Science
                                    Endeavour marks the         Center. The Endeavour will
                                    beginning of the            complete this unique journey
                         Space Shuttle Endeavour’s              aboard a transport and marks
                         ultimate mission of inspiring cur-     the first and only time a space
                         rent and future generations of         shuttle will travel through an
                         innovators and explorers at the        urban corridor.
                         California Science Center.
                                                                Space Shuttle Endeavour is
                         Space Shuttle Endeavour, a             approximately 122 feet long,
                         $1.7 billion spaceship that flew       with a wingspan of 78 feet, and
                         25 missions, was developed             a height of 58 feet to the top of
                         and built in Southern California       its tail. To make way for the mas-
                         20 years ago. Endeavour com-           sive orbiter, utility overhead
                         pleted its last voyage into            lines, street lights, traffic signals
                         space in the summer of 2011            and trees will be moved and
                         and is considered a national           restored after the move. A
                         treasure. The transport of the         large team, which includes the
                         space shuttle marked its 26th          California Science Center, Cor-
                         and final mission. Endeavour will      doba Corporation, the cities of
                         be housed and displayed in the         Los Angeles and Inglewood,
Mission 26 will mark     Samuel Oschin Air and Space            and other experts, has spent
                         Center      at  the    California      hundreds of hours preparing for
the first and only       Science Center.                        Endeavour’s complex journey.
time a space shuttle
                         The Space Shuttle Endeavour
will travel through an   Orbiter arrived at Los Angeles
urban corridor.          International Airport (LAX) on
                         top of the NASA 747 Shuttle
                         Carrier Aircraft on September
                         21, 2012. It will continue its final
                         journey on October 12th and
                         13th, when the Shuttle travels
                         along 12 miles of public urban
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Cordoba Corporation’s

           ordoba Corporation is an integral
           part of a team of consultants select-
           ed by officials of the California
           Science Center contributing their
expertise and resources to assist the California
Science Center in the planning, engineering,
and execution of the historical transport of the
shuttle. Multiple organizations and government
agencies are involved in this major logistical
undertaking, which also includes public out-
reach and events.

Cordoba Corporation drew on its 30 years of
transportation planning expertise to thoroughly
analyze and document all of the temporary
clearance work needed along the 12-mile route
from LAX through the cities of Inglewood and
                                                       Cordoba Corporation is
Los Angeles to its final destination at the Califor-
                                                       responsible for design, con-       “Transporting the Space Shuttle
nia Science Center. Cordoba enlisted the
                                                       struction    oversight,     and    Endeavour is truly a historic
services of David Evans and Associates, Inc. to
                                                       coordination of the tempo-         event that requires innovative
provide high definition 3D Laser Scanning
                                                       rary removal of street
services and produce a list of all obstructions
                                                       services along the route,
                                                                                          planning, ingenious
within the dimensions of the Space Shuttle
                                                       which include signal poles,        engineering, and impeccable
Endeavour. Cordoba Corporation performed                                                  implementation. Cordoba
                                                       light poles, street signs, park-
field verification of all obstructions in order to
                                                       ing meters, etc.                   Corporation is proud to
determine a route that minimizes the impact on
the surrounding communities. As a result of Cor-                                          continue to work with the
doba’s extensive field review and analysis, a                                             California Science Center on
path was developed that decreased the                                                     this once-in-a-lifetime event.”
number of items that needed to be cleared by
50 percent.                                                                                                    George L. Pla
                                                                                                         President and CEO
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Roberto Ramirez, P.E.               Angel A. Alvarez, P.E.              Carina Dueñas
Senior Project Manager              Technical Advisor                   Project Coordinator

Roberto Ramirez, P.E. serves as     Angel A. Alvarez, P.E. serves as    Carina Dueñas serves as Proj-
Cordoba’s Senior Project Manager    Technical Advisor providing         ect Coordinator. Ms. Dueñas’
for the Space Shuttle Endeavour     project management oversight        experience working with gov-
transport project. His expertise    and quality assurance. Alvarez      ernment agencies supports her
in transportation engineering       draws on over 40 years of           duties to coordinate between
experience is key for the           extensive experience in multi-      multiple consultants and city
successful coordination of the      million   dollar   infrastructure   departments throughout the
temporary clearance work            projects to assist the logistics    various stages of the complex
required along the 12-mile route.   team in successfully trans-         logistics.
                                    porting the shuttle.

   “This will mark the first, last and only time a space shuttle will travel through 12 miles of urban, public
   streets. It’s not only one of the biggest objects ever transported down city streets; it’s an irreplaceable
   national treasure. Most importantly, this marks the beginning of Endeavour’s ultimate mission of inspir-
   ing future innovators and explorers at the California Science Center.”
                                                                                            Jeffrey N. Rudolph
                                                                                              President & CEO
                                                                                    California Science Center
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Space Shuttle Endeavour
Transport Equipment

           he Overland Transporter (OT) is a
           specially fabricated frame developed
           by NASA to carry the Space Shuttle
           Orbiters over roads. The OT will be
attached to four (4) self-propelled modular
transporters that provide state of the art
maneuverability and stability necessary for its
travel through the urban environments of Los
Angeles and Inglewood.

The Self-propelled Modular Transporter (SPMT) is a
multi-axle, computer controlled vehicle used for
transporting massive objects with precision
positioning and stability. Typically, objects such as
bridge spans, oil refining equipment, and huge
motors are all transported using SPMTs.

A typical SPMT configuration can involve several
computer-controlled vehicles that are controlled
and steered as a single vehicle, all linked in order
to steer accurately. Each individual wheel pair can
turn in any direction to allow the SPMT to turn,
move sideways or even spin in place.

The SPMTs used to transport the space shuttle
Endeavour will be controlled by one person using a
remote joystick control panel while walking
alongside the transporter. Additional spotters will
be positioned near the nose, tail and wingtips. This
will allow precision maneuverability near objects
such as buildings, poles and trees.
                                                        Sarens Rigging International was selected as the move contractor.
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
The Transport Route
Multiple organizations and government agencies are involved in
                                                                 Key Stakeholders:
this major logistical undertaking along the 12-mile route.


                                                                 City of Inglewood

                                                                 City of Los Angeles

                                                                  • Bureau of Engineering

                                                                  • Bureau of Street Lighting

                                                                  • Bureau of Street Services

                                                                  • Department of Transportation

                                                                  • Department of Water and

                                                                 Los Angeles County Metropolitan
                                                                 Transportation Authority (Metro)

                                                                 Los Angeles World Airports

                                                                 Southern California Edison

                                                                 Southern California Gas Company

                                                                 Time Warner Cable
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
Samuel Oschin Air and Space Center
The Space Shuttle Endeavour will open to the public and begin its enduring mission at the Samuel Oschin
Air and Space Center at the California Science Center beginning October 30, 2012.
Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project Space Shuttle Endeavour Transport Project
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